/ ♦ ■ f he Oldest and Most Reliable, r?< «• f •*’< 9 ■ 9 Published in Ititi Greatest Valley of Eastern Oregon. 4 I î The Best Advertising Medium. Items • • T e-N ff » i f i t . NwlHlyr^. I’lwprlutur lb*« h kdltur » m 4 BURNS. OREGON, SATURDAY. JULY 5. 1902. W»—■■ MC\A1 CADECT QCCCQUC ¿ inanvofthe mentioned new rllntol ntotnit 0Midpetitioo localities wh.cbare|ituated • 1.50 I’ar Year. 51 uni U m 7ft Crate." NO.32. ■ ■■ BAKER BILL WINS ALL OREGON REPUBLICAN Every County Carried by Bean. in Grant county, Oregon.” Dunbar uml Moore. These petitioua have been placed! T<» Indurle Strawberry Motin . in the several localities in the south House Committee Takes Salem, Or , June *26.—The elcetii>n tulio tlir Noiiree of silvie» and west part of Grant county and ( Asaaj-OiHce Measure. returns made public yesterday con- und Malheur Rivera. are being circulated and largely. tai md several surprises, the most signed for reason that the interior I important of which was the large department has the matterof recoin- Washington, June 26. — By a vote average Republican plurality, mending the creation of the propos­ Hardware of Every Description. From an article in the Blue ed reserve under consideration.) j of tire to four, the House committee ceacbiog, as it does, over 15,000 Mountain Eagle, of Canyon City, This matter has been hr night about , on coinage, weights a.id measures votes. Though tiie regi»tration fell BL'iCWN, OREGON. it is evident that a petition has by the large irrigation companies (today deciiled to teport Representa­ 10 000 short of that of two yearn I been filed with the Interior De of Harney county who have under-{ tive Moody's bill establishing an ago, the total vote for state officer»« wa.« KtOO to 5060 greater than two pertinent to create a Forest Reserve taken the matter of reclaiming! assav oflii'e at Baker City. Some years ago or four years ago. The ! of the watershed known us Straw- large tracts of desert land in the general apathy that was eaid to I of those who voted for the Baker | berry mountains in Grant county, Harney valley under the Carey act, exist proved not to be manifest on the source of Silvies, the middle and are desirous of having all of City bill did so because both that election day. i fork of the Malheur and the south the territory mentioned in the ¡>e- town and Portland are in Moody’s Another surprising feature ÌM fork of the John Day Rivers This tition created into a forest reserve, district, and they believe he. rather that the only candidate in whom •••• •••••••• ••••»••<.••• will be news to the j,eoplo of Har­ in hopes that by stopping the sei- i than his colleague, should have the JOHN W HIGtiN. t'rrsi.lsnt, II. C I.EVENH, the labor unions had a direct in­ (ngue ' the ofliee. edly be of great benefit towards cluded in the tract proposed if there aud Moody were present at the T If me the wm vote : on nuprvme Supreme »uaire Judge or , - . , n I. «*•<<• BMrwatory. I holding up the waters of tbe rivers were any transportation facilities meeting, the former arguing in sup- gecretai -- - be taken as the PROFESSIONAL CARDS -------- try of State . having their source there. If the for handling it at present. port of his bill for an assay office ~ 1 „ ... laftpr - f*AP t . no ; standard, there is not now a Deum- Kt nitu I xiuvk No. 70, K of P. Are the people of southern Grant tit I’nrtianil tm«l ■ mountains were nude of their for- at Portland, and tliA the latter for the icratie county in the state. Bean Mr.'« «very liinr.ilav ni|tlit. J U MoMVLLBN. ’ests. the snow without its protection county going to remain silent and favored measure. Moody pointed F \t Jordan, ( ' < ' I carried every county, as also did would go off in a rush with the first allow their vary gateway to be clos­ out that nearly three-fourths of tne! S Muüivr.ii* ad . K vi II if. i Dunbar. The onlv counties carried PHOTOGRA1HER warm days of early spring, and the ed with a forest receive for the pur­ ; annual output of gold in the state j ( by the Democratic candidates fer KI RNS ('ll \ FTF.lt. NO. «U, O. E S green fields now dependent upon pose of satisfying the greed of some | is produced in Eastern Oregon, lie i Congress were Baker, Linn and Hurns, Orrj«u. .Meets «croud and fourth Moudav of UnjO(j Raker jg home of the this water, would become parched cor]ioration? The Blue Mountain j contended that as the chief advant. | I Union. ~ ‘ each mouth in Maannic hill, Voegtlv Main St —opposite Bank Eagle trusts that they will not do wastes latter >n for the want of it. j age of an waay office« to enable' Denjocrati<; candidaU fro||1 the bntldlng Mr» M «arte Levens, W M. Mr« Kanu» Thompeuu. See. Harney Valley would not be the so, but will at mice get their names j miner« to exchange thetr dust and onlv place the benefactor of a forest on a petition protesting against the , bullion for coin, an assay office at i, . , ’s candidate «• » home „r.L of the same party BURNS 1-OlKiE, NO. »7, A F. «i A M. M AKsnr.s a uicaur reserve in the Strawberry moun­ creation of this proposed reserve, Portland would be ot little utility ■- from the First District, so it may Meet« Saturday on or before full moon. W L Mariden, John w Geary, • tains. All the country including If theie is no petition being circu­ ; to the miner, since the expressage be said that tkeir majorities in Qualified brother* (ratrrilallv invited, /Vy«t>ùxRd <£• Suriieone. three or four counties watered by lated in vour community copy the ■ on the gold from the mineral di«-' <:. K Keayvn, W. M F. K. Rieder, these counties were due to local in­ Hoey. Burns, Oregon. these streams would receive its one published in this article, secure triet of Eastern Oregon to Portland fluences. Judging by the Con­ f^T’Olfice *t residence. 'Phone 20. blessings. The injuries to a few. the signatures of all your neigh­ would !< about equal to the exch BCKNS LODGE. NO. '.<3, A O. f. W gressional vote, I’nion is the onlv compared thegreut benefit to thous­ bors and send the same to the Blue | ange now charged them bv the Meet« at Brown hall e,«ry Fridav .vo­ Democratic county left. Mountain Eagle and it will at once | banks in the mining section, limi; Visitili« linither» fraternally iri- ands, is i nsignificant. vtel. Tinta. Sauere, W. M. Cha«. N. gl 1U«A SUJOS. State Treasurer Moore carried A petition is l>cing circulated in be filed with the department of the The fact that tbe establishment j everv county except Harney, and CorUraua, Ueotrder J W Biffa. Paiten Biffa Gra itcounty remonstrating against interior. This matter must not be ) of a smelter at Sumpter is practic­ ¡there be tied with his opponent. IIAENEY LOIKIE, NO. 77. t. O O F. the proposed reserve, which we cop}' passed bv unnoticed or it may re­ ally assured, he said, makes a fur- Attornpyn-af-Law. ¡Ackerman, Republican candidate Meet*every Katiinlav evening. It ovili from the Eagle with its comment sult seriously detrimental to every , ther argument in favor of an office BIKM. ORKGON hall Vintili« brother* fraternally in­ : ofSiqienntendent ol Public Instruc- vited. Franko Jackson, N O. To the President of the United resident of southern Grant county. at Baker City. Since there are nc >flier in Bank buillinjj. 't.ion, swept every ucunty except C. G. Him li, Secretary. States ; ! mining districts near Portland an Polk, where tbe Democratic candi- A PROTEST ... f ... “Whereas, There has been a pe­ SETTLERS FILE _____ as^av office would be of no utility i date has resided all his life. j I tition filed in the department of Object to Rcclainiition of liar-: there until a smelter ir established, O^Il.I.IAMN A FITZUSKALI i i Crawford, Republican rcmime uey (.'ouiit.v Arbi Lunds. the interior praying that you de­ . Moody does not expect that the for Attorney General, carried the riioralau Wllllaai, M Filatera!«. clare the establishment of a forest House will give consideration to ■entire state, with the exception of Salem, Or, June 2-1.—Harney AUnruer-al Law. salary Publie, r»serve to take in. cover and include ' this bill at this session, but he Douglas, where a personal tight /.au., Notarial ami Real Retate County settlers, and the French- Church AuRouiK-emeu ts. all the land embraced in tbe fol< hopes to hive it up next session. ¡was made on him, and Umatilla, Practice lowing named contiguous localities, Glenn Livestock Company, of Har­ Representative Tongu?, when i the home county of his opponent, Sunday School at Harney the __ Burns, Oregon. first Sunday of each month at 10 jfV*Office in old Masonic building (being parts of Grant. Malheur and ney Valley, have protested against! asked what action he proposed to j Rxker aud Union were the only Harney counties)!» wit: The en 1 the granting bv the State Land take, said : “If by any possibility’ On the second, o'clock, A M ! counties carried by the Democratic tire watershed known as Strawberry Board of a contract to the Harney ! I can help Mr Moody in passing third and fourth Sundays of each , ...... , , , candidate for State Printer, for mountains ; tbe headwaters of the Valley Improvement Company for i •* tlm - bill in its --------- present * e form ---- --------- through u ' . . . 4 . month at 3 o'clock P. M ’ Preach - 1 * whom a heroic fight was made. p M JORDAN. north and middle forks of the Mai- tbe reclamation of about 60,000 the House, I shall gladly do so. Of > _____ ing services every second Sutulav i ■ heur river aud their tributaries; acres of arid land located in Har­ I course, there is no question but that; On.ar!>o i)e,lic,.rat. at N P. M. Practical hind Surveyor. | Sil vies river and its tributaries; ney County. The contract against j in the SenatJ Portland will be i... sub-j ...i j[r9. j{ j; .Syiue at.ii son Willie, At the Presbyterian church , Burna. O reff an, Silver creok and tributaries; and j which the protest has been filed is Nlituted fur Baker Citv, and the an- retut ned to Ik»€D« on Monday, Burns, Rev. A. J Irwin pastor. I the south fork of the John Dav t (lending before the board, and was i propriation for the building will bej also Mr. Dickenson, father of the Divine services the third and fourth i river and its tributaries ; all of the about to be executed. The signers stricken out.’’ I lady. Sundsys of meh month at lla. m. g W MlLLMIt, said lands contained therein to con- ¡of the protest allege that there is i He said that to bis mind, if the and 7:30 p. m. Sabbath school at; j Fish Warden Van Dusen has se- 10 a. tn. every Sabbath morning. ! Notary Public and C»nenntrv. had lieen Sunday at lla. tn. and S p. m. ÍÍFOrtice at residence. of valuable mineral ami agricultur­ ' nack. of this city, who represented Washington and Idaho, .Alaska and captured in Arizona. Burns, — — Oregon Service Wednesday evenings al S. al land subject to entry as such 'the settlers and livestock men of; British Columbia, ami would get a i John D. Duly and wife, Hattie Everybody is invited ta attend ; under the laws of the I' nited States.” ( Harney County. Tiie hoard has large portion of the product of the these services Bartlett. Pauline Locher. Mrs. J. “ That owing to the lack of trans ­ reserved its decision, ami will take Rosalind mines, while Baker City t WANrEI»-TRt'SrWr old eatab- portation facilities there is uo dan­ ; the matter under advisement. would only lienetit mines in ' lislicd liutiNt oi «olid llnaneial aiatidina. Salary all of Drewsev, were in the cit* ' S7NOa yv r and ripena*’». all payable in < a*It ger of the timber in said localities i (This is the irrigation company one gold field. N’n canvas tint’ required. Give reference* and enrloaH writ addresMtd atampeu enveloped. being disturbed for years to come.’’ of which W. D. Hanley is president. The old rivalry between Portland Saturday and registered a*, the 11 >- Addrr.it Maatfer. Caxton Mltif. CbicafQ. tel Ontario. They utter,did the “That the creation of such a re­ Thb lands they wish to grab, (re) and Puget Sound was fanned into funeral of Abner Robbins at t'ntou seriously retard the claim, tn n»e the language of the lifu aguiii lu'luy when Representa­ I WANTEll-SEVKRAl Vi.iiSONS or CHAR serve will 4 astemi:«) tfood reputation hi each itate($»ne in tliln county re<|tiired >t<> repr«A«ut ai.d advertise i growth and prosperity of said lo­ gentlemen, begins at thivtce River tive Jones filed with the Commis­ i .and were on their way i:ome. I (»Id «utaldiwealthy biiidn«M house of nolid a complaint of the, We noticed the following sheep­ I Anan«*ial fttandinr. .Salary l!A M w«ek!v with calities and of (»rant county in gen­ and runs southeast past Harney. sary-General tradì marks I' eipriucN additional, all payalde in casn each Desiane Wednesday direct from head office*. Hora«« eral and will be of little or no bene­ If the river was changed into the Merchants’ Ass«xdatmn of Seattle men from Malheur and Ilarney 1 1 CoevRiawre alleglng-that _ _ auleti? eaeerlaiv aar ofMiMni fra# whatbar a» I valop«. Manafar', SHCaxtan Bnilding, Chu-aro. inventi«»* la proftably pai aula bla. <'<>e*mmak-a- ‘ •Wherefore, wc, the undersigned, buiid it would not irrigate the land Aruiy in Alaska bad beet« purehas- John Wood. M. W. Hart, K.E,Bilk­ < Una «irtctiy eenffdaMUal. Handbuoà «m »’aleuta ••ni irne. dM«al aaaury (or »arttrina >*aiartfa. Faletifa ta*aa thr<>u«h Munii A (o. recetr« ¡citizens and property-owners in cd in Portland, and that Ptrget er, Stacy Goodwin, Jas Paul, J. k. they wish to secure, it is estima­ •^•lai aotka, wHhoul char**, In thè T IT .... 11. (Irani county, Oregon, residing in ted that they will spend $100,000 Sound merchants were being dis- Jenkins, J. II. A........I Seaward, T Leu Bur- and abjacent to said localities most crituin ilcil against. The charge, gess, G. W. Harkness, G. W. Pag«, in the construction of a canal, or in A kauSaoRely lllaatrate« vraklv. Eanrwl otr- ealaUn« nt any aeleiiilfla L.urnul. Temo *« a remonstrate against other words au expenditure of a- with others of a eitnilar cbaraclej, E. H. Crosby, John Hofixoau and Thia ai«n«Uire i« on every baa of the (nonine respectfully • uar : tour eiontba,IL Sai« tirali ne«,«aalan>. the est dilisbmout of a forest reserve bout $1.30 per acre ) will l»e investigated. Joins Cannon MUNN& Co.””'"*’-New Yor k Laxative Rrumo*Quininc r» Geer & Cummins THE CITIZENS BANK I P atents Sdentine Hmtrkan. m*a»ivto vW» F’ i*’., D. C. W renaeu« ttot ewee » r«M h> »ar 4*v