Harney valley items. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 188?-19??, December 28, 1901, Image 2

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Conti iv Ma.till»' I list
C om
Tin» Dulb'S Ulironii'le: In tin
»how window ut tlu< clothing
A Washington d.«patch to the you are.
\ our nt ighbor is no
tti cut of A M \\ illiiims A
Oregonian oft tic 25th says There
coarszr. ci tv.monct*, «»r more vulgar
Co , there is m >» on exhibition w but
is no In pe of sectoring the passage
th in y.iu
Yiiur m ighl or i-juet ax i* claimed to be thetim'.'t saddle
of any general irrigation legislation
truthful, ju«t as honest ju<t a« i»in* th-it ever wn« turn« d out of h I • »1 le»
SATURDAY DC EMBER L’i !•»»!. ) during th° present l.'ongicss. and
Whether th;« claim i» well
very little hope of »< cuitug an up .*cr«' i* you, uibl .« |ii>s.'iL!y mil half »Imp
founded or net th«’ writer cannot
President lù>o»«y«it is demonstra­
t'dl, I ut anyone cm :<■<■ that the
al system.
Yi ur neighbor is ju-t h » rcligi, to-
ting that his aim is as deadly to
-■iifille in <|ii< »1.on is a m:i-.'i '.floienl
Eastern members of Congress
just u« virtu«» !» >»i»»i in every »v.iy
<li<e )M>*,i;ieal spoilsman us to moun­
w >rk of u t
l’\«'ry available inch
have examine! the compromise bill
tain iixis.
ju»t as gooj u citi.’sn a« o»u a il «fspaCeon iliolo.thei- is »tamped
recently agm 1 upon by the irri
gation adviicahs. ami arc already haijust a« much right to inhabit with beautiful pictur«.» < t wild mid
Senator McLaurin and Senator taking radical exception to its pro- the earth ax vou
Your neighbor domestic animals and lamlscape
Tillman have teen ably demo istra- visions. A general lull, in older to has a right to ent his pie w ith n tin* scenery.
Back of th' cantel in n
ting the truth of tue adsgs “Few pass, must provide that the right shovel if Le likes: has a right to at- silver plate wr.h the name of the
«lie aiuj lUNie resign.’’
to water shall remain in the land tend church or .»tay at home, just owner inlaid in gold |elt< is. It I.a*
and the price »1 which irrigated as he likes; ha- a right to punieh sixty-two .sol.d »iln r conehas, le
The persistent prosperity « hieb lands may be obtained, under th* his children, go a fishing on Sun­ ' sides a numb r of elaborate silver
day, smoke ;i pi | e. k' - t. his face plate« that are int< n led for lucre
has penelrated to every nook : and homestead law, shall be cupial to
clean or do lots of other things, and oruamet.ts Tlc.ndille was lu.lt
corner of the liiit'-d States is the the amount expejdei bv the Gen­
it is none of your l«ti»i;.ess; and by Vic Mnrdeii, of the Ea-t Ei d,
most discouraging feature of the eral Government in their reclama
lion. The proposed bill is so word­ you are not »¡«point««1, elrctcl, er and i.« ma L* on one of Uv in e» id
democratic outlook.
It is for
ed that the water rights may be ab­ chosen to set voursrlf up to judge , >»hicli in* ia the in»enlor
sorbed or purchased by any indi­ him or liis. You md vour eeigl.- R S ''eltlemire. of Burns, Ilari i y
I'he chaplains of both the Senate
vidual or cor|K»ration and diverted bor are mad ’ of the same m id. t-ouniv, an employe of Ilm 1‘ucitic
arid the House of Representatives
from the lands upon which the !.ve in the same sunshine; are g >v Livestock company, which owes
ar* blind. There are phases of life
th-* same laws, and a» •ome .'M’t 1.1 Hit h< al < f eat t 'i it'd is
water was intended to b? turned i rued bv
I t
in congress that to pray for their
attend.'» to his own bu»i the li.rg«.»t stock Company on the
Furthermore a uniform price of $.»
reform would tnak« a sensation.
T!ie saddle wits
in acre for irrigated lands is fixed, nest you should attend to yours I’uc.fi • vast
order »ml w ill c
which is only half of the cost of
it . owntr th«* snug sum of $3 0.
renuor Tillmay is reported to reclamation.
Eistern mon are
scalawag others, just b. cause v«m
have po«ej for a photograph re- now beginning to open their eves
\ MI ulster's < iotal Work
can th <1 somebody to listen t«» vo ir
eentlv and to be furnishing a maga­ to the fact that the creation of a
“1 had a severe attack of biliou
zine with data for his biography. rcclaiua'ion fund from the sale of
advertise vo irself as i three »tor» •A'lic. got,a bottle of t 'll Ililb'-rl .ill's
Non ix< Senator McLaurin reload public lands is practically appro
( plic. Cho'ern and Diarhot-a R<-tn ,
printing so much from the treasury idio’. St .»p lying »1» cr your neigh
ii» oratorical blunderbus.
ly, took two d >-«-s and was "iitire
under another name. Until a bill bor: stop speaking unkindly <•-'
cure<l,” says Rev A A. I'.i.wr,
anyone ; atte id to your own 1> i»i
M hilc there seems to be no nrac- is framed which will insure the full
t'liipu u. Kam “My neighbor
return to the Government ef all ness, while your neighbor is atte; «1
lical wav of helping the Boers in
the st net wa* sick for over a
money expended in the reclama­ ii.g to hi», and your chances of
South Africa says a Washington
had two or three bottles of
tion of arid lands, an I, furthermore, wearing a crown will beg eatly im­
correspondent, tne Boer prisoners
fr«*m the d'M'tor. lie used
The hypocrite, the vi.c
making strict t«rovisi"n to prevent proved
in Bermuda will Ire allowed to rs-
three nr four d iv« with
speculation in water rights
Last gossij’s and the assassins of char­
<*eive,&>Qtribution. to their personal
tl.cn calle I in another
cm support ca•»not be ha!, and acter will all burn together, and !
treated him fir sotlie
without Eastern sup|>vrt ■anv bill if vou dont want to burn with them
him ro relief, ■,. di«-
«top lying ub »ut your n tghbor.— I
will fail.
charg'd him.
1 went over to s»e
I lir President Jia- taken another
The bill now proposed pr »vides E dorado Republic hi .
lie eai I
ip.portant step towards making the that no reservoirs »ball t>e con-
his bowels were in a terrible t'.x.
W> a* I)*, nmcraey Needs—“J"he
civil service law effective
He has strueled w here the cost of reel a ma
that liny Lad lieeu running oil so
iiru’e it il'egal for disbursing ofli- tion shall excet <1 $10 per a .-re. Of- diiumvcra'ic pzity,” sw. s Mr
I mg that it wasalmi -t I hmdy llux.
errs to pav salariée Io people who ucials who are familiar with con D-oley, “ain't on e;cikin’ terms
I asked him if he had tried Cham
ape appointed contrary to civil ser- ditions in Eastern Gr,gOll and with it«ilf.” He advi.-c« the party
t^rlain's Colic, Cholc-a and Pi
Washington say that there are but to advertise for a suitable candi­
vice regulation«.
aarh ea R. m»-dv and he said 'No'.
lew sect ions of those states where date and suggests the following
1 r«*nt b"ine and brought him in»
the arid lands cm be reclaimed f >r <! ua lilies tie >s for a representati v<‘
• 'ensus ('>>mniissiom,r William R.
liuttle an I gave liim one do e. told
»uch a small amount, hence these sUmdur 1 bi-urer: -Wanted A good,
him tot -k" another do«e in fifteen
Merriam is being talked of as Sec­
states would practically d rive io active, ir.ergeticuimmyerat. rthrog
twenty minute» if Led d not find
retary of tne proposed department t;ei.elit from the bill. This would iv lung an’ limb; must be i > favor
but he took no m >re an'd wa«
of Commerce and Industry. Mr withdraw the support of some iv sound money, bill not too sound,
For sale bv II
Merriam is a business man of WeAern States, combined with the an' anti impe Tyuli-t. b it fr boldin'
marked ability in addition to being solid East, which <1 ms n >t propos ■ onto whit we've got. an’inimv iv M. Horton, Burns; Fred 11.» int s.
Harney City.
a prominent politician.
to ex pend $10at.d receive but $5 thrust.«, but a frind iv organized
in tl.r rrejlio’i if new home capital, a sympathizer with th’ I “Through the months of .1 ir «•
Tl., <e is reason . to belisve tbit Furthermore the Eisl.vill not leno crush« <1 an’ downtrodden people, »nd July our baby was teething
tlix* business u<c of the South are its support until it is clearly esta‘> but r.ot le annv means hostile Io ■lt d to >k a running oir of t he bow­
verted i inthrests : must advocate els and «¡i-krc-M of the stomnek.’’
awakening to the visionary and lished that reclaimed land.» are to
l»e used soelv f>r farms and homes sthrike«, gover'mint bv inj inction, s.- vsO i’. M Iloliiilav, of Deming,
in trust worthy nature of the den o-
and not foi grazing purpose-, nor is tree siiver, sound money, green li d. “His bowels would move from
era’ie party and »re turning to the
there likely to be any agreement backs, a single tax. a tariff t’r five to eight lin.es a day. I had n
republican party. I- it wise to ce-
in favor of the construction of an r.vinoo, tn’ constiuootion to follow I v’tle of I Irin !>« rbiin'- Colic. Chol­
«range Hiitu by decreasing South­
experimental si stem.-a» each \V'-at- th flag a- far as it can an’ no far­ era und D arrhoe-a Remedy in the
ern congressional représentaiiun at
erti State i. clamoring for the loca­ ther, civil service rayform iv th’ b.<>-j«e and gvchiiu four drop« in
this time?
tion for such system within its ia ads in otliee a:«’ ail th’gr-reat a teaspoonfi.I of water nml begot
boundaries, and there can probably an’ g!ory««us ) rinc ,,j|.« iv our better nt once
d bv H. M Hor­
The time may have been when be no compromise.
gr-reat an’ gl >rvous p.nrtv or annv ton, Bunt«; End Hu:r,c». Harney
the abuse < f the postal laws which
gr rCdt a «’ gioriu is | a-ts thereof.”
Your neighbor isjust a« good as
permitted paperbacked novels to
T);e farmers of the country will
circulate a’ “newspapers or ¡«criod- be delight« <1 to learn that the Bu
ic;ds” was excusable because it gave i reau <>f Animal Irdustry has p re­
wider ci-culation to the works of I and a lulletin for their delect a
standard authors, but the charact­ turn on a seiious di-ea’c ofhens
er of the paperbacked novel of to­ which the Bureau ft <a s is ‘ a form "f
day <>|ilil».-i ¡ites all trace of an «X- apoplectiform spp'ic: emia caused
«•rise for tlie perversion of the law by a highly virulent form of non
pyogenic, strepto coecus.’ llithurto
the gre.it morality among chickens
has been charged to preachers.
Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable.
If doim g'ic life ins its c.ire.« and
responsibiliti«s —and whit life has
not?—it also fi I? its sweetni ss ami
its conrolation«, its jo; s ami its
benefit«, tha*. are infinitely superior
to anything tha» can possibly be
obtain".I in hotels or flats --Janu­
ary Ladies’ Home Journal.
Life is a race — r.ot for a silver
cup. but f.»r i-haiaeter—that is the
goal. The prize is hi aven, btit tic
race must always be run. and life,
to many, is outward defeat, and to
a larger number, inward defeat —
January Ladies, Horne Journal.
\\ ¡lli.t n E. Chandler,
chairman of the Spmish 'Claims
Commission announce» that there
are before the Com nis.-ion claims
arm in tin; toove.- $ >),() Li ))) ¡> o«-
ecuté 1 by over one hundred and
twenty-seven attorneys. Hi« a Ipe.d
There is a flavor of the ILbern-
to Congress for more legal assist- abuut Judge Dunne's decision tb it
anct thould Be heeded
it is all right for a newstuper to
criticise a jud cial dc< ision after it
It woman would only r* member i» ret d-red. Helloes not explain
that her inlluc net- over a i hild the how it coui I be criticized before it
fi ret few years of its Eft- can hive wa.< rendered.
greater effect, and produce w d r
and more lasting results than her
The 1» hmian Canai Commission
whole life given up'<> walking in
his reported; Ihn II ly-I’aui cefote i
the ways of men!—Cardinal Gib
treaty has bett» ratified, .Sena'or I
lions, in The January Ladins’ Hum« Morgan hu« reintroduced his canal I
bill. The time has come for Uncle
Hamuel to begin digging
A dis’inf tiirhi d French Engi-
m er pr< dicta tb it in tpn van* coal
A paying gold mine Las been I
Almost evoryboAr who reads ths news-
j apers is sure to know of the wonderful
cures made by Dr.
Kilmer’s Swamp-Root,
the great kidney, liver
and tiadder remedy.
It is the fr"at medi-
cat triumph vf the nine-
.■» t enth contur/; ¿i>
; covered a.';er years of
, o ion ifio i search ly
* L:. Ki : -r, the emi-
n;nt radney and blad-
cor cpeciaiist, and is
nd-rfull" succerd tl la promptly curing
J cne bach.. I.idncy. bladder, uric acid treu-
j les at. I Bright's Disease, which is the worst
farm cf kidnoy trouble.
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root io not roc-
i ■ micncL .i for everything but if you havekld-
I y, I'.vor c.r bladder tro,u a it will be found
4 '.st ti»c remedy yo i need. It has bean tested
i i so r.iaay ways, in hospital woik, in private
j i.icticc, amor.p the heiple a too poor to pur-
i 'iaz‘. relief and has proved so successful In
i .cty case that a special arrangement hss
ter-» mode Ly which all readers of this paper
« ho hav; not already tried it, may have a
u.iple bottle sen« free by mail, also a book
t lllng more about Swarnp-Root and how to
pndout if y>u have kidney or bladder troika,
x/li--n writing mention reading this generous mining will not pay. There is a
(!> t In this pap.r and
itror.g tendency toward ibpiid fuel
lend yoiy address to
t’r. Kilmer St Co., Dinc-
w ith p. * o ettm a- the chiof ingred­
I amton, N. Y. The
'<■ ei.ti» s .. ,.| inventors aie
f ,;ular fifty cer.t and n.„»,.rTTiin-ruo.
tfiO; •■ut: V9
^.vi: " ,t mmb ulle.’l’iv;).
found on the
All the'Gold
ornmi.nt and
diggif y if l.e
Ti««' Kim. Y».u l
R.ii.3 Eoi.r.l.t. t.:u’ xvhlc’t Kit •»»••!»
Iti il»»’ f-'v ov» . t) y»'ii. . t u'» bi»rno lite Mfrinuaro <>/
____ __ ». ;tml J’"» t-<- ■ u t. .i»1<> tituL'r lit-* imr-.
ii •
• «mal «:•.->»■’•. I d i', t1'! •« li . Iiiliiiiey,
‘JloWt'.o ohe t.'<
!-.. » ott f;i f Itisi.
Alt t ..'.¡< il-
• '
nini * . i;
■.•o.|”,.r« Imi
IX|« ritmili th.it
lt*” »
mici Li.;,
t !l< ti< tllliot*
Inthnt miti CUIld
' >
Uxpvrlan .tt»
r>- ?R!
The Kind V.
iNow is Your Time
. <> :.nv one rcmling i:x 'I
<t e year’« »iHwcript'on to th*
we will mml the (Tiicug'o \\«‘ekiy liityr (»c«-.iu one y»nr
flic, or t«> any one «en Img u« three carh ««ubei-riptiun for tlir
two |i|'-r we will give a ytar'H eubcriptiou to ta» h pajier fne,
i I Ti e
I i » m «.
5CP.ECGKIÍN and ilEtfS. cne Year, for 32,00
For Winter Rcodit g you cannot lii.d a more lilwial offer
If any of the above, however, do not strike you us what you
want, write us, we will give you a gool liberal dubbing offer
with any period <•«! publish'd i<> the United States, Doni put
it oil. N’< w is your time. Addic-s.
The Northwest Livi stick and
Wo I Growers'Jotinfal und Items,
fin I <• ir
e i:- ■ i .-.t ti in t ■ idonee aniong Atneri-
c il v.on -'i. Tiie iioini-n of Àtnenca
r.r r.ork- , rari a v.cal waist liandii a; »
a eor'xir. P.v.l v.oman has n erculei
handicap tliaii a
weak »vaisi. S’is
may baie a
feci forili, la.-at ti­
fili alni strong in
ali it*. lim s, aii.l
y,t !ic M«;ik
rtiusc hi r stri rgtli
is und.-riir ir il by
disea « s p-.-i ulir r
to Iter «ex.
i.t as to
T*ie *c i * 1*0 room f. ■. argina,
the w^ukening ui?u< t of tlic**’ <’ p *" i < .
T»ier - i; nls > no room i .irgimiuTit .»s
(» t’.ie jx>u»r of Dr. Piene’s l*a\orite
Prus-npvioii to ui.re the m. - It r-giil .t .
t'i fieno»!*, *
unh • ilths «¡mil *. In .Is
i i !.rmn.it i'»ii an I ulr ration, atnl cun »
f- 'iiilr wea’-.v- * h . It i-4 a p/.rel veg. t-
. . »> pr. p.iratio-1, ami < ami<A <lia^.te
v.i -1 1112 u i \ l * i com titUitioii. 'fl;* c ii
¡1 j alcohol in ” i’ivo-it'.* I' »•'- ; ipti'm,”
an I it is untin ly free from opium,
co ’.ii.ie anti all n r oUr*.
Sick woni'-n ■ nffcring f.nri chronic
ft,ruin of feiml- «li* n**# arc invited to
(• ristilt Or. l’i' i' hy kttcr fi\et un«l
h > obtain th • i ivaluabh a<lvi<’c of .1 • : .
t: ist in Hie divim . of uoiikil Al
ror:e.»pon I ic • strictly private an’ a
< » ily uonh<b’iili il. A<b!;vss Dr. R. V,
l’i ree, Buffalo. N. \.
" V. «•hc.nii<»l UJI h<>w »rail I nni i<>» y< ur
or.e in i nch torva t . ride end exhibit a rumple iget niel, t
»•" '
«f our m «tiui:ict«irt-, YCU CAN f.’AíiE $?J T'J
JSJAWE l K l>esi(k:.huziiigawjiecltorid. furjourself
Î9W Meh 2ÏÏÂ $10 fe $ìg
’SO ¿’98 aiodelsix;:
$7 to $12
520 Sass&d Hand Wheels^«
. J io $8
We eliip any bicycle ON APPROVAL
1 a h ice und . >o I jn< <lic in» • ” v. r it« s Mr.»
j ,!)•; ' ,>1-.'
I! • linu
■-«a'hirnlx if.iip! (.
-I i’ll !>< a jn p
L'aith f*»t iour
v at . I »ah ; ni Ibi» hpriii'r
C't ‘o h»‘<l I xoi»l<l
i.mt l»> :..y »V H'k. I W'Mit to th» «lector u » h I h»-
e.ii ! I h ni «tireraiiou ati.-l l.tllint< of the ifitcr-i. i
'.r in- l>.;i It i ■»■.■' t I iv.M.l.llrv» ii rnv.iri..
I’r. r-.’,:rni ' I io.-.. I ... IxSlf-s »".I llirr. nt
('.if '.ol'l'tl .Moll. .1 111 i-.rt.-rv ’ Hint on> vi: t
■ ' rre's I’ltii mu P' lkt«. „ml I < nn -sfrlv
»»‘ !>r, 1'
....... ; I . i -r f. ? b.ttsr hi my lit--. I h . .<•
« ’. th.it
n .r :iof »ou! medicine» ».: r.-ver I li«»e
L ell ii .«
anyone ttannul a ctni drpotd in uiloaua and allow
site f a United States
building in Montana t
Dr. Pierre’» Pleasant Pr lteta keep the
I.elongs to th<- Guv
liver lic-dthy. They assist the action of
Uncle S.:m c .n go to
ivo.-ite I’rer- :'ptioir wj:< :i a lux -.t»vy
is rc«]ifrv^l,
Wgn'.S t<7
■v í Í
ns.y »...
w « I i «I
rZ’J'.*1’r'‘ord7!lnii.fr0t.” ’“'•nn y°M ',o uct
S»2‘nL.ll!,cJ’,,7c,e ,lor,‘1 ‘“i'- *'>”•
run;»; - “ 1 v’ 1 ' ■
NOT 5 til'
Bb7 i
I niR lll.cinl «jflrr 1 -t ru cr Lee
‘ ? '|U.I Ily ( I o. r Uh. rh,
i«n,.r° «bkyc.
Wrilet.-l..y|Jrf, î w;..’. ,Ku.-aud our p.
;• ( > h r » .1,
It i. Vt ..'.»nt. It.
' < e Nii;-e»itl.i
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\V o» m i
ii »Im rim-.» u id M In I
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