Harney valley items. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 188?-19??, October 12, 1901, Image 5

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    Local and General.
(>l prescription* is no child'* play
11 reqiiircH cnmU'itntm is care un«l
accural« knowledge of drug* and
their relation* to each other. We
lake '<n lioimal pride in the purity
of ot.r drugs, a«.d the skill und ac­
curacy with which we coin|M>und I
tl.cm on your physician's or«ler.
Burns Drug Store
li W. U EI.COM 11 A ( ().'.
en itHAY < < rot i.it tj
ph I
John Ho.iard. of Westf.ll nrrii-
<•■1 from V.ifo Wrdne-dav with
Il mr for N Brown A- Soos 1'i.rik
Howard accompanied him on hi*
return home.
Mart B.ker nn 1 crew ofvn<pier> s
came in ftom the <»() ranch ut
Warm Spring» ll.is week with*«
Enoch of ?<!•• Hoc Duilmm feeders
which they delivered to W D
1 Linley,
D II Smyth nnd wife were look- I
iiig over residence pw«|M«rty hi
Burns the past week with a view
of aeqiiirl g n home in town. They
returned to their home in Happy
valley Tu“sd«y. wilhotit making a
| mi rebase.
Twenty three cirloads of Miller
A Lux cattle were shipped from
this place to Los B no», <‘al., today
Tom »rrow si xte»n carloads of beet
catlie will l»<- shipp'd to Sun Fran-
< i*ei>. — WTnnemuc •;i Silver State.
‘‘Mi luiby was terribly sick * ill«
the diarrlwa-u.1’says J. 11 Doak. of
Williams, Oregon. '*W<« were un-■
able lo cure him with the doctor's
MBÌ*taiiee, and as n last tesori w«;
trie«! CliHiii!>crb*iii's (’olir. < bokra •
and Diarrhoea Rrmcilv. I uiu hap­
py to say it gave ininiedi it«* relief
and n mniplvt«* cut«« ' For sale by
H M Horton, Burns, Ere I Haines.
Harney Citv.
The Northwest Livestock and
Wool (¡rowers’Journal und Items,
12 a tear.
I hope others will
I did.”
Count) Court ProceiMlingii
Following is a snmmniy-ofthe
htisineM trauu« ted by th«: County
ere«l by N Brown A Son*.
A. b<>vs suit. 2 to 7 yrs., for Yf .Kl
Court ii|> to time of going to pr« *s.
Born, l<> ilia wifeufBert Cameron
at N. Brow n A Hon*.
In the matter of th* report of th««
in Burns, Wedi.es<lay, Octolwr 9, viewers on the aurvey of the I.«wen
I. C. Foley is makliig some
1901 n son.
and Narrow* road.
It appearing
I'haugeH in hi* r> “ideme.
wu* not
No obi stis’k left over at N, Brown |
Gerald Gridin wa* up from X'ar-
that a
A Hons if prices are an object.
rows on hmdm-Hs Wcdncfdav.
resurvey be made farther to th«
Mr. and Mrs T J. Hbackelford
George Trvgusk is wa* over from
north and M. V. Smith, L. B. Haye*
came up from Diamon«! Munday,
Hurney on business Thursday.
ami W I.. Clark appointed viewer*
remaining in th? city until Tues
to meet at P. if. Gray's store at
<)u.' Bed shoes arc in,
• lav. During their stay tlrey wore
Lawen. Nov. I.
X‘. Brown <{•. Sons.
(he g'lests of Mr, ami Mrs. F P I
In the matter of the retarn of the
J O. Butiyar«!, of f.'ow Creek, Burrows.
slrerifl for projierty *old for dtliu-
wasdoin;; busincs* in Burn* Thur*
David ('ury and wife, of Crane <|Ucnt tux«*. The sheriff onlered
<’rrek were the guest* of their to make complete return* of all
Born, to the wife of Dtlos Gould daughter, Mrs Geo. Shelley, a few tales
required by law showing
in Burns, Tm »d «y,October, 8, 1901, davstliis week, Thev were enroute all facts pertaining t<> each sale.
a l*»y.
home from u visit with relatives
In the matter of ¡«cddlcrs license
in Harney county, the sain? fixed
Did you ever examine the line
a’ $5 p« r mouth.
of Genl* elmo? carried by N. Brown ley.
In the matter of the a-semmrnt
A Fons'*
There will be preaching service*
of this county for the y*:>r I'.Hil.
Prof. M E lligby. of Medford,
the roil accept« <1.
was timing the arrivals in Burns tho seeoml un I tliinl Siimlaya of
The clerk was authorize.! to pro-
this we< k.
the m-ves-ary books i.r mak­
fourth Humlnys. Services at the
Mr*. J C \\ eleouic Jr.. 1s visit­ usual hours morning and evening. ing lairii abstract*.
ing I mt mother, Mr< Jennie Jones, Every I xh I v i* invited to attend
¿ii llie matter <»f the claim
on < 'ow ereek.
McClintock for land u*«il
these sen ie< s.
county road in Sec.
Walter Luckey took his dcpait-
J. H I.ouman. Sr. was in from Tp. 2”, and for moving fetuc.
uro on the Thursday morning's
ihe Mahon ranch on Cow Crick Claims totaling |;».S.9S allow?«!.
stage for Prineville.
I'ueMlay, with i nice lot of potatoes
In the matter of the claim of Sa- |
Dr. C. E Standlee, of Drcwsey, which be disposed of to Burns part­
rail Haskell for moving fence and
was attending ;<> business in Burns ies. Mr. Loutnan says he has 2 or o for land use«! in repairing county
a few days this week
tonsofas nice | «taioes n« ever grew road in Secs, H and 17, Tp- 2”.
Mr nnd Mrs. Frank Dibble arc in Harnev county. He will haul the Claim of 150 allow««!.
in from Silver creek to »cetile med­ entire crop to Burns when digging
In th»1 matter of the |«etilion of
is completed.
ical aid for their infant son.
(¡eo W. Young an«l twelve othev
J’an Ingersoll left Tuesday I for the opining ut a trail from
Commissioner II. J. Williams
fur Sumpier, taking with ■ Rimrock Spring to a point «»n the I
came in from Silver Creek W« dnes-
raeer, Bill Nye. Thus. : ««Id South Fork of John D.«y road
to I k - in attendance at county court
St« pliers w ill join him there be i John Garrett, Frank Matney a«.«l
N< use to cay much about ‘ Qm-cii
foie the races commence, which is E. P. Smith wereap|«oiiite«l to vu-w
Quality” in I n lies vhoes; ion know
set for ’the 24th. Nye has I ren ' an I locate said trail an«l report a
whit they are. N. Brown A Sons
showing good rperd during the the next regular 1« rm The ex-
are Ag< nla.
pint few ninnth». nr.J «Bould bring pen«? of yi< wing ami of opening,
Charley Johnson and H. W. ttie b 'VR some mon -v.
in case (be trail is o|«encd, to lx-
Welcome left Thursday morning f
borne by |»etitinners.
J. C. Beatlv and family, of Trout
fora short nay at their rancho on
In the matter of the request
j cicek, in southern Harney county.
Mirile creek.
John E. Johnson for a Ivance
I have b<< n f pending the past week
Bert Cameron came up from ' in Burns Since retiring as fore- fl '«(St on the work on roa«l
o____________ .
to „
R A.
Miller A 4. r.
Munn Lake Thursday tn make the I man at the White IIor«c lancb, Cushing lane and $500 on the Pot­ I .
acquaintance of the new nrnval Mr. Bi-at’.y ba* b*cn «levoting all
and County Clerk onlered to diaw
in his household.
' his time to his own cattle and ranch
k warrant in favorof John E. John- '
The Huntington Herald says the interest* ami is building up a
farmer who hi* n big crop of beautiful home in th« Tro it creek
In the matter of th>* application
"spuds thia war will know* there country.
<»f T. J. Shacklford for )i«ttnse t«>
is something doing.
Mrs. Aust in left Wednesday by sell li«|Uor* at Diamond for a pciinil |
Clerk U II Ifowe* of the local jriiate conveyance for Eugene, of six months. lx*ginning Novem
land office. is '«gain at his post after where her son is attending school. be» S, I'.HU. License granted.
a week's real at the Frank McClin­ She will gooverthe McKinzie route
In the matte- of the claim of Jen-
uml ex|«cets to lx on the road 12 ; nie Jones, for heirs of ('. W. Jones.;
tock ranch <>n Poison crick.
d.t vs. She wavs she will return to for land taken to rebuild county.
Snpt. J 0 Bartlett left Wednes­
2' .. 17, Tp. 2o. Claim o' j
Harney valley in the spring, ac-’ road in Sec.
day i n a visit In the schools in
companied by her son and wil ll!f;W.50 for land, ami $32.10 for,
Silvies valley, and will return to
probably locate |>ermanently in moving fense, allowed.
Drewsei bv wav of Calamity.
r-T ?J.-In.. n.. . -
In the matter of elaitn of Milo j
this section.
A Genuine Stetson hat is a
John Caldwell, of Walla Walla, I Cuihin* for nmving_ fence along:
money saver. N. Brown A- Sons
is here on ti visit to hia mother and | COUOM r' H ‘ *u ‘
• 1 ‘« i P- -'* • **• :
sell Ki« Genuine Stetson.
Ifenrv anti L«e. Mr.
F. S K1E1»EK.
BIGGS & glta.i,
“l>ewev.” (he racer l«elonging to Caldwell was« ‘lieutenant in the«fur
fecc-’y aiMlOca*.
Win Butriiigton, of Diamond, took 1st Washington volunteer* and saw | «»«»’y ™l1' continued, owing to
•a-veral of the races at The Dulles considerable service in the Pnilip- ' »M "dinK legation as to title,
last week, a ml running second in pines. Friday aftwmxm he gave I
Ladies summer skirts nnd shirt
a short recital of his experiences to |
reduced 50 p-r cent. N.
I OS-orfM WK * «4.}
Commissioner A. Venator camo
in from hi* home on Crane Creek
Abstracts Furnialud and Title Guaranteed to al’ Landjin Earner
Tuesday to attain! the regular term he had collected while in the army.
Joe Martin and wifeof Burns, are
of county court which convened His son was also a member of l>is visiting the former's brother, C. A.
Martin and family of thia city.—
Otlice in l«ank Building-
i Bought and Sold on Commit...«. hi .
Price Withers and family, of Ontario Argas.
Jorgensen ha« reduced the price
on all goods ill stock *20 |s«r cent Harney, were in Burns Monday eu- i Mrs. IL L. Howe and daughter
Monday for Wiscon-
except stationary. He is selling route home after a several tnontlis I will etait next
mother whom she
lower than anv place in town,
17 years. Her son
therefor«- get iiia prions.
land and all arrived here in good George will go to Burns, Oregon,
The Queen City Furniture Co., health. Mr. Withers informs us where his father is clerk iu the land
Has a complete stock of evt tvthing in their line. They have re­
of Baker City, is reaching into I pdf times have tx-cn very good in I office, to attend school this winter.
cently received some late stiles in
Hariinv valley after trade,
rheir t|iat heetion th«* pu-t season, the —Hood River (.»lacier.
•‘ad” apjiciira in this issue, Read former* having goo«l ctops which
what they have to say
they disposed of at good price#.
1’. T. Thomae, Sumtcrvillc. Ala..
I All lines of business, lie says, seems *•[ was suffering from dyejwpsiii
Gramlma Haskell presented us
I to be sharing in the general pros- when I commenced taking Kodol
thi» we k with a limb from oneofher
Call and Fee their stock of Center Tables. Extension Tables. I rem
W(.|| pec’I.V. »nd the people fairly con­ Dyspepsia Cure I took several bot­
currant bushes, which was
Beds, Baby Carriages, Go-carts, Chairs Rockers, Mirrors, i’iotnw
tles and digest anything.” Kodol
laden with hiBeiotts berrtes, big
Moulding, Window Shades, Portiers, Polls, Cottage Rotis and Triad-
Dyspepsia Cure is the only prepar­
Supt. John Gilchrist, of the I’. L. ation containing all the natural di­
round fellows, as nice as grow in
mings, Wall Paper, Matting, Carpata, Building Paper, Wire Spritfga.
S. Co., was a business visitor sever­ gestive tluids. It gives weak stom­
nny country.
Mattresses. Pillows, Etc. Alcoa nice line of upholstering god»
al days this week. He is on a visit achs entire rest, restoring their nat­
and trimmings, Velours, Plush, Tapestry, Brocatelle, Corduroy, Et".
A marriage license waa issued j
. to Ihe Company ranches in this ural condition. II M. Horton, Burns;
Upholstering t> order. Drop in and see their »ew stock.
Fred Haines, Harney.
Wednesday to Charley Rann, of
. j section, and stated in conversation
Harney, and Mrs. Lizzie Raker, of
with the I tems ’ man that he finds
Burns. Wo are informed that the I
V privet«
■ cattle
view oi
. .
in very poor condition.
1> «arcing *«'H <i«y P’l-
wedding tiok place in
ar“,<>} ) This he says is owing to the late M kjiary 4
a r pile. Open«
Thursday evening.
( ungra u a fr<JMe ju
Spring and the ex- acAKMV
I ine plating done by Jorgeiiarn.
Proper Compbunding
W D Martin is over from liar- I
nay today.
Summer good*are being a'aught- I
•*! -uf’
fevafl tor
aix ) ears
uitli or,«ri­
ft ii t'Ouhle *’
mi ites Mrs
J'. Waite, of
Chicago. Ills.
I Lake View
•’Sometimes I
could hardly
walk, and
when I had to
cough it felt
mi though a
knife was cut-
-tiugmc. My
hands nnd feet
ivere cold all
the time.
had such a tire«l feeling and Midi
n poor appetite, and when I went to
l>ed I slept <>|i|y nl*»ut two hours at
n time. I got a Imitigof ‘ Favorite
Prescription ’ nnd by the time 1 had
used two lxittles 1 felt so much
liettcr that I continued until 1 li;.d
taken eight Ixrttles of 1 Favorite
J. W. Stewart has sold his inter- J
Prescription’ and one of ‘ Gohlen
Medical Discovery,' and now I am eat in the new feed barn to his 1
w> well that niy friends remark liow purtucr Simon Lewis, and exjxcts ■
well I aui looking. I go to bed now
and sleep till morning. Mv am«e- to h’ave abort!» for Yakima und
Mrs. Stewart will visit
tite is npkiidid and tint tired feel­ Seattle.
ing has-kft me. I hope others her daughter at Corvallis before
will do as I did—give ‘Dr. Pierce’s 1 joining li*r husband
medicine* j fair trial,”
When ready to purchase your Fall supplies
don't overlook the old reliable
Oregon Commercial Co
Huntington. Our lines are now full and com
pleie. and at prices as low as the lowest.
Correspondence Solicited.
fl Miller & Thompson
E. O. T. G CO
Burns Furniture Co
Bedroom Suits, Sideboards, Dressen,
Chiffooiers, Combination Cases, Ztc
Nrpixtnber IStb.
treme heat following which dried
up the gras» much earlier than
usual.and which will makes it ncccs-
rary for them to commence feeding |
curly. Ilay, he states, however, is
plentiful and believes the cattle
will go through the winter with no
more loss than u°ual
Fine ni-* buildiua*.
Ttiorongli tnstruc.loa*.
TVe principal lia» hit tnentw-
cxperiii.ee is l’ott-
Ccrre-piindsuee «oMeiled.
l'or <*«tol<istw o>1d rei«
.1 W. Hill. M 1».«
The Capital Saloon
u r or
w £* m ,
'*Drinks mixed to suit •
Port lumi, O regnai ■
r.o. mnneriT.
• Your natror.ago Salic'tud
uttvowt a « v cwokl — re -