I C’ÍE ITEMS WII LIAMSOK'S UAKDIDACY IF'.Oft •mt o Bt'HKBUI.B O> KXFFNDITl’REH. What nomination will State Sen­ ator Willianisun ree« i ve? asks the Portland telegram and then pro­ «Lowing, as by law required, the flnmunU cluuned. filed and re ceeds to answer as follows: corded against the county of Harney, state of Oregon, and the amounts "Of the many available* men iu 8ATIRÜAA' OCTOBER N IBO1. Eastern Oregon he. at least, is ap­ allowed at the regular October 190) term of County Court for said parently a sure winner tor some­ ■ County. The orator who used th# burn­ thing. Tliat he will not be over­ ing words explains that Ire was hot looked at the convention next jn col Lt to « HO.M :»si ty AMT 4‘I.Xl’p AMT A|.t*l> ron w h at istvi . o spring i» consúiered a certaintv by .■■e g well-informed rqvablicatjs of this Reciptocfcy ia llw pnlitico-com- cjt V. ........ . $ 45.00 $ 451» ‘ Kcnator Williauyaon is spoken llousuin A Jordan, board of prisoners fiiercial art uf cinching the other 10.71 J (' Bartlett, expena»«, elc(rvnt continued) 30.74 of as a successor to Congressman fellow on the sw#p. The Kind Yon Hnvo Always Bought, and ni.li'.i lia» been 44 UO 44 00 Moody aud also as a successor to Irwin Hodson Co., supplies for county.......... in um ' fbr over 30 years, hua borne (Ito il'jiatare of 21 80 24 80 >» »1 M »1 |t ...... Secretary of State Iht&hai . There and ha* brea mudo under til* p.r- The latest rumor that he is to 28 70 28.70 i> »» »1 >1 It *........................ . • is quite a boomlet having as its Minnl aujícrvlslor» lineo ita Infili y. marry has been traced right home object Williarosou's candidacy for (■lass A I’rodhomme, typewriter rii>boiia .......... .. 9 27 9 27 Allow’no "lie t>' «iecvix o y«»» in tinas io Senator Depew hitusaif. All Counterfeit», Imitations an I “.It -t-ax-Koo-i” ore but Il W Lyons, rebate, scalp bounty tax ............ 7 50 7: r 4) congress. This is agxinst his wishes, Experiments that tritio with und osh I uuna r the health of H M n ...................... 57.2fi •57.27 however, for his preference ia the Infanta and Children—Ex pericia <» iignlust Eqs v.nu at. A S Swain, „ ,, ....................... 7 30 7.50 N*-w York w^ts the nation*! poet now filled bv Dunbar. Perry Williams, keening county |»oor 22 93 37.50 "It is ¿saerted that politicians government to assume the care and 12.00 12 00 unfriendly to Moody are trying to C H Leonard, teacher«* examination keep oí th« statue of Liberty. ,, ...................... 12.00 12.UÜ defeat him by means of Williamson; Phoebe Kelbv, ,, CnMorlu la a liarmloi subslltiiic l'or Ca-.lor Oli, l'uro Motbershead A Rieder, mailing exhibils of financial not that they love the latter more, g« >i »» 1901................ 11 ami Flntiilcne.v. It n»»lmlli»t<“i t*ic Forni. rrptOnfr» thn 1.10 ,, scalp bounty tax atomm'h and ilowvla. uh Imr hanltliy ami ii itural sk>cp. ' --------- 1 10 to entertain the idea of representing I»aac Foster, „ Mr. Pepper has ijeen sent ns a the Second congressional district J R Drewett, assisting in bringing Prioe to j iil The Cbiltlrcn*» l*iinaccn The Motlier'a Filimi. 10.00 1000 delegate to the Pan-American Con­ of Oregon at Washington. Telephone Co., telephone rent, etc....................... 6.10 5.70 gress. He ought to warm up the GENUINE ALWAY9 5 10 5 10 "Senator Williamson stated re­ >1 I* 1* >• tt • * ................... digcuFaions smuewhat. 5 75 cently that hin ambition was to bu M »1 »» >> yt . . . 5 7 5 t Bears the Signature of 67 00 ' 67.00 secretare of state, and. to use an B P Wells, Board of prisoners........ .. 33.( 0 ' 42.65 A monument has been erected to overworked expression, he is not a Geo Sbcllev, fees. 6t»te va. Indians jailors fees................................. G3 Oil candidate.* Ills | »• It 63.00 the memory of the ditc »verer of ‘miscellaneous 74 00* fees, state vs. Op|>cnheitucr 74 00 career has been quite meteoric, for »1 1» Pike's Peak. What «bout a bust .. .. „ Graves .............. 3500 Dirallowed H to ttieman who inrented the ‘Pike's it is ooly within the past thiee | llarnev \ alley Items, printing for county 13.00 year« heatt ractixlattention through-1 13.00 Peak or Bust” lqo & u ? 245 out the state. Thus far he has serv­ D Jamessun, justice fees, state vs. Oppenheimer 2 45 ed in the legislature as representa- | 7.30 .. .. m » D. H Smyth.. 7 80 The artial. on th« first page m tiveone term, and is now filling Thornton Williams, diet atty fees, sauit- 500 Disallowed ♦ he Irish aaoestrv of the late Pre» • his first term as a senator. Having | , Geo Sizemore, constable fees, same(|>*rl c itinued) 28 00 1G.MI •lent McKinley is taken from The avoided becoming a rabid partisan, , John Cardwell, 2.60 I 2 OQ »1 • It Dali.-a Chronicle, but was originally h-stands well in both factions of Leona Brisco, i witness, earn* 11 50 1 I 5» • » printed in the Dublin Telegram. ! 4.50 ! W F Strode, the republican party." 11 50 ?i 1» • 1.70 ! I. 70 A contest for the nomination for . ■ Geo Sizemore, f> »1 • llaves you subscribed to the congressman between Williamson Hank Felton, 1 70 1.70' fi »1 • 1 70 ] If and Moody would mean a defeat | ; Geo A Smyth, 1 70 n McKinley monument fund? «oo; G 30 not you should do so at once, Hi? for the former, or in other words C S Biggs, justice fees, state VH Hare* It is‘ Buy Where Yon Can liny Best." 1 70 I 70 »! .... monument should be worthy of the political suicide, as at this stage of J Cardwell, constable •t >1 C 8 Biggs, justice his career he cannot afford defeat. G 30 E^ta Horton GOO- »» richest and greatest country on ft Many people who hrlicve in thir principle, go wrong in the Senator Williamson is a good man J Cardwell, constable 1.70 1 70 11 earth »» .* i. application through lu«k of judgment, or uru is.j-D . by alluring- 10 551 and will probablv get something, D Jameson justice Indians 11 05 »1 ft descriptions a nd impossible promises of ear tern ‘‘catalogue’ houses. J Dennis, witness but it will not l>e congressman. Continued 1 70 • I >t a. The Queen City Furniture Co. of Baker City, will cell you W. D. Nelson, sx-editor of the *k Chns Green. 1 70 11 »1 It ft most anything in their line cheaper than you can buy else where. • ‘regon Macrgbee and the Cove i . 1.70 I 70 1» »• I» Secretary Wilson estimates this S Mothershoad, w ou owe it to yourself and lu your familv to l ike advantage of Courier, has again veutured in the E B Reed. juror I 00 I 00 •» It 1» year ’ s beet sugar production of the the opjiorturdtics ofTrnd. You can make or.e dollar do the woik tronblesofne sea of journalism in Emmett Reed, 1.00 1.00 •» >t of two. If II United States at 198,500 tons; the the publication of a p»[>er st North 1 00 ! 1 00 «i » ft cme sugar production of the South­ Jas Dalton, I he Queen ( ity I* urtiitiire Cu ¡. the l.vrgrst ho'.sc furnishing t’oiv.ier. 1 00 1 00 »• »I •J 1 ern States at 300,000 Ions; of l’orto A I. Hunter, establislinientafoutsidc of Portland >1» Oregon. They buy direct —7 I 00 1 00 •i ft Rico 100,000 tons, and of Hawaii Jas Hamilton, »• »♦ from factories east. In carload lots for cash and they will dupli­ Tht-best preventive of anarchism 300.000 tons. And still we haye Thos Howard. •> »♦ 1 00 LOO • 1 >» cate ii price and ijuality nny article you sec adiertisvil by large I« the revival of true Ameiicaniam— to buy foreign sugar. I D Jameson, justice 1» 10 20 0 70 Gravc« it catalogue houses east or west(alluftitig for difference in freight) I. L Clark, witness 1» 7.501 7.50 the respect for law, the r'gh.eous 11 tt It and you don't assume the risk (of freight, damage in transit, etc ) «• i Scott Haley, 50| 7 50 M I >’ r.cs« of government and the prefer­ ti «I It as prices quoted will be F. <) B. Baker City. Prosperity’s broad smile over the »1 7 50 « 50: • f •i • 1 ence of bed that you < an buy l<> Th«e. e'en tlwugii it be a croa», people might Be pardoned for call- Perry Williams, keeping county poor....................... 221 00 178 50 I from Queen City Furniture Co. at $.3.50 to $1 in Baker City. ing themulves the chosen ones and La- i>eei, my constant prayer.” Times-lleralil, printing fur county............................. 4 00 4 00 The carpet department of the Queen City Furniture Co. is most bleste 1, inhabitants of the Pacific M 1» 1» >• ff ................................................................... 4 20 4 20 complete and a new eloctric carpet sewing niaebiae will toon Northwest may do so now.—Bak.r Schwartz A Budelirtxn, supplies for county poor president Koo-» It met the ?:• City Republican. lie added with a capacity of over 2000 yards per day. 1.85 Continued , C H Voeglly. nails, etc., for county........................... II. 00 7.00 It will pay anyone inb-ristnl in the above lines to Write u I»,"tatLina of the country in usirg before placing an order. II OO 11 00 "Through the months of June II Richardson, stamps ............................................. a . th«- pow.er of the gjverntj e t to til .65 tn sK-ure the release of Mis» Stone, .and July our Baby wax teething RJ Williams, rebate on scalp bounty tax .1*.» .19' •« »• f> 1» »♦ jlo- American >.'iis»ion*ry. held by and took a running ofT of the tow­ F S Rieder, 12 12 If 1» 42 12; PATTERSyN A- EI’l’INGER, Baker City, Or. It els and sickness of the stomack,” Jenkins Bros., i’.u'gariaii brigands fur random. .55 .55 ti •I tl says O 1’. M. Holliday, of Demin«’, Jai E Stephens. 11 1 71 1.71 1» 11 1» 11 »• Ind. "His bow els would move from A V< outer, J W Bigg.», 1 5.3 1 5;j I • »1 •I »t five to eight times a day. I had a Women as Well as Men I lottie of Cliamlierlain’sColic.Chol­ Juliii Oil A (!o, 1 iiiiils-r for county »7 00 97.60 82 88 »» 11 ...................................... *............................ 82 85 Are Mad« Miserable by era uml Diarrhoea Remedy in the ’♦ •» »* *» •» McC'illiy A' Downing, team hire for Coonfy Judge 5 50 5.52 house and gave him four drops in Kidney Trouble. Burns Milling Co., lumber for county ....................... 28.30 ' MJ2 a teaspoonful of water and he got Andrew LittreJI. hanling for county ....................... 20 7.3 2« 78 Kidney trouble preys uoon the mind. nd for couuty and moving fence. 55 00 or di*.e*^d. M M Cushing, moving fenoe along county road relief from indigestion. Kodnl Dye-1 25 00 25.00 Wagon Work Doui Satisfactorily and With Dispatch. Kidney trouble hu I tecvcio io pr.waknt pepriu Cure permanently ami com­ < A Swevk, 328 yard« of gravel for county ro*d .32 80 3230 rtisi It to nvt unc immon I I pletely removes this complaint. It 70.63 •0G:{ BURNS ( to: a cldl 1 to be borr. relieves permanently because it al-; Mrs Jennie Jones, land for Co. ami moving fence. . OREGON JDK'.cu -•.th weak l-.id- i Frank McClintoik, ,, M 41.20 38 93 I Iowa the tired stomach nerfect rest. ■ ’ r e,, c. If the uhil!'irir.- ..................... 210 30 246 30 ¡ _____ ale; tco often, if tlie Dieting won’t rest the stomach. Na- Leslie ll£tfje|d. work on county road I ri*,o .■ -Jd: the flcaii cf if. wb:n the cltlg! li;re receive« supplies from the food John E Johnson, part pay on Cushing a ,d Potter f-;.',-; sn -ten ii sheakt be ublc tu 2000 Oil ' we eat. 1 lie sensible way to help i Swgmp roads .......................................................... 2000 00 f i.ttul the passage. It I: yot aftltcted vtlh the stomach is to use Koziol Dys- : 2«5 30 1 b-d -.cuii.g. tleper.J up.-rt jt. ths c-use uf ' John E Johnson, work on uounly-roads. 265 .30 ;he Hiiicuity i: kidney troubtc, and the first pepsia Cure, which digests ah»l J E L?a«cy, chaininsn Lawen-Narrows road ........ 4 00 I 4 00 »:ep should be tov/ardi the treatmsr.t of you eat and can't help but do you I I ;e^e irrtpertant organa. This unpleasant Geer A Cummins, mdse for county ............ .......... 21 85 21.35 i good. II. AJ. Horton, Burns; Fied I trouble Is due ta & alxased condition cf the -——_________________________ ' ■ : . <> «.CO I G#o HheJJey, stamps.......................... ....................... ¡cldiw./s and UiaAder and td » habit aa Haines, Harney. 5.00 I Our fee returned if wo fail. Any one sanding sketch and description of I po t people suppose. Jay Gould, 2 inonlhs service ns janitor .......... HO 00 80 00 \7c>m«n *5 wel1 ** rn«n are tnszk mm »tiy invention will promptly receive our opinion free concerning the patent­ Wi ANTTD -RFVEIt Al PERSONS OF , H*K ¿table wiis kUney and bladder trouble, act«*ran«! vood reputation in each >tat«Q>n^ -in * Burns Ontario Stage C<>, freight fot county ........... 17.85 17 85 ability of same. “How to obtain a patent" sent upon request. Patcuts and bolG ?eed the same groat remedy. this cmpity r«p«pilred,l<> represent ar.d a ! vert!»«: John Gesnberling, rep tiring clock............................. 1 50 1 TO teonred through us advertised for sale at our expense. »1 is mild m >4 the Immediate etfe-yt U <»¡<1 ealabliphe'i 4 MAlthr t/’.'siu«»»» >n«i|r>e of aolid Ma’ary IP no h ^ m » srlf ¿ddreoed *t»iuD«‘d en­ c B Auamus, marker La wen- Narrows cool by Manufacturers and Investors. fi(X) ¿fzes. Vou wi»/ nave a velope. Kcnrjar, ?l«Caxton Bultipiif, ph!raj » ; ample bottle Dy mall M V Smith, viewer „ »1 750 7.501 i-^. also pamphlet tell- Hom« of 0. Bead for samplo copy FREE. Address. 2.00 J WAMMIUTOi'i'TWORTWY ANP G O Hendricks,chftinmai) |..g all a^put It. Including many of th» »00 >1 u MG»un:to travel &n»>i*. all payable in