Harney valley items. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 188?-19??, December 28, 1901, Image 4

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“AH well—all happy—lots
of ir.n”. That is the regular
i. po~: itoni the monkey cage
< f B mum’s Circur. ever since
tlvc keepers began dosing the
j «nkevs with Scott’s Etr.nl-
t:«m. C- nsumption was carry-
in.; c'f two thirds of them
tw rv ; e;.r .tnd the circus b..;d
! > buy tew ones.
Or.ed.'y a keeper accident-
ai'vlrokca 1 c-ttle of Scott’s
c..:;2 a: <1 the monkeys eagerly
l.q «.<1 it up from the floor.
Tl/ - .-Uj.gc.-ted the idea that it
r.::< i t do them ge-cd. Siner
th«, n the monkeys have received
!«• ;i.I. r doses and the keeper.«
report very few deaths from
i - urnption. Of course it’s
* I m ajar to buy Scott’s Emul­
sion than new monkey —and
that suits the circus men.
Consumption in monkeys
mid in man is the same disease,
b vou have it < r are threaten­
ed with it can \uu
take the hint?
re; re»*nt<
«» Scott's
is on the
Str.tl for fret sample.
409 Pearl St. New York,
■w an,I f t all drugguta.
G< hh !
“A pocketful of sunshine
Can make the moi Id skin,
And lift a loud of sorrow
From the burdened backsol ain
Diffusing light and knowkdg«’
Through thorny paths ot life :
It gilds with silver lining
The storm clouds of strife "—
January Ladies’ Home Journal
Social dances every Friday eve-
ni ng at Locher’» Hall *
The New York Tribune ’•’arincr
nu<l Items $l.’>0 per year.
Your money’s worth—the Inter
Ocean aud the Items one year lor
♦I. a).
"Through the rr.onlha <>f June
end J»tly our baby was teething
..ml t<. >k :i running off of the bow-
*1» ti'iti “¡(«kip-H of the Ftotnack,**
. iy« O I’. 'I. Hollhlay. of Deming,
Ind. “Ilia bowel* would move from
five to right times a day. I hud a
I nttlr iif ( h imte-rlain'* < ‘olio. Chol-
1 r.-i uml Diarrhoea Remedy in the
ftoii-e ami gave him four drop« it»
»1 tratqxionful of water ami he got
1 etter at onee ‘ So <1 by II. M Hor­
ton, Burn*: Fn«l Haines, Harney
üREGOfiiÄN and ITEMS, or.c Year, for 22.U0.
A FRÍE pattern
(w«»nr <»W«« svlv
H«t1 ’ ti» CM'
I» gVIlt’» .1
For Winter Bending lou « .mint find u more III t a' off« r
If any of the tibove. however, do not strike you as «hut mu
want, write us. we «ill give you a g«>o«l literal dubbing offer
with anv pvi.od c.»l publish«<1 in the I'liihd Siutr*. Don't put
it off. N« »v is your time AdilioM,
count as aneli executor, and the Court
bv order inaile and entered on Xo' emts r
A full line of Ladies Jackets in
black, tan. blue and brown. Some­
thing good and al i>ri- es that wid
please. N. Brown <C Sons.
W hat most jieople want ia some­
thing mild anil gentle, when in
need of a phvisic. Chamberlain's«
Stomach and L’ver Tablets till the
bill to a dot. They are easy to take
and pleasant in effect. For sit e by
II. M. Horton, Burns; Fred ILcne«,
Harney City.
Bear« the
Land Office. Burn*, Oregon, Pte. 11. It 01.
Notice i» hereby given ih*l the h»lk»wir»r
named »titer ba> A cd t oitce of h’s ini« ntlon
to make fiual proof in support nf Li» ria n» and
that said prucf w II bt male before ReghUr
and Rec« iver at Bum«. O tyon, January’.».
l>0i. via
l baiti Ci Ir.
Prscrt Lami Eutry No. 1«>. for thè N'4SE',,
sw-4NE’t. «ud
' w 4
ti » ì , i: 2* r
lie name* thè f 11 w
M.li.en»«’* to prò» e
li‘s r< nthii'» i» r.*-»bleuee tip «n and cultimilan
ut «a.d land. v*ir
O. I> Ruat. U IL Parker P. M Ch'»ne/ and
àtaut Tykr all •»( Kilcy. Or *eon.
G b «> W ¡I »VI!«
Pegt t r
Department <»f the interL r P. * Lan<l ufflee
Lorn.«, orecon. December 17. lwCl
A Mtffleient eontc-t affidavit hav im been fi'ed
in I bin i FT ce by Ge »rife Qrahrm. c»»iHe>tant » •
gainat home-lead entry N >. 4*. made 'N« v< i •
1«. I-*’, for the M’.SE'g.
4 •
Sec HS, Tp 2!, 8. Ilanst- 3? E W M bv Wm V
Hickwon eont< dee. in which it U alleged t!.a’
Wit. V. Iltck«on La* wholly abac d »tied -ail
tract an«! c'langed I !s resilience therefrom !• r
more than 6 month* niuce making -ain entry
and next prior to the 11th day <»f December 1W».
Said pariie« arc b-re’jjr i '»lifted to appear r •
«poi d anil offer evidence touching a »1 alh*ga
tion »110 o cP»« k a ni >n Ta Diary 27 1 (r.* be­
fore the Kegl h r a <1 '■ < ct* ver at tin» I’nlted
Sfafe.4 Land Oflic • in P.iirn». Or- g n
The raid «•ontc«»ai.t havinff. in a prop* r at i
dax it. fihd Dec i«’», UOI. -ct h rt'a facts ..-ni» I
>h»iw that after due diligence j.rr snHl
of thi* notice ra 1 n»«t be inc ie. it. 1« hereby or
•Icred and «1 recu d thnt >nch notici l,c given
by d ic and prop« r p ibli >ti n.
Ge«>. W. Haye.*. Regi.«t»»r
1 il E «.CALL CO
II l-tl',.117 ÍVU I I I. M * ’"¡i*
The Mont Pre.* » tut Di it I r»ent.
Deodorit'e awd <>• ritidle known
tn .•'toreri» ÎHinCc .........................
( ' Htt
< '•'«■be*,
C km .
« I. - it •’
- '• '< »*•« !’-» .!> <•*•<•« I ’-rl
■ l»«> niATgw
BANNE«. LAM T t.»r V : f . v-
-- • r
fv-’t ••( *'» I I u r • v.t’L t«« - • ,• to * iti i.i»lo
■ p .! • j t
• ' «•» la.i
YOJU s k U1T 'lit EW-- Wil« I-IB».-». ' -h
l ire.irle
t ! i.
. I •
nil • *il »• »«’-. iKf
an i ni -« i
i'.^i ta.ft I- » •• « Jl •
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»e-»--« an«J • t'l ' r ?• • 1 • u »M :<• «»• .’ »
• taUlivMu.O >t I» 1 « r»«t’..i.e« t '■'» •‘».••He !■»'• I
ria'»«, •nnltarr miti.»« ’ •* «’«I I*’**'-’ •- ”• • calti» a I
u»«»r tn«» i <iH* I Hat*« ' cd I > tl r 4
• i i« ar«.
u»«i r»e i ««*•
«•1 • •
• u
ttfour'i »'it «Ut I’Ht«»-' Mate- I t. n» « tua «
I - i<all » u ’ a« a»»« •«! «•» » •«■»*-• 1 tic
th -r » ■•« a I « r-1 < « ' «H •!.» .>» j
«’'-t ■ If I ’»'♦ D
t » «»ut the i ifit-i c- Writ for eircuiar« mu <1
tJ«tl »oni via. A<«nt- • • '.•»(
BH NM- Fi VArAN Ä < ?< >.
67-73 Clerk Str'’« *
I* Ä r.aunw mai» I’’ * Ile v * paM? I tba l* <
Hig’.w t f - lai« a.« I I Ht lu**.. *. I • a t Ai I. t ' 114 a
VMlu.oUlan Kai
OEfiF?f !
!<v our iww itivetuioii.
IKtTtMIIWf 'td March O. I of.
6>w/>s»z»'»r ■
fre-ni" • ntirelv » nr« -I »«f
tft»r •- thank» I m j « mî » ticntfin nt. I v. ill ih » w p.lv« yon
R liii hialofv ui lit*
««-. |o In ttec-tl al ’»» it «it**« t> i phi .
About five v*, «I • n;- » ni t «x ht r .«t U , m to aiug. ami thl* L« pt on g< tting v oi*r, i.ntil ! 1«r»l
•«• • heat »o; in ibij .» « tr entire Iv
< * «'••« ■nlh «1 .i ntim»
! timlrm Y‘ tit :t tr .»luiviii 1 -T c.ifrirrh fer tbr» »• ntonlh* with« nt >»'
I - t «>f pbv*i u int*, attivtijt other*, th nvM ri Ulin« 1.1 • »r *|»* « udiM «>( thl* < »D w ¡ m » f'<l«l i »*• I ■» t
only an »»]» i-rntU»|i cwiht lid;» me. i«n»l < »iti i that mii I v t«
. itijM>!
T»Hy, IlMil
llmt tile
the hend
hcntl ’ nui«*
l«»!*» » V.«)»»i*l
th« h cm*e bitt ili lie hcai Hut in lb «fleet« J t .tr
l< m o»r* ver
«»id ordrrrd v»m»’tr< .1-
I thvu « l«V ' »»tr u«h’• rtiwcuimt a-< i»h n » d* v : i \« m Vofk
Ihn» I-« imir «lit < c|l«»i»«, then»':-» <• r-«‘«l, .iit«l
ITU nt Aft-, r ■ i ul m -«<! it only .1 fc'.v
I ■ I
«I cm hn- !**< n < nt o« *» if; U t«*l 1 lb..i»I. ' »I
• tvvtk-. »tty hvariii in th»» db
licarttly nini lw] ; tn rt’lUuiu
Vt I V llhlV ViM
\ V I K N ' ■- yoti Ilroadway, . Ikillhtuvc. M»l.
Ihfr Irf-ftfmfnt ihtcn not Ihtf-r/ t r> u till ipHti* HniUft mm¡oilion.
Dyspepsia Cure
It;irtitl< ially digests th*' fixwlatxl aid»
Nature in strengthening at. 1 recon»
ktructing the exhausted digestive or­
gans. J L H the lutostd i'covered digs* •
put and tonic. I«o ether preparat i
can upproa'li it in efficitney. It 1a-
binntly relievcsnnd ¡««rimni'ntly < urea
¡»yspeprlH, Indigestion, 'leartburn,
Flatulenie, Sour Stomach, Naiirta,
Sick Headache,Gastralgi:i.( lanijmarKi
al! other results of imperfect digest ion.
W eekly
WAVTrti—-F.VF.r »1 peí :» »Ns opru.Mt-
aotiT HTid '_»o«»<i ri‘p'itRtH»n ín • H' h eltivinrn» In
Md- rn»mtv re plíred/t.» r»‘prc*ent hi .«| advertí«»*
rdd t* tHblí.-ho 1 wpfllíhy bü-inepr. h<»n*r oí
flit«..» lai «‘A.i»l:!:✓ FHHryll-(X) w»tklv wifh
expon i'- f»ddí:f »lia!, h 'I pny ii’ili* in ( h » d earh
Wedne-.lay direct fr»«in Iwa»! nfl'ír»*.«. I!r»l>e.
Hit'l carri»«»»* furili bul wiieu »< •»•- ar •. lief
ereiice- Ei'CU» e elf nddrv>» »1 ’amped rn- I
vpj»»jc ’dni'ijer, ffplx a -•'H í
g, í;h*cn»?»>.
to write f )T our confidential ktter txlbre ap­
plying for pate.it; it mar I m worth money.
\ve promptly obtain IF. M. aud Pontign
end TWADR MARK3 t r return k-M-
TfRK uUor;>ey’8 f»*e. K.-n»i tTiOdel, Hkelcu
or photo ai I
FREE repO|l on pabnt*)ilfty. V\ « give
the beat legal aervlco and advice, c.nd our
charge« art inodarat . Try tx...
* CO.,
P.3 font Lpwynrc,
Opp. U.S. Patent Office,V/a3hinoton« D.C.
O cean , ¡
T i« tl ir. > ate -.v.v t an um.u
v r.g Republican Weekly gvb •
luh-d :<> la« ml ur ., way i bo iel<> 4 «¡<..1 for lair . o l llotlv«'»•
jw.-.a of .ill p ilitical aS-ir«
IheV-eeklv inter Ocean Supp I—A I <f Itic r.e.va
and th-- Best in Curr.nt t. terat-irc.
Ii >. Morally Ciran, ■■ r! r
a I'.-rui'y I’aprr 1» V.'i.houl a Paar.
Its Literary columns atc cenai
X/ io those ui the best muxuzn.es.
í~- In Yout i ’ s Deperirne nt Is the
f it: st of its k nd.........
ft brlßgR to th f ■ rn *v » .r
rn <»f ths» In r- V
tth.| givtl
the i»» it ah i ib.(»4t tl 4« usAlrr».i o< «‘-I nuMilrtiw of ti'f* t'nv, • »10
ln'»r . c hi kivc ’5 tw.lv» pi «• <( rc-idin-.'
:i w»*<\
un I b4*ln< ■ ul», -h «I In • It < >•»»» I« pFftcr uù:.;X.4«l lo ih- 1 «• h <»f
the pwopie
oí th* A!l*<h >nv Mountamg to.m any other ¡ tptr
$1.00 PjyCE ,O*'.r
y^sr '•*
Tin Daily and Surthy TH- J’?!':,.
Z, ;?1. '.,
1 0«i:> of TÍ.í inte •
A <■.: e > • • • ■ • «'■. «
> « > n-u
t’.3 LcM of ihsir Ltd.
. < Art«ir »• i ni: i V i r.ti
wnnvti tn travel nud «dvert!«»- f<»r <.l»| e.-twl-
li-Lrd houft c»f »«did flnanc* ai «(R.rtdinc. oH«arv
17-uiay»* r Hi»d ex pet - »'4. «I I jp\fh'. fn (H-h
Nn eniivH«'tng r*« |nire»l. Giv» ref* r. nrc* hd -I
lf-H»l<lro«-p<l »Itimi««- . enveloped
A«1<! ìc »4.’ Manager,
' axion bl»U. < Lfcago.
îk I teïî
I he (irrite t Republican Paper of the \Vc«.t.
- t M e
SI. 00
digests what you eat.
Oniv tho-w l»>rn <icuf are iiicnrabl«*.
I’. S. Land Offire. linrn». Oregon Deo K» JXil
A s-'itlic < r»t context affida\ it havirg be» n flled
in 41tN office by Matt Kfgg4, e »nlvMart,
»I toc intaln. I1« tin.««
a/itinw’ Myron Hlnchoy, Timber «‘ tlftirc entry Prl.-eKV ami fl I .a
«1. al I *iz.-. lluok all »lout<ly»pe|»»la tu>u«l(rr.
No. 7*3, made October
Is*“, for the NEl< < f
Prepare J ty t. C. LsWITT & CO .
Srot oti
1 p 24, H. Parge 21 K. oy il; r<n
llinchey ( onte.-fec, lit whk *1 it Is- allo• e«l that
• aid Myron lliinhey failed a; d negh*»*te«l to
p <«w
acre« < r uny purl thereof, » n -hid lan<l
during Ike year endhig Octi her:, DsM; that he
failed to ph»' <r ctl i»ale hilero», *• a«*rch
<»r Hr y tart thereof, »J ir'ng the year er.<1 i g
f >cn.bcr
th*t he failed to j ir.nt Io trees,
3k P
tree -eed, or citiinwi .*> acre*.or any part there­
L i r k wv i9
of. during the \ear“n<rng October 3 !»#i: flii.t
-a «I failure coniifir.»** tip to the jire-eni »in»c.
rnd T-.t l- '.íark« ch:a*ned and *•.’! Pat ¡
•a‘d parties are hereby noli fled »<> appea**, Í ent bua.ncM con Just? d for McoCRATZ FtM. i
if OPFotiTt U c. r*TCNTC/mr
re pond a. d offer ev idence touching >pld alle­
a 1 we ta.i s-
». pu -
in K ïa Cima luau U iom ¡
gation at 1 í«»(doclc a. ni, off H « ' ». !/<», , m - ore
£ir. tote fr ’n \Vusi
Rdfiider a»i ’ R« ceiver al the I tilled rftal v. 1 i li { bej.d r »del, »! <*«; ; *•«’ ph Ho.t ^.'1. <l«**rip
Office it» IbiriiA, Wtgon.
Jcharg*. < Hr !-e n<-t »i :» r’l »..., ■ • i» t .« .»•• i. ¡
Ike -ai«! ennffc.-tiur. 1 aving. In prcp»-¡ tffi I nr i I
> A PAM**IÍL?T, ’ - ' ‘ '•'*
i,'»’«nt’»” 'T'tl
fl’ed Nov.;;»). IZH. -et '«»rth fart.« v.Licii show,
f •
1 l the U. S. and íutCQ,!« Ç
titat after d.ie diligence, j»er»»n*l service
luí-, n ifice cannot be mad*», it I* I-»•»‘.•bv ordei
cd rind d rented that »noli notice
glvm l»v
Í Oss. FSTCHT Orrirr
0. C. t
<l io and proper ¡» ibllcaJon.
. VAz
<iEo. W. II \ •. i:*.
Pt glter.
r|a»4* w V.V»
<« -fl*. .V
xoitrr. roit rt micxiiox
You Haw Â1W8Ï3 Boiiÿi
b'jfnatnrf cf
t> t.‘
Pated this 23rd day of Noverate». 19« 1
(>. J. P.VUST,
Exec'itor of the Estate of Steplieii W oa I-,
Bc#r« th«
* MW.-'a.JWP
Ul s*4r « \H« -1
place when said account will l«c «orisi 1« r
ed ami objections thereto luarl by th»
Pbysichins TisliJrs.
"I Lave taken Kodol Dyspeps af’ire
and have never need r.nvtliiiig in
:<iv life that di«l n.e the goal that
di«l,” says County Pnysician Geo
W. Siiroggs of Hall County, Ge .
"Being a ph-ician I luve prescribed
it and fom.d it to give the best re­
sults ” If <1 foed you eat remains
undigested in
stomach it de­
cays there ai <1 poisoo- tlm system.
You can prevent this bv dieting but
that n.e:i I,» sta vat ion. Kodol l)\s-
pepsitl Cure digests what voil eat,
You need stiffer from neither dys-
)»-|«*ia nor itarvatinn. The norst
caw s quickly cired.
Never fails.
City Drue Store, H M. Horton,
prop; Fred Ha’nes, Harney.
Ihfl KM You Have Always Bought
Hvxrns, O t - c - skoiol
>cr ratu r»-'
Ä B/" ZA !
is, 190!, has fixed l«e<Tint>. r 23. l'V..
at 2 o’Co.-k 1*. M. of sod day at the
County coarth »ite room a* the li ne and
Clubbing rat s givtn with any
paper or periodical published in
the I'uited States.
!.'l« . I.«'
filed in the ottico of the County Cleik ut
Harney Coun'v, Oregon, his Anal ac
“My baby was terribly sick with
the diarrhoea.” says J. II. Doak. of
Williams, Oregon. -‘We were un­
able to cure him with the d«»ctor’s
assistance, at.it as a las', resort we
trini Chamber! tin’* Colic. Cholera
and Diari hoea Remedy. I am hap­
py to sav it gave immediate relief
and a complete emo.” For sa'e by
Modern Murjfrry Surpassed.
‘«Chile suffering from a bad ca-eof H. M. Horton, Burns; Fied Haines,
I ' ••» I con»ii’it«<l.a physician who Harney Citv.
a tvi»«-d me to try a lr»x of DeWitt’»
Wit<-h Ha/.el Salve.” savs G. F.
T'.m laws of health require that
Carter, Atlanta. Ga. "I procurrii a
bowels move on< e each day and
I .>< and was entir« ly cured. DeWitt
W itch Hazel Salve is a spiel did cure one of the penalties for violating
f >r piles, giving relict instant! v.ami this law is piles. Keep vour bow-
I Imartilv recon mend it to all suf- els regular by taking a dose of
f rs Surgery ;s mint < >-a«ary toeure
Cht-mberlain’s .Stomach and Liver
piles DcWill’a Wirch Hazel Salve
mil cure any <-a-e. Cuts, burns, Tablets when necessary and you
bruises and all other wountls are will never have that severe pttnish-
: Iso quickly curt d by it. Bewar- of ment inflicted upon voti 1’ricc »5
coniiterfrite. (’it v Drng Store, H M. cents. For sale bv II. M. Horton,
II i ton, prop: Fred Huine«, Ilarnev.
Burns ; Ficd Haii.es, Harney City.
«,.r\ « her
i-l . in.—
.11 »in«.
Mad« by
Standard Oil
undersigned Executor of Said estate li «s
The Northwest Livestock and
Wool Growers'Journal and Items,
12 a year.
To anv one sending us $1 ■'> m o ytui’e stibsorl| tion Io the
I tems , ««' will mail the ('hieneo Week iy Inter Oct hi one »< ur
free, or t<> tiny out« sending tie II.tee cash siibsci > pt i«m h r I Im
two paper tvn will given years subcrlption to each | aper fne,
or The
' \ \
A, W< m >.1 s mid E. Woods, btolheinef de­
ceased, an t to all other |>ersona, liuti the
“I Ua<I a severe attack of bilious
cob . got’» bottle of Chamberlain’s
Colic. Cholera and Dtarhoea Rem­
edy. t.xik two <l«i«rs and was entire­
ly cure«!.” says Rev. A. A. Power,
of Emporia. Kan. “My neighb«>r
across the street was sick for over a
»reek. ha«I two or three bottles of
im- Imine from the doctor. He used
them for three or four «lays with­
out relief, then called in another
»lector who tr<-ate«l him for Fome
»lavs and gave him no relief, so dis­
charge«! him. I went over to sk -
him the next morning. He raid
his bowels were in a terrible fix.
tint they had teen running off so
long that it was almost Moody flux.
1 asked him if he ha«l tried Chain-
berlaiti’s Colie, Ch<‘le»a and Di-
3urii tea Reinedv and he said ‘No’.
I went home and brought him nix
thittle an I gave him one do e; told
h:m to take another dose in fiftten
or twenty minutes if he did net find
relief, but he to«>k no more ami was
entirely cured. ’ For sale by 11.
M. Horton. Burns; Fred Haines.
Harnev Citv.
is Your Time
i di «ni»» I
V < ♦ » cl'rt I » »
h.i rut ** t< r»i t 4
'•■J'Im « ». il.»I«
n- a I‘11. It ic
t* tue al t» p.
Ite* p«. ihr leali».
i •
' I-
t.ln . Mit» hea u
di» in»t br<<4 .
H • •
late I-« i »’•
ami < : i h« j ;
barite • i t
OtliV I « i >
Kn i i C ’ ka
MW, I ’ t
w .r» lune
"Packard’’ Shoes for men,
better made in the World,
Our I rado X* innert
sal- only bv N. Brown A Son»
We carry "Queen Quality ’’ Shoes. Harney county.
We carry Oregon City Clothing
Celebrate the holidays by drop
We carry­ Koval Wot center Corsets.
We carry Packard Shots L»r Men. ping in and signing your na*»>c for
one of our clubbing offers.
We carrv J B. Stetson Hats.
We carry
cjyrtcjt . tæ
We carry BA H Shoes for bov«
am! girls.
Is there anv better advertisement Signatare
for u*?
Ask your friends who know about NOTICE OF FISH, SETTLEMENT
the Leading “Brauds’’ in the mar­
ket. They will tell you they are
In the matter of tin
Es’ateJ uf Stephen
carried bv
Wool, «lece«»«-1.
N Brown A 8or*i».
X. ti. e is ii-rvSi >J' into Maitln W< I-,
k M
Kclialde uml Genl Io
• A 11 I s u pill, - ty* th» a«i But
A pocketful of eunehine
thvte are pills und pills. You want
n pill which i* eert iin,thorough .i.ul
Is better fur than gold ;
renie M .«-tn’t g-ip • I •<«\t iti » Litt 1«‘
It drowns the «1 lily sorrow*
Early liners till the bill.
Of the yound hi <1 of the old.
Do not for»»« but a»ai»t
It fills the world with pleasure. the bowel* Io act. Strengthen orni
In field, in lane, and street,
invigorate Small uml easy to take
City Drug Store, II M. ll«»rtüu
And briuhtens every prospect
p op Fred Haines, Harney.
Of the mo.tals th«', we tncvt.
" \ rocket ful of Suushlr.f."
Continued from First (age.
such agricultural lands slmll l-e ■
leased if in the judgement of the
Commissioner thev may he in im­
mediate demand for settlement,
but such lands shall Le held for
settlement and sold under existing
The funds arising from this bill
should it become a law, are to be
held in the I'nitei States Treasury
as an irrigation trust fund, for the
exclusive purpose of irritating the
lands in the state er territory in
which the teased land was situat'd,
and shall be paid out to such stater
and territories for irrigation pur­
poses in a manner to be prescribed
by Ccngnss
J U'
Tl is pi.i- re
the t rade Mark
Emu'-ion ai.d
wiapp.rot entry
orr »»,ctiiena». “
Our fee returned if we fail. Any one sending »ketch and dexerrption of
any inv< rition will promptly rcceivo our opinion free com erning thu p itent-
ability < f ; une. “How to obtain a patent” aent upon request, l’ntents
scciird through ns advertised for .sale at our exfiensc.
Patents taken out through us receive special notice, without, charge, in
Tn». P . i ext l<E« <Hi!>, an illustrated a id widely circulated journal, eu«uulled
by Manufacturers : n<l Investors,
Send for sample copy FREE. Address,
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