Harney valley items. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 188?-19??, May 31, 1902, Image 2

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    MiwrM-<**s4<rtw -wrnrnrnrrt«
Republican State Ticket.
W. J. ITRN1SIL of Pendlet.«n.
Supreir.e .1 u-ige,
R. S. BK AN. of Lane C.
S.-cretary <«f State,
I . 1. Dl’N BA R. ol .\storia.
t'H AS. i
Mtu »RE. ■ :* Kl-unath.
Attorney (lein ral.
A. M. CRAWl-'ORI». of Dougla»
-' :
J H At'KERMAN.ot Multmmiah.
State Printer.
J R. WHITNEY, ofLinn.
Comzress, 2mi District,
J. N. WILLIAMSON. l’rim >. ilie.
Joint Senator,
Baker, Malheur ami Harney Co.
J. I.. RAND, of B iker City.
Joint Representative.
Malheur and Harney • ounti .-.
FRED. J. PALMER. Mai. tur Co
Republican County Ticket.
( 'mint v J udg«
IL (’. LEYEN*. of Burn«.
THOMAS ALLEN, of Narrows.
R. T. IH’GIIET, of Narrows.
R A. MILLER, of Burns.
JOHN E. LOGGAN. of Harnev.
< ’ommi.’sioner.
C. T. MILLER, of Lawcn.
J. H. NEAL. <>f Burn«.
Coro nor,
DR. W. L. M ARSDEN, of B -
Juitics of the Peace. Burns Pre­
Following ir tlu- republican plat­
form in full, as adopted at Portland
on Wednesday. April 2d. by the
State Republican eonvi ntior
The republican partv of Oregon,
in state convention
proud of its ree jrd and past iii.-1. ,rv.
its devotion to the principles <.f
ionn.tii iiM-riv and human :: 'be.
it« g«»-at and .mpf rish i1.!»- names
which lend luster and glory to the
Atueriean r’.*iti< n at hou<- and a-
niong the nations of the < ;nth. ami
a* an assurance «.fit- emtin■ e«l li -
«lelitv to the great prim iyi.--. for
How To
Gain Hesh
Persons have been onev.n to
gain a pound a day by taking
an ounce of SCOTF’S EML’L-
LION. It is strange, but it cftcA
Somehow the ounce produces
(he pound; it seem: to start ths
digestive machinery going prop­
erly, so that the patient is able
to digest and absorb his ordinary
food, which he < ouid not do be­
fore, and that is the way the gain
is made.
A certain amount of flrsh is
necessary for health; if you have
not got it you can get it by
You will find it j-z_t &> usdu! i i suirjr.cr
•s in winter, / nd i. you are thrivir.y upon
it don’t stop beams« the weather ú warra.
and f i,. o, ./J ¿rr <• ! .
* â lir-v '
which it iiu contend. I in the p ist
in fate and National affair4. docs
hereby make and ntlirm the follow­
ing declaration of its principles:
The events of the late war w ith
Spain carriel us into Hit« Philip­
pine Islands.
We hold it to be
consist, nt with the principles of
liberty and of our National lit«
that the sovereignty of the Pnited ,
States should be maintained in the
island4, under such local self gov­
ernment a.» the people mav bo. or
may become, fitted to participate
in. We therefore deciare against
all pr. posa's looking to the retire­
ment of the Pnited Stat, a from the
Philippine Islands
That in ti e war wl.i.h President
Rjosevelt has inaugurated ngiiust
the giganti»’ combinations of ineor-
rated capital he has the united
and enthusiastic support of the re­
publican partv of Oregon.
We demand and insist upon the
passage of the bill now- j- mling in
congress, f.»« the exclusion of Chi­
rr sc. known -is the M «. -hell Kahn
exclusion bill.
We reailirm our allegiance to the
principles .«fprotection in noecssaty
cases of industries still in their in­
fancy or unable to .omp.-te with
foreign productions.
We recognize the right of labor
to organize and con.bine for mutual
protect:, n under the law. and we
recommend thav the legislature en­
act neees-arv leg slatton to protect
labor in all its rghtsand privileges,
lu the interest of American lai«or
ami the upbuilding of the working­
man ns tin corner stone of the pros­
perity of our country, we recom­
mend that congress create a de­
partment of labor in charge of a
secretary, with n seat in the cabi­
Wc demand that a law be passed
by the next legislature placing nil
public officers of this state upon
reasonable salaries, which shall lot
be increased «hiring the incum­
bent’s term of oilice. ami ie-yond
such salary they shall receive r.o
compensation as fee« or otherwise-
In order to promote the develop­
ment of the mineral resources of
the state, we are in favor of the
creation ami maintena ice of a min­
ing bureau by the state.
We declare our approval ami sup­
port «>: the suggestions of ¡’resilient
Roosevelt for th« irrigation of the
ari»l lands of the country. This
work should be undertaken bv the
I nitc-'l States as soon as possible,
ami carried forward on a consist­
ent plan under the direction of the
general government.
We urge our retiresentatives in
congress ami senators to use everv
effort to secure, the speed v opening
<>I tlits Columbia river between The
Dalles and Celilo. and for clearing
the river < f all obstructions to nav­
igation from its mouth to the head
i f navigation.
We urg»- also re­
new«! ami cor.tint-.eil effort for im-
pre y.-ment of «.nr coast harlwirs ami
sti i ns within th«- state, ami th«-
si.«-«dv eoi.“trn«-tioii of an i-ihmlau
1'4 F «ui
1 hat ti.<- public land- are th«-
heritage ««I th« euniiiioii p«. pi«- umJ
-im«..«I b< held in trust for tin- use
in «1 benefit of all the p< ople und«-r
II e hoii.est» a«l law.'. We arc there-
lure unalti rally i.pp««»ed to al|
plans. s« h< mes or proposition» for
¡(.•rising public «¡«.main“, either tn
imLviduals or to corporations.
Wc favor a policy by the state
and the I nit« <1 Stales which .“bull
further foster ami support our fish­
eries, and we request the legisla­
ture to enact such further m< asures
as may be found by experience
accessary to obtain this result
We demand and insi.-t upon the
immediate passage by (««mgre-s of
the I nitid State» of the oleomar­
garine bill, known as the new Grout
bill, now pending in the r«-nale
1 hat wc favor the proposed a-
im miment to the state constitution
providing for the initiative ami
referendum, ami recomm« nd its
adoption by the people of the state.
We declare our approval of the
prim-ipl -s of th«« primary law en­
acted by the legislature at the ses­
sion of I'.tOl, an« 1 we ask the legis­
lature to extend this -o that in it»
main features it may apply to pri­
mary elections in all election nr«—
cinct throughout the state.
we further recoin mem) the electi<«n
of Lnit««l States eemi’ora by popu­
lar vote.
The proposal ¡niliutive ar.d r««f
«rcnduin anu-ndm nt to the con-
stitutmn is very simple. It does ;
not abolish the legislature, but it
docs make the whole body of voters
a supreme Icgislatn e laxly. It «gives
ubottt .«<1<H1 voters pow« r to refer to
the people a bill p i“s< d bv tin legN-
lature, ami it gives the same power
to the h gitlature. It gives about1
Si'i'ii voters the same power t«> in- :
tro«l u«e a im a-iife la-ton« the peo­
ple tor their vote that one s<-nator
or oi «• representative has to intro- '
duee it lull iii legislature
Any pro- i
I«-<-<l law submitted to the p«op e
by t!«e legislatuie or by tetitioiil
must have a majority vu'e of the
people before it is adopted. There
are no sprei il elections on laws un I
less ord« red bv the legislature
Th ere is no c\]a«ns» to the tax­
payers. because th«« p< tit'oners I
must pay all the expenses of their
The amendment gives
a majority of th«« people power to
make any law independent of the
legislature, ami to veto or repeal
any act ot t! <• legislature—Ex.
In polities, as in other affairs,
there is n<> trouble with open ot -
poi ent- They are alw u\s t i>p -et-
«•'I. It is the stealthy vengeane •
of the man who is trying to down
his associate! on the ticket t<<
strengthen hi.-owi, chances ot elec­
tion, that isdet« stable to erervon«
But such are
and they are found everywhere
XEWs \i»ll <
Baker t'itv. M.iv -'«■ Ai I o'clock
this morning lire broke out in u
block of fraine buihlings on He« ter
street, in the rear of th-« Episcopal
church.completely destroviu I Lu
mini's barber slop, lliiglu-.--1 uni
est Me office, and a < igar stole. Tin
church u «1 ix»«l!v’s
l>!.-ieksm th
•hop W« «• ;iv< i
I ' |o
•T lmta <
pi t i - a. May
rin Boer
deputili ion is s 1111 Imre, .-md tie
conferences at \’r«'«-iiigii'g continue
Nothing detinit as Io the u a I i
known, but it is b> I « -ved t lie i « ■ • •«>•
liation* art« proc« «ding favorii lv
At th<- ei-lebr ition of Victoria <inv
vester«! iv. a i.irg«- crowd path« te l
in the s«prir«« lu-re, < xpectim.' to
hear a proclamation ol p- ic«- I her«
were no disturbances.
A dispatch from N« w A‘or«l «I it-
<d Mav Jl'i hivs Ex I 1'1 I St lies
Senator Georg«« \\
McBrnl««. <«l
Or««gon. nml Mrs. Laur i \\ dt< r
Schw i-ieht« iil««r«g if lie -nme state,
were iniirri«-«! at the rectorv - I th«
¡Church of the A“e<-nsi'«n. in this
citv. on Satin I iv
Senator John
IL Mitchell, of <h« ;Oll. imi Mrs
1 ' riet Potter Noun
I’ N
• i
w» re pre-« nt at the w e Ming, w Irch
1 w is followed bv a breakfast
Before another i»sue the election
w di I*- over and the result known.
In Harney county the vote wdi be
close on the state ticket, party lilies
being prettv clm-ely drawn. < >n
the county ticket. Im.vev -r, the re­
publicans ar«« mor« -anguineofsui:-
cess, owing to the popularitv. ac-
jUaintanc«* .-md r< •-•■gnized ability
ot th« individuals co:ii|x«sing it.
I i Grumi«-. Or . Muv ''"« -Two
men, IL«'■■
N■ I - -■. m. i J \ ’ , ■
re; t. beating th«-ir wnv on u fr- »•: : « t
train, wer< heal up l«v two white
.n'-ti «tiri i mg-« i i“t we-t ot I! :
IL ’«• rt N--!son wa4 -I «■' ■;>
th« arm tw •
N« !r n “hot tie
negro through tin hr«- i-t ai d I < a I
ami sues L pat I;:-, gi.n >. ,-t: ti-s- ;
•ioinaeh of on«« of tlu« wh t ■ in-n
ami i< sure lu- -hot him as lu «imj -
ed out the ear do >r. Ofli.i r' at-
lookimg alter tiie cus
Th«- »)><• -•
ii;g o.-curr« I at a blind s ling l‘ -.i
tictiLirs nr«- not yet ol t.i n.d«l«-.
t h« Kind v a ’. «. • N .vav t’.iii -tif, mu! wlilch be* been
’<» v. v-, t . hoi io ibe signiitnr« of
.-•!«. I « .i -.i ad - under Id-» |M-r-
• no ■ .i;-.. i\r
- inc<> Its infancy.
A’! «v no
• ■ « «en«
■ <•
««iv. you In tIlla,
- > I '• an« but
All < ««¡nit -iTcit-», in it.iii'.n ulivi “.hi •
; !;<■ Iieidl li of
t'vperinmm s lh.it trilli« with mid cml.i..
lie- 1 i ' vp< rlmcitk
lulaut i am’. Childn :i Vxpi ri -«i. ««
hat is CASTO RIA
sub t
— i .»i • Oil. 1’iire-
(';.-( ««.-in I- i h.«mil»
' . 1*1« .isnut. it
gol ic. !*: • «;> < mid .'•«■•«.t Ilin;-, b»y cup .
«-Olitali: - i. ,t!u r Opium, .'I i | i li -- i. <r < ( • t- N u rcot lo
Mil» 1 .
! i . a-
i : . ; ■ i •« .t« o. •. «;« h y . \x omni
ttnd alh
. . -v. i. 1 , -. . •. « i
-1«. « « 11i«l W lint
< . .
feet bin
-..-<>•« 11 p.ition
« n v. i
- i,;.:..:<■» till- I «lull, regúlate-» Ihn
S « .
-, i- I .
util I l. Uli.- -.1 sleep.
'II. < 1 . ' 11. 's l a ,i.o . -. I ii - U<>t ! < . ' > l i iend.
Nil X u
"'I hope it is nun« e.--irv to say
that no one in the ««ountry e.m be ,
m «re anxious than 1 auj-.-ave per­
haps. Secretary R«»ot-t<’ <lisciv«-r
ami puni.-h every instance of bar­
barity by our troops in the 1’hilip-
pines’’—Pre.-««!« tit
Roosevelt to
Bi.-hup I.awarencu«
President Ruos'-velt in a r<v rit
speech laid rtr«-“S on th«.- value of
intellect ami ability but further
sai«!, "It is a g' o«l ami necessury
thing to l><- ird’-'.ligent: it is a
tcr thing to be straight ami decent
and fearless.”
To insure the miopi :« n of tin Im'
t;at ci-and Refer«nnum am mJment
to the constitution it must have
mor« than IT.tH'ti vete» even if ma
on«- vi.teis east against it. I M not
¡oig< t to o ari; your ballot on tl.
An exchange vuys: That worn« -i
manage men ev«.-ry b«>«lv know-,
but tho-e w ho have leurii* d th«
trrnk are not the ones who are cori­
sta« ily telling ir« print h««w to do
Portland is experiencing ait «-pi-
«lend«: of strikes They are hard
leh.-ons are! usually heir hardest
on tho-e who have nothing to do
with them
If you ar«- still in doubt al out lmvv
to place your vote, r«-u«l the plat­
form» of the two parties. The
«loubt vvid be removed
■ ■
■ I 111 ! I
Err««l J. Palmer is the proper
man to support for Joint. Represen­
See that your ballot is
marked accordingly.
The republican candidates for
county oilices un-all < omp'-tent and
will make excellent officers.
\ ote fur < . T. Miller for Commis­
Imt ative and Refertndum.
. - «JWJ-.-íW S.U4SV C^BTa^
■ Yon ¡'à A^ays Boughi
Ir Use Fc«r Over Û0 Yeais.
• i a i
■* r 1 r:>t t:
,*«« 'v iiiKlTr« is.
H. HI I Zt i:tt \ I I».
1 ‘ r<-«i«lcii l.
A' 1 « ' • 1
•‘So:uclhing New
r aia Gio □i;,uuturo of
1 ■ • : « •
Co intv.
a- ; Ì
More immigrates have c uno to
this country s<> lur this year than
in any similar previous period and
the imlicati r>s are that the entire
year will show more than any in
th«- past twenty. D««pr<ssion in
the old countries couple«! with
prosperity in this i- accountable
tor the lliiiux,
isii.t. » a itiuos
1 t ■ v’l Lu
1 « in L arm y
I niler th«- Sun. '
Bought ami Suivi <«!i t'o:i ■:
Otbci m Bank Building.
All doctors have ‘rii«! to «-tin
CATARRH l«v th-- u*-« of p-«w-i«r-.
a«-i«i glides, inhslers ami dr'igs in
past«- form. Th« ir powders <lry tip
the mticuo-:4 m«-m««ranes m-.i ■
them to era« k open and I lc- 1 1 «
powerful ai-i-is used in tin mil ;!« I
have « titiri lv mien away th s.'iim-
mem'«rants that tli - ¡r mnk«-r 1. i.«
- « \ . u o l t .IX ;. 11 N I« I.< .-n * mil lonal
Iiimt-'l to cure, while pi-ti-- ai d
> I - u i-
uu'l b .- eiiporii the conti
««;i:tmei.ts eunm«t r< neb thedi-« n-i
«« .. — „lie la-vvr ull.UitW'l l«y Any
Ari r>l«l an«l <-x[«-rii-ncui pra«-':« r
i- miliar ¡ '« c .c. i..
who has f««r imitiv year« ma«ie a
elm»«« study u'i'l specialty oft; «
• < «i fun..
Ihr I rtl mi . ih L r un» i<nue«l
tr«-;<tm« t of < ATARRIL has
^ovriuhrr 7Ui, ! »'•!.
last [ "i I-- •!( «1 a li i-itiniir which
• '1 • f « ! I v
t i « J i mil i i'ititorx
when f.iithfuilv us««l. not only i«--
'i Î
.1 th« r •
I Ir. Ì 1:111! \| I \KMEI< uill I»O
iicyes at. on o, bat permain ntlv
1,1 » v • »
i f. . 'i
i *'• ii . i
. t.’i » nt -itii.' .iji hulturil |»i|M«r pro-
■ ' 1 * ’ *’• '
Lilin I
uud hoiiivs,
cures < 'ATARRIL by removing tic-
aericuhiit i! maci.irir» \.
( a««s .
l i; • «1 isi-'.ar «• :.ml
I «Hilt ' »
i' I
I - »t
<t, I wj i . i.,!
(of rfilvrt All. IIIHllt.
g all it
I ■ . •
Ir‘*’ Ip'.'*
i'H.Y. .i <
?i HF l’¡ M;-, I uriJK Or.
only r<'nerlv known to s« ience that
u jtually r--a In s the Hfllicte«! parts
J his wonderful r« rm-dy is km««n
-<>l«l at th«- extr« lne|v l.e.V prir««- of
One Dollar, <-a«'h puckuge contaii ■
’.7. s. 2¿r:n. rrerríct:?.
inti internal ami external inediein«
------ Bl s' (IF HINi’ s, LIÇI HRS ANU CltiAKS.--------
“utli'-ient f.«r a foil month's treat­
ment ami « .erything ii'cssaiy 1<>
f<r*l>ri!ik-« m
! «.o i.i yu irt i- «-. ('mi te ni < treatment guarantod
It» perfect ll‘e.
"SNI I- T LES is tli«- r.nlv [ «-r- Your putrunag«- S<,lici-« «l
f.-et ( ATARRH HI RE --.« . ’mad««
Che Capiti!
ami is now reco'gniz««! a» the only
safe and positive cure for that mi
noyirg ami disgusting disea«e. I'
cures all iidl im ition qnn-klv m >1
permanently mi «1 is also -von«|-r
fully rpiiek to r«-li<-v«-11A Y EE V E I.
or COLD in the HE \D.
( A l A !i R11 when neglect. «1 oft« n
leads to CON SI M PT ION — -S.N I' F
FEES-’ w ill rave yon if you u««- it
at once. It is no or'lmary r«-me«lv,
but. a complete treatmer.t which 1«
poH'Jvely Kuartnt'-rd
• A TAI’ RH in any form or stage
if U»e<l according to the directions
which accompany tarh package.
Don’t delay but semi for it at om.-e
an«l write full particulars as to
your condition, nnd you will re-
ei ive special advice from th«- <iis-
eoverer of this wonderful remedy
regarding your <«ase without cost to
von beyond the regubir price of
the ‘Gi: ARAN-
Si-nt prepai'l to any address in
the I’nited States or ('aii.m)a on re
«•eiptofOno Dollar. Ad'lre««- l)«-i«t
PA NY. 2330 and 233 2 Market
Street. Pldht«!« Ipl.’a,
' / 07 ,‘1'
' if.’i«
V ■
»H Flir b ,1 l.iHtwu
»»' th«« <-iii!«it \. , curt*«!
1900 and 1901 Models^ $7 to $||
1 ’1 'I
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'« «/ui/ 'oc « n«/r««i ou/.s nml
r xi in., to iiiiy ii <| i ! itm »,
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'pttiayAiL io tinyonu In U '.I.
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Cfip -.i tutrn i fi,a<l ollov/
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