9 / Published in the Greatest Valley of Eastern Oregon. rheOldeßtand Most Reliable. The Best Advertising Medium. >..'■ 11 THIS A PAPER ROAD? wittiesse» who will swear to a with the cob M, wbirh would also statement of alleged facts required give Oregon it? transcontiner.tal by the Land Ollie«1 Is-forepiUnt _____ railroad outlet. Huntington wish­ ¡»sties. Home individuals make a ed to serve this country bv the line practie«- of furnishing testimony for Wliat i» Ori-ffoti Ä SoutlicuMt- projected direct from 'Winnemucca those who desire to prove up fraud­ s-rn M'I k - iuc ? to the Willamette Valley, and be Fraudulent Taking of Public ulently upon their Government was willing to co-operat«, with the Lauda. claims To ease the conscience of Oregon Central to accomplish that others, instance.« are recorded where The Oregonian of the 24th says: object. When tlie he'd in’Cougress water has been poured upon the was so changed as to make it Hardware of Every Description. There is a pretty well defined carry grist to the Iloladay mill, Th* principal use of the home- land from a pail so the statement can be in ide by the witnesses that theory in railroad circles that the Huntington and others lost inter­ muv< oicegon . 1 nti*a«l act as it stanns today, auya a they have seen water upon the Oregen A Southeastern Railroad est in it. and it did not pars. That i recent article iti Harper's Weekly, claim Company, which was incorporated was in the last days of the rporat<*l the Willamette his final proof ami receives his notable by the fraudulent use of field would establish trade routes Valley would be a profitable enter­ Directors: \\ . V King, I S G>-«-r. Geo. Fry, W. E. Trisch. J J. C. Welcome. Z patent. The fradulent use of the the homestead and desert land act. that might not he easily changed prise, and highly desirable for the homestead law is due to the fact, in the first few years of the oj<-ra afterward, It is less than 350 Central Pacific. A complete sur­ that five years' residence is no! tion of the latter law each claimant miles from the present eastern vey was subsequently made, but longer required to secure a title to was allowed 640 acres, and under terminus of the Corvallis it East- the project never reachee the stage PROFESSIONAL CARDS the utter uselessness of the law to i this law great vallcvs and plains ern to Winnemucca, so the enter-1 of actual construction. Comple­ Bi ■*» Ixmua No 70, K o( T the settler in the arid domain, and were absorb«»! en bloc by individu­ prise would not be out of propor­ tion of railroad connection between M»«-:> every ITiiirtdav tuirlil to the laxity with which the re-1 als and corporation?, who employ­ tion to the capita! of the New Jer-1 Portland ant San Francisco in I M Jor.l.n, (' C. J tt Me MILL IX. quircmcnts of the law are adminis­ ed people to usj their d :»ert land scy corporation, 11.000,000. The 1S87 nemeved the necessity for a Matlw-*.l , K of It S. tered by the land office. Noone' rights all for the benefit of a single fact that something like $1000 line from Winnemucca to Thrgon. PHOTOfiRAl HER. "RNN CH U'l ER. «<» 49, O E S familiar with the West will dare! establishment. Hie amount of would be required for an incorpor­ But since then the development of Uecta Mtioii‘1 and fourth Monday <>t assert that there is any opportuni­ land which can be taken under the ation fee in that state is looked the country and growth of traffic . Th month in Masonic lull, Vowjjtly ty for the taking up of legitimate desert land act has since been re­ upon as evidence that the people have reached the stage that many ta iilding Mr« M «ygie I avena, tV. M homestead» to anywhere near th<>| duced to 320 acres, but the same who are behind this project have | railroad men toink will warrant Mr« klanira Thoiuy«uii. Nee. i extent manifest«d in the original method is still being pursued a serious purpose in view. Their the construction of it he line from filings made during the past 1'21 in monopolizing .he range« ami identity is carefully concealed be­ the Willamette ''alley to Winne- IH’KNK I <>!><• F. NO »7. A F. « A >1. M ARARKN A OIARY* ^aliirdAv oti or (*(«<• full wkmii . months. Thus it is that a law fraudulently icquiring title to hind the names of K. K. McLaren, mucca. or to connection with Fonie W t. kt«r,y>iriant <4- Surgeon». < K. K« i » t < mi . W. M F. H. Kirder, of inestimable value to humanity' Western Senatoa recently said : 1 ! Dudley as incorporators. point* Kory. Bursa. Oregon. It is said that the C. I’. Hunt- ba« become a vehicle of fraud and ‘‘The desert land act is the most It ¡s not supposed that a Hunt­ KMF"Oiri<-e tt reaitienee. ‘Phone 20. a demoralizing influence upon the iniquitous piece of legislation ever ington estate is heavily interested ington scheme to lead the Corvallis placed upon th* statute book«. In in the Corvallis A Eastern Railway, «t Eastern to an Eastern connect­ freople of toe newest states. The desert land act was passed 90 cases out of 1 Dalian Bl((«. have been G6.tf.jl original desert securing title. In fact the law is ingtjns recently g»t several mil- I interests,because it would be seme­ Altorneyt-nt-Law, tilings in (he arid states, these fil­ flagrantly violated, and the title lions from the sale of the San thing more than merely a line for If ABNEY I.OI»G v, NO. 77. I <> «> E III UN*. OKKGON. Meet« ever» S «tur i e ball VMting bruthera Iratarnally in­ £«r< •fh.-e in Bank building. acres of public land. Of all these How long, let me ask, can this must have much more than is re- I after through business a- weli as vited Krankt* Jackaou, N tí. ti. Hiwiili, Secretary filings but 10,912 have been proved work of acquiring Innd largely for quired in the development of their way traffic. The Harriman line up on and tide conveyed by the the benefit of companies and corpo­ trolley system in Soullier?, Cali­ are now very well fixed for hand- Tt l F. CIKCI.K NO !<>>, WOMEN Of G”' W U » YkK (»overnment to tho individual.! rations continue before our rich fornia. Therefore, it is supposed ling all the through tiatfic that Weodcrait. Meet« 2nd an ! At It 1'iien- these final proofs covering 2,67-1.695 aria domain will pass beyond the that II. E. Huntington, who man­ may come to them. dav at Brown'« hall. Mrs Tilli« .Iordan, Thcv reach of settlers and home build, j ages the estate, is favorable to c trry- don't need wn independent line to Mrs. lone Whiting. Guardian. XfCsrney at-/.aw, acres. During each year there! Clerk. ing out at this time a long-cherish­ have been between 250(1 and 3000 ers?” take traffic from thejf at Many of those who have availed ed scheme of his late uncle to build at Wintiemucca or any other ¡>oiut ('ll it re li A II Hoti lice III«'ut«. desert laud selections made, and between 500 and 900 final proofs themselves of the possibilities across Oregon to Winnemucca, and for delivery where Ilarntran lines accomplished. It is a conservative presente«! under the present code thus makesomethingof the family's *1 readv reach. There is ground far estimate to say that fully 95 per! of land laws are men of high stand­ present holding iu this state. I the belief, however, that the Oregon tin the Fecund, ^^II.UAMM* F!TZO1KA1.1> IL J. Pengra, who was Surveyor- ceut of the final proofs made on, ing who would indignantly resent «t Southeastern will not biml itself Sundays of each TheruUn Willltiaa, M ViU(«r*ta. the idea that these were dishonest General of Oregon and a prominent to the Central Pacific at Winue- desert lands are entirely fraudulent. !• M Preach- AViiru*. »1 Law, * aviary fublle, i i As the law now stands any eiti-j in any particular. It has become citizen, devoted many years of his mucra. seeond Sunday /.rtii, Aoturi.d and Real Ettafe zeu of the I’nited States can take lhe custom for a man who desires life to an effort to get a railroad on There was at one time a move tu Praetica to secure a lot of land to let it be that route. He was largely in­ i ■ up 320 acres of arid land, making Continued on Fovrtk page. i Burns, Oregon. a deposit of 25 cents per acre at understood that such land is worth terested in the Oregon Central gW"*Hfice in old Masonic budding Oregonian and Item«, $'2.«)0 the time of filing, and paying $1 an so much per acre to him a« soon as wagon road grant, extending across tha state from Eugene to the south­ Thbusnnds Have Kidney Trouble Continued on Fourth page. acre moro when title is secured' eastern corner of the. common­ nnd Don’t Know IL from the Government. The law, 50 YEARS' p M JORDAN, wealth. Any agency that would I E X P E R11N C E Ho»» T o FiiU! Out. requires that before securing title $133 2ZWARD $133. Fill a bottle or common glass with your open that region to settlement and the settler shall prove the owtier- water a.i.i let it stand twenty-four hour:., a Practiced Land Surteyor. The readers of this paper will be improvement would add vastly to —, . sediment or set- r.hip of sufficient water to irrigate Kurve, O regna, ' .*7 ' a ’ tlir.g indicate', as ■ ______ k ____ this entire tract ofland shall prove pleased to learn that there is at to the value of of the wagon road >7 ? v .-> unhealthy condi- \ tion of the kid- that he has expended at least|1 least one dreaded disease that sci­ grant. Mr l’engra had a plan for ueys; if it stains g U EK, HA DC rVTA'EKS ence has been able to cure in all a railroad there. In addition to per acre each year in improving DtiicNt your linen it is his wagon-road grant he wanted u its stages and that is Catarrh, ’ FEE9« CoevRioHTte Ac. of kid­ Nolfiry Puldir and Canreyanrer, the land, and that he has actually ■V rd evidence ART«»na MBEtlng a skat« h and niaa ney trouble; too railroad grant, and came near get­ quickly aanartahi <*iir opinion frsr whutlirr an llall.s Catarrh Cure is the only ! irrigated, witbin three years from Inrantlori 1« pr.-hably pat«w>«abla « onmiiinin» frequent desire to Mfirtga;«.«, Deeds, Etc., cerrertly made tlona «triotIjeontMaiitlaJ. ILmdbook on I’struts ting it. C. P. Huntington aided pats it or paitt it' Office at Miare. Mara«, Oreja«. I the time of filing, every legal sub- positive cure now known to the aant fr«»a. t seeurmcr patents. I'atenta taken through Minin S l (’<>. rvcelT« the itw.c. would handle the railroad end of A hABdaoraaly Iltaatratrd woaklr. l.nnn’Pt cir­ There is comfort in the knowledge so H. VOLP, A. M , M. D | quirements imposed by this law a constitutional treatment. Hall’s the culation of anyaetomtfta foiirual. Tern»«. »3 a enterprise. That was away ▼ rar; four ai«*:itlM, |L Bcldbyall neWndralara- i often expresred. that Dr. Kilmer’s Swar.p- man must have an unquestioned Catarrh Cure is taken internally, i Koot. the treat kidney remedy fulfill.’: every back in the ’ 60s, The railroad acting directly upon the blood and Physician and Surgeon, water right of sufficient volume, wish in coring rheumatism, pain in the kidneys, liver, bladder and every part and, as experience has proved, mucous surfaces of the system, grant was defeated through the back, if the uiinary pax-age. It corrects inability substitution of Jacksonville for thereby destroying the foundation Í UT“« Elice at residence. make an expenditure of at least $10 to hold ■ ater and scalding pain in packing Burns, — — Oregon an acre to put this water upon the of the disease, and giving the pa­ Sprnigliele 1 as itsOregon terminus, it. or bid effects following use ci hqvcr,. w¡noor bee’, and overcomes that unpleasant land in sufficient quantities to raise tient strength by building up the which would have made the road necessity of being compelled to gu often anted I W AN | El>—TRt srWoKTHY MEN AN!> a crop of some kind which would constitution and assisting nature to be built for that giant a feeder duri-tg ric day, and to get up many times womcu|l*» tihvel and advertise for old estah the night. The mild and the extra­ Vo wrile f»»r onr ©onfldenlUl Ictu r beforr up- The proprietors for the Holaday line, rather than during liahcd hotiM of «olid rtnant ial Mandine Salary not otherwise have grown upon in doing its work. plrinit for pat«*»it *. il ni»y br wortli rnoaey. ordinary effect of Swamp-Root I. i. oa l.eOa ye i And exp«oiM*s, all pavahle in rash. W» prorapUy obUia U. M. an«l Koretfn have so much faith in its curative for the Oregon Central, a rival realized. It stands the highest for its won­ Nn < ttivastinr rr<|tiired. Give references and thi« claim. derful cere; <-f the most distressing ca-c... cnvplojred. b melos« aelf-addrensed Mainpr•»<■ *e «on.! IMMEDIATE WANT*«»-* EV» « <1 TEKSilNS OK ( IT A it S. G. Ilecd, J. C. Ainsworth and cure. Send for list of testimonials. rR£E r«)>mt o« pat..«. lAr.ili: r w<- gi»r wonderful discovery • « leratul rood reputation in eaeli ■*tatin these desert claims is almost in­ lha bnal !•(■! wrvlre an I mlvicr, and cur this cnutilv re«.<* Address. F. J. Cheney. <\ Co., P. D. Thompsou. The Hol ad g V and a book that tells ohargM a ra modérai». Tl y w. In numerous instances «»M cM Abll«hon wealthy bu.«in«AN hnu«e «»(««»114 credible. railroad enterprise looked to con­ mo: e about it. both sent financial Mtmiding. Hn’Hry |IA Ml weekly with Toledo, O absolu.cly free by mail, expanse« Additional, all payable in rash each no attempt is mnde to water the SWIFT & CO., Wednesday direct from head oflices, !' Sold by Druggists, 75c. nection of Portland with 8an Fran­ address Dr. Kilmer 8c Home of Kw«m>r-Tb«oi Patont lawyerr, and <*arriak»M furiiklied, when ne« »>hai' •«"» .. ’v- . land nt all. the principal effort be- Binghamton, fl. Y. When wiitlngmrn- Opp. U S. Patent Office.Waatiington. D.C. i-i miens. E ih ' iuao nr |( tiddresAed ataniped ci-*:__ . i i : »i • c Hall's Family Pills are the lient. cisco by means of the line parallel Co.. v elope Mai aycr, SB ( Puildiug, CX|M.‘liUCu 11) tllC StCUriDg ul tl.'i resing this generc x slier !r. thisysrc?- FREE HOME­ STEAD FRAUD Geer & Cummins THE CITIZENS BANK • esse Capital Slock ■» Scientific American. W NVÉÑJÓR^ PATENTS 325.000 00 :