Harney valley items. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 188?-19??, March 08, 1902, Image 2

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U. m»
■ èfc lábil
....... .............
Hlty You C um Yer l'aptr.
Representative M. xj J v of Q.-egon
im doing gooti work in exposing the When yer hear a teller cuaain'
,Uoul ther “sneak lit' lyin' press,
Tlte News in its article in l*st dangerous character of the bill for
Aa* ^ testin'tb«r reporter»—
week's issue headed “Sei/ Defense”
tier, tbur's somethin' wrong, I gueea
He has shown Mew I'll bet er year's aobseriplien
and which gu.hes over with baby­ before congress.
ism, «avs that wc have tnisrepre that its effect would l>e to give tbv' To the WeekK Nugle Call
vented that sheet at divers times control of nearly all the puWw That lher teller's been a doin'
sitcrday marciti t»«.
and about divers persons Well, grazing lands in Faatern Or*gou , Tlnnas he hadn't ought—tliel's all.
let us see A >egi ago that patter [ to big companies, which now own Yeu remervbsr old Hill Oweaa—
Handled all the eeuuty tin
Political D m «a.
came oyt in support of Hou. H. W. i vast tracts of land. The bill was
Corbett for the United States Senate drawn in 'u’h • wa-v that tho”‘ **- Said; " I >od gapt (her lyin' papers,
They ar* alius miain* in-—
Republican (langreaaional Con­ tf succeed Hon. Geo. W. McBride hind it booed it would be accepted Snoopin' round an' askin' ipieetioes,
vention. Second District, April 1.
and foe sever«! weeks it was back as in the public interest, whereas
Scratchip* down e^-li wu/d you say;
Republican State Convention, and forth, first for one candidate it was intended all the time to Prist is' all thar bloom in gossip
In their village ev'ry day."
and then for the other, wishing to , help the big cattle men to monojio-
April 2.
is servin' out tits sentence
land on the winning side, when we
Democrat State
stones te help lher state.
took it to task for its Hopping pro­
April 10.
Helped hiarelt jisl onct loo stlen ;
pensities and a desire to straddle
IxNigvud for rieheo—ooulda t wait.
tbe fence. It came back whining measure which its projectors hop'd Rut Ibst little dangotl reporter—
as in iu recent article saying that; would evade detection —Oregon
He got unto Bill, yer know ,
Seemed ter smell a defalcation—
“it knew no fence, etc.,*'|nd telling Agriculturist
The foregoing is an expression what a great deal it hail done Qr
Write 'er up aud let her gq.
Condon Times:
made use of by the News, and as it thie community, this to hide the Ward A Co., and Sears, Roebuck So yer take Tom Jones, lher bully—
Licks his wife an* raises Cain;
contains so much truth it is s ur- real point and catering for sympa­ & Co., of Chicago, and many other
An' Hauk Smith, ther barroom loafer,
prising thot it should appear in its thy from the ever fqrgetful and like firms, are being patronised Vy.
l>ruukeu Pete an' Job McLain—
col utaat. We repeat “God Hates forgiving public. So much for a people who are certainly under ob­ Ever; God-forsaken bummer
year ago.
Thet's a eyeeoie in ther town,
ligations to trade with their home
a Coward.” Such being a fact, (we
Last August the game sheet took merchant. Only thia week one of Says. *'Dod gaat ther lyin' paper."
honestly believe), will the News Mr. Moody to task for being in
'Caeae lher papers calls 'em down.
the above named firms sent out
favor of leasing the public domain. circulars to the effect that Mrs. So-
Who is the author of the piece How did that paper glean its in­ and-Re, vour neighbor, had just re­
in its iwue of this week signed. formation? Did it take any pains ceived their 50c mammoth cata­
to find out the truth of its i|»«r- logue and she would be pleased to “Somelkiug New Coder the San."
' Republican.”
If vhe News is capable of looking lion? Why after its accusation fol­ show it to you so you can make se-
I All doctors have tried to cure
out for itself as it states, why did io wetl £v two months of supreme I lections.
We trust our readers I CATARRH by the use of powders,
its editor ask our worthy demo­ silence or. tbe matter burst forth will see this proposition in its right
acid gates, inhalers and drugs in
cratic brother to shoulder half the ( in tbe opposite direction without light, ss their home merchants
explaining its reason for so doing? and not Sears, Roebuck A Co., are paste form. Their powders dry up
1 444 >n thia little squabble?
(tbe mucuous membranes causing
If that paper represents the peo­ If it found out that it had been helping to build up our city and
them to crack open and bleed The
ple. Why did it a year ago support misinformed and wanted to do Mr. every dollar spent at home will a.d
powerful acids used in the inhalers
Mr. Corbett for the Senate when Moody justice, Why didu't it ex­ this purpose. Begin now I
have entirely eaten away the same
that party did not have six followers plain its position and not leava tbe
rntiqbranes (hat their makers have
matter open for the people to draw I
Waiskey and Cards My K#hi-
in Harner county.
to cure, whiht pastes ant]
Who is thie Gowan that the their own concision», which lead
4 niao took hie own life in
cannot reach the disease.
News slobbers over so lusciously? sogie to believe that Mr. Moodv Spokane last week, and left thie
An old and experienced practioner
Is this the same individual that had flopped on tbe question, when distressing epitaph:
who has for many years made a i
“To Whom It Mav Concert;:
wag elected to the state convention every act, and getions speak louder
(close study »nd »|>ecialty of tbe
by the cju tral committee a few tljan words, of his hgs beeDagai >si Whiskev and cards have been my
treatment of CATARRH, ba. at I
years ago?
the much discussed question. The ruip. Bury my body any place;
I last perfected a Treatment which '
Will ¿he News print the purpose majority of people in this section ' you ran not locate my relatives,
when faithfully used, not only re-
and names on the subscription pa never did believe that Mr. Moody j Life has been a failure for me. 1
, Hevea at once, but permanently
per soliciting funds to figfet this would (>{tray hie trust to work for am better dead than alive.”
cures CATARRH, by removing th” I
^per for its en4e%vor to unmask their interests and when tbe I tems
Whisky and cards were not the
Ther cause, »topping the discharges, anti I
the “push,” the first name on tlje said last Fall that the people were ' ruip of thia unfortup«te
¡curing all inffamtuation. lliatbe I
paper we are in formed being that perfectly satisfied with Mr. Moody. . were but the instruments of his
| only reutedv known to science ih»t I
of W. D Hanley, $20, and circu­ we honestly believe we were veieing ' ruin. We d > not blame the sword
actually reaches the afflicted parts. I
lated by J. J. Donegan, and al;o tbe sentiment of a majority of tbe *od cannon for the horrors of war-
ihie wonderful temedy is known i
etafe tp whom this money goes?
voUra of thia section irrespective of fare, because reason tells ua tligt as SNI FFI.Eri the GUAKAN I
politics, and the insinuation on the war and battle spring from irnper-
There were
The news from South Africa is part of the News tbaf qur support, feet human nature
sold at the extremely low price uf :
of Mr. Moody is not sincere, is but wgrs before the invention of can-
beginning to h^vjs * hackneyed
One Dollar,each package contait -
tbe mouthing uf a brain so warped nona and »word, and w ak natures
tone. De Wet is either about to be
ing internal and external medicine I
with its associations with disbor,- would court destruction if whiskv
pastured or haj just escaped cap-
sufficient for a full month's treat I
esty and low and vile political had not been disti»|ed or card»
t u re.
ment and everything necessary to
trickery that it cannot distinguish , printed.
its perfect use.
the true ring from the false.
i It will not strengthen or aid the
•‘SNUFFLES” ia the only |*r-
Chairman Newell of the County
The News continues by saying drunk ird to tell him that whisky I
(. ATARKH CUBE ever made
Central Committee has just bought we called Mi. Corbett, “old money ig responsible for bis weakness,
is now recognized ss the only
a new bat two numbers larger than bags.” Me do not remember that Carrie Nation thinks so, and voices
safe and positive cure for that an |
the one formerly worn since learn­ we used tjje expression, but if we, her sympathy for drunken loafers
noying and disgusting disegse. It '
ing he wag the wnole(thing.
djd, we guess we did not miss tbe while she vents her indignatiop on
I cures all inflaruation quickly and
truth more than a y»rd, and if we » Jot of insensate bottle »nd saloon
[wrmanrnlly and is also wonder
Ou tww previous occasions, the had bis ‘spoudulicka” the News fixtures. But she is wrong
quick to relieve HA Y FEVER
could call us any old thing th»t it
Tbe world should preach adiffrr-
County Central Committee look
or COLD in the HEAD.
coul(l shape into words if we ran ent gospel,
When men cry out
the siitnje action that the one did for the U. S. Senate.
CATARRH when neglected often ,
that whisky is their ruin, or cards
Ust Saturday. Of course two
Tbe paper mentioned above , their downfall, they should be told,
wrongs(?)does not make it right. makes mention of thi "party ofita
FLES” will save you if you use it j
> in all kindness, that thev are in
affiliations.” What is that party. error. Their own weak nature is al once. Il is no ordinary remedy,
jlad ths ''push” been in coutrol That paper in tfeq last three years I at fault, »nd their sole hope of sal­ but a complete treatment which is
I positively guarinteed to cure
pf the county organization gq elec- haj been Populist. Independent, vation ia in the development of {
^'ATARRH in any form or stage
liup would have been held for state Democratic and Republican for their will power and the alrengtb- !
; if used according to the directions
Bv these
delegates, in whichpaae we suppose revenue only ; Snd What? ; and its ing of thair character.
which accompany each package.
rvery thing would bare been har­ present editor made a public ex­ forces a man may be saved in a
pression less than a year ago that , day. If he w»it for the abolish- j Don’t delay but send for it at once
monious. But 1
if Hon. John H, Mitchell was elect­ ment of whisky and cards, hie case I and write full particulars as to
n.y.-— . ■ —
ed to the U. S. Senate he would will indeed be hopeless.—Spokane your condition, and you will re­
That those ‘'sazan men” acted
ceive special advice from the di»*
never vote the republican ticket , Review.
coverer of this wonderful remedy
according to what they believed to ' aggin, which led several people to
he for the best we have no reason remark at the time that they very I It would be thought that in the regarding your case without cost to
to dotlbt. That each one baa the ! much doubted that he ever did vote supreme moment of the great naval you beyond the regular price of
strength of ch»r»cter to vote hie 1 a straight republican ticket.
victory, with the whole fighting .TEED CATARRH CURE.”
own uisbes is out fir/q belief.
Sent prepaid to any address in
strength of the Spanish navy scat­
tered along the adjacent coast, the I the United States or Canada on re-1
In addition to being extremely
I cejpt of One Dollar. Address Dept I
General Jacksor/s advice to a
1 American sailors exuberantly c)ieer-
well written and telling gn inter-1 | ing Sehjey, a feeling of triumph iu H»yl
young p>aq who desired to become a estjng story in a masterful way,
2330 and 2332 Market
successful politician should be heed- the book "Schley and Santiago” is «very bsart, Admiral Sampson Street, Philadelphia,
H bv a few would-be statesman in bound to have considerable histor­ would have been generous in bis------------------------------------------------
Prf gqn. lip s^id: "Give up no ical worth, as tbe author was all conduct towards Schley, even if ‘ nUBEB FUK PUBLICATION,
irienjjfo win an enemy;” and -Be through tbe Santiago campaign
t! 8, I^nd olBc«, Burn«, Or«t«n. M*'*'11 *. 1»®’-’
strong with your friends and then and on tbe bridge of the Brooklyn ally be expected to belittle Schley’s , Notte* I. haivby glroo that In Cotnpliour«
with th« prevl.loa. of the act of Congrt.a of
>oiicHn defy
enemies.” And with Schley during {he engage­ part in the battle; but even then Jun« 1, ins. entitled "Ao act for the .aloof
General Jackson’s bead was emi- ment which sunk the ships of , Sampson was cold, took no notice | lioib«- land. In thaSt.te. of California, Ortfon,
Nevada, and Ws. hl of too Territory,” ». ottend-
pently levpl on this particular Casvera. All who know Mr. Gag­ : of the signals pf the Brooklyn, and od Io all the Public Land State, by 8>1 V<
Auga.t 4, ISM.
ham, the guthor, know that when
paaeaa g, K.Kao,
j through the megaphone that he be
of klvorildo. county of Malh.ur, State of Ore­
he writes, he writes the truth with­
allowed to accept the surrender of gon, baa thia day Sled In thia oftlee bi. aworn
The jpere fact that there was out fear or favor. He tells jdet I
the Colon
Tbe Graham lx>ok i atotem.nl No. 44, lor the surehaao of tho N W>4
/iL 'is who h»d yery »pengazpi ra­ what happened, apd be wgs there j ' (“Sohley and Santiago”)will do SW>4. Se« 1 and NEIiNK’4 of Section No a, Iq i
Townahly No. 24, S.. Bango No, 97 X W g, and
tion« ,o ¿o to the elgte convention, to ree it all. The book h as inter­
much to offset Maolay’s »ccouqt of wilt offer proof to .how that tho land .ought te
moro valuable for Ila limber or atone than for
p.av have caused the action of the esting as a novel and as reliable as
the battle, anj give Schley credit agricultural purpoa«., and to oatobliah hla claim
Central Committee with its present humgn testimony can |?e.—Tj}e Al­
in history for his good ffght off to aatd Ipnd before the lt.gl.t.r and Rocolvor
of tbla ofll<s pf Bu'"*. Oregon, on Satniday,
i <>p;ph xion, to Ipo^ bad to some bany Times.
Santiago.—Ths Minneapolis Journ­ the ITth day of May, 19J1
.»eople, that may have been joyous
Ho name, pe wltneaaea W ft. Trlaoh, and
M FltlOerald of Burna. Orogen; F O. Stouff.r,
had the same streak of lightening
Our day* are comparatively few,
of (.'ryuo Oregon, end J. D. Falrman, of River-
Stop the C'gugh
struck Qi«,,-». S^tfigp^eM they jay and w» |ivq through ®»®h day only
aldo. Qrog'»"
and Work off the Cold
Any end all peraqna claiming adversely |ho
ja a part of some peoples composir once. Therefore, it behoove» us to
above dcarrlbod Iqpda pre r.<tnp.t»d to file
|ion, but they are not to blame for make each day worth while.— laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets tholr daini. In Ihia office on or b«f< re raid 17th
cure a cold in one day. No Cure,
day of Ma;, 1902-
fl)1 ir«» 4? Mp
N > p«jr. Price *¿5 cents,
Mjrch Ladi»?p’
— mid Ims been liimlo under bln per»
aomilaupcrvlaitiii alnt’t’ It» Infhney.
Allow no one lodccelvc yon In this.
All Counterfeit*, JmitoUlon* Baid "aJu ■ - <i«ui,,nre but
Experiiumts Unit trill«* with und wndmi r
Iicadth of
lufiuit* und Children Experlciieo tigtiltr i l^pcrliueula
What is CASTCmA
Outtoriw is m harmldM aubstltute for C um . i - OH, Bure-
goric, i»r<>|>. miti Nut/Gting Syrtipa. It I- l'ia-uunut. 1»
contnlnx ucltlicr Opium. Murplijue nor otlt.'r Nur«-otto
Rubatane«. Ita ago is its gtUMUitl«'«'. It «hstiiiy i W.irtue
nini ultuys Fevnrishueaa. It «urea IHuvilut'i» mid Wlnal
Colic. It rcliwvcs Teething Troubles, t-nt.'. CotiaUpnUou
mi«t I'lwttileiK-y. Il MAHiinllul«'» tli<< l'uaul, regnlAtM tbo
Nluiniuli mid Dowel», giving ii<-altliy mh <I nut timi sleep.
Ttie Cliildrcu'» i'mtucea—Tba, .Mother'» Friend.
Bears the Signature of
The Kind You Have
In Use For Over .
vw« ««ssTRvw ••«•*»•1«. tf gs •««*« «r
w S^at
Th« I■*!(•;>Id Ayxwlaled !*»#•• war
» the 1$ N l»rwM.fciyn duHaf the satire «»»
.a .jal.
l. MSt»Wtw«i WlUk
lAfewn by tbs» Author durtof th« tight
S chley . J? > I rhe Most Sensational
S antiago Book of the Day.
Th« tri»» »»rf ot th«
«ml«« t»< tlM Fl)lM
Iqes le-n Hhd«r (. . ■.•^•rs W Inflvid Watt BwMwy. Is»#lu4
* am H aadl«« roiMrioalvwlf «»«ry adrefw • ulU»«
uri of tn>AWlry.
J <■
Í, .<
No tub J oct hn« ever bvvu lx» tor» th» public that h*i lnlrr<’®l<xi ovr*rybo«J]r
th» tuaniH'f in which Admiral Hcblcy
l»c«n irwwlrd. and th» Ayrrlran
demand thu Wf j M«MM>rl«IM ot the Horo of SaanUB^B. TM»
everything lu'tl
Itoccurrrd and a* the r jrewltnewft •»* IL H< m > k I m aelllng
Ilk» wildfire. Liberal CMnmlMkms. <>uUlt
•cent «tan»pa for canvaaMtng outfit. ACT QCICK
Now 1« th» Um» to MAAS MONtV.
Price $1.50, $1.75, $2.25, $2.75, ecror«Mna to style of binding deaired.
Sola PubUshorel>OJttOAGO,
Fur aivly years ths NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBVNK pas been a national
weekly newipaprr, read almost entirely by farmers, and has enjeyetl the ceefl
deme and support of the American |>eopla to a degree never attained by aay
similar publication. THE
is made aueolutely for farmers and their faaailiss. The Ont number was issued
Novetnbea 7lh, 1IM1.
Every de,larlment of agricultural ind'jatry is covered by special contributors
who are leaders in their respective lines, and theTRIHIJNE FARMER will lie
in every sense a high class, up to date, live, enterprising agricultural paper, pro­
fusely illustrated with pictures of live stock, model farm buildings ami homes,
gvricultural machinery, etc.,
Farmers' wives, eons and daughters will find special pages for entertainmsat.
Regular price »1 per year, with 1TFMH |1 50. Address ITkMR, 1 urns. Or.
one in each town to ride and exhibit a aample iodi wiedel
bicycle of our manufacture. YOU CAI NAal gl* T«
gtO A WEEK beaidea having a wheel to ride for yeureeM.
1901 Model» fiusraekeed $10 fo $10
’00 0'09 Modelo .IS. $7 is $12
Ve !ship any’ Ü<7cÎe”Qiÿ"XpPRÔVAL to
anyone wtlAoul a
tn advanc« au<l allew
no risk In ordering from ns, as ynn do not used to pay
a cent if the bicycle does not suit you.
a ffaoraala. af
th« quant/ «r oar «hrvto.
a rollale« pereoa ta «srh «uwe lo diatriba!« eeUlogaos fer *• ta
Stcyclc. Writ« today fot fro« cataloga« aad ear spadaJ odhr. •
•V '-»^p