; I ’ ' • • ' » • « • a T he Oldest and Most Reliable. ♦ ! • Publishad in the GrmLnt Valloy of Eastern Oregon i The Best Advertising Medium. Harney Valley VOL. 18 H, I». H,'till»re. I*iu|.rlp|ur • N » ••»lu»».», K>llì»»r ■ ■>>! il.ii»Krr. BURNS. OREGON. SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 30. 1901. • 1.50 l*r r I <•»». Mi* Mollili« 75 < «-lita. NO. I » I any om- cun lease i» also limited. Game HoGaloir. Town allotments are also restrict»-»! The following letter ami coinent to three acres, The enactment of this legislation is from the Prineville Journal: Ed. Journal—In the issue of your Ilow New 'ZcalaiKl Umidi»-» It has resulted in the catting up of many large estates iiitosmal! farina lloldinu*- Limiteli Tlir»*«* Dit paper dated Nov. 7, 1901, you score and led to a large area of laml be­ Would Make Baker City the the parties who hunt»*«! ot. Harney feretri Option». Nearest Kuilrou»! I'oint. ing brought into cultivation that Luk»-, chronic!« d by the Westen liefore was held for speculation ami Leader. I l »g to state that you used only for stock range. Il i» I have la-on misinformi-d as to the During past years it has been the noticeable that although the gov­ Hardware of Every Detrription. cause of the "frit vanishing flocks." Baker City Republican. By in- policy of thia government to give ernment limits imlividnsl holdings I In springtime when the »lucks and OKEGON. BL'KXM away the public domain to private toGJO and 2<>00 acres, a vast ma- vesting I1,. t (J0, Baker City geese are laying on the Harney and I cor|M»rutiona f< r the pnrpore »>f en jori’y of the farms ar»- of lets area draw ♦!<<>,(XK) north <»f trails an­ Malheur lakes, the settlers gather nually. Most business men would the eggs in sackfull ami l»anl t > eouraging the building of railroad» than hit) acre», a..d wagon roads. Thousands of I It would be a ra»iical change in- consi»l»-r such large returns worth their respective home» ami fe«-i * square miles in the w< st thus passe»! ileed for the United Sta'ee to enact going after. them to hogs ami chickens. Score into the bunds of private corpora such l»*g:»lation us this, Lut it would All tha*. is n<*cossary to get this the»« vanda'a, but let th»* hunters tions, some of whom are aliens, aiyl l»e well in»lee«l for tbjre int» reste»! extra trade according to A. J. Mur ., ­ shoot ail they plea-e. Wheie the in cons'-quenoe a system of land­ in solving the land problem to ray, n prominent rancher of Unity, l.iinlora L ».or» — _ I well 1 4 they I. ». «* hunters Lil! kill zxr.. or.«, t these •••••••oaaauavaaaa» »«eoa lordism is threatened in thiscountry study N»*w Zealand’s system. A « is to build a g»x»»l county road to- are nameless—destroy a hundred. II. I ; I.EVENK, o similar to that in yogtn- in »oj»e of nation where every citizen own» his Vie« !‘ri*.*»iiJ«nt. Drewsev, 85 miles southwest of I write from pure friendship for the European Gates. Th»* land home, no matter how humble, is here. He says it would swing int»» you. . I have seen the people haul 9 problem is therefore becoming a the most substantial. Utopie who Baker City all the trade of Mai- the »‘ggs away in wagon loads, but 4> serious one. and munv f» ur tliut if own the land they occupy are the heur, H arney and lower Grant Harney county is tco deeply inter- something is not dono to limit tin* most patriotic ami loyal; they have county, in addition to the inmii- pstr»I in irrigation problems to up- o acquisition of reality, it willjimt be the gn at» st interest in the stability grarit tra»le from California. Th«* hol»l th» laws of the state, (Inco oratoeisonal T have suggesteii single tax us a rem- Times-Mountaineer. I»>rtant factors for heavi freighting. Ix-aring we will also answer it. We <*fhce taking citv or county officials over » rhuMa. Tn* s”« bile we believe no punishment t». R. X lUarkUurn AM«irn' I Dunbar Hx*r«lai at U»< C. • U’ioft Rtal« Trra»«t«r. Hurns, Ureo,, h . waited, and good thought may well little interest to Eastern Oregon. 1. II Ack«rraan a good road is built it can l»e tap- of collecting the eggs in above Mo pl Pub I nsUuctlun, be expended u « h » u the subject. W. >1 U m »U g^**M;iin St—opponile Bank UM« pTlntet. Speaking of the proposition to I»ed by a branch road to Unity and manner and fee» ling to hugs an 1 r W. !.. Marsden Coroner ................. it up into small farm» to be let out a court, if it met the approval of the oil well being drillcii near here ... lain Kii'hardauti (We would be pleased to hear Stock Inspector |_1 «YES 4 »IX rox*. 1 on perpetual lease. The lands for toe legal fraternity of the state. It was at once lighted and l»urne»l from our friends along the lake on BURNS BREClNUr. USO W. HAVES JOHN O. SAXTON settlement acts give the govern­ J natio« of the Peace ..IL Jameson Mr. Moo»ly is especially interest­ continuously throughout th»- night. the above matter.— E»i ) ment the right to purchase lurge CwaeUbhi ............. .... <•*> Trsgaskia Attorncye-Jt-hnr, ed in the irrigation «luestioo, i.ml Drilling has Icon discontinued, estate» ami break th -in up into has dévot»d more attention to this and arrangements are being made 111 HNS. oi : ki : ox . CITY OF BURNS. The Queen City Furniture Co., small holdings. W hen the estate matter, so Mr. Newell stated when to “shoot ’ the well. fíf- lU.»r»»y f»»r *•»•« Scbaol »*.■•» 4 (’. E. Kenyon I of Baker City, is reaching inte Mayor Jno. Cantwell. I is about to be divided, notices of he was here last Summer, than ani Marsh »ill The gaj comes tip through about Harney valley after trade, Their I S. Big;» Rsvorihir sale are advertised. Applications other Western Congressman. Mr. 1000 *\-<-t ol water. The strike is "nd” appear? in this issue, Read W A. Gowan ywii.t.iAMS a rnzukKti.ii T- jiunr for lamia by settlers are reecivej Moody is confident that the coming just outside the great belt where what they have to sav. it »’. Folev. I V. E Tu», h. CiJli.luillMHU at the btiidollice of the district in ■ Congress will make an appropria­ oil is said to exist, and it is nit im­ 111 mt m ton William«, 34. Fitkgerald. j. E. M Practical /.urn/ Æui'tsyer. days, though the title does not is the ear. There is only one way to if the result is not more than satis­ era and Diarrhoea Remedy in the Meets «e.oii I and foni th Monday of house ami gave him four drops in «si li ni Trilli in Masonic lull, Voegtly Kuru«. OrrgoM. sue until certain improvements are cure deafness, ami that is by con­ factory at the 1130-f(X>t mirk. a teaspoonful of water and he got Uuildm/ Mrs. Mtggie Leven», W. M stitutional remedies. Deafness is made on the land. better at once." Su'd bv If. M. H op Mrs. E.inics Thompson, Sec. Second, lease, with a purchasing caused by an inflamed condition of Will Be No Populist.». i ton, Burns; I'red Haines. Harney g w mii . i . ki :, elautu*. at five per cent rental mi the mucous lining of the Eustach­ BURNS l.ODGF, NO »7, A. F, .< A. M. ' There will be no Populists in the the vaiue of the laml. the lease be­ ian Tube. W hen this tube gets in­ Me>*ta Saturday on or beforo full moon., Notary Public and Conveyancer, ing for twenty-five years, with lile flamed you have a rumbling sounil United Stales Senate when it con­ Mmlcrn Surgery Surpassed. »{».«lifi.-d lirotliers fraternally itnited, Morl»!»ic»». |H»» j, Harnev Hon* rtrtetly rrinitrieiitinl. Ibtnl»1cet naenry for wecnrin» piteiM«. whether l»y purchase from private by Hall’s Catarrh f’ure. Semi for in the republican ranks. Senator f*M«nM taken ihr»»ui ’ h Minin Ac < o. revt l /e Wo »derail. Meet» 2nd and 4th Tues- wit hoot < lierfc«*. Hi thu Teller, of Colorado, formerly a re- ■ i individual or the government The circulars, fiee. dux at Blown'» hall. Mr». Till! » Jordan, btotiij Mrs. Ione Whiting, Guardian. o F. J. Cheney A Cc , props.Toledo, (>. publican, is now firmly stationed 1 leas*» holder can only sell his case 1!» Kind Yon Hnw A S P/ kj A’ Clerk. A handaomelf ilhmtmtad weekly. I «nrec t Nr Bear, tl.a with the democrats, as is also 9en- Uifnatnrv cwiietlnn nf any avlnnirfto journal. Term«. Ki a Sold by Druggists, TSc. ami good will together with im- yenr ; four months. 91. Sold by all nrwmlc»ah-r». MUNN & Co.56“«“’ New York provetn»'nts, and the >nuou:it which Hall’s Family Pills art* the best a’or Harris, the Kansas Populist. w I THE LAND PROBLEM Geer & Cummins THE CITIZENS BANK $25 000 00 Capital Stock I Sckntiiic American. M,.u.s »»«•♦. Uk r vi. Wj-l UMfi. ■. J» c. WANTS ROAD TO DREWSEY