'F • / 9 • * ■ A . f Published in the Graatoat Valley of Eastern Oregon. i The Oldest and Most Reliable. j The Best Advertising I Medium. Valley Items VOL. 18. II. I>. Molnijip, rfoprl^lur II imm . N. < «>« lirwitr. Kill tur ■»»•I Muurigrr, BURNS. OREGON. SATURDAY. JANUARY 25. 1902. • 1.50 l> r V ••%r. Ml* SfnntliN 75 Ont«. WASHINGTON NEWS NO.9, Revised Election Laws. lamia are fixed by the actual con-) struotion of the road. When the The revised election laws of Ore­ road was constructed tho limits gon provide, among other thing« wi'hin which withdrawals coubl be I for the registration of all voters made were definitely fixed, and Tin- Week's Work and Doings before they shall be qualified to The Willamette Valley W sroii within such limits the company vote at the coming conntv and of the Oregon Delegation. Atoad Gets IS,000 Acre». state elections to be held on June had tho unqualified right of selec­ tion from any of the sections desig­ 2, 1902. The principil sections of nated by odd numbers, save such the law on this point follow: Secretary Hitchcock, of the De­ as had been reserved for the Unit­ Washington, Jan. 17.—Chairman “Section It shall bo the duty Hardware of Every Description. partment of lb” Interior, recently ed States prior to the passage of Burton, of the rivers and harbors of every elector in the state of Ore­ rendered a very important decision, the oct making the grant.(Willam­ committee, to«lay stated that tbc gon between the first Monday in OHIGGON. IIVRNN, river u id hurbor bill that is now January, 1900, and 5 o'clock p. m. affecting u large number of people ette, etc., 42'J L. IJ., 314.) In the rase lust cited the depart- being framed must not be larger i of the fifteenth day of May 1900, in Eastern Oregon and involving u I ment said : and between the same dates end than the bill reported by his com­ very large acreage of land. The “Surely- after the limits were hours biennially thereafter, to reg­ ease is that of the Willamette I al­ I fixed by the construction of the; mittee at the last session. This i? ister with Fotne notary public or ley A Cascade Mountain Wagon road, tho lands from which the taken to mean, that the mouth of jnstico of the peace, or with tho Rood Company vs Alfred Erickson ! grants was to be sntisfied were not the Columbia will receive a $600, county clerk of the county in which the elector resides, in ac­ et al. Among the parties associat­ of tho class generally known a» CXXJ appropriation. • ««« 0 •••« swyowo • ©*• e <«••• • •••aeaoeoaooooooooeovoo 1 ‘ public land?. ’ They were enciim- cordance with this act.” It wa« suggested by members of t ed with Erickson were the owners 1Î.C. LEVENH, 1 £ JOHN W. BIGGH. President, ' bered by this right of selection. The law further provided: “If the committee that if this rule is to of The Dull« » Military Wagon Road Vive President. • <> GE I. J RY, Cashier. I which, when exercis« «1 would com- the clerk refuses to enter the name be followed it will not be possible Cutnpanv. whose grant cross 's that plete the identifieaiion of the Land of any qualified elector, such elec­ to secure th« a«l«>ptiun of the «1 road was cade Mountain Wagon Road ( om- V. » »»«i«»!«. (ta.»ph Stenn« 1 yarding the Panama Canal cnn-{catiOn of dwelling or boarding |J V* MrHriJr Il W.Ml’t.LSX. pany benefits by it about 18.000 to filed in jour ofliie July 10, 1871. Cootmomeu. ( X » M’ Ö lark Lu to affected by that withdrawal as to impracticable, and that, if the Gov-¡name or mark hialalloL If an PHOTOGRAPHER. In behalf of Eriokson et al. it Onvarh.sr. T. T. G««T the lands in controversy. The de ernnunt should purchase it, it j elector is unable to register in tl>e »•arala« ’ al »te«r. V 1 Uunbar 1 wa« contended that the withdrawal HtaU* I rcaearer, <' •• Moot« : Uurni, Oregon. would have endless litigation on its office di county clerk, ‘ he may reg- ei»ion of your office is affirmed. of land fur Tho Dalles Military •«ipt Pot» intlrtieilo», J H Arkarman A hamls and many difficulties to en- ¡¿ter without charge before a notarv • E. A HITCHCOCK, Main St.—op|hMiito Bank. »14to Printer, w- R IXMsd» ' Wagon Road Company wis exj»t- -' inter before all of the claims , public or a justice of the in “ Secretary. •n»* «tf th<* time the Willamette tèuprame Judit»«. a:id contentions could be settled, the county in wl.ich he resides by » ft U’ \ • V m Road C xixTH JUi ;i •" > The thorough investigation which using one of the blankb designate«! ¥ J** I'uL-la lllffh Jf -« VI tv t’j ct. Cireuti J ««de«. [ the inter-oceanic canal committee no » section 3, of thia as Lilsat.lr blank ••A "A'' ’’ in f , M bit. ¡4» not FraaceuUn« Alternar TV I, Mar»4vo, J > .u W Geary :ted bv j i iJ giving to all propositions is such act, filling out the Blank in such ar r ? 1 MB Section one of the r. t.' j < • w ♦, h < i r 3 ilegtater. 0>o. W. Hay yr /’Ayjvtaii» l<<' ... . Jamea 8|>arrow 1 that at the data the withdrawal heretofore legally established with­ no mor.ev were involved, other ( A Venator glGQ^ A JHOtti. wish to veto, whether thev have received at tho local office thc; in the state of Oregon, that may LommlMloa»r. ) IGgey complications arc sufficient to con ­ registered at previous election* or J W Bitgd. D a II ou Bi/ffi. lands had been withdrawn for the have heretofore been used, or may Clerk .................... II. Riclian'aon 1 demn the acquistion of the canal ' not. Former regiatra'ious are now 'benefit of The DuEes Military Rond hereafter be used for a period of Wioriff ................................ Geo. flhrltey Alt irn'nt-ai-I.'iw, property by the United States. An void by limitation. ' Company, which was not revoked ‘ ten consecutive years or more I ▼ Bt'KNR. ORKOOX. Aanranor .. ...................... J«*> Buchanan ! 'until August IS, LSS7, and-hence the general public for the purpose effort lias been made to make it In-his official report J. H Pac­ Hupt, of Hchoo*....................... J.C. Bartlett £eF"oni.-»- in Bank Luil-ling. the withdrawal for the.benefit of. of travel without interference or appear that the President favors Biirveycr .............................. (teo. TVliitii g the Panama route, but this does ker, stock inspector of Baker county the Willamette Valley A- Cascade protest, arc hereby declared to be Coronar................ Dr. W L Marcjen says: “The sheen on an average not seem likelv. The President is •* Mountain '.Vsgon Read Company county roads.” Klor-k Intpoi tor............. Ixin Richardson QgC W I! A Y Ft look very well. There has been urging speedy action, and has told Tliis law will materially aficct jdid not operate upon the lands in BURNS PRECINCT. •Jo, 000 or 30.01)0 sheep drove from Smators intereste ! in an isthmian many residents of the county who j conflict. J Italica <>( the Pasca............ D. faniraon Attorney At-Lau\ Idaho to Baker county to feed thia canal that he very much desire? «'»itatabl«........................ Grò Tregaskis The withdrawal for thia com have not heretofore fenced their lit’ItMl. or EGON. winter. The reason of this Inn legislative action at this session. pany was made upon maps of con rt.nchee and across which there fW*" Attorney fer 4ia*.u Sch aol Board. CITY OF BURNS. told, is that sheep men cannot feed The Panama people have been Mavor C. E. Kanyon. struct« d road after they had been has been a road in general i se for , siithin one mile of a house in Idaho. eagerly waiting for a favorable re Marshall Joa,. Card well. filed in the General Land Office the past ten years. Such a thorough­ Reorder C. 8. Biggs. U^HlUlí«* FtTZGKXÁl.0 t he withdrawals of June 2 1871, fare under this law is made a public port from the commissiou. but If this is the Jaw in that country. I Teaauror W A. Gowan were made upon 'he second and highway, and cannot be changed even such a report is not likelv to for one thev will stay with it. as. it i 1 Foley. ThAralAB WilHamn, M. Fìtigffrald, ____ will be? the means of making a bt-P ,i influence men who are determined Cean F indemnity purpores under the It is taken internally in doses from is proposed by the Pacific Coast : Fondleton Oregon, and are not re- M>-«tHevrrv Ü.itunl.iv evening, Il own’« grant to The Dalles Company, 10drops to a teuspocnfnl. It nets members, but the Eastern men, ¡ ceiving their paper ar« requested T rade M arrs lull VI»itinj broth n Ir.lt.-rnally in­ DceioRt vited FrankO .1 i<-k*ton, N.O. made after the actual construction directly on the blood and mucous then as now, insisted that there to address the Journal, or send C opyright « A c . (!. <♦ Stili h, Secret.try Anyone wondtnf • eketch and drRcrtptlon mnr of its road by the Willamette \ al­ surfaces of the system. They offer should be moderate legislation. their names to the Items. Sub­ quickly ascertain nnr opinion free whether nn Invention |a probably DAtentablo. Commimlrn- loy Jr. Cascade Mountain Wagon one hundred dollars for any case it scriptions will dale from the re­ tjonNktrictlyconflduntlal. >iandb 105, WOMEN OF ■ojit freo. (»Irtvpt agency for eomrtng patent«. fails to cure. Send for circulars Company. ceipt of the firt4 copy of the paper. Patents taken tnrouah Munn A Co. ruottre W'lod' T'ift. Meet? 2nd and 4th Tue«- tprcl/xl notice, without cimn.-c, in the go at deal to do with forming tbc dav nt Brown’s li.ill. Mrs Till! • Jordan, Address, “The act of July, I860, supra, and testimonials. Pacific Coast measure, insists that Mr«, lone Wlijtins impr^in. C ASTORIA. makes no provision for the filing F.J. Cheney Jr Cl, props. Toledo, O. if Chinese are to be excluded the Bwsti» Clerk. The Kind Ytt N jü > a * wt ^ Berji A ban<'.«(»nuMy 11lnRfrafe<1 weekly. T.nrrcat rlr- culatlnu of any ■clentiflo louni^l. Tenn«, 9« g Sold by Druggists. 7‘c. of a map of a definite locution, nor 1yo.tr: fourmohthA.il. Sold by all newHdealera. legislation ought to b strong Bigaatnro L'xjulJUUtd ou Second page. a MUNN &Co.3”Bro«*"’ New York for the withdrawal of land’. TJ?e Hall’s Family Pilla ajc tlw U-*t. O/."piW and Items, $2.00 END OF BIG LAND CASE Geer & Cummins hHE CITIZENS BANK! 225,000.00 / Capital Stock 1 I Scientific American. jlrntHh own* ,r» F . W. I «nrsn, P, 5, ( I I