I* ULfii JiUCl ill til’ f ho Oldest and Most Reliable. VOL. 18. raate3t Valley of Eastern Oregon- It. f>. Mrlutyr«. I’ioprh tor 4I>M- N Cuehmue. Kdhor « um I Mvuugvr, BURNS, OREGON. SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 8. 1902. WILL DISCUSS LAND LEASING VALIDITY OP NEW KO AD LAW Ikl .50 l*rr Year. KJ m Munlha 7ft Centi. W/KHINninN NPiMs w «a run u i un nt wo NO. I 1. I M.lh of the surveys and examina- tionil n a,lo upon pt(:h hv,lrogrft, h. i ic basin of the state, together with maps, plans and estimates, show­ Tim Wer-k'b Work nini J.‘o;i>”, ing the location of the proposed work-anil the lands tol>e benefited; <»f the Orrffoti 1 >c!-. ffation. | also the probable cost and benefits Call For n Convintlon of flic Salem. Jan. 30.—“Tho first sec­ A ni’/rh'iiu < at I h-Grow «• re’ tion of (he road law passed by the i to be derived. I A Hr oclut loll. last Ix;'i«laturo materially affec’s •'Section 3. That whenever by Washington, Jan. 30.—Repre­ ranchers in Eastern Oregon,” says' thorough eiamination and survey Hardware of Every Description. I. CaiupU'll Martin, <>f Dayville, sentative Moody today intrcduced it has been shown that artesian in a recent letter to The Oregonian. a bill calculated to benefit the set­ or deep wateia can probably be ob­ Denver, Jan. 30.—The American BU UNO, .................................................. OREGON. Mr Maitin wishe? information up­ tler« of th< forfeite 1 Dalles military tained for ths reclamation of arid I Catlle-Grow«r«' Aaroeiatioo, com­ on th«; hgal eiTi-ct of thi < section of wagon road lands bv extending the land, the Director of the Geological posed of lending cattl«u>«n of th* the statute, which r»-uds as fellow«: aet of January 22, 1S7J, to owners, Survey is hereby authorized and 1 W« st, will meet in Denyer, March “All roads or thoroughfare« not of grants to aid the construction empowered to cause test or experi­ I, to disci«“ the land leading qu««- heretofore leg-.lly established with­ ef wagon roads. Tills bill, if it be- mental deep wells to be construct­ ' lion, the association now haring a in tho H:ate of Oregon that may com«« a law, will permit the wagon ed to depths of 1000 to 3000 fr t, or bill pending L«fore ('oiigreai. The have heretofore been used, or may road company to select other lands more, if necessary, and not to ex­ official call issued today i« as hereafter I e used foi a period of 10 in lieu of those taken by settlers, ceed five in number, said wells to consecutive years or more by th«- thus enabling the ecttl«r», as well be so located as to reveal inert ' follows: 9 11. C LKVENtf, JOHN tV. IU ¡GN. (‘r»»ir the purpo.i« of a« the company, to procure title t>> completely the geological structure \ ico FiumJelit. I IE > IKY. ('»»liter, can Cattle Grower«’ Association and travel without it.terfercnco or pro- their respective tracts. It is un- of Ih3 artei’an basins and the t r i All Cattle Grower*’ ami Breeders: te.-t, are hereby declared to be deralood that the wagon road com­ practicability of obtaining flowing 9 I waters. • The second annual couvtntionof county roads.” pany has offered to relinquish its V The chief question in the mind "Section 4. That the Secretary th« Cattle-Growers’ A so ilation is lands that hare Lc«n patented to • * (Incerporat rd ) hereby called to mo t at the Tabor of Mr. Martin is wbelLcr this foe- the settlers upon securing n guar' of the Intel ior is hereby authorized t O;.er.i ilouse Den ver, Colo., at 10 tion of tb« law is constitutional in ante« of the benefit» of the of 1874, in Lie discretion, and ut>en the OHECON. BURNS. — -• — •> ..'«lock A. M. on Tuesday. March 4, view of the fundamental principle but the Secretary of th« interior recominetdation of the Director of i 3 U 1902. and continue through as that private property shall not be holds that it does uut now apply to the Geological Survey, to with I raw <4 : I from entry ar.d occupation omv many »et-eion« as burinees may re­ taken fi>r public use without due wagon roads. s A Genera! Banking Business T ransaetc d. procci-s «f law and without juet quire. The bsair of r«pr« • illation Mr Moody a'so introduced a bill tract or tracts needed for the con­ « Directors: W. Y. King, I. S. Geer, Geo. Fry, W. 1C. 'Frisch. ♦ cotn|>enkati< ’ n. While the Oregon in tb.a aasuciatiun is individual providing 'bat all fettlers «ho L -t struction of wells, dams, ieservoire a J. C Welcome. If Supreme Court Las not h id ccca-l or other hydraulic works and their membership, si.d any grower or I » ••• ■>« ••««. »a » * « co ow 3t> **• ■*• »« .*«•0 «*«<.:e-o aw n a oc aw i their homesteads on this forfeited »ion to |>a«s upon ttm section quot-1 I re« ier ot cattle, or the ma« aging wagon road grant «Lail be entitled appurtenac-es and th« lar ds bene­ -r~- ■ ----a T rd, it L*e rendered two decisions officer of any corporation engaged to credit on a new homestead for fited by their construction, ami also OFFK.’AL IHIIIXloin . PROFESSIONAL CARDS. in the growit » er bree I in«? of < at lie in rjtl ca -s, which throw sooio th« time they occupied the one for­ : to acquire title for tl.e I'r.ited States One. faited, by the Supreme Court de­ i for any lands v. hich may Lt nei«l«-«l i- «l.g b'e to membership upon th« light on the qu .-tion rai.-eJ. STA I X UT QKK4OM. of tho most recent decision« ap- cision in the eases of Wilcox and for the construction of said work ; , pavmrnt of an initiation fee of |5. Bt’rtsn v. S. tec>4tnf N»i«mO. I 1 !»•«!•■ tri gus to few set subjects or paper», it be­ ed just a year ago in the case of; g >n Land Company. They will, of this act to authorize ar.d em­ b K. ► Blackburn Aliarne? Uenemi, ing the purpose of the convention C. E. Bayard against the Standard however, be required to reside at power the Secretary of the Interior PH0T0GRA1 HKR. T. T. Oter R«v«rnur, y ! uuubar Meerrui » • ! total«. to e mfine th- proceeding to open Oil Company, appealed from Wasco h ast one year after beginning im­ through th* Director of the Geolog­ C b Moers County. In discussing the «ub-1 Stai« 1 reaorer, Murn«, Ärcjf»:i, debate and argument on the part provements befot« acquiring title ical Surrey, to ascertain fully the J I! Ark^rmau A j >1 Fob !n*truelles, water resources of th* State of Ore­ W. H Lecd» aar Main St.—opposite Bank. etale Frlntar, >f the u,embers. After the preren- jcct ®fp ii>lic easements theopinion to new tract«. iC. F Wnlreru.o by Juatic« Wolverton says: | tetio ’ gon, in so fir ar these relate to the ch rubi'.'! «R H. hrtn • uprsrtis d he Orcgoon Senators and P.ej - ♦r A MoolW •'Hef b - tbe i ineral ] ublic tin v... v..si : i i. v’:”. .■ J- ¡1 f the «.ili I ficiet Irirt rfsantativec hart- united in sig li 1 KTHTW Jl’DlClAl D1XTH1CT »«n of -ix*”, ««i v sely. and : vacant and irid I^nd.4 of thi slate, men - diseu** Clrnutl Ju»,«. U •>. I II fard u letter, which they will lay be fo a « vary not by were permi* s on of the o-vn- ■ an? W J, ¡fort t > !?■>?•?'•••» nj- five mie tf ?• ’p*«ib«>. Preaacuilac AHarbey, * • Millar M the Se r«tary of the Interior wl U.S LANti OTTICI, BURMa w L. MaraJeu. Johu W Gearr. ri: vi by the er, for th«* period pr .-•«7 and hsivefits to lo de r>n the tion ' i>e I,bollv m • ho appeal of Governor Ge :r. t Üao. W. It,y*. atflMae. r>-yi‘ia‘.n n . two Ai-oc; . real property cannot be maintained, tach natural hydraulic basin of the subjects prrsented. J. W. M arrow lolr.t M'nator......... oflicia!s,and prominent citizens of will «stabliih an «Moment in favor state. ■‘.Many matter« of interest to cat­ ...........LB Geer ” |lm»rr».’nt»tiv« Oregon, vigorously pretesting a- “Section J>. That ths sum f the public. But the use must b« gainst the displacement of Oregon ( A. Venator ptGG«a «tocs. continunue and uninterrupted, and ilOO.tXX), or so much thereof as difcud, one of the moat important CuminisHimi'ra ¡men who Lave shown br their ) Geo. Ha^ey substantially by way of a certain may be found necessary, is hereby of which is the‘land leaning bill’ J W. «!<». H. Richari’eon work they arc efficient as forest Clerk ........ and well-defined line of trav 1 for appropriated for the purpose« h«*re- now in Congress, prepared bv a Geo. Shcll’ j^ Hheriff ........... i rangers, and further protesting a- /(tor nry»-«G-/.«•«•, the entire period. ” of cut of any monev that mav be R. A MiUer Treasurer . . committee appointed for that pur- gainst the displacement of Oregon nt it:««. oKKiios*. .... Joe Buchanan The limitation prs.'criLed by A «xesnor ... received from 4be proceeds of tl.v jr'S’- by the association at its las^ inen as forestry officers in tho re­ . .. J. C. Bartlett £MF"Ofiica in Bank building. Sitpt. •( Schovta sum.al meeting. The ’diseiucs of statute is 11 years : hence, under serves of that state, and li e sub public lands, to be a continuing Geo. Whitii g Purveyor . .. cattle their i . tut dies’ will ako come this docieion. if a road across a itituti n of Eastern men in lb ch appropriation until sa l nrtesias. Pr W I. Maroden C -roner ......... wells and reports upon the water 1 up for discussion, and paper« will man's ¡and has been used contigu­ stead. . I->n llichuideoa > r tuns ously for 10 years, adversely, under resources are completed.” ; be presented by the most able men “We are ef the opinion,” ¿ays HUHNS PRECINCT in the country on ‘tho Lest mode claim of right, ami not by ¡>ermis- the delegation, “that there are many . l> I ameaon I u-Iicr of tln> Peace Atlerniy at-Law, Geo Tregjabia '»«na!«hl« .... of fi nding and fattening cattle for eion of the owner, the road Las l e I mon residing in Oregon who, by A society woman has erected & Kt IC'.I. ORtCOX. market in the ur.d region« of tho come a public highway, and the bath education and long experience marble tablet over her dog’s grave. cn v OF BURNS. £4F"“ Attsruejr tar Ma’c .ta beo I Board. (’. E. Kenyon. West, where but little grain is owner of the land cannot close it. Mayor of forest life, are as fully capable Let us hope she left a space on ii Thio decision was rendered prior Juo. Cardwell. Marshal! raised.’ of filling these positions as are for her own epitaph. ('. 8. Riga». R (werder ‘On«’ of the objects in fixing the to (he paerngo of th« act of l'.K'l men from the East, who are mere Y^IIIIAM** ririOSRÀl.D ------- -«»—-------- W A Goa an Teaaurer date of this convention in March and therefore nection with this important sub­ of wedded lite, left her husband ’Geo “belley I.aw, Notarial end Real Ertati South «nd give tb< m a chance to years ago the Supreme t’ouit held ject. We trust, in the selection of because be had cold feet. Fradici. become better acquainted, which that mere uses, bow«ver long con foresters in the future, these state-1 1 Blra.tary. Burna. Oregon. tinned, will not le sufficient to mints will bav» car«ful co .■-i lera- Office in uh i Maro* >ic building dotibtle'«, will result in many sales create a right in the public. This I k ing consummated at this meeting. Be ax» l.onae No. 70, K of F Thosrajulii Eave Eidirey Txouhle tion. ■'■cvjviif Meet» every Thuradav n'ght. This association wa« organized to ru'e was laid down in a case in and lYor.’t Know it. To Kucluiin Arid Lands. Continued on Second ¡ ago. F. M. Jordan. C C. z protect ami edvanco the interest« , ITow *'o “Ind Cut. p M JORDAN, * S. Mofherahead, K of R. S. Fl’t a bottle cr common glass with your of cattl« grower«, both large and Following is the text of the bill water end let It stand twenty-four hours; a small, and all should be interested Thcrc is more Catarrh in this recently introduced by Represents-' BURNS CHAPTER. NO. <«, O. E. « J’.ocfua! AanJ Surveyar. , 4 sediment seuimer.t or set- tii”S indi: The pro­ section of the country than all other tive .Moody looking to the reclama-j Mecta eeeond ami fouith Monday of i Kara», Oregon, tn becoming members, each month in Malonic h ill, Voegtly I ceedings of the convention will be diseases put together, and until the tion of the aria lands of Eastern \ ’ lion ct the kid­ ............... hiiil’ling. Mrs. M«ygie I.evena, W. M. neys: If It stain» highly beneficial and of vital im- List few years was suypored to be Oregon : y.v.r linen i: i- Mr». Euai. Ku-. varraatly nada. cenvInclBg proof that the kidneys .nd Llad- I’. K. Kruyon, it. M. F. 8. Rieder,' oil»« at atare Bur»». Oragou. possibly do so is respectfully urg” 1 with local treatment, pronounced it the unoccupied lands of that state, dor ¡US cut .f c: a :r. M hat to Fa leer. to be present. incurable. Science has proven the Secretary of tho Interior be, ________________________________________________________________________ There 1» comfort in the knewlci’fo s» “Immediately upon your arrival catarrh to be a constitutional di- and ho hereby is, directetl to cause oflen exrie»se i, tnat Dr. Kiln.rr’s BURNS U)|)GF„ NO. 03, A. O. V. W. , in D«nver you eh«uld register with Fease, ami therefore requires con­ the necessary surveys and exatni-. Root, the great kidney reric.iy fi if . ev-r • I wish in cuiing rheumatism, pi.-, It: the M„«t» at Brown hall every Finlay eve- j the secretary of tho as*ociation at stitutional treatment. Halls Catarrh nations to be mado for irrigating back, kic.;e?s, ¡¡/er, tlu.ldcr .mde .-r, ptf' ni>ur Visitili « brother» fraternally in­ . It correct.« Inability dams, reservoir«, if ; the Tabor Opera House, al which Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney ditches, canals, vited. Thoa. Sagers, W. M. Chas. N. _ . . tO hOItl ’AfX.CT and SCa.vAv.ij/ yHiU HI rw: to hold waicr and acaidkip pain in nvt'cg Cerhrane, Reoetdar. place you will be provided with a A Co., Toledo. Ohio, is the only urtesiati and deep wells and other ¡t, or bid effect fcliov-in,; i-e of Kq b*dg« admitting you to the con­ cons.itutional cure on the market. hydraulic works for tho purpose oi wine or beer, .and overcorn : i that u.ip:c> jub neceuity cf ^being compelled to ru oiler. flABNEY LODO», NO. 77. I. O O F vention hall. It is taken intert.iiiiy in «loses from (‘Onserving the flood flow of toe during tr.e day, »nd to get lip III,-;, . : t: ti :.t.. Meets every Suturi! it evening, lUiwa'i “All railways have granted re­ 10drops to a tiraepoonful. It acts streams whose waters are netded during the ti ght. The mild and : -. extra­ hall Viaiiinrf brothers fraternally in­ ordinary iff«* of Swamp-Root ia »■ r.u vited. Frank O. Jackson, N.G. duced rates tor the round trip. Bo directly on the blood and mucous for water-power, irrigation and realized. It r.’inds the l«ighe..t for Its C. G. Stniib, Secretary. I Anronn snndlng n sketch and de«cTlni|F>n may sure «ml a>k your agent for rates surfaces of the system. They offer other industrial purposes; such derfu! cv.rea f the most oirlrejs. -g cave J, qulcRly aacortaln our opinion free whether nn . if you need a medicine you should hava tiro 111▼ mt11<>n Is probfthly pMentrthie. Coiiiniunlcn to the Americtn Cattle-Grower«’ one hundred dollars for any eat1«: it surveys an«I mvoEtigations to be best. Soid < y dn:gg ts bj 50c. ar.d • l. si *-.. t Inns wi rlct ly confltpMif ¡rd. 11 and book on l'stcnt« TUI.K CIRCLE, NO. 1S5, WOMEN OF seiil fro«. Old«Rt Ngnnoy for sncnrini? patcnifl. You msy have a -¿mt la botlb cf t'.u Convention in I)«nver, on rale fails to cure. Patents taken tnn ugh Mu.’ta 4 Co. receive Send for circular« made under t’ue supervision of the 'roederfu' Woodcraft. M>mt« 2nd an I 4th T um - tprciof discovery f. nofke, without charge, lu the darat Brown's hall. Mrs. Tillie Jordan, Director of tb« Geological Survey. and a book that telisjiSF?** fiif'C March 3 and 1. and testimonials. Address, Mr«, lune Wliiting. Guardian. “Section 2 That the ^Secretary more etouUt, Unit tcntl'/' ■ '■ < ■.i" :/. j “By order of the executive com- F. 1. Chenevil Cc.,pro[ (.Toledo, 0. Clerk. A hsnuenmoly IHnstrstod wnnklr. LArgest rtr- absoiuie! " free b> mail. J_- • culnthni of ant flolentttin lonrnn!. Terms, f3 a of the Interior shall, av speedily a« rddre-a Dr. Kilmer h n.cr mittee. ‘T. C. LI 8K, Sold by Druggists, 75e. roar: f« nr mo ith", |L Sold Lay nil new sdr»»lore , Uuighar..ion, 1!. Y. V.’tier. wiit’i ;f nt ‘ II. W. K0BJNSO\Sccy U«l!’? Family pills are the beat possible, report to Congress lbe re- (.:■> t tb\ nc.-eps c U’’r i>. yy r. O-ojnni’tn j'i,| [t'un«, HO Fr-rnrh OWn. c'} F Ft., Wrt«ihif.;fnn, P, Dcr-ikiiili« \\ hich 'throw Some IJ,;ht oi> Thin Qucalluit. Geer & Cummins I I THE CITIZENS BANK Capita! Steck $25 GGO 00 I Scientific Jimerican. MM & Co,’”0^«' New Torn * / /4 1 . i /. . -t-Of-'/ • ■ .»