R Spied Program I IQVOR S\X\MB HM» l»E< ’IStON. PETITtuX. If thé action of your bowels is nut easy a-Jli régula." serious complica­ tions must lx- the final result De­ Witt’s Little Early Risers will re­ move this dahger. Sife. plens-int and ofli-etive. H. M. Ifortmi, Burns; Fred Haines. Harney. ,‘My babv «a? terribly sick with the diarrhoea.” says J. II. Doak. of SVilliams. Oregon. •‘W<■<• 1 of a p’uvsic. Chamberlain’s rtfinacli and l.irsr Tablet« liR? the hill io a dot. They a »• easy to tale And pleasant in effect. For en!e by ¡1. M. Horton, Burns; Fred Haines, lla-nay City. Mr». S. II. Allport. Jobnton, P h ., «¡•»y«: •'Ourlittlt girl almoststrangl ♦ ii to death with eroup '1 tie doctors ►aid she couldu t live but she was i rs'aiitJv relieved by One Minute • ought'urs. H M Horton, Burns: p'red Huines, llaripy. GO YEAR3 EXPERIENCE TnAos M arks D esigns C opyrights A c Tie m t»h »nd dr«CTi»Hion mey f»i»’i**ciF nar^esf tin r.tir ».pirion irw whether Mil nrr’»»l-»r. »• nr |i»!.ls f • »rdil-l”. ( -«rrrr ’iDira- wt rut ly «-ontM•• i’»|: I lï.tndbook oû l’efenitl » -ni fr*o. OltleM « imi » r i<>r/ Hk?r. thr«»ii£f’i Mur»» A in IOOOC um I i P i i/rn ttj in.ikln4 il»• ..tv* » « ii Lun »I hr (•< i iï in: I* ¿I <1 H»*iii| X our *• tímalo :in Tur I • x** ai »I y» i will r»rvix P. T Thom is. Sumtcrvillc, Alu , ‘T was suffering from dispepsia when I commenced taking Kodol Pvsjiepsia Cure 1 took several bot­ tles and digtxt anything ” Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is the only prepar­ Andrew«. Oregon r. 1 ■ ! Dati«! I in m’.l I lyot ept ation containing all the natural di­ Ji '- mi . D evivi , cesti ve fluids. It gives weak stoni A.ltninistruti : «. ache entiie rest, restoring their nat­ ural condition H M. Horton, Burns i CMUTIOXSl. IVEUNIXG RACES. l»»nn ! INI». FIN IL FKOUI Entrance fee 10 per cent of purse Fred Haines, Harney. V. s. Lat »I Uflirv Iturn*. Or . A»’fu*i I , tx :. 5 to mter 3 to start Money di­ !» Irrrby < x*-n thaï Jean latid. *»f TLe«lateiur holding ths Second P h Xol.re Ii n.i’rts.L <*< .1 t>. urc«»»D, b«tw flhd noil«*»* vided 70 and 30 per cent. Entry intrnlion t«> mule proni »»it >•!» t I hii -I must be recorded by 8 o’clock p. tn. . Annual Harney County Fair has <»f Tp I'. claim No 171. i >r tn© ► *t oí SF.‘4 Se<* been changed to Sept.. 30 to Oct the day preceding ‘.lie race, stating f !* . Il 21 E W M , iM Íurc A. C. I'ahocr, I’ I, Cou» linwioDcr at Prinrt ¡II«», or» <01». ou S ä ’ color worn by rider.-no horse be­ ihc lMli ‘lay oí I X>i. ing allowed to start without color. 1 SIMMONS—niVOHCE, Ile DtUHC» l!o) ÍOlloiVllltf wittie) <«A to I The board of directors reserve UA the r»»mplrte I*r ìg atton a*t ! rt the right to alter, amend or pcst- In the Circuit Court cf tbo Mute oi' noi lami. pone ... y or all races, should they Oregon for Harney County. E B V. adv. Ah \ Vr’i*licy • I klr\ all«4 I* m Hina. Cf k « oui 1 .. t«-r any reason «leeui it expedient Henry S.-oui«-a, Pltf i to \ : Yon arc hereby ropiinrd to lx- and a|>- |xjwr and answer the complaint fileda- gainst yon in the above entitle«! suit on or before the first day of the next regular term of the alxjvc eiitit'e'l Court, via; the 2Sth day of October, 19)1. ai.d if you fail so to appear un.l auaaer for want tl. reef the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief detuaruled in pluintitT* complaint viz: l or a decree of Ih • Court forever diaolving the *>onf matrimony now existing 'octween plain’ifT and - F j?< PVhl-XC/.TI »N. !:• r >!<• I! m » • ' ûth thtv of IS ovvio tier, 19)J. V e have rn i lu arrahgi'incnti* h itb lb« !’UI * 1 * 1*1 ISlIlN • < I \T*ON 4 sii’«ri ip’ion to fin lli»'*<»r \ « ih » I hm * u il ri »••!•• n << i I i B cm I <• whi h Mi.l «uti»I»» him to |mr'i t|» «tv in th«« «li«tri »»iti >nof tin I’m»** l*rra«*hl mii K m * lilk’iM tn.i% t.i^c <« han*.i/i* • Í tin* <»♦!’•» an»» th»*ir n«|ha.*vipl»onM util to» ten« rij«ii >n yon ar *«« your natnu c n< f.VrtoN, of Ih’tr-’it, M1 h. t'mii iihi i»* yo-ir u«*lini it»-, v iii h Vili: irt* xou aux pri *<* yo ir «*H*.i«ii it * tnuv « iimiiHl *. t»n lo *I mi o. Wvv.ill file «l iplh’atr c *rii’ic ;t«‘ with tho I' ivm * I' ll>u *hit»«; *•»•<•’« i »!i*m» Ev^irau*» « ri’/vr nay tn.ik«* a*« n»Ai»y rutinutra an l *ii! i * « p h ni »ny < ««rtilir »!••* mm h«r arndt «ub« R< I p'ioHMtoTllU hoil.il. C lob raia« im «xul r»*vvivu .1 «’citiiicat* for rx h i* ilia« ilptlOfl nbtaire-l. VALUABLE INFORMATION ! To uiJ milis-riis-ra in forming llntir « «ti naie, w The eiim’-'.ttd O heiaî V dr In the r *«tat"* hl M0I . ! ,(»*> tjo II « rca r 9,** per r: I telo. I.-4 iÌM» rL«’U 4.01 .. 17 .. fnert-n»« 54î M Tt deer’a.el* w .. Y* 7 ni thè • «ii*l ,« i.g tic C«iaiblbc«l «111« al «vili «Ini. ..nino alni aro culli:«-.I 0« t««« l’rlM* alili l'u* «-rer-1 will i-r ina4«t w.litui ««-li. « aft.-r l1«.--* Il-..«) l .'.« . «n>«wn. Eureka Harness O¡1"¿ net• .3/ i'riik»-»!'><• hr.nn-* ;•»<» Í, II.e ITEVI- w 111 pabli.li the lume« .-f Ih«- :cce-«hl< I «iuiat<.r«. * lx»rac i ¿ U tt« r, tul »unk» 1 tl;^ • Ivarhcr • 1 nn«l f imi » 1 ;t tl c“n -til o luM ’ » J- ’ i ’ I* • « 1.« Il < nlhuirH} sotld. r 4.1 m fr-lift» lU • b, .- TAXDARLt UH. CU. ) i l ni Mr V« A I’ iii . k •, [1’1 « .11 I iti'- <'«-iili•« «•«! .«, Itank. ttetro!t. VI 1« k I tlcrrh) < erllfj, lb,l III, Tie,< ............. ... fui.. ««!■ tl«j following datat PRIZES lit ;>«■ Awarded as Follows: ■ i i. near-««' -««n.ri « itati«. lud /rd 4t’i •th !»)♦»> ? » m W> Ud ‘.a, Utt •h ci Q i «I * >1 • ea •Î; ; J <4J I » ui »J « N< li 4<* UBI caci» K» rx) II eatfh N-í»« 1«»l! e 7 h T«> Ihr Mb T»» that Sth T‘» I d © FMli Tallir i') tirara l i*»htri»vx, 3. n*ara4 To Ihv «irti llJJicar^il T«» t!»c nr.U | h 0 nt»-rr-i i « ihr na«! l*ü martwi Ti» ih© IICXi j*) uvatcat To 'lie urti ?•<) n- tttesi I Ul W7 1-r‘zr* .1. In a Itfiiiun to I hr shot r following sp.- f.tJO (W i 4W0 A) vi* in AOb <«*| 1‘rizir, the Priri-x will Im z « • . i.- 4. p..»in-a ai..,«>«tr tln- '¡■»tin . r*nn niAVln< tbe iitarctt correct ©a expri-.. t-urp.i.e oi pii) l»v ilio rr',»« >«■ lin i, thua**.* orforeJtily HHh 11.00») Ul) Coitl4)»t oh thè < >iti*ain«*4 OHI. «ni V.,le of III«- I n lb* pcT»un Dinklnx th© »n arr 1 rnrrrcl «•• et ut«*» «4 Olilo. M u * • ec h tt « «eli «tei ¡owa, •-« I titua’i bctwrii Jiifv lOaml Amruxt nth ?7tM)»P tliat llif» fa:.«1 e«*ii l«e i..e 1 f.,r nooOirr pnrpoai, 1 »» t) r por«oTi n.HK try tl»«« ©rare .1 ccirrcl ••• tLunfr’ivi » »jfl» Ail,; I ) and dapt I') LdKl.OU io'.d |fc prizt-». Aidotinlf»iff to 110,000 00 I r ixc of a hr. j ri/.C will bv «It v Mrd. Give Your fiorse a Chancef 2 Niinir-—-• -■----- -- • — ■■ - ■ — Town F i .xiricr. ror: pchi - icahon . land Euru». OrtKon, Jn’y SI, lroi. Sint ce 1» h.'.by "Iren (hat In cninplUnc, wiliiths nrni ¡»¡on <-f th«-act «»f Cnnirrc-» *>f Jimi a. |»74. ri.t!t|« .| " ah „ t furiluoala of tlin. b«r laud. Ill th«.- Mat«» of California, Oregon, !<«•« a4i. «1,4 V. «»l>in,tr n Territory," •- ox feud­ •4 Io all the Fublie land state, hr ■«! al A nif- u.l., «tephen It. Seaward, of Cord. Coin Iy of Ma'lienr, Htnte of Oregon, ha. thia day hle.1 Io tbia office bi. >w«,rn »tatenient No. for the piirr lia.«* of th«- liE'^NW '4 Me«: in 'I p no JU S ran««* no 37 H W M. aiul will otter prretf that the lar.l »«.ngl.t I. more rdnahila for ft, timber of »ton« than for •«rlcn :t«ir»l ptirpo.ca, and to e-tublhh hl claim Io nt«l lar.t lefore ti e heyl ter and it« « «■1« er «if tl.!« office at lliirna, Oreeon, on Sa- ir day. 11.0 12111 4 j «-of October. Ijfll lie narn aawltncM«« Ell.w.'tth hrowu ai«4 I, B -prlnx er of Burn«. Or. | Narrow-, Oregon. Any and «4 peraon» claiming a-lver ely th« •hove de erth «1 !»•«! th»« REVOCO to I hr .lü^ni I « nt prir.»-«, a i » i:v i t.» «V 1 .1,000 OUR 0E FER • I nti! (oi !ln r iio’i v • \t*iy «itn* who rvr«ta uauO rvnta Í» r BANNERMAN'S PHENYLE I’.S Lan-1 Oflice Burnì, Orcs’D. »u- M, !%l The Moil Powerful l)t«fr| ciani. Oodorixre and U tm! i t* f'nu*. n Notice 1« kcrvliy given thnt in p.mipliM' • e l.> Madern Nel*nee....................... Notice cf Af p .influent of .Xdminis- with the prorision*of til** act »«f <‘ .n» es- nf Jun»* 3, 1*7<, cntftlc’l "An ac t if r H ip -ale «»i t rntor. C!tM tint tear land* ii. the St«tea nf ( altfurniu, Ore/oii. (HIV tbi I«« Bagdal* , t j<’a, ami Wa. lunrtGn Territory," In thè nmtter oi tiie «-ubiti-! l>atk«l Miller. ni John Maher, liUxthi.- day filed iu the ort.ee hu »-wi>rn «tate- !■<», rd ill rruiy conc.-ro lliat ¡he nn of »he leu! Fall. h.ien «hi'y sp]«ointe.l bv thè Countv Court Ir» Meli of ScctfuTj No 2<*. inTowii.ohip 17 J., ni 1 he State oi Oregon, ior Hainey Connty, Kange No .'/» ! . \V. M., and wi I otTer |»r«x>Ì to BANNKHiTAN'S PHEN VIE LI- •- a-! miniar ratorof thè eri a t ■ < >i J««hn .XI» ber, »how that the land nought u more val'ii»b!e for <11- teint»*' . ■•«•»•* c e. L>» u ! m « íi *-« i'l.rrl'- .? , «>!»••, it.* timber or »lou'.' than for aericiihiiral pur- 1«‘<.-e74eff-, ant. ah I I »«irr i'i-alL I«» -b* ep lol. 11 Js’••**.1$. ii'.iinit sai I e«t»t<. ar» herehy notili««! to fore Iteff’ter and Receiver of th!« <«fTlce at upiillo I ■»»»■• »«•♦•» falli» YCUR FBUIT TREES -It . ..«! »>•• pr«*e<|w| o presentili - x.tnu- w'ith pro|>er ronchi rx B irn?. <>»egon, on Kacirday the ’.'nd day of lhe»»*,te. *I.T> il «Inoii.tfl) dt-ll'•*> • tali w-l,1 ■ *• Mn«i Lt I« •o t lia Atltitii-iilralor, at thè ollii-e oi thè November, I xh . BANS’ J.U.uAN 8 PHEN YI.E • «I« He twunja.x a* w;tno-?>c . V .l'inm A. Jtot»erl Infu^tu'il .- ti»«» « h '1»-‘I, ha* it«»» • «1 i cd'«’». »1 Cty Treaenre- in Eurris in »»¡il Connty \ *ni » an. v, elwl-11, William Mouth and h « u MI «temolit it »* «•»»«!•»•»•<••» ’•* ■ '’>*• < phy » w'iihin -*ix montila fiom thè «late <4 tliix John O t. ailof 1’ vw ■<*y. Il«rj;‘ y county, O*<*g«»n i'lau xniiltArr autli«»i itie- ¡mil »<- c»»«l « >>» f-t-aiili the » nite I Maf«' f «-ii> *tlm( it>i»l'l...i»«f ' notice. Any and ail per-oii« rlalmir.g n i\ ’r^e!y the i-rtT • »»er »ex eu veat ' a I • » t ii.an v 1*» » r:•• ►1"’,k isi aboxe (jcr.crihe-l land» arv reque-.te J to file IhroiiylHiiit me l nite I’I icm * Date«! tliia'JTtli ilay of Julv. BOI. Detuallf "tun tm’* r-i »■■ pi« «ent »»>• ni.-e nu«.»-«? thisr cl.ilin« in thi« of!ice on or bt f r< raid 2nd »H««« -«-» a <1 «i» tiov ell •«» ••i-ili.ii». udi rà if irei lv \V E Hl xTÓK u «»■ I «»»mil the pieini»*.'. Write for circiihrt anti day of Novesiihvr. 19» 1. UtUmoufoN. Armi* w.i.ii* 1 Add?* * (’. A. Swack, A« imiui.it-ator. Geo. W Hay« ., Rcgieter. R A A N << C3O. Atiocaej for olinin. C7-73 C!«r!c Street CHICAGO, ILL. riMBER l/AXD. AC! JfXE i. H7M—N0:i<’E Foil !•( BLI' a TI u .S, I’ S, ’ »i.n A’fnü !• Mar-hall of Narrow^, Oregon; R. M. *rawar»i and Tbo* How-er of Harney, Or» son. Any a: 4 all f ar ona olairiHiic »»tvencly the a. r de rribo i laiuja are rei» ‘ ted to file their e:a: ui- in I’l! iff5-.n f»r boh re-ai l ! th day of Ow’lo’ycr, J íB. Q.o, Ifo*-, ¡!« •• >< ’I A TH >N\ <*l !Wn it. Mi* h , t«> i*f Ih troit. Mit h, t> vn.ihl»i o»tr nip’*« • ;•*'•»- i»> t»4rtÌL Ì|»H!r in tbo ill. i |x« r h*< It­ ine ht» r »»© uh I» tl»n uurd klu '. I f U COLU- HautKMk 1 < ;»A- I’l’ »4.H IhoM* making lh « m* irrst »»Hlini »tv* oí th»« Oih* it Vol«* for < iovt*rn»»r in th • Stair* »»( Ohio, M .* '.•* !iii*»»*fts ai . i I Iowa, to Ix» «k lrrni ht.il by th El«n*ti*»i h«*M mi th« wixrrt, TKt •‘T wok ritv mi :. x IN!» wotne'i I* travel an»l a4’> rrt»«v far ©14 w lab !l«hi >1 hff’iH » f m »1**1 finanrtal ’»‘•’»«Iti»* «¿lary |7 *<» a X e r nu J t i;.vtt.v-, nil pa ) able in < 4 «1« N-* t anra»*ing rv‘|t»fr»*l. Gite rvfrre»»« ©- n i l rnrl*Ma j»clf-a»l trv»a*l atamiMMl enrer I .Ml G eo . XV. 11 ivkh , Attorney fur Plaintiff Get», a «i ! I »••Hille x o i t » i nti • ih*. w Ii l«<>iiite«l «« A.I u'niitra'rix oí tie* catate oí John S. Ik'vinr, «lec-nwd, \ll |x-i«uii* having claitns nguimt mult estate -re h - iplircd to present th«m w ¡thin six i.ion In ir«>ui the «lat« oí thia noti«-», with »he pr«i¡w-r von-her», to the itivi.-r«igiie«l at county saddle horses that never won public mouey riders to ndc bareback without beiiit; ¿(tapped or tied on One-fourth mile dash for liar- ncy county pouics not to weigh ov-r SOO pounds and to be ridden by boys under 15, *30. ■MA Given Away liar- ni-v Count» , Oi-og it : Following is th« program that Continued from Third pnge. XV««, tin« uii l.-isignoil iielilionris, real- will b«’ pulled off during the Fair, sumption that die govermenl had dents, Lixp-iyers, mid legal voters u< authority to inquire into the cor­ S.id.llo Butte l'rvcimt. xuid vixliity, anl i<. by nu means, the dreadful commencing September 30. FlUST DAY. rectness of. the survey, and this State, iin«*t res|x«clfolly |««titiun ymii »liscas-e it is thought to be- One-Fourth mile dash, free for office ho» adheres to the view taken llonorablu Court to grant a li.-.-m.« in the beginning. all IllK). in this decision. I to Neat J l.ewi?, to sell spiritu It can alxvayi be s-toppcà utts, mall mi l ven >u i liiptont in One-Fourth mile dash for Har­ The law is well settled that a fo-M q I lutiti «« lliau one gallon in hui .I i 1 the beginning, i hc troubl. ney county saddlehorses that never meander lines arc. not run as 1‘rci'incl ioi a psriixl of tine«« monti » j> : \ >ii don't know you've go run for puldie money, vacqiieros to boundary linos, but only for the beginning on Ilio *« i.-ntli d 1. of Novi-ni- it; v >11 don't believe it; yo. ride with vac ¡turos saddle.’. Jock­ purpose of measuring the lmd sur­ b. r. BM1 X.ones. Names. veyed. the real boundary being the won't believe ii— till you a ri eys barred |’>0. M. V. Smith, J C tir«y. RFioND D\Y. shoreline. But as there was no (arced t >. Then it i. dar.gr,- Win. I’ Gr.iv. XV ih I. Clark, Three eighths mile dash, free for well defined shore line of Lake W. it. < lawivrd. ' T. Miller, Í'IIS. I all *125. Malheur south of the land in con­ \V Ii l‘< Ivey I i It I >-k. Don't be ..irait!; but attenv t’l>0 yard «lush for Hurney coun. troversy in IS77 and as the meander I iV Woodul«!, I'. It. tt.uley. t > it quick— you can do it vaui ty saddle horses that never won line established by the survey of 1*. 1 lloinx, Junies l.«t.i.«y 1 . 1! Ilxy«-.«, l i XV. Cliit u, first money |50. ; cit and at home. I the vear was in fact run through a C. T. C.irv, J. !’. Hector, Tilt HP PAY. i ake Scott's i ; ■' tule swamp, it follows that the raid K, It. H.ti, F. .X Higgs, («ent.email s Road Lace, trotters J,.r |j|ie (lnisi be considered a< A E. 1‘. (ivor.-e, \V. Kill4, Cod l.iwrOi!, and live cart and nacers for Harney county 3 boundry lino. The covernnixnt i: E. .Ioni in, t l .-tikl; r.nd, if hveckd, v. ii free fur all $150. north of die me*.i«ler line. inaki .ippli :lt -ii t-> the County Colili <’l tn th day . : ave life. ni -V, M .to oi On»|p’ii, for The decision of your otlice recom­ II.«ru It. ____ vene! >c Three and one-half furloughs, mending the «lismissal of the pre­ gr I .Illi ; 'i ti«.- -m m««nlioiie.i in If you have not tried _____ ... eo sample, Its .lireoablj tast- vi Non i la w ia. .ilio« jrpr-se vou. t'rte for all $12-’». test is affirmed. SCOTT J. BOWNZ, Chemi. ... ■rO J Pearl St-eel. N -v Vori Indian race Jmiles and reverse Duly advise the parties in inter­ 50. . and J> I.OOt all dru f-jiets. \!» H : K iTKlX NOrti’E. ♦ 10. est of this decision, and the pro­ SIXTU DAY. test« nt of its right to apyeul f \ .ti e K hereby given that the in. 1er A XI iiiistcr's *J«io4 XVork. One-half mile dath free for all i W. A RICHARDS, »igne«! by an order oí the County Court * 1 had a severe attack of bilious Fl.'s) Acting Commissioner. • >i Harm v County, Oregon, li i? bin xp- «e ilte, got a bottle of Chamberlain’s One-fourth mile ds«h for Harwey I To the Honorable Co.ml) Court, Colic, Cholera and Diarhce.i Kcir.- e ly, took two doses and was entire- Iv cured." says Rev. A. A. Power. *>f Empiria. Kan. ‘‘My neighbor across the street was sick for over a week. ha«i two or three bottles of ItiO'bcine from the doctor. He us.ii them for three or four days with­ out relief, then called in another doctor who treati’.l hi.n for eome .lavs and gave hi.n no relief, so dis- *-!iargeottle and gave him one 11 t-iantifn - - • > « I I • • ■ • c. i« YCU • v k .11 . t n I. v 1 v TO • w 5f*\X 1 " , vl. C .fl rv> WAKE $1« JSUA .YtÉK b.-M«'-- liav,. - v lievi t- 1 ;«l.- for youiseli. $0! »odels ’00&’58KoficisA2.$ïi»$i2 iOi Sasoiid lient! W'ieelsi « ... '«o Cuâ-ar-t-vd U km in traile by »r*r Cbv.’iago rttnü f4or<«, «P<9 ** <*•'w maß , pn.'xl n new..,’« ........ ........ V.'u- rbin any bicycle ON APPROVAL b» anyone tcilAet»! tl i< yclc iloea not Milt you. ?>*« tmtf DllV a "•'«■«I until >> "i b»»e written fir cur .‘JJ rjl IU, FICIOSV PHCK nn-l llff l«'*l. um». Thi, iii rii.l r 1.1» tie-.-.: been cj-laled aud u A guaiule- oi t!v nu,ntity <,f mir whccbi. ? WE WATTT ■ ’• '-¡«I» "■ h t-itvn ttlhut«- rata! cat«’ «çue, w- la iLle j t »■ «■ "I “I hi « * «• t > 7n In to , an illustrated and w idely circulated journal, consulted ka.ll»lx ut'l.V'p' p»l» niuUiilfra'i Evan* BuilNInff, WASHIHaTOM, o. c. r- ipirr.-l b/i. C. n- WITT * CO . CMvn«,,