A Local and General. I Extra dr,/ |r4rfalKted cane sugar 12 pounds for 41. N. Brown A Kona. Hupt John Gilchrist waein Burns Jess Davis come in with the bal­ Monday lot botes from Pine creek Wed Gerald Griffin is up from Nar­ oesday. rows today C. R. Petersoa and Wm. Ford Flour! Flour! 11.50 a sack. N, esme in from Crane Creek Monday Brown A Sons. on busineM Fred Downing is spending a few A swell line of ladies dress goods days in town. for Kummer just received by N JoLn John Budel nan'« new rasi- along the river. But they are now | dcruw. tonal) Court t*r«M>r«- allowed one deputy for three was in Burna this week, Turnbull has purchased the Bil- months commencing June 1, l*J02 lingsly property in Barren Valley. Thoa. Sagers has resigned his at •*•<> [>er month. position at The Capitol and is BUC- I i the matter of raising the grade R. B. Jackron, bookkeej>er at OO on the road running East from the ceeded by Jcsee Fergerson. ranch, brought in the election re­ Burns Drug Store HARNEY VALLEY ITEMS. BOEBa BIGS PEACE TREATY port ean be provided and means of - ------ subsistence assured. Briton mid Boer «top Their “Third—The burghers so return- Entire Htate Ticket Elected by Lour «igbt-Terms of Fem e. ¡ng wj|l DOt be deprived of their Large Major tie* With the Et« i personal liberty or property. rept Ion of Governor Aitor nearly two years and eight, ..Foartll_Xo proceeding, civil or The election Monday shows that months of a war in which the; crjn>ioaji will be taken against any British tried its uttermost to w’I* i burghers surrendered nr returning Harney County is safely in the Re­ the Boers fro® the list of nations. for anr McU ¡n conhect5on with (he publican column. The entire coun­ the conflict in South Africa has at. proMculion of Uie wtr. The bene- ty ticket is elected with the excep­ laat drawn to • doeo By the siga-, c|gu#e extend to tion of Hughet for Clerk. Returns ing of the treaty of |>eace last Sat­ certain acts contrary to the usages from the state show that Chamber- urday. The terms are as follows: j of war, which had been notified bv lain is elected Governor by a small “His Exoallency, I^rd Milner; the Cominatider-in-Chief to the majority, and the Balance of the His Eqcelleney. Mr. Steyn; General Boer Generals, and which shall l>e ticket republican by about 10.000. Bremner, General C. R. Dewet and tried by court-martial after the e'< as Williamson's majority will be at Judge Hertzog, acting io behalf of ef hostilities. least 5,(XX). Rand is elected Joint the Orange Free State, and General Fifth—The Dutch language will Senator and Teel Joint Reprcaen- Schalkburgher, Generil Delarey be taught in the public schools of tative. Below we give the official acting for their respective burgh­ Continued on Second page. ers, desiring to terminate the pres­ count of Harney Couuty : XOTICB FUB PUftLUJATIOK. ent hostilities, agree to the follow­ U. to. Senator: | U. S, L*s«l Offtee. Beras, Or . May a>, lWi Geer, rep. 481 ing terms: | | Miee ii ibat fellewiur ... . .. . --.«--A- «. . .----- ’ J Wood, dem. 434 "The burgher forces in the field um»* . «»tti«« «•• site sotte* >< hie intentiaa will forthwith laydown their arm. ' * -*• la .«eeon «< fci. si»*-.. Governor: that m eel* yraal ( will te be ate« batsr« balers K««i«- Ba(i>- , ii ■ ■ * j ate ttet IS p'*« 42G; and band over all their guns, rifles t«r L’hnmberlain, dem. «»4 K«e«.««r u >vw. or«««« •» an«n«t 1 --------------------------------------------------- .--------------------- 4M: and ammunition in their posses-, i 2, l»Si. vis Furnish, rep. Kilter. bl sion or under their control, desist, Hd Entry Na Usert Hunsaker, pro. 7H. for »ha HW'^XXt., •• S 451 from further resistanos and ac­ XW‘4 ate VW>4*W%, Bae 1J, Tp ». *. KII Ryan, aoc. Ma ramaitha fellewtnf wituaasaa la erase knowledge King Edward VII as hla eontiaueue raeiSaaee uyoa and mUlvatias Supreme Judge: Bean, rep. 4M their lawful sovereign. The man­ ef tai* land, vis: Fart banion, Edward Howard. Joaapli Lamb, Bonham, dem. 42« ner and details of the surrender ate Edser L. Saade, all <>t Uetwtrr. Oreyon Ww. E ssas . U»-fi.ier. Bright, pro. IS will be arranged between Lord Kitcheuer and Commandaot-Gen- Secretary of State: I r, • . I L r- I t, | BOTICA EOS rVBUCATtoa. Barxee, sue. 50 eral Botha, assisted bv General I>e-! i nv c m . r\ V 8. Late «ttea. Bur»«. Or««»» J»»«. -1»*-’ 14 larey and Chief Cdmmandant De-> Xollc- u M,r,b, fl„. thal IUa fun.wlu< Davis, pro. saiite «attur Sa« Site »»tie« •/ hi« iateall«» 4G2 wet. Dunbar, rep. ,.c< > . I, , , io wak« So.1 mou ( in ««ppon o< bl« «lata ate 391 Sears, dem. second All burghers outside ^ro>H Mvera, aoc. «®4 Ute. Til: of the [Msition of subjects of His •t Julia Supt. Public Instruction: Wrtti>r«w««r. ori>g»;>. 455 Majesty, be brought back to their »nJ Ackerman, rep. F», Farro. E*gi»l«r •¡7| homes as soon as means of traus- Kelsey, pro. 422 i Wann. dcui. Attorney General: 44?; (.'rawford, rep, Goyne, pro. 91 Raley, dem. 42S I We are receiving new and fresh stock nearly every day—freih State Piinter: 1 line of Groceries, Ladies' dress goods. Shirt waists. Wrappers, Brooks, pro. 14 Gents* Furnishing Goud«. Shoes, Hats, Childrens' apparel, etc. Godfrey, dem. 394 1 Give us your ocderv. We will fill them at bottom «icics*. Hosmer, soc. 49 j Whitney, rep. 442 ! Congress. 2nd Diet.: Butcher, dem. _ 383 ,________ „ L ____ „ ________ ~_________.______________ Gerdes, hoc . 45 Spalding, pro. 12;1 Wiliiauisou, rep. 470. The bar is supplied with none Joint Senator: ’ j Lut (he very best bunds of Rand, rep. 472 . 1 , • - Wines, Liquore and Carbonated 427 ¡ Seuith, dem. i# • > drink«, and the Choicest Cigars. Joint Representative: I 1 « New Goods! New Goods! Lunaberg & Dalton Windsor Your patronage solicited. I’almtr, rep. 3*8 turns from Warm Spring precinct Teet. dem. On July 1 the salary of the Hunt­ 51« Courteous treatment to all ington postmaster will be reduced Tuesday, and is spending a few County Judge: Next to French ¿L.tel. 443; days in town. We are informed Byrd, from $1100 to 01000 a year. Mr. Jackson is aspiring to the dep­ I-event, .507 CALDWELL A BYRD. F M Jordan has gone to the i uty clerkship. t Clerk: Proprietor*. desert country to select and survey I Hugbet, The Windsor Bar is now located a government reservoir site. Rieder, on the corner north of the post­ Al Weatherly and Dr. C. K Sheriff : office. The openiug in new quarters Standloe, of Drewsev, spent several Allen, was celebrated Sunday evening bv days in town during the week. Shelley, serving a free lunch with drinks, Assessor: Frank Turner and John Jenkins a hich from appearances were en­ L. UOLDENBERG, SR., Prt^rietor. Alberson, 403; were in from Happy Valley Tues­ joyed by a large crowd. The services of a btwwer of long years experience has been -se­ Loggan, 5.V! day on business before the land of­ The work of setting the poles I cured and the product ofciiis Brewery in.of the best grade in the Treasurer: fice. i and putting up the wire for the Inland Empire. Place a trial order and you will tuii be disap­ Dal ion, Robt Irving and Tom Vickers, of I electric light system progressed pointed. Miller. Harney, arrived from the railroad j rapidly during the week. It is BURNS, OREGON Commissioner: this week with freight for Burns ! thought the work will be complet- Callow, uiercuanta. ' ed in about two weeks, and the Miller, Jorgensen is still tn the front ' plant ready for business. Surveyor: with low prices. Call and see his F. D. Barrows expects to leave Jordan, line of watches, cloeks. jewelry, next Tuesday for John Day, where Neal, stationary, etc. he has accepted a position Johnson, Angevin" een elocks. Work guaranteed. lair one he beguu: “1 hope weeouu thia office. i changed and the oflice at that place shall have a little sun.” But she L. Freeman, u brother of Mrs. I. i discontinued. The people in Cat- Service« at Christian Science to whom the weather gave no pain, Schwartz, arrived from Portland ; low now get their mail at Andrews Hall, corner east of the Bank, every who moat about her future state this week and has accepted a posi­ a distance of 30 inilas. Suudar at 11a. iu. and 8 p.m. did think, replied with a rogueieh tion with the liriu cf Schwerte A Mr. and Mrs. J. I). Billingsly, of Service Wednesday evenings at 8. smile, “I’d rather have a daugh­ Budel mau. Cord, wore iu Burns Ibis week mak­ i TO TRADE.—Desirable town ing tiual proof on Mrs. Billiugsly's ter.” Ta etas a cold aw «>■■ day » - — property consisting of goed house, desert claim. We are informed Take Laxative Bromo Quiniuo Ntep tlw Ceiiffte five lots, barn, woodshed and chick­ that while here Mr. Billingsly be­ Tablets. All druggiata refund Che awd Werk »ff the Cold. en Incuse, g->od well. Good locatiuu. gan aui I against the P. L. 8. Co , money if it fails to cure. E. W. fixative Brooao-Quiuine Tablets To trade for rauch property. En­ for possession of a tract of land in Grove’s signature is en each box. cure a cold in one day. No Cure, Hie Devine oasloa«n at ALraxd. quire at this olii co. .5 N j juy. Price 25 cesta. 8w«ek lane. It appearing that the first half tail« of said lane is too low and should I m * raised G inches, the work is awarded to John E. Johnsen for • 15G. In the matter of counting ami destroying sealps. The court find- ind that ths clerk had received 524 scalps ami paid th«refor 41O4H, or- | dened the scalps destroyed. In the matter of the petition of M Horton for liquar license. The same granted for a <>eriod «f eix months commencing June 4. In the matter of tlie resignation of John H. Neal as county survey j or. Aeoepted. In the matter of the petition of F. N. Averill for a franchise te plant aim ! maintain Electric Light poles within ths limits of the county road. The same granted. In the matter of the petition of i J L. Cary eC ale. for changes in thr ' «•ouuty r<»ad. Fetitiou filed for a, change in the county road on Crane Creek in this county. Matter re- i ferred to Road Master. Harney Valley Brewery * * , .1 >1 a 4