Harney valley items. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 188?-19??, March 29, 1902, Image 4

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laws of Oregon require th it accept­
ance of nomlnntiona, by all eouiitv
Totho Honorubl«' Coouly Court, llar
earniiiiate* (noiuinoM.) shall be An Ingeulous Treatment by »hieb net County, Oregou:
filed at least 60 days before the I Drunkards are Being Cured Daily i Wo, the un<loraisiitiHl petitioner«, rati
Reveal* Hoell iu many wnva. Some-
I ilentn, lAxpayor*, and legal voter« of
iu Spite of Themselves.
\iun; the iuipuiille. in the blood mark date of the general elections within
Will I lore’ I’net'int I, aaoi txMtnly, an.I
mil mar tlie akin with blotches, pimple«, the State.”
No Noxious Doses. No Weakening of Sult', nioet
boil* or oilier eruption*. Sometime* the
tlully |ioliU<X> your
lesult of txd bloo>l i*
Or. motion, apportionment of the Nerves. A Pleasant and Posi­ Honorable Court Io grant a iieoiiao
rheuiitatiani <w a tlebili- delegates to county convention, was
tive Cure for the Liquor Habit.
to Alex C. Ihirko to aell *pirltit-1
tatvl condition which i*
on*, malt and venous liquors in
]K»pulatly described a* as follow»: On«* delegate at large,
It is now generally known and lea* quuntilioa than one gallon in mdtl
"feeling played and one delegate for each teu votes,
out, hardly able
uiiderstoixi that DrunkeneM is a di­ I'rvt inct for a poriotl of three month*
to drag my »ell or major fraction thereof, cast for
sease »nd not weakness A body till­ beginninil on the Ninolh tlav of April
president! tl
Tlie impurities \V. J. Furnish as
ed with poison, and nerves complete W02
and poisons which elector, in 1900, delegates being
Iv shattered by periodical or con­ I. , Name*.
c >rrupt the Itlood. clog
C. Chamberlain, J. A. Veal,
the fiver and cloud the apportioned as follows:
stant uso of intoxicating liquors, re­ W. K. Alberson,
Jacob Shown,
skin are removed bv the
Alvord, I; Burns, 14; Crane, 2:
quires an antidoto capable of neu- Dr. 1». B. Cato,
uae of Doctor 1‘ierce’*
Oolden Medical Discov­
ery. It doe* more than Drewscy, 4 ; Harney, 5; Happy, 9-
C. W. Younklu,
and destroying the craving for in­ Geo. A. Smyth,
elimiuate the poisons ; it
8. Allu'raon,
increase* the activity Island,3 ; Lake, 3; Poison Creek, 2; toxicants Sutterers may now cure J. C. Beat,
of the blood-making Pine Creek, 1; Pueblo, 1; »ilviae,
A. II. Huilla.
folin Smyth,
themselves at home without pub­ »'rank Ijsrron,
glands so that there is
Pete Talamanete,
an iuereaaed supply of
licity or loss of limo from business Joe Ban holier,
E. H. Hurlburt,
pare, laxlv-building blood. It brighteua Warm Springe 2.
Cha«. Turner,
by this wonderful “HOME GOLD M A. Modie,
the eves, cleanses the skin, and gives
Motion carried, that one set of
new, physical energy.
Gutnaclnda Mermude*
S. Re«|on,
Veeept i»o substitute for Dr. ricrce’a delegates be elected to serve at
J. K. Carlson,
Cottlen .Me<iical Discovery,
after many years <»f close study and Andrew Stone,
State and Congressional
Notice is hereby given that the un.ler-
"I thank Coi Sx the (xxni your taedk-inea I both
treatmentof inebriates. The faithful aigued will on the Dili day of April, HM).’,
hw- .Ian- me.* write. Mr James M S«semo:e.
conventions, and tor delegates.
•i Mitchell. Ijwreuee Co.. t-«l . Boe *>t *t
according to directions of this make application to thu County Court of
was tiJt rvetl far taro years
My throat w.ta
Fred Haines, J. L. Sitx and J. H.
tlwats soee. hro l sched. and hack ached nearly
discovery is positively Harney County, Stato of Oregon, for the
dl th* lime V» weicht -vas 1J5 pound*. I
Neal were duly nominated and
was taken sick with typhoid fcver. and when
to cure the most obsti­ granting of the licenae mentioned in the
th- >e«r left me I had such a pain in my lot
unanimously elected.
• Je I omld not breathe without pain.
Alex C. Burke.
no matter how hard a above petition
1'. ..tKht I must die. My w Se weut to the
Motion carried that delegates to
•Img »tore an t procurstl a bottle of IH Pieeve »
drinker. Our records show the mar­
• '.o’den Medical Discovery and a vial of bta
congressional convention be re-
1-leaMut Pellet*.* I diKPUtinueri the use of
velous transforma'ion of thousands Laud Office. Dura«. Oregon. March I*, ltes.
co doctor s medicine aad be<an with the
• < • ddeti Medicst Dt»o..very * and Pellet*.' t at i quested to vote for Hon. M. A.
of Drunkards into sober, industri­ Notice Is hereby given that the followlag
. >ce began to ire! better the pain soon '.eft my
Moody for Congress.
..1- and I could breathe with ess*. In a week
named settler has Sled aotlee af hie ia leal I vb
ous and upright men.
■r » > 1 ;ett so good I could not stay ia the room.
b> make final proof In support of U|* etalia, and
Motion carried that committee
1 'e<sn to walk about the streets': I felt better
nfoof trill be male before keg later
rch horning After a month's use of the r.ieui-
I that'»ald
.1-1 wa« well
That was over * rear mo | recommend »o countv convention i
Mecelver st Uu-u«. Oregon, May ltd,
\ w I weigh 1S4 pounds aad feel better than
l»l. vis
that no proxy be voted by any one
-ver in mylife."
YOUR FATHERSHThia remedy is
Clew O, llendrlek*.
Dr. Pierce's rleasant Pellet* cure con- not a resident and voter in precinct
Hd Entry Nott!, f >r the lu>ta I and 1. Bee t",
in no sense a nostrum but is a spe­ ▼P83.8.M
32^. aud E'sNEH. 80c. M. TpM. ••
where such proxy originates.
cific for this disease only, and is so It. U IC. W M.
Motion to reconsider action on
name« th* t «11 • wing witnesses te prove
skillfully devised aud prepared that his lie coutiuioua
residence upon end euUivattoa
Call for Republican Primaries and dates of county convention and it is thoroughly soluble and pleas­ ot
aa.d land, vir:
F. Au.tun«. Hermann Ruh. Rtllev llayee,
ant to the taste, so that it can be ot H Lewvu,
Oregon. Uluiou Lewie, ut Hums,
Burns, Mar. 1st—The republican
given in a cup of tea or cofft-e With Oregon.
Oss. W. Hava*
county central committee »net in investigation of State election laws, out the knowledge of the person
response to call of Chairman Chas.
taking it. Thousands of Drunkards
Newell, and the meeting was call­ Motion to change date of county have cured themselves with this TlMPKli LAKI». ACT JUNE S. tS7S-NOTlCE
ed to order by the chairman at primaries from March 22nd, to priceless remedy, and as many more I
rou fcdlication .
10,30 A. M. Secretary Jos Roburt- Mar. 26th. Carried.
have been cured and made temper­ I V. 3 Lan ' Office, Burna. Oregon. Frbr 12. IW
Notice i* hereby given that iu majpllauee
son being absent, J. II. Neal was I Meeting adjourned.
ate men by having the “CURE” ad­ with th« provision« of the act of Congre«* of
C has . N kwill ,
J me 3, 1H7). eutitlr ! ”An let for tha sale of
appointed secretary pro. tem.
J. II. M kal .
Chairman. ministered by lovirg friends and timber
lauds lathe Stale« <4 Cali,3rr.i&. Oregon.
Chair appointed committee on
relatives without their knowledge N - »«¿a, and Washington Territory," as extead*
Acting Secretary.
credentials, as follows: Ira Stub­
in coffee or tea, and believe today td to all the Public Laud Slate* by act of August
blefield, A. W. llulburt and Jos.
that they discontinued drinking of 4. WA
H) I vaster ft in KU.
Hill (committeiuan appointed by
their own free will. DO NOT WAIT of Xtttuwi, e<»untjr uf Harney, Stale of Oregon,
IffU day Blvd in thia «»tfiia hi» »worn alate
Chairman for Island precinct, in i
Do not be deluded by apparent and has
meat Mo »3. (or lha p treha*« nf the
Oregonian and Items, #2.30
place of L. C. Grout, removed from
misleading “improvement” Drive of Section No. 33. In Tiwaahlp No. 2ft H , Kongo
No. S3 E. ai* l will offer proof to show that th«
out the disease at once and for all lan ! «ought la more valuable fcr it« timber or
Committee on credentials report-
time. The 'IIOJlE GOLD CURE”» store than foe a/rfcrltural parpoaea, and to
^bUblissh hl» claim to said land bifore the Reg-
cd eleven members of the commit­ •Jorgensen's.
I sold at the extremely low price of glnter and Receiver of thia office at Burn*. Ore­
tee. present iu persoB and by proxy,
One Dollar, thus placing within gon, on Saturday the Klb day I April, V-O2-
He names M witaeeaea
I. B. spriagvr anti
p? follow»: Burns—Chas Newell;
reach of everybody a treatment more Cha«.
Andemou, of Burna. 0rtfmj;ai d Geo.
Happy Valley—Jas. Paul, by Ira I
effectual than others costing #25 to Marshall and M. B Murton, of Narrows. <kroff««ti.
Any aud all person« clalmtne adversely the
Notice is hereby given that bids $50.
Stubblefield, proxy; l^ike —Cha?
Full directions accompany above
described land* arc requested tofiletbvir
Haines, by Fred Haines, proxy, will be received bv the County Court each package. Special advics by ci a ¡ni* fu th!» office on or before sa.4 Xth day
of the State of Oregon, for the Countv of
of April. T.W.
Drewsey—Jos. Robertson, by A.
I Harney, for the grading of certain uirts skilled physicians when requested
Geo, W. H ays «. Hcfialcr
\\. Gowan, proxy; Warm Springs of ths County toads in ■aid Countv, without extra charge Sent prepaid
—A. W. llulburt; Saddle Butte— , vix:
to anv part of the world on receipt
C. T. Miller, by J. L. Sitz, proxy ;
Harney City and La wen Road.
of One Dollar. Address Dept H 191,
Silvies—A. Wintermeier. by Chas
EDWIN B. GILES Jr COMPANY, t". 8. Bond Office. Duma, Oregon, Feb 27. 1«.
A pa» t of the County Roa J leading
Newell, proxy; Poison Creek —Ira
2330 and 2332 Market Stieet, Phil­ I Notice is hereby given that the following
East from Lawen.
named -ettlers ha« filed native ef <telr IntnattuU
Stubblefield; Pine Creek- L. C I
A part of the M tender Line
to make tual proof In support ut tbek elaitu and
Bradfield, bv Fred Iiair.es, proxy;
Road, ar.d
All correspondence strictly con­ that raid proof Will be lua le before Register
and Receiver at Purer, Orsgoti. •:> April
Diamond—M’ Horton, by J. H
The Bowser Lar.e Road.
fidential. A.
21, I'.n. «1»;
Neal, proxy; Island— Jos. 11:11, Specification* for said proposed work
Oeorge W. Curlla,
Hd ertry No. 7Ji. for lb* Lot 7. See »2. and
»¿.id all entitled to seats as per roll, are now on fi!e in mv office. The bid*
Lob 3, C, 7. and », nl -te SB. an<l l-»t A. of Soo.
a ill l>e opened and considered by the
Rcjavrt accepted.
11, T. kt>».. 1: 31 K. S >uth or Malheur Lake.
Court on
Wllllaa* ■>. liens.
For Infant» and Children.
Committee on order of business,
Thursday, Api il IO, 1902.
Hd entry No H»l, lor the 84XEV*. and
unpointed, by Chair, as follows: at 1 o'clock !’. M. of said day.
The Kind You Have Always Bought E’eNWK, Sec 13, T 2u 8.. it 31 E. South of Mal­
heur Lake.
l’re-.l Haines. J. L. Sitz and A. W. Ail material must be furnished by the
Bears th*
I'NHIip F, Dunn,
Contractor, an I the Court reserves th.
ltd entry No MU for the N^NK'i.BeC S», and
Blsnature ot
right to reject any at:d all bids.
»li'.SW'd, «W;«K‘4. ofSe-J*. T. MS.. K »1 K.
Majority report that county con. All Contractors will be required to give
South of Malheur Lake.
vention be held Apr. 12th, 1902, a bond to ue approved by the Court,
George Maralaall,
,;i’! 1 primries Mar 22d, 1902 carried. conditional for the faithful ¡«rfortnance U. H, Lard Office, Eurnr, Or , February 12,1202, Hd entry No 7*». for the Wt,NW>i. SCRNWlf
•nd Lota -J end 10. dec 36. T2t »., K >1 K, bo'llh
A. W. Gowan, of minority report of I.is contract.
Notice I n hereby given that the following of Malheur Lake.
named settler ha« fikd *>tlce of bis Intention
Flvln Maraball
withdrew from meeting, with the Dated thia 5th day of Man h. 1902.
to mak? Anal proof in sup|»or: of hl» ei«lm,
Rd entry No 7»j, for the lxita *, 7. a, 11 and H
If. R ich vsnsox,
Parting warning that “the election
and that <*aid proof wiil be ui»<le before Regi»
ar.d.NE'.iE1, 8e<-Pi. T 20 8-, K 3! E. South of
County CI rk,
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine
Tablets. All druggists refund the
money if it fails to cure. E. W.
I ¡rove’s signature Is on each box.
All persons are hereby notified
not to remove any building rock
from the west half of the M arrison
A I Idition to the town of Burns.
Dated January 11, 1902,
Al. L. L ewis ,
A?ent for Thoa. Morrison.
NOTItlli—Tbo«e who hoi I re
iiq>U for the, Northwest Wool-
Gnnver.« aud Live Stock Journal of
I’t ndleton Oregon, and are not re-
reiving (heir [>ap<-r are requested
to address the Journal, or ee.id
their names to the Items. Sub-
r'-riptions will date from the re-
i-ipt of the first copy of the paper.
Vis Haw
Paars the
J*» I'M
>saz. La
ter and liceelrer at Burn», Oregon or March
2 , 19W, vii.
J«»*« M, MDfrudtr,
IYd Entry No. 1276. fertile Lotfti,—3, 5,-4,-7,
aud fi, Sec. 3. Tp, 26 g.. K 32 E. W. M.
He i nine» the following witnoase« to prove
hi» eoutlnnous residence upon «nd cultivation
of Ntid i«r,d, v’z.
Lawrence Croakey, Haw ucl Grave«, t^e Car
penter, and John Grave4, all of Lawen, Oregon.
G eo . W. H aves ,
Malheur Lak*.
They name the foUnwit.^ wUn««»e. IO provo
their continuous reahlenee upon ar.d cudlvailon
ot «al l land, vis
Jam«» Colwell. Oeo-gn W. Curlla, U. T.
Hugbet, Nancy J. Blninann*. Wll laia J Punr,
and Philip 1 Dunn a l of Xarrows. Oregon,
• bl John E McCulley Of Hutus. Oregon.
Geo. W. HaVta.
Department of the interior; U. 8. Land Office
Burna, Orecun, March
Not cc i» hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Conrreas of
June ¿, 1J7\ entitled "an act for the sale of tlm.
her laudj in the 3tate» of California, Oregon,
Nevada and WeahiugUii Territory,” <4 extend-
ed to all the Public land State) bv act of Aug*
u>t 4, 1
Fiank Turner,
of Burn», county of Harney, State of Oregon, V. S I.and Office. Burn«. Oregon. Feb. M. l'i#2
U B, lAnJ office, liurns, Oregon. March *, IW2
ha$ tula day filed in thia office hU »worn «tale*
Nolle« Is hateby (Iren that In rotitplinnce
Notice Is h-r-b ' given that Rlrha-d M. Ly
L-' Gt No.
, f -r the l> .rrbase of the ffW‘4NE'z4, man. whore po tofllea arVrr»« la A'rcerg ’»>1 with the provl-l -ns of the *ct of Cousre,» of
NW'44E‘4, <1»4 EJt»W'4, of Section .No.
in fornla, ba-mad* application to select under- Jan* t, JM», eutllled "An act for th- -al* of
Towt »hip No 27 S., Range No. 37 E W M aud Act ef Jure 4, iS-7, »» -Rat. M)tho followlne de
»Imho- landa In the »talea of California, Oregon,
will offer proof to »how that the land »ought 4a »crlbc'l tract of l.rd;-NW^W^. 8W;NR>4
Nevarla, and W*>hln*toa Terrltore," a- attend
more valuable for IU tixpber or »tope than for of Section 20 and fxW 2, of Bectlon »• T iwnthlp ed to all tin. Tubilo Land Brate« by act of
a.grifultu:al purposes, »0<l to e>tabli»h hi» Iff South, Kang* 37 iast. and the NE'aNlV',. Airgiut 4. JMt,
eutiai to »aid land before the Leg iter fti.d Beetlhn t>, Towr i hip 24 South, Henge 36, Ea-t
honran K. MeKito,
Rsceirer of thh office at Ettrnr, Oregon, r« Willamette Meridian.
of Klrer-ld*. cd'tnty rrf Malheur, Bist« of O-«-
Tuejday, the 3rd day oi Jun«, rXXJ.
Within the next thirty day* from the dale gon, has Ihln day Bind In thia uffie* bl* «worn
Ht# r.an.ea as witness: John K JenKIps, Thou. hereof protest- er contests aealu-t the -election a'aleincnt No. C4, lor tlfe »itrchaae of the NW!4
E, Jenkin.4, Lewi» Hughe»:, of Hailth, Oregon, on the ground that the land deicrtbed. er any »WJ4. »ec. 1. arid NE<4NK>4 of Section No 2. In
M. FiUGcrald, of Burns, Oiegon.
ToWtuhlp No. 24, 8., Kauge No, Sit W II, and
portion thereof, Is more valuable for Me mln
will ertvr j.iwf lo «h..w thrt the land sought la
Any and all per»ons claiming »4ver»«ly »be orals than for agricultural purposes will be re
above-deacribtd la nd a are re<|Ue.*tedto Ele their reived and noted for report b> the Commliilon- mar* v*bi*bl* foriti llnbor or «ton« than for
claims in this office oner before s»iff 3rd dayo
africo It'i ral purposes, and to establish hla claim
ar of the General Lend O<nce.
June; 1^0>J.
to said land before the lleglntor and Receiver
Geo W Haye*. Register.
W m . F ahr «, RegUUr.
of tills office at Burna, Orcton. on ■■tiirday,
Phot publication. Ma e'l I. |90L
the 17tl. day of May. IWl.
Last publication, April 5, IM.
He n*iB*a a> witneaao : W E. Trlach, and
M FlttGe/ald of Burn«. Oregon : F. O. Mtitfler,
women V» travel and advertise for old edab- of Crane Oregon, and J D. Ftirman, of I’.iyer-
llkhad hon«, of «olid flnanclal -landlnr. Salary aide, Oregon
r *nd expennes, «II payable In ra-h
U. 9. I «nd GUV*. Burna, Oregon. March 12, 1902
Any and all p-raona clalnlr* adversely the
N , canvassing required. Give references aud i
Notice 1» hsreby given that Porter Sylvasfor et.
close .-lt-addre»rfd »tsnipva enveloped. above described land« are requested to file
h*« filed notice of Intention to make Saal proof Address Manager, 1W Caaton Bldg. Chlaago.
their claim« In thia office on or bef< re said 17th
before the Register and Revelrer at hie ofLce
day of May, 1'JOK
Xleo W. Hayca, Regíale».
tn Burn«. Orceon, on Sal i rd ay the 26 th day pf
April, I'M on timber cellar* -.ppllcalion No. arter and «< wh I rvputetiO« In each »tMe'one in
1135, for the NW 4 of «action No 1», ia Townuhlp .«hl, ro'inty required/to represent ar.d advertise
old e»tal«ll«hed wealthy huela-.k hou-c nfaelid
No 25, 8 . R«nge No32>4 E W M
Sneneial «landing. Sa’aryllktWI w-efcly with
He twine- *« wllnes e- .fame« H. O«r<|, Job.
evpen-«-« additional, all payable In -«,n each
Oarl. P-ter L, O trd end Nofet Gerd, all of Wednesday direct from Lead ofTIna«, Horee-
and carriage« furnl-hed, when nece«-arv K-f
erenee* Bnrioee eelf addre» <:d -tamped en-
Qee, W. Uayea, »«»iatyr. i vyb'pe Ma'iMcr. »1» fax’,on HuRding, bjilMfa, .
Clubbing rat a givt n with any
pa|>er or periodical published in
the United State».
- thb -
si . oo :
W eekly IH ter O cear I. I
‘ Th* Greatest Republican Paper ot the Weat.
T i* th* eiaat slalwatt and unsworviaa ttepekheaa Weekly pee •
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