UNPAID CUV NT Y WARRANTS’. Speed Program scorn EMULSION I LlQl'OR PETtTIOff. Toth» Honorable County Court. Har­ I Following is the program that I I, H. Kicbard*on, tount?- clerk for ner t 'ountv, Oregon: Hilary County, Oregon, hereby certify We. the underelgtied prtltionrre, raai- will be pulled off during the Fair, I that the anuesrri list uf co unty Warrant» dents, taspayrra. aud irgsl v.-tere «4 I commencing September 30. of thl» county tarued mere than seven •addle Butte Precinct, «aid county, and FIRST DAY. One-Fourth mile dssh. free for all 9100. One-Fourth mile dnsh for Har­ ney county saddle horse» thst never run for public money, vsequeros to ndc with vaoqUeroe saddle«. Jock­ eys bsrred E VI. f OF COD-LIVER OIL WITE HYPOPHOSPHITES bhculd alway« be kept h t'-e house for the fol- ■ ¿wing reasons: years prior to the first day ot July, 1901, remain unpaid and will be cancelled II not presented to Uie county treasurer (or payment un or before Ovlolwr 12, 1901. W itnkss my hand and official seal thia •thdav of August, r.kil. j ) H. Bien vbmon . < «MS < « hiu 1> Clerk. f —' ~~ ) Ry F N Rieder, Deputy, SECOND DAY. Ami .r If any- OF-'» Ls.a hard t^d. ’ I . Three-eighth» uiile d«sh, free for e •> all 912X :ura it. 0 yard dash for H«rn«y coun. Because. If the chll- ty saddle horses that never won .ten fidlicite ar.p sickly. U will first money I' m ). ixe them strong jAd* w^T- rniRD day . 1'iME Because, if the father er , Gentleman’s R.sd Race, trotters mother is losing flesh arid beesrr Ing :n;r. and emaciated, it wi.. Lut»d and j'serrN for Harney courriy them up and give them flesh ar.^ K hor'tes, heats - in 3. J mile« IDA) strength. Foinm day . FOURTH — Becaus« it L the Three eighths mile and repeat standard remedy In a 1 threat and free for »11 1150. lung Affections. FIFTH DAY. S7H Ï91 7 SC 902 I» Î0I «M2 711 No household ihou'.d t* without it. Three and one-half ftirlonx’ns. 936 It ca-. - - ■ sun : ■ W»l free for all El‘J’>. lb! as in winter. <,ji. ar d Bi »3, • I dr >»pw Lugo 1 0O Dre 6. INS»?. W. J, J huaon Ï 3» R8.4K I«, :CJ, K. J. M. «hall T 70 f> 0>> C July 27. lsj-’.J. W. J. ir» C Jau Si, lv‘J. S le»r Wu»«l 300 t Mai Id, 1-*'?', Will Huffniau « 60 I» Jul? IO, ISSAI, I.. Woldenb» rg 6 A) I» ,. .. T Moore ’ 1.00 I» ................C II. Hk-wi. I »J i> Mar 10, lsMH, Geo Horb*-* I » -I D................. It E. K«' •. D June »?. l«H, O W . I July Î0. INM Grace St.-r -• xt) Tota Notice of Appointment of Adminis­ Mr» 8. H. Allport. Johnton, Pa., «ays: "Ourlitth girl almost strangl ■ ed to death with eroup. The doctor» ■aid she couldn’t live but »he was instantly relieved by One .Minute Cough Cure. H. M. Horton, Burn«; Haines, Harney. State, tuoet rea|w<'tfully petition yuur Honorable Court m «rant a lie«uee to Newt J Lewin, to wll e|dritu- ou», malt an. Hein», !.. It. Uayaa, «» W. Clark, J. 1* Bectur. C. T. C m ? , F. A Riggs, k. R. «its. \Y. Kin«. A F B Uaurgo, G. W . Harknsaa, B F. Jordan. J. L. «Us. K. l>. JurdAit, W. R Jordan, J. H. Jor Lu, Notice is In ri'Ls «¡ven Hut the undet- •igned will on the Sth day ot Oct , 1901, make »pp'lcation to the County X ourt of Harn or Cunuly, NUle uf Oregon, for the granting of tli« lu «ii»« aiei'Uoned in tfo< al»ove petition. Newt Ixwia. 1 O.A.ShC - • <2 ■- - ee PargwT Ornoc. Waewmavoa. n. c Fat uiale the total vote in these three «tales gumfiinril foe (loreruor «nd •enJ yo |Mtrticl|»al<'in the liatributimi of the fitl.YOOO lo be swunled by the PRESS PUHI.INIII.NG ASN< M lATION, of IWtrult, Mt.h , to Utons ru uking lite neaaeat estimates of ths Ofibisl Vote for Governor III th- Htatee of Ohio, Mas««» lineolts anJ lows, to bs determined by III Elecliot hrbl on llie bth dav ot November, I9’’t. We have muds arrangetn«n'a with the Pit b.HS Pt'Hl.lHlilN > an MCC! ATION 01 Detroit, ,Ml» h, to onsblo our anb«»-rlliern to participate in the distribution of these uiugt iiko-nt prise», sinoinung to fit I A.fNM) Vnill further ->• lueda in the prit« uf our paper, you net the certificate shsolutelv ire«. Vrxi r Fcti m -» In When rod »end in your ani>«<-fipii an vou writs your name I »d.lre«s »nd estimate a» p!ainly .» possible As sou« a we irceiv« your an! scriptton we will tend vou a certificate of the PR F."M PH H ■ LISH'SG ASStX’lAT1ON, ot Detroit, Mnh., »-ontaining your eetiaaw, whUh will Insure vou any prii« your es'imifo may entitled vu»t lo ciaim. We will tile a duplicate certificate wltlt the Pre«« fNibliahing A-ao» lalion. Every sub«» rilwr way make a» many estimate« an J w ill re, sivg aS u.any » ertificvlen as he send» sub­ scriptions to Tbe Item« < lub rai«rra will receive s ceibdcale for each aul»»-nption obtained. Harness our ESlimaie ▼ C.W XTAkB yuar t'AT BMIB M Wit A f aa Br »■tot it U MUA Uarw • Ul». T ♦<• raw Ha life-n.aBalt Uat «wtea a« I« A tl EUREKA Harness Oil VALUABLE INFORMATION teaUæ a joar 'nofctn«? kar foeww fokS u«» Marie uf ' pe.e Aeavy ludtau all. e» I rk ’ a I y wkfe BMB1 t)M wealBrf. To aid subscribers in forming their estimate, wn furnish the following data! Th» cotn blued ufficia! Vota In the»« Hals« lb PRIZE8 To Be Awarded m Follows: Itti WM l.’47,«.s Väth« a»are»t tbr ¿islet r.irord abnwlng the Combined Official ViH» Will ileformine who ara »untied to lue Priaea and the award« will be made wlthiu SO da> ■ after the Official V.»te !« I lUe ITKM4 wte ot th« Tn the pereon BtaklBf the bBBfB«t correct •• Mteirj of Ohio, Ma*«a<*hti«sete and Iowa, and tiBiatB between July itauJ Mtgnat lOtb T?t» that thia tuud can I»*» u rd for no other purpo»**. T<» the peraotA making the tiearerf correct —■ tlxx.ate hetwoen Aug 10 an<1 <•>< io 1608 ue Total 1UOO prlte*. amounting to lift.Bte M fn <*«•• (»i a lie. f rlie will be divided Name-------------------- — ■■ Town I I "*3------ Kodol Dyspepsia Cure t>ia«iti what you oat. ItartiflcUlly digest« the food and aid« Nature in strengthening and recon­ structing th« exhausted digestive or­ gans. It is the latestdiwovered digest» ant aud tonic. No other pre para tl i can approach It in efficiency. It la­ st aatly relieves and permanently cur«« Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartbura, Ilatulenc«, Hour Stomach, Nausea. Sick Headache, Oastralgla. Cramps and all other results of I mperfect digestion. NOTICK row PVKI.ICATIOX. TIMBER LAND. ACT JURE A 1*7»-NOTICE Land Ofllre. Burn». Oregon. July »1. ltol. Prlcal*-. and tl. Larg« »I m contain» 1H tiara FOR FCRLICATION. Not e» 1» h«-et»y given that In compliance aaaall ate». Book allabout tlyrp«p»l*ntairaf»we f ». Land office. Bum». Oregon, Augnat », 1901. With the provlalon» of the ret of Cvngrwa of. Preasred ly I. C. PsVTTT a CO- Chtoaga Notice 1« hereby given that in compllaac» J in« A 117», ei.tltlej "an ret for ths «ale «f Uta, I with th« provlttona of the act of Contra»» ot U«r land. In tbe Hte'e« cf California. Oregon. ' June 2. l*7t. entltl».! "An »et tor th« »ale of Ncvadaand Waahlngtcn Territory." aa *Xt«ad- : ttmoer laud, la the Hta'«a «f California. Oregon, •4 to all tbe Public land State» bv aot nt Aug- | 60 Y KARS’ Nevada and Wato- e than for agricultural purpoaea, and lo aeneuitural purpoava, and to »atabllah bl» OceioN« eatabllrh bl» elm at to aatd land bat- r» the Reg elaliu to >ald lan I telor* lb« Keclator and Re­ CoevwMwr« Ae. ceiver of tbla ofike al Burn», Oregon, on Satur- Aaron« ««rietag a «k«rcb aad SiareiMloa mar giaitar »nd Reeel v«r of thia office at Burna, Or« qulcklr ••«•rtaln our nelnlnn tre» whrOer an safokir - dev, th« 12th d«y of Oefober. DM. Manama» gon. on Saturday the 19th day of October, ivoi IriYMtWWl He name» aa wltaeaaea L R Springer nf aawl'nea»»» EU.worlh Hrow r. and L « Iprlng-! •»Am u. 1- true .......... OtAena . •«•» »y f. retriva FaMate t... . ----- «M<«. tfeeini tutte», wwhoat «Hheut e arra». In tre Oregon. L. M »«award and Thoa Howaer uf (on. and Geo Marshal1 al Narrow*. Oréeos. i Harney, Oregon I Any end all pera >ne eia!mine adrer ely the Any and all parton» etaialsg aAveraely the •bave-d«»er1K d landa era raiueated tn lie their A bandmalr Ulastratod waaUy. »¡Si tAm»» t Hr above daarribed land, ar» req'-taied to file their »talma In this olire on or before raid 11 Jay •I ___ ,M a claim. In thl. offl. a on er beforoasld Mb day Octo bar 1101 Oio w. Hem of October, INIl. I I 0»o, W. H uts ». Reglater Me« Mar £aa;o o«taa> • f «U Wa*kto«-te-. f>.< ■9__________ •r plwrto, with d«»rrfp IviM, U tnuniaoie or aot, hr» of; [wa «M dae nu pare»’ •’ rerurrd, a B.M»wirv ** Mow to O'',ain » at»-»—, ' w-l MM oÍMmela'tk« U. 8- and »»’«»«a «aert».-. wat fita- A».Jrra .000.000.vsn» RECKON. |N OHIO. MASS.. ANO IOWA WHAT I P atents n—r— aad Trada-Mreks otaainad aad all Pat-; eat PtMuu con4nun4 tee Meetaayc Vkts. t U, «. PavtwvOrns«1 i ia leaa um uiaa ta»w ; THE PRKNM PVBLIHHINU AMMOCIATIOM willgi r BAff M> In 1OUO Casli Prltrs to U ium tusking U m naareat «»t.iaM« un th» ct ■nl-re Offlcial Vo<«ofOhi«», Ma«nacl*ua«ettaand Iowa, »at for fluvwrnar an ths Mb day »»f Nov«iiit»r, IW)I. < ■ .■ _______ « f » land om<-» Biuna. Or . August It. 1901. Null»« I, b»r»by »■*•■ that J«»o l'aita, ul raullna. Crook i'ouet» Or»sua. ba. SI, I nolle« ot luttntlcn to wak» groat on hl. land elatin No 1’A for Ur RS »! ««V *»«■ «■ Tp ■» > . R MR W M . b»for» A. C f*aiw»r. U s.Coa. ■ iwlonrr a: Pr!n»vllla Or, go a. oa SalurJ», I i th» «Sth Jay of SrpismlM». HOI II« ñamo, th» following «Ito»».*, to pro»« th» coNpl»ls Irrlgallor. aud rKlamatloo uf •aid land I g a Wad». AIM «usaHa. Irnnsl a»7 and «Ir» UMkiaUth, all of raullaa. Crook Cvnaty. Orr un. Ovo W HafM. KagO*«' All the transportation lines in the tlRth day of October, 1901. aa i if you If th* action of your bowels is nut the Northwest arc arranging to fail so to appe.tr and answer for wan! . thereof the plaintiff will apply to the easy and regular »eriou« complica­ give specially low cate« to and from tions must be the final result De­ the Portland Carnival, which runs Court for the relief demanded in plaintiff's remplaint vic For a decree of'the Court Witt’» Little Early Riser» will re­ from Sept, IS to Oct. 19, and the • foreverditiolv ing the bond» oi matrimony move this danger. Rafe, pleasant and effective. H M. Horton, Burns; the excursion tickets will be good now exiating befw»en plaintiff and de­ for 7 dsyfi. This is the lonjest fondant, for th« care and cuatodv of the Fred Haines, Harney. minor children, iasna of the tnarriagw of limit ever given »uch ticket», plai ntiff ar.d defendant, and Str < eta and 1 ‘ My baby was terribly sick with and will give people ample time to dishwisemenU of this «nit. You will Ulre nolle« that till« aum- the diarrhoea," sayg J. H. Doak, of sec all the sight» conntctetl with morn is served upon ?uu by puhUeation the great exposition. William». Oregon. "We were un With two'ull military ban»!«, a hy Order of Hon Jatnt-a A. Sparrow, able to cure him with the doctor’s County Judge of Harney County, Oregon, assistance, and as a last resort we ojilitarv tournamet, a horse show, for »is c«>n»«-vutive» we-k», ar.d 'hat «aid tried Chamberlain’« Colic. Cholera athletic sports, exhibits of mining order was made uni dated at Burns, and Diarrhoea Remedy. I atu hap- agriculture, horticulture and nun- Oi>gon on th* 7th dav of September 1001 tl«a. W H a VU, py to say it gave immediate relief ufacturing. a full midway, fi>e- Attorney for Plaintiff and a complete cure.” For sale bv 'rork,,’ Bnd •" ,rrar of •«nuscinent H. M. Horton. Burns: Fred Haines, attractions, tbe Caruiyal will be TIM RIX LL.1D, A< . J .XE9. IB7* —MOTTCI Harney Uitv. one of the greatest events of the FUK PLLLtCAllUN. the season, «nd the admission fee i V B Land Office, Burn Oregon, A'lg H. 1B01 Notice it hereby gibe » ti*at In compllaBfe James White, Bryantsvi'.le, Ind . •• So5n* t0 ** on,y 25 eeot'- 10 with th« pruvialuu« of tb art nf (.’onfretB of esys DeWitt's Witch Hazel Halve .cents for children, Jenex, IF?*. rRtltlrd “Air act for tbe » b I b uf | healed running gores on both leg».' I ttwb«r toad« lnth«; SlAtea of callfernlB, UreguD. . NeYaJe, ar.d Washington Territory,“ He had »uffered six years Doctor* In cases of cough or croup give D ai IJ Millvr. foiled to h»-ip him. Get DeWitt’» the little one One MinuteCough cure ef Drcweoy, County of Harney. a?e of Oregon, Accept no imitations II M Hor­ Then teat easy and have no fear. ha« thl* day filed in ILI« oifice worn etato- ton, Burns: Fred Haines, Harney. The child will be all right tn a little No. tor the pur» ba-e of r WH-tEo. of BectUn No 2R. iu • while. It never fail«. Plt-Hsaiit to take Range No 85 F, W M , and wi i • « *.« .*»lpl7S.. r proof to al wav» safe sure and aiiuost instan- ■how that the land sought 1« tno’r ■ahi* far What moat people want is some­ ■ ral pur- tai>eous in effect. H M. Horton, it« Haber or stone than for er thing mild and gentle, when in Burns, Frei Heine». Harney. poke«, and to »Atablish his claim I laud tK- fore Remitter and Receiver < ..fflc« ar need of a phvaic. Chamberlain’» R'lras. Oregon, un Marda >.d day ot Htomach and Liver Tablet» fill the Harney County Fair September November, 19C1 He names a« witnesses: w * V. Robert- bill to a dot. They arc easy to take i 30 to October see. Stephen D. Bebd li. Mil »... South »nd and pleasant in effect. For »ale by John O't.aliuf I>'ew«ey. H) inly. Oregon WANTED-TRUSTWORTHY MEN AND Any and all per«onn elalmirg adversely the H. M. Horton, Burn»; Tied Hainer, aotaen t*> travel and adverti.» far old «»tab- above described lands arc requested to file liabed teoua« of aoltd financial aiandlng. »alary j Harney City. their claims in th!-> office on or h< f re said 2nd |7«>a ya rand »»!«■>»•». all payable la ca»h No raovaailng re<4Ulr«d. Olv« reforenraa and day of November, 1B01. «n<-to-« a«lf-»4dres»«d atampau enveloped ( Geo. W. Hayes, Register. ; Addreaa Manager »5A Caxtou bldg. Cbieago. I I rBsttar i . a * l >. hnal reoor. W» W) One-half mile dash free for all trator. ‘ I Itad a severe attack of bilious i T 115» I In the matter of the estate} colic, got a bottle of Chamberlain’s One-fourth mile dash for Harney of John Maher. de«-e»»edi Colic, Cholera and Diarhoea Rem­ county saddle horses that never Notice ie hereby given to all whom it edy, took two tloeea and was entire­ won public money riders to ride may concern that the unJersigned lias » ly cured.'’ says Rev. A A. Power, bareback without being strapped been duly appointed bv the Count v Court ; of the State of Oregon for Harnry County, of Emporia, Kan “My neighbor or tied on f30- administrator of the ratal ■ of John Maher, acroag the street was sick for over a One fourth mile dash for Har« deceased. and all perwon a having c'aims week, had two or three bottlea of ney county ponies not to weigh uga.ust aaiJ estate are hereby not I lied to medicine from the doctor He used over SIX) pounds and to be ridden present the »»me with proper vouch» rs to this Administrator, at the office of tlie them for three or four days with­ bv bovs under 13, 130. • a t'ountv Treasurer in Burn» in »aid County out relief, then called in another * CONDIT1OX9QOVERNINO RACKS. within aix month* from the date of Jhia doctor who treated him for some Entrance fee 10 pet cent of purse notice. davs and gave him no relief, so dis­ to enter 3 to »tart. Money di­ Dated thia 27th day of Jalv, 1901. charged him I went over to see vided 70 and 30 per cent. Entry W. E ID STOW, him the next morning He «aid must be recorded by 8 o'clock p. m. C. A. Sweck. Aduiiniit'ator Attorney for Admin. hi« bowels were in a terrible fix. the dav preceding the race, stating that they had been running off so .color worn by rider.-no burse bs- HUM MOSS—DIVORCE long that it was almost Moody flux, inj g allowed to »tart start without withou color. i reserve The board of director« 1 asked hiiu U be had tried Cham­ In the Circuit Court of the stale of berlain’« Colic. Chol«-a and Di- the rigut tn alter, amend or pf»t- Oregon lor Hurney I euuty. pon*- any or all races, should thoy aarhoca Remedy ar.d he said No’. for any reason deem it expedient Henry Scoubes, t’lif ( ve. I went home and brought Litn my to do so. Magpie Scoubes. Pelt i liottie and gave him one dose; told Pacific Jockev Club rules govern T j Maggis .S.-oubee the above named him to take another dose in fifteen all races. Defendant. J. J. Don'gan Is tub x imk or tus extra or osroun ; <.r twenty minnte« if he did nut find Henrv Richardson A’ou are h *rebv required to be and ap­ relief, but he took no more and wa* I»ee Caldwell. pear and answer the complaint lllod a- entirely cured ” For sale by H. Committee. «air.»: yon in the above entitled suit on M. Horton, Burns; Fred Haines or liefore the first day ot tha next reguUr Seven Day» At Carnival. Harney City. term ot the above entit'ed Court, vis: Given Away $15,000 __ ■ Settenne Jfetrican. StlNN & Co.’"*-** HewTl rreel lent < entrai «»viuga Baut Petroli. M < h Blate------- My Ratiniate — RIDER AGENTS WANTED one in cacti town to ride and exhibit a sample loot modal bicycle of our manufacture. TOU CAN BARK •!• Tt ISO A WEEK besides having a wheel to ride for yourself. 1901 Nadals Guaraaleed $10 to $10 ’O0ft’09Nodals£&$7ta$l2 te$9 "“Ve ship"*«/ Mcyde'QM APPROVAL to anyone uilhout a cent depottt m aefoancs and allow 10 DAYS FREE TRIAL. no risk in ordering from ue, as you do not need to pay « cent if the bicycla doe» not euit you. nil HftT BUY • «hM< UU BUI Bill r*cmv o»"1 r0« writu« for » mkis »ad rat tsial «rrn. Thia liberal otf«r has errer beta equaled aud 1» a guaraaw« of th» qoallty ot our whrrla. »liable peraoa la »ark towa to dlatrtbut» eatatonas Ibr r- la ' a bicycle. Wnt» today for fra» catalog«« aad ear »prvtal odfcr. • HEAD OYOLE 00», OMoags. PATENTS GUARANTEED Our fee returned if we fail. Any on« sanding sketch and description of any invention will promptly receive our opinion free concerning the patent­ ability of same. “How to obtain a patent" sent, upon request.. Patents secured through us advertised for sale at our expense. Patents taken out through us receive speatl notice, without charge, iu Tn P atbvt Rucoun, an illustrated «nd widely circulated Journal, consulted by Manufacturers and Investors. Send for sample copy FRBB. Address, worm j. (Patent a oo„ Attorneys,) wAwnumMf, d , o kvmhs