Harney valley items. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 188?-19??, December 07, 1901, Image 2

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    • t
T-' r-*
I. u«~*
I.AXDS. ua(or«\mreea losing their iluw
W||AT Wil I.
Vned free and in common, the
The following bill tor the leasing Western range m practically with-
l'h-a.»v tv 11 us. Mr Wil iamsnn, jiikt
for grazing put j met« of vacant pub- out )nw nn,| t|u.,-om^titor« for its
w hat you want to «Io ;
lie domain ami reserving a I right* occupancy attempt to bol l it h For things are in a muddle, nnd we ■
of home»tcad and mineral entry gain at each other by violence and
pa»« it tip to you
has I eeii drawn up bv the national armed force, causing the d«»triic T<> straighten out th<* ta;.gle(<tnd it
Cattle Grower»’ Association and lion of life ami property. Tbi» d •
really should lx* «lone):
will le presen'e«! to Congress:
main belong» to all of the people, W«< h I iou I'I like to know the ollie«'
“Secti*>n I. Be it enacted by the but has been used bv a few a» a ‘ lor w Inch vou w ant to run
The Fitts Seventy session of
and Hmise of Repr«scuta mean» of acquiring wealth, without From East to We»t, from North Io
C.«ogres» conven«,! Monday.
lives of ihi' I’nited States of Amer­ «*ompensntion to the rest of the
South, ak far a* new* will carry.
ica in Congress assembled, that all owners
The availability ot the W«* thought you h.»p< d that von
I nion County ha* lost in the vacant public lands west of the region involved for agricultural
might serve th«* »tutu ns Score-
“Panhandle* case. The supreme 100th mtrulian west from Green­ setileu ent has lieen injured by the
liirv ;
«mrt decided Monday that the wich shall be leased for stock graz­ mere**«' of it* ar* lily that ha* fol­
But we must have I»- *n
► trip of country legally belongs to ing purport*«, subject to the light lowed the extiryation of its cover­
and vou had another plan
B.ik-r Conntv.
of homestead and mineral entry un­ ing of gra»aes ami forage plant*, Which tnv« 1 v « m I a trip Io Wavhing-
der existing law* of the Vnitcd the land’s potentiality a» a pnaim*
ton '«» hr a Congressman.
Secretary Long want* the grade States, and when so entered, to la* er of wealth will disappear ui l«-ss The candidates, who wontler ju«t
it is protected by law and its urer»
of «ice admiral of the navy re­ csneeled from the base,
where they're going to land.
“Sec. 2. Lease* of sinh lands »r» compelled to pay for and pro Would lik«* t«« hear a stat men' us
vive«!. but bt lore it acta. Congress
w ill in#*st on knowing whom he shall not l»e subject t.» bid. The tcct what they occupy.
Io where the «h-uce vou «ism!
uniform rental shall be 2 cent* per
li.cans to honor by that grade.
“The proper policy of this Gov- 11«« v would like to ask vou whelb-
acre per annum, pavable annually eminent iw lhe « neouibg--m>*tit ot *“cr, in tho dream* w hun day ia
in advance, and preference for such settlers to occupy all parts i'f th«-
d >i.c,
Tlie ammine« ment of Carnegie's
shall be given to owners of public domain upon which f tnili ,«■» ’ You see one fool in Salem, und one
1 «test gift of $2,00 ),00o to a binary
cultiva'ed agricultural land, for may pain a living To this en«l th«*
in Washington.
tilled only six lines in tlie pics*
leasable lands abutting ujhvii their proposed law reserves all th«' right«
dispatch, whereas a few year* ago
it would have received columns of
of leasehold t«> one acre of fret-hohl. ernment« neourages the adventur­
A like prefer« nc<- of It) acr.*a of ous mineral prospector, ami this .ion uppiopriation».
* It i* intend. I that t lie hill .hall
lea.«eh«dd to one acre of freehold law rraerve-a all his rights to make
The bill nn the leasing of public shall be given to stockgrowers mineral entry in anv part of the protect tlie forage of the public
grazing lands, which we print in who are also fre«-holder«; thi* pref­ domain that it covers.
range, get revenu«- from its u»c, «k-
another column, originated at erence »nail apply only to lands
"Besides these prospective entry fend the rights <>f present fievhold
t’huw. California, the home of Mr wit hi i the counties ujavn. which men there are existing right» that er«, extdudo no existing inlrv.l
Lusk, chief mogul of the French- their stock habitually range If in must be protected.
however rmall, and shall accelerate
Glenn interests. We merely give ease of either of the preferences
"The present agriculturn! settler eettl ment and tillage by conserve
this as a matter of news.
above provided there shall not l>e who till* laud, raises crop*, nt «I tion of moisture and the *up|a>rl of
sufficient 1< a*ald<- lands in the keep» domestic stock, find» under irrigation
"Wiili these end« in «iew.it is
'1 he opinion of astronomers s«?etns county to give each person entitkd tl.e present srsteiu of fne use uf
to Congress t>v order uf
• o b«- reverting to the once discred- to the [«reference the maximum the pubbe domain that II< m k* ami
i'*»l nebular theory of the forma proportion of 1«> acres to one, then herd* aie driven upon bis fre. hold,
t on of the universe. The id< a of said lands sha’I l>e prorat d be­ consume th«- forage upon which his i-ition. through its committee on
a vast whirling ma»*of vapor throw­ tween the peisons entitled to such domestic animal* should fce«l, and legi.lat ion.
“John 1’. Iri.h, Oaklan«!, Cali­
ing off rings as it condenses, which . preference, The further preference inflict auch injury upon him that
similarly condense until they form to land* not leased under the fore­ he is frequently constrained to »ac- fornia: 11- nr« M. I’or’or, Denver, j
plane'.* and tuoons, leaving the going provisions of this section rifiee his property nml »efck another Colorud •; A It Roliertooii, Cid ra-
««■fitrai u..v< to form the sun is shall lie given to stockgrowers who location, only to tn-again overtaken do. T« za*, I'artbtl Iticha <!« EH*
c-rt iin!y farinatiug.
were in actual us«- and occupancy by the same intolerable conditiot s worth, Nebraska M K I’.irsonr,
of said lands during the year end The proposed law gilt s him the ralt Lake, ( tali *’
¡'reference *»f a le.ist hold on abutt­
The fa“’* in regard to the Pana- ir.g on January 1. IDOL to beleaseii
to them in proportion to their re ing public dom >in, which be may
\ X|ini-tvr « <««><« I Work
n.a c«nal are coming out. The
"1 had n »every attack of bilious
spective int*-re*t*in and use thereof protect from the tr<-*pn«»e» wbich
company that now controls it is
colic, got a bottle of (*liatnl>«-rlain's
Where the states !*. a»e stat- lauds now injure him.
really a receiver for the earl.er
"The next preference is given to Colic, Cholera am! Diarhoea Item-
the Iona thle holders of such state
It operates
i at Itrtipt company.
leasehold* »hall be beneficiaries of freeholder* whose pursuits are pas­ e«ly. took two «lost * and was cutire­
the l’a' am i railraad, which is euor-
the preference given above tost<>ck• toral, to protect lliem-e'ies in like ly cured," »ays Rev. A. A. Power,
miimdy profitable. To »ell to the
growers who are also freeholder* , manner from nomad*, and ««•cu-e of Empiria. Kan. “My neighbor
1'idtri State* wool I be to throw
acmes tl.«- strict «a« sick for over a R
provided that such state leaseholds the range needed fortheir stock.
itarif anti it* «(licera—out of a jot>
week, had two or three botth-s of
are not held by any one person in
that pays them big «alaric*. 1* it
fr«*iu the d'M'tur. Hr u«vd
tracts exseeding G-IO acres in anv
si««y wonder it is slow in muting a
them for three or four «lays with­
one I mx I v . Ftcel.ulii tight» under
«lHiiiite ofYer to this country.
this section shall nut apply to town­ grower* who were in use ami own- out relief, then calle! in another
site pro|«erty. uc«' to any land* de­ panev during lhe year ending Jan­ doctor who treated him for koine
To »peak's kit dly word of com riving title from Spanish or Mexi­ uary 1, IfftJl, mi h to have a base­ days and gave him i.o relief, m di«
I went overtone I hi
hold in proportion to hi* interest, charged him.
n.cndation or f ncourog« ment may can grants.
‘ See. .‘J. All lens«» to run 10 so that none, not even the bust, him the next morning, lie said
I«- a very little thing for you, but a
hi* bowels were in n terrible fix.
with the privilege of renewal can be excluded
*ery lielpful thing to one to whom
they had been running off *o
it. is sicken. Never a day passes
it was almost I foody flux.
state lands, in aefa limited to GIO
without bringing yon opportunities
if he had tri«-d Cham-
rights a?
for such service tn other*. Docs a fur such second term, provided be
Ch«le*a am! Di
<if»y ever pa#* without you improv­ shall have complied with the re­
be said 'No'.
The owners of the vast Mexican
ing such an opportunity? If so. quirement* of this law and tile
him my
vou have reason to reproach your- term* of Li* tease, and has not el- and Spanirh grunts are excluded
«•eli w1th the omission, and other* low« d his iea;«.-hold to deteriorate. from freehi'lJ or other privilege Un­ Itottle an I gave him one ilo-e: told
"Sec. -I The revenue derived from der tbi* law, bv limiting jts bene hun tot.ike another doss in fifteen
i:xve reason to. regret your failure
teases herein authorized snail ficiaries to hoi lers under the land «•r twenty minutes if he did net find
Inasmuch a« you did it n >t. you
into the Treasury of the laws of th«' flitted States, and relief, but lie tv»ok no mor«* and wa« I
m led in vo ir positive <1 aty.—
For sale by’ll. I
ai «1 the net revenue, townsite freehoider* are also prop entirely cured.*’
l<k<r < sly KepuLlican.
Frc«l llainc*,
after deducting the expense of ad- erly excluded.
"The fixing of time of pastoral Hurney City.
niinisteriog this tract, shall b«
Tl.e k-t
who presently finds lift
liehl in trust to be paid to snch occupancy ut the ytar ending on
- ugg -1 to 1 i* mother'* heart stales and territor.es wherein the January 1, l‘.M»l, i* to exclude com­
The man w ho waits for something
. i'.’.i a new joy. But the mother's heart
binations of capital forming for lhe to turn up i* apt to discover tbut
: «-’iipt« iu> I <-r ernis «.lieu lier clnldr«-n leasrhohts are situated, as provide
. re li—t for lite.
flow many a woman a state engim-er and other proper ptrpo*e of getting leasehold control it is liia .oes.
«,<* s through snch an experience, ap-
pealiaf in vain for help means for devoting the same to the i of th«.-« lands, to the exclusion of
to local doctors, who con­ diversion or stoiage uf water and the Western ratigemen ami stock-
fess that iliey are "piu-
/¡cl" to understand tlie its distribution for ii ligation of ag­ grower» who now occupy them in Over-Work Weaken»
cauoe of tlie trouble.
ricultural land*. Only stu b r> v- common.
Your Kidney».
tri «iutilar cases
"To absolutely guard the rights
I)., fierce's favor­ enue as i* derived in anv state or
ite Prescription has ter«'itory shall Le returned to it for « f all against combinations |bv s Unhealthy KlJii".. Make Impure Blood.
bee a used with
such purpose.
few, the leases a'e t ot «»per. to bid.
si-.cii success that
Alt tba blood la youi tody pasac* throegh
its record coni-
The Secretary of the In­ I here will be no auction at which your kidneys on-JO every three mlnules.
nic-.id* it to every
The kidney > are your
womuu «.hose chil­ f terior shall have the [siwer tu can­ the strong run overcome the weak
blood purifiers, they fit­
dren fail of vital- cel a lea«e when it* holder I ecome* Every man has hi* rights defined
ter out lhe wants cr
ity. " f avorite Prescrijr
fmptrlilei in the blood.
tion i” gives t’.ie mother ineligible, ami sha'I administer by the luw. and none can take them
If they are sick cr out
cf order, they tail to do
strength to give her tbi* act. making all needful rules away.
their work.
It strengthens
“The leaeebo! ler, being compel!-
and regulations for that p::rj>osr.
the female organism,
f'iln-., achesand rheu-
m.ilis-Ti cornu f-on. cx-
giving great elasti ity
“Sec 6. Nothing in tbi* a. t shall •-«I to j ay for the land lit* uses, will
to th - organs ot mater­
ce-.s c f uric acid in ths
blood, duo tu n< glrcted
nity, and making Ute deprive the I'nit««! States of con­ pro*.« ct its forage ag-iinst extermi­
lia'.v'.. a.'.vc:itpractica'ly trol of «11 :> servatiun fur any pur- nation by overstocking.
The veg­ kidii—.y tronbl».
Kidney trniibl
quick er unsteady
painless. It is the true
[»ose, now existing or hereafter etable covering will increase at <d h'-.-’.n b-.at-., nn I i i.ikc-i one t- - 1 as t'>ou(,h
woman's medicine, es-
be an-c (!..•> he. t Is ■
t.iblistiin . rcg.ilMi it -.« rying weakening C eate«l.
will more and more conserve the th-y liidhe.nl I •
over working I ■ pumping Ihirk. kidney-
,'r.in:-, aiMl lical ng inttanimalioa.
"I <-an cheert-.'.)
.- hi iea-' TX>r«of- FUr--’«
“Sec. 7. This act to take eff«-ct moisture, increasing the means of po! -..»ned bloc.I no.-gii vcu>. and ailerica. I
t svoritz H-r-c:ipiit n
th- la--: • —Ik »«• or
1! ii ■j' I I > b;
’cred that o: '/ urinary
l>e in force fiorn and alter il* irrigation. 1 he law propose» that tro.i'.d'.s
, hk -' i .- w«u<- Mr- «t-.ry Mardock. of
were to I •> Ira/cd to II:.-, k.lneya,
■I I.lol -t . ,<>■ < k.i kt’i-i.-' I «iu th- u. xi-r
L it now modern s- k n< e proves that i onrly
, f tea -liil.i .-«; and ouijr onr liviu» -tbr «' .t'l
, i:- slii i- one venr o!<! aa ' i* a- well oim I
constil iil-nnl di-ieases have their begin­
The following i* a s'u'i inci.t of be held bv the foited Slates in ail
| ariv .-.caul« -lie I* »J«*"1» HI no oth-r
ning In I i lacy Ii ml le.
i. ie-
were l«or«i at :l,ht H.ne tail <'. u'
trust for the use of the states wtiere
If you aic -f. 1« you can make no mistake
■-.*1« r- v/er-. -»n-.'-atiue • itUis: one lived to be
purpose *n«l effects of the bill:
... v.-aroM » I -'.«■■ wa«alwa>- feeble 1
by first do'-i ti - your kidneys. The mild
. in< trill
- b it uoue of tbe-n < .ui.l Irll
‘‘The purpos«.- of «hi* proposed it i* derived, in the storage and dis­ and tlioeo .-i.-adin. y effect cf Dr. Kilmer's
.. i...t io? Uiwtite wo n.ev -us. I w. well a-.d
I -»-.o examined bv snrgw/io but the.
legislation i* to prevent the further tribution of water. Such use of the Swamp i'iz.t, ti c f; - at’-.¡due/remedy is
. ...t- ii<4*iii wrumc n-id they were |..ozl- I v,
•oon real -‘ I. It
"lit o Inghrst t >r Its
«.-. w wli a no «rouble w-
I -lid not know I free use in common of the public rentals will be the devotian of an
woiiil f .!«. ■ ><• . • i
i:-o t distressing case*
Io d-> -o I i . mm . k lai I hi* is*« tu-i- I a .lid
to l>; I -in er - I norite l-t -»<-n«Xi«»ii I l.iol: d
domain in the arid grazing legion, existing public asset to a public and i-i *• >11 cn it < I i< tils
I: < atit nine mouth« and now I have a tin-
by all dm; :;r in flfiy ■
I. bv girt and I < ii . ih . i ntwlae roar medicine
and thereby to prevent the «1« *trnc- purpose of »upreme irri|»ortanee to cent
and i. o dollar »iz
,n-nrrh ’or tf-c m '>«I it did **«■"
tion of the forage by overstocking the arid West, and will render tin es. You may have a
Dr. i'ierce’s Coaniuin Sense Medical
sample bottle l>/ mail
mew or RwiUl
Advi-er, paper cover«, is sent h''’f °n
the Mme, by which process the necessary the demand that the tux free, al >6 pamphlet telil: g you how Io find
receipt ci ji -one-ceQt «tamps to ¡«ay
Ln«l is becoming desert, the conn- payers of the whole country be bür­ out If you have kidney or bladder trouble.
. x;eu«e of mailing only. Address Dr,
K V. Pi rve, Buffalo, I«’, Y,
* trv u.orc aiiçi, spd springs r.nd I d' Rt’d for that purpoze hr <’ mgre*- Mention thia paper when "-rilliig L-r Kil -t
G» ,
f., I*. Y,
Tilt« Klnd Voti liuto Alway* Bougbt, miti wlilch lui-« lm«-n
in ti»«« tbr «»v«*r HO .v«'nr«, bnt bori««« Hi«» *h-mitnr«' of
timi lui» !>«•<•:» itiiMh» «nidcc lil* |»«-r-
' ■ ’‘«»tini stt'H'«'VÌi«(<ni i-lnc«« D* InCnm-j.
^«z*- ZA y 1
Allo«V tl< > «il««'t o <h i ' « .. « oli in H i I h ,
All < «iitiitcrfcitM, Imitaihiiiw unti •• «In* t- .-t-«>ml " nr<- luti
K\|M*i'liii«-nti* flint triti«' ««itti «imi «- ih «»»:•«•»• I il« l«< «Idi <«p
iiitaiit.» niitl Ciilhlrcu Hvp« 11« t re ugni «-1 II«?« > i i 'i'„
CiiMoi'Iit I* a harmhua mtbstltut* l<
goric, l»t'op>. mul SootIiing S«|-O|>-. il .
contali * iicitlier Opinili, Morptiliie «IO.
aiibMnn«-«'. It, ns«« H ft* irtinrniifce. Il «I. •• •
«imi itila)-« I’.-«eii-litie-e«. It cures I ! hi« i
Colle. It relieves Toething i'coiibl«- , «U
nml I'lnlnleitc). Il nsslitiihil« <• Ilio C »1.
Stoin i. li and |to«i<-|<, glvintr licnltl«) in*
Tlie Cliitt’.ren’s l'.fi;,.« «'U Tim .llotln «•’ « t
Jt< I
Bears tho Signature of
L_ *iX
It I» “Buy Ubere ioti tun Hu> Ilrst.*’
M ’".v |Hopl<- who believe in thia principle, go wrong in the
application through link of judgment, or are miri««! bv alluring
draeri pt ions a n<l imp > *itd«- pronti *04 of ei« storti “cat slug in« houses.
Ila- ’¿icen l ity Furniture Co. of Biker City, will •«■l| you
most anything in their line cheaper than you «-an buy elsewhere.
\ mi owe it to yourself slid to your tamily'to take advai.la-'o of
the up|«ortut ilice ufi red \ou can makeoi dollar du ilir ««oik
of two
III«- 'pieen < ity burniture I u i* th,' largest hon«e furnishing
esUldiahments(uiit*idc of Portland)in Oregon They l»«tv dncvt
from factories « aal. in carload lots for cash and they will dupli-
cate ii price and quality any article you «« « advertised by birg u
catalogue houses earl or west (allowing for difference in freight)
and « mi dun t nt sume tin risk ( of fn-iglit, damage iu tranait, etc )
n« prices «juolctl will I m - F <> B. Baker City
Some Prices
For ir.sUnreyou see advertise I by an •‘eastern e*'»l«>gi;c hmiae”
nail tmpr-r wt lc and .'xs jwr «ingle rull, Nc anti |0c doulde roll.
You can buy -a nr grade* tj C. Furniture Co nt . n - «tingle and l»k-
double roll in Baker City Take the item of iron l««-«ls. Yun will
have to pav east ♦2'.iDh> f.l 5u for an ¡ton 1« <1 that you can Imf
from yuc«-n ( ity Furniture ('.». at $.*L.*>0 to fl m Baker City.
The carpet <!«*partinent of the (Jm-cn City Furn'tur«*Co. i* most
complete nnd n new «‘lectria cnrjiel sewing in «chine will *«»on
l»e *ddc«| w ith a capacity of over 2DOO ynrd* per «lav.
It will pay anyone intereated in the above linen to write va
before placing an <>ru«r.
Shelley & Foley
Vairon Work Don« Satisfactorily mid With Di,paten.
Pnce $35 00,
G u urn nt ted to equal any 1100.00 machine.
E. I,. KING, General agent, 21H Sanrome
St., San Francisco.
i < made at>rohit*ly lor fanner* and their furidli« s. The first rniinlx r u w issued
November 7lh, DWI.
I.v .ry depirtim>tit ttf ngr cultural in l'«s* ry is covered liv apei-lal cimtiibntor*
who am leaders in their respective lines, and tin* TltlKFNE FARMER will th«
in every sense n high class, iq, to date, live, «mtmpiising agiicnltiiral |>:i|>er. pro
fore y illustrated wiih picture* of live stock, woik-l (aim building* and liuuier,
agricultural machinery, etc,,
«i\cR, gons and <1 <n«*ht(>r.d will tin l rpeci il pjixc» (or < nterLUi. ihpiii
r-pbr fV-r G jo Wrr. ri) tn VK-1 ,-n.
1.1; 111 v - ),,,