'■ Local and General. I'inc plating ttone by Jorgensen. '......... . ■ Jasper Davis, of Harney, ia in town today. ■ I ML LANDS WITHDRAW)« The Register and Receiver of the Thoa. Sagers returned yoslerday I Al Weatherly wa* a Burns visit- United State* Land Office have re­ from Prineville. or Tuesday. W. J. King and family were visit- cently received notice from the Ed Jordan, of l^wen, is iu Burns ora from Lawen thia week. Hon. Commissioner of tl>e General for u few days. Land Office, to the effect that one Hummer good* are being slaught­ hundred and eight sections of land Ike Blovins returned this week ered by N. Brown dr Hone. within this land district ha- been I from John Day. F. C. Lusk, was tip from the P withdrawn from entry for a period I A.they* suit, to 7 yrM , fnr |j 5Q ranch on business, during the week. of one year, on the strength of a at N, Brown A Sons, Chauncey Cummins made a visit petition presented to the Depart­ Frank RlauiTer apr'nt Monday to hie ranch in Diamond valley ment by various iodividuals, who and Tuesday in town purpose prcpecting tl.a tract for thia week oil. Henry Lyons, of l.awcn, is spend­ F. M. Bunyard, of Cow Creek, Il is to be «incerelv hoped that Of prescriptions is uo child’s play ing a ft w days in Burns. was in town Wednesday enroute to the prospecting will result in the It raqinre* coiincientioua care and J. B. Locke, of Huntington, is Silver crook. discovery of valuable oil fields, and accurate kn«iwl«-dgc of dings «nd among the visitors in Burns. .M. FitzGerald left for Barren it is confiently predicted by nil the their roiatious to each other. We Valley Wednesday to do some sur ­ Joliu Bilger and Julian Byrd re ­ experts in this line, who have in­ take au honeal pride 111 the purity I veying for J. D. Billingsby. turned from Portland Monday. vestigated the region in question, of our drugs, ai.d the skill «ml uc that it is destined in the near fu­ ctnacy with which we compound Kegiiitor Geo. W. Havas, of the Newt Lewis, of Lnwen, was in ture to be one of the greatest oil Bur.is I.and Otlice, made a buai- them 00 your physician's order. Burns on business Wednesday. pioduti-ra of this country. Each neas trip to Hurney yesterday. Our l!' d shoes arc in. suoceasive item of new« from the Henry Block w < days during the week. Col. Aitkin* promises to visit seven-up game game, Monday y Mr. and Mrs. Cal G,eer returned Burns in his official capacity early ' evening, and being somewhat the The stock holders of tho Peoples H Commercial Company will bold a Monday from a visit with relative« in the spring. worse from the ‘‘wear and tear’’ in­ meeting at tho old Durkhcimcr ami friends in Silverton. Dennis O'Brien returned Sunday cident from high life, got “stack’' I building in Burna. Oregon, Satur­ I With eggs at 50 cents a dozen, from a several months absence in for the drinks to the amount of day. Nov.. 2 at 2 p. m.. All at ck make* a man with chickens want to the Willamette vallev. He left $3.50. Not having the money he I holders ore earnestly requeetod <0 put himself on the back. Mrs. O'Brien and little one, with gave Isis promise of a call the fol­ I m .- present. D. N. Cattcrson and son, Will­ his mother at Lebanon and will re­ lowing morning. Ths next morn­ iam, of Lawen, delivered cattle at turn there as soon aa he can straigh­ ing found him early on the road M. FITZGER ALD. F. S KIEDIiK. BIGGS XqUÜGÜ. ten up matters here. for home, but a telephone to the O <>. Bndk, BeiriH«, ArR., says; I the Hanley ranch Tnunday. President., Scc’y and Trcas. Attorneys. was(troubled with constipati >n un­ McClain A' Biggs, proprietors uf ( citv marshal at Harney intercept­ A sweet- potato peddler in town til I bought De Wit’s Little Early the White Front Livery Barn, are ed him, when be very gladly “dish­ Risers. Since then have been en­ Tuesday had no trouble in dispos­ I 1 negotiating for a lease of the Bed ed up” the required amount and tirely cured of my old complaint. ing of his cargo at 10 cent* per Front Barn from McCully «fc Down­ was allowed to proceed ou Vis I recommend them. H M. Horton, pound. ing. The deal will probably be journey. Burna; Fred Haines, Harney. i Ineorjiorn'x'd.) No u*c to say much about “Queen closed on Mr. Biggs’ return from Quality” in Ladies shoes; you know Abstracts Furniirtw d and Title Guaranteed to ali Lands in Harney Canyon City. They have already Ladies summer skirts and what they are. N. Brown A «Sons County. taken possession. waists reduced 50 per cent. are Agents. REAL ESTATE Among the list of new enterpris­ Browu A- Sons. Cnpt. and Mrs. A. W. Waters ar­ Bought and Sold on Commission. Office in Bank Building. If you are rifting in a restaurant where es securing papers of incorporation writrow« are in attrmtam e, you wilt rived from Weiser Thursday and note uow auayo." wrltea Mr« of Baker City, is reaching into trip to Narrows and Lawen while PORTLAND, OREGON t»ma Kolxtnul. of Claremore Cherokre Nat., fn>l. Ty. "I wa« rnhing with twin liom ’he A. I* AnMiWf, IX. B.. Principal Harney valley after trade. Their in this section. Mr. Meilis has back of my head «town to luy heel« II ol A pncUcat, pio(ie.«ive odioot, counpicuou. h.niorrh.tr for week, at a time, and wa» no- “ad” appear* in this issue. Read just returned from a trip East and able to ait up fat ten winut«*« at n tin'« You thorough work, with hundred, ol graduate« anvwered my loiter. »drrtwM me to u»e yronr says he fouud tho feeding grounds for what they have to say, In poaitious •• bookkeeper, and «’.enugrspher, valuable medicine» rd, . Dr. rleree'a I'avurito PrewNiptloa. GUden Medlcai Dl«- gave advlo- about Itiiec China Ben has bought all the Dona, both» and diet To my aurpriv'. in four theso sectious. This, ho thinks, known. It ote^dliy glows better and better. month» from the Mm-' I began yonr trentnient I interests of the Sam Lee Company wa» e well woman, and haw Sot hod tlw t«ick will make a big demand for beef in Open all the year. Student» admitted any time -BEST OF WINKS. LIQL’OBS AND CIOARS.------- •che tiace, and now 1 put in aixteeti hours h Private ar cUoo «»«traction. Learu what and in Burn*. The property consist*