4 « * ¡ THE HOME GOLD CURE CONSUMPTION GREAT RI SII FOR LAND la like the cottetnctiK which drops Its cv k an>uu«i it* vtvtim and »lowly tight­ er* them until life ia extinguished Once the coils are drawn tight there ia little chance of escape. The one hope of aafety i* to break loc* at the («ginning ui the attack. Those who are showing symp­ toms of lung di*- eaae should in­ stantly l«gm the use of Dr. Pierce'» Golden Me«b*.'«l Discovers. Il will cure obstinate coughs, tironchilie and bleeding n entei- prises that ha* just obtained a con tract from the Stale I.and Board ia in Walker Basin, which is in KU matti County Before last November there were taken within 10 rnilea of the pro posed exien*ion of the Columbia Southern, in view of the »xten-ion of the road, more than 186.OUÜ acres of Government land. These figures show how people have been rushing in to occu py land which the railroad is likely to serve. Assurance of transportation facilities will open that country and make it rich and populous. 1 feel it mv duty to give ray t»»tlm>*«>la! 1» Iwfio uf your great luedi.-toe * wntr, M- •> T Revd . f Jefferson J.-ffervo» Co Ark ' IV r* . r. : Lok '.Ike nor feel ilk* the *au.e inan a* 1 was a vear og. Fe-.ple were a«t-.nl*he.l an t a thev lid nut think that I .Quid live I can t k’u’ly s* *h .t I am enttrvly c-rred of a di* whi.h had it not ' evn tor your w. u- • *«e rrj-: ' . ■ *u Diacvven ! veouU have Tied ~ Some people go to great trouble to acquire foolishness I Dr . Pierce’s Cwitnort Sens«- Medical “There he goes.’, a green Ger­ \diiser, jtajwr covers, sent fret on r- eipt of ?! one-cent stamps to pay man said, '‘eumiiig this way ” < xpense of mailing ? k .' y Address Dr. K. V. Pittvc, Buffalo, N. Y It costs something to live these days, but it is even more expensive to die. A WORTHY SUCCESSOR •'Something New luder the San.’’ NUTICK n»H H'lUR'ATION. V S Laud office. Hurtt*. Oreyou, Ma* 0. 1»OJ Notice la hereby ylven ihel the tallowiuy, »anted eelller ha* Sled aollee <*l her lutenlluu tv maha Sualfpriaif in support of ber dalia end that said proof will be ma>le Salure Keylaforaed Keren er et Hum*, uroyun. «u Juue It, IW*. via Mirti» Curila. widow < f J<**»»h W Curio. aJ. Ud In lr> N» Wó. for ih» *sSXX,. .*•«" ». and Ni*KK<, 1« rt. T> S» * . K SIS South at M»lH»ur Lak» Mha naiua* Ilia tolluwiu, wltu»>*r* la arare hl* daallatiuu* realtlauee upon and oulllreUau ul >ald land*. vl< !.. H spriuraguu. May quires an antidote capable of neu- Land Nolit'e 1« Itarehy given that the fnlluwlng tralixiny and eradicating this poison uaiue! u.i j lee 11. *• • k II | - I Mai- CURE’’ which ha. Dr en perfected heut Lake. after many years f close stuiiv and Nhe name* the ToJLiwIng witnesses to prove h*> eoutiulbtia realdanee upon and eulUvatlon treatment of in« h- iat>* The faithful vf aa d land, vir use according '<■ di 1 one of this I It •printer ef Burns. Oregon. Oeo W < ii*ti*. Aha Springer and K T llughet of wonderful diHCtve v * positively Narrows. Oregon. Wm F abbi RefUtor guaranteed to cure th-' moat obsli- nate case, no matte tfinv hard h riMIlklt LINI». Al'r Jt'NB 1. IVI NOTICI roK l'I ULIC l 11I1N. drinker Our records sh<> v the mar- veloMs transformation o' t' ber landaiu lit« Slate* uf California. or«tou. .Ss - adu and W»*btn|ti it lerrllory, a* BANDS!! CHILD!. FN ed U> all tue Cubile laud Slata* kt act uf Aug- YOUR FATHER- ' i. U»l e, l’/2o Frank Turner. in no sense a i.«>a» r .n bn! “I" f bur a. county of Harney, State ef Oregon, cific for this dis-a ■ or i nul IS >O ha* this dav file*) In thia office his sworn state skillfully devised mi p e| a i •I at u ent No , fur the purchase of the BWS^NR^. and RSBW^. of BecMon Na In it is thoroughly soluble md pleas­ NW^BK^. Iowt ship No 27 a . Range No 37 K W M and ant to the taste, so that it can be wHi offer proof to «bow that the laud sought ’• more valuable (or lt> timber or stone »hau for given in a cup of tea or coffee with agricultural purpoae*. and to establish hla out the knowledge of the person c alm Io »aid land before the Register and of thia offlee at Burn», Orageu on taking it. Thousands of Drunkards Receiver I ue»een cured and made temper­ Any and all persons claiming adversely the described lands are requested to filo their ate men by having the "Cl'RE" ad­ above claims In tbI• ofitce unur before »aid 3rd day o( ministered by loving friends anti June. ITC W m fAhBl RrgisUr relatives without their knowledge in coffee or tra, and believe today CCNTKST NOI1CK. that they discontinued drinking of t*. S. ttend oSIra. Iturn*. Orarun April W IW.1 A auftleirnt euuta.t affidavit harlu, barn Sl»«i their own free w ill. DO NOT W AIT tn this offie» by John Marthall, •ontestani Do not be deluded by apparent and agalnal John T hy. Ilorueitrnd eutry misleading "improvement" Drive No. NX., made August 19. l*)7. for 1*»U I and 2. » Section > and the .NK%NR%. Secllon out the disease at onse and for all ToWOahlp 3S. S . Range 11 K W M.. Djr John time The "HOME GOLD CURE "is T Ivy. eoot»»tee. In wbtra II It allegri! that abandoned tald Jonn T Ivy ha* wholly sold at the extremely low price of aald tract, and chanced hl* reildence Iheretrom One Dollar, thus placing within tor more than all month* >lnce makln, *ai.| and next to the date herein ihataal.l reach of everybody a treatment more entry, tract I* ttol «ettled upon and militated by »aid effectual than others costing 125 to party a* required by law .that »aid alleyed from the «aid land wa* not due to hl* $50. Full directions accompany absence employment In the Army Navy or Marine each package Special ad vic« by Corp* of the United State* durlay ti e war with or durme any othei war In which the skilled physicians when requested Spam l ulled State* may be enyayed. without extra charge Sent prepaid «aid partle* are hereby notified to appear, respond a.id offer evidence louchlny »aid alle to anv part of the world on receipt latton at Ido clock a in on June it. Ito?. before ot One Dollar Address Dept H491, Meylaterantl Receiver at the Vnltad State* Land In burn*. Wreyon. EDWIN B.GILES & COMPANY, office The »aid contectani havlny. In proper affi'lavd 2330 and 2332 Market Stieet, Phil- Sled April 73 Ito; *el forth feel* which *how* that after duo dilieance personal aervice of adel phia. tU|* notice cannot be mala. It la hereby order All correspondence strictly con­ ed end directed that aitch notice be ylveu by due and proper publication fidential. I «■» lt»(!*ti Some men are so mean that when thev attend a ball game, they want All doctor«« have tried to cure to see the home team beaten. <' ATARRH-by the use of powders, 1, -iii ga.«e?. inhalers and drugs in ! If a man la inclined to lead a paste form. Their powders dry up the mueuouH membranes causing fast life he should lead it to the them to crack open and bleed. The nearest hitching-post and tie it. powerful acids u»ed in the inhalers 4 have entirely eaten away the same i An old bachelor says io tri- membranes that their makers have dentlv a greater pleasure aimed to cure, while pastes and some women than* it is to ointments cannot reach the disease them. An old and experienced practioner who hag for many years made a If a man tries to stand on his «■lose study and specialty of the dignity the chances are that some treatment of CATARRH, has at less dignified chap will come along last perfected a Treatment which and ait on hiiu. «hen faithfully used, not only re­ lieves at once, but permanently The sadness of a man who has <-urvs CATARRH, by removing the loved and lost ia frequently exceed­ t ause, stopping the dischargee, and i ed by that of the poor unfortunate curing a!l inflammation. It is the who loved and failed to lore. only remedy known to science that i* "inailv reaches the afflicted parts An Illinois justice has decided ibis wonderful remedy is known that a man’s wife is entitled to the "SNUFFLES the GUARAN money paid foi the eggs laid by I EED CATARRH CURE,” and ie their hens. Oh. wise judge! Let »old at the extremely low price of the old man and tjie -old rooster One Dollar, each package contaii • divide their profits ; but-the lady is ins! internal and external medicine surely entitled to the hen and the Hiitlicient for a full month's treat­ emoluments derived therefrom. ment and everything necessary to its perfect use. TO TRADE —Desirable town «100 EZWA2D Also. "SNUFFi.ES" is the only per- proj»erty consisting of good h > uk », The renders of this paper will be five lot*, barn, woodshed and chick­ fe t < ATARRH CURE ever made p'eased to learn that there is nt en house, good well Good location. and is now recognised ae the only least one drettded disease that sei To trade for ranch property. En­ •ale and positive cure for that an- Hund modsl. ikek-h or photo oí Invention lor t-f>ce has been able to cure in all quire at this office. tmying and disgusting disease. It For free book, frewr-inrt on jMtentabillly rotenlaulll; Uow lo Secure' cures all inflamation quickly and its stages and that is Catarrh. Hstentr and TRADE-MARKS permanently and is also wonder­ Hall.s Catarrh Cure is the only FOR SALE—A new hotiae of f fully quick to relieve HA Y FEVER positive cure now known to the five rooms, with outbuildings. A i I med ictal fraternity. Catarrh being or COLD in the HEAD. full block of eight lots. Good water » f a coi stitutional disease, require» a ' 'ATARRH when neglected often ÜPPû5ir£ U S HAfihT ODICI as there is in town. Enquire at ? Halls WASHINGTON D C lea Is toCONSUMBTION— "SNUF constitutional treatment. this office l l.ES" will save you if you use it Catarrh Cure is taken internally, Jorgensen is still to the front at once. It is no ordinary remedy, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, with low prices Call and sec his but a-complete treatment which is I write for <>ur confidential letter before ap­ thereby destroying the foundation ppsi.ivelv guaranteed to cure line of watches, clocks, jewelry, to plying for rxteul;it mar be worth money. We promptly obtain U. H. and Foreign of the disease, and giving the pa ­ stationary, etc. • ATARRH in any form or stage I if used «-cording to the directions tient strength by building up the McMullen, the photographer, ia «d TRADE MARKS pr r*""» EM- which accompany each package. constitution and assisting nature TIRE Attorney1« f«e. Send mode), iketch in doing its work. The proprietots or photo and we tend an IMMEDIATE stiI Don’t delay but send for it at once 'i . to he found at hi« old stand tREE rnjwt on • beat le®al aervice and advice, and our and write full particulars as to have so much faith in its curative > I opposite the Bank. akerr«e are moderate. Try na. tour condition, and you will re- powers that they offer one Hundred 1 t eive special advice from the dis- Dollars for any case that it fails to f l Clubbing rat’s given with any Patont Laveyarc, Opp. U.S. Patent OWce.Washiagtsa, D.C. t'.u verer of this wonderful remedy cure. Send for list of testimonials.! •*pip?r or periodical published in Address. F. J. Cheney, it Co.,. *|the United States .'e«»rd:i>g your case without cost to A FREE PATTERN you betnnd the regular price of Toledo, O Jorgenson repairs watch»« and Sold by Druggists, 7-5c. -NUFFLES” the "GUARAN­ (tour <»vrn ■***! f < inri»• i » evri r ajd •»4.1 « ber Oui* «.«IH» a ve^r. Hall’s Family Pills are the h*»»t. dorks Work guaranteed. TEED CATARRH Cl'RJL” ,, Sent prepaid to any address in the I niteij States or Canada on re- TO CVBK A COLD IN ONB DAY 0 .'••ipt of One Dollar Address Dept Take Laxative Bromo Quinine lU'.H EDWIN B GILES A- COM­ PANY. 2330 and 2332 Market Tablets All d ruggists refund the -tree!. Philadelphia. A 1ADIIS’ MAGAZIW. money if it foils to cure. E. W.. A tert'iiifitl carrawl la Ito field. Anaoas U* eenl.-lbwl-n the m et n led ivulhern w Her* appear Joel i.bawdier Harria, Marry SUI wall etwarda ini nihert of trowlny lama. Sorta* «torte* Wem AnChoay Moe«. «Saeriea l»«*etp>e-i. Sidney ». t rack el I. Mr*. Ge rp« c*rM I aad A rib er W. Mar *h at eat kava . ye >> ed. .nd oihoia are I« wtiuat from the pei elawtbon W MUoaa neto A • * ri «lory u>a eat b eu;fal uel aaem lr ffiww Seuaaffirwffi «plonktM ■tnrloa. all worthy a placala BXw SVNNT SOUTH'S readable ■units. < th r unteli* are cnete ut put tad fka' will >e ceetfally nipkfft Ihe rio* field of tetani llul only noeta seo» taeteriae te Uiwalra*» Ute wool’.» that la ar. ••»art llaelt. BAw SUNNT SOUTH looiwa wKH Ute Ule ol t*a y real tooth The tai tenth Ji* warm* evorylhlfta Into acUvMy aad Ike aeaaoa a oarer com a to check the Lead of la Juatry. Tke papa- com is freer»« wM Ike breath of maonolte and pina. i»d yives net Ike very air of lisa o*ai ee pe m arte key beauty and palhje. tea rumines and mytlary of Ike Uad wham Ike uorn •lore* up the F'Men aettahlae an I tee ooUou wcHowaln Ike kweallvh , wtl be «Ivon In Ihewnli nnol utlnaina ortete kwaibat weekly. The auMrrtptloi* pr«ca Is Only Flflr Cwoa«w a year, alfte lo ari pe saos. as'Sts. newspaper!, penlmatteri aad v4«dae «• H.00 — t K b - W eekly 1 i 4 tei { SI.00: O cea H. : Tke Gieatffikt Rspubiican Paper ot tha Waat. • T it tb* moat atahrait eed untaerviag ItepuHKee Weahly pas • Lahe.1 ton tor fa«r aa a { «nd the Best eS Lar rant 1-itsraturs. pJEZ-41 It ia Morally Clean, and as a Family Paper is Witbeat a Pear. Ita Literary Lolumat are a^aal to those ot the heat atagaaiaaa. Ha Youtu'a l/epartaieat ia the f neat of ita hied......................... Il i>ela«a to l»'tamlv the sir. of tlaa Vat Ira W arid Ul »Iva» tke b< at snU heat diseaaatuoa o* all i|waa«l»M «T Iks t>kr- Ytea lar e v ar givua rwelw fra of rsodln« oiataor rwiaM week ui.l be,,,« . nt. .krd In h>ew«o to boiler adapSod to ten naodo of lb» poogia weal nt Ik» Altovkaav Mawotolwa l*ao aag o»HW* kagaee •1.00 CASTOR IA od real C7>a SUNNY SOUTH, Atlant W <>rk oft* the Cold. Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets • ure a cold in one day. No Cure, N > jay. I’rice 25 cents. Lôrcw**m** (^trr U.(W. •!.<>• i For Intuits and Children. • Ih Kind You Hivi Always Bought Mears the SJffi'waüilUO OÍ Ki Kt k * Tit Dully am Sunday Ml t!OM of The Inter Ocean un the best of tije«r tnd. .. ♦ I i