» » < T> ;♦ » '*■7 ** •'*■ - » V ’ ï > ¡ 4 Published in the » Greatest Valley of Éastorn Oregon. i he Oldest and Most R/9 liablp. The Best Advertibini Medium. -4 Harney Valley Items f w VOL. 18 4 ■t BURNS. OREGON. SATURDAY. DECEMBER 14. 1901. H, I». M.luDf,', l'*<>|.rU1ur < ha«. W. < Killtor nn4 BENI ON GETTING'IT NO. 3. THE PRESIDENT S . RECOMMENDATIONS bills at^l a concentration of the ir- rigalio; forces iqxin the- proposed laws jc jviding for specific enter- [ prise«, each a* those mention« d. t • Thers is considerable op|M>»itiuu 11 rigai iuiiixt ■ Line I’p for Na­ At tic last Mtosiotr ur taxes on or Hardware of Every Description. the Sth, from Washington savs: of money would be available for A Pacific cable al once. before March Lath you will be al- All of the Western member» of irrigation, and that Congr»«s at.d A National naval reserve, OKIXiOX, «tlKNH • lower! a rebate of .’» jon a fluctu­ The Nicaragua Ganal is a neces­ ing the first Monday in April,there among them as to ahat progress ating amount derived from the sale sity. will not lie anv reba'e allowed at <1 will be made this winter with the nf ¡aIHj, Tlw idea of ortating a Re enactment of Chinese ex­ neither will there lie any ¡anally National irrigation movement. The special arid land reclamation fund clusion. or interest added. I emphatic declaration in fuvor of fiom the sale* of public lands d-M-- Abolition of convict contract 3. If your taxes are not paid cn : ilu- construction of irrigation works not seem to I* particu’arlv |*>pular. labor. or before the first Monday of April, ami tlx-ir control by tl»« National moil of the older members preferr-' The merchant marine should be II. C LEVF..NN, ithey will become definuueat, when , Government which President Roose­ ing definite and final action one restored. Va» I'luxiilent. there will be added a penalty of 10 velt hud in his message will make way or the other in each appropria-' Extension of thv rural free tie-’ <• I ¡»er cent and the tax will also draw the National irrigation more or less tion bill. livery system. interest at Ungrate of 12 |.cr cent The irrigation isle are stronger an Administration measure, and ax That anarchists aheuld kept j er anouill ju addition to the l»en- HU<*h it will receive more cmisidrra- lllib 5 ear than thev were last vear, out of the countrv. ally. (i mori/irated ) tion from certain members of Con­ and they have the added prettige uf A Cabinet Department of Coan- •I. If you pay one-half of vour gress than it did during the lust emphatic Presidential aupftort for tnerce and Industrie*. Bl KNM, — — — OftEGOX. taxes on or lx fore the first Montlay the principle they advocate. There session Enforcement of the eight-hour in April, U>ea the remaining half All irrigation bill» are presuma are certain general lines, however, law on Government work. may run up to and including the biy referred to the and lands com- i under which they will work, and The Census C.Tiee should lx ma»b- first Monday* ia Oetotxr f»£lowing: A Ceneial Banking Business Transacted. i m it lev» in House and Senate. '1 he whatever is accomplished will con­ a perniatiect Government bureau. Director»: W. Y. Klng. I. H. G«-« r. Geo. Fry, W E Triach. but if the last half of tax due is mt 1 chairmanship of both Alora, iià * J « M MI I.LXM. r.umljer of irrigation reservoirs, right to water that should be iccog- lion of dewtl lands. 1 M a M**»«!« 'tm< reuMta in April until paid. i TÍ»«»«« 1«»' S|««ker Henderson was not look­ dam« or canal«, which have been nize It X. ll’.wàbtim 5. On all personal property taxes, i M wck ' i rnOTOGliAI HER ed upon last Winter as particu'ar- selected bv the Geological survey The Navy needs thisyearjievera! if one half is not paid on or before 1 1 Q—f larari t K 1 iMnber Iv fricrdld to the National irrigt-j ns moat desirable , the reservation additional lxttle-shi|>ii and heavy » «»< M a * ä r. 8 M«»*r« the first Munday in April tic law 1 *» • »st r tion movemer.t Represents i-e of all puhlic lands thus improved ar murid eruis<-rz. J l< ir|nFt«<1» 4'ipt 1* th |h '• »»"Irtit, I com pels the «bee f! to levy upon 4 H (ord­ Atei*- •’***«*»t Tongue was made chairman of th* by the Gov -rnment fur the exelu. That anarchy should l»e declared and collect th« same after May 1<’, ii’ K WMvm»«r committee of the nrid lands in the rive benefit of actual homestead a crime against the human race by 8. Avait 4«K»r*««* i*t4«w W A Ma-.rr to prevent a levy upon per­ House Mr Tongue was not only settler», am! the adoption by Co;.- the treaties among civilized powers. hence ( sonal property after Mav 1st, it indifferent to the interests repre­ gross of the general principle that Nothing should be done Ui dis ­ will lx u«-ce-saary for one Lalf to be set ted in his committee but on va- . the reclamation of the arid public turb the business interests of the M «KSt»F!« « OK AMY paid as above staled. w L. Mar «den. John H » rious occasions last Winter avoided 1 domain by the Government is as country bv any general tarilFchange (». The law compete the »heiifT «too w llay«* f*t>yni,inn» X' Swrxyenns eullt-tig the committee together any ! legitimate a public function us the ut this time. Ck» N<-«»«ll to sell nil lands on which taxes K ui iih . Orcguu oftener than waa absolutely neces­ improvement of the rivers ai <1 har- • »< X rv That trusts should be supervised i have not been paid, and that such •1 XKXEV f^“t»f!i.-.- it eMudence ’l’tim-r gt). ■ hors of the country. sary. 1 w «<««<•• .» .i •*--,«• i- aunal successors. C F. Kenyon Notwithstanding the large number els and sickness of the stomaek.*' 4t« >r ing with the taritf and trusts some Ino C*ry H. M. 11 of - Burin. Oreyon. tton, Burn»; Fred Haare*, Harney K i rn * Ixnxia No. 70, K oí P fWOflire in ol«l Masonic building cmiftruction of a few large reset- __ __ _ _ __ _ ; of the Unit«-«! States. Meets everv rimrsday night. , voirs by means of a national ap­ Our militia law is obsolete mid JwXjy F M. Jordan, C. C. Deafness Caauut Be Cured. propriation, such works to remain yiiHlrrn Surgery Surpassed. ' worthless, and th* organization ‘VtkiU V.ilhersheaJ, K of It. H. Ruflerinx frem a bad ea*eof ! under national control. The Pres­ by local applications, aa they can­ p M. JOItDAX, ami armament of the National pi’ea I consulted a physician win: not reach the diseased portions of ident is emphatically in favor of UUKN.N (II AFTER, SO Oi, O. KM Guurd uf the states shoul«l he made advised me to try a box of DeWitt'» Practical Lami Surveyor. something being done. This inav the ear. There i« only one way to; Meets second and fourth .Monday of identical with those provided for Witch Hazel Salve,” savs G. F. each month in Masonic h ill, Voegtly Kura««, Oregaa, lead to a re construction of ls>lh cure deafness. and that is by con-i t Carter. Atlanta. Ga “I proeuteti a the regular forces. building. Mrs M untie Lorena, W. .M > House and Senate Jcommittee. in stitullonal. remedies. Deafness is box and wa* entirely cured. I >rWitta Italian tribal funds should be ■ Witch Hazel Salve is a splendid cure Mrs. Eiiniee T!»<>«i|»*<»n, Sec. I such a wa$* as to give them greater caused by an inflamed condition of g W MULEK, ! strength and importance. the mucous lining of the Eustach­ broken up and divided into individ­ I for piles, giving relict instantlv.aiiJ KURNS LOlMiF, NO. S7. A. F. « A M. | ual Imldin's. The number of In­ ■ I heartily recommend it to all »uf- It is probable that the Newlands ian Tube. When this tube gets in­ Meri* Sutuid« on or Is-tur? full iiKHiti. Notary Puhlic aul Conreyaaetr, dian agencies should be reduced, . fera. Surgery is unnecessary to cure bill will be re-introduced. This flamed you have a rumbling sound piles. DeWitt's Witch Haze) Salve Qiinlitifd lirAtiers iritteewally inviteolished, ami will cure any ca?e. Cuts, burns, i E. K- iijt 'I ii , W. M. F. H. ttieiler, i Oflloa al Slorr. Hum». Or.'gun. bill provides that all of the money or imperfect hearing, and when it Seej-.’ is entirely closed deafness is the re- the Indian treated as an imiivilual. bruises and all zv'at-r wcunds are 1 toceived from the sale of public That tl«* F««d«ral Goyerament also quickly cured by it. Beware of lands in the arid states shall be suit, at.d unless the inllamation counterfeits. Citv Drug Store. II M. Bt ItNS LOIHiF., NO. «’>, A. O. U. W. used fur the building of irrigation can be taken out anti this tul>e re- should build great storage works to Horton, prop;Fred Hsanes, Harner. Mects af Itru-rn ball ev*iv Fridav «ve- ; AAAAAA u 60 YEARS* ' i normal condition, reclaim large arid region; that these works; these works to beeonstruct- stoicd to its idng Vi itini brotiiera irat« rnally ili-’ EXPERIENCE hearing will lie destroycl forever; lands shotthl bs reserved by the ed and operated by the National vitati. Tinta. Szgt‘rx, W. M. Cha». N You are assured of a go >d tine CtM-hrau», Risxirder. , Government, Tl»e appearance of nine cases out of ten arc caused by Government for actual settlers; at the Band boys ball 'Christina* «I ----- -------------- — . this bill will undoubtedly had to catarrh, which is nothing but an and that the cost should, so far ns 4 evening, Ifccause thev know how ts 4 fllKNKY LOOUF, NO 77, I. «». O F. the introduction of what is known infldtiud condition of the mucous pnssil»ie. be repaid by the land re- ' bring off these events. Meetseverv Saturdav evvning,R uwn's 4 wl4MB ' claimed. an the “State Engineer« Bill,” surfaces. Iriil Visitina biotti.m iratnrnally in- roani ma osa I tXraiGNU A full line^f Lidies Jaekebt in vited. Frank O. Jackson, N. (I. We will give One Hundred Doi-1 That the fucictioes «-xereistd by which provides the same kind of a rrJTvV CoevrtiGHTS Ac (*. G. Mini* li, Recretary. Anvolti «RBlttur atkrtehiM «crtptlan majr lars _____ forany j_____ case of ________ l>eafncss(caused ,______ the Genet al Land Office and I’uit- black, tan, blue and brown. Some- fund from the same source as does ___ quh'kly ;w«wt4ih» onr oiHirtwM ire« whether an IwreMltou la fiT'sbably pati MitHe. ruts UoMMrkOT «vMMMe tHRl. Prt«m!4 TBltt CIRCLE. N->. M3. WOMEN OF A«at frea. . In thè be given to the Bureau of Forestry; j ------- -•«----- — d .V at Brows’* hull. Mrs. Tilló Jordan, circulars, fro*. in the liands of the various state Mr*. Ione Whiting, Guardian, OA.MTOXIXJ ¡authorities. A light betweea the F. J. Cheney A Cc , props. Toledo, O. that the «ienCitie bureaus should t.'lerk. A hatMlftoenely HluatrMart weekly. ldtrn of nny •ctentAM* |u«rtiiu. Tcrn»«, A' * Sold by Druggists. 75c. of Bigaatara be put under the Dr partinent advocatos of these two measures »♦ar ; T<<«r 'nontha, |L Hot J tifali nowatle^lrri. * J 'might lead to the defeat of both Hall’s Family Pills arc tbc liest. A/ricultnre. “IT Geer & Cummins • CG« 1 1 THE CITIZENS BANK Capital Stock 825000.00 Sdentine American. ¡•UNII *Co.’—--—New York AUi icti il«». .'. KX F HI. M