Hublished in ü»e Greatest Valley of Eastern Oregon. The Oldest and Most I R^ilablo. , The Best Advertising Medium. Harney Valley Items N. I«. M.liHyrr, r.u|>rlr|ur - • » - «ng M«o«(*r. BURNS. OREGON. SATURDAY. JANUARY II. 1902. ¡JATiniiAl CVCTCM RAIIUnAL Old I cm aam|le among tboufandw Wa-b ingeon, Oregon., Montana Colorado. New Meiuco, California and, in abort, all the Western .. Hlnte» and Tenitorics, bej inning H. with Minnesota, orc io rich in |«>» Need« arid Advantage« The •ibijity, M well mi in past achi«vc Landa Must l»e for Home- n.ctit. ihut the facta bewilder. • 1.50 Ter 1 »nr. Mi* Molte» 75 Cent*. RAILROAD RUMORS — NO. 7 11 would l>e live stock, r? rim r T business _____ now cuines to the Northern 1'acif.c anyway, Tlris would Le tl.e situa­ tion fur over forty mil-», until the north fork of th«' John D.iy was reached. The timber wealth is illustrateJ I builder«. Our Nutiunal Op|M>rt mill lea. by the fact that a »ingle track is It is said on the authority of 120 miles square and is all pine. We must, however, remember Hardware of Every Description. that lands may be lidi in poasi- David Eccles, president of the Whether all thia is lnutLt tributary Those who know the vastness of bililies which for untold ages I ave ' Sumpter Valley line, that hi* road to the Washington eitirw, te Port­ our unproductive land uud its pos- been left unus'd in any practical will build into Grant countv, Ore- land or to San F rancisco, depends entirely on the load built. Kelt aibilities when properly watered, way, a:.d that nations like inuivld gon. in the rpring, from Whitney uals may fail to use or may waste i south-west through Grant into Har­ spring will probably tell the tale. and who look at all questions from their fortunes. We are in danger ney, terminating at Burns. The dangei in ths Sumpter Valley a patriotic national rather than of both these evils. No people The Oregon Railroad Naviga­ extension is saw! by business and from a personal standpoint, have since the world began nas had the tion eonij>any has already made railroad men to be that the exten­ ! no hesitation in saying that this opportunities we have. We I,ave i three surveys nr.d can approach sion from (turns to Winnemucca, ' Republic should take in hand the the largest store of natural national the wenltli p oduciug sections of which would go over a level jage ! problem» concerning our pohlic wealth ev«.-r given by an iill-wiIitles in the Orient are ped railway systems in all the . contest. A strange iwitural phenomen >i< world, Our facilities by water are If the Sumpter Valley builds, its Director»: \V. Y, King, I. K. Geer. Geo. Fry, W K Triach. so large ami so many thirt no man unrivalled, | is reporle«! by Cainae Prairie stock- j line will go either to Susanville or J. Welcome. can tell their value. There have It is evident that the land •¡tu­ Canyon City and thence south to j men returning from Summer rang« s •••• >ee«e«(t»««««M««eee*%«**«M«Me»«««M»«e«»e«e been in our midst in Minnesota ate in the L'nite«! States ia the Burns, and will probably terminate or from caHk-Luyiiig trips in the —• ■ men who for years have been say- part of this globe which the good- 250 miles further on at Winne­ Waliqwa country. According tu ' ing this and urging the prople to nets and the wisdom of God has mucca, Nevada. them, the fieak ha? never become OFFICIAL I»l ItK( T<>n t PROFESSIONAL CARDS. prepare for taking advantage of most wonderfully blessed. Are we Ttic only feasible starting point. known ouisidc the Wallowa dis­ OBBOON, the facts. Mr J J. Hill, ten years going tu nuke the best of it? Or for the Northern Pacific is from' trict, but is said to be worth gr- U««*F» Slwen ,3 W M«-Mrl4> ’ since, call««! public attention to the are we going to waste it? Or are we Pendleton, the present terminus of, ing hundrcds.of miles to see. The H M«MfLLXN, I Ma Maud« J Orient a« it i« r« laird to this Re­ going tu let a few men «bs*. b like ! one branch of the Washington dt • scene is at Wallowa Lake, the wt 11- I 1 »»■»•• le* «u« p. K X HlaekSatn | Attorney n upon I hem, depend ! line to build, will be blocked either side of the lake appear to a man at Main St — oppo*ite Batik. W H Load« HU4* Prmuir. «.- Ge.*»-*»s I’raiiie holders was seen Kat later. «*•• w M“ra* Pbyoiriauo <{■ Surgeon». ' its public tami in a ¡Kv-ilion the make up, the very moral fiber of it up to the O. R. ibe hor­ Beeelver, • Newell ror of the n«r............... it those wbo could and wtio would in a vigorous, strong, fruitful way. The second runs down the middle l/»n Ki* liar*i«ui> Block fll«|»e« tor . ,.. but, being very large and heavy, |_| WKS A SAXTON- live upon it, cultivate it. ami thus Our land? which need only water | fork of the John Day to tap the additional help was required tu BURNN rRKCtNCT. I UBO. W 1IAYBS. JOHN O SAXTON. add to all the sustciimcc. comforts, , ,.D. Jameson I should be watered from a supply ' Susanville district, its exact termi pull it out. Befort' auch he'pcouht Jnatica of Ilie l'eaoe ami wealth of the Republic. Geo Tregaeki« < '.onatab’e ..................... Attorney»-At- I am , either ftiund underneath them or tius not being known, but probably be securtii the heg was cooked The history of Italy is replete i ; i itN«. or. boon . conveyed to .tb« ni, and each man at Raker City, The thirds rues, clear ■through from sneut to tail, CITY OF BURNS. with lessons which are to be learn ­ ftp" Altorn«? far üiaic School Hoard. C. E. Kenyon. Majror i cultivating land should have « down the south fork of the John i Thus th« tumble of cooking the Jno. Cardwell. ed from land monopoly in ttio cor- j right to what he can usefully auJ Day through a feasible countrv Marshall 1 poik by pieettueal is Cisi>cnsffi C.S. Biggs. Recorder rupt days of that people. “The profitably use—no less, no n:or;— strike? Canyon Citv and. it is W A Gowan Tt-aaurar yyu it tvs a u n ianded classes drove out the old and if supplied by Government thought; would te extended to; with. (I C. Folvy. The Mother’s Favorite. free farm life," ami the men and works, it should be furnished at a Burns. Either of these surreys )»V. E Triwh. C«MH«iliuen TLaratan William», M FiL*z»r*14, Geo. Fry Chamberlain's Cough Remtdy rs women wh.i had lived under the' AV»«n«r at La*. salary tubile, just price—at the smallest possible cs|»ecially the last two, or an ex­ I I Geo. Stiellay. the mother ’ s .'avorite. It is plea-ant genial sun of that fair lafid ha«l to p ice. All the land shcnild be avail tension of the Columbia Southern, Law, A’ofwn'd and Real Eilat» I to take ami and sa f e for children iwann into the cities. Then the able to those who honestly and in- is considered feasible by experts Practice. I.<•«« No. 70, K o( F 4MF“<)fiice in old Masonic building politics should enter into any of terior. Either is especially desired Hiaty Million More People. Mu«t« evarr ihurtdav night. these matters The engineers of by Portland, which is iu constant •and whooping cough, ami is lire feat of some railroad move which l»est medicine made for these di­ F M Jordan, C. C. There is room for more than fifty Continued on Fourth page. K. Motharahead, K of It. 8. will cut her off from getting the »eases. There is ti-Ji the least dan­ million people upon our land at p M JOKDAX. preaent unoccupied by agricultur­ There is mor«* Catnrrh in this trade of the immense central por­ ger in giving it to children for it BURNS CHAPTER, NO 4», O. E. 8 contains m BURNS LODGE, NO. OS, A O. U. W. ter for ihu'. city than seeing tue,'^. er», and unprofitable. All of these sease, au *1 therefore requires con­ ! Minute Cough Cure is eu»c cut* Meets at Brown hall every Friday cyo- 60 YEAR«' ■ people could live well; some accu­ stitutional treatment. llaltaUatarrh Sumpter Valley extend through • couglia. croup at.d threat aiwi aing Visitimi brothers fraternally in­ EXPERIENCE mulate moderate fortunes and a Cure, manufactured by F. J.Cheney that district, and then down to |ui,g tniubles. An abfolulelr .«al-» vited. Tlioa. Mager«, W. M. Cht«. N 4 Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only, Winnemucca, thus throwing whai cough cure adiieh act« immediately few become very rich. Cochrane, Recorder. I saw within two weeks of this constitutional cure on the market. | ought to come to the northern cities The youngest child can t»ke it will entire safety. The little ajucs like HARNEY LODGE, NO. 77. I. O O F. time, at Lamanda, Park, Pasadena, It is taken internally in dores from to San Francisco. the taste and remember b«»w often Meetsaverv Hatnrdav evening, I» own’« At present Susanville mine own- it liclpeil thr.m Every family _ California, a fig tree which grows 10 drops to n lenrpoonful. It acts —_ - I RADI. mAHG» rboulit hall Visiting brother» fraternally in­ Dtaic.NO directly on the blood and ftiucousiera are paying f ’ J a ton tohave ¡ ia ve a lwtllc uf Gne M mute t’ougl vited. Frank O Jackson, N. 0. on lan«l once a desert, now watered ’ C ofvriohts Ac C, G. 8mi>li, Secretary. ¡Cure handy. At this eeason csp«c- Aerane «urti**« a akrl< k «n<1 dracriptlon ma» by irrigation, which this year has surfaces uf the system. They offer orc carried. MrtakW aewtain oer oh *'»"* tre« wf,»th«r a« lavanti,m *a pruhabl» patentable. .t