iz rrzjtfs gon patronage, the Philippine tariff, ' isthmian canal ami Chinese excle» The couptv political pot has been sion, with Pieeident Roosevelt. Continued from First page, Senator Mitchell mid Represents- 1 slowlv r doing to the siunuering i convention for considering the tives Tongue an i Moody called at point for some months past. The proposition of electing Senator* by 10:30 and Senator Situom at noon. numerous candidates are quietly direct vote of the people. About feeling their way and as it is yet two-thirds of the Senate opposes There is more Catarrh in this SATURDAY JANUARY 13 1901 early in the season it will be some­ this proposition, and tho only wav section of the country than all other it could be brought about is by diseases put together, and until the Fenawr Mitchell makes a hit in time before any public announce­ Tito Klit'l V md llitvo \lways Fmi ;ht, nu? lulimU uiitl C'hlhlren l'xprrlcneo iignimd Experimcut. The most important county office availed themselves of the privilege with local tiiHtineir, pronounced it Ou January Ctb, the President Science has pi oven to fill this year is that of County to ask for such a convention, btq ncurablo. had to affix, with a pen on parch Judge. The present encumbent. | Senators who oppose any change eaturrh to be a couatitutional li ­ inept, his signature to some eigh­ James A. Sparrow, has been a very fear that others will likely follow st ase. ami therefore requires con­ teen hundred army commissions. capable aod efficient officer by far the example when the Legislatures stitutional treatment I! illsCntarrh Ciixtorl t l i n li.11 inless r ubsi itnti' f,> • C’lt * •!* <•>!, Parc* got ic, I’rops mul Moollilng i-yritpn. Il li> J*l<. » ,*il. It Aad eome people deny that the the best of any one filling the posi­ meet. Cure, manufactured by F J Cheney coiilaliis ncitlicr Opium, .Morplihio nor clb r N.neetlo Washington, Jan 9. — The Oregon President is overworked. A Co,, Toledo, Ohio, ia the only tion in this county. Whether or Mihstaiirc. Il l niro is il* gunrnuU'O. l( ile.rlroy Worms not he will be a candidate for a re- and Washington Representatives eonalitutional cure on the market. nntl albiis F'everlJinra». It «’tires l>lmrli i-i :u*il \VI:io part officially in the Brit- Huston is also mentioned for as today favorably reported Senator according to an old mvlng. They over Countv. cat theiifclvi i. and arc t.niplcd by all ish-Bper war, according to the Rev. sessor. Mitchell's biils appropriating 8’0, sorts of injurious and iiHligeslible edi­ —REAL ESTATE-«F»— Tho?. Allen, who was defeated bles. As a K*nsequenc<- the foundation Mr. Brcekhuyseu, her citizens have 000 for a launch for the customs of serious stomach trouble is oflcu l*id by a narrow margin two years ago Bought and Sold on Cotumiiaion. Office in Bank Buikiirg Contributed over <30,000 to the eervice at Astoria; appropria'iog in childhood. for sheriff, wants another whack at For children with "weak" digc’-tinn or panse, the largest contribution the $4000 for additional quarters for whose stomachs are diseased, Doctor | lt>«rs have received frçm outside I his former antagonist or any new three keepers at Yaqnina light st* Fierce's Gohlen Medical iMscovery may 1 nun the opposition may put up. l>e confidently rccotnnieudetl. It cures I aources. 1 tion, and appropriating $4500 for a diseases of the stomach and other organs E. IL King, the veteran sawmill new building at Cape Blanco light of digestion and nutrition, so that the man, we understand, is also out nourishment contained ¡11 fcxxl is per­ station. A Ne w York reporter stationed at I for the honor. fectly asstmilateil and ’.lie puny child is Representative Tongue, in a let- ; built up by food into a condition ot a street comer in the shopping dis­ V7. ï. TAI3CH. Trcprtstcr. County Treasurer Miller will robust ueallli. l»r. Fierce*« Golden Medical Discovery trict cointid the long and short have everything bis own way for a ter addressed to the Portland Chamber of Commerce, in reply to ■ contains neither alcohol nor nar< ol.es. ------- BEST OF HIMES. LIQUORS AMD CIGARS.------- sk irts worn by the ladies who pas«- j re-nomination if he wishes it. Accept no substitute for "Gohlen Med- ed during one hour. Of ths 320' The office ofcom tnissioner though its memorial relating to the im­ ical Discovery.'* There is nothing "just as good " for diseases of the stomach an 1 Drinks mixed to suit your tasie. Courteous treatment gnsrank-d jro'nen who went by. seventy-five of the g e-itest importance to the provement of the Columbia River ; other organs of digestion and nutrition. at The Dalles and Celilo, the upper 1 Mr*. Ella Cantner. vt Waterview. Ml tdlesrs Your patronage Solicited. per cent wore short skirts. The 1 taxpayers, has been receiving but I C<> Va.. writes "My little ■iairzhter is eirtosIII* health. I am e’a'l I fmiml * i good tense of American women is little attention and we have no I river and its mouth, says the ag­ vpletwlKl who c.ut.l cu;e iuychd.fi Whenever .he I--I. I give *ier fir. t-ierce*. O’ldea M i,.U Avidantly effecting a reform which candidates for the place. The out­ gregate appropriation which it de­ tally Di. merv an rhe la won oil rijeht. She os»k tw.ive mute, of the ‘(.olden Mcvlical l>i«o, legislation would 1>9 .powerless to < going QMpmiseioner, A, Venator, mands at once would amount to ere.' bottle, of Pellet»,’ «nd oue louie of ' $7,000,000. This amount he thinks of i*r cixhl Sag, , Catarrh kemedy and .he i. well ■.accomplish. is aiming st a higher round on the We ’ . hank Cod your medicine." so much that be believes it will J Dr. Fierce’ for s ¿’ommon Sense Medical political ladder and is not thought arouse Lostility and possibly de Adviser, in paper covers, i» sent fiee 011 ! receipt of 21 onelccnt stamps to pay Ttie office of state senator, says to be a candidate for a re-r.omina- feat the proposed projects. esjiense of mailing only. Addies« Vr- tion. However, it is still eirlv, the Baker City Democrat in an The Senate committee on public R. V. Fierce, Buffalo, N. Y. aod the candidate^ may yet flock buildings has authorized a favora­ ar/jek regarding candidates for out of the woods bv the score. ble rejiort on Senator Simon’s bi.l the various offices to be filled this appropriating $250,000 for enlaig A FREE PATTERN apring. at preset t filled by Hon. (your own nMccliofH io ctery «nb- DEMOCEATH WHO WANT tjV Wagon Work Done Satisfactorily und With DUpalati. ing tue Portland Poetoffice and BirilMtr. Only >' ».t iitb a year. William Smith, is for the counties Courthouse building. * f Malheur and Baker, and will be A few democrats who would like OREGON Washington, Jan. 13.—Senator I MS'CAU’S^gk | BURNS, ..acar.t. Thu republicans have an! to eat at the public pw counter: Mitchell is verv likoly to win con- ¿ippli<*ant for this job in the person ’ For Judge—Peter Clemens, T. J. evasions in his fight for modifica I /ff J. H. Airkin, of the O. C. Co., of ■ uihb Shields. W. C. Byrd, G cq . Hagt-y, lions of the Philippine tariff bill. ¿Iuntington. A [ ‘ .bits ’ MAGAZINE. J. C. Foley, C. A. Swcek. List Senators are considering very grave­ i \ E-m. b-ti’.ful • I |...i t -, elf Sub <>. a- Harney dropped from the dis- ■ *< r .ix i*» d-i, <•<. « I' Ulr*t C ,y For Clerk-F. S. Rieder. I. J» ,'H « .•.< il *i.«H>.r trun! passed upon the proposal of aasc-s Jiiet tlyit was originally Baker, i Styl» !i. Reliable. Su r e. Cn-to- For Sheriff—C. F. McKinney, ing the full Dingley rates upon dal»*, Ri «I and A«»Intel/ Majheur and Harney. Pcruc’.'ì'i!ti;i¡{ !’• i i r Futi, ii - For Bixty years the NEW YolCK WEEKLY TillBVNB ba- beoa a Mticaol Peter Clemms, Geo. Shelley, with Philippine products coining to this weekly i.ew -paper, road almost entirely by farmers, and liaa enjoyed tho confl probable additions. country. The probabilities are deme and anppoit of tlm American jieople to a degree never attained by any For Assessor—C. S. Biggs, C. S. that concessions of either 50 or 25 similar publication. TIIE «Over-Work Weakens Biggs, W E. Alblrson. per cent will be made on products NEW-YORKTRIBUNE EARMER Your Kidneys. Other offices to hear from but coming into this country from the is mad-, arwoliitoly for farmers and their families. Tho first number was issned It is not the intention, I'r.keallUv Kidney} Make Impure Blood. said not to be lacking any applica­ islands November 7th, 1VU1, tions for positions on the ticket. however, to make any differentials Ev -ry department of agrcultural in J'M’ry la covered by special contributors A ' ■. Llacd '.z ycur body passe* through who are leader» in their rerpeetive lines, and the TRIBUNE FARMER will be in favor of At^erjcan goods going ./ j . i : l.ilr,eys ones ev?. :.>■ three minute*. I n* kidney, are your in every sense a high claea, up to date, live, enterprising ngrli’ulliiral paper, pro- The heroism of the crew of the i into the Philippines. To do »0 blood purifier*, they fil­ fuseiy illustrated with pictures of live alink, model farm buildings and homos, ter cut the wMtc or German steamship Frankfurt in would mean to give Spain the same J airricultural machinery, etc., z*U! Impurities In the blood. rescuing the crew of the American concessions, and it is urged that Farmers' wives, sons and daughter« will find special pages for entertainment If they are sick or out cf order, they Uli to do vessel, W. II. Card, in open sea, while the United Slates has at- Regular price $1 per year, with 11 1 Mt-fl ¿0 Address ITEMS, I ums Or. their work. BANNERMAN’S PHENYLE P>ucs, echesar.drheu- during a terrific gale, will be re­ i tempted to secure equal privileges The Powerful Dlelnf ctant, ni'.uni c?me from ea­ counted in some newspapers in a for goods going from this country I Deodori^^e and Germicide Known ters cf urio } $ld in the tn Modern bcieitCc........................... into portions of the Orient controll ­ I bl.cd. duo io neglected small space on the last page, while pzh ?7 ti'Ala, 11'813 the unfounded rumor of German ed by foreign powers, it could not CICLI I X oli in each to ride and exhibit exhibit a a «ample «ampio loot I K:duay uo .tt>ia calces quick or unsteady ---- town ----------- le ami model tkktw BigCWer., L-n' l-ealt, and maker one feel as though violation of the Mcnroe Doctrine make discriminations in favor of bicvcle of our manufacture. YOU CAN MAKE »10 TO C'i*br», >»ii« f Urrn, had heart trouble, because the heart is will be givpn 3 column on the front itself in the Philippiner. The open $50 A WEEK besides having a wheel to ride for yourself. limp, W«ra’, Là», pzer-w.tklng In pumpiry thick, l.ldnry- page. This is yellow journalism". door in other portions of the Orient « Ito ed blood through veins and arteries. l, <«, id >11 «id Cui-rd Guarsnleod ’ It used to be considered that o ily urir.cry it is asserted, is more valuable than kud PoU. Ln Msstli. jto :L>les were to be traced to tho Jddneys, J,at new science proves th#* nearly The, British press is drawing the advantages that American pro­ JANMKnMAN’S HIBMTLI ran» h<.rw« o, d!it. end nure «i«atb t<< -«beep tick. Jt ie ettaily many nood aw nc*.v............................................. If . 011 are sick you can make no miataka merican and Euglish millionaires. pines. applied g'xt never falK. We eliip any bicycle QN APPROVAL te #y f st factoring your kidneys. The mild Senator Mitchell has been mak­ YOUR FRUIT TBEZB chouhl be apravet with anyone icit/ioul a cent deposit m adiance and allow * ! he‘-xtraoidinaiy effect of Dr. Kilmer's They allege that the English o>ii- FhflW/ f*blch rbseiuU’ly deulroya ail wonn«, ike kv emy-Woot, the great kidney remedy Is lionjtire* arc stingy, but hope in ing Ptrong representations to indi­ and in-«11* r.AWMAnMAN « PHMITLX •• • «1 .11. io; lea'.iseJ; It stands tn« highest for its la bt «-«iijidltd, havitg I e< n I over 1c vidual Senators of the ¡importance irfetlant absolutely wear- and v 1H I,»* found uMfal In y bnuoeli« id «>r > iei ful cures 04 the most diat-assing cases time they may be induced to emu­ e«tab!1-k»nen» it 1« en ’'»»»ed By emmlnenl nhy»l no ri»k in ordering from us, as you do not need to pay to the Pacific Const of making tariff elans. waiifUry a’i?ho»iUe* and l»<»aida of health all * - soU on Its maaiia late the muuifisent example of Mr, a cent if tlic bicycle does not suit yon. the 4 nica 1 Mm»- • »rd by II e < 1«y of Cl iearo s .- all ’l «intil y°” nd»« v.Httra Sir n«e Carnegie. Urftnsr*. .*,fc the ri.ftw* biaW* r.Mnneriaa». • Fheny le UU HUI DU I Factory nticrs *n ' 'V b.i’P H1?'1*’’ '■> taik pver the Oic fllrh. « M-.1.1 .............. .. -r «'-•i 1 >1 '•>’ , |j!B wife’i* jaw THE POI ITÍCAI. TOT. WASHINGTON NEWS COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER What is CASTORtA E. 0. T. G. CO. The Capital Saloon Shelley & Foley GENERAL BLACKSMITHS A WAGON MAKERS I mim a i i a i ■«Sa# ^RIDEI? AGENTS WANTED 1901 Medels $10 to $18 ’00 &’99 Models«. $7 to $12 km 509 S»sand Hand Wh«el«ce i.’co cu i 10 DAYS FREE TRIAL. hum iimk a g*J. L. MEAD CYCLE CO., m > <**••« H X. f O, 1 J V-;’ J K */ LZljfc.erfls A z / / 7 - f i -. < r 1 1 Chicago.