/ I HOME AND BUILD Doos your horse ‘‘ice! his c at ’’? What a difference bc- tween the grain-fed and the * ns^-fed horse! The first Strop ; full of ginger, the «* . n I flabby, weak and tired out before he begins. The x ungriakes the difference. Children are net alike either. O: c is rosy, bright-eyed, full «f lh'e a .1 laughter, another is ; de, weak and dull. The feed- i * again is responsible. Sickly children need specia’ ic. dh.£, They don't ’feel their PlfT". Scott’s Emulsion adds just the right richness to their diet. It is like grain to the horse. The child gets new • ’^petite strong digestion. Scott’s Emulsion is more tr.an food. It is a strong r'ledicine. It rouses vp dull children, puts new flesh cn thin ( nesn: ired blood into pale ones. 11 makes children grow. Scott’s E nulsion makes ordi­ nary food do its duty. Ti.is pkn.ri- r;pr-sc»t» the Trade Mukot Scot« • I mulsiim »nd i* cn ortant than his neighbor. , tralizinf and eradicating thi» poison A man can weigh his words an ami destroying the craving for in­ find out they haw uo weight toxicants. Sufferers may now cure Ifyou want to make your enemies themselves nt Lome without pub­ feel particularly sore, be bappv. licity or loes of time from Lusin«'?» If you are uot happy when at bv this wonilerful “HOME GOLD CURE" which has been perfect« I work there is little hi pc tor you. A dollar saved is a dollar earned after many years of close »tu.lv ai.U —for its bard work to save a dollar. treatment of inebriatv? Thu faithful use aivurding to directions of th;» A man should irtigh twccty-six wonderful discovery is ponitircli pounds for every foot of his height guaranteed to cure ths nn st obsti­ The proper aqe at which a girl nate case, no inat’er how Lard a should get married is the parsonage. drinker. Our records show the innr- Don’t wait fcr opportunity tocall velous transformation of thou» «nd? of Drunkards into sober, industri­ on you. Go a .d meet it bait" nay ous and upright men. The man who gets in a peck of WIVK8 CURB YOI R HUS trouble is in a measure to be pitied. BANDS'! CHILDREN CUR« If a man is too !azy to begin h«* YOUR FATHERS!! I hi.- remedy is always fays it is uever too late to ■ in no sense a nostrum but is a .-pc I eifie for this disease only, and is >o mend. Prudes are females who are al­ skillfully devised and prepa ed that ways looking for temptations to it is thoroughly roluble and pleas­ ant to the taste, ho that it can be resist. given in a cup of tea or coffee with The druggist who sells soothing out the kt owlodge of the person svrup is guilty of taking hush liking it. Thousands -ti'.'i'» I’H'l, .\otli-« I, li,r«M i.;' ,n lli»t O’, fnlUwiu» iieincd irttlrr k«> Slid uul.e«N>( hl* luWitlh'S to make Hn,l fool In ,npi>ort •! hl« rl,im. aii.l iliai .»<<1 proof will b, uitil, lietore Hr»t,- tor aud llooelver al llurtia, Or««»» ui I'kb- niar> J, twi, »la Joaoph W . Vaudorponl, tl 1 Entry No MS. for th, S','*'t a HI bo uta 1« batvre KrgUtar and Ur. oiv<*r at narr». Drw£on. uu February I, 19v*, y‘a John K. Klvkoy. Ihl Knlry No. ns for ih* »4W <. s««. I*. 1.1 K K K W ,M Heuatuesthe foil >wtn¿ wllwwt to prove hisC ’ kUüuoüs rraldvuce upvn tad c illh Allan .* »a d lauds. v U: I» taluc Artuslronc, Frat k William I F*a> ivek and J I» Fall ruan a'i of ktivvr «M«. l»r«<* n. (l«o. W. Ita,«». Pear! St, New York. ¡:; »nd $l. al! druggMt«. All persons »re her-by notified The New York Tribuno ‘’’aimer not to remove any building rock front to«* west half of the M irrisori and ItrniH $1.50 per ve«r. Adddition to the town of Burns Duti-d January 11, ¡902, I all for <’• ii’ity Warrants M. L. L ewis . Nolte«- i- h' r< by given that thpre XgH'd fir Thus Morrison are fupd« In the county treasury fur th" redemption of all llarnev Con tv wirraut“ regislend prim tn !>►«• |||I>. r 24. 1901 In’ere I on For lufants and Childron. -Bine will i fic-f from thi« d ttp, oh rv. 4, HX>‘2. Bears the Il V: r.i.,’ fflgBlit’.v e of -urer. Hiiri'uy o , <>. • g |i ♦ OREGOMAH and ITEMS, or.e Year, for $2,00. Fur Winter Reading vou « annoi find a more liberal of!« r. L any of the uboto, however, do lint rtrike you nn what you want, writ«* us, we will give you n goor our c'nir.'-.-n’' *1 :< l*v. b* r ,r, «¡>- ’.Ivlair for pntent:it ui-y I* wn, U> tnoo.y. We promptly obtain U. W »nd Purelgn PATENTS CASTOR IA The Kind Y Have Always Bsisghl To any one sending uh $15, one year’s subscription to the I tkms , we will mail the Chicago Weekly Inter Occvn one year free, or to any one »• inhng uh three cash subs« ription for the two paper wu will give a year's hu her I pt ion to each paper free, or The CC.XTRST MOt l'. X. V. S. 1 And uffle«. num*, Or««rtn. Fee 1* I'd K vifflc'r’it ro’»l«»t j» having ♦ r< n A!«»l .\ Ibl« vfflr« by Na’.l li r >:il«»tanl. » liv.;? J4)r”a Hiuch y. Timber I'alMr« entry Xo. 7M, made Oet ’her *». !*t>7 for lhe S of Srrl on 30. Ip 2t 8, Ila: r« 31 K. t>y Myron Hlnr’ cv <’onta»te«. In which K 1» all» rd It al • a.I IDtirhey fa-led and regie'•ted tn p <»w 5 acre» or a.ty part thereof,» n tai I laud bi. ;•’!< tb<’ • r ar c idip orteber’J. I‘.‘* that he fal>d to |> o » or cul lvato to a crop, s arr»s • r at v i art thereof, d;r't.g Ilia y* ar coding QeU)t»«r3. 1*V> th»t he fa1 ted t'» p’ant to t’r«*s, tr«* seed, nr cutllv.- • A acre», o* an> t art th-re- I. d irlnr the > ear er ng Oe t. <«r 3 that »a‘d failure ctu tlni.e* up to the present time. Sa/d ; artles are hereby notified to appvar. re«n. r.d a d a . r v* IdeuCv »•• tchlne »» I «lie r ;t.»»n al I K> *' -M a m > -i Feb ’ I? ; I e Kessler it’d Fteceher at tuo t'nit« I State* I and UtTeeln Furni. H-rgon. The »aid ■• ’ttewuni hav ug. In pr* p?r aHdavh filed S. v > ». D.' **i <>tlh fact» witch »n <. that after d ir Itluenre. fa$r <»ual sen let of th’,’nol’.e« a r»< *. be mad it i> hereby order C'! ». d «1 i c-te 1 I* at ■ h nei e« b< ,lreu Ly I daaa .J proper p .bHca’ vi» <»».U W. K»r a ». KrgUter priceless remedy, a nd ns many more have neon cured and made temper­ i ate men by having the “CURE ' ad­ ministered by loving friends and relatives without their knowledge \ Prominent Chicago Woman Speaks I in coffre or t« a. and believe today Prof. I’oxa Tyler, of Chicago Vice that they disioulinufd drinking of President Illinois Woman’s .vlliar.ee •heir own free will. DO NOT WAIT in speakingof Chamberlain,s Cough Do n> t De deluded by apparent at d Remedy, says: “I suffered with a mis i »' 1 g "in.proven.ent ” Dr v> rev• re cold this winter which thr« at­ out the di-ca-- at one arid for all oned to run into pneumonia. I tried ' lit- HOME GOLDCt’RE’is Ttarxitlclally fllgertd the food and aids time different remedies but i seemed to at the extremely low price of Nature in strengthcn'ng ami recon­ ’ so;'I grow worse and the medicine upset Villisnonce meant the serf who One Dolar, thus piecing with r- structing Ilio exhausted digestive or­ my stomach. A friend advised me belonged to the farm and was gans. It lstholatcstsla, Indigestion, Heartburn, and it relieved mo at once. I am Flatulento, Sour .Stomach, Nau » cm , now entirely recovered, saved a Beat Ont of an Increa-eof His Pension each pi.kage. '•pecial ad.i.-ebi Sick Headache, Gast ralgla.t ramp»and A Mexican war veteran and prom- skilled phvM<- a' * wb n requested all other results of imperi'; et digestion. doctor’s I ill. time and suffering, Prl •eSO’. «rd 11. T- mitt « »’ni •/•on tal ns 2H tiir.M and 1 will nev/r be without this ' inent editor write?: “Seeing the ad­ without extra cha ge SV nt prepaid malUtAc. Ik- j kal)atoutl!«r. Address Dept Il l'll. am reminded that m a soldier in EDWIN B GILES A COMPANY, Harney Citv. Mexico in '17 and ’48. I contracted 23-W and £332 Market Street, Phil­ Mexican diarrhoea and this remedy adelphia Cliilil Wurth Xiilions. All correspond- nee strictly con­ has kept me from getting cn in­ • My child is worth millions to me,” *avs Mrs. Mary Bird of Harrisburg, crease in n>y pension fur on every fidential l’a; ••yet I would have lost her by renewal a do?c of it restores n.e." J’.' at - z I a , 5 r.J Tr*¿? 1 Li.-V* o' * v:.r 1 ;»nd &•) .’’ m - I jrut Children Espcrially Liable. Lua -awn -iitcdf r MootRATt FCta. cru ip had I nut purchased a bottle It is unequalled as a quick cure oup Or/icr «« O pposite U. G. R ateht Orner Burns, bruise* and cuts are ev J •>f O.ie Minute Cough Cure.’' fine « a :: J A c * xr. »« u;e paten; 1A let» tuo« Uuut lu.^e from W sík nftoa. Minute Cough Cure is sure cure fur diarrhoea and is pleasant and tremely painful an 1 if neglceted of Cr-mut« J Sead r. ed*!, d.-a* ng cr photo., with dr»”’p- . \i <*;• - . it j f . r : , 1 e ol for coughs, croup Riid threat arid ?af< :o take. Sold by IL M Hor­ ten result in blood p droning. Child C /. ... .-ge. O-ir if e r • <’ e t. ! r ve* t :» . • • 4. lung trouhlfs. An absolutely safe ton, Burns; Fr-d Ilaines, Harney ren are especially liable to such 1 A A PA»*’“ILIT, “ ■* ’t " J i’e-’.”,” v »S mishaps becuuwe not so careful A» «ci *•- « • uuaa a tba u. S. aad > — «•ough cure which nets imniedistely ire«. al ! A OPJ^.v.’ * -v •- Salve is unequaled. Draws out the A Profitable Investment. {vz • entire ssfety. The little ones like rhe taste ami remember how often "I was troubled fur al of, seven fire, stops the pain, pooh heals the i‘ helped th.-ni Evei v family should with my Stomach and in bed half wound. Beware ufcouuterfrns Sure have a bo’th. <-f One Minute Cough my time.” save E D«mick, S< ;ner- cure for piles •'D<-Witt’s Witch < lire handy, At this seasen cspec- viiie, I nd. “I spent a> out i 1.0VU ami Hazel Salve cured tnv baby of • cze- idly it ms v be needed suddenly. never could get m vihing to help n a alter two physician? gave her i • ’^t»¡ A : i'itv Drug Store, li. M. Horton, me until I tried Kcd d Dyspepsia up,” v ’ites J.im»-s M'-ck. N". W*b cvrrv sub (yo«r <» a «i Cure. 1 have taken u :e.v bottles ster, Ind. "I he sores were so had .! jcAi. «cribe? O prop: Fred Ilaines, Ilarney. a nd sin entirely we.l.” You don’t rlie »ailed two to five dres«»-» e.dai.” live by what vou eat. hut by what City Drug Store, II M. Horton, < ut this out and it to II. M. Hor­ vou digest and assimilate. If y our prop; Fred Haines. Harr.ev, Fred ton, Burt;?, or 1 __ _ Haines, Har- "totnach doesn’t digest, your food , f you are renile starving. Kodol Dvs- The Moth«’r's Favorite. rev City, air.1 g :t a fre sample of ■----- . _..... • , . „ ... ....i.-. pepria Cure does the »tutnsch's A I« » »IVf Chamberlain's Cough Rcimdy is A LiD « hirmber uin - Sturra-ii and Elver work bv digesting the food. You ■*. iditc»; L*»rM A g«w . b- ' • ' the mother’s favorite It is pha-a- t luhk*« . «Irr» n . i • i’ • ; t.n « v Tabh ts, the beat phy«i<:. They al- don’t have to diet. Eat allyou want I . ■ ..»(•, . tl * •. » ufk . Il - ;»C I y ! i Li- * '«>,■> •>/>•*! • «I « . , i.» . ro c iri. di-nrd -rs of the stomach, Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cures ail anil i-a'e for chd Iren to take nnd I «Jr .»g ■ tt /r.lfii ’ r¡ «, |< r Ir i ru«t. Ftomach troubles City Drug always cures. It is intended es­ Rlyli -'t. F - . *• •!» t ’ bdiuuiuers and headache *1 tic. I'., '»H •'»» I Al '»luirly Store; Fred Haines, Harney. pecially for coughs, colds, croup Paricct-FiiUim I’attirM*» and wboopir g cough, gind is the HHuES? SHOES! Ladies’ Q ipcu If troubled with a w< uk d:ge-’ ion l.’tst medicine trade for these di- Quality. M< ns, Bay3 and Youths belching, sour rtomach, or if you Feavee. There is r.ot the leant dan­ f nm the la -t n-iikers in the I’nited led dull after eating, try Chamber- ger in giving it IO children for it Ht.it»r. N. Brown «i Sons. lain'x Stomach and Liver Tablet*. contains no «.piurn or other ir.jur ,|,r ÜV.O Price, 25 cent*. Samples frrs ut iouadrug and may be given as«cn- t!'f Fr.» r. I 3. a» Ite*» • »I ly I 4 1 Ik » • • • ■*' •» ’ »••* ’ • II. M. Horton, Burr. ■; Fred Huines lidently to a babe as to an adult. Aik ! i» lb ■ » l»l • i,r.,i.f *.»<», ■ id I« , Li i 'i • For sale bv 11 M. Horton, Harney City. TUE Mi CALL CO.. Burna; l’re.l Haines Harney City IIMI- f:- SfW »;>»« SCOTT 4 BOWNE, Now is Your Tims •-.-id TIJAOr. MARKS M I Í CH- 7*1 pff att »'- e y’n fee. h nd r* ?•«<_** n or oh* »Ar 1 wo e*;nl »n j»-. rt on p-iUot» ÍHÍívv. »Ar- g«v» the in.». ievrd urttco fend Bdtfoe, and our cbATgen «re- moderato. Try un. SWh-'T Ä CO., Petittnt f at-jeyorn, ... U.3. Patent Otti -c Waihlnjten, D.C. I HE CHICAGO TYPEWRITER Pnce 535.00. flu r. •!•<( I •.qua' . !■.’ nv •!•'('(M) o a< hir«- r ,| ngi-nt. Sauron.e 218 Sat> I'latDi'iaCO. »Afe>9«OV«9< 31.00: Ü ceañ : iv is th i Ji’d r>< • t i .JI p it t-.i er ot the West. • f n o.7 *♦» :e v t.j[ Rspubllctu Weekly pvu i t raited wj»ou for fair Md boaa«t rw - .( • a) rfi ir» 5 ? »’ hj .Vc •’• !v inf jr Ocean Siipp/'le* A I of tho Nexa > { and tiu Kvst o< Current Literature. i-Srl: It is Morally Clean, an I an a Family l'«|>er ia Without a t’aar. Its Literary columns are equal io litote ot the best magazines. : I Hi Yuut »’s Department ia the f nest of its kind.......................... fl brtart ir> lit** family th» esra nt tl»*» F ri I m ’ll nrlrt «ad lieh'-^iand »h.«»t d truss lot*» o< ail qa*«t!an« nt Ida «ay. Its« Ise’rr r.-M-» atre« iwdre pa-rs «X reading raatltr •••oil week artl Iswimc !-••'» 'b*d In • hiewrfo 1« bclfar a*is'4ad k> ils* uaods erf in« people weal of kb« AHwthsny Mouaiatua Utan »y okbar paper Sl.oo PJS’XiESIOO TbJ Dairy ml Snnday Edi­ tions of The Inter Or mi are tie les! el their tied PfU» of DaH f’rl< F f Dally and Su Our feo returned if we fail. Any one sanding sketch and description of any invention will promptly receive our opinion fro« concerning the patent­ ability of same. “IIow to obtain a patent’’»ent npon request. 1’atonU secured through uh advcrtiied for sale at our expense. Patent* taken out through us receive sfiectal notice, without charge, iu T he I' a itnt R ecokii , an illustrated and widely circulated journal, ooasnlted by Manufacturers and Investors. Semi for sample copy FREE. Addies«, VICTOR J. EVANS & CO., (Patcut Attorneys,) Evans Building, « WASHINGTON, Do Co