Harney valley items. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 188?-19??, February 22, 1902, Image 4

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When you send out of town for
stuff, instead of buying it from
In the matter of thq
Time, so swift in living.
j our lunue merchants, il is all right An Ingenious Tieaiiuent by which
l atalevf Joint Maher,
Mock our hopes und fears;
for yoii to go to tho post master to Drunkard* are BeingCurcd Dully
Notin'i* herein *iventoKvrau Mahor,
in Spite of Themselves.
f.iitle space for laughter—
see why it hasn’t come just 15 min­
a brother , John Maher. Margnrut Maher,
Little space for tears.
utes after you have ordered it, and No Noxious Vox's. No Weakening of Katie Mnhcrand l.iai’c» Maher, children
if it ia not there, then you may be Ihr* Serves. A Pleasant aud Posi­ i of IVnms Maher it predeceaiu'd brother.
pirn ekies for your cover
tive Cute for the Liquor Habit.
Margaret Moylan, a sister,- and
sure it is the fault of the postmaster
In life’s dying day,—
Mr». Ellen i'elnnoy, n sister, Kild to all
AU ths world,» a lover:—
It is now generally known and person» having an int real in the estate
awhile for the sake of the interest.
I aivc , then, while ye may !
that Drunkeucaa iaadi- of John Maher, doceiiaoil, tli.it the ad-
Al ways get in tho front of tho |
—Atlanta Constitution.
sense ami not weakness. A body till­ uiiuiatrator li is lilod his thiul account as
line at the delivery window, and |
»itch adiuiuiitrutor mid the c >url lias ilx-
shovo right and left with your big, | ed with poison, and uerveacomplete ed
ly shattered bv periodical or con­ Monday, Mmcli the 3rd. 11X12,
bony elbows, and if there are cbil- j
stant use of intoxicating liquors, re­ at ten o'clock it. ai. of Mid da) al the
dreu ahead of you. and their parents
quires an antidote capable of nett- county court room in Burna, Harney
Written by a Postmaster, a«d
are not around, crowd right ahead
Ought to Know.
tralizinf and eradicating this poi»on County, Oregon. :ts the tltno when all oh
of them.They cant help themselves. I
to said linal account will be
and destroying the craving for in­ jeclione
bear 1 by the Court and the tin il account
Long Crock Banger.
toxicants. Sufferers may now cure of the administrator settled, aud all |wr-
When yon go into the pastofliee glad to see yoi^
themselves at homo without pub­ eons having oojectione to aii»f account
Stick vour head in at the delivery
after your mail, it is proper to walk
licity or loss of time from Imsiness arc requested to tllo the Mill«» on or bo-
¡n und demand attention, as if the window and converse with the by this wonderful “HOM E GOLI) foie said date.
Dated this let day of February, 1002.
jwstmastcr were a servant of the postmaster in a pleasant tone of CURE" which has been perfected
j-eople. That is what be is paid voice all the while a big crowd is after many years of close study and
of John Mulier,
waiting behind you. and folks will
treatment of inebriates The faithful docotimt-l
No odds whether you ever get think you are on intimate terms
use according to directions of this
¡any mail or not. Neither does it t with the administration. Get ofl wonderful discovery is positively’
make one bit of difference if vou a bit of pleasantry, just to show guaratiteed to cure tlio most obsti­
To the Honorable County Court,
never expect any, and couldn’t folks that you are not scared and nate case, no matter how hard a nev t’oontv, <>rvgon :
¡the postmaster will always romem-
read it if you did get it.
We, the nr. Icndgnfsl petitioner»,
m_. ...
daren’t shoot you It drinker. Our records show the mar- dents, taxpayers, mid legal voter* u(
if vou come in after tho general ktr
velons transformation of thousands Will Horse Fre inct. said oom.ty, and
delivery is closed, you should is against the law.—A M.
of Drunkards into sober, industri­ State, moat respectfully petition yonr
®tand around a while and cuss the
ous and upright men.
Honorable Court to grant a license
The Town Hoodluin.
poetmaster in particular und the
WIVES CURE YOUR HUS­ to Alex C. Burke to veil spiritu­
government in general. This is u
CHILDREN CURE ous, malt und venous liqitors in
The town hoodlum, who pridos
less quantities than ono gallon in said
free country and vou have a right
YOURFATHERS!!This remedy is Precinct tor n p«riod of three months
to do that. Go after your mail
in no sense a nostium but is a spe­ beginning on the Nmi'tli day o( April
everyday. If you never got a let­ viciousness and all around worth­ cific for this disease only, and is so IWK> •
ter in your life you should make ii lessness, is never perfectly happv skillfully devised and prepared that Name».
J. A VeM,
a point to go oftcuer, say three os
it is thoroughly soluble and pleas­
Jacob Shown,
E. Alberson,
four times a Jav. and for fear that pistol and learns to get drunk on ant to the taste, so that it can be W.
E. Miranda,
Dr. D. B. Cato,
you get tired or forget to go, in­ “blind tiger’’ whiskey. He is then given in a cup of tea or coffee with­ G I.i renrana.
B. F. Fieni,
struct six or eeven of vour children* equipped mentally, morally and out the knowledge of the ¡»erfon Geo. A. Smyth,
C. W. Vounkin,
s. Alberaon,
whose noses need blowing, to is* physically for a career of crime to taking it. Thousands of Drunkaids J. C. West,
A. it. Hollis.
sure to go. If the postmaster doesn’t end in penitentiary stripes ora vio­ t have cured themselves with this John Smyth,
Pete Talaniancts,
Frank luirmn,
,;top everything else and wait ou
priceless remedy, and as many more Joo Bauikoiier,
E. II. Hurlburt,
vou and vonr kid-», report him to
Olia». Turner,
have been cured and made temper­ M A. Modfo,
effort to pass himself off for a “tad
the postmaster general.
Gums,inda Miitnud..*
ate men by having thel’CURE”ad- F, S. Redon,
J. E. Carlson,
But do not forget to go often man” is the time that the town and rainiatered by loving friends and \ndrcw Stone,
th it the nn.ler-
N lice is hereby given
enough. Your mail might clog up ' county officers should come down relatives without their knowledge rigned
— - l'.sr )•_>.
will on the *>th day of • April,
.. • to . ....
. .
.1 »4
tho i ('ounty
and stop traffic in the department
in coffee or tea, and believe today make
ilarney County, Stato ot (Ji <■>«, f<»r the
if you allow it to accumulate so. law aud give him a lesson sufficient­ I that they discontinued drinking of granting
of the license mentioned in the
Trv and crowd ahead of everybody ly severe to do him permanent i •heir own free will. DO NOT WAIT above petition.
A!cx C. Burke.
who does get mail, because, this good. He is almost invariably a Do not be deluded by apparent anti
notice ror. ri nuc vtion
t-riilig a free country, you have a coward, us well as a bully, and if misleading “improvement ” Drive
right to »jo that. If i; were not. he can be made to feel at the start out the disea«e ut once ar.d for all land Ottico. Hum-, 0.-c;on, February
Noli* la b»r«by giren that th- f< How leg
the phances are that many times that law means juAt what it say» time. TI k ’HOME GOLD CURE”is u»M<d ».tier ban ll'cd ueilee of bl» mirtillo»
‘aud that he will get its punish­
in make dual proof in »apport of bla eiatm. and
sold at the extremely low price of th alb eld pro. 1 w’ll b» inste bohr« Resister
r »•nu would £« t rbot.
If there is nothing for you, and ment to the full limit at the hands One Dollar, thus placing within •nd Receiver at llu-n«, Oregon, Marcii li.
yon knew before you went that of its officers for every offense lie reach of everybody a treatment more 1*«. via:
rrrai?cy ?i.»% th.
there would »»oj bo then you should commits, he may be cowed into a effectual than others costing $25 to Kai Entry N ’ ex. * r the W»41E‘4. W’
», Tp 29, H R . 83 E W M
ff^nd at the delivery window ar J state of decency aud good behavior 150. Full directions accompany Wcc.
lie uatnoA the BMI »Ylnf wit>>e««a% tn prove
Argue the cose with the postmas'er. I
each package. Special advice by hie etiuHuioiu r ui* lence u;> u and culUratiun
nf >a.*l land, vfx:
Jn this wav you wi’l make life — Exchange.
skill d physicians when request'd A. E. Br.iwn, of Burna, Or*tr»u I? II. Brown,
worth living and at the same time
without extra charge Sent prepaid W!ll>¿iu à'hc’p. a .d A. T, < lark, of Liatuoud,
imdfiiryour self to the patrons who
NOTICE—Tho«e who hold re­ to ar,v part of the world on receij.t Oregon.
Gl') W. II »T«»
really ge*. mail by compelling them ceipts for tho Northwest Wool- cd One Dollar. Address Dept II J.»1,
I'.««!. Irr
t*> wait.
Growers and Live Stock Journal of EDWIN B.GILES d: COMPANY,
rt Bl.K LANS “ALE.
Always talk to the postmaster in a Pendieton Oregon, and arc not re­ 2330 and £332 Market Streit, Phil­
Department of »hi» inter.
I*. S. Land Cite
loud obstreperous tone of voice, to ceiving their paper are requested adelphia.
Bur- Ore: *n, February 7, l?rL
»-how folks that you arc not afraid. t to address the Journal, or se id
All correspondence strictly con­ Kotice 1» hcrvby gK»*n that in j»»ir»u»ne* of
Instruction« from the
'i<»hvr of th«*
And if you have a breath that their names to the Items. Sub­ fidential.
General Land Office, under ait'icrhy vested in
eme|!s like ft t-kiighterbousc in scriptions will date from the re­
him by mm 'M ou 2i*\ I •'» STAT., a* amend« I
by the 0’-! of (V * re* approved Feb. nary?.
in August, stand ns near to the ceipt of the first copy of the paper.
All persons tire hereby notified 1535. we will proceed o offer at public utile ou
po*tmA»ter as possible so that he
IMhdayof Mirc-b, I'.’ ", next, ftt th!* nrtice,
not to remove any building rock the
lhe folio . in* trvt. !n:. Io wit. the fc'^NW M,
may not miss the scent. Ask bin.
12. 7p 21. 8. ft, » E W. M.
llee von ever seen a Columbia from the w< st half of the M yrrison 8<c.
whv the package you were expect­
Any d id aJl p< rdutiM
adversely the
Adddition to the town of Burns.
above de .eribed land- ar* adriM-1 tn file tbelr
ing did n»t come. Very likeiy be Phonograph? And more. Have
Dated January 11, 1902.
c’.a mu In thhofT.ce ou or btf rc the <l«y above
is hiding it somewhere just to an- you ever heard one? If you have
designated for the commencement of » id »ale,
M. L. L ewis ,
utberwiae lh-..’r rl^’ l* will be forfeit». I.
i ov you. If iic it not, he is differ- not just drop into Jorgensen. If
»»sent f >r Thos. Morrison.
uro W. flay. - , R ¿Hater.
you have been in a quandary about »
i pt froai most postmasters.
Chas. Newell, Itcee'ver.
how to spend the long winter even­
Call for County Warrants.
ings. here is the solution, (’heap
nd just the thing.
Notice is hereby given that there L’ S Lan ! off.ee, Burna, Oregon. Feb. 11. 1902
Bacon, Hum. ai;»I Shoulders are
down to 15 and 1G cents since N.
Brown Ac Sons received a 10-horse
load from the Devine ranch.
“I am. the mother of
five children,” writes
Mrs. S, E. Rose, of
Big Otter, West Va.,
”and have been as
high as eight days in
the doctor’s hands,
and never less than
tyro days with, any
child until the last.
Then I had used two
bottles of Dr. Pierce’s
Favorite Prescription
und was only two
hours in the hands
of the doctor.”
Jorgensen is offering liberal dis-
counts on everything in his line.
Drop in and see him.
are funds in tlie county treasury
for the redemption of all Harney
County warrants registered prior
to December 21, 1901. Interr-t on
the same will cease from this date,
January, 1, 19u2.
II. A. Mu r.rn,
Treasurer, Harney Co., Oregon
N.4ir»» ie hereby irlv^n thatfth'! f'»r.nwfnR
ua^ied *cttlcr !’/• • filed notice of Lit Intention
tn rn'»ko fciinl’pro A In support of hl* Haim, ar«
that Mi! ) pr > >i w JI l»e rna-bj before Rcgitter au <!
Receiver at Bum«, Oregon, an March
1CU2, vii;
Lottie Woltlenl c rg. »Ir ,
11 ! Entry No 1307. for the Nh’ .NJi’i, 8ce
SI #MW’ L 3r<- 1.'», T 20 S . R 4 E. W.
lie iiauipa the following witne>M*n to prete
hix C'jDtiniioiiM re-l leuct? upon and enltivation
of ld landft, I/:
I», A Pi kcnKon of Harney, Or« g< n, O. J,
f)ar»t of sjlvleM, Gr»*g'»n; Geo. W Wftter-, <»f
Burn», Oregon, and W. A. Celter»<>:i of L hwch .
Oro, W. Hay««, licgl.ter.
C. tf, Land Office, Burnt, Or . Fcbr.iary U, 1902,
Notice is hereby given that the following
ramed Mettler hew fllt-d notice of bi« intention
to riiike final proof in HUppo; t of hi« «.iaim,
aud that >ald proof will be made before E ck «■ U. S. Ian<1 Office, Bnra». Ores««, Fel>r 12, litó
ter «nd Receiver at Burns, Oregon or March
Ñutiré I. liereby glve» tli»t In compilane»
« lili I) , pros i loin»4thi' »i-t uf l.'ongre < ot
The Northwest Livestock and 2J. 1902, via:«JcMt® M, Maffrnder,
June», 117*, cntiUi il “An «el for tlie »«lo < f
Wool Grower*’Journal an I Items, Rd Entry ^9. 127«. for the lxX»2,-3,- \- A-7. ti: ,l,»-r lamí, Intlie State, oí »»Il torni» »>n;on.
nu*l •, Hvc. 3, Tp, 2». , It 32 E. W, M.
I Nera»!», »n I 'A • -bin.loii Terfltory,” », « »leo-l-
♦ 2 a year.
Ila rarnes the fol’.owln«? witneb>es to prova cd lo all tbt PuLlio Jjiud Siale» by ad ut A Ugo t
hU coti? in hour re >ldence upon arid cultivation <. 1>J2Í
of seid land, viz:
Hylve.tcr Hniltli,
Lu’/r^nne < roakev, Saie'ic’Grave
L?e f r- nt N.rrow», f'liint-,' nt llarnry. S'.teof Grexnn,
pcnlar, a»,d John Grave-, all of La wen, Ore .on. h». thl- d»y fl’v.l tn this office hl, »worn »1»'«
Gio. W. H ay »«,
ment N > »». I t Hi* purrha.« of the Ki'.!48E!4,
Keg liter.
Sv' t'.o . Mo. 2-!. In T .-.»n-lilp No. 2S S , Kn-.re
No ,* E. nret will offer i roel to »how that 111,
»zniglit 1» more v»ltl*ble fr.r ft, limber or I
The New York Tribune Varrne|!
WANTED—TEL’-T WORT RY MEN A.l> •v, -c t' s’i for a-ri-iciilturni pnrpoi*». «'of to
W9it.*,i t • travel nnd advertise for old estab- c .’ b ’ j H. I i hl* eieim to »Aid land bcf.-ro Iho Krq-
and Items 11.50 p»-r year.
1; : cd hou-« of -olid financial standing, salary »1 -'i-r and Herein r of tills office at Burr.«. Ore­
|780aye r arid exponnea, all payable iu caih. gon, on Saturday the 2tth day of Iprll, 1‘XU.
No e-io vp ■ •!»!•/ re«p>lrc*d. G’.'.i refererut h . and
lie names an wltne»»*»: I, tl. Springer and
p ’. onc >< If-Rddrv- <d r lamp ft
Social ¿ancoj every Fri i iy L 7C- Add. tai Maua^er, Caxton liidi. Chintz-» - ciia. Ar.drr-on. of Burn-, Oregon and Geo.
Mariball and M. B Murton, of Narrow*, Oregon.
ni ng at Locher’s Hall.
Any aud all peranns claiming adversely the
above de»< rlbed la id* are re'pi, ted to III», 11.« ir
MTANTFO-BEVPRAL I'ERjnNi OF f H5R- claim» InthlsoJIce on or before »aid 2T.lh day
good rep unkind in e^cn stafefrna In
Jnrg«nS2n baa something nice in apleraiid
thii f ■ i ntv rcnulredjto repronnnt ai.d ad retti vn of April, ISO»,
n’d f -'alil! ihed Wealthy b'l-d
ho'lw»1 of «ilbl
Geo, V H aye -. Hegialer
financial htandine. Ma’ary 118 00 weekly with
exp»!;.-«« additional, el) payable in 'uh « »ch
W« dueMtiy jlire'-t from head office», H r-ee
nnd rftrrf»“"»- furritUied, when nu«:,;--i»:v |»ef
er«-!*<e< J.ncio-p
f addrr» d -’am <j <»n-
Oregoniftn pu»! Items, $2-lO
, ; • ’ , e.
» t ,
' a * ter V j
fd. (
Now is Your Time
v\ inter Rending you< .innot find a more liberal offer.
If any of the above. In-wevcr, do not atriko you ms what you
want, write uh , we will give you a good liberal dubbing offer
with uny periodical | ublu heti'iti the I’liilcd Kalca. Don’t put
il off. New is your time. Address,
Paca $35.00,
Gu tr ini» cd to «qual any $100.00 n achine
E L KI N’fl, General agent, 213 Sansone
St., tari Frauci.-co.
he -
• I .. . n f’.n cr ef the West.
I It--’ Urealc t I’
it th • rvMi
liHn?d to 1 i
rvir a o( «E p
/ .-»•
a;»<l tiiv' »
d| p
Î ubi!) 1
A I <»f the Neo
per i* V»:ih-ml a Paar.
•/ . .7/ r C^UKl >
. /.GúXfóZHIM. Lr.
I e
It ■ • <
nnd ••••
lb.j rwrot.
i «»u-Ri L te.Mlure.
h is Moraliy <
f ’ A?
f n V’.'« fitly pro •
» » f<>! i tir and h«»«w»c re
>i ..j.
¡ lie A c ’ U- i*: i -
:>f ii, the
<»/ th« • . ’ir* V rtld and giren
u q>: «»''.na of the Mat. i
.if rr.fl’liur
• arh week
« • i » - > i tpjr hu
t j tb« ime a of
. . V ... i.^aiic* t-r a uny <»th«r p<pir.
, -
Clubbing rat s given with any
paper or periodical published in
tiie Uuilcd States.
Or. Hirco » favorita Praacrl'.tlon
!.» a rtomíi» a mtdhim.
ti livrea
rf>_¿«ccs of the wartftnf.y orca ite. tí
n.ijidno for ntoíh-
rr. a aflija tho tutina ftirertt
nr^J...na:tv patnlasa ar,d olvlnn
rtur.ifvnt tt renati» to nu.»p frZj
Our fee returned if we fail. Any one sending sketch and description of
any invention will promptly receive our opinion free concerning the patent­
ability of same. “How to obtain a patent*’sent upon reqneel. Bateata
secured through us adverthwl for sale at our expense.
Patents taken out through us receive special notice, without charge, in
T he P atent K ecori », nn illustrated aud widely circulated join sal, eoniuUed
by Manufacturers ami Investors.
Semi for sample copy FREE. A<ldrewt,
(Patent Attorneys,)
Evans RoHiUng,