I Published in the 1 he Oldest and Most Reliable. i t Advertising Medium. Items I It. II. Mvlmyre, l**n|irtelur ih«« s. < oi .I uhh «. Killlur ami Mun»ii«r. BURNS. OREGON, SATURDAY. JUNE 14. 1902. ALFALFA WITH OUT IRRIGATION GEER .MAY AFT «I..*,» Ter I .■•«•. Nii Mnntti». NO. 29. AMENDMENT NOW LAW whut ¡" ^«tor wrong. au<l what is good or iia.l, nod thrv Legislature Likely to he < 'oii- can be truMcd <o take care oflheiu- » enei!. wlvr-. "^o far as the initiative is con Initiative and Referendum lia* Salem, June 6.—There ia a strong cerned. requiring that 8 per cent of barge Majority. V (double II i it K m to Farmers 1C« probability that an extra session of the legar voters of th»- state shall the Oregon State Legislature may garrì in g Ita Culture. pro|>ose a measure of lagialation, be convened by Governor Geer. 1 do not look to see this resorted to Th-r initialive arid referendum ¡a except in extraordinary cases, as it The purpose of the probable special Hardware of Every Description. session will be the consideration of a hart of the Oregon Constitution, will necessarily be attended with Some valuable hints to farme-s a measure providing for the placing the proposed amendment having great trouble and expense. It ix BUR NN, OK EGON. arc contained in an article contri- of all state officials on Hat salaries, received a very large majority’ of not p'obable that many efforts will buted to the Bozeman, Mont, and thcenaotirig ofa law that will all the votes cast at the recent elec l»e uiade to enact laws in this wav. Chronicle, by Professor IL S Shaw, place in operation the initiative tion. save the Oregonian of thi 7th. Presumably, all the laws necessary of the United States experiment and referendum form of legislation, j Oregon is the first etale to insert to carry on the operations of gov (»overnor Geer was seen thi« after this provision in its constitution. ernment and to provide for the wel station, who says alfalfa can be noon, and asked if he contemplated Briefly stated, the amendment pro fare of the people will lie enacted grown successfully uj*on unirrigat calling an extra session of the I*eg- ‘ vides that 8 per cent of the voters i by the Legislature. When a meas ed lands. The b«'St results, of course, islalure. He said : "I had thought of the state may propose a law, ure is proposed under the initia ••••••eoeoooeoacaaaaooao are obtained where a plentiful sup considerably of calling a special which the Secretary of State must tive clause of th«1 amendment, it If. <'. I.EVENN, o ply of moisture ran lx- had, but a session of the Legislature as living submit to a vote of the people, and will be examined upon its meriis. Vico I'remilcnt. i profitable crop can also be secured theonly means of making effective; that 5 per cent of the voters may and there will be no political or <* *> e under less favorable conditions. the plank in the Republican plat require any measure passed by the party interests involved to influence form pledging Hat salaries for all Professor Shaw makes these sug state officers. Every meml*er of the Legislature to be submitted to a the minds of the voters. Therefore, vole of the people. Acts necessary every man will vote according to I gestions: Legislature is pledged to the sup fur the immediate preservation of his judgment, There is very little ( I neorporatcd ) Recent investigations tend to port of such a measure, an<l the public peace, health or safety are danger that under sueb circum Bl RNN. — — OREGON. prove that there are large areas in only way to make.it effective is to not included in the latter class. » stances any Jew will be enacted o this state u[K*n wbich one remuner enact such a law at a session to be o The fact that the people have a that is unequal or unjust in its • ative crop of alfalfa c«in l*e grown held preceding the swearing in of firm hold and controlling influence operation. A General Banking Business Transacted. c each season without irrigation. the newly elected officers. An ex ur>on all legislation is likely to be a "I have always said that I Director* W, Y. King, I S Geer, Geo. Fry, \\ . E. Trisch. These lands comprise foothills, tra session need not be convened very important factor in tae pro ' thought this amendment wouhl b«: J. <Welcome. bordering <>n the mountain ranges, until a few days before the time ceedings of thfc next Legislature. a valuable for its educational effects, *c3**afi«**4u*eA&Aaooe*e« where there is a deep soil receiving for convening the regular session of What the corporations, the politi as the people will be induced to be more moisture than the open plain, the Legislature, which would ad cal bosses, or the individual mem- more active ami vigilant in ac I aUge Àllrrrtwry. through sub-irrigation from seep mit of one continuous sesssion. I l*crs of the Legislature may think quainting themselves with those PROFESSIONAL CARDS. I age, and u greater precipitation. do not wish to be understood as of a law. will be of less consequence public considerations l>y which the Rvaxa l.oiiuc No. 70. K oí I*. The lands must lie deep and por saying I will call an extra session. than what the people will think of| enactment of laws ought to be gov- Meet* «vary rtiiir.day night. Il M. Ml I I.KN, J. ous. The hcnv.er ¡cams which r<- You may state, however, that 1 it. and no man will care tn be au ¡erned. Our dependeuce fur the I ' M. J oo I mii , I' C. H. M .tlierUi.-a l, K of K. S. tain the most moisture can not be have the matter under considera thor of :> law which the people will i peace and goc«l order of society is PHOTOGRA! HER. supplied by irrigation. Lighter tion.” reject. Any man who wants noto upon the intelligence of '«lie j>eo- BI'RNN CHAPTER. d(>. 4U. O E. S. ¡ loams may also l*c used, unless Hurns, Oregon. M*«t» aocond ami fourth .Monday of i riety can get it «n abundance by in plc, and any system that can be underlaid by a stratum of gruvel racl> inoulli in Mammic h «II, V.»>gtlv Bd^Mttin St—opposite Bank. troducing and securing the passage devised which will increase the re. building Mr* M «rgin l.*wtia, W. M coming too near the surface. Al sponsibilily of a citizen will natur I of an obnoxious measure. Mr*. Eunice Thoinpaou, See. falfa cun not be grown on wet land Between Coo* Buy ami Rose I The adoption of this amendment ally increase not only bis desire burg if No Farther. or on those overlaying an imjiena- M AICMDRN A GE Ali Y i’ an important event in Oregon's I but his need for more intelligence. BRUNN LODGF, NO 97, A F. «it A M. trable hard face. Foothill lands Saturday on or before full moon. W L. Miir»den, John W (¡earjr, governmental history since the be i I am of the opinion itl ac the time It lying close to the mountains will be Qualifled brother« fraternally invitod, ginning of her statehood, To all has come in the history of our conn- Pbyiiciant <{■ Surifronn. < E. Kenyon, W. M. F. S. Rieder, more sure to produce results. that intents and purposes, the law-mak- try when a resort to elementary Neey. Burns. Oregon. The ground shouhi be plowed tween Empire City, on Coos Dav. ing power now lies almost directly J principles will have a wholesome EW“0(Ii< e »t reiidene«*. ’Pilone 20. d<*ep and prepared the proceeding ami Roseburg, and that construe- ■ in the bands of the people. This effect. Societv n««w seems to l>e HI RNS LODGE. NO. 93, A. O V. W Meeta at Brown fiali r»*rv Friday eve fall. Spring-plowed lain! will nut tion will be begun by September 1 1 is the first time the freople of Ore- growing with an artificial impetus, ning Veiling brother« fraternally in- retain its moisture. In the early at the latest, says the Oregonian of v'twd. Tlioa. Sagrra. W. .M. Chas. N. Dll.i.S A »mos. gon have thought it wise to adopt which need* some sort of a check. C<N<hraii», Rrcordsr. ispring cultivation sufficient to pro- the Sth. This, it is said, will be an amendment, and iv. making this There is no re .son io apprehend J W Dl(gi. Dalton Blgga. vide a good seed bed is necessary.t done even if the project for a rail- change in their fundamental law that the people in their primary Il tRNEY LODGE, NO. 77, I. O O F. A(lorntyt-ai-I.aw, The seed should be sown broadcast toad between Salt Lake City and they took a £t«p, the results of Meet* every Sator,I iv evening, Brown's capacity will vote to deprive any KIRNS. OKKGOX. and ns early as the season will per Coos Bay should fail. Chief Engi h«ll Visiting brothers fratsrnally in- j which all other states will watch person of life, liberty or propertv vited. Franko Jackson, N.G. Iffice tn Bunk building. mit, and not thicker than 15 pounds neer L. I), Kinnev, of the Great with interest. C. G. Smi'h, Se«-rwtary. without due process of law. because ¡»•r acre. On the heavy lands har Central Railroad Company, is mi The fear has been many times every individual is interested in the rowing will provide sufficient cover thonty for this statement, and he expressed that the power of propos Tl'l E CU«'I.E. NO I«"., WOMEN OF preservation of «these rights, and Weodryaft. Meet« 2nd and 4th Tn*»- ^ILLIAMM 4 FITZGERALD ing for the seeds, but oathc lighter says arrangements have already ing and rejecting legislation mav though there may possibly I*" a «lai at Brown'» hall. Mr». Tilh«Jordan, lauds it should be put in deeper by progressed far enough to muke the he abused. This fear is not entcr- Mrs. lune Whiting. Guardian. Thnrulou M ill lam a, XI Fitegerald, rabble in some of our cities that, Clerk. Under these Euipire-Rneeburg Railroad a prac t lined by George JI. Williams, who Attorney al Law, Notary Public, means of the seeder. would dcsire to-dieturb or destroy conditions a nurse crop should be tical certainty. Law, Notarial and Kcal Ettatc is president of the Direct Legisla the right of property, the great bulk Ctmrch Announcements. t clipped off' with the mower when Practice. tion League of Oregon. In speak of our population, consisting <»f As the matter now stands the Sunday School at Harney the six to nine inches high the first __ Burnt*. Oregon. ing of the matte» yesterday, he said: those who live and own property it. first Sunday of each month nt 10 t W~<Office in old Masonic building season, and the cutting left for a trans-continental interests back of "I am informed that the propos the country, will never vote to take, the Salt Lake-Coos Bay enterprise On the second, ./clock, A M mulch. Though the young plants have first call on the railroad to ed initiative and referendum a- away from theme Ives or from third and fourth Sundays of each may dry up the first season during Coos Bay until August 15. If those meodment to the constitution has others what has been honestly am! month at 3 o'clock P M Preach- the extremely hot weather and ap interests shall not deem in expedi been adopted, and 1 um ycry much justlv acquired. p M JORDAN, ing services every second Sunday pear to be dead, they will be almost ent to carry a transcontinental line pleased with the result, Slime pto- "This amendment,s<< far as ib at S P. M. certain to start again when the tall that way, tliev will then bo out of pie seem to imagine that bv this goes, in givin f Practical Istmi Surrcynr. g the people th»- right, rains come, providing the plants it, and the local road will be built amendment to the constitution At the Presbyterian church Burna, Oregon, of legislation, will put the central Burns. Rev. A J Irwin pastor. have made a vigorous start. by capitalists interested in the tim there is great danger that legisla-! (*f the affairs <»f the coiaitrv in th« Devine service» the third ami fourth ber of the Coos Bay section. lion will be embarrassed and oh- hards of the sober, industrious ami Sunday* of each month at li a. m. g W. MILLER, BOLI» DEMONSTRATION OF From things that leak out a lit- structcJ by the people tinder that order-loving peop’c who live out- and 7:30 p. in. Sabbath school at HORSE-RUSTLERS tie at a time it is understood that clause of the amendment providing, »ide of our cities, though it is not 10 a tn. every Sabbath morning. Notary Public anti Cenvtyanrcr, r*a fot«4xr*< 1 ii ix k Kill k. ' • to k*». «*•••*. I 6l.»4 more than one transcontinental for fits» the referendum, but, if it ia is prob- be «« assumed that a majority About four o’clock this(Thurs- Preaching services at the Baptist able that few, if any, of the ordi line would like an outlet at Coos the people in the cities would favor Deeds. Etc., •orrtedy made. I day Jmorning a man came in from Bay Indeed, there is good reason nary acts of the Legislature will anv legislation that is not just to church every 1st and 2nd Sundays, Office Ml diere Utirnn, Oregon. morning and evening. Sunday the Owyhee country to notify Sheriff to suppose that this enterprise has be disturbed after their er.aetmcnt all clashes <>f people. school every Sunday at 10 a. m. Lawrence of the bold demonstra grown out of or swallowed up the. by the Legislature and approval by ; "Souietimoa it is suggested that prayer meeting every Thursday ' the people are ready, when solicit tion* of horse-rustlers in that part scheme that was announced some the Governor. H. VOLP, A. M„ M. D. evening. "I do net suppose the [»eople de ed. t<> sign anv sort of a petitim«, of the cu'iutry. Morton Bros., of time ago to build from Humboldt i Ontario, have a band of horses Bay to Boiseor Weiser. Idaho. Lord sire t<> Ink»' the trouble of protictwl- l>nt this is imt al!«*«et|ier true. nn<i Services at Christian Science Physician and Surqeon, ranging on Grassy Mountain, about Tlmrlow. .1. IL Dclamar. G. II. I’roi- ing miller the referendum to set would not lie when it is proposed Hall, corner east of the Bank, every 20 miles south of Vale. Wednes tor. Robert Gibson and William R. aside an art of the Legislature un by ths initiative to submit an act Sunday at 11a, m and 8 p. m. Mlice at resilience. — — Oregon day three men, who were heavily A Wilson, prominent English and less it is quite apparent that the uf legislation to the people. Ixi-ause Service Wednesday evening* at 8. Burns, armed, appeare«! on the scene and American investors. wer«i sai«l to act is prejudicial to their interests, ihe probability is that such Att Evrtrybodc is invited to attend these services. "One merit of the amendment, it would affect favorably or un favor - frightened the boy who was herd- be connected with i it. It is now WAX'l’Fl. TRVHTWOItTIIV MEN AND wûTuriilto travel and adveitiav for oh! estab ing the Morton horses, away from said that their plan i to get to the seeuis to me, is that, it will make ably the interests of every petitruti- lished htm« of solid ftnanrial siatbhnx salary 60 YEARS" |7K0a ye r end expenses, «11 pit) «ble in *a»h Coast was general ami did not have the legislature morecarjf.il in the er. More care would be exerclsnl the band. The boy immediately EXPERIENCE No rm)vMvMhr required. tiiv* references and *» •nrlo.ve I f-a<hl renard Mtiinpeu enveloped, proceeded to Ontario ami notified any particular |u>rt in view as the enactment of laws, and this will be than would be exercised in signiiq Addrr.« Manager.3.V»«Hiui; Hldg. t bicaga the Mortons, who started al once terminus until A. B. Hainmoud, a salutary restraint, for we have a recommendation lor an appoint- Grassy Mountain, arriving who has acquired important inter-, too much ill-considered and haslv inent l<* otliee, or for something in W VN I till SEVERS! PERSONS of « H VK- for AcitTAii'l reputation inMate(«»n«* in there yesterday evening. The est« at Humboldt Bay, induced legislation. 1 ace no reason why which the petitioner is Dot,particu this county rts|Hire<l)t<> r«*pre*ent nt.«l a«lverti*R old O't r I»I ixlict wealthy hiiRln»»pN ht>ii«r of »olid rustlers who were then rounding them to name that port as their oh- the people in their primary capaci- larly interested. T rade M arks flunncinl Rtnnding. Sa’aryllsuu weekly with O esisns rxpeuM«<additional, all piiyable in caah ea» h up the horses, drovo the Mortons jcctive point. •'Another thiug, it will take con. Mr. Harriman is i tv should not have the right to re Wiulticpday direct fro»r h«md oftices, Horsr* C ofvrights Ac. an«l''arriaces furnishv ! when nor earn r» Kef Anyone Mndtn« ft «kw<oh nnd tMortotlon him verse a decision made bv their rep eiderable trouble to attain the sig- away also. They sent a man forth said to have been friendly to their «reive««. Enclose -elf *• dresNed stamped en qith'kly Mf««rtain our opinion free Wliwther an tRvaiitlou 1» probably pH(<»u fab Io (omnuiRl'i velope. Mana^ci, 31iiCa. ion BuildiiiK, (’hi« iu’o. resentatives in the Legislative as- natures of S per cent of the voters But a few months with to notify Sheriff Lawrence, general project. (Iona a(ritWIy ooiifhlemtlMl. Handbook on I’nfenta »cut fra«, oldeat aamn y for »^uniig |»nie«Hfa. semblies, when in their opinion of the state to a petition, and be- Patanta taken through Munn A < o. rtratw« Mr. Lawrence early this morning ago there was a conference in Sam nufka, without rhnneo. In th« I such legislation :e injurious to the sides considerable ex [«use tu nt took a posse of men and started Francisco at which this railroad i pti> lie welfare. necessarily be incurred, to be pud for Grassy Mountain to pay his movement was discussed, and there A han»i««naely llluatratad weakly. Lnr»ra»I c ir culation of any a«donllflo tournaJ. Tern»». >«'» ft "Our people arc generally inteili- by th" petitioiur. 1 think the a- to the rustler«.—Vale it developed that the interests to Thio nignature it on every bdx of the genuine I respects yaar ; four month», ft Mold by all new»daa»«i». ,, . menduijut willbc found -at sfuk’urjr gent, and know as wcllas tbmr mp- tp the J L• iun*.d o': •u’irtb p'gr MUNIMCo.«"’ ^ New York Laxative BroiTiinQiiinine T.bw. Gazette i i Geer & Cummins •••e » » « ® » •■ *•*•••••« « •••* THE CITIZENS BANK Capital Stock 225.000 00 a F zaw Scientific American. li.MCI <’»>•< «*’r K »,« ‘w renir/h thM rwrew h reM In wwr 9 y »*/ n I a >.> a « a ««« » «•