In Given,Away A i.ew monthly mttgazine failed HOW GENKKAI. GXKNT LOST HIS • IIIK 1M” "The Knocker" is announced, com­ E«.« an i »«♦. » I 1 a»e » •' rtf*. I <•■ ing from Philadelphia. Il should It «asa Frleud'it Mistake that h rat«» lr««w4 THE PKKMH Pl BI.IMIIING AMXIW I VITON will give «Iff iHl o say •■Consumption eanboeur«d.’‘ «i. S k.w.*h ' >1» find an enormous clientele in all 1 lkeprlxesi Him Forever of I I»' L’u N iture alone won I do It. ItnMds in IOOO <’ m »I i Prlxes to tlio»o u< iking the )i''itre.t ciltjiste. <>n ilio roiuliln® • '»I« «h tt w \__ \ Illa Iteal Name. Q help, doctors »ay pmrt* of the country.' Certainly, Official Vote ot Ohio. Miis’.ncliiissrtt« and lu**n. essi fw tlmrruur on th» it» title will appeal to something 5tli ilsv o( Xovvoi)*r, 1W)|. Not many Americans know that ' ' like ten million people who will N« >« • t* v Is the bast help." But you mast rccogni :e that it it destined to ex­ Hiram U. Grant was thesiahteenth »1'4 t tat OOO.OOO. vctu , continue Its use even In hot h«4 ' I President of the United States 3 .vaather. ploit their ideas. As to the nature [RECKON. IN OHIO, u If you have »-ot tHed it «pad (nr free «ample. of the tnaga-ine, the Fast Oregon Yet it is true, for “Uly«a«s Simp S KuT ** wyr chr«iwaiK , MASS.. AND IOWA I 400-415 ¡Wai. e.rK«. New V»--lat * of h-hn M.hrr, davs and gave him no relief, so dis­ tioualv say«*-Let us consider,’’ and mother’s family, he wrote it ‘T’lvs- iecesMht. »nd all |a>r*xis lutring <- aiui. charged htm. I went over to sre I then he never considers any plan I sea Simpson Grant." Thus was it ag«inat aaiJ vitate ar. herehj- notitleii tu him the next morning. He said for public institution» but to op recorded at West Point, and though preuei.tthe sanie prv|l send your eatiuiatu and aul>«ri|Ulon tuTux In a. ami vou • ill receive a errtiti- azine. — East Oregonian. W K HI sT<’X, berlain's Colic. Cholera and Di- cat", a hivh »ill entitle you to |>itrtlci|>al»' in th® di.trtlxilion >1 the * I A,<)<»«> to adopted, and by it Grant was and C. A. Hweek. Autnuilst'Stor. aarb?ea Remedy and he said ‘No’. I he awarded by the PREMM IT Hl IMIII SH tf»F«K'i A H<>N. of Detroit. Mh h., U always will be, known. But as for Attnrney tur Adinin The laws of health require that thuao making the nvire.t eafxnatea of the • nit< ikl Vote for < iuvrinor ill th-1 Hlatea I went home and brought him mv any reeord of the birth of "TTysees uf filno, A|«»aa, hurolta and Iowa, to be di-tern nr I by Uin t-.lo«ti<4> hvld o-i the the bowels move once each d.av and I bottle and gave him one dost; told Simpson Grant," that does not ex­ I TIMI)IR I.ANP. xcrjrxt >. im- notice 5th day <>f November, ltWAf, I one of the penalties for violating him to take another dose in fifteen rute PCBUC4T10N. ist. , We have mad* arrangement» a uh the I’RFb» IT H1.IS11IN* t A m M< t’L\TR)?l « r twenty minutes if hedid not find this law is piles. Keep vour bow­ U i Tttnd Olire, Dum«. Orrfnn. A«i< K. 1»! ei, Mich, to enable our anhaerihera to participate in the dtatrlbutlon of NutSftt m b«r«by gir«n (hai iu compitane* relief, but be took no more at.d was els regular by taking a iloae of the* .ii.v »u1(1< l--iit prlaea. »iu uniting to * 1 5,tMMt •Uh r<>vi«loDa nf li * art fi Uong ••« «»! In eases of cough or vroup give entirely cored." For sale by H. Chi.mberiutir’s Stomach and Liver theliltle one One MtnuteCongh cure Jane 3, t*.'4 rntidrd’*An art frr ih« atti* **l OUR OEFER • I mil further r.otiie er«r»y one aho’w-r.dati»70 cent* fur M. Horton, Bum«- Fred Haines, Tablets when necessary and you Then is st easy and have no fear. ttuikrr land* luihr Sfate« of CttHl«tu!«. l>r*(ou 4 month. autsH-ripllun to Tit: Itiaaiy Vuirv Irma a ill r<>t-lvo ceitifu-a’o binftwn Trrrltnry,” will never have that severe punish­ The child will be all right in « little N«-T*da, «nd * a Ptt*id Harney City. ahlv-b «ill cntltlo bun tv partutplto in the dialtibuii >n uf the 1‘nree. 1‘re.ent Miller •utiacnber« may la! e a hantage uf thia otfor. anon you. Price 25 while. Il never fails. Pleasant to take of l>re» ejr, C<*u»ity d liarn* State nf Oregon, Don't be satisfied with temporary cents. For sale bv H. M. Horton, always safe sure and aimos». install ha» thbk day (Urtt In itti» aff»rw ni« •wnrn •»•♦• tend-d 4 month, from h* A. soon a. ak**v ih«t thr la i*! anutkt 1» mere vai abi* fur I it« Umbar <*r «fon« Iban f»r aarirullaral pur- relieves permanently because it al P. T "Ihoin *s, SumterviUe, A’a., we lecelvu your subocription we «ill u-n>al t ìanJ !>• 1 >ws the tired stomach perfect rest. ‘•I was Buffering from dyspepsia I IMH NO AHSOCI \Tli>N, of Detroit, .Mi -h., containing your eatimate. «hlcli far« Rrgfatvr a 4 flerolv*r of ibi« <»fflr* at Dieting won’t rest the stomach Na­ when I corn air need taking Kodol thing niild nnd gentle, wh» > :u Bum». «Meco«, on Salurdoy Ih* t day •! Will In.ure rou any pru- your eatirn rlu rnav entitled you to claim. Wu « ill, Ule a ture receives supplies from the food Dyspepsia Cure I took several bot­ need of a physic. Chamber!«’u'» Nuveribcr. ¡701. du)>licato o-rtideate «ifh the I'reaa Puhli-hiug A-> hx latioa. Every auba< rilsrr nay we eat. The sensible way to help tles and digest anything." Kodol Steinach arid Liver Tablets fil ti e Ile »»tTUi ». wIlTfr» HIT am A T. -crt make a. many cellmates and »1.1 revel1 e as u>.n>y <-ortillc ilea ia h. aenda sub­ the stomach is to use Kodol Dy» Dyspepsia Cure is the only prepar­ bill to a dot. They are easy to take ano. xtrphen F Wel»d 11. W*ilimra Sdutb aud scriptions to Th" Items. John <> t. alluf !»•**••?. Ilamtty rouuty. aid subscribers in forming iboir ctttlmsttt, nr f irmali thè foli«*«mg 3*1« t •hro W Najre*. R-^«tcr Frtd Haines, Hamev. PftIZF.S To Be Awarded as Follows: I I DOCTORS fUKUfa ¡“Scott’s Emulsion I I VALUABLE INFORMATION VM’AID COl'NTY W A It U ANTS. "Through the months r>f June ( and Julv our baby was teething' The date for holding the Second and took a running off of the bow- Annual Harney County Fair has • Is and sickness of the etoruick.’’ been changed to Sept.. 30 to Oct. 5. says O P. M. Holliday, of Deming, Ind. ‘ His bowels would move from Fine plating done bv Jorg-:n«en. five to eight times a day. I had a bottle of Clmmberiain’»Colic.Chol­ XOTKEFOR PfnUCAtlON. era and Diarrhoea Remedy in the (H.'panmr-t of the inlcrit.r: U. B. LanJ Office . Louse and gave him four drops in Burn«. Or »--on. Jaly ¡0. 1901 N tire ti» ?.rrebjr given that th* following- ti teaspoonful of water and he got i.Muied «ru.ler ha» fikd notice of hi« iutentinti iietter at once." So'd by II M Hor­ t » in»k»> final rroof jn »upport nf hit rialin. ar.d that »al l proof will be made before Rec:» ton, Burn«; Fred Haines, Harney ter end Kee«dvar at Burn«. Oregon or «\ng. -4.1X1, vit If the action of your bowels is not easy and regular serious complica­ tions must be the final re«ult De­ Witt's Little Early Risers will re­ move lhts danger. Safe, pleasant rmd effective. H. M. Horton, Burns; Fred Haines. Harney. ¿•••i« M. McMwIlstt. Hd entry No tne Bea 33. Tp 31 . K. M E . and LXa 2 and J, Bee JO. Tp 21 S,. R :ifi E. W. M Ii* « aioe» th* following witneaer« t* prove Mi contlpnou« residence upon and culUvaT-un M said ;*nd. v ir: Grace W. Holliday. Frank Holliday. Leater McMuTen and Wrn. Lytle, ail of Dre <- ry, Har­ ney county, Oregon. U sq . E.Hiri«. Eegi.'ter I, H. Richard-on. county tier« for H. mey County, Oregon, hereby certify the annexed list uf county Warrant. of this county l«rued than .even yuaM prior to tho first day of, 190!, remain unpaid and sill bu cancelled .' not presented to the county treasurer fi r payment on or tiefore October 12, 1901. WrrxitsM my hand and official M-al thi. 4th d.iv of August, 1901. £ ) II. R'citmneoM. - ssai. , County Clerk. I------- I Uy F 8 Rieder, Iteputy, No Claw*. Date. I 60 i C44 '•67 1st 1-4 .713 R74 2»1 7H6 ‘♦‘•J - 13!) NOTJ< E FUR PUBLICATION. 201 I L&nd Office. Burn*. Oregon, July 11. 19CJ. 290 K«4 re i* h-^eby given that in compliance with ib. y.rovi.iun.onh» act it cnn»r»-« .r 662 Jun* 4. 1*7\ entitled "an act fur th« »ale of tiai. 711 bcr iand« iu the Siale# of California, <>r»ron. «J.:« Nex ad a and HaahineV u Territory.” •«tene- 161 ‘ My baby was terribly sick with the difkrtttoua,’’ »ays J. 11 Doak. of Williams. Oregon. -‘We were un­ able U> core him with the doctor's Mssislance, and as a last resort we tried Chamberlain’s Colic. Cholera «nd Diarrhoea Remedy. I am hap-1 ed to all tLe Ku bite >aud bv act ul A<>( p>* to say it gave immediate relief u»t ♦. im»2, ■'Uphrn H. Seaward and a complete cure ” For .»'e bv of Cord. Cou. ty nf Ma'heur, State of H M. Horton, Burns; Fred Hain* a Oregon, ba» thi» day flirti in thi* office hi« Harney Citv. i »worn rtafement No. >». for th* pnrehaae nf the Mrs. S. H. Allport Jolmton. Pa., stye: “Our little girl almost st u- gl ed to death with croup The doctors paid she couldn’t live but she wa- Instantly relieved hy One Minnie Cough Cure. H. M Horton, Burns; Fred Haines, Harney. fliptist Chareli Services, NE‘ z 4NW^4 Bee ¿S in Ip no2t H range uo R7 E W M and witi offer proof that th* isnd »ought U more vsluahile for it* timber of >tnne than for agrir j tural purpo»*«. and U» «dablUh hi» claim io»aid larij teforefhe Eegietrr and Ke criver oitlih >>ffireat Burn«. • e.« Eli-worth Brown ai’d L E -pring rr of Burn». Oregon L I. Heward uf Cord. Ur* gon. an 1 Ge Mar,nab ot Narrow», Oregon. Any and all per»'»«« 'daiming sdvrr-ely the al(o\e-dcrcrib<.d !and- are re*|*ie*t«dto Air their claim« in Chi« flics ou < r before «xiduday o/ oeb/ter.iJOl. Os» W. Ht-ci ter Preaching services at the Buptist Church every let nnd 2nd Sabbaths in each month at Ila rn. and <■"><) TIMBER LANP. ACT JUNE $. |R7< —NOTICE E -k i«’ BUCAIT o N, j>. m. SunJay school every Sab­ ■ U S. laud office, Burn«. Oregon, Aniru«t 8, IMI. bath at 10 a. tn. Prayer meeting i Notice 1« hereby riven that In compliance rvery Thursday evening at 7:30 p in with the pravietoD» of the act nf Cnnrrr«» of June 1, M7<. entitled "An act for the »ate of The public cordially invited to be timber land« 1« the Mtafe« of California, Urefou, »vada, and Wa»h1nrtnn Territory.” present. <4a«>rge Marshall. of Narrow«, County of ltarn*y. «tate of Oragoa he> thi« day fl led In this offic i hi» »worn state* ment No 54, foi the purché«« of the NW^NW‘4 of Bvetion No. IX. in Township No 22 H.. Knife No 32 E and will offer proof to »h«>w that the laud MHitfhtf» more valisbla fcr It» timber of •to e than for atrictllural parpnsas. and to rAtablJwh hi» eiai’n to -aid land bef re the Kef- gUler snd Kri-veerof thh nfflre at Rum», Ore fun. on Naturday the I'th day of Oetnbar. i90! Ife name» •* tr!inea«e«: J». B Sprinter nf Rum». Orefon: Alfp.d L. Marshall of Narrows, Oregon: 1» M Seaward and Tho« How »or of Harney, Oregon, i Any and all persons rlalminr adversely the «bore de»« r’»red lands are req'iei»te»1 to file their claim* in thi» offb « on or before »aid l«rth day 1 nf 0«t„b«r, ISSI. litv, H.UzY»', z i •x ✓a, - \ BANNERMAN’S PHENÌLE Tb< Most Powerful Ölslnf ctant, Daodortxra ssd OrrafiCkti Knawa la Mattar« Bciettce ...... crin Pw sir, fnzifbpa, Nwa*. La, iU ' túfftJ I a Amt. Name. A Au< 14, !«W l. H H. Jar.w, I6.IMÌ A klar 6, 1300, B W. .Jones, 3 30 A Julv 7, t'HO, J.-ff I) Biliineaty 3 no B Oct IS, ¡390, J. 1). BilüngBlry r 1 , Q B „ ., ., Gtiadrlnpe Lugo 1 00 B Pec 6. 189T, TV J, Johnson 2 20 BSept 16, 1831, E J. Marshall 1.70 5 60 C July 27,1303, J W. Jonra C Jan !). 1593. Steve Wood 3 IM) C Mar 16, !0»3, Wm Hoffman 6.50 I) July 10, 1303, L. Wuliienberg 5 60 H „ T Naan I 11.CO I* ,, „ „ C. H. lArwitt 4.50 • ) Mar 10. 1H94. Geo Ho> hendrl 1 20 I>................ R E. I-.®. 4 50 1) June 30, 1304. O TV. Hill 3 4M) E July 10, 1MM Grace Sterling 2. at (65 90 Total DKSKKT LAXO, FtMAL PROOF V. H, Land Office. Hum». Or , Auguri 1«, EOI. N< the data hereto: that »aid tract fx not »ettled upon and «nltlvated by «aid party a« re»|tii/ed hy liw• ihU «aid abandon went was not cat>«ed by the hnfae.tra>l claim ant baina abaeot in the military or naval «er- wf<>«t <>t the United N'.atr* d'irtnr the Mpaniah War. 4i, sat forth far*« whlrt • how that after due diligence pemonai service of thin notice ran not be ma le, it Is hereby r»r dered and directed that x’>ch nott«. b* gl. cn by due and proper publication, Qcu. Wk .<■'»^TRUSTWORTHY VEN ____ ... a * ch «ornen t trerel and advertise L- t oil * tab Ha’ l-iH n i <• Uejl.ser, BAKRkkMAB® IKWnt ri-»« S ■' •• f :.«Wmper, i>ina •*«, t-lu!», <•*»-• UH), e t , « : »•, •i*o mtsr* '»• uu«» »AMXIRWAXI >• 1< ** T J-B «ere» t W st f f'> • -/t •--*4 la aure Grati« .usey tic- 1( la rBallf •p- li«! M»J ■•••r f«tta TOUR FRUIT T**M t» spray»* etili Fb.»»yi«, w •;> a al* >*|t.tHy ‘.calti»?« sii •crw.a, Hta • n4 fawsts NAtrartiMAN B rWJDCTLF a» afeaeml«te. i-»r«a kaoni la ‘•»’H k '*•”» U^uor U *car» an4 -*!!> he user«! fa r*««ry àow««»* le w • •*a.>4ia«N»«nt II t» mJorwd ry <-.umtA«er nan* iars« rapar« • hi urb -»t «ha Et-lr« Baenarwiaxi • F1ir»yla 1-aqiaUy r*r*r.w»'1 (y p.«*«ul (l»< sb«>*r 41 « mfw « «* 1 HaMma «1! <■»►•- xk»u« »«ter« If trarly *’«4 ab >«t tl*«> praeM«*« Wrlta fnr cireuhars and MtlmaniUa »»•*«• *•*••*! A ó'»w HANNFPMWN <* CZO. «7 73 Clark «•*••* OWICAGO UX. I Th® eomb’.ned Offieldl V.«te In tt«®»e state» In Mit wa« ¡Al? 4.A • Soos on I«» the u*a*r«l correct ••tma** l.bSi 420 I» eretta« t.M per ct T« the Jnrd 1 '«><» I VM.R07 » |t> .. T » th* too so |.5h«.4Vj incre»u* 1.77 .* Twtbo Mh MO ■»< ! tt«.7lA T’» th* <>th 3» 1.S7J.IOO daercAeetk.iO lolls? h too VI I.MIAU .. 3S2 .. Tn ths nh .... 7S M I ttk .tAr tncratt»« 7 ay M Tn th* M w T«* tn* |Mh I.KMN> ». UM .. MM T«»lh* n«xt 1» nears<»t II* *Ä4»h-1» The rertiflrate» ni the HacrHsrlr« of the Tu ino next u<-ar*»t lit) »aeb UO on S'ate, i>».-ue4 •howiuc Ibe Cn«Mn» tne It . a Toths u*U 1*0 ur*r*«t »V •> Pria«* and ihr will u« mad« «uhm To the next IS7 nearsat 17 rafb .’s40<4 JOdtjr, after th® *>rtì -la) Vol® I, know». Toth* next >«o i.*are*t Th® fTK M < w II! put,II .h th® name, of iba T<* th* nr at >u uear«’»t ft rarh N à ) (-1 •ueeeatfut Eetlmalora. Total W7 pi .»•». am «ut.tin« t«< • i t Mfi.o* htateiuenl >elr®lt. .Mlr'i. fol low I ng special PriEM will be I H»r«h> Carlirj-, that th-- F i « m I'ubtl.h InX A»,,« tailou ha, 4r po,U®.l • I A.«too in th® Paid. Central Sat ine« hank, lie rolt. Mlr-h . tnr th® Tnlheparton making the mare«* correct et tlpr««® pur|«>^> •>! pajrler th® l“r •• In their tim«'* orfnr* July t<7t*i |l QUO 4» Conl®«t nu tl.« Corablned olBHal V >ta of lhe To lbs |>cr*on m*k' >*f th* n*aro«l correct *•- Mate« nf Ohm, M«^aehu,>et« and Iowa, and tamn’r brtwt-rn July 10and Atigu«t lOih |7uo a® that tbt« ftib'l can b« tue«! for unoth. r p irpo,,- Tf> (hr prpaon nulling the nrarewt Correct •» tfmat* boitttMu A*tg iO and iept 10 |000 no Total l«J» pr tr*. PruuHUlin< to Il’-.OOO DO In ci»* uf a Ite, f yfs* will be dividati re Frad-teel l.ntrsl Saving» Hank. I»e;«r>lt, M rii Digests what you eat. Itartiflclally digest» the food and aid« Nature in strengthening and recon­ structing the exhausted digestive or­ gans. It is tbelatestdlscovered dige»> ant and tonic. No other preparatl 1 can approach it in efflciency. It in- atxntly relieveaand permsnrntly cure« Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nam-ea. Sick Headache, Gaatralgla, Cramps and all other results of imperfcctdlgestion. PfinoSttr. «nd fl. I«arfctlxccontain.» 1H t'mett ■EnailsU*. Book all about dy»pep«la mailedfrm Prttpurad by E. C. DttWHT itacturr. TCU CAN MAKE »10 III »60 A W££K bcauli having a v.heel t j ride let youn-At. 1901 Models fiJaranlszd $10 to $18 '00 8’99 Models J.u< $71» $12 SOO Sactnd Hind Whaelsej»«. co takm in I latte by cur Cmcago mail «tore*, *P(£l many good as nr*,,.. .............. . Wu »hip any bicycle Qty APPROVAL . »• Anyone villwid u cent arpo^it advanct ______ and ar _)low You take it abroluttly ao ordering from ns, a* yon do not need to pay a ceut if the bicyctT dors not ruit Iou. you. 10 DAYS FREE TRIAL bill/ a whr.t o-ait yon t •vr wHrtea fw *«r Bill SACin»» MUCK an . ■ f.llablr a7raon tn r*-J> lown to dlitrllut. ratalofnr. fc>r r- la Mtyck. wt>lr l-xtsy f