HOME AND CHILD Docs your horse “fct.l his Whr.t acliffen net* be- t’v.vn the grain-Qxl ?.n«l the »•rass (eJ horse! The first strong a.ul full vut< s EnuUivn at.d u on the wrapper of even bottle, knd for free umpk. SCOTT & I5OWNE, 409 Pearl St., New York, and «..all druggists. A BRIGAND WHO LEVIES TAt.X want J. fi . t.... x. Io (lt. It -I.-- t-rl« Ilk«- it »lie "ill "Oik at' lion ■ .-i- i"o i,, iut iltt- .«ft i noun, but li-'" r in tl-• ««.nit / uiilc”. «he i- •-•|tr«tjlh; lint t l«-«l. S-i.ati 1,-olitlc« lias " riti« it irry lit- th . < oiupami i’r'.i s|H-akii>fF. I ut is «rii luQwn tor.te- jio.'liilr rtnikt». Hu' i,.I i «-y Wool«-». Stir i. al ««it* ■’ • i-'lli* ««I I tm«l bus -I »»«-»-I fa«-«-. sh>- IÌIX» ill Nrwqnit ani w Ft ?« « mi is ’ll th«* !i:«»l II i 1J. i - • " ' V' T \tk. s. i«* pa>t 7 :. l ut lit* still .»»«•' c it u r'rtir.k*. lie hr. » ** litk n r on* UM !•*» »I. .- '«I i on* l.h«t:i I.< hh > n U h ìc » mt pa • lie to •-. L >• «into nniue (ruin th«* name «»f a chai a« t«*r in .. ’,l.i v whh-h xx a* rm nii-c at the liinr hi« first i iu xv ? x l»l*ÌTì fe«l. Edward S. EIK« brrun life nx a t*avh«*r and h m *«I t<» Kcll liis xeLolai» Morir»« ITida.* afternoon«. TI»«* p»|»u lari* V of »he»- t;•!«*• cm:i»«sl him to u rit»* thrrt < ut an I xo h*'started or h sesivt : of author for ih«* xoui r. Ur dora all 1 is v*«»rk on a t rit<*r wltirh pia«** «I on an rlcmt .on. as h«* str.nd» Io do Lis xxrit’r^. IL* uialrs Lr-cf r.rit eramia <«f the r! ara« ter* ami iiieidcn9« *»F hU mu » •«» and then click* o!T th* story itself in tuo or thrr< weeks DREAM \ stohil * I. lowtoidg- I..- - •'» »r Lout» I» ...dll. Hr will., lot' J i- Wl« u aud >* .»¡.o ¡i p.s t. I.- v rit - ohi » ii lie I. in lite niiKht.tx-t Iwljrimp’ in i H1. i i M ( )|i s*»arly !»y LORE. To dream « f a hrn ahd chivketi« n iraiia that 'b our eflu ari "di tirsi* rt you unti ma ri« r. noi Iter. Walking* in thè btirvt in a divani s’gnifrs (hut son UO one ì* wailih|( a < Lan •«• tn do you injury. To drvnui «f a dite!» imi iva tre that you "ill *KM»n l»r plftvrd in iinuiineiH daugfcn» . i:her of lite or hinb. *f « •nt»r»u Tó di «*ax:i ) cf atiaff jmup nirana that il! rriulih r*cover froin ar.y ili- y ou nrs»i wli¡' h may I h -fai’ you. K ( ’ran. of ’ ♦ • irST * \>thed hi silk dr­ il OU * u!t ulth for yourarlf ainl happiness for your family. To dream that you are t!«a-h¡Uen in­ dicate.. that your rneiuir* will rau«¿ vou cr«-’.t annoyanci* r a n*arr «• ay 1 Ural diMricts in Italy.” said Dr. l)i; but if you viill TiLur/i iu a »out -H. At the *»• ra.ning t: . t"i> or three t T.i»a < in*'! «lay. you • his vaie.r he v.a< . •- Lad another* • -.»•: iLitiLL* th« ti»ijc xt it bin t u o xm ***L m . « ( ¡I m * $amr lorn: :uxi :a 1 h ; in lt7» Id anti The l^»y or girl who \f .*l try th's hr tvsur caught. euu»icttn|K*rJ.ing . U.i.t varily i- .simple «•:».»ugh. lie ".«is pood Lria hiijg. uya: •’Did you »*\< r think **• tlx* j out aiiy parant in o. « f tu’.ing u •L:n;f I all«? Ox:c ?» lungs 1.« I,> ceuid xdv.ays g«-t a gold coin iron. t red -Irans'i./a.LMtn’h a*doth« hands Ti-urJ -a..«1 he punished trailois un « RjMTiaily 11 tie a ft •/ C «»i se: rhuich. Loathing in so m:-t.y »j?if itri- ■ ri.n>< nt < r.iirsari. >. nod liiosc v. In tL-«. IT»" *. ’ je)t « ij/rjii;?;* t !*<• U*r i*!X Jll th«* ’■ After In.» < j c I il urzi altered h*.. < ou V» ill feel "oialri'fiiliy re frt s!*«*d > ethod of painu.g a lixii’g. I’«* tarr«‘lyi aid the general I lu-nllli will * ttiM'l dt) be t. a. < known to all the H-trwio p:*up!r in the district that ¡1 1 *it y | aid h’l.t an annual « onirihut.v».; Failed. Th» Tratrp'« wo*; Id 1 u;’ I: V i Terr v.ith thrm. and xat on th- A v.rary-l«M*kin^ tramp 1 !»l proi'rt th« ni from mofestation near an ollie« Lenri-atua. rr- i . others. Jt v a * Vo:..e»-led cucum­ < L* to agree. :;nd T’.Liozi has be< n for ber in his han i which he v. ax »« rapi: y*ar» »n n- *i|»t v? 11 hip* income, on«* with a «.tick a:.) a \v dimini.-io *1 in eyelid* hr v. atchrd thr j eoplc* r«nii • t he «lifttri ; t h<* small« r fry «’are mt -I-« • ltd £■•*». A woman »t»»pj>r«l. k,l*o.»r *-io!«.‘! TL id piMl’-i'ri«. for he is • man. is that ail you have to c» - »¡I! a gai«l tlir wotuau. •’11 » berli •I iv ?! crime. iu the dirt, rnarm.” .ai l he. s.i-¿winr a •'It mu t not V* siippo«u'd that h«» lar^'c and tfcncroi:* taucc of mu I on i ilrH in tae woods .ill day. Ke can oire side. •‘To< r man,” : ai«l the wr »man. -alk : bout the whole district v. iihoul ••let me help xou.” and she frit in Hr f »r of capture, ami he !;.s:te th * bill Hoards, and thru he smashed the *«>rh rn “cuke” Stub I mb of l'h<»uj*!»t ft/aiii**t a deu >t pcrforniini?’ I'.otK an I It isn't .1 uuim character liiat make*« turned the air Liu* with nrw a»!j- e- . w ».man love hit.» tivr* f ci/istou Journal. Take eare of t!i<* dollars rind the -.-.1 r! I will take enre of y»»ti. I’’ie ba r in i.ic knees of a inan'^pau« 'I lie « liildri-ii's I'rieiiil. t iloons jsi' t always liiie I with piety. Voil'll lone n cold thia winter A ji 5 Hr I rain is the utiarchis'.'.» work- MriylH? vo'i have one no». Vour • I" I* children will stif’cr loo. |',,r coii - z I ih < Ullili i, Hut Mil ¡'It b.'irr'. If. Ii title a tul tieni l<* • A i i I' m » pill,’’ St) - the »tl* th< it- me pills nml pill* X "mi1 1» pill wlti' li is »'erti» 111.I ll<«r«’iiiili itii'l »•«•ule. Muttlii'i i;’ip-' Dell ili I.itili- Early licer» lili «he bill. I’tiirlv vc-jetaltl« Do imi f’>r. e but ns take. City Dm.’ Sture, Il M II ululi. prop I'rcd !ltiin<- llurht'V. Wm l. \ l*liy»iciMII > Testillea “1 have takt ii Kiwiol Dy>p< ps’uCire and have never used anything in mv life that did me the go<-v dieting but that me.-ins starvation. Kodol Dvs- p<-psia Cure digests what you eat. •» ■ You mid « illerfrom neither dys- The worst |x psia nor starvation, Never f.ti’s cases quickly cured City Drug Store, H M. Horton. prop; Free! Ha'ncs, Harney. Your Time «•1 / • ok * r « Ihm I tl<* the top “■ .Vour t«»Hx und v”‘ • • k«* in H“ °bl |*t*!..«’hr«l V ay seal H vt!l bv ii«« i . «», *|tm k, , mu)- leb ’•••«•"«».' by u thin * im U iv ’. *»f |'« h *. icHn »I • x\ m i bis tu» trtxiw <«r od.»r le air iiuht nnd r«hl /»rovi» I'uai’y m | plletl 'arlUl tn h ih'/uli«Hh»>r Lb U V 4 tllMilt i tliv ||O»I!»« i:ll <|trr< lion* w ith each iwMiitd rake. tful'l «««•’, w>*«r* Uatldb) STA iDXROOIl CO H*nding7ua »I 50, one v. ar’s sulscription lr> the To nnv I i t mm , we mail the Chicago Weekly Inter Ocean one year fi i-e. or to any one sending u* three cash aubacriptiun for the I» two paper iv- u ill give a year's subcrlption to each |i«|>er fr«e, or The A I REE PATTERN Í ■. howioer, du not »trike you u« what vou limit, write us, we will give ton a good lilerul clubbing oiler with atiV |>er:<’■■■ * --------- — - -n----- M—Z BANNERMANS PHENÌLE The Puu«rfvl h'«h • i*rnt, D oJori”« »nJ I.' rmici.te Knowa t-» Mv-.rrt **•! nca ..... cuts 0:1c in each town to ride and rikibit a "ample 190! mode! k Ij.-vtle of o*:r manufacture. YOU CAW tfAKi Sit Vt IkkU IH«, $!>0A WE..K betide» haviug ■ wheel tu tide fur yuurxtf. I m ***. “My baby was t rr;!>ly eiek with the diarrhoea,’* says J. ii. Do.-ik. - f Williame, Oregon. “We were un able to cure him tviih the doctor s assistance. an«i as a 1 >st resort v tried Chamber! »in’s Colic. Cerrera and Diari hora Remedy. I aiii hap pv to sav it gave immediate rdi-'f and a complete cnie For m e Io II. M. Karton, Burna. Fred ilaii.e- llarncv Citv. Bear» th. Bifiutu. cf 1901 Models $10 to $18 ’00 S ’88 Models .¿m $71» $12 £00 Scutid H.nd Wlteelte« J ,-'co |V J Q lo.twa i.ui init. Cuaranlerd BAMxae-MAH * MIFIIT. t ■ i|l«te ms' tdiia »»»• h-I.ra giu. t Liti •U»» ft. !»<« • • tunny k < mm 1 aa f>«w ................................ \V- hip m.y Ltcycle ON APPROVAL YOUtt kHUli THFSS -I.. ».I» -pt«), i liie illw Mi bh ..t » . tn» -Jr.*»«/>• All a:»*«••'■ j nn- utjc v-»l/i9-jt a rent ihpoeit tn cijfmncc atwl allow BAMKEr. M.» X PFKKYI.lt * n general iM.taut i- > ».’’•Ci.-i, fi..»iik i.ri ii • Mi .r c > - u,- > null »loirs, J? t«4 I. k.-u HAX.7I-.iiAN’S PFFHYtr •• f*>»l • •»< * » » » > is • 'itati. I • i.strp IM • ap -hv I » *1 t •» ri I -»II* ho a ..ir- Irto t ,*»v t Mate- » *-«l »•> «*» ‘ »<« ‘ f ‘ «» ».-r •€•*»» »e .r -. »! ■ i'» I I »n» hr»*r »• rit »I II*».Ki ?»*mi»» '.»• i'r i«r I >1«»» ’ I »•• t«t*H ■ I'hrw tritali, .— tra» l.axf t.. , • • » I r I. i • « e H »r «H -r « * • a t .•< fi».y ail » «•• If fi-ri - >l a-t a'o>i*c t ■)> I Otti e». W: r« • f’lT CH LUÍAS 4 t*>»d 193 V! Oil’ll xlo kg» "t '*•» ' •♦»(•*• " 7 cxl I iaui . i - Tvr EÌ A RJVl A N A CO. CHICAGO. ILL C7 73 U!»rk C«.-»«‘ granfa-l fha I »* i* i Kan u I at . 'S ..rid s UU-u-t «• a m MR r OIIV * «'."I "«ttl ytra naw wrtttea Cor aw UU RU I DUI »*CIO«V Stlllt and Hit IMAL •SStt. I >.-< lil«t»l offr. I,a* or.tt txcu (^uatad aad to a rwuaaiM of • h< quality ui our wheel«. rribiLie v«-:w hi i . each lows to diatribnte catakwue« ftw r* la buyUr. Wr ilc today fur (rec cutaloguv aud our »pccui >tkr. • J. L MEAD CYCLE CO Chicago. l <-i .ittbOl» I NoriCE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT In th» mailer >>( Ih ■ E*»a»e • f Stc|.|,vii WuU i, tlccc--c I, THE Xolii ci- herrby given lo Martin Wo >. ìm iiik I E. Woods, l.rotiiers <•( .If- ccsse-l. an i tu hì I otln-r i-eisotis, th.,1 ibe tiinlcrsigm-il Lxec-itor of s.i <».■■<,»(• \\ ir-chi ster. Kv. writes "Oiir Lille girl was attaike! wilh croup lute one night and was »b imar-e ,he could ha dly *|H-nk. We gave h< r « f<-w «rug i «‘t.l id a pin «ir. < hitiiilH-rli*iii'i< Stoic; Frer * n ' p by , Be*r» lU lM Ytni l,a'i W*’’1 Il M. li-i’ton, ! ri •; h'led linii.e»'. Stfaatm I E» h »*,' City, i e A new»’>u;». r the 4i:try <>f JiHtory. f.H li.1l foitnif |H*i.pll* «h.il't U.imv tli,- .lilfi-rcm-- b-t-.vern x l>ro):c*ii |< -.rt u 1 I a 4!*•» Lottie of i h.imLt i lain’s Colic, Cholera and Diathoe-i lh‘111 • illy, look two doses nml mo­ »•nt ire- ly cured.'* aavs l‘ev A. A. I'mwr. of Empoi’a. Kan. "My m-i.-hLor across the street was sick for over a week, had two or three laitlh s of im- lieine firm Hie doctor, lie used them for three or four days with­ out relief, then callc-l in another doctor who treat--I him lor some darn ami gave him no telief, ro n ‘t staiwutt and unsn Living Republican Weekly pu«> I .ha.l ssl.iv and can dwjy* Im relied spun tor fair and hnn««t re lisi tiflclidly digest» thè finsi and aids Nature in sttcL/tbenirig and recom Strueting thè <-xÌr.;iiHtew-ii riti. cure» Dyapep-lj, r<—t ioi;, ! h ai t bum, Fiatuli n . ' xir Sion h, Nati ■ K k lina luche, G.iati ligi i,< ramj - and par is of all political afiair* 7 , ill«» '■ ee'.ly Int . ’lc: an Supp le- X I of the Li -I { and tlie Heat o< Current I. terature. ralure. k It it. Morally Clean, and ax a I uud; i‘:q»r .» Without a l’««r. , //s l.iterary column» ai e equil to tho3C ui tire h:m magazine*. uilolIter roti! tsof Impcrfect digest ion. Pri'-nfA*. »1 ».»1 K I :> • /«• «d/»*contalo < 2*4 finirli «ina 11 .-«iz«-. ¡Vx,k ; l U alM/iitdyrt] «f.aiu unti ledi r.-a Prcpa.aJLyL- C. DeWITT ¿CO - CÒI c ^ m * Itt Youth’s Depart me nt is the f nest oi its kind........................... It brlr ■ i t i tho tuinU th. '.•■<>» Illi- »nl’r« World «n-l cl»M I',.. . l .ble . <1 j HH-li im <»l UII t I c-uiy. f In .»• i ;• 1 ;xs m- i n ic *• I« r mi •! <. m .«| rep ifntimi ili euch •<»»•»• or» Iti ll. i<* f*»m»iiy ; e | ,« » r«*|»r<••••:»I «'.«1 rt'H «-rii <• • »l«f ewlwbli .he»* ws - m ’II ix l»ti’ht»**> ti<»«»--<* >•! m «: ,<| tin.-»D«-iiil '’ai d nv > m ary fl" co weeklt v. ilb • xp.-’t «•-H«Mift»»Hi«t. all pavrtLh’ in «it h »• h «-!» W» »hn-:.|,iy «litret fr» in !.»•>«• I i»tlV*»«<*, (hirr-vr F' -1 . «mH?«*' ittrtii- L. «1. when t • < • • - h l>f i fftii F- Knrin.e elf h «|»!re-*ed >«*•«•»>•• -i e«t- i*»lop*. Mai.a-'t-r,. hit a «ton huihlii g. < Ith-a;«». 1 VAMPI» IHldtrnKTUY MIS »X!» MP'DiFfi I» irn-«I n»l\.\. Iziti-i Oflire. I’.ur:»', iire <»f hh ¡Ut* Dtirjil P» ttiskv final *pr«»«»i lit ii|»|H»rt of !«i- ri« in. 2«»<] ■ i-» r (hR(2*«M *1 I»»«*, i ,w ll aii’i K«‘<*» 1» er bi , Ih . I m H, r»K: 1*1 auk Cl. MtBMffer, ll«l entry N«» > S i »r ihr 1J-NW«. S. < . 11. Tf -• » K E W M He naroes Hie i »11 wn< a itiH*«M»s to |ir»»v 1*<* conliiil«Mi« re»'’..uiiiu'tta»i«i'i’ i t ary. ti. f.ai».»'i, i< d W . 'Sri th » I Gi-or^c shrllej, of |;t:r c, ore,«!*. ijr..> u. II i . » lli-üi « - u • \ C— <> ìi ’•••», f- /! Tr • ferita ©I t.iinf'l «nj al! P..t K - ■■•< -»c'>n«dH'**e 1 i -r hiqscratc Ftri. / {□un Ornce ISORRG®!*;; U. C ra-* »«rC»'»-.r J / . . : g< .« m . tc p > ta ¡ la « * .c (t.ut; la -». 1 • i '.»«ciJ : diasi u; -,r , r<’h <1< i rio > I . ’ - *..«*,* * A pax ’ r»- l - r, ” • ■* t > ri l’.i* ut«, ' v-itii /*•<>»: f»i sartie .rt’fho L'. i. -nd ¿vCcigr» epurine:. * •..» uee. A i /.i», vi i».v *nv»: w i,-an i.» P; !< * »f Hnlly bv m,*'l..................... 11 *• S»*r y»»r • <• ( S» i »'«Í r ) I-. r*t I .... 1? »M per 1‘Aily o 4 ¿’if’lHi Ly mall. K.Odper >».r J (ii! Leit 'Jf ihr.l' k nil . . { •.l.lr... HIE ivmtl <>f obtain a patent” sent upon request. Patent« seemed through iw advertised f->r sale at our expense. I■:■ It "Itty • 'f-‘ '‘i ney. Wu promptly vM-un C. s. x.-nl F-tt -14:1 PATENTS and THAME MAHK3 '•? . turn JEN- TIRti a’toin- y’M let . nd h »< m ! I, *k» '■ It rfr pL^’ARd wr , ,«.1 a*. IMMEDIATE F h EF rop-.r* mi p:tt»*f»tabt.ilv. ”»•• jsxe tin »?•.« l ;*I «er.ice a nl "Ivv*. and cur isartfea ar»» modetatr*. fry u- •/. EVANS A OO., SWiFT & CO., ( Patent Attorneys,) P itent Lair, yor", Opp. U.S. Patent OfBce.W tshiijton, D.C. I BuiMhg, VfASHIHGTOH, D. O.