Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About Harney valley items. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 188?-19?? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 4, 1902)
*- ■■ Stop the Blight Continued front First p»ge. than 4900 hea l of beef cattle arc Iteing fattened on Butter Creek, in i'matilla County, this Winter, and they will soon be readv for mar It is a sad thing to sec fine ket. The ssme process is observed fruit trees spoiled by the blight. on the Silvits River, in llarney You can always tell them from County, in the Harney Valiev, in the J< hn Day V.lhy, in the On the rest. They never do well tario country, in the Lewiston re afterwards but stav small and gion of Idalm, in Eastern Wash ington. in fact, in all places spec richly. ially suited to Winter fieJtt.g. It is worse to sec a blight j “It is sate to say," said Mr, Mil- t it ike children. Good health lis, "that we will hereafter send our i, the natural right of children. I livestock to market in a finished state; we are done supplying the Put some of them don’t get raw material for others to finish up their rights. While the rest and make the larger profit on ” grow big and strong one stays The British authorities are now taking horses at their Ontario and .- •■nail and weak. Nampa receiving stations at the Scott's Emulsion can stop rate of 18 to 20 carloads per week that blight. There is no There is no telli g how long this reason why such a child should will continue, all depending on the progress if events in South stay small. Scott's Emulsion Africa. • i.; a medicine with lots of t-.rength in it—the kind Of itrength that makes things f row. Scott’s Emulsion makes < hiidren grow, make?them cat, j takes them sleep, makes them j lav. Give the weak child a < nance. Scott’s Emulsion will make it catch up * with the rest. Thia picture r?present3 the Trade Ma.k of Scott's Ktnul.-ioit and ii on the wrapper Of every bottle. Send (cr free unplc. SCOTT & BOWNE. <00 Pearl St., Near York. 50c and »1. all druggi-ta. A PrOUinent ( hieago Woman Speaks l’rof. Roxa Tyler,ofChicaeo Vice President Illinois Woman'« Alliance in s( caking of Chamberlain,» Cough R-medv, »ays: “I suffered with a »evereeold this winter which thn at- < ned to ruu into pneumonia I tried different remedies but i seemed to grow worse and the medicine upset inv stomach. A friend advised me to try Chamberlain'sCough Remedy and I found it was pleasant to tate a 11 it relieved me at once. I am i.ow entirely Hoovered, sav'd a -loctur's bill, time and suifering, ; nd I will nev-r be without this ep’endid medicine again.” For sale if. M. Ilorton, Burns; Fred Haines. Ilarr.ev City. t x>v|. r ron pt’ni to atiox . A MEAN THICK CANS FOR CAVI SES 0 the doctor he was aad Aixl the doctor he was mad, And the doctor rigged and tore and round, alack! Some rogue had gone and stuck In tae doctor's sock a duck That every time you touched it mur in u rati: "Qu ack !Quack!Quack !” I —Ch cagoTimes Herald. Vuele Sam's Greatest Secret. V S La»l utile*. fin ma. Orc< »•». !*•<♦. >. h*'L Noth*« 1« htr*bv given Ibalfih« Mlowhtg- ntmed »«tU«r ba* file»! d «»»“’* • »( hl< intention Io tuakc in aufkporl wf l*t» vlaihi, tiul tliai »Mid rro»’t will I h * atadr bafoo K »gitter ami llavaivrr nt Hurns. Ur*t«n, ou February I, MW.»ta. .l«hn K. Illel.«>. HJ lulry Kw TW lor the W>,XI.’,. Sc I/. T N »., H M K a M Ha iil'ii»' th» ful’(iwittt wlln -- ai Io prwv c hiae mllnuou» reU.leurv upuu tufi cultivate u ot «aid land«, vit I anahig \riiiMiuutf, Frank V|»h»n. Witllmn 1.. Rlayl »ck tv I J. I» falriunn til of Hi v cítele, Oregon. Gv ». W Hayr». lleglater. Nut I F Full ITIII.K’ 11 ION If there is any secret which I lí I an! Office. Run»*. Oreg»» », I’ve II. I 01. Nioibr 1« herd v given vhM th» ((»Hawing ele Sam jealously guards it is the tian«v<l -»ct¡or to»» Il »<t not ee of hl» hitcnhoii procesa manufacturing the fibre to uiahv final nr«H»i m »upt-Hof !>!« riahn. nud nroof will !»» male he’»»re Itetfhter paper upon which hie money notes thal.'n.d and Kerri ver al Ihriw, (Vegan, January are printed He pays a Massachu MCI. Via; ( baiti r<»u», setts firm fo tv three cents a |H>und Doari l ami Entry No. 1 •«. Lr tha for it. and this firm does ita work under the surveillance of a Govern Ilo tiAmes thè foli u 14 wì I iivsm lo prova htn cnntlulou» Whltlon'« tip mi and vulliiailwn ment a> ent. The paper is manu of aaid land, vlr O. !» Kn»ì. W. n. Iteri »r. p, M Cheney and factured ■ f the finest rags, cleaned, Stasiti ylcr all •»( LI lev. Oreann. I boiled and mashed into pulp. As Ite». U II «VH« Itefil 1er it is rolled into thin »1 cots silk threads are introduced into it by a rosrE*r voin i: secret process These ure the dis Ik ptrtunni of U r hiirr. r. V. H La?ul OCic« Hrcron, termite» (•*. I *P1 tinguishing marks making imita Hum.». A »utlleirni roi.tvai «.1M m \il havlnj be«*n filed tion of the piper w-11 i igli impossi In thi> i fT ev l-y Gv »rK* Uraliani, couirainnl. ■ h»” v-t«-a*l enlr> Na. 4». ircdv •Nu\riu- Jacob G L'ahrinan, who was «ent ble The sheets of paper already . to the penitentiary in July, 19<X». counted twice and plac* >1 in uni Hee 74. Tp .1. 8 I angt U E W M bt Wm V ’on ronlc *1«. In wMeh II h allrgv«l timi to serve a five year's »entercv for form packages at the paper mill, \\ Hlrk m \ IltrkMin ba* wholly »band aicd *tl>l manslaughter committed at Sump arc stored in a Trea-urv v<oll ami tract Bt;U cliangvd I I» roideuco thvrrir»>in frr mare than fi mmtth* aluev htakiug < aid entry ter, was pardoned by Governor issued to the Bureau of Engraving aud nell pr »rt»» the 1 Uh day r»f !»r «ember MOI. Ge-r Tuesday. Luhrman killed a and Printing as »anted. Before 8a d parile» arc bereSy tol.rtri t * appear, ri - d »nd offer evidence tun •htng >ald allega man who lad threatened his life, leaving the Treasure thev are »pm lion al 10 o cl<»< k a m on Mudar? ’.*7. I j 02. be and alleged that the act waa com counted three times more, and the for« tbv Kegl>tvr a* d Kecv *cr at the Called ale»»l office In I urn» Or« gon mitted in self defense. Lnhrman'a receiving official nt the bureau b The »aid vtniic'tahi La» Ing. tn a proper arti case lias been a verv pathetic one. must rece ip- for them. Then the davit, fi)<d lb*r Iti. LOl «cl forth faclx whtet •¡(«•wthat r;fter dur dillgea«*«* p«-r.«»i»«l »trvho His wife went to Salem when ber bundles are unwrap|>ed ami the of ttoi» u<>Uc<* can n*»t !»• made. It I» hereby or huabaiid waa taken to the penit> o- sheets are counted twenty eight dere I and d‘rec4cd that »neh notici he given ibUc»tl< n liaiy, and she lias worked ns a tines by a corps of women. Th»» by due and proper |> lieu U tiayv>. Register table waitress in a hotel, tn order to is to insure that each printer gets support herself and child »chile the recorded number— n ■ more, i.c < cn i xo v'F. waiting for her husband to regain less. If one eheet of this precious C. < laiidolFrr Furti». OtfifOB Dvr JG ! his liberty. When the commuta paper be lost the entire force of A »utfic mt < ■» t»c»t affidav It having he«n fl!r I in thi* odh r by Matt Rig*-. », tion was granted it was delivered men and women hnving aeC'»» to • •a'n>! M)r «n Hlttrh y, lin.brr (’tt'ture v» *ry to Mr». Luhrmao, who took it to the room wl ere the misplacement No. 7*7'.. u:a«le <rt«brr .1, |*»7. f >r the N 4 «•! Hwcilon SO. Ip ¿4, S. Hauge SI K. ny M» ron the penitentiary and secured ber has occured ure kt pt in like so lllnrhry (’ •iU»ler. In ahîrh H t» allé* ad Inal manv school children, to find it »•*d Myron lllivhey fatlrd an«l neg*»««*i<d to husband's release. pmr 5 erres ur any part (hereof. « n *al*l land Eacn sheet is issutd frem thcvault during lbe year end.n< Ort'dirr 3. iNte. itoal hr .'¿•lied k’ p!** t or r i* irate io a crop. • ao«».< A bill has been introduced in for the printing cfadefinLeamount or any part thereof, riur'tig th« p-lr riding congress to make the birthday of .of tnor.ey upon it. If the lo**t rheet OetoberS, IWJ th»t tor failed to plant to t-re/, tre<* »red. or C'itllngs 5 any t»artih*rr- Wm. McKinley. January ‘29. a were intended to ultimately repre nf, during fhr ieareud'ng October 3 that legal holiday, While we should sent four thousand doLais’ worth »aid failure continue» up to thr present l’aie 4 8 m ‘d ]>artie« arc hereby notifie I to appt ar, like tn see the name of our illus of notes the group of employers to Fvpond « d .»fTer e» idunce touching sat'd site whom the responsibility of i'a mis galion st 10o'clock a. m.on Eeb. 7. \m, before trious Ex-President thus honored, Ketfi-det and Receiver et the Vnlted 8te’ea Land we be'iere tl e country is invested placement has been traced must uiXrs In Hurns, n egon. mike g<>od that amount if they The »aid c*»ute»ten having. In proper affidavit wnh enough of holidays at present. cannot lohnte it within a rra-oi able filed ^«»v, 30. 190i. set forth (•<•€» which »how. that after dur diligence. fH*r»nna| »*rv|re cf time. The most expensive loss tht* notice cannot be mad*, it 1 a hereby order The president of the American which has thus occured was of a cd and directed that such n be ghfij by •1 je a*.d proper publication Bar Association has apj>ointed blank sheet issued for the printing Uku. W. H i Tr<. Lt g ter Judge R. S. Bear, to represent Ore of eighty dollars u,»on its face. - gon at a gathering of lawyers at the John Elfreth Wa'.kins. Jr, in the w yxrxn—Tat sTwoiiTUY mfn Louisiana Purchase Exposition, January Ladies' Home Journal. wiimcti P» travel an»l advertí»« for obi r«tab- liahed hour« of an I Id rinati« al aiandlmt *atery St. Louis in 1903. |7M)a yt* r and cxf ’- d '» ». «U payab’c i t <a»h Jorgensen has something nice in The K of P will give a social stationary. Child Worth Millions. I “My child is worth millions to me,” dance at Floral Hail. Jan. 10 . ivxMrs. Mary Bird of Harrisburg. C F. McKinney will be floor man The K of I* guarantee yon a 1’.: "yet I would have lost her by ager. Mac’s the only recommend < roup had I not purchased a bottle pledsànt time at their dance Janu of <>iie Minute Cough Cure ” Ot.e it need». A bully go>d time is ary 10. Minu’e Cough Cure is sure cure' promised. '•>r coughs, eroup and throat and In troubles. An absolut- lv safe Jorgerist-n is offering liberal dis The Northwest Livestock and igh cure which act'* iium-diately counts on even thing in hie line. Wool Grower?’Journal and Items, Trie youngest child can take it with ; entire safetv. The little ones like Drop in ami see him. 12 a year. the taste and remember ho* often it he! ped th'tn Every fauiil» should The Mother s Favorite. Celebrate the holidays by drop have a Lottie of One Mmete Cough Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is ping in and »¡going your name for < tl rr handy. Al this season espec-4 i 111V it may I »• neeJed sud ienl v the mother’s favoiite It is plea-ant one of our clubbing offer.«. Cits Drug Store, H M Horton, ai.d -afe for childicn to take ami t, ______ _ _____ prop- End Haines, llarney. al vats cures. It is intended es pecially for coughs, colds, croup Beat Out ofan Iner< aseof His Pension A Mexican war veteran nr d prom 1> nt forget the K of I’ dance and wl oopir g cough, and is the inent <d. tor writes: “Seeing the ad January 10. best medicii e made for these di- vertisement of Chamberlain's Colic : -eases. There is r.ot the b ast dan Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, I Social dances every Friday eve ger in giving it to children for it an: reminded that as a soldier in contains no opium or other injur iiingat Locher’s Hall. Mexico in 47 and '48, I contracted | ’Ous drug and may be given ascon- Mexican diarrhoea and this rernecy Your money’s worth—the Inter ; tidently to a Labe a« to an adult. has kept me from getting ah in ■ For s.ile by H. M Horton, (tocan and the Item» one year for crease io my pension for on every Burn«; Fred Haiti'«, Harney City íl.Vt. renewal a dore of it restores me.’’ It is unequalled it« a quick cure for. <1 arrhoea and is pleasant and <‘bibbing iat » giv<n with any A Profitiibie Investment. So <1 by II. M Hor pi|fer or pei iodical published in “I w troubled for alxtut »even safe to take. with my stomach and in bed iialf ton, Burns; Fred Ha ner, Harney ■ tie t lilted State«. ■__________ mv time,” says E D-mick. Souter- 1 vjlle, Ind. “1 spent al out 11.000 and I/mi't 1/on ‘t i.ive Together. never could get anything to help Constipation a'id health never go me until I tried K-,d> 1 Dyt*pe|>siu togetlc-r DeWiti’s Little Early Ris Cure I have taken a tew bottles ers promote easy action of the i ow | »nd »m entirely well” You don't els without distie«» “I have been bv wl a* vou eat. but by what troubled witb costivenessnil e v< ars H Oxi Jellies [ live you digest and :>«similatr. If your say* J O Grcr ne, Deptiuw, Ind Í praatrv«» aud pickle*,»pr urd ■ ¡w a ihiu coaiiug uf retlaed I stomach doe-n't digest vour food i ave -ried many remedied but Li you »••• rehllv stwr» ing. Kodol Dvs- tic Eatlv Ri.t-r» give test result. p-pr'a < ure does the ■loiiim-h's City Drug Store, II M. llor'o work bt digest».ig the foxl You p op; Fred Hainee, Harnev don’t have to diet Eat allvou want. Kudo] (ryspeusia ('ure cures a'l 31 Will kf-ep th-ia »'»«'»lately moiotar* and I • i tn ch trouble- City Drug U »rid proef r*raffu<» Wax iu aii»<> tjneftt! - g ■ |a • do»«u vtb-r way« about the h- »:«• Full r ^tore; F:-d Huies. Harriet H diractiou* n cacL pound package. F 3 Sol'l everywhere. fa ■ STANDARD OIL CO. 9 For Infants and Children. PARAFFINE I i WAX I CASTOR IA The Kind You Have Always Bought B<»r,it. ^^^LaKint! Y m I'mAtwayxBovjtt it i « Bears the Signature of Price S35.00. (■u»ranti'i i| to <<jual any 1100.00 tnachine. E. L. KING, (.lanera! agent, 218 San sonn a St . San Francisco. N > « anvoafnr r*«irired Give referen«»* »«>•! endoee self-add re»»r'l •.fan>t»ru rnxeh»i»«,l \d Irets Managee. 4 axion tilda. < bieagn. W ts rrn-SRVKS al i‘t a-1 >vs <»;• ch ai ; «rier and <nod r»*p-.ii«tmn In t«tch »lafclon* ir» th i county r**iutr«djk» rrpro« ’ »t d adverti»r nl-J e»fai»li• hr 1 wealthy h-i-iii*«- !»•»<»«»*--f »»»lid finar.cial -tei’d’nc S«»nR'W trceklr With M|»en <•-addi’i n i payable tn <*a.d» rach «««In»’ -lay «J;r-‘« t tr--m hrad offlre«, llor<ea ai d « arrlrgr« i»;rnt*bed when n<-< e»»ar' |Ir er«ncv«. Enri'»»e -o!f wl-lr«.»» 4 »’Bin(•♦-'! ci vcte(-e Matt*, r ?lfi f.textati U'tildhia <‘hh a»£' $1.00 W eekly Í ñter O cea N Kodol Dyspepsia Cure The Cirrate t Republican Parer of the West. T It th • n>-< i stalin' t anc vine Republican Weekly poa • leb' -' tolay and car always be ralieJ upon for lair and h»n<rat ra * ports of all political nff.dn * I (»-—I he Weekly Inter Ocean SuppTen A lot tlicfe#.») jEVtff« U-T | and the best ot Currant L.terature. y KZ. L J Digests what you eat. It >i Morally Clean, and a*» a I'anuly Paper i* Without a I'««r Tta.tificUlly digest» the food and aids Nature in ¡itrengthening and fMM* atructiog the exhausted digestive or gans. It istliolatcatriiscovereddlgcs-e ant and tonic. No other preparati x can approach It in efficiency. It tn- ■tsntly relicvesand permanently cutes Ityspepsla, Indigestion, Heartburn, Ffatulcnte, Sour Stomach, Nausen. Hck Headache, Onst raltrla,( ranipeand ;■ 1 other results of luiperfectdigest ion. Its I ilcrttrv columns tn e coital to tho .e ot the bist muffi.z< • Its Yout ’s I. ep .rmn tit ir, the .............. f n. st nt it In. S.-..I I’lTCO Il brlnav to th” tern lite h-Bl Mild G »■ list • r r m • ■ < an i briit< »»h ll»« people R 'a < h Tba DLlv and Simdiv S 15trs of TI.« Ink’ 0> e<’i the LeU of tbeir Lad . < 1 ( • r.inn J .rest«, «nd TnuU-Msrta ottsined and »’I Pat- tb-> neMtwvl ve 1 tor Moo«n»Tt Erta. » >n Omet i«0e«e»iTt U.S esTtr.T Orti :t J ’ I e acati »«-tre patent m tel» tuat li.wa tu^-cx .ict'i iron» Wa»hiii,?t<«. t t » Send model. drawi-.< or photo., v.dth ¿e*<TÍp-J »n. We advi»a, if pat*, ia ic cr not, 1 a ©ÍJ arge. O »r fe-r p-t duc t. patenti«" er>-tì, 3 < F.HFH- IO O’ «irti J ci nur . . . »n vountncaj O ff . R atent C»» PATENTS GUARANTEED ’*c.~ * ■>’ wan it D I nventors to write f->r our confidential letter before ap- plyiuK for pateut; it imy bw worth money. We promptly ubtain U. H. tand Foreign PATENTS TRADE MARKS or return ER- TIRE attorney a f»*e. fi» nd model, »ketch or photo and w« »«nd an IMMEDIATE ER EE report on patentability. Wc >dve and I the be«t legal wervice and advice, and our 1 chargee are moderate. Try ua. SWIFT & CO., Patent Lavryerc, U.S. Patent Office,Washington, D.C . ._-.rn.^ ----- 1ff ---- ------ •- st: M » an* __________ i Our fee returned if we fail. Any one sending sketch and description of any invention will promptly receive our opinion free conoernmg tho patent ability cf same. “Ilow to obtain a patent ” sent upon request. Patent« secur«<1 through us advertised for sale at our expense. Patents taken out through us receive social notice, without charge, in . T he P ates r R ecord , an illustrated ami widely circulated Journal, consulted by Manufacturers and Investors. Send for sample oopy FREE. Address, VICTOR J. EVANS A CO., (Patent Attorneyn,) Evans Building, • WASHINOTON, D. C. -M t — V- * a <5 * y 2 a *, le » V.-r . » « a $1.00 P i' -eSO . and ft. LHrirevfiecontnln, t’i t!rr>en *11 «lx<-. B-ok all ala>utdy»i>>'p%laiualle<nr«a -rtpered t-/E C-L«WITT ».CO- Cblcuu^ ,j. J THE CHICAGO TYPEWRITER I ... I / I z