Published ifi iht* • I he Oldest and Moat, ReliablA. The Best Advertising Medium. Greatest Valley of Eastern Oregon, t 1 Walley Items lo R ■ ä ■ ■ Æ' BURNS. OREGON. SATURDAY. AUGUST 31. 1901 VOL. 17. WHIT OUR STATE NEEDS ML LW POK FA“ M WORK Wha They l.aek in Appearance ThcT More Tbnn Make Vpiu Ictnul U m I u I dcm . Home« for ThBMsands of fadua- Irteua. Kuerifotir People. « , I NO. 40. COUITT COURT THREK QB1AT PROBLEM« I I’lOccedMgs of a Special Session They Are the Labor Question« Cktorwe Rrclailon awd PtsilitHdnea Thf question is so often asked Held Í4Mt Snturrlay, by farmers who have never used tnuh*» on the farm, prefering horsts, 4 Preswfoot David Starr Jord*«, of that we shall give some of the I I Leland Stanford University, in an Oovoruor Geer ears truly, “What iu*rtfo possrssed by our Ungeared Mw^irwv •/ £r»re Dttcrrpfion. County court met in wpecial see interview at Dwyer last Saturday our state needs ia more people— friend The mule is sn easy ani­ He doesn’t eat much ’*on *•"* Saturday with the follow- said there were three greatquastirna tn a ay more people. Tbm. develop­ mal to rainc. 1________ _________ as corn pi red with a horse. An ener-. inR ««♦eer* present: Judge Jaa. A. now promiuently before the coun­ ment will couie to earnest— not be­ getio mule «ill make a trip quicker Sparrow, Commissioner A. Venator, try, the labor problem, the Chinese fore." With the conditions of cli­ exclusion question a ad the problem then a hors»-, though he may not Clerk If. Richardson, Sheriff Geo. , of the Philippines. mate that hate prevailed in the go so feat. The secret of bis sj»»-d ^heltav A summary of the busi­ “The questtoee of the trusts and Middle West—in fact, In the entire is h»e uniform gait—«toady and ness transacted is ¡ ms follows : | the union«,” he said, -‘must be set- region cast of the Rocky mountains president. You hardly ever m * c a' In the asattar of th« tad of John tied by ballot. If ths laboring men —with our own delightful summer siek mule; he seems practieally E. Johnson for moving the bridge have not the common sense and and abundant crops; with the tour­ immune from the diseases which across the river in the lane on the the judgment to vote rightly they Z JOHN Cr'llQG ist travel that has passed through attack horse«. A mule can endure road running East from the town will suffer the consequences. Thev ■USu. F the state, and with the opportuni­ move hardships than a horse, will of Barns. It appearing to the court have it ia their power to solve tho ties furnished by the Buffalo Expo­ pull m >re in proportion to size, that the bridge ie noton th« line problem. If force or bloodshed an will move not believe in »empathetic strikes, resources, there should be a large wotk than a horre, and is more re­ the said bridge for ffiO it was order- as they oblige aaay innocent ind,- F " ( (Iniur|>orated Im<»r{•orated ) ) acceaeion to our population next liable after being initiated. If a { BVMMK It - - - OttKGOX. J year. Oregon need« people who team of mulct run away they look ed that the bid for same be accept* riduals to suffer. Why should a ed. , fruitraiser lose his crops because come hither with a purpose. Wheth­ out for themselves, and though In the matter of the contract ' the freight handlers are on a sym­ er ») »* make some close turns er that that purpose purpose lo<**k» lo«>ks to to agriculture, agriculture, with Byrd to print the financial pathetic strike? The strike of freight gent rul or mining, lumber* anJ trough a needle’« eye, so to * A Ceneral Banking Business Transacted general or special; s| statement of this county. Tho court handlers on the Pacific Coast has • Directors: W. V. Km IK, L N. G«-vr, Geo. Fry, W. K Trisch. ing or stack raising, if only it L*s ep-ak. they usually come out un- being informed that said work can oost an immense amount of incon- J. C. Weleortie. Ithe homebuilding idea as its basis harmed. We would rather plow not b^ completed before Monday. ' venience and loss to travelers and 'and an intelligent deeiro to make com with a team of mules than 1 Aug, 26. 1901, the County Judge members of the community wto tbo of opportunitv t« its in- Torres they break down less co-n was authorized to corn} are the work kno»f nothing about the grievances cvntive, it will represent what is ani^ turn «round quicker. Hot OFFICIAL DIRECTOR F j and if found correct to accept the .but are mabe to suffer. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. needed for the development of the wea'her effects the mule less than ■ same. ‘As to the Chinese exclusion," ■ yet unguessed resource» of the stale. the horse. A good, honest, buai- • tat « or uaauob In the matter of the annual set- said the doctor, “it is not all one- . i Jo — «k «Imo« 1*. a. OaaMa««, H M MfLLtN, But while Oregon needs people— nets mule is worth, and will com- • 7,'' ' ,U. W Mchrldr 1 tletnent with the supervisor of road sided. I am not in sympathy with purpnaeful people—it doos not want, mand, n good price anv day in the 1 M * M«x>«r Caafraartaau. 1 Thnaur Tui «ua i Dist. No. 16, Chas. Turner super­ the sentiment tbnl would exclude folk merely for “filling,” It wants »«' k- The usefulness of a mule P X y. niarkburu PHOTOGRAl HF.R a II ornar Oa»«mL visor. Report accep'ed. all Chinamen from our country. I T T. U.*r Oamnet, ' men and women who gratefully ap- continues longer than tha* of a .. ..... PI. vunbar In the matter of the complaint M MM. ant in favor of admitting a China* » Hurns, Hregou. predate th« difference betwee a horse. The mule is not handsome, t. S. M'«ro| MUI. Traomr.r. made by l ’ eter Clemens and Jas man who comes to these shores ac­ «•!*< Pak InMtaaVMk. ... ! H.Ack.rmaa climate of extreme boat and bitter doesn’t make a good roadster, isn't ^F*M>un St —opposite Rank W H L m 4» F. Barnes, concerning the Huds sum PrloMr, companied by his family. If h« cold, and one of equable tompera- stylish, doesn’t “do himself proud” (C K ..brings his family he will have peth Bridge across Silvies River. ... Ut «. lUan •apr.m. Jitosaa. ........................ jlure that makes the dividing •• line ' if hitched to a fancy yellow wi"on tir A. Boot« The complaint states that said something to anchor to. I would M liunu a OBAMV betwr^n the seasons one that can or cart, hut what he licks in ap­ wnrru rewsut aurate r bridge is iu a dangerous condition ex clade all paupers and Chinamen ___ a. n curvai CtrauM Ja««a. .. .. . W. L Mar-4rn. Joba « Geary, be crossed without serious diecom- pearance he makes up in astual Wa> Mtllor rroucattn« AUorawr for travel and unlcrs repaired ie* who eamt alone, We should bear P^yei- ian» A finryravt. • fort or loss of crojrs and stock ; who aaefulneaa on the farm.--Tenncs- Ü. •* LAND omet. BUÄM® • liable to break down aud injure in mind that if Caiaa is opened tv ltaras. Oreg»«. wiE not grow cynical and join in Eee Farmer. some or.e traveling over the same, the trade of America, we cannot af- Cbaa barrali fN^Olflce st resi-teace. ’Ftmue 20. «•Mirar..................... ............ the clamor of the idle against Ort- j The court orderstthat the same be ford to antagonise that great nation Range Grass. HARNEY COUNTY gon rains in the winter, but will repaired at once, and that super- by a rigid law of exclusion.” ..... .J. W. Morrow Joint Manntor. Winnemucca Silver State: Al- sensibly prefer them, with the visor post a notice on the bridge Dr. Jordan said bis travels in the •• Roprawmtafoio................ 1. H freer . H , XLRBS. M. ». proinisoof abundant*« that has nev­ filcrio, the Mexican name of «plant ... . Jama« Sparrow Conaty Jr. Hhelley. I BV-AH>iro«r for Stai« MaMool Hoar*l. I tence for the winning. No foul’s fodder plant for fattening sheep Same of the eastern papers are. the 4lh pec«. I paradise is here, and no lazy man’s that ever grew. Sheep as a rule, avoid it when . again printing an old problem I : retreat, but opportunity in farming. All work intrusted to Sol David­ ! A w. now ax . green, but after it dries they eat it I which might serve the Burns rest- son, the jeweler, will receive prom pt ’ in dairying, in stockraising. in hor­ Rvaxa Lonu« No. 70, K of T. “ f Hf; ticulture. in mining, in lumbering with avidity It is a fine fodder iers food for refieetfon. It ia the attention; satisfactiau guaranteed, Meets every Thursday night. Attorney--at--Law, land in the industrial trader What for fall fattening. This is the little 'problem of the man with 75 cents At the Burns Hotel. F. M. Jordan, C. C. I and and Coll ret inn bVRiatM. plant that is making the sheepmen I in hi« pocket who was impelled 0. Motherahvad, K of K. B. fJbNoUry Public. Pbonn No. 1 i Oregon needs is people to close with Jorgrneen has reduced the price to raise $1. He pawned bis 75 opportunity as represented in these of Nevada independently rich. BVRXr — - - ORMIOM. cents for 50 cents and tken sold on *11 h’^s in stack 20 per cent BURN« CI1AFTEB, NO. «, O. K. H and other linas of enterprise and his pawn ticket for 50 cents, thus i exce Pt stationary. . He is selling Meets seeoixi and fourth Monday of--------------------------------------------------------- Read our special inducement« foi endeavor. To such it offers an I lower than aav place in towu, each month In Masonic hill, Voegtlv yyiLI.UMS a FITZOBRALD securing the dollar needed. Who ■ abundance of undeveloped resources trial subscriptions on 4th paje. bulling. Mrs, Margie Leveu», W. .M therefore get his prices. lost money by the transaction? 1 a certainty of returns for their la- M Flt>«*ralZ. Mrs. Funic* Th >lh|M<>n, Bee. I Thowtoa William*. Ilow's This? The Queen City Furniture Co., AUuruay al Law. botar/ Public. ' bor, and the finest climate on earth —•—a ■ - - ■ ■1 I We offer One Hundred Dollars to cheer them on their way.—Ore­ BVKNH LODOB, NO. 97, A. F. (S A M. I mu >, Notarial and Real fatate Since last December, when the of Baker City, is reaching into Meets Saturday on or before full moon. Reward for any care of Catarrh that salt trust begun operations on the Harney valley after trade. Their gonian. Practico. Qualitlrd brothers fraternally invited, cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Pacific eoust, th« price of dairy and ■ ad” appears in this issue. Read Barna, Oref a ci^, in note reading ; one in in I _ _; vitad. Thoa. Saiten, W. M. Chas. N. Practical Land Svrreyor. the ble in all business transactions, and stock salt from $4 50 to $18 25.— ; while that of St. Joseph Mo., Coclirans, Reeorder. voioe culture, and an advanced Bwra«. Oragoa. financially able to carry out any Oregonian. leading city, was 9.1 per cent. «herns elaae. These will follow in ' number uf deaths iu Portland last obligations made by his firm. II IKNEY LODGE, NO. 77, I. O O F. the above order eadh evening, two W est * T ruax , Wholesale Drag-, Meets every Katurdav evening, Hrown’a i year was but 856, g W. MILLS«. Everything seems to be higher evenewgs eacds week for live weeks. I halt Viaiting brother# fraternally In­ gists, Toledo, 0. vited. Frank 0. Jackson, N.G. io price thia summer tlian usual The expense for the foil course of W aldimi , K isnaxa M arvin , Whole C. G. Smi h, Hecratacy. Notary Pwblic and. Conuyaneer, (The thresher owners of Powder lessens ie only $2.90, and 60 cents Portland businoaa wen are tnk- sale Druggists. Toledo, O. I , Matto««*». DrH». tv . «oeraHlr M«e. valley raised the price of threshing for a class book. The tueu.bjrs in- ing an active interest in the estab-1 li Hall's sii 8 vaiarru Catarrh viiro Cure is cacen taken ni- in- TFI.E CIRCLE. Nt. IM. WOMEN OF oekvMSVr. M«n., Or»«». I ° iiabwent of a near daily paper Urnt„y acting djrwtly upon the by forming a “trust," but the farm- etade the best «uusical talent in WoedereU M»«<« Jnd «■