Harney valley items. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 188?-19??, October 12, 1901, Image 4

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Ine StiH'U Niluatíoil.
« *
X ITIRBAY iH’TilHFR 1.’ I!' t
Local j»olitieH took a little buz»
ilnring the past week.
The Columbia won the vaclit
race, but the margin wa* so narrow
it left little nW to be very jubi­
Miss Stone, an American mission-
ary ha* 1« en kidnapped by Bul­
garian lundi.s and ia being lic'ul
tor lansoiu.
The S»H*ond Annual Harnev
County Fu r wound up it* business
last Saturday
I'hev sav it wa­
rn* l il*.* -tic«*.-*- it should have l»cen.
\\ h< i- to blame ’
Dispatches state that ''er. ut or
Mitchell La- given th* War I lo­
partmenl a little stirring ti p over
ili. discrimination against P<>rtlan»l
a- u -iiipping p»int fi r supplies
going ti» the Philippines
It does
ks)k like Portia! d «a* getting the
tad i nd of it.
And r.o'.V the Associated Pre­
fiasjui ied liHli .'s with the ña val
bureau to give Schley the double
i ros*. I: will tak* < v n a stronger
couibii.ation than that to defeat
the admiral, who has a reciird of
m-ver having !•■-! a fight—oti land
or s*a.—Sumpter Miner.
Tie stockmen of Harney countv
arc well pleased u ith tin- attitude
of Representative Miody on the
land b asing proposition. As chair­
man of tiie < um mit tee on Public
Laid before which any measure of
this kind must come, lie stand* in
j.-o-'it ion to 1* ..fgr. at service, henre
th« ir pleasure to n *>• hin stand
with them
The Yew York
llera’d sj’gesfs
tb.-.t tiri<!< r the fourteenth amend-
nei.tto the constitution congres»
< an enact legislation defining an­
archy as a crime atrair st the I 'nit-
• il States and subject to triti be­
fore a federal jury. l!*med; •« are
under discussion in every state hi
the union. Some way will unques­
found to deal with the
organized a**fS3ins who «re Irving
to terrori <■ the world fimi puli
»low ci ci vi IL it iHn.
A pres- dispatch from Washing
t» n
‘ Ficsnlci.t and Mis
I ay*-:
ltf'oseveh entertwm J a few frierd-
at dinner totdght, the nun l*-r in­
cluding Senator Mitchel I,of Oregon.
It is to I«- presumed that President
ILMi^evclt will entertain many per-
»'Uis at dinner, but not all will le
ti* Imitt ed Io th* honor id lieiug of­
ficially mifynHcel a* <>f “a few
friend-." S-tvitor M itcheil appear*
|.i hu
a vori strong p. ,-itmn,. p-r-
eonaity. in the n-itionnl capital —
Eugene < luard.-, ,t
I.linej Trouble Make» You «iscruMc.
Almr.rt evsryb'xiy ■xho rsauir the n«w«.
I apers is sure ;& nn- rn of the won-ierful
cures nude by p».
Kitnjer’r Swen j. .to-'.
' t ••
kidi.*/, liver
ü I' '* an * tiadde. r--n-ly
it is th* fi' .' medl-
*•<; ' .il <riu:;ipi »t tae nine-
a» -nth Center ■, ¿..-
I covered sfter j-rt ci
./.¡lie i _’irci. L>
Li. Ki'rr.-r. ; ? err.l-
n’..t kidney and Uad-
<‘-.r specialist, and is
«.•or.d-rf iffy .mcees f :l in promptly curing
i»nie back, kidney, b!«dd*r, uric acid trou­
bles anu Bright’s tJirz-ise, which is the worst
{□rm cf kidr.-y trouble.
Dr, Kilmer’s Swanip-Root Is not rec-
c.mmoti Jed for everyth, ng bui If you havekid-
C :y, live r cr bladder troub e It will be found
pi-t tlwj remedy you need, h has been tested
in son.any v. ays, In hospital work, in private
proct/dc, among •! s helplecstoo poor to pur­
chase relief and has proved so succewrfui in
•veryrus* that a special arrangement het
be-n made by.»<i>lch ail readers of tiib paper
who have not already tried it, may have a
l ir.ipls bottre *dnt free by mall, also a book
t -Hing more trt>oeV3w*m;' Boot and how to
f rod oat If youJiavskldc / or bladder trouble,
\/hen writing niaiitiuri loa ling this generous
offer In thia pap^r and
fend your address to
Dr Kilmer Ar Co . Dmg-
fiamton. N. Y.
regular fifty cent end
de'l*r »1»:» »re
Rom« >r a«an.r>-Ron»
good drjffs’s.
1 .1 Mdus. liv* «tuck agent of
the < >. K. .V N'., n tunmd to Portland
this week from a thru* wivks' trip
thr'ugh ll.r st.K'k feeding regions
of Kansas. Nebraska amt Minne­
sota, where drouth made itself;
manifest the past rummer.
made a careful examination of th«’
»«omlition- prevailing there, par­
ticularly witu reference to (ItealuL
itv of that country to fatten live
slock from the Oregon ranges.
While the drouth did much dam­
age then\ Mr M llis report« thin
the lease« have been consiilerably
In couveisati.m with on Oregou-
ion representative, he -uid “With
the price of l«-»-f steadily rising,
with the fi’ed lots empty, with the
corn l»'lt reserve gon«. the 'f*««ler*'
*bip|>e«l out. ami the rematmler
hastily preparing f< r market, ami
with Montana grass 7i0 per cent
short. I think Oregon producer*
are justified in expecting high
priee* on ail c!n«s of cattle nft T
March or April. Then our range-!
11.< n should find i.pp<<rtuiiity, for 1
th* rest tiou in the east will create
a deuiand for aniuials for restock­
ing. which can l>e imt onlv from
Texas, New M« xi<*o and Or«*gon.
Montana. Wyoming and (,'olorado
will a!-n be in the iiekl a* biivers
“In the Middl«* Weal the .-In-eu
situate n is similar to that_ot cattle
The farmer* an- cleaning up ami
the Chicago market is glutted with 1
everything lint will make any
kind of n utton
But the Montana
supply is like that of Oregon—
abiiurii’al—and bream»' of the in­
ability of the sh»-epm«-n to carry ;
th«-ir excessive tfiM'ks through the
winter without great »lunger of
l«'*«cs. th»-y arc offering large num
l**rs *t 40 to 7s» cents |>*r m-ad les-
than the present Oregon figures
This, tn connection with the fact
that Montana is nearer (lie mtir
ket, will compel Oregonians to
to redoes their prices or to wait
until Montana shall have unload­
ed. probably ihe latter."
Mr M'llh« savs lie wa? abl<- to to
while in the east, and as u result of
this l.e brought buck orders for
la'ge numbers of cattle and theep.
It io expected that th«-e mav I»*
procured for shipment tbi* fall or
earlv in the spt it»g.
Mr- W.itrvn Curii*, quill. ’
Mm. II. F Thoinf ...m, 2ml. ♦ I
Mr* C. W. Mct-’l.iiu. pliinl*, I’.'
nivnitox a — iioitsKA.
Juanitri Gc«*r, fancy bu-kvt, ♦!
McClain A Biggs, draft stallion.
Mis. C \V. McClum, ii—ortr.l
First premium $11. Sec. 1(1.
fruit*. $2 .’>('
George Young, stendnrd lire»’
Mr«. R F rh.'iHp-.'ii. ivllic«.1.’ ><•
stallion, first.$14. McClain A- Bigg-
M i... W. 0. White, polito ' ■ * ’
second. Id.
♦ I..ML
Frank Miller. Jackass of hi- get.
Mrs L \V<i!<l-’tib»'ig, Sr. Imp
first premium, $11.
v< n-t. 11
Mr. Willet, draft mare and colt,
A in i. \\ .'hlcni'.T!;, it -orled . .ik> •
first, ♦ If’
. F.S Miller, 2nd,♦ •! 50 ♦ '2
Geo. Young, mare and colt. road
Mr- Au-l ill. Mxl.l hi*cuit*. $1 " 1
Btor. first, I It)..’s'; Wm. Stewart,
secund. $1 .Ml.
McClain A Biggs, dtiving team
I' iii I .Like Thompson won l' c
first, 77;
$7; D. Variai»,
Variai». M-eond.
second. $3.
offeied bi N Brown A Sou* to
D Wille*, u.ulen in hsruc*« 17
ventbmen vi-itmg the I air
II C. Levens, draft team 17.
Mrs Hrstt r llarii- th • p-tii of
II—< \Tl I > .
shoe* f»u oldest lady Mrs I h trb i
Trank Miller, bull, Short Horn Byrd, th* | air of shoes for the
III. cow ami calf for beef. first, $ 1 I vo'.mgest gi I bal.v. nml Mr C I
Kenyon n similar pri<* for the
Neal Smith, second. ♦(>.
Geo. Youne. bull. Durham, 2nd. youngest boy
Mr* M m : i Dunn won the eight
$i>. cow and calf for milk, Ist.f! i
of tloiir and Mr*. Grant Ke­
bivi-lox <•—ShKF.C.
ter son the sec »ml pri re of I wo sack*
11 ('. Leven», rt’.m, $14.
M r- Charley
( barley tire.-n
( i rt ' ll won the
„ ewes, fl4.
pH»«*“ i
. pn % I b i1'»
I'lVlatON D—SWI.X’E.
Mr« Ti x Martin the t ii/e n i the
prettiest boy.
B. Smith, boar piv, 1st, $5*27».
Frank Miller was award-d the
Harry Q fmith 2nd, ♦2 2*».
IL Smith, bro. <1 cow andnigovir pri. es for the large«’, and Is St I X
liiliit of livi -tO'-k
l.-t, 77 ; H <• Smith, 2d
John Hoss took th* Savage lit"
Harry Q Smith, l.rnod sow un<l
up b v I he < • !• Co , and 11 (’
pigs under 1 year. 1st, $7» 2*».
The Kind » . it H t»o Alw;»y • Bui. gilt, uml which him boon
in il-«» fol* o T 30 ji urs, I ¡is borne (Im signature of
mid Im» been iiuul«» under lit* |H-r-
Minai super» lahm since Ita Infancy.
Allow no -»no to »le.. Ivo v-'ii In thl*.
All ( orniteli its, Imitnthm t nd •• .Hist-a—«mwl •• are bub
i xperum ut- th.it tilth’ with ami rmliiug« r t h« health of
II.lint mill ( luldrvi. l‘\perlen».« iigntii't I : \ lMiini.iiU
Casi' -hi i- :» hirml *• Mib-llttit»* tor Cnator OH, Pints.
g<.iir, l»ro|»i unii Moisthl»»« Hyrup*. Il I* i’lca-aut. It,
«i.i.t.iin II» thcr Opium. Mm-pliliio »»or »itl»<-r Ni»r»«»tl<i
MibM.t.»» » . It* ng«* H •’ « ^u iiuntim. It dratioya Worm«
ntui nlbii- I’I'H'i•• «•»ire* l>inrrlui'i» ami Wiuil
< .die. It
- T. vttiluu T101.I1I1 •*, »’iirva CAMittiiMUmu
nn«l I’i.i! il» •»« ». I< Ii««iiiiili»t»'‘ the V'muL r««iiulMt»-* tb«t
biotii.i. h limi B -u. I . tilling henlthy nml mituml «lerp.
The ( hlhlpiiS f.'.micta Th a M«»‘h«*r’a I'rh-ml.
Boat» tho Eignaturo of
The Kbd
Always Bought
In Use . OF Over 30 Years
l.even* the W inchester rill»* 1 r ’
-ented I'v th* M.i’hctir Mercaulih
Citrtis Smith, Hamburg«. 12 -Vi Company.
Harry McClain Golden Leghorns
The pack of card« for the I < t
♦ 2-7.0. ’
ilt-llb« mb r plaier, still in d mb»
Mis. Sohn Sevcdgc, Ptymuulh
Bocks. $2 **'■. Joe Martin. 2nd. $1
llou - Tb!»'.’
K Smith, pair of Turke*-», $2 7>u
We elfer ('ne Hundred Do'iars
ntvtstox r — t itiM cuont. T-.
llewutd fur any cu»<- of Cainrrh that
llarrv Z. Smith, sluaf grain, |7>. cannot Le curt d bv l!.i)"« Catarrh
barley. $2 *i0.
F .1 I'hetmv A Ci . props. Tob du, ( >
(leo. Young, Natural Meadow
\\ e. t lie under- gued. Itui •• 'mown
<;rasa. 12.50.
F J ( hetiei for 'In- la-t 1 > years
and belh*v<> him peifictlv honora­
itiviuiox o — imr.rn t it in.
ble in all busini-'s transactions, ami
A. Venator, general finit display financially able to i arry out tiny
obligations Hinde bi bi- firm
Mart Benson. general fruit dis­ V»-r a Tut \x, Whole-ah' Drug
play. $1 -'at.
gists, Toledo. < >.
Wai.m.v;. Kixx \x., M invix-, Whole
Druggists. T im do. O.
Joe Martin, turnip«. ♦?.
s Cntnrrli < urc i« taken
(»rover Could, beets. 12; Mrs
acting diicctiv upon ;ii*
Ben Brown, 2nd. IL
mucotir -ur.rr.ee- <>( fi •
Tex Martin, jxjtatoes. 12:
7*»* p r l»otlle S. ! I
Martin. 2nd. $1.
l'cstimonial« free
Wm. Stewurt. cabbage, $2.
are th< lo-t.
Mrs. 1 S. Geer, pumpkins. $2.
nt\ t-iox » -I m t rui.
Many jsojde Iwdievethat the 1*4'.
.. squash. $2.
sugar canc. 1*2.
a year t hat the president gets
a’a salary is the sum total. This
is a n is ake. He get« |3(i.ft(XJ in
JiJVISIl'.X I — 1-Air-Y I'l’.obl i Ts>.
ad lilion to hie salary to pav his
tico. Young, Udl.« of butter,
subordinates and ch-rk«. His pri­
f»IVI.«lo\ J.
vate seerrtary is pai I $3250; his
assistant private secretary. I21'A);
Burns Furniture Co , display, 910
his Stenographer. $|»-0:l- five mes­
Geer A Cummins, Lardwuic $10
sengers and two doorkeeper•> $ 120(1
vivi.-nox K— jia . xvihokk .
'•acb: a »l.-ward, ♦Ixt'O. and various
D>4ot» Gould. micbanism in iron,
other attach.-* who receive good
Hilaries. In addition there is also ♦2(17».
paid him ♦’StXjM fur incidental ex- mx isii.x I.— ART A.X1> I «XI Y WoIlK.
perises such a.« stationery, carje-ts,
r- Merle-Dalton, oil painting, ht,
etc., ami MO.fiOO for repairs, furni­
♦2.50; Mrs. Hill, 2nd, $1.
ture. fuel, gteen L..n-e gas. etc In
Mr*. Hurry (J. Smith, largest dis­
fact, fiotn first to last th* president
I play >»l paintings in oil on <*anvus.
receiv»-- m-arer -tl V’.tMjo ti ' ear.
l’.«t. |7>; Mr*. Hili, 2ml. ♦!.
Mrs. -I. IL Wcider, f»liot<»s ir»
A M iliister's Good Work
‘ I had a severe attack of ilililH.«
J. II Weider, water color,
eolie. got a bottle of Chamlx-rlitin'*
artist. $2.50.
Colic. Cholera and Diarlioca Rem­
Mrs. J. II. Weider, crayon, |5.
edy, took two d.»«cs nod was entire­
.. 1,. ..
„ photo views,$2.
ly cured.'' says Rev A. A. Bower,
J H McMullen, 2nd, $1.
of Fmpor a. Kan. “My neighlsir
J II. McMullen, largest number
fv.-rosg th* -tnet w n’ sick for over a
$2; Mrs .J. H. W eider, 2«l, ♦ 1 •
week, bad two or thr*«-Imttl»** of
J. H. \\ eider, brut display,
im-lb ill* from tj,'- do. tor. If* u-ed
McMullen, 2nd. $1.
them for three or four d iv- vitli-
Land painting on
oiit relief, then cnIL-l in another
«atin, $2.7iO.
doctor who treated him for some
Mirle Dalton, Land painting
diiv» and gave him no relief, so dis­
velvet, 11.’A).
charged Inin.
I went over to see
Nellie McClain, sofa pill* w. hand
him tin- next morning. Heeuil
his bowels were in a terrible fix. painting satin finish, 1st, ♦2.7X).
Nellie McClain, hand “painting
that tliev had been running off so
velvet, 2nd, $1.
iong that it was almost I loody flux.
McClain, hand painting
I asked him if he bail tried Cham­
berlain's Colic. Chole-a and Di-
pastel draw­
sarh jea R.-m*dv and he said ‘No’.
I went home and brought him my
Corda Cecil, pin cushion, $2.
Isittle an I gave him one dore; told
Mrs. John Buoy, needle work,$l.
I him to take another dote in fifteen
Lena Robertson, point luce hand­
r.r twenty minutes if ho did not find I
relief, but lie took no mnreand wa*
I^tna Roliertson, crochet Ince. 11.
entirelv cored ”
For sale bv II.
J. H. Weider, best display
M. Horton, Burns. Fred Haines,
<2; pillow slips ami
Harney City.
aliams, $2; tutting, ♦ 1 . Brat ten berg.
, ♦!; crochet work, ♦2; toilet cushion,
♦ L
Oregonian and Iti'tni, *2 70
li i.
WAMTK»» SKVE.t%! I > I: d »X S < »r i H à r
»«•te; bim I iftH.ii ft*|i<iiiift» ii in ••«< '1 •mt«' <»«»1 in
thi • iwHint» r»*
» r- pi*••••»•♦ Ht <1
. erti-«*
'• »♦(•rttllt) l«t»-ir»*-s li»» ¡ «t* i«1 »»/’.<
Nnaririal atHfiduig
- h ht } | i - « m » iHtrlt'.i h «'.
<• xpetiM*« A<l<l cmirti, rt I t».-* t'.’.
in <•«-!• •••1
W »•>! ihv .I h v rlir«*» t ffi’in hfrtii itHicfa, Jl«»r .*
UH«I «*nrt i* ifra II; mi !»♦••! Wtieii »!»•(’<•«• ti ■ •
li i
l.nrw»-e *di n<|i| rr *’«• i s¡3HtJ««*<l <11
tehtfM.« Ma ; ti;;»’r, .H C h itmi Hulhli) g, ( I j D h
W ll< l < \
ni Can I’ll)
l i »I.
M •’
)•’ "1 !'• « li • I i rie in (In- pritiriph , g > wrong ¡11 Ine
'io. t in i di 1 k
.udgHi' ut . r nr • mi*'» I l»y aduring
d«-* ' i| t: ■ - 'i..i inip .»», ■ | i
.in'«<>fi-1«t*rn“catnli'gne" liousee.
Ih • » i ■< '1 < ity ! . 1 :> t tiro Co . , .f li» ber City, arili eoli voi»
1 -t ii ythiii ' 11 : t ir 1 io «'bea|>< r thnn y mi ca 11 t'Uv » Iscw fiere.
V' iowcit ti yoursi lf m.d tu »mir Inmily to lakr advanlage uf
thè "pj ortutdiii « .< 1 1 ù .in »-un m.iki* m «• «Pillar di» thè nutk
pf t«o
I !w (jm eri t ny [ uruìluri • 0 ih U, o lata» *1 honse furnisbing
<•« t.i l-li> li mei ’ - (,■ il-ut, fif 1‘iiriLitid » .11 (t|<gnn. They bttv »llrfltrt
frulli hu’ 11 .■ « t n«t. ii) mrioad .' ■(* fnr <-»»h unii lln.v will dupli-
< :iie 11 prie»* nml juidity imi attici 1011 *ee advrrfi*<*l bv largo
cai.' ..i,”i- ho .»<■- i- i-ti r«, t(.illio» ii g l'or ditference in freighl)
• > B Baker t ilV.
5 F’rlces
For ii.M.ni" ’ ' 11 ' ’’n,l ' • rtI Bv an ' i a<(. rn ru»nh.gt,* hottac”
wnll trij«-r at
:»■ I «• p< r i.^lc ti'll, Sv and I’k-double roH.
\ oil cm. buv e
g i u b
i I* tn ti it e r* Co nt .'*! * i t gir und 1 * ’n
dotiblr roll iii I'd;. ■ t ly I ik* th* item ut iron bt*»!*. You will
have to pav < 11 i«t »2 pl't.. r ’ *1» • r un ¡i«>n bed that vcm < an buy
from </m en ( 1 it v Furniture Co. nt F!.'d»lol4 in linker City.
Tin- c.up' t 1 ' ' ¡"'I ’ "t ■ t t In- tpm ti ('it v Furniture (to. ta moat
CoU.pIc’r IU' ' 1
• ¡'•• trie cn’ppt pewintr maoliiac will toon •
be added v. iib a c tipil, itv i,I over '’tKMi y:ird* p< r day.
I’ will pai anyone inter»-led in the al*>v»* iim a tu write U
I cfore I'htcirg nti order
Wl.at most ¡s-ople want is siuni ■
thing mild ami gentle, when hi
need <>f a phvaic. ( Ltvu>lo-r 1 it11ib-
St'-'iuadi and Lirer Tablets till the
bill to a dot. The) are easy to take
ami pleasant inelh'cl. For sn’e by
II M. Horton. Burns Fred llaim--
Harney Citv.
Don’t !*■ satisfied with temporary
relief from-indigestion. Kodol Dvs-
peprin Cure prrmnnently and com­
pletely removes this complaint. It
rel'eve* perimim fitly Is ctiire it al
lows the tired stoma' ll t*-i feet re-t.
Dieting won't rest the stomach Na­
ture receives supplies from the foo l
•» e ent *1 he sensible wav to help
the stimuii-h is to use K>>d >1 Dys­
pepsia Cure, which digest- what
vou eat nqd can’t help but do »oil
good. II M. Horton, Burn-: F»e«l
Haines. ILirnev
I!« b
Sheiley & Foley
KWiiemi IV "i k hum .x.(ii,f.m„ri|y nm) Willi DUpatch.
Bl'RNS, . . .
w » nih >- THi -rwoinitY mb am
w»ni<*ii I» iruxei mwl »tj« »-rti .e f >r <»l»i e~lab
t»f poli«! rhiR'tfiiil -tHtidiBg 'Hlnr>
|7On)<* r Ritti expt»«js«*e. oil pRVHbl«* ill rath
X . » anvRaxinv r<»’|c.iri»d «jive n*f«>r»*nr»M Mini
mrliKft .«»•If ntltirr’seP i •tr.ni/M-u t-it\»•lufu -l
KtlilrevM Mafiagi*r,
a Hon Mde < hit »./ .
oi’-j in • . Ii t ,wn to ride and exhibit n sample loot luoilel
.r'.U.we-JI"r ,!,’,"ufl«* "'««•• VOU C*A MAKE |10 TO
»u'l A wttK I m ' s I.I ch having a wheel to ride for yovnu-lf.
$10 to $18
’ 5110
00 Sacand
^’80 Models.^ $71» . $12
9901 Models Cuaronteed
«.:» w xmiixgtox - « r;<i i r.
1 ORÏI.’.Xl>. O!»t 1.OX
A, I’ Am.«Iri.iTK, 1.1.. II., Prlnsipsl
4»h'* ,<• Uo./l, « !>tD»pL itotit
for thi’W.iKli work, with litint’r/U♦ <4 /-.x.idti.ti»
li ¡HAsi’.iona t« ixw.kke^prrx tn<J >h ti<»p,r iph't •
A’r.’ixly proud
•' wber« « ■ r
known, i<
a’.»’.* «t/»w V* i;«r :*»»<! brtttr.
Ojx'ii ull li|»* j » n / HludwU«» .i(’n;:tp i’ *yttnir.
ItiV.fV <r rht**/I :4trurtioh
w.*i:.t ,n<I
Manti Whaal«AA
Y1 •
»ee • ee ••<••* •
L1 7 '
,ro,n "’>•* you do
nn'a**.''«» Lcle
UU Noi
Rii Y *
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