■ " ■■■'■ Local and General. More "Queen Quality'* Mioea Electric Light ami Water Work* I . ... sold than ever. N, Brown A Sms F N Averill, of Portland, wa Fine plating done l>y Jorgensen. Agents. ill .Burns x few days th s week in Atty Thornton Williams left Circuit court convenes at Canyon consultation wit h May or Keoyou City Monda v. Wednesday morning for Canyon ami the council in regard to pit­ City to be in attendance on Circut ting ii| an electric light plant amj Jack McCully is doing the honors court which convenes there Mon­ at the Burns Bur. water works. The proposition will day. be submitted to the people for their Mis* Resela Harkey ia visiting Jorgensen hai reduced the price approval ami a vole will La taken friends in Harney. on all goods in stock 20 per cent the 25th. Though having a part Bert Cameron is in from the except stationary. lie is veiling of ths proposition a« submitted to Munn Lake country. lower than anv place in town, the council we are not informe«! as Mr and Mr». A Venator Ira via- therefore get his prices. to all of it, and will give it in full iling frianda in Burn*. * next week. Dr H. Klebs took his departure Robt Irving ami family were vis­ last Saturday morning for Fan < If prescriptions is mi child's play. iting in Burns Tur»ea Inglily recommend«d by sale only bv N. Brown A- Sons in A. S, Swain and «laughter Mias been attending court. i Harney county. prominent men in hit profestloft Helene, of Lawen, were visitors in ( barley Blendcl wan down from Frank Turner is a> I«* to 1*« up l«olh in San Frntieise > ai J Portland Burns Wedt.eaday. Mr. Swain w as Ilatn Brown ’s cne day this week. The Dr. ha* I< cii u thorough *tu after an illness of about fi.-o weeks ' « ii route to Portland where be wax , Quite a number of voung folk «lent in his line ami has a number with typhoid fever. as a United Stales juror. . from Diamond and Happy Valley summoned <>f patents on work in tiis profession, Robt George left I'uerdav for Mi«w Heloue returned home 1 hurt- . atten led the «lance at Narrows th«- th« itinil notable being that of a Canyon City, where he will viiit day accompanied by her slater, i Rth. All repirt ha«ing a ;n«> I time 4 tooth crow i Ilia furniture ami for a cuiiplv of w«cks Henry T Vulgamore returned Mrs. J. U ByrJ. extensive laboratory have not ar­ A telephone inrs.ag* today states | home from Burns last week. IL rived and at prenent he is fitt«-«l up Chas Newell ia in receipt of (hat Jeffries won his mill with Ruh- was not accompanitd by lais on ac- temporarily, but he says lie is here news front Washington to the ef Im in the 5th round. i count of her tilticss. to slay ami on the arrival of his feet that liia son, Richard, who ier- Uncle Billy Williamson has turn- John Ixiggan, of Harney, arrived fixtures will have the most exten­ red with the army in the Philip- I I ed to be a n al all round sport from the railroad Thursday with sive dental establishment in East­ pines, and was discharged on ac- i , Wearing his Red, White ami Blue ern Oregon. He will be e>iuipp'l freight fur Burns merchants. count of sickness, ha* been allowed sweater, with shotgun and l-ird for refining his own gold mid for James Adams came in Wednes­ » ¡«enrion oi »•> per month dating i dog Duffy, his friends and former doing all other work necessary in day from the O ary bee where he from the first of January last. | associate would not recognize in his hue. thus avoiding unnecessary baa been locating some land. <) J Durst, administrator of the him the friend of other «lays, but ir delays in sending out to have part J«»bn Harper, of Narrows, suffer­ estate of Stephen Woods, decease«!, 1 is he, though he resembles u pngi of the work «lone. C ed the loss of a finger la*t Satur­ * k < list training fur & mill. During a visit to us this week I day bv the accidental discharge of wat in Burna several days during OPAL it« week attending to matters rela­ lie stal'd that the subject of the a shotgun. tive to the estate. 1 he ranch on reclamation of arid lands has been Our Triule Winner.«. Trout creek belonging to the es­ Georg«* Whiting ia home from a his study for a number of years We carry "Queen Quality” Simes past and wishing to ex|>eriment in trip Io the Willyme’.tc Valley where tate was turned over to Martin We carry Oregon City Clothing thia linu was the r**a»oi>ofbin pick­ he to««k n bunch of horses for Worxlt, a brother of the deceased We carry Royal Woiceater Corsets and role heir at law, who together ing this place for a location. He McClain A Bigga. We carry Packard Short for Men with his family, on their arrival He aays this is the best country in Receiver Cha*. Newell has pur- t We carrv J. B. Station Hats. the West, he having Ixen over n chased the ('apt. Rollins place at from Diamond, Missouri, will oc­ We carry B A II Boots. large )uition of it, the soil aid the mouth of the Pmither creek cupy the place as their future home We carry B A II Shoes for boys #• water being the best for the suc­ canyon. Cotisidaration F80o. Senator Mitchel), has announced and girla. cessful growing of all kinds of Oregon Citv Clothing for tuen hit intention to introduce a Lili in Is there anv better advertisement Í crops. Ilis scheme is to pump the and bora, N. Brown A Spnt. Congress this Winter for the crea­ for us? water from writs by means of a tion of an Eastern Oregon Fe«leral Ask your friend* wh<> know about Steirographer W. J Coleman left F. S RIEDER. RIGGS* DIGGS. M. FITZGERALD, hot air motor and a centtifugal Court district, with a Judge, Attor- the Leading "Brauds'* in the mar­ President, s«-« *y and 't're-aa. Alt.«e«:ej» yesterday morning for Canyon City pump. The muter is his own man- . ney and Marahal. with headquar- ket. They will tell you they are nfacturo and differs in many re­ to be on band nt the convening of ' tersat Baker City. Should the bill carried by spects to the engine in general use, circuit court at that place Monday. pass, it woukl mean a Federal N. Brown A- Sone. H. B Svme left Wednesday on building for Baker City. Hon. J and hi- says van be furnished and run lunch cheaper. II«* has n i horse liis return to his ranch on the Owy­ L. Rand has been invited to collect The Northwest Livestock and lu«-«»r|M»ra't*<1.) power motor and on its arrival w ill hee. He took bark a load^of lum­ data and present facte and argu­ Wool Growers’ Journal and Items, Abstracts Furnished and Title Guaranteed to all Lauds in I.amwj «•xperiment w ith it to test the prue- ber with which to do some build­ ments in support of such a court 12 a year. • ' Counts*. tibility of his scheme, and if it is a ing on his place. being established at Baker City. smteoaa, and he see« no reason why Janies Anderton, a prominent ’V • •. _ *■ Juhn Sweitzer, the cabinet maker it should not be, liesavs that water stockman of the Calamity country, i ■ Bought and Sold ep <\ hu mission. Ofliee in Rank Building. located the second door «-ael of can la- furnish«.-«! for II per acre. z has purchased an interest in u Welcome's drug store, is turning mercantile establishment at Monu­ * out seme nice things in his line. Require constant care and » V. J. O'Conner, au old Portland ment, Grant County. attention, and a coni|>etent John is a first-class workman and boy, with whom we were acquaint­ dentist should be consulted Thursday, McClain A Biggs de­ , hie articles of furniture cannot be ed when he was but a kid, dropped livered a nice bunch of oavalrv excelled, either in workmanahip or at short intervals. Often this cannot be done. They get bad into Vu)<* Sunday. Mr. O'Connor horses to John Sherman, who ia in durability. He Informs ua that he Has a complete stock of everything mi their line. They have re- and have “to be extracted inform««! us that he whs encamped this taction looking up animals hat recently received some flatter­ Thjs can now he done abso ­ four miles above the city, in com- i for the British service ’ cently received some late styles in ing offers to go elsewhere and lo­ lutely without pain. Con­ pnuv with others, who were en cate but has not made up hit mind The Queen City Furniture Co, route to Ontario with .'{•MX) head of sult the new dentist. as yet as to the acceptance of any of Baker City, is reaching into dry cows In-longing Io Wm. I). Han­ of the propositions. Always the Harney valley after trade, Their ley, t!**» Burnt cattleman. These upright and exemplary citizen, the •*ad” appears in this issue, Read Over Voegtly’s hardware afore. Call and see their stock of Center Tables, Extension Tables, Iron cows are for shipment to the west­ people would be sorry to lear« of what they have to say. Bede, Baby Carriages, Go-carte, Chair* Rockers, Mirrors. Picture ern market,—Vale Gazette. hit departure for a new home. u Moulding, Window Shades, l’ortiers, I’elie,-Cottage Rotis and Trim- A. B. Marks was in Burns Mon- I County Judge J at. A. Sparrow miuge, Wall Paper, Matting, Carpets, Building Paper. Wire Springs, «lay on his return to the Calamity made a trip to Potter Swamp Wed ­ Mattresses. Pillows, Etc. Also a nice line of upbolsterwg goods TOnXA. country, from Southern Oregon, TIM KM Y m Haw Alsiji nesday to inspset the new grade , and trimmings. Velours, Plush, Taphetry. Brocatelle, Corduroy, Etc BwratU where he went several months ago Bifwrtu* recently completed there by John Upholstering t > order. Drop in and see their new stock. with ho-ses, He found the market •I w i E. Johnson. The work was found Unsatisfactory and brought the _ *iai____ Ji£«. i ’ j t<> be highly satisfactory, ami thia J -'4 animals back with him. ■A «ojia. piece of road, which for many years [ PAKK NI» WAS’ lXf.TOX SiRll TS A srlrt’e »«Soil tor A full line of Ladies Jackets in FoKTLArn OXÍX’.ON H1Ú. past, has been in very bad condi­ 4> boar«. Ing au4 MMHAMY ‘ black, tan, Blue an«l brown. Some­ A. P Ar«»ntror 14.. H.. JMaHiipal pii». op.li« tion, especially in the Spring, is thing good and at prices that will A prarlkaL « Septen«Wer ISia. ; now one of the beet public high­ I f.»r ihutoitgk wvfli, v i)’;*! oí * l»í|rh stau^'l»n•., whtrevo 'SHOE A MMXOAX. TrapriMasa. i kKL'.m, it htr.jdi’y Itlkr sn had twenty- earnest advocate of gotsi roads and Opc ii talt thr > vperl««^s In l*o«t splendid condition ot our , ITiraV* «t «J.aw Ir jc U om . J.earn. wU<» ------- Mi«( H*' W4NIM. LifWRS AUÜC4UAAIR.------- proved that his father, Col. C. E. S. the land. ’ CaUaUguc 1. a i (.‘erra.poiidtne« anllrfled Jhoroughfatea at thj present time how ws- t«ach, mu wbai ti Wood, was able to leave his bed­ l’or rataliMtua add rsaa ------Bo ra m Dtr«ct<>ra Drinks mixed V» «u¡< «’onr taste Cou teous tr*atmant>u »r e nt a d side yesterday and return to Port­ ia due solely to hia unceasing ef­ n r T!'r>»ir-oN. rFi.siDK.'.r ~ - . .. . J. W. HUI. M. D.a Portlawd, Qregoli. land lor a day or two.—Oregonian. forts in that direction. ' u un. ro . > to x al -X Yonr Mtronafe SaLicr-ad When ready to purchase your Fait supplies don't overlook the old reliable Proper Compounding Oregon Commercial Co Huntington. Our lines are now lull and com plete, and at prices as low as the lowest Correspondence Solicited Burns Drug Store HARNEY VALLEY ITEMS Miller & Thompson E. 0. T. G. CO. ¡Teeth - "W REAL ESTATE Burns Furniture Co. Dr. L. L. White, ’’edroom Suits, Sideboards, Dressers. Chiffoniers, Combination Cases. Eta, The Capital Saloon P O. Inner IT