Harney valley items. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 188?-19??, December 07, 1901, Image 3

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Local and General.
Mor»- ‘Qiierii Qualify’' Himes
sobl than ever. N, Brown A Hunt
A gents.
<.KM.x FROM I ili: MFSS4I.E
'I he following gt-mv from Presi­
dent Roosevelt's first message
"Get your partners” and “prom«- which was presented to Congress
Grand Balt I'hrietmas evening
mi iv all” to Floral hall on Christ­ Tuesday, ore taken from Wednes­
Frank ('»wlfield hum tip from the mas evening.
day Oregonian:
Narrows Monday,
Mr and Mrs Grant Tli*«mpsuii,
The personal e«|Uution is ti>e
Lae Caldwell is biu k from a busi - of Crane creek, were visiting friends
most imp«>rtunt factor ing bgsinee«
i ncss trip to the railroad.
I' **■
in Burns a few «lays tLis week.
A - ft
John II Htetron Co., Hats »re
Prosperity can never be crea'ed
Atty Thornton Williams return-
sold l,y N, Brown A Nuns.
< <1 last Saturday from Canyon City by law alone, though it is «gay
The New York Tribune ••'arincr where l.<- ha«l bicn in attendance enough to destroy it by mischiey-
otts taws.
<m circuit court.
nml Items $ 1.50 per terr.
If every anarchy is triumphant,
io bl : given at
John Bunn ami wife are home
The porch in front of ihn Burns
<>f prescriptions is no child's play.
its triumph will laat but fur one
from aeevcrsl weeks’ absence on
Il rw|Uir«*s ooiiscientio is euro and Hotel I u * h la co repaint'd.
red moment, to let auccei<Jed for
creek, where Mr. Bunn ha*
accural«, knowledge of drugs and
Commissioner A. Venator is ill
ag< s By the gloomy night of des­
bncri doing some mason work for
their relations to «■iwliotle-r. We iittumlwnc« at county court.
A. Bonnett.
Uk« -n honeat pri<k in the purity
The welfare of eaeh citizen, and
Oregon Citv Clothing for men
of our drugs, ai.d the skill sml ac- ami boys, N. Brown A Kona
Mr John E Loggun, of Harney, therefore the welfare of the aggre­
and Miss Ella Howscr were united gate of citizens which makes the
eutaef with which we eotupuund
in marriage at th«- home of lh< Nation, roust rest ujsm individual
tl em on your physician's order.
days i.i the < ity during th« week. bride's parents, west of Harm y, on
thrift and energy, resolutiou and
A getters! invitation is extemted ,to aJf Confane, enjoy tlu big.
Hobt. Georg«* returned hist Sat­ Tliank sgi vieg Day.
gest social event of the season.
urday from 1 visit to Canyon City.
The reelauiation and settlement
The first snow of the season com-
I'ropt I'-lors,
I’lio interior of th« postoffice mrnced fulling Thursday's morn­ of the arid lands will enrich every
building has received a new coat of ing. ami before the storm -»us over ]K>rtion of our country, just as the
pn i nt.
"th« foautiful” covered the ground settlement of the Ohm ami Missis­
sippi Valleys brought pros|terity t<>
I lie Baml Imys will give a grand to the depth of iilxnit six indies.
the Atlantic States.
J. IL Crum, for a number of
ball at Floral hull t'hristinaH even­
It is not true Dial as the rich :
KATunnxY nu i mi -. i u tuoi
tears a icsidriit of this siction.
have grown ri«1««.-r the pwo< have
<lrop]s-d dead al his home in Shasta
Th«* Northwest Livestock ami
»r«»wn |«oorer. On the contrary,
Mossurcs II) Mifr hell and Moixly.
Wool Growers'Journal am! Items, countv California last week, from ' never before has the aversgr man, ,
wa« about 00
Smalm* M.v-hell has prcpar««l 12 a y«-ar
the wage worker, the farmer, the (
u'i«l will inlroditt'c i-arly in the
trailer, been so well «iff as in
Mrs Robt Irving, of Harney,
priHcnt •«-•«■fori of c<’fi'ire: s tiianv
and at the prtsrnt
was visiting friends in Burns
i mpor mt bills, •« f«»l •<•; To <-«
tablish an a«say oflic«« st I’urll md
for old and young. Everything at
Disaster tu great buainasa enter- j
It may Lean open winter, but | r«-ducc«l prices. Alsou fim-JColum- prises can never have its effect«
to « r<« .(«■ a •« parat«-judici.«l district
in l'4Mtt!rAOregon with h>**d«pi«r that is no excuse for failing to shut bia Graplmphone for entertaining limited to the men at the top. It
l«-r« nt Baker City ; for the repay- the door.
your friends evenings.
spreads throughout, and while it is
merit of fe<-«, purclaate m«»nry and
Grand Ball I >«•«*. 25 at Floral
County Judge J as . A. Sparrow bad for everybody, it is worst for
comuii**i<"iM p«i<l by settlers on hall umh-r the auspices of the
ami Peter Clemens return«?! last those farthest <l««wn. The capital­
v «M'l ««itii«-« «>f public lands ; f««r Burna Bniid.
Saturday evening from a business ist may be shorn of his luxuries;
<he (elief of citizens of <).«-gon
Cha« Walton was united in mar- trip to the Devine ranch al Alvord. but lh<* wagework« s may be depriv-
W n> hitigton an I Id «ho. wlmaervetl
riage at Altura«. Nov. 17, t<> Mirs While there Mr. < iemens purchas­ e«l uf evan bare necessities.
vith I oited States tr«Hi[M« against
Tl»e pu-servation ot o*tr forest« is
ed a number of thorough-bred Dur­
<Xga Boyner.
th «• Nrjt l’< r «•. BnnmH-k aiel Sho­
imj>erative biisinev« necessity. ■ !¿
It T llughct was up from Nar­ ham tattle for which the Devine
shone Indiana: to regulate the tuk
peoples of the Americas can 4.
»■>/ <>f fees a«ti| filings in ce'tain rows last Sat nrds y returning home
already b.-en deli vend at theClein- pros|»er best if l«-ft to woik ont their
ia««l <-.iee «, to appropria'e fund« for the following day.
< tis ranch on Poison creek. The own ralva'ion in their own way.
iniv tigatioii und tc«t of Aiiirrican
Combination and concentration
County court has l*-en in session stock will be kept for breeding.
timls-r; giantmg pension» to cer­ during th* week. We will give a
shou d I m *, not prohibited, but st-
‘ Packard” Shoes for men, no pervised and within reasonable
tain ullicrrti and men of the life- summary of th*- proceedings in our
’er made in the World. Fur limit« controlled.
suv.ng sei vi.-r ; «.ppMptiating ♦!<•. next issue.
Successors V» R. A. Miller A Co.
only Lv N. Brown A
«a p > ftr n Uum-li for the custom »er-
Wc desire the peace which comes
McClain A- Bigg« received a Harney rouutr.
v ie* al As'oniu. to reimburse Gall
as of right to the ju«t man arined ;
number of cavalry Luraea from
tori.ia, Oregon ami Nevada fori
"Through the months of J une, not the |>eace granted on terms of
of the Crane creek see-
m >ncy ex |«rii<leil in auppn*«i nn of
ami July our liahy was teething | ignominy to the craven and the 1- 4
tion thia week. a
tin* reix-llton; tu extend the pro
and to >k a running off of the bow­ weakling
« i«ion> of tin- Black II «wk «ndian
M. L Ixiwis is fitting up the els ami sickness of the stomack,’’
The forest reserves should i>e sot
War «t-t«ru.» Lili to the benefit < f building'iu th*- rear of Jameson's says 0 P. M. Hulliday, of Deming, apart forever for thecae and benefit ;
surviving veteran« of the Cayuse meat market preparatory to open­ Ind. "His bowels would move from of our pe >ple a« a whole, and not
raid ulhei Indian Wurs of Oregon ing a iHiw Iing alley.
live to eight times a «lay. I had a i sacrificed to th* sh >rt-»ighted greed
atsl 'A'aahington, fol II««* relief of
You arc nssureil of a rom I time bottle of Cli.imlierlain’sColic. Chol­ . of a few
settler« in Slmrmiin County, Ore­
era ami Diarrhoea li«-mcdy in the
The effort should be steadily t<»;
at the Band Iwya ball Christina.«
gon, who settled on land subse-
the Indian work like any
evening, because I Lev know how to
- ' •»
. *
«pk iitly d«*e!ared to Ix-long to a
I of water ami he got other man on his own ground. The
bring off these events.
wapon-r«iA<l company: a joint r«-*o
better at once.” Su'd by II. M. Hor­ marriage laws of the Indians shotthl
A full line of Ladies Jackets in ton, Burns; End Haines, Harney be made the Mme as those of the
Lilioii propping a:i nmen<lnieut to
the constitution, providing for the black, tan, blue and brown. Some­
«•lection of I’nite* I Slat«** Senators thing good and at prices that will
The Am*ri«ran people must either
bragge«! to Death.
by the votes of «pialif'ted electors of f.leu«e N. Brown <(■ Sons.
build and maintain an adequate
Th«' 10-vcar old son of Mr. anti Nauy or else make up their minds
(he states.
G W. Clevenger Ind the founda­
Wiseman, who rraid«- in South j uefinitely to accept a secondary po­
Representative Moody will re in- 1
fecc’y and Treat.
tion fur his new workshop north «»f
Burns, was dragged to death this sition in international affairs, ««it
troluce thu double minimum L.n I
Welcome’s saddle shop, nearly
morning. l._
„ _ a young
__ _ , mcit-ly in |«olitical, but in commer­
lie was
Liil up «n which Io- assure I a favor-
completed alien the late itorni put
tmrse which Ix-eame unmanageable ' cial, matters.
able rc|Mirt at the laet session, also
a stop to further work.
throwing its youthful rider. The [ No single great material work
’i bill f >r ati a«-’sy office at Baker
The Queen City Furniture Co. halter rope became wound around ' which remains to be undertaken on
City, ami a bill to dispose of the
I ncorpora'esl.)
tinsobl portion of the Umatilla Res­ of Baker City, is reaching into the I h >_ vs body and he was dtagged this continent is of such conse­
Abstracts Furnished and Title Guaranteed to all Lands in I'arney
ervation. IL- expi-cts to introduce Harney valley after trad«*. Their atitl kicked to death.
quence to the American people as
>l bill enlai giug the I’urtluiid post- {'*ad” appears in thi« ia«ue. Read
the buihling of a canal across the ;
Officer Ah soon «« the data called what they have to sav.
Isthmus connecting North <• d
Our Trade Winners.
for by the Senute resolution are oh-
South America.
Bought and Sold on Commission.
'»tlice in Bank Buildip»-
What most people want is eonic- We carry "Queen Quality’’ Shoes.
The individual American enlist­
tainulil«*, he will introduce a bill
thing mil«! and gentle, when in We carry Oregon ( ity Clothing.
for th«: relief of The Dalles military
ed man is probably on the wln.le a
need of a phvsic. Chatnlrerlain’s We carry Royal Wotcester Corsets.
more formidable fighting man than
wagon r«’n«l settl««rs
Mr. Moody
Stomach and L'ver Tablets fill the We carry Packard Shoes for Men.
«•xpects to assis*. his colleague in
the regular of any other Army.
bill to a dot. They are easy to take We carry J. B. Stetson Hats.
rivers ami harbors committee in
Every consideration should lx*
and ple 'sunt in «fleet. For sale by We carry B A II Boots.
securing liberal appropriations for
shown him. and in return the high­
II M. Horton, Burns; Fred Haines, We carry BA II Shoes for boys
the Columbia River, an«l hopes th«
est standard of usefulness should
Has a complete stock of everything in their line. Tliav have re­
Harnsy City.
ami girls.
be exacted from him.
coiumitfos will cmlorse the canal I
cently received some late styles in
Our railways are tlse arteries
project for overcoming the obstruc 1 Where, in a gniueof poker, monr v Is there any better advertisement
is obtained by one p'.ayer from an­
the commercial
(ions at t'elilo ami the dalles.
I through which
through a trick or through Ask your friends who know about lifeblood of this Nation flow«.
He wdl take an active interest
in lam! legislation with a view of I frnml. the supremo coii't of tire the Leading “Brunds” in the mar­ Nothing could be more foolish than
ket They will tell you they are the enactment of legislation which
securing assistance in ¡that direc­ ! stale of Washingto.i holds that
Call and see their stock of Center Tables, Extension Tables, Iroe
would unnecessarily interfere with
tion for Eastern Oregon He says the party so obtaining the money
Bede, Baby Carriages, Go-carts, Chairs Rockets, Mirrors. Picture
N. Brown A Sons.
the development au«l operation of
that if no g«'n«-ral p dicy is adopted is guilty of robbery. In other
Moulding, Window Sliaies, Portiers, Poll«, Cottage Rod« ltd*’ riit •
I these commercial agencies.
be feel.« confident of securing, words, the supreme court of the
mings, Wall Paper, Matting. Carpet«, Building Paper. Wire Springs,
through the Geological Survey, a state will take cognizance of cheat-
Mattresses. Pillows, Etc. Also* nice litye of upholstering goods
MiHlcrii Surgery Surpassed.
continuation < f topographical sur­ ing at cards and will punish (he
and trimmings, Velours, Plush, Tapestry, Brocatelle, Corduroy, Eh
‘While sufleriog from a bail caseof
veys n»a«i<* Inst year in linker Coun­ person conducting a fraudulent
Upholstering ta order. Drop in and see their ne v stock.
pi'es I consulted a physician wlm
ty into Grant, Harney nml Mai game.
advised me to try a I k » x of De\\ itt’e
Require constant care and
heur Counties ami hopes to have a
Witch Hazel Salve,” savs G. F.
The laws of health require that
attention, and a competent I Carter, Atlanta, Ga. "I procurtti a
few experimental artesian wells the bowels move once each day and
dentist should be consulted I I h « x ami wa« entirely cured. DeWitts
sunk in the semi ari«l sections of one of the penalties for v.elating
Witch Hazel Salve is a splendid cure
at short intervals. Often th in
bia district
this law is piles. Keep vour Low-
piles, giving relic! instantly.and
cannot be done. They get bad
• Is regular by taking a «lose of
I heartily recommend it to all suf­
and have to be extracted
fers. Surgery is unnecessary toeur«
t'lii.mberlain's Stomach and Liver
AXSCS * D3MMSÍAM, ?rcpn«tCTf.
This can now be done abso­
piles. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve
I Tablets when necesearv ami vott i
For Infants and Children.
will cure any case. Cuts, burns,
lutely without |>aiii. Con*
will never have that severepuniah-
bruises and all other wounds are
tin KM You Han Alvan Bsglil j ment inflicted u|a»n you. Price 2-5
also quickly cured by it, Beware of
cents. For sale bv IL M. Horton,
counterfeits. City DrugSlore.il M. gW Drinks mixed to suit your taste. Courteous treatment
Bears the
Horton, prop: Fred Hains». Harnev ' y..’ir patrons«* Solid.»*/
I Burns : Fred Haines, llarnev City. At th* Burns Hotel
XJtgiiatWrU 01
Oregonian :md h.-ms. |2 H)
Proper Compounding
Burns Drug Store
Miller & Thompson, |
E. 0. T. G. CO.
Burns Furniture Co.
Bedroom Suits, Sideboards, Dressers,
Chiffoniers, Combination Cases, Etc.
The Capital Saloon
Dr. L. L White.