J—k I IqVOl: PETITION. A DISGRACEFUL FRAUD THE HOME GOLD CUKE HELPLESS. Tuthe Honorable County Court, An Ingenious Treatment by which m«v lountv, Oivgon: We, the ui»>l pctilloncr«, Drunkards are Bring Cured Daily Bohl Eorgory Conimltte«! to I>c- dent«, taspayios, and Isgal voters of in Spite of Ì hetnselve«. The man trwxaesl up •io that he «n tKtlhrr move hand twe foot is in hU li«lpk»s.ncM a fair type of manv a uiin affe. ted hv rbelllUfctliUl. Oden the di*- *.a»e <>nlv partially diaahles. and with «ruldb .tnl cane t'te auliarer huLblex juitt' ..ly about. R',< tit:iati»:'i can I • c'tr- 1 bt the use ®i Or. Pierce’* Golden M.die.A hi«eov- erv. Thi* great'bl.Kxl purifying tnvdi- cine eliminates the poison» which cause the disease. Il iiK'tess«'« the actiihyof ths- bl»i«covrrv" contain, neither «tleohul g>or narcotics. «clvc Ilio rubile. Wild Horse Piwim-t. said <■ -”ir»t v, and No Noxiouc l'osca. No Weakening of State, moat reapecUtdly petition your the Nerves. A Pleasant amt Posi Honorable Court Io grant a license live Cure for the l iquor Habit. to Alex C. Burke lu sell cpirltu- It is now a well-known fact that ous, malt and venous liqiiur« in Mr. Joe. Robertson’s name(as Sec­ It is now generally known and le»H qu.mtilioH tl an one gallon in said retary of the Republican Central understood that Drunkene*« isttdi- Pns'iiu t for a liurlod of three months Comtu it tee) was FORGED io the sea-e and not weakness A body till­ beginning on the Nindlt il.«v of Apiil call issued by A. W. Gowan and ed with poison, and nerveacomplete 1H02 N hiom . Names. other members of the “Ring,” an- ly shattered bv periodical or con­ nounsir.g republiotn primary elec­ stant use of intoxicating liquors, re­ I. , C. Chamberlain, J. A Vest, J-u-ub Shown, W E Atbemon, tions of the county on March 22. quires an antidote capable of neu­ F. Miranda, I'r. 1». B. C.kle, and "special convention' on March tralizing and eradicating thio poison G l.ereniana. B. E. Final, C. W. Younkin, 26, 1902. and destroying the craving for in­ Geo. A. Siuytli, 8. Allierson, This most outrageous imposition toxicante. Sufferers may now euro J. C. West, A. 11 llollia, upon an honest and highly respect­ themselves at homo without pub­ John Smyth, Poto Talunianot«, Fiank Iwraon, ed citizen who had placed his proxy licity or loss of time from business Joe Bankofier, E. II. Hurlburt, in hie hands with confidence that by this wot de.ful “11OME GOLD M A. Modio, Cha«. Turner, it would be used in the beat inter­ CUKE” which has been perfected F, ». Redon. Umnaclnda Marmudea J. E. Carlson, ests of his party at the meeting of after many years of close study and Andrew Slone, Nut no la hereby given that the undor- our Central Committee, for which treatment of int-bi iates. The faithful »igned »ill on tho 9th day of April, 190-, occasion alone, the proxy w as given, use according to directions of this make application to the County Court «4 is an n*t which is already bringing wonderful discovery is positively Harney County, Statu of Oregon, for the upon its perpetrator (lie united con­ guaranteed to cure the moat obsti­ grantim: of the licence mentioned in the Alex C. Burke. demnation of every republican voter nate case, no matter how hsr l a above petition. of the county, who is outside of drinker Our records show the mar Nlrtli'Z FOR PUBLICATION. the • Ring.’’ velona transformation of thousands I and Ofiir«. tinti.«. Oragoo, March I*. IMW. Ths ex-b’tate Senator, evidently of Drunkards into sober, industri­ Nolle« is hereby giran ili«l ths following nan e I ««. II 3S K. W M has without any authority from Mr. skillfully devised and prepared that Ila name* th« following witu««««, to prove L!« c-nliulou» r,-»l Jans« upon and « il.lrailun Robertson, used his name to mis­ it is thoroughly soluble and pleas­ ot «a.d land. VU lead republican voters of the county. ant to the taste, to that it can be lr F An.uiu», llertuann It-ih. ftaltey Haya«, lAwen. u eg- u, simen l.awi», ot burea, From our knowledge of Mr. Rob­ given in a cup of tea or coffee with­ of Urvfcu. ertson’s charater, civilly as a man, out tbe know ledge of the pci son o«o w. ir«YM Beguuir and politically as a republican, we taking it. Thousands of Drunkards feel eafe in asserliugthat be would have cured themselves with thia TIMBER LAND. ACT JINK '. ICTS—NOTICE let’ll the use of his name to no priceless remedy, aud as many more FOK Pl’IlLIUATlUX. scheme which has for its object I have been cured and made temp r- V 3 Lar. ’ Offlrw, Bans. Ortjjon. Fcbr. 12. 1702. ta hereby given that lu c rn »lat« ment Nu M f »r the p'irchase of the HEV4FK’$, the fact that it is of frequent occur- misleading “improvement” Drive of Section No 23. iu T >wa»hlp No. 24 H . Range ence within our state, and that out the diseare at once and for all No. S3 F. and will offer proof to »how that the laud »ought la more valuable tor He timber or such delegations have NEVER time. The 'HOME GOLD CURE is ■tore thai for agricultural pirposee, and tu been denied a seat in our state con­ sold at ihc extremely low price of eotabHsh hl« clai>r to »aid land bet re the Keg gkter and Kecelver of this offlee al Born*. Ore vention, but when a majority of One Dollar, thus placing within gon. ob Saturday theIBth day of April. IfCX i»ur Central Committee has deemed reach of everybody a treatment more He nam»« a» wllntiw» L B Hpringer and Cha» A oder won. of Buru». Oregon. aud Geo. it proper, and in the best interests effectual than others costing »25 to Xar«haHaudM. It Murton, of Narrows, (Tegon of cur party withinourcounty.it $59. Full directions accompany Any and al! persons claiming »dver«rly th« ab/iw-d escribe-4 lauds are requested to flic their affords no valid excuse for any one each package. Special advice by I claims a ih'ioflli e ou ci before »aid Xth day to resort io L.Isehood and fraud to skilled physician» when requested of April. U«. (im, W II a T im Hechter put into execution ¡dans to disrupt without extra charge Sent prepaid the party. to any part of the world on receipt NOTICE FOH The article relating to the action ol One Dollar. Address Dept II4t)l. 11 MZaiEAO CONSOLIDATED FCDL'.C.ITION. of our Central Committee at its re­ EDWIN B.GILESA COMPANY, V S. Land office. Burr*. Oregon. Feb W it'll. cent meeting, was simply a tissue 2339 ai.d 2332 Market Stiect, Phil­ Notice it hereby given that the fullest.eg name I tattler« ha* filed netleeef their Inter'iau of silly, malicious falsehood, pub­ adelphia to make final proof in >u|.) on of tb.-lr claim and lished with evident intent to de­ All correspondence strictly con­ that ca d proof will be aiade befert Reglaler and Receiver at Furti«, Oregon, ou April ceive and mislead honest republi­ fidential. U. 1X2. - la: cans everywhere, and thia much cf George W. Cnrtla, I’d entry Vo 7: «. for tbe l»l 7, Hee .12. and ■ts purpose has to some extent been Lotr i. 6, 7, an I A. of See 3.1, and lz*t », of Sa accomplished, but when facts be­ ;i. T. M S.. K SI £. South of Malheur Lake. W,lli»«u J. Iinun. come kno^n, the “Ring ’ will have Hd entry X- SOI, for the eqNE'«. and to take its medicine as usual. F.’,NW «. 7«; 73, Tjr. «., US1 E. South of Mal­ ■ I had been troutkd with thenmatiaia fui twelve v««r# «o bad ..t time* 1 c. -i’d t'ol lease sn> bid.’wiites Mr. R. J McKnight. of Cad«*, V>IH*m»bunc to s C "I we» L»div crip:4ed Tiled mauv doctor», end lav of them gave ,ne up to . X nc of them did me lunch gsvsl The pates in my back, hip- *»r-3 le^a pu'd st time« i-j I iv heu.1'. w ufd nearly Ldl me My appetite iva* very bad. Kvsrslx.lv »**bo aaw tbe aaid I inii-l dL- I to».k live IxUtle» ..f the GaJea Medical DtoCusaiy «uU four vials the -relict».- ar.J u-day ru. E- 11*.- . n 4 l > \cu.» c i tb rhea- A inatlari " . ' Doctor I’icrcc’s I'koauiit Pellets assist the action of t’.ie * Dis- tovery.” In 139’2, John Vaughn, then leader of the “push’, went to the County Central Committee with 10 proxies and delegat .« were elected to the state convention. Six years r.go the Coyntv Central Committee elected delegates to the State con­ vention, one of th’-fe l-eing A. W. Gowan, now howling against the action oi tbe receut Committee meeting. Here are two instances where the gang now healed by • Slick ear” Hanley st-nt delegates to th- s’.ate convention from the Central committee.- Why their howl now? They want to go again. *'O lisr. A 1 OLB IN I'M DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund th* money if it fails to cure. E. AV. Grove’s «'¿nature is oq each box. 25c. Call for County Warrants. 9 ———— ^»<11 «*.«««.>> Notice is hereby given that there pre funds in the county treasury for the r- Jemption of all register- el Harnev County warrants drawn un the General, Road an 1 Build­ ing Funds. Interest on the same will cease from this date. March 15. lth)2. R. A. M iu . es , Treasurer, Harney Co., Oregon heur lutle. riaillp F, Funs», . Nuta-e is hereby si vea that bid« F0KF.1T EBZFRVS FSLE3TI1N. vill l-e received by the Cornty Court U. S Land OQ m . Burna. Oregon, Feb. 2fi, 1302. •f tlic -itate of Or-4<»n, for the C ugc I v cf bo-|n, la u»r b’slva- t at Richer I M. Ly- farney, for ih<- grading of c-rtain liarla -r.«n. who.-po.tofileeal-'r< is A n*da. Cali cf the County loads in «ai I Cour.tr, f. rnla, Las mad« apnlleat'an to Ml«ct under­ ■ it:- Harney City and Lawcn Koad. l_ir.cn .and Narrows R'lad. A pa-t oi the County Road ! -adlr.g E hh ! from I. huhi . A pail of the M ai.der Line Road, and The Ifowser Lane Road. Specifications for « dd proposed wo k ire now on file in n.v office. The bids will fie Opened and considered by the Court on ;r? Thursday, Apt 11 10, 1902, P A FREE PATTERN Í I ryatir own ..'re' n; etf-ry t»ub- 1 »criVar. O:iA f c «* hu a vear. MS CALL’S^ MAGAZINE^ A LAMS’ MAGAZINE.' A C*r. V-« ' ■ < ■■■■ J f.’itex; lattet - Rji.nl. Send t««r terms. Fu l;*h. I¿< tiuh'.c. Simple, L’p*to- tl.Aie. tl and AbwlutBly i’ci fect-l ium,» Patierno, . rMSCALL^ CAZAP> PATT« I •.I TIMBER LAXD, ACT JUNE X. 1S7A-XOTTCE FUR Fl BLIC.lTION. l.inrt oflJ-e. Tl-irti». Orejón, M«rr2>r, vos. Nolle« i» h«i»l>y «Iven tbnt tn eunpUanv« with the |-r«vi»loj>» ot the «et of Congres« ot J-I'-S *. 1*U>- eiilli:»*! "An net ter the in'.eoi ttmbe- Inni!• tu th<- Stute« of CnlWornl«, Oresmi, Novad», «ml W'a hindou Territory," «» extend­ ed to all tl.«. I’uUilc Und State» by «H of Aug ri I, I- 1. Dnnean r. VfcKae. r.f Riverside, eo in'y of Malheur. Sta’e of O-e- gin, La* this day Oled tu thia office hl« sw-.rn Btaioi.ient Nu. 61, lor Co-»iircliare of Ihn NW'f 8W‘4. See. 1. and NEz«NK!4 nt Section No 2, I" Township No. 2<, 1Í . Kange No. :7 E W M, and wltl <4Ter proof to ahow lhal the land nougLt la more vsl'iabl« lor It. limiter or »tone than for agricultural purposes, and to eatabllah hl» Halm to «cid land before the Hcglster and Receiver nt thi» Citile at l'urna, Oregon, on Saturday, tbe 17th day of May, IV02. He name« a« wllnwhi: W E Trisch, and M vt'tilerald <>t Horn». Oregon ; F. O HtautTer, ot t’rat.r Oregon, and J D. Ealrman, of River- »Ide, Oregon. Any »nd all per»on» rial nil ig adversely the above d<-«eribe<1 land» are re |netted to Hin llieir claim« In thia offlee on or t^t< n Mid 17t's day ol May, 1202. Geo. W. linyes, Kegi.tcr. U t 1 o’clock I’. M. of raid Jay. Al! innti-rial ir.u’t bo fnrnisbcJ by U m •’ontra'-lcr, an I tbs Comt reserves th« T imber land , a ' th :* ei . pii - notice •¡¿i t to reject any and a i bids. i OK PUBLIC % i ION. All Contractors wi!l be reqnir 1 t*- give Depfrtmert of th* Inter!* r C. '4. Lsnd Office i fond 0» approved by th- < u irt, Bur ,O.-n>an<-e with the provlklnns of the art of Congress of •f his contract. J HD • J, 1 -73. entitled ad act for the jtle of tun. bated this&th 'lay of Vfnr. li. 1.1 ", ber land-in the .State« cf California, Oregon, Xuvada and a*hin I Art of Jut« I, I«'j7,f3i 1 at. :> th« fotlowlnr do- t bad tract at toad;— hw ^ bw ' s . fc i'yMtx. nt Scrtte: '.N, sad Ixd 2, of ttectlon SO. T .wn»hlp 27 Couth, Rung« 37 East, anJ the NEtiNWid, beeti..n 39, Towc-btp M Sooth, llatge jr, Laa: Y.’IIlarnctte Mcrldlar, With a li.a next thirty daya from the date hercaf prote«t ■ or enDte.ts ngalnat tha sole -Hen <>» the ground that :Lo Ian I da-eril^d, or any portion thereof. 1* m re valuable fur Its mln «•al than foragrienltural pnrpr,set willb« re e.-ivod un 1 noted for report to tha Com nl»«lou- er s-f the Gent ral Land OClce. Geo. W. Have«. R«gi«t«r. First publication, March 1, I jot , La■' publication, April IA.Z It 1 entry NoLC- for the N’»N L'*, See JS. anj «L'.HWl.. »wq-fi of See 2«. T. W S„ R St K. PuUlb of Malheur Lake, George Meraltall, lid eo'ry NoTS*. lor the WqNW BE' iNw q «nd !z»U •> «nd 1". «ec V., TX U S II E, Hodth ol Malheur Lake. Klvin Sfnraholl Hd entry *o 7« -. for tl.e Lot» •;, 7, », 11 and I » and XL .'E *. Sue36. T 26 S . K II F„ South of Malbcir Lake 11:ey n-sine th» following wltnexe- to prove tliel'i-or.tluu n.» re»id«riee upon and audit atton of raid land, vie: Jam«« Colwe’.l, Oeorge W. Cnrtlf. It. T. Hughet, Nancy J. Mimmona, William J. Dunn, and Philip T. lunn al of Narrow., Oregon, and John E. Mi-L'uUcv of Burn«. OMgoo, G«o. W. H* re«, I ItegleUr. Frank Turner, of CAunty of Haru-y, tHate of Ortfon, : ■« th!« day iled lu thl» office hla »worn *t«tc* D’ent No. , for the purchase of tbe w, Land O Hre, T urnp, Or , Murrh Iw, T3O2, Notice is Leikby fr'.wti thn* the folldwin^ NWJ^BK^, and E' ^S A '4, of Meetiou No. 29. In E»med stttleriaiui flk I BoUce^of Lía intention 'lowi chip No 27 ri . Ka i/” No. 37 E W M arid to make f.nal proof in support of hie ctafm, will offer prr.pf iu «'io that the land aoufht *• ’.ifl that paid proof wi’.l bo insde brie e RegU- n.ore valuwble for ;u timber or ktor;« than for er fend, Receiver at*15urn , Orefon Me/ egiiculti bl ptirp > e-i, and to e»tibli»h hi* c.aha to a«1d and before th«? l ex!, ter and ¡7, 1W1, viz: Koceiver of ible office at Bari»«, Oregon, on I lornnrr <*r JI-1 ent' Nx r «he NW’piW^ l ur’.day, the 3rd day ol June, I9W. He nan e-> is M John K. Jer.klna, Thea. it r. X”» Tp a. rh. Raiua 32 K W M. Jl-i I am< lb'» f n’.it’A ’i i; ffitne -ri tn vrors K, Jenkin . I.ewia Hughe», of Smith, Oregon, i FHzChr»: I, of Burnc, Ortron. Uscnjti,; ;*in ■■ In Ibis oftee on or before tai 1 3rd day o Mid J. AV, dhown of ! rrutlrr, of J.aucn. O híxí > uue; LQJ, Hii’nry, Gr. r< r.. NO I F. FG1 PL'P.IJ ’A'TJOS’ I Ha ëg|l.i<-' I W“ it RcfMtr t Clubbing rat-a given with any paper or periodical published in th- I ni'cl State». I bo any «ending u, $1 ft, oi a year’s aubvrriptiun to the I tkmh , we mail the Chicago Weekly Inter I levan one yenr frc««. or to uny one enmliiig uh three cash fubaoriptiou fur the two paper wo will give u year’s subcrlpVion to tach paper free, or The For Winter Rending vou cannot find a more liberal offer. If any of the itbovi*. however, do not rtrike you «< what vou wsirt, write us, we will give you a good lihrial clubbing offer witli any periodica) puhli-licii.iu the United Stales, Don’t put it oil New is xour time. Addre a, :r ’3 • Fifty C.nt. * Y«.r ta.» rw.VV.oi. NwU*. THE SOUTH’S LITERARY WEEKLY Publishod At Atlanta, Ga.-Ü’itfu/ín Orre 5O.0C0. I nwe SUNNY SOUTH I» UtS Grast Lltar.iy W»«!’ r <4 Ih* SowUi II«» vevoUS la Llt<>ealue-. Roo»••»<>•. F «i «a* F • 't . and r ' liti»« hajla.'ati tfealUi c iirostltl Us »•!«. Amk u>. i . Sldr.ey R. < ra*«.l. Mw.Cs ry« C>r»ot io« Arikar W. Marckmoi.l kivi p: rd.. ad « ; C«M o' la «IV. tb:l ori» a««Sa «mk t«l«r M lo tinnirsi« la« wuh» Ibat u »h '■ atv.rlhself. t'A» «JVNNY WOUTM te«nwwtth lk, il«« otiti« t»t> iato aa’Jylly *nd tu» masmi i «<-v«r «'Me l 1« . hoc» ih« h .id of in •w*try- i h > p»«-w «in i» tr-aMnl w.lh Ibi t>r««lh ot l e tn.'dnoha and p'.n«. ani tf »a» od. Ili» v»r/ ' r ,h«'»*•• •••►’!» **/• beauty -al •»’ rimine« ai J w»at«tv ot ths Imi r/b«ri latcnm «U IVI U9 Ih» V ¡ui.ti «u.uil.ne «ni l»i c.-tlon wl.ltcntld Ih« M0Sal|e,t|., Wi! ks Shen In Ihs w«ltnii"J diurni otlbls txc n.tinti wonXi/. TIt«»al»*cr;aU>n prcn li Onty Ftftr C«-a*t-. a v»«r. allatto ri rsisoas. aj-r.'t. «awtiaser». bcitiia«’«!’! and ov* v f-r.s aian. riubi t .vi. eetc.upan « 1 t»y th« fu 1 »2 i»o. enti le ihe doù raiasr to tu# n">«r «ni y».ir «rat ». s andl or» • Fiatai C.rd Ih» namw ot sia ot JJUr noi'jbb..r» wku woum «»ireciat« Ih» easertunlty lo road a eoa/ut Th» bunny South. e«l n» witt t« ma loJ tr«e. Y.»u c n outy.orclub ot tlvs cut ot liie-.a voti « ts. 8Z» SUNNY SOUTH entsn over 30,000 Amer ctn bom«« n nd tfurini ISO’ li lur« to tu w«'.e.m«« o fully a* «».*>«» m«ra U»m«s. a» ut» souiturn Lt «r«ry Weokiy. *»«« *.t«maa 1>» 19.2 wui bt Ih» «nttt i««.latte otali ili» pinor» Unicum« to yus. ! I I 5 jgrteroir Jtll C«mms»«t««rt«"V r« G75o SUNNY SOUTH, Atlanta, Ga CLOO: ___ i - tue - C2_2~ ¡S1.00 : W eekly Í ñter O ceañ ■ The Urente t Republican T’nper of the W«st. : : T ia the moil at y In-it it ana unsnutvag Roiiuhllctn Weekly p«u I : liabetl today an 1 c»n alwsy» be retied upon tor fair eud ho«iu«t re porn ot all p.>liticat aC. irs . • w• 3» -> Tlie Weekly tutor < Ocean Supp'l«fc A l of the Nez’a> >t ol cl Currant Current l. 1- tarkluru tarature. l n w Uku? $ and the Best • It m Morally Clean, and es a Family Paper i« V.'itbeBt » Peer. : /(£ Liierary coluinna ai e a^ua! to those of the best ¡nagaair.e». 2 Ite Youfii’t Departmuit in the t ucst of its kind. ........ : • : : w II hrlnir« tn >.ho fnrn-U th» »wiof 11** I ntlr* W»k!<1 und t Ivo* thri b- Ml mil ibi»m tl mcuss I k » ° r q’istHon*» *>! Uiw d«.v. Tb« Inti r <• » t £,iV»R iwrlv - pt-ri of rtadhiff wulltr »nuh week end bi»ln< ; tibi wh» r1 In • Irrapfili bettcr udMyVid lu kto“ Bvtdi