Harney valley items. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 188?-19??, December 28, 1901, Image 3

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    Local and General.
Ex f La < i iior Shaw I hm . acc- ple I
the I’r« u“iiry |iorlfolio.
Th*- lt*«-i-t«i ai d R« i «iver of the
local land ollie*- (his «<-. k recriv* d
th« opinion of th« Honorable Cum-
White Hr wing Min him* (¡IVES*
Congressman M A
M*>>ly is
AU \\ to cu»h purchasers. Ho sfn-iiditig the lioiiduv reo-«- a! hi» iio-xiom r of tl.i G x ik iu I lati.d <>f
i lice in tin* car«- of (Li- PLS < ’u. vs
inciid» r ur> New Yenr'a Day at 4 le'iik* at The ItiillcM.
Jiirn«*« Genliy f*»r th*- pm-««»iim «.f
ri'clock I’. Al.
(Inly a f« w day>
Jnrg«Mi»en is olfi-ring liberal dis­ I tlif Rhinehart -Spring iam b, in
counts on everything in his line. AI. i II k ur county. The deci-don is
Drop in ami ►>■•! him.
■ >|uite lengtlily «*ovi i ing lopig«» of
A Happy New Year.
Celebrate th« ImlulayM l*v dro,e • ii |M‘ wrilU ii matter and <b >.iil*-s in
Oregonian mid li«*ms, f'2-K)
The place whicli
ping in ami signing your nun*« for favor of Gentry
iia been in •**;ntrovc*sy for some
Jorgan«en haa «oinetliikg nice in si*- >if our i 'I ii <bi«,g olTer».
time I mim grown to Im one of the
Mr* I, Ra«ine i« again in cdiarge
most beautiful ranch«« in EaMcrn
Isaac Foster is in Burna on buni- ol th« l‘’iem-h Hotel, having r«
Oregon and commands n very line
ticsr lodar.
»tuned lli« muivagemi'iit lust Mon­
scope of country. It is said that
Of prescription» is uo child*«« play
D nt forgi i the K of I* dance
Supt. Gilchrist of th« P. I. H. Co.,
11 KHpnrcH coiiHciontin it ciiri< ami
■January IP.
Mrs. J**hn Biggs ami daughter recently etati-d tha' h<* «mneidered
nccurut«. knowledge <4 drug« and
ChiiH Dari» of Harney, was in of Burns arc spending the holidays th« property worth ♦l.V(XM).
their relation* to each oilier
Successors to R. A. Aliiier A Co.
with relatives ami Lionds in tin-
take mi huiK'Ht pri'l* in the purity B uiim today,
A man told us the other (lav, re
city -G. C. News
of ot.r drugfi, si.d the »kill o«d a>-
maiksan < xcliai g«. that we <ii«J
Jor- Vanderpool is in Burns on
curacy with which we «•<>m|xitind land btisinc«».
Claude ni.il Core Sinvtli cam«* up not publish all th.- thing« thut hap­
tl cm on your physician'* order.
pen. We slmuld »ay we don’t
<>. I Shi.'gb I* -k«T w ii* a pleas from their Imme in Happy Valley
I'nesdtiy to take in the Christum«
aid caller to'lay.
depend mi in for a living. If we
festivities in Burns.
John t'ury w;.s in from Crane
published ,dl lli.it Ii ippenw we
‘ Packard’’ bh<*es fur , men, no shr*ul«l coon lie with the angels. In
creek for <'litistma«,
it w u ri.coMi: a < <>.,
I’ropi Ictor».
1« l*er mail** in th** W orld, l'or order to pica* *• p« <*j 1« w« must print
Social dan<*«» «-ve,y Erid.iv eve
r ib* only bv N. Brown A Sons in on Iv ihe i ice th i «» < n t! < m and ,
ning at Locher's H ill.
Harney county.
leave the rest to the gossip« yas.
John Robertson. <>( Drewu’v, w 1»
Mrs J im * T i :| ker ami childri n it.« a fa<*t w< don't print nil ill«
a llu« ox visitor Aloud>y.
returned la«t Friday from a visit news. If *.«•• did wouldn't it make
S trt’tllHY HX< EMBPIC „•». I'J* I
Gerald Grillin. of N.rrri wt*. is in with Mrs. Tupker's mother Mrs. ► picv r<*a<liii'_*But this would l>e
■. .pi - unimw I — im *».«,.«' I W
, for one w»ek only. 'H m * next week
Buri.» on huamosk todar.
John Z**p!i, nt Canyon City.
1‘ o I mki < (•«■•■k Not« a
I you would rca i our obituary, and
Tin* New York Triban«* •'artner
Ji»* A'aii« >ulT«r, fimiliarly known there woul I t-e a strange f-c .* in '
Mr. and Mr», I, II. Culp and and Items 41 o<) |x r ycir.
iim "J im * Boy," va*|ii«*ro boss nt the iheaven,
family »pent Christina« day with
S. S. Ai linin', of DrewHMv, was Whit«* Horse Ranch was mingling I
N II timllon, wlm ha- lieen en
Johnny J UK'» atid family al the in town on busiue»*« Hid.iV.
with the boys in Burn« thia week
51. I-ITZGElt ALI».
F.8 KIEPl.lt.
' gag<*d m cutting cord wo < h 1 in the
I liter**« I khii «
Attori ejs
Mr aird Mrs <1. \V, <’ imrniro*
Mrs Chas N. Cochrane. *vh«> is mountains north of Burna for eev-
<• W Shaw and wife made Ali»
wire Burn» visitors this Week.
teaching the school in the pleasant era! monliis past, met with an ac­
Overton of Burn«. a visit Wedm»
■ little ►etilement on Cv* creek, is cident last Saturday that resulted
Tima As<der«oji wn* over from
«lav evening
Tle-v report h«r im­
' »pending a two weeks' vacation at in the I >►« of om* of his eyes. While i
proving laryoi.d tli*'ir ex |M*<tatl<>n Harney a fvw d iysd iringtlie iveek.
at work li*«t S iturday a small p re«-
I ncorporn'etC
Tommy Baker u< u»ii'*l <i < kr«
Ths K <ii |* guarantee you a
of st«-cl from one of his wedges
Marlin Woods ami wife w«r«*
but little i * «•-, but lunik* about ideasnnt limo at their dance Janu­
Abstracts Furnished and Title Guaranteed to all Lands m IGcrney
»truck him on the «•yebtll penetra-
down from their new home on Trout
In« rnnc'i »lio»« linn to he ac*i«ely ary IB.
ting to suc'i a depth that tin o|>era-
cie-k Monday attending the act
• n.*ap I in performing Ilia dome»
Vo'ir moiii'y'a worth—the In'cr tling up of the estate of Mr. Wood's lion was 'iec.-h .i-y for it.« removal.
tie dull* a
Tiie oiMiratinn w.« performri! Sun­
<h*cnn and the Items one yv.ir for brother.
Bcught and Sobl on Commission.
itfiïee in Bank Buildir g.
J« lm >' i I’«* in**tt, formerly a re»i-
day, Imt the i-urgi-oiis w«re not suc­
♦ I ’>0.
«I'nt i>f Ilari.ev Cite, hut n< W a
Mr and Mr» Geo A Smvtli and cessful in saving the H'glit ami the
Mr s ol Mrs. Chan Roper, of
rancher «iglit m ie» « iuth« a«t of
little foii . of Diamond, have been entire eye wax rein« ved.
tha* place, gave the writ« r a fuend- Harney, were in Burnsou bus lies.« «|(en«lin^ the week in Burns the
Harney county script is again
Mond ay.
ly rail lii-l Sunday
guests of Mrs Smyth’s »ister Mr«
sei ing below par, the price« offered
Jam«-» Kennedy < nine down from
Tlw* L’.iitcil Stitc« nroduces a»* Elsie Brown
le-ing from tt-’i to Hi c-*nts The
t .<• »our«*«* oi Poison ereek to join much borax n< the rent ofilie world
Joseph Robertson, of Drewrey. cause of this fall in script is due to
Are they oftlie useful kind? W II o u squat -
tliy sight recing ■>*cnaii>nrd by the combined.
wa-in Burns Monday attemling to tb<* h< avy expense of the la«l term
der a lot ot money on things your friends cannot
I irthday of our la»r«L which wa>
.natters relating to the e-tit« of , <>f circuit court, while th« money
m-e ami probably will not appreciate? We have
Cubbing rat s giv«n with any
very limited notwithstanding the
W F Kingsbury of which he is from taxes has not-been coming
aii elegant assortment of
¡•aper or t-etiiHlieul published in
• ib t put forth >m the part of linn I v
the ti lmini»trator.
fai t enough to meet the emergency.
the l'uit«-d States.
.1 dioMtn in th<> dieplay of that fine
The K of P will gi«e u social However there is more than enough
auii. a*ud high hat
James I'llU1, the II tppj Valiev
from which to choose articles of ute.
Our line
j outstanding tuxes to pay all war­
she l>tnnn, »pent a fews days iu dance a’t Floral Hall. Jan. 10
Tlii* lumber speculation an it
C. F. McKinney will be iloor man­ rants and the present fall in the'
Burns this week.
tables was never more com;-L*l«*. We aJ o have
► t in la coirnertid with th» public
Mac's the only recommend price of county p*per will not last
tine carpet samples in velvet, ete , from
high-way bar ocea«iuned »nine in­
C. It. Peterson, of Cianr errek. it need«.
A bully gold time is ,<ing-
to order.
A few^ame* such as | atlcr
quiry a-> to the propriety ofexpeml is s|H*nding the holidays with bin promised.
White Sening Alaeliine GIVEN
ioti so much of the public fund« for family in Burns.
Dr. M S K«rn and Mrs. Rose 1 AWAY to cash purchasers. Re­
bridge purpurea where in » me in
Vast nickel di po-il«. the largc-t Silz, Imth of l.awen, were united in member on N(«w A ear’s Dav at 4
ataner much of the obi »lock ¡«very
«»ill** a few (lays
tn lh«> world, have been located in marriage st the home of the bride's o'clock l‘. AL
noticeably auperiur tp the r.ew.
1-istcr, Mrs Ellie 8« m<-s. in this
Southern (>r«xon.
Again we lie if the question repeat-
city. I'hurtd iv, De .•ember 20, 11’01.
«» 11V u«kc«l would it <>t hive been i
I’ncle Bdlv Williamson is up
inure after a business mannet to from Dmmoml for a few days greet­
>md is h dentist by profession.
advertise far rale at public auction ing hi« many friend«.
l»r. T. B. A- Einbrcc t elelirate« an
t*i the InglicHt bidder the many
W. J.
Commissioner A Venator came
I lit crest ing Ahiiivrrsary<
John Shcrmun returmd from
thou «and« 'if feet <1*1 bridge lum­
in from his home <>n CiaiH err« k
------- BESJ OF WINES. L!Qt 0RS AA'B CIGARS.--------
ber in iota <>f from one to two - Ontario this week ai.d is again Sunday to l«x»k after some business
Dr. T. B. V. Embrec, of Dal'a®. I
I looking n| ca'alry horses.
ilmu-and feet, thus giving every
matters connccte«! with bis posi­ Polk bounty, is in the city fora
Drinks mixed to suit your ta»ie. Courteous treatment guaranttki
t ixpayer the privilege of procuring
Joe Ttiri.er.of Harmy, was tak­ tion as receiver of the Frank Eister few days, says the Or« gonian. work­
some, which accula manifestly the ing in the merry Christmas times property. Hercturned home Tues­ ing «m the liistor« h- is preparing Your putronag** Solicited.
«lesirc of a good I v number of liar tn Burna during the week.
day a.*enmpatiie I by Mrs. \'ei ntor for the Oregon Historical Society.
i ey county's citizen« from which
wlm has been visiting in Burns.
Last night was the 5,’th anniversary
The Burrs public sclmol dis-
e dee IIO doubt Would acCIUe a lltlll-
of his first Binding in Portland tin
tnisHid Tuesday for the Imlidays
<• J Daist. administrator of th«*
• Ind per cent more fonda for the
the night of December 23, IS 11. the
(and will con veim nguii next Tliurs- t st it** of Stephen Woods, de« i*ii.-ed.
county tr>a«riry than is realized in
party of which the do« tor was a
i «lay.
was attending to th«* losing up of
the disposition of tame nt the rate
im tuber first saw the rite of the
the affairs of toe estate Ah imav
lierc'i/ore practiced
Ths cslcu-
Frank Meischa >, wile and daugh­
prenent City of Portland.
Tuesday. All mailer« relating
I «lion we h ivc baaed on th«* d*dar- ter an* over from Silvio«, spending
nine months iti crossing the plains
atiou of a« reliable a citizen «» th« holidays with relatives.—G. C, to the e«tet< wcr«* settled except the fiom their home in Alissouri, the
turning over of tlie legacies which I
Harney comity can bring forward , News,
party, under Colonel Ford, reached
duty Air Darst h is yet to perform
that is, tlnrt they would det m ill !
tie Willamette River, and camp
Wm. Altnow. sr ofDrewfcy, wa«
privilege of owning route of the re­
Robt Williams, County Commis­ was pitclud noir Guild's Lake.
iu Burns the lirel <»f th«* week on
cent old bridge Inn.her suit* at an
sioner of llsri.cv county, accoin- The paity (lien pushed up the Wil­
additional Cort of one hundred per his way home from u trip to Can­ pnni«d bv his family, is spending lamette, spending Christmas in
«•ent. a Itivi* favor, thus showing yon City.
AV«u-k l)ou« Satisfactorily and With Ui«patek.
the winter,at the residence ofC. W. Oregon City.
IJie p«st ritira not only unwise, but
Dr Embrcc's father might just as
Mrs. Jennie Jones came over Alsllctt in tin* White Settlement.
very detrimental to the general from Cow creek (o*l.iy and will Air. Williams is fectling 270 head well have taken tip the presi nt site
public interest« of Harney cot otv. ' spend a few days with her daugh­ of cattle at Alalhtl a*nl Brown’s of East Portlami for bis donation BERNS, ..................
\V<-do not wish to be understood ter Mrs. J. C, Welcome, jr.
for spring shipment — Ontario Ar­ claim, instead of pushing on to,
aw I ring opposed to good roads,
Polk County. His was the sixth
Tie* Band boys grand ball Wed
only at an extravagant rate.
family to locate in that comity.
Tin* laws of health require that
nil upparent mistakes wai trust nesdny night was th« successful
Dr. Etnbr««- i« well known through
bowels move once each day and
nmy be nitrii».liable to the band alliiir that was predicted. Tiny
out the state, both as a phvsieim
one of the pemdtie.« for v.«dating
know how ’tisdonc you know.
and not the licart.
and in ]H>|itics. He Iris practiced
this law is piles. Keep vour bow­
his vocation in Dallas. La Fayette,
M»'h I Foil PI KI.IC vno.W.
els regular by taking a dose of
Corvallis and Burns, in Eastern
eliildien, of Cow creek, sp«*nt the
I s I.mJ oQIrp. Burn*, Oregon, l»ec. 2»». IDOL
Clmmberlain's Stomach and Liver
¡Oregon. I.atcr he returned to* Dal­
week in Burns the guests of Mrs.
N »tire h hornby <lvnn
Tablets when necessary and you
«muted pettier I iik flirti n »tier <»f hl* Intention Poujade’s sister Mrs John Sevedge.
similar |><ililieatiot(. TIIE
las, wher« Iu* is continuing his
1«» innke fliiRrprfKif in mtppnrt uf hi* claim, an«
will never have that severe punish­
< hit t mi iti proni w.l! be matle btforr Itcg I .^aratiti
What most peo|dc want ia fame* ment inflicted u|«m you. Price *_’•'» once on the Populist ticket, ‘.mt was
Iterai ver at Burini, Oregon, ou February I,
ar>M>liit«lv for farmer.« and their iasniliiw. The Grit :MM>itM*r«wm ¡«sued
IM; vis.
tiling mild and gentle, when in cents. For sale by II. AL Horton, .defeated
In Benton County he
*l<4' K. Illrltry,
November7th, l'.r.H.
Chamberlain’«« Burns; Fred Haines, Harney City. was eleettsl Coroner on tJwj Repub­
IM Entry N«». 7.11 |»rlwW’l>7.'|><’* E, need of u phvsic.
Ec«ry depvrtment of agr'cuknralint^s*«*- i» ewv«wvd by special eontii'xitor»
T JI ?.. It nt E W M
i Stfinaeii and l.’ver Tablets till the
u.lio are leaders in their respective iines. and the TRIBCNE i'ARMER wit- Im
lican ticket, although lie wa« at
lie lift'll
the following wllnvve« to prove
A full line of Ladies Jackets in
in every sense a high class, up to date. live. witerpii«ing agrienitcral paper, pro-
hlw'•■mtiniintii resilience upon nt.d cuKivatlnn bill to a «tot. They are easy to take
that time a conlirmtd Demoeia'.
fuse'y illustrated wirk picture«« of livestock morkd fa«i«i biildmgs hih I liuiti«*%
of salti hl rids, vii:
and pleasant in «fleet. For sale by (duck, tan, blue and brown. Some­
Dr. Einbree was a Democrat, Mid
Iw tslii't \rmwln»n<, Frank Upton, William
msHcultnril machinery, e<c.,
1. Blaylock and J. I>. Falriuan all of Riverside, II. M. Horton, Burns; Fred Haines, thing goo I and ut prices that will | die of the Road Populist, aud now
Farmers’ wives, sons and <1 night >r« will find »|>eci.d p.'ge« for entertair in'nt.
|)leu«e. N. Brown <(■ Sons.
■ Harney Citv.
1 he b a political orpbatt.
,l,**;-nlir j i i<-«> It jwr « c.ir s i*Ji Hl X’Sil .0
*«'.<’n*' J’l I A « trig-
O’r », W Broc«. FlrgbtfW,
Proper Compounding
Miller & Thompson
Burns Drug Store
E. 0. T. G. CO.
Your Xmas Gifts
Furniiuie, Carpets. Rugs. Art Squares
The Capital Saloon
Shelley & Foley