Harney valley items. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 188?-19??, February 08, 1902, Image 2

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    T he catalogue L.i.-uv os it some­
thing enormoua. Five houae3 in
i Chicago pu.v the express companies
•*S 'Uivlhin ;■ New luder the Sun.
Coni;lined from First page
$3.000,(»00.00 per annum for car­
which it was shown th.it th* owner
All d.»cto:s have tried t'> cure
rying these eatak'guqs out to the
maintained a gate aeros« tlm road, CATARRH by the us of powder-
¡.people. Th* people in return place
and persons using lhe ii :• 1 opened m id yn.-i-s. inhalers and drugs in
1 orders by expre»« amounting ap-
j proximately to twenty times what and shut.the gate when they parsed paste form. Their | emder« dry up
over the road. Thus there was r. : the nmeuous membranes « au*im.
was realized for carrying the cata­
uninterrupted use« under claim «f them terrm k open un I bleed. I h-
Not "political ring of Harney logues. Here is where country right. The fact that the land own
powerful acid« u-cd in the inhalers
County,” the ‘push in Burns.” people make two great mistakes. er maintained gates was sutlieient
have cntirely i alm away the same
More anon.
to show that ho had not inane n membrane* that tl.**ir umkvrs have
order from firms at a distance ami
full dedication of the road to the aimed to cure, while pa «les and
pay transportation. Of course one
General Chaffee says it will take
ointments cannot rem h the di. cum
mav select a few article«upen w hich
five years to establish absolute
The btatute of 1901
An e!<! ..i. i > \]■ i!<■• e< I pr.ieti.n « r
they cun figure a sn all .avint over
peace in the Philippine«.
when the public lots
who h is fir many years mu.L n
th« price asked bv the Loma mer­
fir 11 consecutive years ‘“withou’ cl"«e study mid specialty of the
chant. bat if etie homo merchant
After amending it by making were to reta'iatc by raising the interference or protest,” ti.c ro.td ttcatiucnt uf (’A i a RKH, has at
the title the Department of Com- price on things that could not be shall be a public hkhv.ay. N. I last ¡ «iliet'.d n Treatment which
merce and Labor, the Senate pass­ gotten from abroad, tLe consumer reference has le»n made to am ! wl.en faithfully used, not only ie
ed the bill providing for a new ex­ would find the affair unprofitable. i ‘claim i f right" on the part of the i lic>'c- at once, but permanenth
ecutive department of the Gov; n.- The second error is made in patron­ public, end therefore if lhe atatuti I cares CATARRH, by removing th-
stands the test of lhe eonelitution tl n’.'.se. sto] [ ieu the discluirge». and
ising the express ecu.panics. The
provision, it must bo upen the curing all iut! immatioti. Il is the
earnings of the express companies
thoorv that by [eimitting lhe ti c only le.nrdv known to scici.e«* th .t
are taken out of the country, if not
Friend«, though absent, are
of th« road without iiiter'ersi eo • r aciuallv reaches the atllictal j r.t-
present; ttivugh in poverty they in fact, substantially it is the same
protest lhe owner intends I > de I - i his wonderful remedy i-> known
»re rich; though weak vet in the 1 The dividend is taken out of the
calc it to the public.
as “ SNl'FELES th > Gl’ARAN
< njoyment of health; and what is people ar. 1 must be brought back
It will be noticed that the «tatu'i TEED CATARRH CURE." and is
still more difficult to assert, though ‘ if it ever returns. Where is if per»
»ays roads “ not heretofore legal:t -sold nt the exlremulv low price of
dead thev are alive.— Exchange. | p’o w ould patronize the I’. S. mail«.
established ” These words in; t One Dollar. - ucl: pa -kage cuntuii •
every dollar put into this transpor­
be given some significance, #t< 1 ing interi>al and external medicim
For St. Valyntirv«’« day the dec­ tation, is put into the-general gov since the statute votild cover a l I
sullicient for a full month’s treat­
orations ofihe table should be pink. ernment of which we are all par r^ads used for 11 years, withc. l
ment m. 1 i ■.■<rvthing necrssaiy to
< tit the sandwich*« and have your
the employun-ut of the word« ‘“m t its perfect use.
au*ll cakys baked in heart shape—
heretofore legally ««tabbshed.'* it
“‘.'.N UFFEE "" is the only prr-
;he latte; with pink icing. A aish
fair to presume that the Lfgiidat ite f . ( A1ARR1IC1 HE ever made
of • kissed ' stimulates couveraa-
President Rco’cvelt ie not alto meant this a't to apply only tj
at I i- ' >w recognized ns the only
jion.— Ladies' ILome Journal.
gether pleased with thepr.spcct of nads which hive been establish«. I
rii'e and p"-;’iv. cure f«»r tbst nn
indefinite delay in législation pro­ but which are uot leg.«! highway«,
iu»y!rg »nd di. ¿u* t;ng <l: -'4“- . h
Washington correspondent viding for the construction nf an owing to scute defect in the pro i ’ u
i« i i<.ilini.ili<ip';i ¡ily .ii‘1
pays the delegation from tl><* \Ve»t Isthmian Canal, savs our Washing­ ceding«-
i' rmau.-nl'y ¡.nd is i;l*» wm.d r
ton correspondent. lie chinks the
Il is well known that many roads fullv <p. ck <> relieve HX \ 1 E \ EK
whioii recently called on President
people of this country are almost have been laid out and are t. w
lloosevelt to protest against the
or COLD in the HE \D.
una .imous in their demands for in use. in pursuance of proeerJii j-
of inexperienced
CATA R II 11 v . :> i •. :
this legislation and that if Congress which are fatally defe live. Ia all
tsV'tists—“college dudes’’ they
tot -»N'SI M ’I i >N— •.'NUI
fails to act at this session the re­ ca.-es of this kind which have b en
called them — a^ forest ringers, wou
11 sire you if you u-e it
publican partv. because of its mil iftkan into the courts, it- has been
out, as President llooserelt has
one«’ It is no ordinar*. remedy
iorily in both branches, will be held that after 11 ytars use, «neh
written to Secrcl|ry Hitckcook, di-
but a com pie-te tr atm nt whieli i*
held responsible; that the choice ro-tds a:e in 1 ict 1 gd high
îigiiws; «,
rocti;ig that only man of practical
p si.iv«)v au.-.r nt !*. J to
of any route wou'd be better tl an however <i»f ctive th-.* proceedings
ex,*rienc? Le hereafter appointed
CAT.' IRRH in any form or stagi
inaction. The position of President may have been Tne L'-ri-latur?
'ie P *ilions.
if l!-Cd _! C -eord.ng to ii.e direction
Rcoaevelt, as i igorous’y stated by by using the wc*. Is "not l.< retrtfore
« hi eh i a'cumpa ny rii' h pfickaci
him.-elf to republican Senators and legally established,’’ it d rated an
’t delay bt.t «end f»r il ut onci
The ¡nan who sits wi-h pious face Repri .putative«, can he co.ire l bv intention to apply the act to roads
write full particulars n«
and in his hands a book of prayer “hree wc;ds—i—'S a bill. No aetiôn which h d been th»* subject of pr> -
condition, and von will
whose coi.tenanco so stamped with will be taken by the Senate com­ cccdinge, but which stnl r»tjuir»d
a ll .•ice fioiu th»' <
grace is but mi artificial layer, he mittee on Interoeeautc Canals until remedul !«gi.-i.:ion to make tb?m
itomi >f.l rm d
got-» to church to make a «how to the dose of the hearing» which are legal. The Oregon Supr< me t’oeri
n ciird . / vour cn-e without co«t t<>
iiiap along hrs worldly, »cU-miug. to begin this w«. k, ttnd no time I ha« he d th t courts well be el».tv
you lii-yoi.J the rc-gular pi ice of
may gain fats point« while here Le- 1 has been set for their clos-». Sena- to d-clare a road a p ¡l.lic higli wa
•“.SNCFH.IiS” the
lf. v, but when the signal lights are ' tor Spooner has introduced a new merely upm adv r-e u°e , so : is
gleaning to guide the good to their bill, authorizing the President to ; robable that this sta its woul 1 l»e
Si-nt p- paid to any address in
rewa-d, the sons redeemed and ( buv out the Par amo. Company if given a construction a favorable
United .Si.t:i-s or Canada on re
yhosen daughters, he’ll find the . he considérés the title to the prop as pejsibic-to the prop»: ty-m n-r
> Ci ipt of One I) l'.l.ir A l ir«—.- Det t
,craft ¿re is aboard too frail to ride erty good, otherwise t" proceed
In prairie countries, wheref. me«
ilu* rolling waters, and down he’ll with the construction of a canal arc iiucommon, it is the c u»tG;:i of 1! EH EDM IN' B Gil.E-i Ä COM-
fPAN'Y, 2330 ani 2332 .Market
drift into the pit« prepared for pious over the Nicaragua route.
farmer« to drive by the shortcM ¡Str« el. I h iud.-l I'l.ut
hvpoerites.—Denver Post.
route, thus makmg reads r. ro't B.dt t.f.t
tu lucri .--of His f’cnsloi’
It ia hardly
E ¡ward Everett Hale, in
aJ- uninelose I land
A Mexi ':tn war . ».t ran nml prom­
p rubai that tLe Legislature .u- inent editor writes: ““Seeing the ml-
dress to Yule »tud'.ntr, e
tended to de
. lar*
ail »ueh road« to ve tl.-iir ii t uf (’ no! «il «ili’« Colic
tha present era of unp.
be public; bit»' «¿vs after 11 j care’ Chui.ram I Diarrho'i Remedy. I
prosperity for America is
use. wlrn the public Lad merely ;::i reminded th; t ns a s Idi» r in
i brin« the c jntry to a j
taken a Ivancagc of the permi-sii n Mexico in ¡7 and ’-IS, I conti acted
1 national vain-glory. II»* is
that An.jri.'sns -iiali h.;ve a pioper uf the In.d owners to cross th -ir \b .xie .it diu»rho< a and this remedy
pride for H eir i hievements, but property. Asnppmito loads •» h s kept n.i from getting an in-
says they muet La careful not to tablish damluiid after defective cica': • in n y pension for on every
n.orc [Otlei.d other countries- by Iuying too proceedings, of wLich the land rene »al a do»«- of it restores me.”
; much «trees on the superiority, of owner had notice, the «tatulo in « It is unc<p;a!!id hh r qui< It cure
5 2 kites and the more he
the United State«. The ‘ American '¡uetlion v.r.ul l L - fair and equita­ fur d arrboi .i and is pleasant and
you kick-
i itivoa.’on” of Europe is most re- ble. but if applied generady to i:!l I jaf.- to tn'.»’. ro'd bv IL M. Hor­
, ¡tented when there is bravado i«. roadj used for 11 jeaes, it would be ton, Burn«; I’rtd Haines. Harney
the othc/ v.crse.
xtremely unfair, nr.d detrimental
the invader
12 » U «■: C -? £ i « 1
a Lo2
;.o.M r. to?. i-fci.u.'Ario.x.
•o the p iblii', f.?r if ?o stringent a
la. v 1» to l-e in <’T»;ct. property own­ Land Office. Burn . u -, T’ebrua y
Only tno of the gr?ot countries ers mo-'t di.-cmtir.U'-' .-uch inver to Noli' is » -*J<y given ihnt the MI jv ;' i ,7
named • tù r l.n- 3 etl re liée ' ! hi» ir ’- ntlon
Each I - »U.. . J 0.4 »L of the worl I have b -.-ii exempt the public. Lawyers generally to I'jukf fintJ p'ooi tn fiupporlof hl« Halm, and
from the period - of d-pr.-s/ion ti.it
th»it' t’d rro f w’ll be male before Rrgi.ur
11 there is^ning followed the great commercial boom take the view that the rlatute ap- ».’..1 JE cei.. r at Du-u«, Oztgnu, Match i*»
plies or y to roads that have bv n ¡>72, viz:
l’r .• ‘ t’oy ►
the h'Jo
mu:A of a few years ago. These are the I «stablif-’.ed. Let by d«-feetive pro­
1 » la-.' a change
IM E. try K ». m ; i. b-r tho n ' ,SE*»41
United State,} nr.d Fiance, the
> r. : '■), 1 1» ¿A H. E , ;R W M.
f from out ide.
latter, l.eca ise eh? ¿id not partici­
Ile lXHo-r the foli vii.^ witt.i•• •.<•« tO prove
hiz cnnfltilo'i» ri-5 upon and cultivation
See»:' Errtul.- io:i i- the right pate ia the industrial struggle that
Good Winter I'or Wool.
•! Ian»:, a Ik ;
A. I. Eroirn. • i Pnru», Or«ron R. II. Br r-.vn.
J l breaks up such a has brought disaster to England I Ii i»* «aid I hat the.the« pmen Lave William
l'Lelp' and A. T, t lark, of Diamond,
and Germany. TLe L’nitcd States enjoyed thia winter very much for
imtiun. I“'ir-1 it sets the Las more than held he? own on ac the reason that the weather I iub Oregon.
ftao w II* y k «
orr.ach right. Then it C1Ì- count of the prosperous and j.rj.ce- Let.ti »itch as to cause a very fine I I
That ful couditiouB within her borders. growth of wool, a» to quality ai d
itches the blood.
'I l.e evenness of the
'ib* M©*t Powerful OUinf retint,
rtrengthcHa the body it nd it
(Jeouoriz-.re and G*rmiChH Knov.n
weather has induc' d a growth in
begins to grow new Kcr.b.,
The Penate adopted the resolu­ the fibre without the breaks that
a km
A strong body makes rich tion offert d by ft u'or Lode« an are produce! when the cold snaps CÆ3
Rag1 Sil-r ,
P'cod and licit bleed makes a Lhorlzing the committee on the occur. CoiiJ snap;' cause th;: wool Smifit;«,
f Irong ¡»Lily. Each makes the Philippines, of which Mr. Lodge i> to .«top growing for the time, at d W<!4), I
I it, uf all
pthcr better. This is the way chairman, to make a thoiuugb in­ that is what causes the weak spo's •»J I'nt’rJ
lw«<i fail.
vestigation of the Philippine« and in the fibre. Early in the wintv li.fi awl.
Swett's Emulsion puts the thin everything relating to them tincc-
rAi.-Naruan' . PH»;rmz ->i », )>urw«.>r
the sheepmen were* worrying about1 dl«»t»'ir
o* .
r ' , t. tula |fl OU c iiVttl, t-, Ultf,
cd .-on its feet. Now it can American occupation.
»B«» in-Migv . i 'I'»' •
the condition“, for the reason that
iJ'-XWRKAiA.'l ’ VH If ¡7 Y LE
1 . mi * nibb.JMrpùk. JtUeuai.y
pg by itself. No need
it was so dry, but the later fall of ».f>, lie ! au I i.ev«*
v«j.r .t ‘•rp’;iT z KkK ;-ii'i'ii ’ Lr . • ty'-.i ». h :»
of medicine.
, moiaturc and the warm weather pheMyh
'« J .*.ke«y é«*ti'i)« «Il wwx’, II*»
«Mil !•! « t
7 i.i-.- picture represents
By a volo of S tp 7 thè II our ? have con bii «’d to bring almost, itlteAW
B4W»ri-.Î'.;*ANlS te'HEI»*ZLr Mnt'f
t . t. » • ••■»Ji.
iiuv.i.y I »»«il U M<1 «>v« • I !
l,P feltri t. e I ’I In •»'«*« •, l.t.U »*>i» I 1 (>l
th'. 'I radc Mark cf Scott’s
cominiltce on Interstate and Ph.r- id« al conditions to tl.o.-e who own yo - n-pf >' if;
.'»• ft t tt t . -«■ i b) •MibflHC’it pli.V-I
t* urto1 Ilf- atu! b< 1*1'I* <4 I r»»lt,h pli
l.miil. On and is on the
eign Commerce repprt» d thè Ccr- the sheep Lands of this pnit of the ci < . A. et . , . lifMiy
iiit^» I f t« t»*- I « iwl by II.« City <•! ’ bb'flg >
.,»« • • e. - ■ - * a
kl. >■ i v ’ iati» Ui» •• trek it. i pi •
mapper cf f. iry bottle,
I coast.—Prineville Journal.
tlir , I.- ut 'I p Cnit*«' '-t i’(— j’tt * t « rniin.'r i'ltCri t I p
lisa bill for tue cor>$Duction of a
t eqniDH if.ntM. It«»! t«i prrvwr.t •
j I m . vp imiti« i
{'rid to» free utrpli-
«■ I '
all ' I.i*
’ • 'T If fi«-elv
i’acilic cable by ilio gy .crr lunit,
•i-e : ; . »titfiws ji< .t «
Writ's*''? circolar» and
t^stimon. i*x. -•»<■ ••ul" *»»•».«<* • /.*i'h*- •
l’he diviaiun wa» not on pirty line»,
FA r\ r. N 62 nt Al 7% ri Æ- CO.
joy Pearl St,. New York.
aa c’.iairman Hcrburn w-n cri® <■’ pifnV.arj
!’ R Bni » • r ! ir*> f’hpnvl* * n < 4'»»>D I the t vo
co-;, and ft. all druggists,
thè mir.onty
f’-ih tnh -
For Infanta rind Children.
¡(¡nd You Have
'.< ■ I
! ,v,' ii.'ll.CIk'i fill
I Ceri, tins ncillici
I ite.'c norMutciii
eu i if.
fi 7T,. ;
A 4*'
F« * .y C«rxt«
«7* wiv • ./ »l<*.
PulalisKed at Atlanta,
WA«. -U.VNY »OUTU lilhe Clraat Lltar.ai-r XVantt y «.rttie
II.sie I <1 » » ’.It-rtel-sr-, tt'ima-s.-e-.l
aft-l •
• i <• '
L nr
.. i : « n
A i
t. ; j . n n» « — »l
M-> v/ i « « aapsar J xlCk« nllsr l'a-ro, «Urr»ïui w II i «war h ad
senil tl.-r e« ìki A«w>»jit .«.l-.i’V" i>ai»i'>i.
■ ■■ r < i < «a l. Mr i.rua !'. rio l n t Ar’> ir W. ft’, ui» »■. l ftav« a s ir
el. .a
r.c . irn .a waltr.j fr i tu > pan ul uUorv St r-U tel nee
A iti it
:i si 0 » . ;it 1-nl «se ta ,t v fire • • ->«l -»-•»
JI I - I-
-lor • i, all wvr’.bz« place.« CW» 'IIN’IY Sns'Tlr”- re-'4<Ui <?
; fl r
. t sts aro u.-rter.ip’i'e I r/w.t-n
..u f ei .: «». Ifte »U ’
I 1.0 1. n’. Ill >1 Ci.lz met; :.4 i .! i fji'er r p la :• ••■ tula Ihe w 1 JI t'i.rt h -hy I*
asseti 11 eif.
ro r'JV''Y 'O’lTIl 'rrr .vit» Hie ! ft tth:»--.'- ilh
n:n-.‘t is w r:t everytfiinj irto 4'MvUy ord me sc.n.-n t miet er-M « mb
'* the ii. oj I -.‘u try
I r , > .1« m -
r.. (t •„•;« i ift» treat» <4 th >
. >h.i.-. -1 f>
. an • g v
ir- • / Mr ■ f III
r . us. «’ m
ft »
pea r v n > p tv «. i.i > r. im. > »..I n, .i r er in j I .. 1 Cista use n
et I saplho g Men - unahlne en I tfte <alt mi w H ms M the m._oi ■/.,». w.i be
jive- ,'ll ■■
. ’ 1 lea <X>'I-
IS » t.i.. |j-< n it.. J ...;0»
The sibsrr ■••I ,n nrxi
U-^ty Flf.y CJ ,» t. a y*. if. »'f.j to a : pa :»n.
■ ■
i. . .<« • 1
by'.;, lu I î;.5C. tnllile the cl. >r».;l.*t t e ?i,-^«i:’ yen sril -..
Send en a Poetai C;-.r«l the rimes <t s X ot yr nel-tib-ri wTo
AP’ald et 'ica n ths upportarlty teieaSa
Vhs Sunny Jen h. .ml
> a r»’e v.ll! te me led free. Y.u C.n 0ely ur c uh Of ilvs eul of Ute; s very -e le.
CAo SU.MNY SOUTH «Mori tv.-r O.liCO Al. 'r.r . » f. mir
dur'a > 190 ; It safe to te we'e .raeO n ' ” ’ as many ia > h
.. as l.ci jr . I
we k'y feI I u wlthhll'. the a^u |i -m 1.1 rary V.’i:l,ly, .vh > u co.umai l.r
19;Z v. I Be the . . .I roaljbte of all th a n i;»r-. th .1 .-.jinn la y u.
»ri</re>f Sftl C9mmunlcatl»i.i fa
SUNNY SOUTH, Atlanta, Ga
I ur -1My i .-.ri Ilio .NEW YORK
1 i.I, I.Y TliIIII N K-i » > I c«u a ■>•*tonai
w < kly rew-pzpi'r, road a'nio-t enlirelv by far.nera, and baK »njoicil Ilio coefl
di !.<•<■
o. l Mi| | ort of Ilio Ameri an |MM>|>le lo a degre'-ncvor allained l>y any
Mtnilar piitlicalii u.
¡4 ina
a>o< lutely h r iarnii ra and llu ir faanhos.
The lìr-t nunibcr «as i«i.n«<l
Nov>*tul>ev7tli, Iteri.
E-.- ly I. putiui'nt <>f ;v;r <-ultural in l-.s’ ry la covar< <i by special rontributors
w 1 .> are !■ nlurs in tln-ir re |H‘ctlve line«, and llu- Tl'.ll'.l .1E I IR M KR *ii| l.,>
in every »•■ni«! a high eia»-*, tip lo dato, live, entarprinin,' agil.'iillnral paper. prò-
fute’y lllnatrah<1 wiili |.|<ti:ir- uj live eli < k, inodei l.tim building« nnd boli er,
airi.-iilturt! niaclihiery, eie.,
lurm-ru' wiv..-, f.iiH ami Unijilet < will fimi epe. i il page« for <*nl»rUintn»nt.
Itcgular prhe|l p<i year, «illi ITFMhH ’O.
/ddirse 111 MS, J inni,tir.
one hi en Ii town to rido and exhibit a cample tqoi model
l i'-vr.lc uf our innnnfacture. YCU CAM MAKS $1® T#
£5(1 A Wf CK beside i having a wheel to ride for yourself.
to $18
GuarzabM $10
Hftnil WiieM«*« «’«»
t'AiH it; link* t> otr (.hi* 40 r.tftil niofc.j, aa /JJ KV «PO
, ■>! •
‘t. ... . .........................
o'-, ship any bi-'yel:
atr o*. • ■<> i ■,! i a ■
d-’j.'O-il tn «««inc« and allow
19 BAYS Kie W!AL abootntely
in or-!.- li.-i/ from us, nyou do not t’.ccd to pay
v. r. r-?ut if tl;c bicycie do»'» n- t evil you.
■- S' (I U-TT t!r! v " " ' -1 '’’'h' > 11
writ' " rcr ■ our
m W«J l»w»
UUI »SW« ftcTnsv
l 'rrnr v?;cr
>■'■ : ’. a.,«;
aun i:i>;
i : r. niu
m’.i «.n
t.H ■». *.
hi« ii
’xrat oft.i
Lv.u «quatccl
rq-aulcd <414
Rwitastei uf
off« l-.n*
l-.a* never M'.u
tua M a fun:take»
I the
<4 onr
c-n w!i-
w’>. • ■ l<.
I (.
Ihr .nl.illty
quality of
for • - <n
recluti;;'. lor h bicycle. Writ- today lor free calai'irne oud our tp* dal < (f-.r, O
’J. L MEAO OYfclt P5