Harney valley items. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 188?-19??, June 14, 1902, Image 4

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I*, n a<1jr live uhteh
«-.': ic lauiiopoli'u-d bv
th«- tv[Kwiitei. It t“
hit rrv ut Ix-autiful
»11 f-toH s und «.ffi-
In tact, the
typial American
fv.-.it' will he
•«•und sitting
the t'pewnter
t.J' < r than lolling
in . <ar:ia/t- in the
rcir to have l«»-
the jwtrtg lad . at
i«t«'ni-htng what
w.imen n-e found
'u ” ,
»nd xct tin-t
j rvttx young g;rl
ni .« alwavs to '«e
n n.in.ta! that
" -aut> is only
.!< p," t.nlcfo
it rots m health
X\ t-:i the health
is undermined by
wxuuunlv diseases,
th. luster soon
j-urses t’rotti the
ex«*, the cli.vks
glow thin, tli««
Isxly loses its
l>t. rii-rce's Fa-
x orite l‘r< s, ripli. .n
iisea-..-“ which
-.iken xxvtv.cn
I which destrx.x their stt.ngt'.i anti
ixai.'.x. It establishes regulat ity, »toys
xx. a'- ni-ig drains, hei'.s int1amm.it: at
ar.l r.Iceration an.l cures 1 ::i..lc wv.i!:-
Urt erai venta a/» I
ù F . : ur .tktje»- ’«’«-¡.•¿.“■.i • n ! ! i-
' L>’ Fiere; » LÀ.dite l’a«.?!
« Ad cffrel.” ver :tes Fanv Shrltcì
.. w., •« ¡al I have n ■: ne e
L* XV V »rar» ] m «1. '»ni if l eh el ! <■ cr
tv it » « t ìhc nl«i ì:,»u’ le u«xi!d sur» a t
it « iTe
?r G'l’t'. : ... «t _ ntv
friend«. . 1 ...
g *» v ..\ ■
1«J > tr\- a ì»ottlé. «imi it th^v nrv •• : fx
It I
j»a> for the medicine i a
th I
,\r spoken iu praise f it *
I’ Pierce'» l'\'O»uu; pi’le’.s C'.'.re sick
U... -cl.e.
Continue ! from First page,
be served by getting a port north
of S hu Francisco would not be en­
tirely please«! with Humbol It Bay
for that port. Port Orford was
then suggested as more suitable,
but that could not be agreed u |» hi
Then it was resolved to order a
•pecial examination of the ports of
Northern California and Southern
Oregon with a view to ascertaining
which on«' would best serve th«1
Mr Kinney
purposes in view.
made this examination, and his re­
port on Coos Bay was so favorable
that there was no hesitancy about
adopting that as th«' Pacific termi
nus to which’tli«' new railroad pro­
ject wouhl be tied.
An Ingenious Treatment by which
Drunkards are Being Cured baili
in Spite ol I'hemselves.
A man can't contract some li ab-
its too tn uch.
A watch may give tick but a wwe
jeweler doesn't.
The less a woman ha“ to tell the
more rhe wants to t»-ll it.
A Christmas tree is like a wit’«—
it’s the trimming« that cost.
A practical joke is one that man­
ages to dodge the waste basket.
The politician may always be re­
lied upon to reflect popular opin­
•.'»•«raething New fiiiler the Sun. ’ ion with prompt, unerring accuracy.
All «loctors have tried to cure
Hate a brg-souled man and he
CATARRH by the ns< of powtlers.
forget it; despise him and he
iv-id gases, inhalers nn<l drugs in
it to his dying day
paste form. Tiu-ir pow«!«'rs dry up
•.he uiucuou* membranes causing
them t<> crack cqien an«i blce«L The
One eighth of the British em­
powerful ai’ids u«ed in the inhalers pire's population are of British de­
hav«- entirely r-uten away the same scent: the remainder are ascend-
membranes that their makers Lave :ng.
aiiiivd to cure, wliile pastes and
The truly wise man groans under
ointments cannot reach thedisease.
An old .«nd experienced practioner the burden of his wisdom. None
who has for many years made a will ease him of it. and none w ill
e!«>«e “inly and specialty of the st. p to ask him where and Low lit.
treatment <>f CATARRH, has at got it.
lust [«erfected a Treatment which
Mental science is all right for
when faithfully used, not only re-
and things like that,
J;evc- at once, but permanently
take to the woods
e ir« s <’ATARRII. by removing th-
u good old fashioned
c.i isr. .-topping the discharges, and
curing all intlamination. It is th--
only r«‘ine«lv known tn science that
Jorgensen is still to the front
acluailv r-aches the alllicte«! parts
low prices Call and fee his
J his wonderful renr.« dy ;< known
as "SNI FFLES th« ‘GI’ARAN- line of watches, clocks, jewelry.
TEED « Al’ARRIl CERE," ami i? stationary, etc.
i ild ut the extremely l.ov price of
Clubbing rat -s givtn with any
One Dollar, each package contaii • ptper or periodical published in
irig internal and < xternal medicine the Cnite«l States.
siidicient for a fii’l month's treat-
McMullen, the photographer, is
1 ien* at»>f *. «-rything nectasaiy t<>
Stil, to be fourni at his old stand
irs p-rfect n»e.
opposite the Bank.
"SNCEFLEs ' is rhe only per-
Lalies silk tl.-s trimmed in lace,
f-et ATAP.RII Cl HE ever made
new and dainty at N.
nml is now r«e«>gnize«l ss the only
-am and positive c.ue for that an-
noyii g and disgusting <lis-?a“e. It
A sw. !1 line of ladies dress good ,.H
«•ure* uii inilnmation quickly arid for Summer just received by Ji
jsjri.iaoeiitiy »nd is also wonder- Brown A: Sons.
fully quirk io reliny«-11 AY FEVER
«>r <’• H.D in th«- H E A D.
:i00 LZTA22 $!□□.
• VI VBRH when negb'Cted often
The readers of this | uper will be
1- a E n.CONSl Mi’TLTN— SNCF phased to learn that there is at
FLEi- will save vou if you us«- it least one dremled disease that sei
at once. It is no ordinary remedy, ••nee has been abb; to cure in all
but a complete treatment which is- it« stag«* and that is Catarrh.
p«>.“i,iv»-)y gunrint'-cd to cure Ilall.s Catarrh Cure is the only
i 'ATABRH in anv form or stage positive cure now known to the
if use«! according to the directions medical fraternity. Catarrh being
\ I 'll :i"< ompanj < ach package. a constitutional disease, requires a
Don’t delay but semi fir it at once constitutional treatment.
nml write full particulars as to Catarrh Cure is taken internally,
your comiiiioti, nml you will re­ acting directly upon the blood and
civ- special advic«* from tile dis- mucous surfaces of the system,
< over'-r of tLis wonderful remedy thereby »lesiroying the foundation
•egardii « your case without cost to of the disease, and giving the pa­
vuu Hev.jnd the regular price of tient strength by building up the
SNl Fr LES ’
it -
constitution an«l assisting nature
Sc.’it prepaid to any address in in d««ing its work. The proprietors
the C «ute«.l States or Canada r«n re- have so muc h faith in its curative
(•••i|«t o! 1 hie Dollar. Addre“? Dept powers that they offer or>e Hundred
11 I »1 EDWIN 1’. GILES <v COM- Dollars for any case that it fails to
PA NY. 2330 and 2 132 Market
.•ure. Send for list of testimonials.
'«tn et. I'hiia«l«‘iplna.
J. Cheney. <v Co.,
Tolul.i, <)
Sold by Druggists, 75c.
Lai..rive Bromo-Qtiinim* Tablet« Hull’s Family Pills are the twat.
«••»r—* a «'old in one dav. No Cure.
c z. n T o n. g Æ.
N » pay. Pri<*e 2.» confs.
Bear, u,
KitlJ ÏM
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
' «f
O' Xu ¡St T O 1AL X A. .
Bea-, tbs
You Ha;« Always Bdiiclt
oyv«Tonx a .
-3« arr
B¿»r» the
8 K;!"l Yo'J Hnve Always Bought
No Noxious Poses No Wi-alu ninir of
the Nerves. A Pleasant ami Posi­
tive Cure for the Liquor Habit.
It is now generally known and
understoo«! that Drunkeness is:id<-
sense slid not weakness A laxly till­
ed with poison, sod nerves complete
ly shutter««! bv perioilical or con­
stant use of intoxicating liquors, re­
quires an antidote « apal le of nru-
tralizinr und eradicating thie poison
and destroying th«» craving for in­
toxicants. Sutterers may now cur«'
themselves at home without pub­
licity or loss of lime from business
bv this wonderful "HOME G()LD
CVRF." which has been perfect«*d
after many years of close study and
treatment of inebriutes Th«> faithful
use according to «lirections ot this
wonderful discovery is po-nivelv
guaranteed to cure the most obsti­
nate case, po matter how hard :•
drinker. Our records show the mar­
velous transformation of thou« mT
of Drunkards into sober, industri­
ous and upright men.
YOC R F’ATH ERS1! This remedy is
in no sense a nostrum but is a spe­
cific for this disease only, ami is so
skillfully devised and prepared that
it is thoroughly soluble and pleas­
ant to ttic taste, so that it <an oe
given in a cup of tea or coffee with­
out the know ledge of the person
taking it. Thousands of Drunkards
have cured themselves with this
priceless remedy,und as many more
have been cured and made temper­
ate men bv having the "CVRE ad­
ministered by loving friemls ¡.nd
relatives without their knowledge
in coffee or t«a, and believe today
that they disroot nued drinking of
•.heir own free n ill. DG NOT WAIT
Do not Lt* deluded by nppuront and
mis’ea'ling ••improvement ” Drive
out the disease at once and for all
time. Tho ’HOME GOLD CVRE is
sold at «he extremely low price of
One Dollar, thus placing within
reach of every body a treatment more
effectual than others costing -,’'25 to
i5ci. Full directions accompany
each package, '“pecial advice by
skilled physic ana when rv«:u»—r*<i
without extra charg«- Sent pr< paid
to anv part of the world on receipt
ot One Dollar A«idre3« Dept H-4 ‘1,
23 I and 1 332 Market Stiset, Phil­
Ail correspondence strictly coil-
Jorgenson repairs watches
(docks. Work guarantee«!.
l.audotLie, burn« finfii, M k » . I » •
Notice m berrby iMvan that th»’following,
uamnl sHtlvr hiu filed notice o( her intention
I»» »nak« ilnal*|>r«M i m vuj |»« rl vt her claim, am'
that taid ¡ r »d will Im mad« boh- e Krf l»ter and
Kereiwr al Burna, orrtfen
1* J!. *i
rile «. ui Its.
tv,doti of J '.•'!>!( XV. «tur«:., tlvet s-e-l, II.1 I n
try So “ . I or t lx.- st.sh. ,
;i, Sic! X«,X F1 ,
Su' 3*. Ip Jtt * . K •’IK. boatti at Mtlhvnr l.utr
sh, usilo . the tollowinv wittu-.-t. toproti
lit* continuoii. r»sld»u«'» upt.ii »u-l . nilit «Hou
of .aid land». X >•
t.. 11 Spr'iiarr of Butti,. Urofon. «¡co W ('ur­
li». ah» Sprintar. It I Ituctot, of Xarrtiw»
V I F*l:rr, Reg taler
> rot; i ' i iilicaiiox
Land Oft» 'e, Hum-. Oregon. May
N.»H im i* hereby giren ihm lhe following
named '.eitler ha« fl » I not.ee <>( her Intention
ternate final proof in »apport of her Haun, at I
Ihnt'vaol i»r«».'( vaili b.» male before IlvgUler
and Keeelvrr at hunt«, Ure<un( June 17.
iw.‘. via
Lena Sutlrra »n.
wb'ow of Chari*» John Andcriou, ib'cea cd.
H<l Entry N » 7
for Ih* 'I 1
‘* 'd I •I'» J
and a.
J*, l'p «!•• s , K Si E , smith of Mai
heu* l.a'fe.
She names tba foil.»u ins wilnekset to prove
h*a a>»utlut<Hi> r««ideneo upou and call!» cl > »
of »a d Und. vlr
1 It Spriuicr of Huron. Oregon, tie«', W
• urth. Alva Springer and 1: T. I lug het of
Narrow», Oregon.
Wm E arns Rcghter.
So : |< B K.iU 1’1 HHC A • |< >N.
V s I f .: d Offici*. Parti* Or . May 2»l, t.«0*.
Nottvf »» livreby k . vvu that the f«»ih»whu?
namvd »otti» r ha« fl ltd notice 'of bis i uirtith»t»
to n."ki' fi’»al pr<»«»( it» »upport of ht» aiatui.
at.4 r it «» d pr.'««i utili»«* made before
:* r «¡ «i Itecw'.vcr a* iiuru*. one'll ui Auguat
2. IX?. vil
Fduard 'tiller.
ltd 1 ” - N ■
■ - ’ •
. • !
XI >1
SW’4 and
-«*«• 12 I p JO S K 'I I
He tatué» the following witne»»«*.» to pro»*
h»*e itiuuv-u» reddeucr :puu an 1 cultivai oit
of »aid »and. v tx
Bert hunton. Edward Howard Jo eph lamb,
and Edgar L llcrdc. all of l»rvw «ey. Ore on
W m F ari '. x , Keg., ter
OREGONIAN and ITEMS, one Tear, for $2.00.
For \\ inter Reading vou « nnnot fiinl >« nmre lila'ral offer
If any of th«1 nb■•»«•. h"«*rier, do n««t strike you as «hat vou
wnnt, write us, we will give you u good 11 Is i al clubbing of!« r
with any period cii publish'd in the I uil«'d Siat«'S. Don’t put
it otl. N< w i“ our time
Noni i: roi; in in i« àtion
lie name* the folbuvito: wittie»a«a 1 • prut r
hi* C'>ntiuu > I« rc».*leucc upon at:<l eu«Ht atiufi
of »aid land, viz
John Wri<h*. IV» Wa-«I, "in Frederick-
and W A Kobcrtauu, ad oí l»rrw*ev, <»r»*< • !
W to. Farr«-. Mégi-1er
U.l.end office, burn«. Ortjron Ajril
i f ?
A >n !lcm* •’(■ute»t
having b«»u fli«- !
in th!« «»fiicf. by John Marwhe’l, conlwitant
auntuat John T
I!ntnr»trn<l entry
No. *€*>, made Augurt 17.
f« r 1/4» 1 an.I
Section 2d. ni» I the NE'^E1,, Her! lou 'St
rownthip ¿■«. s. hauv** 31 E A M.. uy John
T I»'r, <*oD!e»tee, iu which it !» aii<*K<* I I ha’.
.■»aid Joon T Ivy ha» wholly ubun'Inn «».|
said !F*< ’ and <. ..ir sed lilt résidence therefrom
than ,«»ix n»<»ntb» *incv making *aid
entry, nn»l tirxt to the date herein ti nt-»«id
tract i« not -« tth-d up »t. and t ultiva'e-l bv -■ I
party n* rv i»nrcd by îan .th xt »aid allrireu
«’»»••nee r in the -aid '»«nd wa* not due
«• id ploy rue nt in the Army Ns\y or Marin»*
f’orpa of th»* Unite«'. Strt«» dnrjuxI * *»*r with
^pain or d ir nt any uthe» war in which the
Liiite«* State« may be rnaaged.
Sa‘4 partie* are hereby notified !«• appear,
respond • :d offer evidence b’ucatny said nil»*
iration at 1 io c 1> ck a. r». un Jun<*
l.» r?, ’»•! ,re
Ktfi»t«fr and Riectvrr a’, the t i.i’.« 1 - a’wa I r... I
Office tn Hum», Orcc
The «a. 1 r<»nte»li*ni hnving. in prop»»- a Ti da vit
n>«t Aprd 23. I >«2 *<•’ forl't fa< !» v* ’ tell ahow
that after d ie d Hxenrr. personal b*rvir< <«
Ihu notice ea irvt I* • tut I«*. *t ia hereby ord«*r
cd and directed that ant h no!;-e be fllvm by
luea’.d proper publication.
\Vw. ! a ebb llegiAter.
to ci r.t i coi n is
i «nd swea:
no effect ca
harness treated
with Eureka h.'»r-
nt’u Oil. It re-
To nnv on«' sending us fl 5, olio year's subveription to the
I tems , w «« will mini the Chicago Weekly Inter Ocean one year
fli'e. or to anv on«< tn nding us three curii rubs« riplion lor ihu
two paper wo w ill give a year'» subcriptiun to « ai h j u| er fr« r,
or Thu
U S. Land office l iirtib Oregon June . • 110.'
Not re f* hetvoy sr.veu that lite bdlowtux
natm I at Tier I.»' fi’c I net ire of bla iultfnlton
to make final piotif In support of hi» claim and
that aa.U pr«»of will Le ma io before Kcfitaler
and Kecclvvr ai Burnv, orcpa
19. IK?. % 1«;
.lohn <? ontej•
H I entry No 7«0. f«>r the E4NW
FOR S-ALE—A n««w home of
five rooms, with outbuildings, A
If you desire to trade for. or buy.
full block of eight lots. G iod water
as »here is in town. Enquire at desirable town property call at this
of! ice.
this ollie«-.
<> sk day
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine
Tablets. All druggists refut <1 the
money if it fails to cure. E. W.
Grove’s signature is on each box
Now is Your Time
Oregonian ami Itemi«. $2.«.N)
Wc promptly obtain L'. H. und hoteign
-• id rnode!,L’k..t« ti or photo of Jr.vititH n fore
/ fru<* r<-jjort on p
•* How to dec.,
/ Fatent.4 and
I’i-, tv L-d at Atlanta. C.a.
C'-cnafi n Ot>rr
VN'Y SOUTH • th» Gr»st Llrrxr, W««!t ▼ <4t3r>
Si» th. It s t rvitril U> Git «r a t ur **• Rnntw«»«*. F et and »' c«l -.
ind j • ’. - • > .1 .tL th «1 !*• utr r.t In I i fl1) d. Am n« r.»cunl ibu'. n ! h « tn »I
ii tniv uthern w i c s appear* J >•! ch.ii dlcr Parr.,-«, ii.’.rry Mb vm II dw.trdi >n«l
Ing I.mt i. serial
>r»<! ir >r.» Anth 'i !l »p*. Miur-cn i h un? »on.
si'.r c ; R t rucke t,
hm < rt>e t. n I Ari.rjr W. f4«.rchnn»»it bar* ppoir
r . ti.j >• It : n are n wait nj fr-m Iho pon of ¿ytliors of n-ti ;.ai nu n
A $h r*.
• ry < ui « ' t b CU Jill out n-«» 1 r fiv - hundred
ntorime. al! wor hy a place In
*VN2>iY SOVTI1** ’onlablo n
< ih r i »nt 'siia*e coi.'-.rr.pl t$i
w, |iu CMVuliy • ipl<»ll the rip«’«n j
l.c.d <• t«i i a’ th-l only noelx Jixh f »lor i»j U> Illustrate Iho wual.h that h
Lisert I self.
uAr SUNNY SOU1 II teems with the Ilfs oHJH orc it south TH oum
I'huiKhit'iw rm everything n*. « activity «»nd th .rr < n •» n»ver cold e u»ih
i i i herk the L md < f in ustry. f h . p«ip< coin »» fragrant with lite bronth U
in.ijnolUi dnd plno. and o vol nu - lite vary .Hr ctlbc oru co p»r m «nd Lay
beauty .nt path >s, Ute r.nriin.n
nd m/stcry of the liml w^ors »ho corn
•: rr.su.»the <J Idrn sun.hino uii lite cotton v.;»ton. In the ohmo I:/hi. wll bn
cixr.»| i the is cll-fi.ie I columns o th. j O c n 4ln*j wee dy.
The subscrlpll i pr ♦ n Is Orvly F«f
Cm* a /n.»r. <dl* y to a’! pe eons,
.'am’ ., news «pc rM, pG.lmas’en and ovn y one c'fte. < luir. 4 iive. accompun a I
i r »
. ■
5*nd on a Pontsl Caret Ihe nimc.i of s s i your nei«;hb rs who
v. « g ! I apprcc ate th* pnortunliv to read a copyoi Tlio Minn/ Son’fi. atxl ns
s mp!e will be ma I »1 free. You c .n (tel yaur c ub of fka <»u*. of tlte.e very - fe
r*A«r SUNNY SOUTH enter- over 50.000 Anter ci. honte.r
iurm 190 Is sure to be wc’Gomod n lull/a. r.i-iny inure *umos, ns h. »nt
wo k’y feast of flood th n r» Um .Sou’hern I! oriry u icUly, vhrte c . ugicm U.’
19 .2 wd! be the mr t readable of a!l the p.ii»en th .1 Gain •- la y u.
Jf :tdr«ti9 J9II Communlrdtiorf: I)
SUNNY SOUTH, Atlanta, Ga
>r w
■H arness
<’o r.ct Lreak.
No ro’jf hr.tr«
face to chafe
and cut. Th
harr.t’t ret
or.'/licr pt
Ion« r g L<-«
new, Iut
wears twice
as long by th
!•.*:* of Eureka
HarnetJ Oil. fy
rvery« nere
in rana—
: H «L’r«;,
'»¿.de »•/
Standard Oil
W antö )
W eekly I nter O cean . :
'Hie Grcate-t Republican Paper of the West.
fvmtr otvo -•!••«.■’in-i » t > every s.ib-
**uri'»ci Only •<» « «•i.iw .i yr.ir.
■ei.«l !r,r n t!:
Siv liait. IL’h.ib' -, Simp ' . I’p P»
il iu*. I’.« • o ■«nu 'I tn«l A ‘•“«•ifnt« 1)
JVt Icit-l'miH : Pafa-r P.O terns.
T i. th? mont stalwai I anv unsweming Republican Weekly pun •
li.ltr l to ! iy an i < an .ilway» be r«-li'-«l ujiou for fair an i hone»! re
-, irtn of nil p >t.t»< al ..ii.ni «
) I he Weekly intcrOceun ^Uf p Ir* A I of the Xe.v.eS
TV ç
und the Best <rt Current I tirature.
»i- «• •
to write f<»r our confidential letter lx-fore aj>
plvir-K for pRti ntjit rnav be worth inrney,
Wv promptly obtain U. 8. and Foreijfn
and TRADE MARKS or return EN-
TIR E atiorraey’« f< • . .•'•♦•nd ii'^'" Ketch
or phon a id we sen tai IMMEDIATE
FREE rejK-rt on px.t» ntaLility. V» • (•« •
the beat legal service and advieo, and our
ch-'j’gea art moderate. Try dr .
Il Í» Morally Clean, rod .
a 1 anni; T;
>, Without a I < »t.
Its Literary i.ot:itnns are equal
to those oi the best muga lines.
Its Youth’s llnprrtmi rt is the
f ncet of its kind............................
Il IH-Inx» lo tton Miivlv th» <•«,« ol thr » ni ire V «rl«l aint pirM
ih* i>-,-. u'i'l i'ii«!«l il» ■ ».«er.b or all <|<is»’l>'ua of th«-u«\. rii.«
liti r
«ti (»ivi« iw»*|t • pi- »a nf reiidUi/r mattar • M’H week
ani bpiiiic i ni»« «.hi-d in • In «aro N bet.ter MUap<a<l lo ih” iM’mlaof
lire IN-opiu a««Mt o( tho Alle.h.oiv MotirXum» inan any «libar jx*per
$1.00 RS!£€OHF noLVA? ph »JCEA5 SI 00
ZU! Segn» . IHowM
I • .»•• I
PerI am I RUN n I f ■*
Srwtag I be».
<■ irh-mille l'i;*
i o Hi > •
...'«I ••« i • .• , « .ti i
!••.» ii, ••« by tn i I ll> 'll
Patent lawyerc,
Opp. U.S. Patent Office Washington, D.C.
Iti-ti-117 w.«i mt si., uw »o<r<
Tbs Daily ami Sunday Dll-
i onsnf Th« lite’ Oraan are J
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