consumpnon l»vp«rtui«»ut «»I tin» interior I Lan»! uIRce Hum». Oro llinUght to be— One-Fourth mile daeh. free for in the beginning. all $100. li can always be .stO|J]Xu don't know vou'xc goi run for public monev, vaequeros to ’it; \\>u xk>n t helix1i-e i. ; y< »u rid with vacquero!* saddle«. Jock­ .1 eys barred $'-0. ■ t believe it—till xou SE1OXI1 l»AY. ■iorced I t. i hen ii is dangx'f TI ih «' eighths mile dash, free for Oil-. all 1125. Den t be airaid; but attend GOO yard dn«h for Harney eoun. <:> it tj-jid — vi>u cat 1 dii it your tv saddl«- horses that never non first money $'-0. ; cli and ;-.t home. Tin an n\ y . lake Scott's !' mul.-iiin <•; Gentleman's Roa«l Bnce, trotters i’od Liver x»il, and live cart. and pacers fur llarnev county hill) every ay. hor«es, heats 2 in 3. ,* miles $hx> ibis is .- oU!u] xloctriiu Ini KrH !»AY. vh..ti\\r vou l.i.r, think o Three-eighths mile ami repeat ; Im »old ; and, if iiccrk;! free fur all 1150. FIFTH UAV. : ave lite. I«' >ou have no» tried ----------... it. f?nJ «o. • - last' — ’ .vi, free samóle, its -is re «su * bl», i irpriscyuu. SCOTT N eOWNE. Ch^mi/ri. Peart Stri-, t. Nt v York 50. . an l $ I.OO; all «Iru .siiti. Three ami one-half furloughs, free for all ■* 12 >. Indian race pi»il< « ami reverse *10. SIXTH Y Minister'» 4< o « h I W«irk. "I had a severe attack of bilioi..* /•olic. got a buttle of Chamberlain’* ■Colic, Cholera and Diaruoe ; Item- *-dv, took two doses and wa« entire­ ly cured," say« Rev. A A. I'ower. «of Emj>>ria. K in. “My mi^hlor ftcrusa th«- «trr.-t ua« sick for overs sveek, had tixo or three bottles ol »-tn- licine from the doctor, lie used them for three or four day« vith- ¿mt reluf, then cal«*'I in another ductor who treated hitu f >r *«>:m ked ¡dm if he had tried Cham- LBr>4»/u s Colic, ( hole-a nn«i Di- ¿arh »ea Ren nnd h«- said ‘No', f w« nt honm and brought him my »x>tt;c an i pave him one »c: tnl«l ;i:iu tv take ulh/ r .l.i««- in fifteen »•r twenty udnutes if h»-did not IO , <-iief. but he tr.olc no morenn-l wn ,-* tireiy Cf.Fid " For »ale by 11. -I. ¡i« '1<- tiva,. li. M. Horton, Burns. Fred Haines, liarnev. PAY. One-half mile dash free for a’l 413«) line-fourth mile dash for Hartley county saddle horses that never non public money riders to ride bareback without being strappai or tied on !r?A)- Ot.e fourth mile daeh fur Har­ ney county |>onies not to Weifll ovnr b'X) pound» and to I k - rnhlen i>v bevs under 1 >. ioM>nio\«i: . vehmm : races . Entrance fee 10 per cent of purse .) to i nter to -tart. Money di- vided 70 and .’50 per cent, Entrv must be recorded by 8 o\’!u' k p. m. the day prtcediug the race, stating -.»¡or worn by rider.-nu burse l>e- ing allowed to start without color The Uinrd of directors reserve he right to alter, amend or pest- none any or all races, should they Tor anv ra-e;i deem it expedient 'O do so. Pacific Jockcv Club rules govern all races. J J. Don- gnn Henrx Kieliaribon Lee Cablwcll. Counuittce. TIMI EK I \st>. vrJl'M.Ab> >OK I t ill U A VION.'-s Whiti . Bryan’sville. frid . Notice of Apje.i ni ment of Adminis­ F-ty- DeWitt’. U it*'h llu/el Salvi trólo». jo ai-d rm.t.'it.g «. re* OU both log» In th/- matter •>( tin-t.ilel I L-h u| “i:(T«red i-ix y ears Ihictorf of Julin Mi,her, ii«-ce. t DeWi’t’r Nolii-e is hereby riven foal! whom it Ac<-ept m. imitations, 11. M Hur- . may concern that the nmlersi/m*. I.. i !. ' E I . It llave». W. CU«k, I’. ( .try I J. I*. li«-« t< r, I IÎ. H. Sitv. I H. Bailee, lami-« la-a-.y, T. I”. Heinz, <« Gray, It. i’raaionl, Ki- W . Kin/. F. IL tìi-or/i-, Haliti IV^H, II. F. Jonlan, «. W I. l». Jur.laii, J I.. Site., . W. !’ I. tl. JonUn, .li»t»Lnil N«>li«a- i- lii-n-liy .-«ven 1! U> • ill«>l> 1 »ìgne.1 «ili oli tlie .III day ut f’< l . I --I. iiuikv application lo tic- Conni» t omi «>f llarnav k’militi, Siate ui nre/on. f.,r Ilo grantui/•>( thè lu riine nienti >ued m Ilo atiovo |»-lilioii. Ne«l lami". ADMiMsri:mux Nori r. Noti 'V :« li«-rvl>» /li -li tliat sigiM-d I«» th«- un lei • >¡ tl.irm > County, Ori'f'ii), I« is Fveri | k 4 uiv I a* I «! i,. e an or«h*r oi i!>«* I'otmtv < o*irt A4 h nistra' ix ui JolmS. I»-* i ne. «le« *»‘tiii\oiir .i|>- .«-««I. Io Mi*.!»! .\:i|H-is'i>. t1 ■ to th« nndi rsigfiv! ■! l'ri im tern« ql the al«ovc «'ntitbil Court, vis: yuti (ail ao to liie thereof ami answer ior want aptiear plait t::f I apply to lite will 4 4>|* « ! .m». Or . A utu»l L . V «»I s I mi .«> trvui Udì J. iu fa In. *»f e H-k <’«-»t!.l). Ut ’4-T. La« fll»M Ji««t.r- ,«i*t !»» tt*M«if pr-w»f « hi L*« »lc«t*:t I*. *i i;t. f..r t.h» i •,..«■ st- ’4. < • ip I« ;s M before A <* I'«!.-»••«, I » '*».» r » i. «.( «i *p .- 4 • *r. ! di. v*« Ih« ft»lb>«t I ng o.l-e •« * to |-r«»»t Ivtr irr*^"»uoii n*i-t r- «amatlou »»t fendant, minor chiblren, issue ot the inarii ige <>t plaint. IT alii i w»* »-i\** »- ! |V|| N». IU) tlupheufe certPk’jl« *ri i|»t i dated nt iii.ih} « W. » «’llll.t! \ M;*tt*»n . Mrs. S. H. Aljport Johnton, I’a F-iy<: • Ourlittlt girl almostitrifngl rd to death with croup. Thedoctors s-iid sin- !'|i;'t live but she was I is’an’lv reii.-vuj by One Minute i oligli Cure. II M Horton, Btirng; {’j;4 Haines, Haru'-y. r T.Y mu I mt ri|*li»»n I’ ir ii, Mieli i i il i .imi « . )« mi wr**r ) our Haul« A ÄA BAM>n tl»* |»l litilv U*» | »H*“|l*lv, r’ilhutc o( ll*r !‘|< l’MH PO H • ti u*n«lx* >• i yiHir r.tiinatr, «bi« H v I a I hi . diu.g \-*• » i«tu»n. wPii ilo- l'r •■>- l'.j «i I snl.M. r.'. - “ in We will lile a Ev“rv ••«•-* rilxr nay i •«•' :-•«- .«• inaili ■ ertifie «tv» 4« ho Muida «ab- rin.ii/ th ir i h I ìiim N-, «i< hitiiinb tile iolluming data: T» «• (Alitili lird i ).1> ml V«»tc in the r tlatc* I 1WI V» IM I. 13 l*/2 4 *• 1Z* l|•»'r^•»^M• • |» 'i » II »M s, NOTI» F role ¡’¡'BLfCAT ION. I wi'l ijtflee. r*. Ofe; ' u, July » ¡“4:1. 5«H n»pl.«nrr administrator of th«- > it of .J*>lm Mahvr, with th«* •rov».*j«i|». of the net «4 (.oi.rie-s •»( leieawd, and al! js-rwon* having c'aims Jtnie . I*;«. * i.titl«. i • m f >r the >«!** <»f tit«, «gainst sai l estHfe are h< iebj notjflcil to b»-r ! aid I“ in IhC .•talc« o i « abiurili a, UriP’i», present th» Same with )w«>per vob I m - hi Nv \ «»Ju and \\ íuhi » »M U h i I » .. itory,” a • XUT.<*- If ! '.a < l»v a> t oí Aug to tiii* Ai*tr:itor, at the otli. •- <>i the rd lo «II fht- nil •. l*/2, (oim.y Trcastimr in Burn“ in *ui«l < 'u-ir.t) St« |«hrfi h S»*M *» Hill til ( n*«l. < Irti’ 'r «»f ’.’A within six months from the -late of .this - 4t** nf hl Orinoti, b«8 HiU »lay r.u i In - notice. r worn >t«temt*iH No. z . for the j. r» ». i • >! ?he Dated thia 27th day of Julv, 1!)'d. V»1 1 -'oc ,r: in jp tt>» _‘S s r* i*. W t ■ W E. Hl .“TOW, M. eii«l *..i otTer proof tn«t th« < i.'. A. Swspk, • Aiiniinialmtor. more* i«luAhlie for iU lim’-er »>. ’. gi * for •griiMiUm«I piirpoM»«*, Aud ’ •->-i Attorney fur Admin. ••r K< i cl«Iin to - kid iALil lefore l) < » rii cr of thi« ♦* at l-.tim-, '» - d • *«!'ir il- »am«- riMEKR L.i.M», ACT JI’SK .:. I'TS ' Olb K dkV, the Itili «.« Lll»w->ith !’r«jw.. ... . .. pm? roll J-ri-.l.!- VTtOA, < r of Riirtii», Urciron . L. L...-c “;r <1 of t r«l, o:<* I’ I ji nd office, Bui in»t Orr*«Mi, Augflat k. LOI. icon, at»«l (in > Marshal ol N’arr > .v. Ort •• hi Notfcp i* hereby given that in compliance Any «nd m H pefMOHM i-lafmin; «»Ivar <-ly th»* *4 Wa-uiluvton Territory.'’ Cl. W. H i Y k « EXPERIENCE i lMi»h;«l|, Knrbl r of Narrows. County of flat ihm , Stale of Orptfor Ini i tlii-« day fl to I in thi.« <»fl1.ii/ hla » worn date rnent No. \ foi tha pQrphas«* oi ; y «d Beetion No. }.?, ft) Thwnabip No. 22 $*.. Range No. fit E. and nHU ufTt r proof to ahnw that the Iau4 an'ight ¡® mora valuab’e fcr !U tlmhor r« p«.'-nt ;u U.a urna u.aa U m C lie name* a* w’I «!*»•••; U !’./prlngef of J ioiu Mrlrtly c.-nJbiH inHl op Petotita renu troia Waihmr»**« Wiehit«rt«xi. . [reni«* ’ -a « (runt 1-. /. ;. (f»-l«-«t »•.'(•».. j f.,t r-Turin« IM.-MH». Burn?«, QrAflron: Alfred I. Mar.-hall of Narrow«, > , hand h«na n-udel. n.te»l« dia* «•*»'» >< < <>r w photo., ph'Ho., with w«th datfHp- daacrlp-. token rhr-a d» M iimi » A £w. r»tM<-í7* don, We *!<>•, aJ'-o«, it Il pi patemaóu er b n* », !. I ir-act; dûo. Wa ’.rn’i a «,r 'ecf* t. whl.ou< »'-l'-’ovt |n tne R. M Wrawer«l and f’U»»» How pr of 1 charf«, <«r fna not due lui palen« la «.. £ d. i Harney, Oregon. A gaateaury, “ »»;-• wobiaia I .««ma,” w » it hi 4n> and all ;hr«»»j»» rtoim«^ a«|rar«tiy the < cm I p F »ama k» tne U. S, >r.'! »«nev r^ontr. ittratod wj»»«lr. Lrh»M< c»r sant tree. Afldre««» ii Lu we uesc;i»irt«| ar<* re*0f ted fo file their ;;aruÄ*; h-an.iU. Terina D3 > rlalm® in thi« oiTki on <>r before aid V.Ch »lay i. ?< ¡»o'! »»y»l| npwgnraíar« of October, l'Dl. s.tñ,^» o»»r. Farerr Ornee, W ashing ? . ». 0fo, F-WOM Itr-Mwr, ' • W •* ; f ,' , i » « la- as­ No 1 tranco I« in.idr in llir privavi t«> I.» • lume'. mi * kA.«A Bmn«, ' I N »lift- i» hereby gisen that >:» <*«»t«ipiiaii>•• wiUathe |»rovi.«iom of the a< i nf <,*<>ngit*M* <«f è J-ii.»-1-7*. ciitith -1 ■ A u art fur (!•»• >alc <.( litidx-r ¡lath«* St<•'.»*« «»it alibkfuia. Orc,••»»*. N- .a l«, and tlanhmgt -u H rrit-»re Miller. of brew.“«-» , (,’ou ifyoi Harney. Htatrof ()r< »•«•>, h«> thi« »lay filr»i it» IU ij » oiTicc i.i* en »rn >t«:< - ment .N-». »». I«.r tht pur. ha*»* «>i the tVtsk t. I ’^sW^. oi Hertinn N-» r*. i i Townahip 17 *.. Kanee No 1 j F. W. w .«nd t»i I *«!•»■ r pr«><4 to ■h<-u that (he lai d sfr'igiti i« u»»>ri- Yahiabh- i««r it« tinilrer nr *(«»ne th«'» for aericttllural ;- .r- at»d Io JH» ' laiin t«»FU. i land br f«-rc Kcpig’er rid lirtaiirf <•( thi* ul’-ov al I: trnr, (> rn •*a’»»r«Jay the 2t.«l »I.iy of N/.*ii.b*«r, r/4. ¡1» RAtur-a« 4 ine- »•* Wil .a n A. I:«»>»«*rt* •on, Stephan 1». V.*eb«t«H. N Jlio.-i s. mn »»».«1 J *hu U t. a’.luf l»r«*w»rjr, H ri***\ cotihty. O‘« gon Any an*l all per-<» ih claiinii « adv» r rl> the above «1« '*riLf 1 land« are re*pu*»t»-«i to fi to th«*^r ilaiiiis iu tht* «tificv <»n cr b«*i r utd *lc/ of .Nuv< tuU r, !• Gen \V |f«ypw. Eevid r. ! Aiblro p iblic.tiun unti.:. LAND. A« Ì JfXK -, I-?. -NOTI. I Fui: l-lT l.h-AlIO.N Scientific American, pirili ci )'rr“»-lil »ill VALUABLE INFORMATION w vs rvi ■ i hi 'l- wuuien I» ir»i»f| And « Iwrit*« f if «M llahed Lou*« i»f ■> »h l h’iarvlAl wt«’nlin< -a’arv |7*0 Alt r llt'l «•MK ;■•»•* dll al- I i ra Ii N » »-a'ivt-“HU tr !i :r« : Give I dr'«-»If R- I ri.f-L. i> -rlf-4Ì !rc««» ! .'«it.-« • -t»vrl«MH i kd Ire » M*n3îff. - - - < rtvl«»*» bi I. ■ I'. .-•« Attorney (ur l'laintilf. k ri lie- 1 ili ■ oliar, nei ili.-ir xu I h - i riptions Affifi \TION, ni O.» gon. on tiie Till «l.ty of Sept« l*jul. What m«- • asy to take /»mi pleiBftnt in eth et. l-’ur sale bv fi. M. Hort'/u, Burnì; Fred Haine». Hu:nvy City. |l. likM" n Vi uill iriH'iru v « jh :*t«y prise j<>’ir enti*ii4to nucy entiUo<| von to *. t:< (orsix «'oi-x-i utivt-e w.-ek«, ati«l that sai l Gt«>. II «-.i i < lui» r.iisviH — i’l I,. • o>• i r «* ivh m ihwriptiain oli»aitivi. W Cuunty Jinlge «a Harney County. Oregon, order w in mil«* mil -u’i» a .»ur Jaiiu.a A. <|>anuw, lion. <»'i .* x*\i” « <«:»»• » ho a»*r *!• tia .’»O < M > f » » ini!h f Ivmit h 1'1 BLl S II t NG A S.H< (’l ATÎON ;r *x-ib«»*rib«M •• t-> |»«iihi ipiitv in thff d ititi but iun ot frvtii tnonths vrrliA* »»ur ¡'i4|H*r ; )•*»» g» i tho vorti»»c4to wt • •»f'itel» Irei-. ■ I lion is >t matrimony lor tl.-e care and «ai«lu«ly ol the I tcmbl complaint xi.- : F< ra «!«•« re. oi the Court non existing between • l’i i¡»ti*»n to tv tu’. o i » i tl li t h»- » ’li ! ch' • t » « t>f i I oitliilv hhn lo PICO Cmitt (or the rebel «1« l.-N, U Ih fr« il, Mh li . 1o IH HI.IMIING ti r4U4« Ilio*«' I , t* iiibintd Mr <»vr m< »r in lili» »-» ita Wo Ito «r »U i*i< To Maggie Scuulw* the al«ove tiat«io«l the'JStli «lai of < tctulsir. I'lH. ami u M i of |b Irait. Mich , ' lii I «' ■ f Sepl.-rilier, ! Defendant. rv/nlar * r» « S îh G i i . if» it < ini.»» I:«t nl-ution of tilr 1(11 «"I »04 KI to PKI. tli .’»th «lut •»- X molili « r, IIMI. wilhlhe A'lmr isir.i-ri x entitled suit <> ii • t- <»f («•■ • 'ti or lieforv the first «lav of tin- next the iwmblii- o( tlir,-«> monti.* p-rinl Naiiu*«. « gainst you in the above«-» on »I i»s.idi uhm '11 s uni Ion if, cant (or Governo» on tlu i Olm«. spulili- ligiora on<* gallon in J. C. ( ì r > y »«. Maggie S, *»ut*vs, i a-n » |iear and an wer the \NS<»< I \TI»»N »illgiva Vi.V.OO in/11 ber, IOTI : W or m/atir« ••« h 11 k tieginning 011 tIn-Smentii «l.»v <>( No« vin the Circuit Cot rt ci lli • state d Is rm. six - Io I li* i i ' h yoni liv-nsr -«>11 vrn.i'is I’ltl ss !*t lll ism\t; T»t f in t O«M) C: in I i l*l I «n i |H-hhon grani grant a tt tu to It-oH i|U tniitie« 111an Oregon fur llarnev County. Ilenr} Scoulies, I’itr re ,, votela •■( le tal iv«|*ectliill« ino«» State, Nolic* . U :hc Si.iui Oregon, lor II miiu - v * ounly, New ïorji tak)>av«*i»> Salt ile Unti«-l’reciAcl. >*;ù«l coiinty, SI M Moss |>IVOK< : . In Given Away We, tbe im>ti-n-i/n«'>l |>«'iltionrr*, «lente, having l iiiimii u/ainat >y »’. S. I_an«l Office. Bnrn*. <»re«ou srpl. ; *»’!. Notice i» berrby giv»*u followii»? 'iiait-i k«-> ílied notice ».-f hij» infentinu o utake fluwl prus f in ¿upport *í hit f-Uiin, anc .'Bi l pi x -.r-iJ be j«*.i !«.• before le» r*.»ter an i K»- at l'.arn-, Or» ’-»o, un No» en !*• r *J. í*JI víx - Owrli >li¡ngl»*»lr<'k í*r, ¡•tl r.Dtry N » >•", *or til» 'W . >jf Htr. I. i P *J3, «. i: . J ¥ W M 11« r tmf** the toUowmg Milüe«*ei t«> pr*»vc i¡!»e«*nt!’in«»u.“ re»i«len» r'fpou and euüívation •í «aNi ¡and», vil;' «». N Varíen. J. W Jure J. L. Varíen and I>< iizt'-lt. Ü uiiis . orr '-su. >e> ‘A. Hayc-t. He<í*ler.>!«)Co'Uity l'u'iit, Tulli, I v lAud 1'ltlt'o. Burp*. Orvg«»ti. Sept .’ k | «»| Nolic» I« heteb) com tunt tn ruinpliAaev with the |»rv»%i»Ml*» of Ih» act OÍ <'ul»tl, tot the purchase of th*- «NH-. -4\Vl4 <«. >«cliv it No .’0. tn I wnabfp No I ’ * . Hauge Nu. 3V F a»»d will ofl< r proof to »b«<* lh»t th»- and »ought i» u»ore »alua’ile tor H* II a. b« r or »tonv th au ior agrivalliral |»urpo*c». and to e_*tabli.*h hi* • laiin to »«hl land beforv the Kcct'ler a» I ilecvt*rr tk:» oflflee «• • Bti*n*, Oregon, vu *at h -. m toe Jrd «lay of X«.u nibvr. i a ) I lie uaiue* a< * tne<>< - ’i I Howard. Ola« • Mtiiiu F.r..v-t Ln« c» ai»d Satuucl WUvt’ry. «'I «»I truttbide. urei;»-»» Ktiy an»l all |»vr*on* » a miug a'\er»rly the aUm de»« riiwd la» I* arc re i tr '»-d tn file their »• la»in* in ibi* otfice on or bvi-rv a1 I 2"rd •lay of N ’ «luLw^ IW»1. Grò W Hvv«*. m« Gier In cases of cough or crouji give . he little one One M iuute Cough cure i hm isst easy ami have no tear. The child will be all right in a little while. It never fails, i’leasant totnke tlwavs safe sure and aiiMos*. iiist.m- tai.ioiis in i.-fT’-ct. 11. M. Horton. Burn« ; l-’r <1 Hain-«. Harney. i »1.41 »»!• i’irtii<»N nev t ouni v, Oregon v» mlwr J. I*»t. k »« «IrtUHW II. <'u«w n> . lid entry N.» I'?, (or the '** ji*K‘ ». ^ee I. 1 p ’ « R > K W M Ha iam»'«tha Mlowittf witewu»«« to prove hh continuous rea I deuce upon ar I culthalion nf »Aid «and, \ I« luir* s-lumon* «nd I N llurhet, »»f Narr»»wt, Ores *n an»i Th-'* de» -um«» k «nd Cha . P»»w iuan,u( Burn», Orcgou. uw-». *. Ilm*. llrgl *trr. )><••£<> foi ; PtUU. VIloX, ‘My baby wu- terribly sick with ih<- «liairho.Ni." says J H. Doak. of tVilliai.;«, Oregon. -’U’e wore un ;F«m, Burns: I r«-1 Haimo* Jlurnev l itv. I \0íh I KUH H BUCATION «‘<1 Fl «>grâk*i it. *. J*. t. « J > t» l bre;.î Not • J» tn •t»d cut I) bar- • • • nt ttl'w 1 e • k Viu. I k«, Lt.C w a-a tv -e l i e Cr • ? rh’tf I* ■*«•« retarle« «if th»* -hrtt a OMllivd Cnni.liH 4 » »ft»-ta Will d»H»'i ■i!« «ha an» t *H i.« .1 I«» ti»e r« and Ihti a * ar<|« V» til * * »oft 1* I» .1 h-u l> da: < after i >c <» .« lai V «»tv ■> k low«, The II FM ito U pllb pc*«» (ufi- li mui -r- 1 i <•». ti -Nr-- <| I'»» lb« • i » Ui» rd » Ihr h '• f i t’iw 41 * • the »¡l.i I i II • 7 h 1 f» ibv *1.» Tuih< wh Tn tnv HNI T»»ftt‘ i»r< I •» tde Ti» th** T > H»r 1 ■» *hv im c »r •! r ttuaU M •» II. each - i .».Pt IIO •arh l*' »( I. •a*t^ Yji.oi fl reel» - aae I». eat h ♦ > *J ».* each a» ou fl each - * u »» a > 4» ll»« iiH-tiv <>f th» l In’.ethviil -if M r «*ít i» » • iiir-Ai M ai It, Il * I II« rehy < 11 è f \. 11»/ .V vh alio ('mirai MAY hig Batik, |iv'r»»ti, Mi«*h , í«»r ih<* r» «:v*e f-H*p.» • ‘.f pB)ititf(h»- ¡T /*•* liilhi’ir <>»Hh*.4 « i. tin- • ’i’-ilt«*«l I j !)¡4 tai tuh««». Ho« Mnh* of Oh»**. Md M« hti and !<»toa. mii <| that (hit* ltit»d an In- H*i*«J tor :H»«dher p'»r¡tOM*, Szld ewsf. * ht.-J in van — /• all »••■•. M .1* by Standwd 0:1 Company I’KIZEs 1<> lie Awarded a« Fullawa: I >inl î>’» 1 pr./rs ain> uniin< ’• ■ • I W In addition to the abova I’riit-». the following Special Frire» will be Paid. »■•thfprr n tifain»t( th«- ;:c*rr»l o^rtrt ea tint«', ot'fnr« July lO!h ||.QM uü T<> th»* r«*r»<»u iHAkiiig the hrir^at eorr«ct ••• tiniAh I h *I m crii Jul) |0 And Alignai 10th I,JOO® Vo the prr ,<»n niAkinfl Ihr nAertad rnrrei l 11.ante brt\. ch \ ft; |hil ¡íXX) pt ir«- . ninoUBUhff I». Il oto W In > >i h Ih-, f rl/o Will be divided . Name--------------- —- ■ —---------------- -------- " ■ . BANNERMAN’S PHENÏLE Tre » I-- ‘ -film' •»-. ug» Batik, Iwir* it. M h The M»»t Powetlul Dijkh f cient. Drodorlire ar.d 1 digest uritarid tonic. I <> cither preparai. 1 can uppron-li it In eflic,ien«-y. It tu­ et mt ly relieves and p-riii/m rii ! v < inc» l»yt«pe|»f'la1 I nd igeati. >n, Heartburn, FI itiiii iK e, Sour Stomach, Numt-it. Hi'-ll lleuda» lie, Gastralgia.( iiiinpxatitl all other results ro!itHiiiry xH time« Sfii.j : la « ft I a» ' ' - • p. r . < •• torti by T, ç. ptWîTT I CO * CbicwM* St nt“. BRIBER ÄGENTS WANTED (India Dyspepsia Cure Tow h Mv Estimate- aw BANNEKUANH PHFNYLK < Uf'.- t ••¡•♦•s Ilf «ItwtwHif.* I’i" ■ O’«-. L »'-I.' *<•»■ * * ' '»»<••« al- > N:ut»«f- "I *1*1« HANNKHK AN t> IHIWÏM::• • l.««f. -f f<>«»t I--C A'l'l I“ »»i 0 •< a’h 1 •« *..«■»■)/t»4*k 11 I- r.Tally • pi-Uu » m I f.r»»-. »ail Y0UH FRUIT TREES *•-!•• »••* G»a>e«lv th Htrnvle. "l.l-h • u-’- l» «le I u.»» ul! w.-ii»»-, *0 ari-t l.i «• C BANKER MAN’ ri I’MFN YLF • - ♦« |-»fa- frnut • • »••*• ■ •!, It « «ID’- ' «• 1 12 V«r n-td (J| i ♦ Iwtittil « -fill Iti r* ri ’ L««'> «•h«>l«l ««t e tabll-htt’rtif it 1“ eft-l«»i*e«l '«y t iiiitijneul ph) I He'ia, saUiaiv aiilh«». ilk * ni»«! ->t healtli all •,W li.ult.itrl Mile- I eil b) he e»*.ti tea-« ft!»«» I-» f”'«G* hi»»’ •!"• ’-‘i 4 fhi<»i:zh>«iit the I'nite-I M««i»- Bann« t»»•■’• > T» >o i-epiMlIf ¡rital at««.eri ('• pi« va , I I, , nt* «-iinit.« «Hwot*r» and :.»*. I A«l-I;e P.4M\fíR'ViaíN «K CJO. «7-73 Cîar . Str-e.t CHICAGO. TI.L I’ s l'.HD»»etman' T*l.««t.vh* wa«g'Hii. I the •«•» Biifhwt Me.Hl and l»D»f-»fnA >>f \*ai-l al the Woild » Coluiiii’Un I t po,ji i-»” S X*“ at in <- ii ’i t'»wn to t:y o-ir Chicago retail »torea, li.auy good na nav* «rrittea fcr oar W-sDO MOT -------------- BUY fACtoev . ... ---------------- HlulS and fart TUAL efft». 'I In« I..* ial <>mr h«« ncv«i beta ««{ualed and la a guaiaatvc a< :.r wheel«. In tach town to «IMrikete catalogue fcr «» in ocuAup/ fur « tiicyvle. Wine Ui.l .y for free catalogue aad our «penalefler. • ,a l*T the «lli.lllly of < 1 I iWV/E WANT n reliable pe- >u I i « kF r AI. L. ME»O CYCLE CO., Chicago. Our fee returned if we fail. Any one sending sketch and description of any invention will promptly receive our opinion free concerning the patent­ ability of sinio. “How to obtain a patent” sent upou request. Patents ■ecurcil through ti-i advertised for »ale at our ex|*euse. Patents Liki n cut through us receive special notice, without charg«-, in T he P ates i Ilia own, an illustrated ami widely circulated journal, consulted by Manufacturers and Investors. bend for sample copy FREE. Address, VICTOR J. ¡EVANS A OO., [Patent Attorney b ,) Evan* Bulldog, WASHINGTON, D, O.