A Miiii.ter » G ». Elect rie licht»'’ Y« h . City oWnershi'pTThere’» »he rub. V.tend the mass meeting l«t na hear t our «uggestions. lle sure you want. If it is le-lion and citv the bc*t, and so tract a:ul rota for what you fur bellme would le facetious, but e t or vinous Southerner has rent President Roosevelt an opossum, The President was not at all in- i.«n I. but. with hit characteristic good scn-e. ordered that it l«e fat­ tened am! served on the White IL-tisc table with the Thanksgiving t urk» <’. W. Fulton, the Astoria peli­ tician, ha« positive!v stated t li'll he will not l>e a candidate fi r govern­ or. Mr. Fulton has nut said so. but it is generally cut. ceded <1 at i.e is after Joe Simon's, scalp. the nieces» of which will depend on the result of the next cleetion.— Canyon CiHr Eaglo. Ma’k Twain; i:> his » eie. • t'liristian famous ar­ Science U:okif.Mrs. Eddy,” and ibe writes that when a practitioner of Inal cult «cui in her bill for aerviees t> him he »aid: " ‘Nothing exists b it • ‘ Nothing. ’ she answered. Mimi ?” All el«e is sulwtarcel*-ss all else is iinagiuarr ' I gave her an itnagin- ary check and now »he is suing m I f>r sub»:aiitiai doll ara. It looks -cnsistei.t. —Ongontan. ■ ~•» The way to achieve success is to it permanent successi« in insured «>idv to ¿hose who lay a good fonnd- x ion —E xchar.ge. sadly Cri|»plei!.” ;ht-uiMaU»ai at it» wor»» i • a *o»t of Hvinxfv.ith. li eludi!» a i :aa to a chair iiiui to* a ’„-I, arid out to ilailv titart«*rri. At tlic r«*sl r ÌK-imia illuni i" a punitili 1: .»lady, i.t- t» i •• n n" alike with plea «lire and In. 4- tie««. lu cure timinia- listll it e necessary to èlitninate- from the blood tfi" acid which are por or the cause of the >Us- e ite. ïhi> is effect- Hally done bv the use r f l»r. I’fcrcc’n Gofdi ■ Medical lás- cowrv. It crrr.es mil of the blood tbe corrupt . nd jkhhoii - pns accumulations which breed and tc»d diiwa .. It i-i- eonsrs th" activity of the blond-liliikin;' gland ■ and Minds an íiurca-'d nbrf-' of rxb, jiur« blotxl th wit i'll vein uni artery to «twngtiien <--»i\ urgau ui the Iffjd» . ' ** t br'-n't- nnMol w il a '■"■•lln.,1;■ ■ ■ * r lv Ir» vf-ir* .«., > *1 tiiuT* i • 1414 i.'*i ' - t„ , tu ,1 - v-TH— Mr M. J M»-K ni .;ht ■>< i Ù- VVlHiavi-lmrg Co *».».. "tin . |.*> • *. Tiri i me? «» • t » ■• ••i . . , ■ \ -yyv ;-f siili r.K-n’”<’i /.»»*: TJ » pa’»«« in mv ba«k. ht:»* ‘ ’ i 1* • . i ’ ti u njv wmthi «eatA kiH , il» w r.. irtîtr ’vc~S vn V J.vrr’- «vliowAW I mt^l f’.:' I l«sok <> U.-O44nn 'IffHi-al Ln-.-aa» ,o:' »I a > a. r .-"CT-tUi-.- IW Mk •♦»«• «oit» :hewna.isia H U: f'i wx» ri.xnnt t’clllts 4' • ■ tu Y aiit to the danism«» bf ■ , I os .ut. UK-ukÚlC. «••«•- By'tit dealer* tn I had a aevere attack of bilioi.s c.div. got a lottie of Ch.iniborlniii'» D Jameaon. of this citv is in re­ l alic, Cholera and Dinrhoe.i Rein- According to information receiv­ ceipt of a letter from B. P. Benuclt aly, took two d to ila attention this Winter in a ne «re still on our pins, but our them for three or four day» with urn and startling manner. A num­ stomach trouble is still with us and out relief, then called in another ber ot prominent cattlemen of the don't let us Uki tunch comfort, but doctor who treated him for aome Wist, who have bi'en quietly in­ we art- thankful that wc arc as well davs and gave him no relief, »<> dis- vestigating. are prepare»! to »how as we are. «barged htui. I went over to »< e him the next morning lie »aid that during the past five years W e have a pleasant home and ■» there lias been an enormous de­ pleasant tow < to livein. It is only Li» I m > m da were in a terrible fix crease in the number of cattle in • live minutes walk from 'he house that they had l>eeii running off »o this country, a deer* a-e which ser­ to the »alt wafer, and at low water I long that it was almost bloody llux iously threatens the beef food sup­ can in a short time dig a nicss of I a»ked him if he had tried Chain ply, and that, unless api-edv action clams and we had clan »lew for • berlain's Colic, Cholera and Di be taken by Congre»». i.i thecourse dinner South Fre»q«ortis I."» miles siirh *ea Remedy and he aaid 'No' of a few years bevf will be selling from Portland and we have a steam . 1 went home and brought him nit at such fabulous prices that only er that runs there in tbe auinmer hot lie an I gave him on» do-c; luld the wealthy can afford to indulge •nd it makes a pleasant trip —.Vto [lr.ni Intake another dose in fifteen ii r twenty minutes if hedid not find in th<- luxury of a beefsteak. the round trip We expect to have The cause of this rapid decline an clectr.c railroad here in th*- ' relief, but he took no moreand »*• For sale by 11. in the num’-er ot beef ca'tle is said spring and it will run one block 'entirely cured.” to ue d te solely to the contraction from my bouse, so it will make M. Horton, Burns: Fred Hames. >f the Western public grating lands things quite lively hete and more Harney City. and the increase in the consump­ plea»ant. aa we can go bv water A I’liywh'lan » T«*»titl»*< tive demand. The rapid settle­ steam or electric railrua 1 (take your I,"I l-avr taken Kodol Ih »p< p» »Cu’f ment of the West Las caused the choice ). ami have ne'er use I anything in langes left to become crowded, and I bought back the place I sold ' uiv life that «lid me the gool that this crowd'd condition has pre­ when we came to Oregon and we . J 4,” »ays County Physician Geo vented tbe reseeding of grasses, and have j of an acre in our lot so wc \Y Scrogg» of lla'I County, (»a cooecqucntly millions of acres of have a good garden and jilenty ol ■ "Being a ph«ici.in i have |>re»cribe m can prevent ’.hi» hvdiettnr but the cattle supply is now being fur­ few plums and the apple crop 1» tu-'t nirms Ma-vation. Ko lol Dy»- a Cure digest.« whnt you eat. nished by the art.all stockmen, but very light, but a'l other crop arc t • > >i n-ed from neither » s nor »t irvatinn. The worst on the open range to tbe small Never fail» We w ish you could be here seme I c«»rs ptiokly cured herds iu pastures is too slow, owing day when th-y are shootii g at a ¡City Drug Ktore, II M Horton. ro unfavorable laud conditions.and mark from the forts in Portland, it prop; Frr.1 Ha'ne», llarnrv. where a few yeans ago the market» I is 15 tnilee away but our house will were supplied with cattie four, five shake and the win«i >w« will rattle, •‘Thr . Ji th" months of Juns and six ream oi l. even yearlings and I sometimes wonder how it is and Julv «nr baby was teething are hei g slaughtered to make up with the fellow who shoots thetn. and fo-k » running off of the I ow- the supply of beef. ols a I * kru « <>f*the atomack," Mrs. B and nivself toa be ap'roint- dent losing his life? Well, that ton, Burns; Fred Haines, Harney ed Willi expert a.-aistanca to iuvea- fellow won’t rh»l anyone elss un­ i tig.-'te an I devise plans for reliev­ : less he try» it on old Nick down in "My baby was terribly sick with ing the situation, The stock men that hot place we read ab >ut. the diarrhoea,” says J II Doak. of in the National Association have Well, how are you all getting a Williams. Oregon. ‘‘We were un­ I bc"ti striving for y«a*» todetiae long in Burns? We supj <>se that able to cure him with the doctor'» •nine p an for amending the lam) tiie Until has grown eince ive 1 ft. assistance, and as >i last resort we' Lawa that would remedy existing How we would like to drop in and fried Chamberlain’s Colic, (’holers evil«. but have been unable to agree. see all of you, arid sometimes wife I And Diari bora Remedy. I am hap­ One faction is iu favor of leasing and I wish that we were bac-k in old py to say it gave immediate relief the lands bv the Government; an­ Burns as our health has not been and a r tmpletc cute ’’ For »ale hr I other want.« the ¡anils ceded to the as good since we catr.e back, but it H M Horton, Burns; Preti Haines, states and another wants the laws ia doubtful if wc ever ace that part Harney Citv. I left as they are and irrigation work of the country again, b it a fellow continued to redeem the lands. cannot tell what be may take a no­ A« a compromise fur all, it •» now tion to do. , , t Orrgon'an an»l ft etna. 12 - plan will also recommend Gov­ ernment ai i in building storage icsvivoirs on the ran res near head- wa ers of a* reams. The big packc*» admit that there has been a decreaie in the visible supply of entile during the past five years, and they are looking forward to higher prices in the near future. They sty the jwople will be forced to «-at mutton iu- steid ofliecf, though even mut'.on will probably la-come scarce later, is the same conditions that are diminishi; g the betf supply a ill also effect the sheep supply. 7 The vice of mutton sheep has Iseen depress’d some during the present fall by large shipments of them to Sacrament and Sun Fran­ cisco from Kaunas ami Utah. The drouth during rummer and the shortness of feed as a result in Kansas haa been tho cause of the shipment of mutton from there, to the Coast. Kansan and I'tahilock- Mrs. B sends kind regards and kindly remember us to all old Comrades. Your», CASTORIA D rops For Infanti nnd Children. AAhJelaltle Preparation fur A« simil.Min#ttwhkxl.indlletfula Untf ttic Stom.lv» tuklBowcls d 1NFAN 1 S/( HltOKI.N Promote s I Yigcslion C her rfid ness mal ItoM tont.un nrilla r th mi mi .Morphine nor Mineral Bears tho Signature N ot N arcotic . Apertoci Remedy tor Cons lipa lion. Sour Slomnch. Diarrhoea WbnMjConvul um Fs*rmh lu ssnnd I.OSHO1 SLKEI* FacSimk Signatur« of NEW VOHK kits infill ths wilt, }"> Dom s LXACT COPY or WRAFPU Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA DO YOU GET UP B P. Bennett, South Freeport Maine. WITH A LAME BACK ? Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable. Almost everybody who reads the neo papers Is sure to know cf the wonderful Advertising Pays. The business man who decides that he is so well kuown that he does not need to advertise, is la­ borin'» under a grave delusion. He forgets that customer-» of ludav may he patrons of his more progres­ sive competitor tomorrow, or dead, or move away before ariotin r year. This ceaseless change and lorn uf patronage, by thia avenue alone m ike rt imperative that he m ist gather a new trade continua!!/ or suffer a decrease of business, if he fails tu advertise ami keep his bus­ iness constantly before the new people coming into his locality, rival competitor», who do, will at­ tract ami hold a very large propor­ tion of trade. To the modern, up­ to date. advertising b'isincsa man, the non-a'lverlising competitor i» dead easy game. No business man, however well eHtablhlicd, can afford to omit apnealing to ths public for new and continuous patronagr ro long us he wants a share of the ma*ter have been setwling their trade. He may be known to his stock to the C lifornia markets old patrons, but the young gen­ and selling at a lower price than erations, growing up. and the new Pacific Coast sheep can Ire market­ comers know him not, or, if they 'd fur. This is the tir«i it^tanoe of do. they know the busineia man Hitch competition in the history of I who advertises freely much better, the industry in Oregon and Cali* and to him goes the trade. Can forma—Lakeview Examiner. you understand —Exchange. ■ 1 : cures made by Dr. Kitmer'i Swamp-Root, . I the great kidney, liver H and bladder remedy. - It isthe great medl- N cal triumph »,(the ntne- ; . t enth century c;> covered after years ct scientific research ty Dr. Ki'm«r, Yhe emg Mat kidney and blad i .r specialist, and Is vroodcrfulty successful In promptly curing la: -.e back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou­ bles and Bright's Di .ease, which is the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root i-. not rec­ ommended fur everything but If you havekid- nsy, liver or Madder trouble it will be found just the remedy you need. I. has been tested in co many ways, in hospital work. In private practice, among the helpless too poor to pur- cluuo relief and has proved so successful in every ca.-.s that a special arrangement h»c been made by v/hfen all readers of thia paper who have not aheady tried It, may have a • u.iple bottle rent free by mall, also a book I-lling more about Swamp-Root and ho.v to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. V/hen writing mention reading this generous offer li> thlr. paper and r.-nd your addreo:. to Dr. Kilmer t Co.,Bini; hamton, ft. Y. Thia regular fifty cent and n«»w <4 itww»» ivw«. dollar slaca are sold by all good druggists. r Shelley & Foley GENERAL BLACKSMITHS A WAGON MAKERS Wa?oii Work Boat Satisfactorily and With Dispatch IH'RNS i OKKGOM »• THE CHICAGO TYPEWRITER Price $35.00, I Guarantied to (qua) any machine. K. L. KIM’, (knrral «gmt, 21S Ransome Bl., S«n Franoitco. X. W*XTI(I> TKt‘4l WORTHY MEN ANU women muffi nn»! »»1*1. ll»h»4 hull», i»f »oliti flnaiKlffl »lan.llnr Salary 17*1» ye rami eipenaaa. all »«««»'I* tu ra-li ” »«pe!. 1 ' *•€• Yr F. A » -X . ms „ k WANTMti-stvaa »r nasone os char aeter au4 (.«>4 reputano» Iu each ilatalano I» thia notiate ra inl,«4.t.> r»p-e«.nl »1.4 aSverilae old e.lalili.lie-i wealthy bn.lnea» hotoe of aelld Snant-lal Caudine «a'etyll«»» weekly with eipeo.e a Idlil-.nal. all payable In t-aah each We4oe l it d reet from head olWeae. Murar» andrò* i»fft A • »