- Stop the Blight . ........ ■'■■■ OREGON NOTES. Two csMi« of smallpox have been reported to The Dalles authorities. They are said to be severe esses. The Census Office has just made public a bulletin giving the num­ It is «sad thing to see fine ber of Presidential yotera in the fruit trees spoiled by the blight. several states According to this Vou can always tell them from the voting strength of Oregon in the rest. They never do well l'.XX), was 144.446. afterwards but stay small and The juiy in the case of the state vs Andrew D. Lvlle, at Prineville, jtickly. .. after being out IS bourB returned a I It is worse to see a blight verdict uf not guilty. Lytle was ¿trike children. Good health charged with murder in the first degree, for the killing of Eiunictt is the natural right of children. Eagan. July 21. Lytle killed Eagan But some of them don’t get on being informed by hit( Lytle's) their rights. While the rest wife that Eagan ha I assaulted her As there has been a rush of work grow big and strong one stays in the state printing office incident I ¿mall and weak. to the printing of the Senate and Scott’s Emulsion can stop House journals, the typesetting that blight. There is no work on volume 38 of the Oregon reason why such a child should Supreme Court Reports was Jone in Portland The press-work was stay small. Scott’s Emulsion performed at the state printing is a medicine with lots of office, and the new volume will be Strength in it—tl'C kind of out in two wKek$. strength that makes things The journal of the Senate of the grow. last session of the Oregon Legisla­ Scott's .Emul.sipn makes ture has just been issued, and is children grow, makes them cat, now ready for distribution. Tht makes them sleep, makes them journal proper, containing the rec­ play. Give the weak child a ord of tue Senate proceedings, oc­ cupies 902 pages; the Governor’s chance. Scott’s Emulsion will message occupies 65 pages, and the make it catch up index to the volume 71 ['ages, with the rest. making a total of 1036 pages Thu pxtere (he Trade Alxrk Esi'-'.-ion xd '1 ».rapper of every r.-pre^-ntB of S.jtt’S i« cr ihe bottle. This is about as large as a Senate journal ever gets io be in Oregon. Se“d for fret «ample. scott a RtTlublc and Geutie Bowxr, ‘•Through the months of Juno ami July our baby wa* teething a nJ took a running off of the bow­ els and sickness of the atomack,'* says O 1*. M Holliday, of Deming, Ind. ‘‘Hie bowels would move from five to eight limes a day. I had a bottle of Chamberlain’» Colic. Chol­ era and Diarrhoea Remedy in tlio house and gave him four drops in a teaspoonful of water and he got better at ome.” Sold bv II. M Hor­ ton, Burns; Fred Haines. Harney Now is Your Time The Children's l'rleuc. You’ll hate a cold thio winter Mayl e vou have one now \our children will suffer too For coughs croup, bronchitis, grip and other winter complaints One Minute Cough Cure never fails Act prompt­ ly It is very pleasant to the Inste and perfectly harmless C B George Winchester. Ky.. writes “Our little girl was attacked with croup late one night and was so tioarse rhe could hardlv speak We gave her a few doses of One Minute I’ough Cure It relieved her iiuiucd.atrh and she went to sleep When shr a woke next morning she had no signs of hoarseness or croup ’’ City Drug Store; Fred Haines, Harney. To any one sending ua At fiO, one tear's aubacrlption to the I tems , we mil mail the Chicago Weekly Inter Ocean one year free, or to any one sending tls three cash subscription for the two paper we n ill give a year's aubcriptiou to each paper free, or Tho Fiue plating done by Jorgensen. o Bear* th* BifUtUV at TOTIIUL. ID k.M I m Hava »hup A FREE PAITERN Ì I [MS CALL’S^! (vo«r own «elccllurt» tu «very »ut> I •< 1 1 o * t • ’ - • k PMU I WAWTtn-TRt’STWOBT’IY MSN i.XD women ta travel at; ! a d «eta* Hshad bu'Ht of • >Hd iuiir al »tan lluf Salary |7SOaye r an 1 • xpet a.I payable iu cast Jfn c auva>»tn< require«! N 33urns, Oregon Laxd Office Burn«. Oregon, Oct. 1? Notice i« hereby given IhM the w ax named «etier ha» uolioe of h:» infomioa to make final proof in support of hl« cl» m, an. Mauffrr, lid entry Mo. S9S for the F>^NW‘¿. See. 14. Tp 2S 8.. M S4 K W M Ho neue« the foli»wtnf witneetec to prore ilia eontinfou« reti leu«« upan and cultive.ion nf 4 laad. vir C. A P.nnn«:t an 1 C. T Cary, of I «wen. and W F Tri»eU an«! George nbelley, uf Dura». Oregon. “A pill’s a pill,” says the saw But 409 Teart St., New York, there are pills and pills. You want pc and |i. al! drugghta. a pill which is certair,thorough a.id genie. Mustn't g-ipe. DeWitt’s Little Early Risers fill the bill. Purely < Minister s Go.nl Work. vegetable Do not force but assist *‘l had a severe attack of bilious the bowels to act. Strengthen and tf K.'h«rS .»1 t'-rO-c ’» i.V>« eolio, got a bottle of Chamberlain's invigorate Small and easy to take. Ita Ite ma» «W »<•** Ik*1 Colic, Cholera and Diarhoex Rem- City Drug Store. II M. Horton, O«-!, iw t$ » « r*< i «U.»« >.i,;hcf Ask » •• lh««>» w 44 1:1 •*.;■!, «»«»F Ml» prop; Fred Maines, Ilarney. . . rfdy, took two doses and was entire­ mo w. n.va« THE M . C A L L CO . ly cured.'' says Rev. A. A. Power. K«|l-ter Ill-liS-ll? *•»! MWAI. M» »CI» A cruity old bachelor fava the ■ «i ■ i ... — — «*> *>f Kmporia, Kan. “My neighbor NOTICK FOR ri'RUCATlOX a«rosa the street was sick fur over a friendship of two women is alwaya V. M. La cd Otflct, Burna. Or , Octnb«r ¿a, 1*JU1 BANNERHAN PHENYLE week, had two or three bottles of a plot against the third. Notice fa hereby given that th« follow iu< The Meet Powerful DHInf cfant. L)e«4orlzre an.1 GarmlrMc Kr/ wn ine-heine from the doctor. lie used n a su cl settler ha fi!«4 antiraof hit iut«n'.»«n ta Mau«rn Sciane«........................... to make final proof in »up>ort of his c.aim, iheca for thres or four days with­ Monday night an attempt was asd that »aid prooi will be mad« before A C erw out reliaf, then called in another made to burglarize tho County Palmer C 3. Cocuiuiaaioror at Prineville. (tin (taira iw» Ctabrt, Oresea, on December 4.1741. via ductor who treated him for some Clerk’s office says the Vale Gazette. Alexander 1«, Vscklntvsli, itrio», Imai hafte, d*vs and gavu him no relief, so dis- Deputy County Clerk Mulkey in­ H*l entry Mo '.A tor the N^NR'i. NE».¿NWS¿ L»af», ■•nu, lut, ahargad him. I went over to see forme 1 ua that the office had been Aud Lui l. »•« 14. T> 19 S. P. 24 E W M I re. lU til mí . ■ He name» the following witne*»ax to pro\ • I : bili him the next morning. He said broken itrlo and almost everything hie conlio luua residence upuu aud < lilivalluu I S faut - t ai. I li ..i» «I«« t - »hu«^ tí i• .y long that it wa? almost bloody flux. the safe, md evidently had no ex­ ina, or ecu n. « y«li»! aa l nav«: fait Ooo. W. Heyes, K?adc before Remitter ta i W ..»laaliy l««w •«. aal •«>•<> »«▼ ail • h <• > ' " ■ ; ■«••’»» ra • t f ■ a* > a««4 about th« j van .*•. Wrtt« f'r ciruvlau'« afed Receirer at Burna, Oregon, uu XovaBber 9, MeUmonlaJ« .• .«u. . a r.»«4 A44 « 4 r twenty minutes if he did not find Nov. uOth to Dec. 7th. 1MH. V!l. ' 14 /A IK rx L' T9 MA IN «1t CC>. relief, but he took no more and was O w»»i f thiri(ladr«li«r, •7 78 Clark «tr*»t CHICAGO. ILL r X laapertnaa • I'btnyl« »»sgr«»tal Iba *. « ■» C i;Entry No %a, for the >W of Ser. 4, i p 23, .entirely cured." For sale by 11 »•¡|tawwt V au J idnluwi« FA*- latrfcaWvilaa A Phyvician’s TcatiflM S. K. M E W M CvToaste aa »spepe::;Curo Me name«'he following witae»»«« to prtvc and have never used anything in kiitontinn »ua rti.deMer upon a*d cuiHraUen Harney City. of «aid laud», via ,nv life that did rr.e the good that D. N Varlen. J. W. Jone« J. L. Varita awJ a« ung«»n. A simple remedy fcr warts is a I did,” »ays County Physician Geo. F. Debated:, all •( Bui (ieo. W. Have«, 1 W. Scroggs of Had County, Gu., dram of salicylic Mid with an ounce ■‘Being a pb«iciau I have prescribed ,»f collodion in a bottle which h»i> I it and found it to give tho best re a tiny brush run through the cork. suite ” If the ford you eat remain» T1MMKÜ LAND, ACT .IfKF. ¡1. U.1.-XOTKK FUR PCUtlCATIOX, Apply this mixture to the *art* ! undigeeted in your stomach it d-r Ü3 I and ofT.ce, Bnrn<. Orejon, Hept. 20,1WH. ravB there and poison» the »ystri:). I tw'ce 4 day and in a few days they You can prevent this by dietine but Notice is hateby given that in mnipHaner «ill dry up and fall off.—Ladies’ that tmtans starvation. Kodol Dye- with tba prtivbl.'Bf of the art of Congre»« of Itai tirtHally digi*ta the food and aide June 8. IB?*, autitlad ‘’Au set for tba *a!a of Home Journal. pnpsia Cure dig^atB whst you eat, ti»L«’ land« iu thr JHataa of( altfornla, Oregon. Nature ia strengthening ami recon­ You ored Rfiti«-r from neither dys­ Nevada, and Wohlngtua Territorv,’ an eiter. ! structing the exhausted pepsia nor starvation. Tbs worst • 1 to all th« Eubllc Land Sate» by act vf gans. antand tonic. Noether preparali x What niwat people want is rotne- A»|*1 st 4. 14>1. .■ascs quickly cure 1 Never fails can approach It In efficiency. It in- W llliani A. Derrick, 20, in Township No. 13 H., all otharroBultsof Imperfect digestion. bill to a dot. They are easy to take Range No. ?.'J I, and w.l! ofior proof to itoow An exchange say*it is verv art 11. lliftt the .and ro ifht i« more valuable for its Pri<*^M>> and SI. Tj»r'>irL»!!*dfreu ilt’iral jmr^n^ea, Pr«pcr» J Ly E C. C4WITT a CO-. H M. Húrten, Burns; Fred Haines. for s man to have a good opinion of timber or atone than for an*l to e»tahMah hli claim to »aid laud before Harney City. himself, but he is awfully lonesome the Hight«!* ard Receiver nf thia off!re at when he is the only one n ho hag it. Eu*n», OrazoD, on Saturday, the fjrd day oi November, 12^1 And there are rotne. SO YEARS’ He Dainea as witneueis *<’ K. Howard. Oles CAL P aiw mii ftGSNTS WANTED ’S cr.< .it ra. b t •; t rw!o an I n hi bit a aanml« 19m aao4«l binds of our manufacture. YOU «1» T* |5J A WEEK besides having a wheel to rids foe yuorsstf. CA« MAKI 1901 Hudsis Cuaranlsod $10 to $18 '00 & ’93 Iodols $7 f* $12 530 SacDiid Hand Whoelsco im |Q C® taken |.i trail« ly .-«r Cbuagu Tr’aU Muir«, toany t^od •• n«w buit tiw .................................. ’TW 10 BAYS F3EE TRIAL. « Ho ri,k in ordering from u», as you do uot uosd to pay a cent if the bicycle does not suit you. flft MAT UllV • wh-*1 yu« « him « m * UU RUi DUI factoat evert aad ini r«iu 9m,. Tin. offar h«, se»rr bras equaled r.aJ ta a ruaiaalaa ad the Quality of >ur nherl«. • rtltoblc u«T«rj« ib ia h inwa to dhtrilwat« ratakw««« fee la bkyiie. Write to.l ali pi.ilical rñ .ir* * I he V> ee'.lv inter Ocean •*» of romilag jn»H«r cacti wo*»ta «nil iirlng 1 u!.ii»b»-fl m • h « «jn I» hrtfor adapffel io »ha ncxl« <»r tbo poop»a »veit of ih > Aifovhauy Moit^tabia lana >«/ oib«r papiv. ■ CaT^t». rod Trad«-M«rlr* r.Miintd aui all Fat- •M tu^n.^con.^ .-ed for M4.srr.Tt Feat. Ou«e*»icll»Orro»iT»U. S PATCRTOmi» < „J • yau Ui m U m U so uoj i ^ um rameta from VVaalimyto«. t . . . . Scad raodela drawing or With etftcrip- .1^ V.« i! lAUAtaU« aX* a5<, free «4 , 1 rra< fcxa. 1 “How to Obtain I'«t >?•*.• V. S, ai>J fuo-io couotwa. A d»tM, 0.A.SNOW&CO.: My baby was terribly sick with the diarrhoea,’’says J. H. Doak, of Williams, Oregon. ‘‘We were un­ able to oure him with the doctor's assistance, and as a last resort we tried Ctianibehaln’s Colic. Cholera I and Diarrhoea Remedy. I am bu^- py to sav it gavo immediate relief and a complete cure.'" For sale by H. M. Hoeloo, Burns, Fred Haines, U>rr.ey Cil^ 4. » $1.00 PJ^ICF >11« K. Xoti'-e in hereby givt-n that the under-j »ignetl by an order of tho Co inty Court of Harney County, Oregon, ha» Loen «p- pointtnl a« Ai|m!nhtra*rix of tho estate I of lohn 8. Devitui/deceam-d, All person» having clahMB a^aiont ant h t nt.le ire re­ quired to preiK-nt them within niv month» from the date of thia notice, with the ; pro)>er vouchers, to th* undersigned at • Andrew*. Uragon. Dated this TOtti dayof September, 1D0I Jsxxi»: Dr.viNi!, Scteiiiific JWrican. MUNN & Cn.S8’Bro~3wo- New York "«’.H. (Trnce. M V W. w,.i.tn,!»... 1> > Tho Cuban elections for all odi- cere except the President will be held Dee. 21. The President will bf uJccJp'j Feb 2L r««r • PATENTS GUARANTEED Tnaoe M arks A luwidwomrJyjnntirA»*! warkly. Larrmi rHr mutton of any Rcti o’ ifto j<»urinri Term», W “ fw»r: fonr •o/mth?, fl. 8*4d by«11 naw»d««bwi». p^RJCgAJ’ tl.OO: The Mlr «ri SwkyEdl- 5 rJ ' U om of .Se Inter Oieu are S ““‘r -o“1 i « •'*«' tbe tesl tWr lied.... < Ajj,M.TnaHT«Hw kan , o *. i CXPER ENCK Anyone fom H’Hf a vkrlrh and flanofiptlna rn«y •wl'*fcly Moartain <.»:r fFe* wlicthar «n I mvswi U cwi m ¡.iGhahlv r»> i«f>table. '1'»nirM»wicH* UaMM tUU Uy • '/ .IJefolitfo!. HAh«Slr»o4 Oil I HtlUlta »Mil frur. Oil-* HtfMiry !• r »-< urlrw F a I ziucv taken Munn A Co. rttclve *r*i*vU w*¡¿4. Without < in tba • • • • • I D csionb C opyrights A c ADMINISTRATRIX a Ita lherary c. oluinns at e <«?««/ tn t lioso of the bist magasine». Its Youth’s bop.irlmcnt U the f nest of Its kind.......................... d Fw Xpiants and Children. • T T i» th» mo»’ sta»«» ff> t un tinswe> v.ag Itopubllcea Wttkly • 1 livh*d to lav un.l » ■■■ ■ w»ya 1* iul>e4 «po.n tor lair »i»‘l how<*t rs Dyspepsia Cure CASTOR IA si.ooJ -TI-C I Our fee returned if wo fail. Any ono ssnding sketch and description «f any invention will promptly receive our opinion free concerning the pate st­ ability of saint. “How to obtain a patent” sent upon requeet. Tstenl« necured through us advertisod for Bale at our expense. I’atenta taken out through us receive sftectdl notice, without charge, iu T ub P atbjit Rswir», an illustrated aud widely circulated journal, cmuulted hy Manufacturers and Investors. Send for sample copy FREE. Address, victor j, evAMS a oo,9 (Patent Attorney»,)_____ VfMHUWrOM, o. o. Evans Building,