Harney valley items. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 188?-19??, March 08, 1902, Image 1

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    Published in the
Greatest Valley of Eastern Oregon.
The Oldest gnd Most
The Best Advertising
Harney Valley Items
VOL. 18.
UJJ1L-. -
NO. 15.
’A ComniMiiIcatUu.
plansand specifications of the work
that will be necessary in order to
Contributed fro« P<>l»oB Creak
reclaim tbe laud. Tbe board will
Then shall the kingdom of Bataa
submit tbe plans to an engineer
be likened unto a grain of tobacco
State Derides an Arid-Land appointed by the board, and will
seed, which, though exceedingly
Krclamatiou Contract.
require him to furnish an estimate
I« Immeasurable and InestiaiR- small, being cast Into the ground,
of the cost of constructing tbe ditch­
ble— A Comparison.
grew aad became a great plant, so
es, flumes, etc., and also the animal
that tbe huge arid vile worms found
charge per acre which should be
The State Land Roam has reach­
a habitation thereon.
allowed for the maintenance of the
Hardware of Every Description.
It cause to pass in tbe course of ed a final decision in regard to the irrigation system. The compensa­
An exchang® says that hidden time that the men looked upon it
form of contract that will be made tion of this engineer must be paid
in tbe silent bosom of tbe Allo- and thought it beautiful to look
RURMR, ..................
with irrigation aempanies for the by the applicant for a contract.
ghaniee it a silent spring, so puny upon, and much to be desired to
of arid lands, The; All the expenses of reclaiming the
that a dog could lap it up in a make lads look big and mealy. So
land and securing title thereto
auruuier’s day. Unobtrusively and they put forth their hands and did form adapted is expected ts meet must be paid by the company re­
silently it threads its way among chew thereof. And some it made the approval of the several concerns claiming tbe land, and the com­
ths leaves and grass and fallen tick ; and others it caused to vomit which have been seeking contracts. pany must look to settlers who wish
trunks and boulders, gaining moot filthily. And further it came In brief, the board has decided that to purchase land for repayment of
strength with every step, until it to pars that those who chewed it it will give an applicant a contract the cost of reclamation.
becomes the grand Ai.d beautiful became weak arid unmanly, and f®athe rvclamxtion of arid land at
The arid land law has for its
jÒll.N W BMOS. President,
Ohio; thence stretching for Luu* aaid: Wo are enslaved and cannot a price te be estimated by a civil qbject the acceptance of a donation
Vice President. •
G ICO FRY. Casbisr.
dreds of miles it cultivates farms, cease from chewing it. And the engineer appointed by the State of 1,000,000 acres of arid land from
refreshes hundreds of villages mouths of all that were enslaved Land Board. This price will be the United States. The Carey act
and towns, and bears many steam­ became foul, for they were siezed the amount due the reclamation provides that Oregon may secure
boats upon its hot® in; then ming­ with a violent spitting, and did company, and the smount for title to that amount of land by hav­
with the mighty Mississippi, spit, even in ladies’ parlors,-and in which th« company will have a ing it reclaimed, and tLat settlers
along for 1200 miles more the hotyie oi the Lord of hosts, and li«n upon the land The state en­ may tben secure title to it from the
until it reaches the great ocean tho saiDts of the Most High were gineer will -al>«o fix the rate the state by paying the actual coet of
and there even its influence ie felt- greatly plagued thereby. And io company may ch»ige per year for reclamation, with interest. The
io with societies Rising those days it also catue to pass use of water by settlers upon re­ state could not undertake to reclaim
A General Banking Business Transacted. | like Ho a it little
hidden spring in the that other« snuffed it and they wer* claimed land.
land, for such an undertaking
DireeUra: W. V. King, I. 8. Geer, Geo. Fry, W. E Trisch. • remote recesses of antiquity the taken suddenly with fits, and they
would soon bankrupt it, snd the
J. C. Welcome.
first and grandest of them all, sneezed with a mighty sneeze in ed this decision after consulting arid land law was passed in order
*®»® « •••••••«« OBB® •*• -W. ••
Masonry, flowed along quietly somueb that their eves were filled' with a number of well-known at­ to encourage private concerns to
through many changing scenes, with tears, and they did look ex­ torneys in this state. A difference undertake the enterprise.
ever dee|>enitig, ever widening, then ceedingly silly. And yet others of opinion has existed concerning
Tbe law provides, in brief, that
societies added their strength wrought leaves into rolls, and did the proper interpretation of tlse any person who desires to reclaim
R i '* m * L ot ®« No. 70, X of P
to ths stream, until the river of sot fire to one end thereof, an I did law, and this difference has caused arid land shall make application
Moots »vary Thursday night
1 . M. J urdan, C. C.
fraternity hue become a veritable look very grave and calf-like, and the delay. The attorneys for the therefore to the State Land Board,
fl. TdXberrtiead , K of 11 S.
Amazon, fructifying and beautify tbe smoko of their torment ascend­ irrigation companies urged im­ submitting at the same time maps
ing the land of time through which ed up forever and forever. And mediate action, upon the ground and plans of the proposed irriga­
it, How» bearing upon its bosom tbe cultivation thereof became a that development of the arid re­ tion system.
The application
M m U Mcorvl and fourth Mouday <4
Hurns, Arrirwn.
uianv of the great leviathan minds great and mighty business in the! gions in Eastern Oregon is being must also contain an estimate of
each'month in Masonic hall, Voegtly
Main 8t—opposite Bank.
bvdding. Mr». Mtmzle !^»«na, W. M.
and hearts of tbe world, and pour earth, and the merchants waxed delayed. The board took the posi­ the coet of constructing the irriga­
Mr» JCsnus Thomysea, W»*.
ing itself at last with tremendous rich by the commerce thereof. And tion that while it felt a desire to tion system, and the annual cost of
force into the great sea of eternitv it came to pass that the saints of promote the development of East­ maintenance. The Land Board
ftURNB IdllMiB, NO. >7, A.F. A A Bl. M AMfDIM A GK à RY
mingling with it and adding to its the Most High defiled themselves ern Oregon, it must foEow the law then mAkee a conteact with the
Me' ts Saturday on or before full moon.
w L. Mar»dao.
Jnhn W Gaary.
therewith, even the poor, who could strictly, and hence refused to jield applicant for the reclamation of
Qmliflrd brothers fraternally invited,
IV>y»iriane <(■ Surgeons
The influence, moral, social and not buy shoes, nor bread, nor books to the demands of the applicants the land, and tbe State Land Board
K. Kmroe, W. M.
F. S. Rieder.
educational, of our leading frater­ for their little ones, spent their until tbe advice of attorneys had makes an application to the Secre­
'Office st residence. ’Phone 20.
nities is immeasurable and inesti­ money for it. And the Ix>rd was been obtained.
tary of the Interior for a contract
RCRNS LOIHIF., NO. S3. A. O. U. W. |
mable—a statement which is no greatly displeased therewith, and
The principal difference of opin­ binding the United States to con­
Meets at Brown hall every Frida» eve- ,
ion was in regard to the agreement vey the land when reclaimed.
VRiluig brothers fraternally in-
giaas a Díaos
nificent and divine truths which why do these little ones lack for that should be made governing the The irrigation company is given
sited. Than. Sagers, W M. Chan. N
J. W biggs
Oallou Bigg..
Ceshrane, Rraacdar
lie kttbe foundation and are taught bread and shoes and books? Turn amount due the company for its full and exclusive possession of the
in such beautiful rituals have now your fields into corn and I work of reclamation. The arid land land from the time the contract is
II AHNEY LQDG», NO. 77, I. O. O F. 1
like the leaven in the par­ wheat, and put this evil thing awav law passed by tbe last Legislature made. The company must begin
Meets every SAlurd «V evening, B own’»
i able, until ever fiber of humanity far from you, and be t-eperate and
Visiting brothers fraternally in-1
is inconsistent in important partic­ work on its ditches within six
|T“OfHen in Bank building.
Frank O Jacfcau«, M.G. ,
I throbs iu heartfelt response. The defile not yourselves, and I will ulars. Section 2 provides that the months after tbe contract shall be
C. <i. Hmi h, Secretary
house, the city, the hamlet, tbe bless you cause my face to shine up­ State l and Board is authorized to made with the Secretary of lairr-
workshop, the office, tbe school, on you. But with one accord they ; enter into contracts for the reclam­ ior, and by tbe end of the first year
the senate chamber and church exclaimed. We cannot cease from ; ation of arid lands, and to create 10 per cent of the necessary expen­
Woodcraft. Meet» 3nd and 4th Tuna-
dav at Rrnnn'a hall. Mr» Tilli* .Ionian,
Attorney ot-Law,
have all quivered with the joys chewing, snuffing and puffing. We liens, which, when created, “shall ditures must be made, and must
Mrs. Ions Whiting
BURNS. oaioox.
and blessings which such societies are slaves.
be valid against tbe land reclaim­ complete the work within such
fWF* AMaraty Hr Slate Sahaal Board.
scatter abroad, and have been ele­
ed, for tbe actual and necessary ex­ reasonable time as may be fixed in
vated by their moral leverage.
A spring has been discovered pense of reclamation, and reasona­ the contract. After land haa beet
Arlington on the Washington ble inteiest thereon from the date reclaimed, any citizen of the Unit­
yyti.i.iAMs a rirzaiKALD
ciate the benevolent and social side of the Columbia, that shows of reclamation until said lien shall ed States may secure title to 16U
I'heraUn William«,
M. FitsceraM.
principles of our orders, tbe moral every indication of oil. In the have been satisfied." In section 4 acres thereof by paying the holder
Wnrnej at Law.
watary Publia, I features shall ever be the most
little eddies of the stream flowing it ia provided that the State Land of the le&n the proportionate a-
—T rade M arks
/,<», Notarial and Real Retati
potent and sublime. Ry the “Moral from the spring oil in sufficient Board shall, by the contract, “fix mount due on the trect desired,
feature" is meant the power that quantities to burn has been found. the amount due the person or cor­ provided the State Land Board
■PffNI 1
C opyright » Ac.
Aarons sending a abetrh and deserlntlon may
innilils life and charscter, the —Canyon City Eagle.
Burna. Orrg'in.
saintly aarertaln oer opinion free whsihsr aa
poration for the reclamation ofsaid shall designate the proportion of
larMllon M erobably Mtenleble. Conimanir».
Orti ce in old Máseme building power th»t implies lofty purposes;
u<>n> atrioil, ronSdsnilal. Handkook on raíame
land, and the annual charge Tor the the amount of the entire lien which
•ant free. Oldest sasany for socunn« palama.
raíanla lsisa thmegh Munn A Co. «eaafrs
^relal notus. vtthoet abarse, la tbe
Everything to Eat, Wear and maintenance of the irrigation sys­ the desired tract bears to the whole
nobles and makes a man Godlike. Use carried by N. Brown it Sons. tem, and create a lien which shall tract subject to the lien. Tbe deed
In 1848 Lamartine introduced I)« Send them your orders for any­ be valid on and against the land to Cte land is to be executed by
A kandsomely lllsst
eulatlon or any mm
la Eure to the riotous populace, thing you need.
ra^r: roar Bontln,I
reclaimed for the amount due, as tbe State Land Board and will be
Practical bind Surveyor.
saying, “Listen, citizens!
It is
afeed upon, and interest thereon in the form of a quit claim.
Barns, Oregea. sixty years of a pure life that is
Applications have been filed for
There is more Catarrh in this at the rate of 6 per cent per annum
about to address you." The multi
for the reclamation cf a
from the date of reclamation, until
g W. MILI.Kit,
tude all became attentive to his section of tbecountry than all other said lien shall have been satisfied." total of more than 250,QOu acres of
words, for the power of integrity 1 diseases put together, and until tbe
Under these two conflicting pro­ arid land. Many of these applicu-
Notary PMic and Conveyancer,
and purity «re inestimable. This last few years was suy posed to be visions the board at first took the tipna are from indiuiduals or small
Msrt(scss,'Dssds, Bia., esrrsstly mads.
is ths influence which our fraterni­ incurable. For a great many years view that the amount due should associations of individurls who de­
on«« al Siers.
Bares, Orages.
ties should emphasize most, be­ doctors pronounced it a local di­ be the actual cest of reclamation, sire to reclaim '.and for their own
cause it is the foundation of all sease, and prescribed local remedies, which could be determined only personal use. Th* form of contract
and by constantly failing to cure
after the work has been completed. determined upon today will be used
Much has been accomplished with local treat men’, pronounced it The applicants for contracts, on in all cases, with such minor vari­
Science has proven
already in this direction, but much incurable.
ations a* may necessary where in­
a constitutional di­ the other hsnd. contended that the
more might be done It is impos­
board must fix the amount due in dividual« are seekirg only ItiO
sible to estimate tho moral influ­ sease, and therefore requires con­ toe contract and for this amount acre.
ences which lie latent in our lodges. stitutional treatment. Hall« Catarrh the company should have a lien,
We talk much of tbe power that Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney though the actual cost nosy pro»«
Bacon, Ham, and Shoulders ar«
lay latent in steam until Watts A Co.. Toledo, Ohio, is tho only to be greater or less.
down to 15 and 16 cents since
evoked tho spirit that slumbered
The board has been advised by Brown A Sons received a kO-bor«e
there, nnd he rose to make the It is taken internally in doses from its attorneys that the amount due
load from the Devine ranch.
world tremble with Donderous 10 drops to a teaepoonful. It acts should be fixed in the contract,
machinery. We talk of the power directly on the blood and mucous hnd that in determining this a-
surfaces of tbe system. They offer
Oregonian «nd Item«, $2.00
that wee latent iu electricity until
mount the board mav adopt such
man threw out his hand and chain­
means as it may deem best. Con­
ed the lightning, making it his fails to cure. Send for circulars ti acts will therefore be drawn ac­
willing slave. Yet. what are these and testimonials.
to the moral pbwer that lies latent F. J. Cheney dr C<. .props.Toledo. O. ’ cording to thin view
t’e Tbta t'f-rluw ia «■ vrerj bo* ot the genuine
witb in our lodges waiting to 1» call­
□ PPüSirf h s t'ft 11 m i ort U r
Hold by Drnvgi.-ta 7oe
Laxative Bromo-Quinine ?-«««
ed forth to bless mankind.
8t.«tp Land Buard with ' l * k
JJalJ’s F buh I j Pills arc the beat.
*« b RB«*>v UM® mbw ® • « m N 1 b * mw A w
Geer & Cummins
X ! Capital Stock
Scientific American.
225.000 00 j