Harney valley items. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 188?-19??, June 07, 1902, Image 2

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Editor Harnev Valley Item«
The Ohio legislature has j tint
Dear Sir—I received a cepy of passed a new tax law which pro
your paper May 24th fur which ac­ vide« that ail quasi public corpora­
cept thanks. In it I read the text' tions shall pay into the public
treasury a tax equal to one per cent
of a new bill for the leasing of the
of their incomes, and that all pri­
¡open ranges From the conditions vate corporations, formed for the
set fourth in the proposed bill one purpose of profit, must pav into the
would suppose it was introduced treasury equal to one-tenth of one
Noir for tbs Fourth.
bv others than large corporations, per cent of their capital stock. It
is estimated that the two bills will
for it discriminates strouglv against
something over $2,000,000 a
Thirty-four rotea at 15 apiece.
corporations, when in Sec ., 6 it pro­
the revenue of the state,
<170-— From a Barns heeler’« mem­
poses to bar out all corporations but they have even greater import­
from leasing any of the open range ance than this fur t hev are simply
country. Now supposing such a steps in Governor Nash’s taxation
What grinds the defeated cai.di-
bill could be passed which is very plan, which will, when fully car­
•late most, it to know that profess-
doubtful, how quickly the large live ried out, result in an entirely new
in« irienda and associatos were the
stock corporations would take an organization of the tax system of
. a ise of his dofeat.
appeal before the Supreme Court Ohio. A feature of Governor Nash's
of the United States, where they > plan is th it as soon as possible and
The fine new manual training usually win their cares and where'
as soon as practical, direct proper­
school erected at Washington, D. C. it most likely would be decided as
ty taxation as a source of revcuue
has been named in honor of Presi uncontitutional, for it surely would
for th* state government shall be'
deut McKinley, who took an inter­ be to deny members of a corpora
entirely abandoned, thus forcing
est in the technical education of tion rights which other citizens are
all of the expense of conducting
ihi- country.
granted bylaw. The people of this the state government and the state
country had a fair example of this institutions upon the corporations.
It is said that every man has his ! when Congress passed an Income
Governor Nash, who has been a
price. We will not dispute the Tax Law several years ago. Cor- student of the question of taxes for
truth of the assertion, but tome poiations never fail to get what is manv years, and has given esj-ecial
men come very cheap For in­ due them in the wav of privileges thought to conditions as they exist
stance thirtv-four votes were luiught and generally they get much more in Ohio, explains that when the
m this precinct Monday at prices I can't see any merits whatever in corporations are paying the expen­
¿ranging from <2 to <15, the aver­ the bill herein proposed First, it ses of the state. profxrtv taxes, both
does not in any wav provide for real and personal, will be left to
age price being 15.
the pruttetion and improving of the city and county governments
our deplete-! open ranges, a matter exclusively, thus doing away with 1
The democratic papiers which a
of the greatest importance to the a state board of equalization, and
gain raise the cry of “truculent sy­ people of the whole country, Al
giving to each city and county al)
cophancy’’ anent the gift of a stat­ the rate our native grasses are be­
of the taxes raised in that city and
ue bv Emperor William should ing tramped out by great herds of
come to their senses and realise migratory sheep, raising beef ani­ countv. He points out taat still
another feature of his plan is tu
that European friendliness to this mals on the open ranges will soon
lew a tax of two and one-half per
country is more likely to mean the be a thing of the past. Then what
cent on all premiums paid to foreign
spread of republican principles than will the price of beef be on theblock.
insurance com panics thus encourag­
the decay of them.
N ods but the v»ry rich will be able ing the home companies, and br-ng
to buy it. Second, as this bill pro­ ing a revenue of $<S6u,0U0 for the
The Republicans have won the vides nothing in this law shall pro­ state from outside sources The
entire county ticket with the ex­ vent a person or a “corporation” plans of Governor Nash are quite
ception of County Clerk. The mass from grazing their stock on the pub­ radieal, and it will be interesting
lic domain not yet leased Who to note just how the new system
of the Republican voter« of this
would want to pay as high as six accomplishes results.—Ex,
county will wonder whv it was not
cents per acre? A price entirely
made stra.ght. For Clerk they had
prohibitory which every stoeksaiser
Dr. Edward Everett Hale «aye
a mau nominated, against whom no
knows when he can use the that the three duties of humanity
one could utter with truth a single I
range for nothing, as he has deme during the present century are: I,
objection; a man of unblemished
heretofore, a condition which ought the building of railroads, one from
record, for truth, honesty and in­
never to be chang-d. Third, what Labrador to Patagonia, the “Cape
tegrity; a man tar superior to his
could a person or corporation do to Cairo,, road, and one from the
opponent intellectually or morally,
in the way of raising stock if limit­ Atlantic to the Pacific across Europe
and a man of the people, yet he
ed to an area of 3200 acres, only and Asia ; 2, to determine the
was defeated, and all his associates
think of that and see the absurdity rights in the race question between
on the same ticket elected by fair
and impractability of such a law whites, negroes and Orientals ; and,
majorities. Ws ask, Why?
Some Eastern Representative must 3, to bring about universal peace
have concocted that bill who knows
Senator Mitchell has secured nothing of the conditions pertain­
The democrats are saying that if
from the Interior Deportment a I ing to raising stock on the open
get a sound platform and then
favorable report on his bill for the ranges, when it takes about 100
all th«- divisions of the party
relief of the Sherman County set- acres of average outside range to vote for it they ruay win at the
t!*re. and on this it is expected the keep one cow. Very little could be
next national election. This is like
Senate coiumttee will report the accomplished under such a law and
Irish doctor who remarked that
hill to the Senate. The bill is in­ it would prove to be a dead letter.
patient lived until morning
tend’d to benefit settlers whoenter- As it appears to uie this bill now be might pull through; but if he
’•d upon and improved land within proposed is not worthy of any con­
did not there was no hope fur hiiu
the grant in The Dalles Military sideration by the committee on
Wagon Iioad Company, which lands public lands, and f dout believe it
The emancipation of Cuba, con­
sre also within the withdrawal for will get anv further than that.
and carried out under re-
the Northern Pacific Railroad What the interests of the open
regime will stand as an
<'<nnpanv. and comprise that por- ranges need is government control
monument to the party
•iim ot its grant whict was forfeited and supervision of our giaxing sec­
and generous ex peri-
be-aline <>f noneonstruction. Rep- tions with proper regulations and
i restrictions' limiting'ihe number of. ment in international hi.tory-iuak-
re-eutative Moody is pushing a like
»tock to what every district win ! »'‘g ehette commendation for this
hili in the House which he will
support without deteriorating so as | countr^ ^r0,n l^e peoples uf the
|.-oba'-ly get through.
to kill out our native grasses, also wor^ I-
How To
Gain Flesh
^division of t he ranges between cat-
' tie and sheep This will not only pre­
serve our now fast disappearing
' native farage plants, but will put a
stop to al) further disputes over
grating grounds.
We want no
i lease law no matter how it may be
framed, government control will
settle the “range problem” for all
time to come, and leave the public
> domain open as it should be for
all future settlement.
Very truly your«,
Charles Becker.
Westfall. Or.. June 3. 1902
Persons have been Known to
$ain a pound a day by taking
an ounce of SCOTT’S EMUL­
SION. it is strange, but it often
Somehow the ounce produces
the pound; it seems to start the
digestive machinery going prop*
crly, so that the patient Is able
to digest and absorb his ordinary
food, which he could not do be*
Chile has adopted a new liquor
lore, and that is the way the gain law that is attracting world-wide
is made.
: attention. Saloon licenses are sold
A certain amount of flesh is every three year« to the highest
necessary for health, if you have bidder.
Liquor cannot be «old
not got it you can get it by within 200 yard« of achurch, school
barrack«, place of amusemtnt or
I railway station, no- on train« ; nor
You will Find it just as usdul In summer
•« hi winter, «nd if you are thriving upon
it don’t stop because the weather is warm.
VX. and fi .<ir>, all ifvugguts,
r-".V f a j IMW.,1, < :u...b.a, N.e V.A
Mr. Patterson of Colorado I13H
spoken on the floor of the Senate-
over 650 times in the past five
month«. He is a “howling exam­
ple’’of what is lomuionly known
as “legislation by the mouth” so
prevalent among democratic states­
men during the present session.
to minor«; nor between the hour«
of midnight and 6 a. m. No one 1
in any way intereated in a liquor
license is eligible to public office
and gvery distillery has a govern­
ment chemist to iuatire the purity
uf the product,
Continued from Third page.
the Transvaal and Orange River
Colony, where the parents desire I
it, and will be allowed in the courts |
of law, for the better and more ef- i
feetual administration of business.
-Sixth—Possession of rifles will |
be allowed in the Transvaal and I
Orange River Colony to persons re­
quiring them for their protection,
on tak ing out a license, according |
to law.
“Seventh—The military admin- i
istration of the Transvaal and
Orange River Colony will, at the
earliest possible date, be succeeded
by a civil government, and, so
soon as circumstances permit, rep­
resentative institutions leading up
to sell’government will be intro­
“Eighth- Ths question of grant- ,
ing the franchise to natives will
not be decided until after the tn-1
troduction of self-government.
'“Ninth — No special tax will be
imposed on land pr«|>erty in the
Transvaal or Orange River Colonv
to defray the expenses ut the war
“Tenth—As soon as the eondi* |
tioi.a permit it, ? committee on
which the local inhabitants will be
represented in each district of the
Transvaal ami Orange River Colonv,
under the supervision of a magis­
trate or otherwise for the pur,>u»eot'i
assisting people to their homes,
and for those who are not able tu
provide for themselves, etc . India
pensable to the resumption of their (
norn.il occupations, Hit Majesty’s
government will place at the dis-1
posal of these commissions the;
sum of £3,000,000 sterling and will ,
allow the notea issued under the
law uf 1900 of the South African
Republic, md all receipts given up
to officers in the field of the late
republics, or under their orders, to '
be presented to u judicial commis­
sion, which will be appointed by
the government, and if such notes'
and receipts are found by this com- |
mission to hsve been duly issued
in return for valuable considera­
tions, they wilt be received by the :
first-named commissions as evi-,
deuces of war losses auliered by the
persons to which they were, origin­
ally given In addition to t|ie a-
bove named free grant of £3,000,
000 sterling, Ills* Majesty’s govern­
ment will lie prepared to make ad­
vances on loans for the same pur- J
pose, free of interest for two years,
ami aflerwarps repayable, over a
period of years, with 3 per cent
interest. No foreigner or rebel will
be entitled to benefit under this
A WORTHY ______
The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which han boon
in use A>r over !IO years, lias borne tho slgnatnm of
mid Ims been Hindi» under Ills por-
hoiiii I Mip«-ri Isloii h ! ii «-<' Its liiAllicy,
Allow no iiiio I«»deedi «' yoil In thia.
All Coiintvrtelt.s, Imitation* mill “JuM-.i «*g«Hid’’tire but
l-lxperliiK-nts that trillo with mill ondulim i* tin« lioultb of
Influita mid Children-Experience ugnimi Expt rbneuk.
What is CASTGr{!S
Oaaforlii la n harmless stilili Hute lot* x
ft v i «I, > .u-
gorlc, l»r«>|»s mid Suotliing Kyriips. Il • Cl.si-.anl. It
contain* neither Opium, Morphine u<>.- «.«Ini X.n.•<><<<
Hiibstiiii«-«'. Its in*«» Is Its gliuriiule«*. <1 ;l<- ■
< rt -.-nb
mill lllltijs l-’ev rrikllli’*«». It cur« s ! hi ho « .m.l Wind
Colic. It relieve* Teething Troubles, it.. t .a .t. u «*‘«*>
anil I’ltitiileiiey. Il iis»liullutes th«- I oxi i i. *’
Moniti« It mill Bowel*, giving health)
Th«- C'hil<lrc-i*N l’anaceil - Tho Mother’ . I . mt.
Bears tho Signal n
1 . M KIEOKft.
hec'y hm «1 Treat.
it. FITZGEItAl.n.
E. 0. T. G. CO.
I ucorporu’cd.
Abstracts Furnished and Title Guarantee«! to al! Lands iu l.aracy
“Something Mew 1'nder the Sus.
Bought and Sold on Cutumitsion.
Office in-Bank Building.
All doctors havo tried to cure
0ATARRH by the use of powders,
acid gases, inhalers and drugs in 1
paste furm. Their ¡>uwdcre dry up
the mucuous membranes causing
them to crack open and Vive»! The
powerful acids used in the inhalers
have entirelv eaten away the same
membranes that their makers have
aimed to cure, while pastes and
weekly new.puper, read airwoet entirely by f»r.u«-r», and teaa anjayeo the roaf!
ointments cannot reach the disease
>ler < a and nopi-'.rt of the American ;>»<>;>.a tu a degree never attained by any
An old and experienced practioncr
aiiuilar publication. THE
who has for many years made a
close study and specialty of the
ia made ar.eulutcly fur farmer« and ti.eir familic«. The Aral number waa iwued
treatment of CATARRH, has at
November 7th, ltfUl.
last perfected a Treatment which
Ev-ry de,Mirtinent of agricultural in l-.a*ry ia cuverrtl bv «tHelal rontributora
who are leader, in their re.pe. tive line., and th.-TltYHRN*F. FARMKIt will be
when faithfully used, not only re­
in every «enae a liiahclaea, up tu date, live, anler|ntaing agricultural paper, pro
lieves at once, but permanently
finely |llu«trate«i with pii-turea uf live at... k n.ixirl farm binldin«a and hutuae,
cures CATARRH, by removing th-
agricultural machinery, etc.,
cause, stopping tbs discharges, and
Farmer«' wives, «on« and .langhteni will And epecial pege. for entertainment.
curing all inflammation. It is the
Regular price |] ,s-t year, with IT) Mb |1 ¿0. Addnae 111 MH, 1 mua Or.
only remedy known to science that
actually reaches the afflicted parts
ibis wonderful remedy is known
sold at the extremely low price of
W. E. 7AI3CH, PreprisCcr.
One Dollar, .a h package contaii •1
ing internal and external medicine
sufficient for a full month’s treat- '
ment and everything necessary to g<F“Drinks mixed to suit your taate. Courteous treatment gnaranled
its perfect use.
Y’our patronage Solicited.
“SNUFFLES” is the only per­
fect CATARRH CURE ever made
an«l is now recognised as the only
safe and positive cure for that an­
noying and disgusting disease. It
cures all inflanintion quickly and
permanently and is nlso wonder
RnnQowm^oTk_______ _
fully quick to relieve HAY' FEVER
« u X-Kif r<;vo FXrffis.*‘ur*1 >8 *• >15
by ua al one-half rust. Ft
or COLD in the HJCÁD.
1900 and 1901 Models
|7 fo |||
CATARRH when neglected often
(Jalaloyws with largo yiAolor/rapAin tnyravinq» sou
full detailed sped flcat ion« tent fret to any mhln-ai.
lead a to CO NS U M PT I ON — ‘S N U F
We SHIP ON APPROVAL to anyone in U S.
FEES” will save you if you use it
or Canada
a onl in advance and allow
at once. It is no ordinary remedy,
but a complete treatment which is
ISO S*/*Ar In ordering from uh , as you do not
positively guarmteed to cure
need to pay a cent if tho bicycle does not suit you.
CATARRH in any form or stage
soo seoomu - haud
taken tn trade by r.ur Cblcam* retalitl orwa. £4
if used according to the directioi s
standard makes, tueny anud aa new.
Tires, e.,ul pment. so »dries,.porti n< eoode M all kind,
which accompany each package.
ourbTgfr*« ■■■WryeeialM. A verM .r IsferawM-.n
Don’t delay but send for it at once
I bicycle. In your hpara 11 me jrou can make WMF U>
and write full particulars as to I
I w< '•»tlr NtsU)«* bartatf a wheel tn rhki for youreelr.
1er«» I
town to dist ribute t atalo<ur*i for us in
your condition, and you will re­
Write t
* our epsM-ial nirer.
ceive special advice from the dis- '
covi-rer of this wonderful remedy
regarding your erfse without dost to
you beyond the regular price of I
Sent prepaid tu any address in
the United Slates qr Cgna^ia en re­
ceipt of Due Dollar Address Dept
PANY, 2330 and 2332 Market I
Street. Philadelphia
The Capital Saloon
M£0, III.
L f