Harney valley items. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 188?-19??, January 11, 1902, Image 4

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‘ Whore aiv vuii gain* my pndty mahlt*
und »he wium't a hil airanl.
“Tin irointf vvhnrv yon might well Uj le«l
Th mind injr own bnaine«*, air.” aha aaiil.
Continued from Fust page.
You don’t have to plant your b-et
America are equal to any demand
order to grow corn«.
made upon them in plan« for irriga­
You never lu-nr of a baby cart
tion. the monev reaources of Amer­
ica are equal to its entire nteile. becoming a grown up wagon.
and the water in America is ample
\Ve never jaw a nutmeg »o big
to eventually water every foot of but what we aaw a nutmeg grater.
Babies and children need I our soil which can be used for hor­
A dude who i* a graceful dancer
I proper food, rarely ever medi­
ticultural or agri< ultural purposes.
be deac ibed a* “light al both
3 cine.
If they do not thrive
A Kucc of Land-Owners.
u;i their fcod something is .
With one honest, intelligent, ex­
If money talk*, counterfeit mon­
i wrong.
tensive p'an, well cottsiJc-ed anil
They need a little
wisely carried out. w« could not ey ought to be able to aiiig. “Bare
I help to get their digestive
only add to the old triumphs of me not.
machinery working properly.
this Republic new illustrations of
Even the woman crook has times
our power, but wo could, in the of wondering if her hat is on
settlement ef our new farming and straight
business population on whit are
Alsnit the only wav for a reporter
now desert lands, do wonders—
to shovel in the cash is to work the
wonders such as all our past works
w?rn ttfP^WSPHtTES Of List * 5004
would pale before
We could re­
As the miner said wl.e > he was
forest the continent in 40u years.
will generally correct this
Suppose each man who owned 160 being lowered: “Thia is but a drop
acres put in ten acres of trees; we in the bucket."
preceptiblv change and im­
Bachelor« speak of “single bless-
Ii you wiil put from one-
the climate. We could give edness,” but old maids don’t seem
iourlh to half a teaspoor.ful
an impetus to every kind of trade to find the blessing
in baby’s bottle three or four
which, with our new advantages in
Forests cover one-ter.th of the
times a day you will soon see
the Orient would m ire than double
of the world and one-
a marked improvement. For
our present trade and traffic. We
3 larger children, from half to
could supply a field for the exertion
It cost the government 4'20,000 ti
of every kind of skill and every at­
a teaspoonful, according to
to give the letter carriers
tainment of handicraft. We could
age, dissolved in their milk,
’ vacation each.
wo: k out many of our most vexed
if you so desire, will very
s questions, for we could, I am suie,
Of 1,000 | arts of th«» mvon 576
I soon show its great nourish­
in giving to the nation a race of are visible to us on the earth; 424
If the mother’s
t ing power.
land-owners, give it a race of men parts remain hidden absolutely to
rr.ilK docs not nourish the
«•rd women who by interest, in­ man’s eyes
stinct. and choice, would be patri­
baby, she needs the emul-
I'.n'ier a regulation adopted by
ots We would create a field large
• sion. It will show an effect
i omin.r-ton every foretgi or
beyond the dreams of most educa­
j at once both upon mother
the Philippines is now re
tors of to-dsy—a field where the
I and chiid.
pay a per capita tax of $ 1
college president, the school teacher,
r^_ *!l
the newspaper editor, and. above
The ave-n^e number of counter­
s .
N m v ft
L h — -.......................
all, the Church of God could uo feiting ca.-es now handled annually
their holiest and best work.
is about 609. and of this number
A Prominent Chicago Wnnian Speaks
Bound up with th’* irrigation and nearly 50 per cent are those of per­
Prof. Roxa Tyler.ofChica^o Vice the land problem on a national sistent >nd habitual violators of
President Illinois U Oman’s Alliance scale is every other question which these laws.
in speaking<>fChamberlain,«Cough is for tl.e progress, the creatness,
Io the coldest parts of Siberia a
Itemedv, says; ‘ I suffered with a the moral, the religious, and the
may sometimes be seen all
severe eolil this winter which thr< at- commercial supremacy of this the
in a cloudless sky. It is
• r.id to run into pneumonia I tried most wonderful Republic in the
to be due to the reflec­
different remedies but 1 seemed to world's history.
sun on fine particles of
grow worse and the medicine upset
Mr. Editor—neither my time nor ♦
mv stomach. A friend advised me Tour space permits me to elaborate
to try Chaiiiberlain'sCough Remedy many of the possible advantages of
and I found it was pleasant to fate irrigation. I may, however, do
The Northwest Livestock and
«•¡•1 it relieved me &t once. I am this. I may say thut in the davel- Wool Growers’Journal and Items,
now entirely recovered, saved a opment of the West the ra-lwavi 12 a year.
doctor's bill, time and suffering must play an important part, and
wild I will nevrr be without this I apjieal to those who honor me by
Your money's worth—the Inter
splendid medicine again.” For sale reading this paper, who have u Oce-in and the Items one year for
II M. llorton. Burns; Fred Haines. i sh ire in shaping the policy of the 41.50.
Harm'v Citv.
transjx>rtation of persons and goods
to remember that in best serving
Social dances every Friday eve­
A rrofitable Investment.
the public they best serve th* ni­ ning ut Locher’s Hall.
' I «»i troubled tor about seven
with mv stomach and in bed half sei ves. I have no class of men in
inv time.’ tavs E Demiek. Somer- America who have done so much
Jorgensen has something nice in
»iile. Ind. “1 »pent alout 41.000 and for the development of the national
never could gel anything to help : resources, who have been so subject
n »- until I tried Kodol Dyspepsia to vulgar abuse, or who have re­
< nre. 1 have taken a lew bottles
Don't Live Together.
» n 1 am entirely well” You don’t ceived so little endit. This should
live by what you cat. but by what cease, and we a", with noble pur­ Constipation and health never go
xon digest and assimilate. If vour pose. should seek Fteadilv to ad­ together DeWitl’s Little Early Ris­
emmaeli <li»e*i»'l digest vour food vance the mighty ends we hire iu ers promote ease action of the bow­
you are really starving. Kodol Dvs- view in our nation’s plans and his­ els without distress. "I have been
troubled with cost iwnrss nine years
l>»’pria Cure does the stomach’s
work Lv digesting the food. You tory. Our banners should Ixs in­ says J. O Gref n*, Depsuw. Ind. “I
have tried many remedied but Lit­
<’<>n't 1 avetodiet. Eat all you want. scribed with:
K bi,.l Dyspepsia Cur«- cures all
“The public lands for those who tle Early Risers give best results.”
etmua<h troubles. City Drug i will live upon them and use them City Drug Store, H. M. llurton,
prop; Fred Haines, Hartley.
t~t«>f<- Fn-d llaii!« s. Ilarney.
—William Wilkinson in Deeem-
Beat < hit of an increase of Hi« Pension be'- National Homemaker.
Cull for County Warrants
A M«-xican trar veteran and proi -
inent editor writte: “Seeing the ad­
Children Especially Liable.
Notice is hereby given thut there
vertisement of Cliaml r rl iin's Colic Burns, bruise* and cuts are ex­
funds in the county treasury
Ghok-ra and Diarrhoea Remedy, I tremely painful and if neglected of­
for the redemption of till Harney
i ni reminded that as a soldier in
ren are especially liable to such County warrants registered prior
Mcx’uro in '47 and 'Is. I contracted mishaps because not so careful. As
to December 24, 1901. Interest on
Mexican <lia’ihoca and this remedy a remedy DeWitt’s Witch’ Hazel
the same will cease from this date,
¡in- kept me from getting an in­ Salve is unequaled. Draw» out the
Januurv. 4, 1902.
crease in mv pi-nsion for on every fire, stops the pain, soon heals the
R A. Mlf.LEK,
jenewal a dose of it restores me.” J- wound. Beware of counterfeits Sure
cure for piles
jieWitt’s Witch
Treasurer, Harney Co., Oregon
I' is tincq irlled a* a quir k cure Hazel Salve cured mv naby of raze-
for diarrhoea and is pleasant and n a after two physicians give Imr
sale to take. Sod by II. M. Hor­ op,” writes James Mock. N. Web­
ton, Burns; Fred Haines, Ilarney ster, Ind ‘ The sores were so bad
she soiled two to five dresses adav.”
City Drug Store, H M. Horton,
< liilddng rat s given with ■
prop; Fred Ha-nes. Harney.
p:i|«r or periodical published li,
the L'tiited Slates.
Jorgensen is offering liberal dis­
You can r -ake your hir-
counts on everything in his line.
U.Í bofl. it* ft
ami ai ton
Drop in anil see him.
lmd ; £f” ’
■ ■■■■
» y.% 4
•?> UK P>r Mtrnt: it may be worth money.
•A r promjaiy obtain U. r. »ml Foreign
free r.-p-rt w pateuUbiHty. We Kive
th"“ leyai hen Ice »nit Bd /ic*. M.d Ou,
•»< mo<Ur.t«. Try US.
U do .
Patent Lav/yorc,
11.9. Patent Office.Washinatan, O.C.
The New York Tribune ’-’armer
and Itemi* fl.50 per year.
For Inlauts and Children.
The Kind You Hava Always Bough!
Bears the
Signatare cf
go; ICE Fox P> Fl.h’A’‘IOX.
U. U, Lau.l Otte». Burn». Or . IHven b«t
X oiler 1. Ii.rrbt gt«SU lb»l th. fallawl»»
uaiu.4 wtu*r b*« «1* I s»tA>.*ot i>i< inisbiioa
I» m.k. Suiti rr ..>f In »»»itvrl sf bta »Islsi,
and that »aid proni w ill t* mad* Latore R a |>»
ler and Ra«*clv»r al Hunit. Ortcou ui
r ury
ISO’S. vi»;
Uu««*|*li V» I «it«|er pnal,
II I Rnlry No»*., t»r Ihes^sw^, Hue
Km I. 1 »• * . I< .7 K W M
He tamealha following witne**«'« Io prove
M a eotiainnnu» residence upon and cultlvailuu
of »aid tend, vl«
Henry Rl»hatd«ou. Ferry Williams, Th«»i.
Allan and joaeph r. Garrett, all of Burna. Ur«»
Ggo. W II AT««,
Ke« later
MWE for rriiLic vtioK.
I? S I jti I offit«*. Num«. Orv Gin, IH m * ‘A IWI.
Nolle* I hceby fh* i th«t|iha fallowing
named M’ttltr h«- filed ii <» uc • of hi* intvhUon
u> luake finaPpro*»! hi »U|«|»url vi hi* t lai in» •<•<'
that »aid prwt u ill •».* made befare Kvghtar aud
Receiver at Uurua. oriteli, un >i*l>ni*r> I,
i*W. vii
H<l Intry S«». 7X4 mr im I!
Hrc. If.
T « H.. K A* E W 51
He natur« th* lui low ng wittictx'« Io prove
confiti umi* r<*«ideucr upon am 4 c.dtlfattan
of Mbìd Und-«. Vit
Lanalnf Armalrong. »auk Vpton. William
!.. Blaylock and J I» FalrmanaU oí Klvotaldv.
Geo, W Hayos. KcgUlrr.
xorici roK
itblication .
Land Oder. Büro«, Orvynn. Pee 11. 1901.
N ••!<•» I» herrbv given ih<t the fallowing
uamed ««tier hu« fl «4 not lea <»( Mu InUnlfaii
to it-, i’. •* tain;,.-. >?» »up perl of hi* Ha hi . and
thnt -u !• tu«».»f will b» male I»« fa re tt*glat*r
ai.4 Ü» cvtvvr ai Eu’im, oreifoti, January2fi,
I Ml. vlf
I I »a Id < . to.
IW’ieri L ad 4 Entry N<» 1 >*. far the N%9E’
SH 4X E . ar.d sE‘a < U 4 Her X T
S . R • t
He name» the fall w ‘ ii < witite««*» to piuiv
Ira conthit't* r‘widme« up >ti and cultivation
of >a «I lar«| vi;
O. I» Ktuk. W B. Barker. F, M Ch-n*y »i>.l
Mani Tyler all of HHey, Orecnii,
a <o w it »V»«
Department of lb* li»t«tPk r !’. H Land Uffir«
Burn». <>rvgs«n, Pcrrmhor l£. 1901
A >uiT!c mt e»: ta.»t affidavit bavlnf been filed
in thi» • !f
Is Gi«*>r<e U rah am. «stniralanl. «•
gftlR't h< •• -let 1 vntr N > 4«. trade *No¥eui
I'«', :• r tie H»,SE»V .»‘-.Nl
Sec n rp Cl. 3 l;aD<rWEW M bv Win \
llick»«>n < ct)U »ler, in it hl h It la »lleffed that
Wn V Hick«»’) b»« wholly »iMuutu.ed »«id
tract l. I chor.|tcd I I.-» re dence therefrom f-»r
mere it « d • month» »luce it «kinr «»luentry
and next p’ »r to I >• LHh day <»f I>c rinhrt 1901.
S« 4 p«rti< » ?.rr hrre’ry notified toppprar, re-
»pot 4 an I offer evidence toueldi’M a I allcsn
th>n al lu o'cloc k a in on January 27, 1709. be
fi re the KcKi-tt«. r and Kccv.v« r a: th« l nih*4
<latc» Lai 4 Office lu Burn«. Or* g«>n
The »aiJ rontv'tout Laving. In n proper «¡71.
Ja» it. flic«1 l>ce pi. 1 <-I. M»t forth fact» which
•hew that a.'h due diiltft-nco f« r,onai *crv*«o
nf thl» notice r«n not be made, H 1» hereby or
dvrr-l and dir«cte«l that such noiict be given
by due and proper publication.
Geo. W. ilayo*. Kesi-lcr.
T. S. I .an«! (»fllce. Burn’». Ort»<oti. Pre |fi I'Xl
A sufficient ct*nlet! affidm it having betn file«)
in thl*
office by Mail
agaiu»! Myron Hinrh^y. Timber Culture entry
No. 7*2.
Urtuhcr **. I*.'■■7. for the NE*, «•<
Kertlou .TO. Tp 24. 8, Rantfe *1 K oy Mjron
llinchry <'oh?c*tv<-. in w h*rh *t i* al let cd tnul
*a*.d Myruu liinthcy
a: <1 >>ei'.r<'trd tu
p ow 5 acre» • r any part thereof, on '«id land
during ttic year ending O<*t< brr/. I*-*, tbnt be
faile ! to pl-AAV or culKatr to a crop.'» F'Te*
or nny part thereof, dur’ntf th« )c«rr»dif<
October ’. 1^*9: th»l be f«lle<l to plant to t
tne >ecd, vr »• tHog« . •<-re*, or any part there»
•>f. 4 irin< the >cur cn«i;nt October
1*00; that
■aid fft.lurr contiuce» uptatbr preedit umr.
Ma d partic» are hereby noticed to appear,
respond and offer evidence touch I n< »«id nil?-
raiion at ¡9o*rV>ck a m.on Feb 7. 1902. before
ItctfiMer and ft* reiver at the Cnited 8ta*<« I.«ml
office in Rtirnt. O cfcon.
The »aid contv.tan» h«vInp. in proper affi lax it
filed Nov. :trt. 190i zct 'ort'ii fart* wl.|rh »how.
that after due <!Hiar.irp. pcr«oD«l »ervice of
thi» notice cannot be road«, it i« hereby order
ed ancbdlrccte 1 that attrh U'-tirc be given by
due as«! proper'ptiblication.
<J ko W. turn«,
women t<> trftxel »1.4 «4vertue for «»14
I’slid h«»»U' • f «olid fln«nc;al •««ndin» ■mlnry
|7«O m y*r r and rxp^DMM. ail p»y»h!t* in «•«♦h
N » < a . I va-si r.g yp'>i’frr<l. Olv» reftronrea .ml
rm-b p
»•amp. g «•«*velnpe»«!.
A44rea» Manager,
Bldg. t hlrafO.
Dispepsia Cure
DLnkeftfi poor look Ine jar-
. r. 4 like n * .’f . cu r
' p^.fi beftT/ bO'li'fft L i. f t-
|w!:t!'y prepnrM ta will*. I
0UM-J the wtoufccr.
Raid • eery where
lu caaa—ull ai/ca.
Wifi bt SfAMDAJlO OIL CO. v
Guttrnntcf <1 to equal any ♦ 100.00 machine.
E L. KING, General agent, 21M Saneóme
. Son Fraueirco.
- ths -
W eekly I nteij
O cea N
lite drente t Republican I’itper of the West.
T i* th-moit stalwai t anc uitwz-t vtrg RepuM/crn Weekly put>
liilimi to.lay and car always
lolird upon i«»r («or i*n>l lionati re
p >r:& < i .dl f>>litical .iftur»
p Tiw ) I he W eekly Inter Ocean Supp’kh A I of the Ne«vs>
L t -TJ j
nnd the Best ut Cuiront L telature.
It u Morally ('lean, and a* a Family Paper »« Wiihunl a Peer.
Its I i.crary column* me equal
to those ot the beat niaq.^iiies.
Its Yout'i’s Department is the
f nest of its kind.........
It brltiR* to tb-‘ f-.tm lv t «
nw • «»r » h»« • t<> r-
«»rr«i an 1 five»
lh« I k - m and ih c«l d I v -U mm I oiz *« (if all r»u • 'I'' -,’« / IU«» U«v- I
<• m » t'lVuii
• of re
;t’*h wwplt
and bring ol» -h 4 »♦« ’
«*•> » <4
the people «*
SI.00 p
Digest» what you eat-
ISaintlcially digeststhe foodami aids
Nature in strenglhening and rccon-
atructing thè exnaiistcd digestive or-
gans. Itisthel.itestdi •'■ovreddige-
ant arul fonie. No other preparati i
cari apprnach il in etlh i. in y. jr in-
st'intly ri lieveiand perni»nontly curea
lryspepsla, In<iiy<st lon, ileai t burri.
Fiat idein e, Som Stoiuach, NailMnt.
Sf k il caduche, Onst lalgin, < 'rampa sud
all ot ber resulta of iuqx-rfect digest iou.
I.a.« *lrncontalM 2'4 lime»
•inali .tze Ikx.k all a>->iitdy»iK-i»>alaaUe<irre»
Pr.pureJ ty C. C. DeWITT 4 CO . Cblcu«-
H»“ “ —
darum Oil s.
Pnce S35.00,
WAN ( KT»--«F.VFR vi l’Ff.SONK uF < H III
after and go« «i ri puf«t»c»n ‘n e»rh >tat«fnne in
thU <•*» inh re'pilred/t > r< pr<’»ent «r.d advarH»«*
«•¡d e -lrtbliftbe » weMltby b taine»* h<>u»c <»f aolld
fnancidi »ardirti
expenro» «ddiibiiiai, n 1! pàyKb'e Iti «• m > u < t»< h
Wrdne 4«> direct fr<->m head office», H<>r»e»
And f«rriftRe.» furrl* h< «I. when l)cre«»»r«' Del
• rene«»». Euri« -e -elf «ddre«erri »i«n:pe<i ci)
telojH* MttnaKHr.
xu«n Buildinx. ‘‘hica^n.
non <H
;. • t «
Caveat», nnd T ra<Je-Al»rk» obt«?nM «nd «11 Pat-J
ent butifK«icon<iu«ttd f»r MCEKRATE Frt».
O ur O ffice ie O ppoaitc u . 8. PATcwTOrrier
| w» caa sreur« patent ta Lcbt lime tn«u U mma J
remote Îi«»m WAthin^toa.
. <
1 Ser.d r '>del. ci gun g er photo., uîth deaerîp-’
Itior». V» o a (vise, h petcntabl» or not. fre«
Jchafge. Our f’« not dt.c till patent
t A pAMTMt FT, “ M ,w to Olifain Patents«” withi
•c<*t of BA»c m the U. b. «Ad k-rciga o/jmrie«^
JxenL itee, AddrtM»
« -
■r; •/'
- Vt I. ‘
. ..»Y
■ ■
------------ -
Our fee returned if we fail. Any one sending sketch and description of
any invention will promptly rec. ivo our opinion free concerning ths patent­
ability of same. “Ilow to obtain a patent” sent upon request. 1’ateuta
secured through us advertised for sale at our expense.
Patents taken out through in receive sfXCtal no/tcr, without charge, in
T he 1’ atext R k < <> i < i >, an illustrated and widely circulated journal, consulted
by Manufacturers ami Investors.
Seti<! for sample copy FREE. Albires»,
(Patent Attorneys,)
Evans Building,