tail ■ » >tii(h*a|i i i MS -m. B wmaasMwa- jwx i ‘ ' Did you ever see a man iu your Hon. Whitelaw R.-id, Lea ! of the Gen. .McArthur’* statement* be- life who made a prasticcofconstant- apeci*! embassy to represent thia ! fore the Senate committee on the ly boasting of his achievement*, government at the coroutliott of ' Philippines title w Philip- { of spontaneous evolution. front of the Democratic party much on fold ' in doubt the wisdom of that ia to 1,1 .. i ____ _/■ . r. >> • nines than ever l>eiur« bv rescmbkM the bosom of a full dress' i1'0*® than CTOr b*,‘‘wr’* b-r ¡owermg doubt the stability of our own in ­ shirt whose wearer has been eh- exchange rafe> of silvet. This stitutions aud to declare in effect gaged i n anUn*xp*cted football1™8 n**’**r* because Chinese money changers bought up gold that a self-governing nation ia in­ rush. coins and turned them into bul- capable of successfully protecting ite own energy. Tho general con­ (lion at a large profit. An exchange says there ie clusion which I drew is, that we ■■ pressed in various papers of ate untuistukalilv the inatrninenls Bradstreets' report of failure* for country a want for Congressmen by which great event arc being ac­ who will look after the needs of the first quarter of the year shows complished which will influence their constituents first, and after an extremely healthy and prosper- the future history of the world to tliat, those of the Beers and Filipi- ou* business condition. I a greater extent than anything t Ise nos. ■ t-iuce the discovery of America i1........ i a Political parlisianship uutinctui- Inspiration and h<-pc go with our The national debt is uow 1997, ed witl1 sense is apt to reset. flag. Wo are planting in those is­ I lands imperishable ideas, while all 732,332, this being the first time it other Goyeruments have simply has geno below the billion dollar The real Democratic issue—togei mark in years. planted trading catabliahments." into office. a • T COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER Republican State Ticket. Governor, tt’. J. FURNISH, of Pendleton. Supreme Judge. R. S. BEAN, of Laue County, Secretary of State. F. I. DUNBAR, of Astoria. Treasurer, (’HAS. E. MOORE, of Klamath. Attorney General, A, M. CRAWFORD, of Douglas. Supt Public Instruction, J. II. ACKERMAN,ot Multnomah. SCHEDULE OF EXPENDITURES. State Printer, J R. WHITNEY, of Linn. BLowing, as by law required, the amount* claimed, filed And re corded against the countv of Harney, state of Oregon, and the amounts I allowe 1 at the regular April 1902 term of County Court for said County. Congress. 2nd District. J N. WILLIAMSON. Prineville. Joint Senator, Baker, Malheur and Harney Co J. L. BAND, of Baker City. TO WHOM TSSVFD FOR WfîAT 1S8VKD AMT CLM’l» AMT ALI.’n (ho Kind You Hava Always Bought I :.tb'c l'.«•*£ - I > . r... *C £ / flirty Years i Some republican« are opposing the Cuban reciprocity bill, which is being debuted by th* Hottie, but Chairman Payne, of th« Wuys and i .Means committee, who is in char -i- of the bill, has the votes to pass it and ia not worrying about tb it, although lie would, of course, pre­ I fer to see all the republicans vote for it. The democrats held a con­ ference to try to agree on a part) policy toward the bill, but made U bad failure to do fq P. H. Williams, keeping county poor..................... 8247 86 8 247. SG B D McIntyre, rebate on taxes ............................... 1.00 1.00 Stop flic ('»ngh Oregon Stock w Butchering Co, same................... 13 25 13 25 anti YVvrk off lite Cold S F Hutton, same............................................................ 1 00 1.90 A II Hollis, ................................................................... 30 00 30 00 Laxative Brou.o Quinine Tablets Republican Ccunty Ticket. Dean Horton, „ ..................................... ...................... .92 cure a cold in one day. No Cure. .92 County Judge E H King, „ wide tir* wagon............................. 16.00 Disallowed N j pay. Pt ice 23 cents. JI. C. LEYENS, of Burns. J P Dickenson, rebate on taxes................................. Continued Pacific States Tel Co , telephone bill ....................... 5.50 Sheriff, 5 50 Sain Mothersbead,........ ............. .. ............................ THOMAS ALLEN, of Narrows, 5 50 550 “Something New Luder the Suu." II Richardson, stamps, March and April ................ 13.85 13.85 Clerk. The Times-IIeraLi. blanks for assessor....................... 18 00 ; All doctors have tried to cure 18 00 R. T. HUGHET, of Narrows. M L Chamberlain, abstracts for assessor.............. 1.50 1 5u i CATARRH by the use of pnwdvee, treasurer. E M Bralt*in, ............. „........... ......................... 4 40 ' acid gases, inhalers and drugs in 4.40 It. A. MILLER, of Burns. Geu W Hayes, ........................... . ................. . 5 30 ' paste form. Their powder* dry up 5.80 Assessor, Harney Yall«y Items, printing for county.............. 32.70 the mueuous tuembrancs cauainur 32.70 JOHN E. LOGGAN, of Harney. C A Haines, mdse for county................................... f.00 them to cra< k cjien and bleed. The 5.00 LunaLerg £ Dalton, exemption of taxes. 1899, ’ 00 19.00 Disallowed , powerful acids used in thu inhaler* Commissioner, Geo Shelley, stamps ................................................... 5.00 5.0o have entirely eaten away the tatt.e C-. T. MILLER, of Lawen. J C Bartlett, “................................................... 2.75 2.75 membranes that their makers have Surveyor. Phoeb* Kelley, teachers’ examination....................... 1200 12.00 aimed to cure, while pastes and J. II. NEAI ,’ of Burn*. C II Leonard,.......... .. ................... ................................. 12 00 12.00 l ointments cani.ot reach tliedi.seu“" Coroner, Mrs Laehtnsn, washing for prisoners....................... 1.20 1.20 An old and experienced practioner PR. W. L. MARSDEN, of Burns J*hn McMullen, photographs of Pat Moore ........... 10.00 who has for many years mad* a 10.00 Schwaitx <& Buddleman, mdse for countv. . ..... 11 20 close study and specialty of ti c 11 20 Justici of the Peace, Burns Pre O Tepperwctn, witness fees, State vs. Jordan.......... 600 6.00 treatment of CATARRH, has at cinct. D Jameson, justice fees, State vs Miller et als ... 15 20 I laet perfected a Treatment which 15.20 DYKE JAMESON. II E Felton, constable .......... . . ............... 23 00 23.00 when faithfully uved, not only re­ Geo Curtis,- witness .,... „ .................. ............. 8.50 8.50 lieve* at once, but permanently The unanimous choice of Grant Newt Hughet, 8.50 8.50 cure* CATARRH, by removing the ?! >? Thompson for chairman of tbs Re­ Turn Allen, »I • • • M •••• M fj . 950 9.50 cause, stopping the discharges, ar.jl publican county central committee, Myt-.la Curtis, (y ..... M n .... ... Tf 8.50 8 50 curing all inflammation. It is the by the convention last Saturday, is Casper Hayas ?».................»••••»»•»»•••• I» ’••• >» 8.50 8.50 only remedy known to science that a just appreciation of his services Rube lloghet, ’’................. 1’ ••••»>•• ?» •••• J» •••• y» 8.50 8 50 actually reaches the afllicted parts. ps a life-Jong republican. The Harve Muller, ?»................ I* ••••»?•>>•••• H •••• ♦» 7.50 7.50 This wonderful remedy is known election of Frank O. Jackson as Joiej h Corte, ?».................»?•’••»» • ,s 8 50 *y 8.50 'as “SNUFFLES the GUARAN­ leeretary of the committee, was also W L Marsden, ?»................. »>•••»»■ J? •••• M 1.70 1.70 TEED CATARRH CURE,” and ia ••• ?> p commendable one. M B Murton, y, ..... yy .. . ,, . „ . . ff • • • »• 8.50 8.50 sold at the extremely low price of Frank Dunn, »• 9 50 9 50 One Dollar, each package contaii - Lu »k over the above ticket. It’s Taylor Simmons., ,. . . . y, . . j, 7.50 7.50 ing internal and external medicine composed of go.xl representative Lee Thornberg. ,y .... y, .. yy .... .. . y, 8.50 8 50 sufficient for a full month's treat- mep, ai>J you need Lave no hesi­ Frank Cgwlfield., 6.50 M • • • • yy • ys ••>*«•••* f> 650 ' merit and everything necessary to ,, tancy about “votin’ ’er straight.’ J Chandler, 8 W 8 50 its perfect use-. Dr Brownton. .................... 1.70 1.70 “SNUFFLES” is th* only p«r- ♦ I • • ,»••••»» ■ D Jame=on, drawing jury list 3.00 3.00 . feet C ATARRH CURE ever mode J C Welcome, Jr., „........ 3.00 3.00 and is now recognized as the only John Sevedge, ........ ............................. 3 00 3.00 safe and positive cure for that an­ D Jameson, justice fees. State vs Dutcher . 4 15 4.15 noying and disgusting disease. Il HE Felton, constable,,.. „ ............. 9.20 9 20 cures all inflamntidn quickly and f * i vc t tic. .1 c.l—— erm-. ¡ver Gil. McClain & Biggs, team hire ,, „....„............. 8.00 Disallowed permanently and is also wonder- it’s cuneus to see the result. I Jol.n E Johnson, making plats of Road grades 24.00 24.00 i fully quick to relieve HAY FEVER Give it to the peevish, fict Mayhew Johnson, work on road......................... 4.00 I or COLD in the HEAD. •IOC 4.00 CATARRH when neglected often 4.00 i I..! clrkl, and lie laugh1». Give ¡John Witzell, • »• • • n • ■ ...,. • »V • • • »I • • y-'l - 4 CO 4.00 i leads toCONSUMPTION— “SNL'F it to the pale, anicntic child I Nellis Parker, I McClain & Biggs, team hire Ly county judge........ 2.50 2 50 i FLES" will save you if you use it >;nd his face becomes r.joy and • O B Stage Co . freight, etc., for county.................. 4.06 2.30 l at once. It is no ordinary remedy, tall of health. Take a flp.t- McKinney guard . . .................................. •• 5.00 ?• 5.00 which accompany each packago. I pnd strong like the • yy ... ,y .... y, ... . .................... ............................................... n »> 5.00 5 00 i Don’t delay but send for it at once Tills is not a new scheme. jailer ’ s fees. State vb Price ................... 1? 22.00 22.00 ' and writo full particulars as to Jt has been done for year • ........ .„ Marshall............................. »> ?» 50.00 50.00 your condition, and you will re­ Of course r vou muft use the stage fare for Mrs. Brenton .......... 38.00 38.00 ceive special advice from the dis­ ?» right oil. Scott’s Emulsion meals, Mrs Brenton and children.... 27.00 H M 27 00 coverer of this wonderful remedy regarding your case without cost to . j s the one. telephone bill, state vs Mrs Brenton ?» 22.00 22.00 you beyond the regular price of i Scott's Emuh icn neither L E Reed, i guard for Mrs Brenton............................. 21.00 14.00 “HNUFFLES” the “GUARAN­ 5.00 5.00 TEED CATARRH CURE.’’ J ocks pur tastes like oil because C A Haines i, case of coal oil for county.......... i Bent prepaid to any addreM in Joel Smith, guarding jsil ....................................... 27.00 Continued uc r.ro careful jn making it the United States or Canada on re- Geo Shelley, jailer’s fees, Mar 21 to Apr 12.... 20.00 20.00 *>k-ssar.t to take. ■ ceipt of One Dollar. Address Dept Satp Bailey, board of Miller and Colwell.,.... 34 70 34.70 | H49| EDWIN IJ. GILES A COM- Etnd for free «sample. II. R ichardson , i’ANY, 2330 and 2332 Mark-t CCPTT & t’OT/Nr. Ohenirt». P-tri i t., K. ¥ Street, Hlih<|elph:.ji Coqnty Clerk qf Harr.ey Uotpijv. Joint Representative, Malheur and Harnev Counties, FRED. J, PALMER. Malecur Co »S. I * BY GXORGS XGWARli GRAHAM T*.-« IhlHi-i 1 A«an*M»Hl I’t k , •» ■ e- »h« • a t t « • ; Il «rf tl.a .an.}<älf _____ ____ I «IU* |£¿«U l'J Ui» AU.S.W Tuiltxtf Ui* fffkl. The Moat Sbnaotional Rucr! of Ony A WORTHY SUCCESSOR ' I' aQ«a »» __ r. __ .»• ________ .r 1 TIMB-. i.art fc.’ I-M «!■*» anj por»o»al rr D ,■ . f th* i attto by ko*» À«t*i»»a« ••r th* in<>v«m«t»fa Ihr f.*« !• '»f ihr r.f'i , -r i » * < ■ «t| I itss .t.itteatO I Mmm |tt tlda -U. M. M Ili.UV. A h hl«fs-t if rartaUo •< ia-’a. iu>Da»** (fc* a I« r ve-., eil.' »: ’1.0 t>,“ »’.« -C nol’l f» . F_vT****iWly adv«»Ms »»ul»j , thfl iiiiniu r li VI r l.r- • •„ : 1 far.'/ I 4M •»vary Mi it.,- J : : U« . • It .t ■- demand t>. Hk - V .• —. > TT/TZ • »nd ilio hn, IM'OI Io L»tt ‘ p a / » .«/ rr »■ ¡ 1 ' -, i I • - .ok ■ -* » t< • •. IN ♦ «MW It . roftdy^ It •«Hing bend »»vati Now U the Un*« lo MA1E MONF.Y. .75, $2.23, 82.73, acconllnfl to »tyl« of binding desired. VY. B, CONKEY COMPANY AGENTS Price 51.50 WANTEO I Sofo Publishers, OHIOAOO F< r tixty years tbs NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE h*i been a natieaal weekly new, pap, r, read uiiuo .t entirely by farmers, and baa enjoyed tha conN dence and rapport ot the American |>«>>jila to adt-grte never attained by any simitar publication. THE NEW-YORK TRIBUNE EARMER is made aosolutely for farmer« and their fantllias. TLo Grat number was ¡•sued November 7ll>, 1 .»VI. Evury dap trlment of agricultural iirbutry ie cuvnred by special contributors who are leaders in their reSjM-ctive lines, and the TRIBUNE FARMER will t-a in every sen«e n high cists, tip to date, live, «nlerptitir.g agricultural pa|>er. pro- fuaeH illustrated wiilt pictures of live Block, model farm buiMlng* end liouaae, agricultural machinery, etc., Farmers' wives, son* and daughters will find Sjiecial pages for entertainm« nt. Regular ytice 11 jet jesr, with IT1 MH tide. Address IT h MH, 1 urr.a. Or. F. S RIEDER, Rec’y uud Troar. tn. FITZGERALD, l’rchident, BIGG8 & BIGGS, Attorney* E. 0. T. G. CO. - r Iucorporn'.ed.) Abstracts Furnished and Title Guaranteed to all Lands in Harney Countv. "W REAL ESTATE Bought and Sold on Commission. - Office in Bank. Building. The Capital Saloon W. E. THI80H. PrspriitcT. BEST OF WINES. LIQUORS AND CIGARS. T'--T~ Drinks mixed to nuit your tasie. Courteous treatment guarauted Your patronee ‘’olicitcd,