Local and General. A Genuine Stetson hat is a money saver. N. Brown A Son» sell the Genuine Stetson. SWAMI' |,\ND l>E< LSION. C mtinu’ d from First page. The inean »-h-vaiion, barometric­ Mr and Mrs. S. W. Miller are ally, of this township is .?(J50 f*<-i Fine plating done by Jorgenren. above rea level 'I here is appar­ ex|>ecling a visit from their d »ligh­ ently ho O|»-u water for some dia- The D<-Mo«a family tonight nt ter, Mrs. ike Bl vins, of Prineville. tiince south of the meander lines. i Floral Hull. There would probably be no difli- (,'. IL Voegtly went to Canyon culty in extending the township to A. boy« suit, 2_jp 7 yr«., for II 5o City 'i 'ttesday to meet his little son, , its enliri ty. nt N. Brow n A Horn*. Nicholas, wl.o has been with his What is isiiallv called Malheur Mrs. J. E llurpcr, of Narrow», ia grandmother in Pittsburg, Penn., Luke is only a fast marsh or .tuk- swamp with comparatively little visiting her «later Mrs. (.rant Ke«- for the past year. open water and is susceptible of ti-rson. Jorgensen bar reduced the price reclamation l>v cutting a canal Our Bed shoes arc in. on all goods in stock 20 |.<*r cent through the peninsula which separ­ N Brown fmusicians has been before the the shore line of the lake was well 1 I*. (.’. Bulkluy was down from public for nineteen years and is defined, but from there to the north­ Silviea valley on budness the first known to a great number of resi­ east corner of lot three in section , of the week. thirty-five, being near the center of dence of this country. th<- »aid section, the land was cov­ J.ie Combs ratiie over from Can­ SATURDAY HEPTEMREH J* IWOI. The infant son of Mr. nnd Mrs. ered with water all the wav and yon t'ity Wednesday to buy an­ W. C. Sanford, died ut the home ol there wa» a giowth of tul<-s, so that ; other bunch of cattle the parents in this city, Monday, the line between the swamp and (ZOI.GOSZ ON Till A I.. Attorney John G Saxton return­ after an illness of two weeks. The the lake could not be determined ed Tuesday from l.a Grande ami funeral services were conducted The trial of I’ri aid nt McKinley’» with certainty. a*«aa»in ws» In-gun in tin* Supreme i other outside points. from the resilience Wednesday by It appears from testimony of' court at Buffalo the 23rd ¡net. lie <’ Walker chiik ! up from J»ia- I Rev. A. J, Ira in. Rufus S. Moore, who assisted M*-ld- entered u plea of guilt v, which was mond Fue-diy, and will remain in Mrs. S. L Bowen left Thursday rum as compassman, that the , sulim-qur utl v changed v to * not Burna until after the l*air. morning for Prineville to attend shore line of the lake was distinct- , guilty” by direction of the c<*uit. Geo. Fry, cashier of the Citizen’» the funeral of her sister, Mrs. Win. ly marked on the ground fiom the A jury wo «ecured and th>* taking Bank, return* d from n buainear Adams, who died at Eugene, while meander corner between scc’.ior.a , <>f testimony wa» begun Dispa'che» trip to Onta'i • Wednesday. enroute to San Francisco for medi­ thirty-two aid thirty-three to the state that tlie events of the day in west line of the township. This j No old atiK’k b-ft over at N, Brown cal treatment. Tin- remains were witne-a did not icinember whether d c ited that Lite trial would be brought back to Prineville for A Sons if prices arc an object. abort. there was a growth of tides north burial. Nine anarchia'», who were under Born, to the wife of I. L. Poiijade of the established meander line be- Oncoftbe principal feutuics of, twicn these |oitds. arrest in Chicago for cumplii ily in at tl eir Lome on f Springer that they hours a* c prior to 1877 ; Markham at Washmi. Kings coun ­ wick attending to Some land mat- ; The Schley court of inquiry ia in ters. ty Washington, on the 15th inst. that it looked then just alxmt as it T did at the time of the hearing, in ‘ 1 session hi Washington. Some ex a W R Rutherford cxjects to! The bi ide is a sister of Mrs. G. 0. citing testimony is being heard. 1897; that they worein the vicinity upend the coming winter nt Cor- ' Hendricks, of Lawcn. and taught of the land prior to 1877, atul fre­ vallis where he will take a course I the school in the George distiict quently since then; that the land How's Thin? la«t winter. The newly married in pharmacy. couple an* expected home soon. was overgrown with titles when We offer One Hundred Dollar» Di v all druggists. Testimonials free last Saturday to rars resolutions The Queen City Furniture Co., I miles northeast of the spring. The ] Hall’s Family Pills are the best. C(»nipíete U b « of Baker City, is reaching into [ against the leasing of the public land north of the tract in contro­ range, The meeting was attended Harney valley after trade. Their1 General. Merchandise versy is a tulo swamp, without any | • ad” appears in this issue. Rend by nearly ull the stockmen in this open water. , i . l nabeim ; A «ALTON. section. The resolutions passed what they have to say. It does not appear how far the ( unanimously. We were unable to Muypr C. E. Kenyon was chair­ secure a copy of the resolutions, meander line in township twenty-, man of the Memorial services held lienee ure unable to give them pub­ six, range thirty-one, south of the j lake, was run from the open water, last Thursday. His name was ac­ lication. there ¡8 a no question, however, cidentally om mi tied from the men­ that the line was run through a Col. C. E. S. Woods expected to tion of the services in last week's Has a complete stock of everything in their line. They have re­ t'ARK ANO WASHINGTON WTKEl'TS growth of tules, and it appears leave this morning with his son for ¡»■tic. cently received some late styles in rORTl.ANII, OREGON New York enroute to a sanitarium from the Protestant’» own witness, A. I’ ArM.ir.se, I.I.. B.. Principal Special inducements will be offer­ in the Adirondack mountains where John \V. Meldrum, who executed A jwa.IU'al, proKOaaive K lio.il cou.plcuon. I ed on bedroom suits and all large he intended leaving his son to re­ the survey of 1877, that there was for lUeruugh work, with huu.Ire.il of gradu.tt.* In jra.ill<>a■ sa bookkrrp.r. aiul atrnogrspher» I orders during Fair week. Prices gain his health, but we understand no well defined boundary between Already proud of a high (landing nhrr.v.r will be reduced on many nice pieces the invalid was seized with a fever the lake and the swamp. Outlie Call and see their stock of Center Tables, Extension Tables. Iron known, it atenddy grawa heller and better. of furniture foreash—Burns Furni­ yesterday that may cause the journ­ facts in the case, above set out, this 1 Beds, Baby Carriages, Go carts, Chairs Rockers, Mirrors, VicUroc Open all U»<- year, I.lnitrnla admilted any time. Private or rlaa. instruction l.earn wind nnd ture Co. Moulding, Window Shades, Portiers, Polls, Cottage Rods and 1 rim­ ey to be postponed indefinitely. | oilicc finds that said line did not how we teach, ami wind il coala. Calalogue free. approximately represent the water ming«, Wall Paper, Matting, Carpet«, Building Paper, Wire Springs, They are still at the Hunley ranch The general admission to the Board ot IMrectora line of the lake in the said township. Mattresses. Pillows, Etc. Also a nice licM of upholstering good« 1». P. THOMPSON, FRESIDUNT east of town Concert on October 1st, will be 50 n solis coxnn n.\vn> m uvnmm cents; reserved seats 75 cents. It is contended by the protest- ! and trimmings, Velours, Plush, Tapestry, Brocatelle, Corduroy, Eke. Sam Graves, of Lawen, was ar­ ant's counsel that the government > Upholstering ts order. Drop in and see their new stock. Prof. Werscl.kul will sing one A private aelionl for rested Monday on a charge sworn is bound by th i survey of 1877, und HILL The Musical b.arolng and day pu­ of his best songs. to before Justice Jameson, by Ad im cannot question tho correctness of, MILITARY pila. open. Museum will also be often for a few ACADEMY George, charging him with threat­ the meander line established by Heplenii.ee IKIli. minutes. ening to kill. The case came up that survey. That question was Pine new hnil.lliiga. Fred Mosier, a prosperous young 1 Tuesday and occupied the atten­ not discussed in the decision of Thorough In.lnic.iona. stockman of the Izee country, was ! tion of tho Justice for several days, this office of September 21. 1899, j The principal baa had twenty- 7U8CB A DOVXSaAW. Yrfiprirtore. three year'a axperlence lu Port­ a Burns visitor last week. He came a large number of witnesses being supra, directing you to order a hear­ land. over to buy some cavalry horses, examined. The case was taken ing in the event of a sufficient show-1 ------- BEST OF WÍBK8, LIQUORE AND CIG AB*.------- Carraapondsiioe aollctted. For catalogue add rem but finding the market dull he re­ tinder advisement by Justice Jame­ ing by tho defendant herein. But .» W. Hill, M. lumed home without making any son yesterday morning, who order­ the direction was given on the as-', g**Drinks mixed te suit your taste. Courteous treaLmoni¿uaraaW Portland, Oregon. ed the secured discharged. I purchuae«. Yonr patnmagr Solicit«!. P. O. Drawer 17. (’of)Hnued on Fourth page. F.iiropvns Moudiy. I i Proper Compounding ’1 When ready to purchase your Fall supplies don't overlook the old reliable Oregon Commercial Co., Huntingto.t. Our lines are now lull and com­ plete, and at prices as low as the lowest. Correspondence Solicited. Burns Drug Store HARNEY VALLEY ITEMS. 3 Miller & Thompson, I R I y Ladies\Bazaar. Burns Furniture Co. Bedroom Suits, Sideboards, Dressen, Chiffoniers, Combination Cases. Etc., The Capital Saloon