Harney valley items. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 188?-19??, January 25, 1902, Image 3

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Local and General.
A little chilly.
Oregonian and IU miis , $2.00
O. D. Jluak was in town lodny.
Jorgensen has something nice in
» J
Chas Rann was over from Har­
tley yesterday.
P'oper Compounding
«.It' prescriptions ie no child’« play
(l lequiica l uiiMciontio i« cure and
.u urate knowledge of drugs sod
tlifi> r< latino* to each other. Wo
t«kr *n hoticet pride in tlw> purity
oi nrr drug«, *i.d the «kill slid ar
cutacy with which we o<>rn|e»und
them on vour plnsiciaa’e order.
Rohl Drinkwator wa<over front
Harner Tliur*dav
Social dance* every Friday eve
aing al Locher's Hall.
A C Spurlock of Lawen, was in
Burna during the week
J oca Aihercon, of Harney, was in
town one day thia week
Mr and Mrs Frank Dibble are
ependrig a few <lavs m town
Burns Drug Store
James F. Mahon was a visitor
durii g the week
Pi'upt iwUsee.
I1 ■ ’ T ———«■■ S
Th»- thermometer registered 12
degree« L»'low aero thi» m «rning
Your money’s worth—th* Inter
Ocean and the Item« one year for
II .50.
• arc. ut. 1 INI' IB I .*>, Itali.
"• - tl
1* m |$ s «» r Cr<'<*k Kot«'«
L'l-ald Co:« is in from Silver creek
today making proof on hi* home
K Csv«, proprietor of the Har­
F««r ney hotel, wae Over a few dav« this
Born, to .be wife of It R. Sitz, at
La»< n, Thursday. January 23, 19V2
a son.
The Northwest Livestock and
Jam*« K*ot edy ia now tiring
li r m:l< X ea t, and noe a« d oí o j Wed Grower«'Journal and Item«
i $2 a toar
half miles north of Burna
rail for Cotmiy Warrants.
Tbe Burin Land Office.
The New York Tribune •«'ariner
REDUCED, Tailor Ms. Is Suit«.
and Item« $1.50 per year.
I Walking Skirt«, press Skirts, Jack- 1
Notice is hereby given that there
eta, Cai>s, Mieses and Childrens’I
Washington dinpatch to
Born, tu the wife of C. R. Peter­
nre funds in the county treasury
N. Brown A Hone. I Oregonian of the 22nd says:
son, in Bums January 23, 1902, u I
I “Although Senator Simon has for the redemption of all Harney
Turner **• Jo Tue.day I
lbat ((<>........
.. _
........ _ on County warrant« registered prior
a Hinn
be taken
*rne-V I the recommendation of Representa- to December 24,1901. Interest on
Hei<tors \V. B. Allison and
Jonalhar. P. Doliver, of Iowa, have attending to a filing on a desert. ! live Moody that William I’arre, of the same will cease from thia date,
claim. He informs u« that he and i j Canyon City, be appointed Register January, 4, 1902.
been re-elected.
hi« brother James have sold their
R. A. M.'LL ek ,
J. L. Parrish and wife, of John band of horse« numboiing 200 head of the Burna Laud Office, until he
Co., Oregon.
Day, are visiting relative« and to James F. Mahon for $10 per
friends in Burna.
head. Delivt ry to be rnidc after
matters of appointments, the Pres­
The Mether'e Favorite.
Rev. a W Black has gone to lh»t Spring ride
ident ¡«very likely to make a nom­
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is
Mt Vernon, Grant county, to hold
Oregon counties that have nrq ination in a few days. The nomi­ the mother’s favorite. It is pleasant
a series of meetings.
vet «old delinquent p'nperty under nation of BiLee a« Receiverat Ore­ and safe for children to tak* and
“Two «mils with l>ut n single the law pasted «t the last session gon City ia also looked for daily. alw»y« cures. It ie intended es­
thought, from outward ap|rearance* of the legielature should «ce to it Senator Simon stalos that he ia not pecially for cough«, colds, croup
can be «ben daily passing by our that tax deeds are obtained from holding up the rucomnieudation of and whooping cough, an«l is tbw
th« sheriff before the sale take» I Farrs, that he doos not care to be»t medicine made for these di­
Prince Henry, brother of the Ger­ place. The law is defective in name th* successor of Hay*«, but sease«. There is not the least dan­
Rome respects, and seme counties that he does want to be allowed to ger in giving it to children for it
man Emperor, will yioitthe United
States the coming month landing have found law nnitaon their hand* name some of the more important contains no opium or other irjwr-
because they had no tax deeds Federal officers of Oregon.
1 ieu* drug avd may be given ae ccn-
at New|»orl News, February 22
from tbe sheriff.
Senator Mitcheli «tend* now fidently to a babe as to an adult,
Our invoice of Queen Quality
Oite C. Backman, of California, where he has been all along-in favor , For sale by II. M. Horton,
shoos will be here in a few day*,
ha« associated himself with E. A of making no rame appointments,; Burns; Fred Haines, Harner City.
• hen at that time we can fill all
Rieger i i the management of the except in case of emergency like
Child Worth Miiliena.
orders a* usual N. Brown A Sona
Oregon Forwarding Company and that at Burr.*, uatil a/'er the elec­ “My child is worth millions to me.”
William Morrison was in from in the future the business of the tion in June ; but Senator Simon is aaya Mra. Mary Bird of Harrisburg.
hi* home west of Haraey Monday. nig concern will I* conducted un anxious to have new appointments Pa; “yet I would have loot her by
Bill aaye h* has been staving close der the firm name of Rieger A made a« the terms of the present croup h»<l I not purchased a bottle
to the ranch «nd had no news for Backus-in. Mr Backman like Mr incumbents expire. Members of of One Minute Cough Cure.” Or;«
Minute Cough Cure io sure cure
Rieger is a thorough business man. the delegation stat« that no ap­ for coughs, croup and throat and
pointment« other than the two men- lung troubles. An absolutely safe
J-M McMullen, and hie son-in- courteous «nd genial and we per-
yet been considered, eougb cure which acts immediately
law, William Lytle, of Drewtcy diet for th* new firm unbounded
President isaax’ous The youngest child cau lake it with
were in Burn« this week making Muece»e —Argus.
for prombt action in the other cases entire safety. The little ones like
annual proof on .Mr McMullen's
O G Holmes and V. J O'Con­ it 1« probable no additional appoint- the taste and remember how often
deeort claim.
nor. of Portland, arrived ip the city tnents will be made at this time. I it helped them Every family should
I have a bottle of One Minute Cough
The regular teacher* examina­ ve-terdav Mr Holmes is her* to So f«r there has been no intima, [Cure handy. At thia season os pec-
tion will be held in Burn« Feb , 12th locate mon oil land fo* Port and tien from the White House that j ¡ally it may be needed suddenly.
Drui Store, H M Horton.
18th and 14th Examinations for l*nple and eave that the oil excite­ early recommendations ar»- desired, I City Drug
both alate a< <1 county taper* will ment i* on the increase in the me­ and this is taken to mean that the i prop; , Fred Haines, Harr.ev.
tropolis Mr O'Conrior ie on hia time for making changes will be
l>e held on the date* above.
way back to Burra and will proba left for the delegation to decide.
A Prom inent Chieago ttoraan ''peaks
The final payment in the Mason
Lly gr> into the aheep business. He
I Prof. Roxa Tyler, of Chicago Vice
A Ixnidon a-«ignment case ha« been
is ««social« d with several Portlar d
tn d- consisting of 1.7—10 |e-r cent.
Samuel O. Bruner, tbe escaped President Illinois Woman’s Alliance
men in the venture and will buy a
This ia 'he second and final divi­
¡convict, whom we reported last in speaking of Chain berlaiti.s Cough
ranch of 1000 acres and will stock
dend «nd makes about 12 per cent
week as being in this county, says Remedy, says: “I suffered with a
it with ¡»l out 2500 »htep—Vale
in ail.
the Vale Gazette, ie having a mer­ severe cold this wiater which threat-
I ened to run into pneumonia. I tried
ry time out in the Red Butte set-
We und*r»t«i>d that a young man
An organization of Portland ' tlement. Within tbe last two weeka different remedies but i seemed to
«topping with J W. Shown at Har-
«•apitalists have surveyors in tbe , Bruner has stolea five horses in grow worse and the medicine upset
> *y had the misfortune of breaking
field to determine tbe feasibility of i that part of the country, the last ' my stomach. A friend advised tn*
one of hie leg. the first of the week.
building a high ditch and reservoir, of which was M Ji. Fegtly’s, ©id • to try Chamberlaia’sCough Remedy
Iml we learned note of the particu­
the canal to be taken out ef tbe ’Johnny,” It is reported that aad I found it was pleasant to take
Owyhee river at a point about 25 Feck is after the thief with blood ; and it relieved me at once. I am
Chas. Johnseu and Henry Wel­ mile* above Nyssa and follow a- in hi» eye, and our guess is that 1 now entirely recovered, saved’ a
come returned last Saturday from round the foothills to a point near Mr. Bruner will have to move on doctor’s bill, time and suffering,
their land hunt to the country thia citv and crosa the Malheur or M. N. will capture him, old ¡and I will nev r be without this
splendid medieiue again.” For sale
«noth, at d we understand hare river continue down the foothills “Johnny” and the $100 reward.
H. M. Horten, Burns; Fred Hainea,
made application for a tia t of land to what ia called Dead Ox fiat.
u i.der the Carey art
This ci.nal will reclaim 40.000 Beat Oat ofau luereMvof life Psnsiou Harasy Citv.
acres and cost in the neighborhood
A Mexican war veteran and prom­
Judge J. B Condon, a prominent
A boy can ait on a sled six in­
ofl280,!)0u.—Vale Democrat.
inent editor writes: “Seeing the ad­
lawyer and pioneer, died at his
equate, tied to a sleigh naov-
vertisement of Chamberlain's Celie
home in The Dalle«, Jan., 16, of a
miles an hour, but couldn't
In hi* official report J. H. Par­ Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, I
complication of dieeaeee, aged 74.
sofa five minutes for a
am reminded that as a soldier in
He was a member of llie Oregon ker, stock irspoetor of Baker county
will sit on an inch
ray«: “The sheep on an average Mexico in '47 and '48, I contracted
Territorial I.cgi«la ure in 1855.
politics for three
look very well. There has been Mexican diarrhoea and thia remedy
in a church pew
Ladies *s invite your attention 25,000 or 30,000 sheep drove from hae kept me from getting an in­
he gets ner­
to the Royal Worcester Corset Idaho to Baker county to feed this crease in my psneisn for on every ;
to sleep. A
There ie ne question about the winter. Tbe reason of this I am renewal a dose of it restores me.” ;
quality and fit. Il ia a leader in told, ie that cheap men cannot feed It is unequalled ae a quick cure
moat large citiee.
within one mils of a house in Idaho. fur diarrhoea and ie pleasant and j
N. Brown A Sone, Agents.
If thia is the law in that country, I safe to take. Sold by H. M. Hor­
ton, Burns; Fred Haines, Harney
Pater Clemens informs us that for oue thev will stay with it, as it
heia not a candidate for any office will be the means of making a bet­
It may be a free country, bat
We are glad to bear thia. Peter’s ter market for hay in Oregon.”
don’t get much for nothing iu b<U'.M
not a bad fellow and we would not
the city.
It ia announced that two univer
like to see him sacrificed, because
wearegoin«! to elect a str tight «¡ties for womem will be opened
Republican ticket.
next year, one at Tokio, Japui,
and ' the other at Moscow. The
Cut thia out and it to II. M. Hor­
Russian university for women has
ton, Burna, er Fred Haines, Har­
been endowed by a wealthy mer­
ner City, and get a free aample of
chant, M. Aelraknoff. with 5.000,
Chaaaberlain'a Stomach and Liver
0*0 rubies. It will contain for the
Tablete, the beet phyaic. They al-
present only three academical facul­
ao cure disorders of tbe atomacb,
ties—medical, mathematical and
biliousness and headache.
physical science. The Russian
The proposition of building a Minister of Education, whose eytn-
wagon road from Baker City to pathy has been gained, cannot see
Brewery, an article on which ap­ hie way aa yet to the concession
peared in theae columns last week, of a legal faculty.
-------- —--------- ,
is recsiving consideration from the
The young queen of Holland-
Bxker City Chamber of Commerce
who will investigate the probable like the late Queen Victoria—abso­
lutely refuse« to sign any paper
which eh* does not understand.
Have you ever seen a Columbia If rhe cannot make out the mean­
SucctMtrt to R. ▲. Miller 4k Co.
Phonograph? And more. Have ing of it herself ahe Feuds for the
you ever heard one? If you have minieter from whose department
not just drop into Jorgensen. If it cornea or some other competent
you have bean in a quandary about official and asks him to explain it
how to apend the long winter even­ to her.
ings, here ie the solution. Cheap
and just the thing.
There ia a young matron in
who ia grandmother at the
NOTICE—Those who hold re
29. By the tim* ehe reirch-
ceipte for the Northweet Wool-
age of 90 ehe will be the
Grower« and Live Stock Journal of
Pendleton Oregon, and are not re­ mother of her country. The old
ceiving their pap r ar* requested woman who lived in a ahoe ia not
to address the Journal, or send a circumstance to the American
their names to the Items. Sub­ heroine.
F>«d Otlev, Hr., of th* I aw*n
L B Culp «nd Bert Bower* have
!•••«< d J Parker's h«y rauch eu country, was in Rums <it> business
Praither creek for a term of one Monday.
Con*.d«rali n we are in
David I. Moomaw ha« rec«-ived
formed I« |50
tli* anpointinoiit as po-trnaster at
A W and J II Culp are trai/i Baker Ui’y.
mg bore»* this w«r>k for O. L
Oovcrnor-Gcreral Taft, of the
Sl ii gleuecker. John Jnooa and Philippines, arrived in San Fran-
(» W b'haw pr*]<-atory to celling cisco tbe 21st.
ib-ui to Büro« l-uveie.
Ao earthquake in
C 11 Mcpherters ia etil1 pushing Friday kill« 3(X) people and injur
ihr l»jr>k burinrea
Mac •*»• he I ins as many more
rziects to begin improving bi* new
Clubbiug rat s given with any
bou.c «ip* ia the southern |«rt of l»|wr er periodical published in
the valley in the neer future
th« I’uited States
From pre«cnt indication« there
Hat<-1, the y<>ui g**t daughter of
M.- and Mre'L B Culp !>** hewn will b* plenty of water for all pur-
quite ill with a blinking out hav |» os * m in the Spring
mg th* app-a-ai>< * of u» >a«-le and
Register Geo. W Haves return
also «ore threat, but is some I etter «<1 Wednesday evening from a trip
te Waihingtaa, D C.
The cashier of tbe Cilizene I’^nk
Jorgensen ie offering liberal dis
of Burn* h i« i «k-t> irto 0O"*idera eoante on every thine in his line
tio.i tbe damay« sustained By the Drop in and see him.
yearlv washout of hie d«as«, has
Bak« r County ha« a candidate
therefoie in co» strutting i ew ones
the Republican nomination for
thi* winter wisely add««! IrrLIe
Governor iu Hon C. A. Johns.
at rength
Klamath county pave Scents
Atiyon« wishing to purchase a
taeh rabbit scalp taken IxtwMti
gooi. gentle and well broke ail
January 8. and March 8, 1902
year old milk cow, that will b*
8am Mothsrahaad. we are in.
ir»-«h hi early »pnng, wan Iw ea-
think« that Representative
<-<>niui<>da'*d—price and ta«wi* of
wouldn't look bad.
«ale ma a kun«Q on appliuatian to
W H. Culp.
BHOtS! SHOES! Ladies’ Queen
Jem*« Keni.< d' on the 15th inat4 Quality, Mens, Boys and Youths
complie I with tl • •;*! et«-plawards fruai the best maker* in the United
N. Browu A Hous.
eeciirit g owne.ehip to a quarter State*.
e»-cliaii uf land under the borne-
Rotisrt C. Angsvine, formerly a
«te .d set. The tract of had that Imsinets man of Burns, arrived in
Mr Remedy ha» che«*n for hia Canyon City Tuesday. Ho thinks
home io situated a«r Father oflocatine in Grant county.— Blue
Mountain Eagle.
(The following ia
That “we are advertised by our
call attention to a rni«e*nst ruc- loving fr onds” ie a well known
lion of manuscript ; please uoto the fact, hut our eneasiea soosetimes
add greatly to our prestige by their
Thio calculation we bare l>a««d efforts to “knock” us.
on the declaration of ae reliable
J. W. Biggs came in *u Saturday
citizens aa Harner County can
morning’s «tiigo on Id* return home
bring forward, that ie that they
from th* Willamette valley. Mr.
etc . e’c. (<krigiual )
Biggs i* fee«iit'g a bunch of horses
Thi' calculaiiui we h»vrl«aa«d
at Th< Ddlcs an I Aib ny. piepar­
on the declaration of as reliable a
ing them for aegt. spiin.’s market.
citizen as Harney ( aunty can —G. C. News.
bring forward, that i«, that they
If troubled with a weak digestion
etc . etc. (Kd.t'jr.)
belching, sour »tomach, or if you
terl dull after eating, try Chamber-
Lion't IJv* Togatber.
Constipation and health never go lain'* Stoenach and Liver Tablets.
together DeWitl’e Little Early Ris­ Price, 25 cento. Semplee free at
ers promote ea«v action of the trow­
els without distress. “I have been H. M. Horton, Eurno; Fred Haineo
troubled withjeostiveue»* nine years Harney City.
eave J. O. Greene, Depnuw, Ind. "I
All porseno ere hereby notified
have tried many remedied but Lit­
to remove any building rock
tle Early Risers give best results.”
City Drug Store, H. M. Horton, from the west half of th« Msrrieon
Adddition to the town of Burns.
prop, Fred Haines, Harney.
Dated January 11, 1902.
scriptions will dale from the re­
M. L. Lawts,
One is never to old to learn—
JtMTI th*
ft i pt of the first copy of the paper. but one is sometime* too youDg.
Age nt for Th«»« Morrison.
Miller & Thompson