I t \not r STATE politic * niv i * i *'X i—num i k « pi i < Mhiui 7 i ,*-ii|<'i l< ofl.«»I*. . I a««- h’h, Butter#"»; 2nd c«'rtifiratv.' g-’iuc uut frotu Pendleton t«> the lOfti« Che-'se #5; 2nd certificate Continuid front First page, y« nter« in th«* F ««t where tin* Eng ih** state ofli- e holdor». In u frw lish buyers are ii«*>«‘i« l-ling pur- PIVlSto.N J. Display bv Harn«v c-iur.ty mer- ÌMilatrd c imi *- opjv «ìtion ia wenk, «ha-«*« f«»r th« ir cavalry ««‘rvic in i bants #2Q, 2nd certificate hm therv i» a Con«tautl.v Intueasing '■«'nth Africa, i« th«* a«‘«*rti.ui of It DIVISION K — II VNPI«OtlK. anny of place hunters “It Wil«on, of the Bui liugton retd. in Ì Neatest pu*ce of Mechanism It i» not that thè tticutnhe its who was in Pendleton la«t week I siti kday h i >> i . Iron 42 <50; 2nd eertifi«Milc. hate nut prosed theniatlvea efli- I«» king after «hipm.i ts. T’lww In p.rass #2 V), 2ml «vrtificatc. < lent aud com|M*(ent. thorough nn«i herses bring from #7) to #lt> per Tlu* Kliut Yon Have Ahv tyu Itnught, nik I which hi«a besaa HARNEY COUNTY FAIL Jn'4'j«i #» nl1: 2nd •vrUl'.cate. reliable that this host of aspirant« brad, and are of.*« class that Other- in iih ' for «»ver JIO yrnra, has home tlio signature of PREMIUM I KT In Wood #?.7‘. 2nd certificate. h-ue arisen. It is l»ecauso a titb­ ' i«e are tin ful l" >r only the citile- inni Ims been nuida under l»ia per> In Stone or Brick #2 -50; 2nd an«! a gno«l salary arc a- seductive mm na "cvn horacr , m » i ». i 1 Mipcrv lalon slu< «• its Inlhary. is 'X' , .\Jlow no o«i«* t<» d«*relv«» jtuu lu this. Following i» a conrp'etr list of eerti ticu'e. an«l nttia*ti«rc in times m’ prosper All Counterfeits, imititi ton « and »• Jiis(-ns-fn«»d” ure but prnniume to bo avt-irdrd *t the ptV!*l N 1.— Mtl AM» FANCY m r.K Ity as When hard time« are prevn . T«„. Uxvs J1(,a|lh r,MJuif„ t|,at Experiments Hint trill.* with mul en.limger lhe health of Fair, September 30 to October 5. 1 andscap' painting in oil oli < lent lU«i.le, this it is every man’s . ,h). boW(.u ,,10v,, o,„ 1L)V aH1J Inflitti* uud A liihl.t i. ■ Evperlen« ' itgulu t i:x|»erlin««uk DIVISION a—llMWES unvass $2 50. 2nd cerlifie.tt«*. duty t » be an- a*pirant for office at • one «>f the p< unit’"-« for v.olating Draft r-tallion #20, 2d cert.'fica’-*. Matinc painting in oil #2 5u ka.-i «nice in hi« life. It deninn- ibis la’V i* piles Keep vour how .* w<*| stake Stallion #20; .*«'«' rtrnit painting nrr hi-» interest in th«* land of his CaMorhi (■» -i hitriit!.'-« Md»Htttiit< f«»r tu-tor Oli, Pnre- (’hi :ulier!a;ii’s Stomach and Liver J tckaas. with ColiSOf hi- get #N\ in nil on can vass, three specimens birth or hi« home by a l.iption gorlc. l>rops oml suotltlnir Syrnps. It la I'lr!.’>; second f* r 1 trge«'. and heat display of por­ Come» many names for governor ,nn „ Price 25 timi tilhijs 15 i eri lui«**It «ili* l»litrrh«ra and Wlud lifieate trait painting in oil by one person Heading th«* list of course, is that p„r M],. |,v ]| \| Horton. < «»He. It r« li. i« , Tocthhig Trouble», ettres Coit»tlpath>M DIVISION B—CATTtl ♦ 3 iind f-'lntiih-ites. It H"linllate< Ih»* V’« m »«I, re<«d«ilcs tini of Gavernor Geer State !" S-nator Burt«»: Frv«l 11« ne«. Harney <’;t« Bull, tio years and over, #20. bioni.nh nini B wels, "It'itg lieallh) ami iiiiturul aleep. Beet painting in Water Color« R«x>th. nf Grant’s Pass is experienc­ Tilt- < liiltlr- n* • l’o.tmc« a The .'l«»’her's Friend, #*cr»nd certificate 1 y the artist ?2.-7> ing a boomlct in Southern Oregon Governor Geer has lx en r><|ue.*| Cow and calf HO; 2n«icertificate l.-i-gr*' an ! best Cray >ti drawing C.xtutv Judge Cake is trimming rd Io appoint del<-git< s to ri pre CENUINE division c—«bEF.r. ti >e cr uiort *j«ecim<-ns byon« pct- his sails in th* «nine rt<>n. Btirns FreJ ILiinea. Ilarncy. DIVISION E-rot I.TF.Y. Sea mo?-« in frames#!. of Lx Giande his lx-en mentioned, Trio of Brahmas #2 30- second Sign ¡-ainting. work by art tat but h« puncture I the boom it by. pertificste. If ton kt nr a good thing when Ì2.7Ì | an emphatic withdrawing of hu Cochins #2 50 ’ecund certificate you twe it, rou will take a chame, Spi ‘i’n«n of oil painting on Satin name. Hamburg« #2 50. 2nd «n rtifiea’«- by thenrtirt #1..'«O. at «¡nr advcrti«envtit which bp- Fi-r rccretary of state, Frank I. *gho*-ns 12..50; second ci rtificate Specimen Etching by ar.ist.#1. Dunbar hopes to hohl on for f«»ur pt are <-n the lu«t page Damincckers #2 50; second cer- Display by one person feather r< ars more. His «tronpet rival is lificat", Jaro « White. Bryanliv iile, li.d . work #'. State Senator J, N Wilbamron, ffvmouth Rocks #250: second , Display by o;-.e jarrón Zcpber hailing fron Eaatcrr. Oregon. Sa­ says DeWitt’s Witch lla.’el Sahe ♦ tn ali*d rtir.i>:i g *or< a on both lib­ ft-rt ifiea» e. flowers $1 gacious republicans f«*«-l confident ile had «nfii-red six. tears l»o-tor- Pair Turkeys #2 50; second c» r Pencil, «ketch fr»m natur« by that Williamson will b* nominal filled to help bini. ; second certifien’e. Pastel drawing by artist #1. liannson ¡« a warm p«.*rs«.»nal friend within L'hours > i.gl«» fan* < 10 (M< , r«*'in«l trip »i!’ 'Mt. 'ilnough U lint n.oat |M opb* want is some- Sheave» of spring wheat *5: sox- All in this division on second of Stat«- Senator Charles W. Ful­ thing n.ifil end g»title, « hen in freight Is ,s*r I'« over ’•) It-«, mi«l«-r 30 ft*» graduated rate. pud certificate. premium- will l>e award'd certifi ton,of «.’liilsop. an«l in Get, voted noel of u pii vaie. t 'hatnbi riain'r Hurtt«- ('anjon < Ity lt«mte IXUbs barley ♦•'*, .’nd ct-rtifi ate cates. for F dton fur president of the sen- Steinach ami Liver Tabl.-t« fill tl «• 1.- aves Burna f -r I anvon (’ity, Tuesday, Thursoav and batur«iar, Display <>f sheaf grain. all kinds. DIVISION M—VINt r..*.! «. • ate last wintes. Dunbar ia a Fol- bill to a dot. They are easy tn tnk>- at .5 a m, m l arrivr« in Canyon <’¡tv within 111 hours. Single 2n«j. certificate. Largest and heat di«|4ar ofquarz n-nite-owing his nomination to hr* and pleasant It. cf.-i-t For «n'<* by far«- # is i I trip » . Ot. Tlimu-.-h fre-ght 2 etx per ft- »r*r lOull»» Wheat #2 50; 2d certificate hearing go’d. silver nn»I copjicr— 1 fellow townsman, and is con««- 11. M. Horton Burn«; Fred Haine». fiOlt.s, umb-r A»ft,« eradu't*e ’Hidt » • wh ti ihv J im hit Exhibition of Pot plants, not less (ifica'c fra.i tu r. *sf ih- ,%<»frna| wrT»«.») dnt,*u|> thè pati wante«! Williamson to take the 1 t*m ro.irrt tn irrii J mr.i nah .» mie than to«» pot«, il )’•*’ •- • ‘i ” li L otiti th#> httt»ply Tot» !•» division c,— nornrriT nr. nomination for congres«. hoping iitwi t • wlti< fi ->M f l«'0u It»f?', Utnnfb, b»r ami u Rustic stand not le«sthan thro« Display Ibu at A»-p!'*< ♦'•; 2nd litui. < rrllllrile» Hn«l l»||dr»«na«. by thu« dunging Williatr.i-wti'a sal.it V to feet in height filled with choice tlie n mi. ti Certificate si . f i. atr f.r» !•».»• I I r tl»r m «io |.lAtuttia- nmbi ion tn «ave Dunbar. But • ìi J.' ì |»u Wi -J » i. ». i l -.* re in l*te). represen'- ciin“ eoti^bi* c»f Second premiums in thi« divis-. imi > l’icwiienfa. a«l Ire «a, fhisht! Onion? 4! ; 2d certificate 1 ren»»tli-!i w » ing drool cotin’v. I.i“t year In F L CAMFHIU U ion wi'l l c.certificates l«Mi£ Dr Pi 'J urni»»® 11; 2nd certificate. or J !t V Rullar. Frfr>4*t:. ; wns «ent back to th” capital a« a • 'oM-n il •wrrdHr*, PIVIS ON O—J VSiliY. ETC. Reels -♦ 1, 2nd certificate. senator Ex County Recorder P. Di«»’»'#! ».'Tv cure* c’i- ¿tinatc. -lerp^ - - <#»• 1 I’otati-re ti, 2nd certifies e. S Malcolm is aNo in the lie's for I.o.i f talt rising bread .50c. Torn at ws il 2nd certificate. Merdin*.* <»t th»? seen tary nf s'n'e. H.-p rising bread ¡Wlc. I wriknesa, I (’abba?* 1 doz heads #1; «ecu d Potato yea«t -50<- I ('hail-*» Moore, state tr< a;nrcr, ttmri •♦i*»»i and pvrtifica’e. other !»>rm • Soda biscuit 30c. ba« an opponent for the t,on,¡ra­ <’t iie whi - i «I n?g1< te#l or on ■ ill Pumpkins #1 , 2nd certificate. Aseorfrd eaten » !. tion in Mr. A! Minder, of Pendle­ fully trrterminate uully in «on- 4 Sugar Corn #1 ; 2nd certificate ton. him ha« been a standing can­ 1 rn’/aoi. Largest display of Jam« #1.7) ••l w; I n it** 3 »H w’.i i# Dr Pk? '• Gob!»* t Disp'uy ofKaldrrtbi,Carrot. Kale Largest <¡ispl.iv of Jellies #1,50 didate for this ofli< e M. : « H bl- nrrA L J #!» ■ ; »r "I ” » n p.ac > >t »i r i Hi .,« , ('aulifiower. Mangel-werlzel, etc 2nd pr-tniutn certificate. State printer Leeds dors not Hilf'-.-n y » i f » I '»a1 w■#•»•>»!•♦# In ) I- ■ 1 Itr.iig i titv hlOK i ii-svc h«l a l#»»l I want another term. H • is tlm #1; 2nd certificate. ro « » » a! ti » ’ ” '»'tec mh H -h-#rt:w»‘ <• nivn-io.x i—xtf dlf . wgrk , . ........ .'id it w t- ■ 'V '-4«’ ’ » tYk C »’.4 I»' l only .nan in the state ready to r Hti^ii: •«» • la id * 'nh*r w.^tiM rnt»*r *1t • I O' All 1 ll.K '-•» li’ up III !»e I Bc-t di.«play crochet watk by any lire, and his pr-sition is th« refore v 1’1 : I t<# ♦»* -> CÉ^Wa-gou «uk Poni Satisf.irtorilv ¡«ml Willi Dispatch. I'.'I tu ; c C id't D •’ eit <>r «I-.-» t tin»"-- w:i * one perron # 1. rlt ni t ■!.»* i ; v >«i’»l u it »< >rk .»t »11 A few DO YOU GET UP I iiniq’u . For his »ho«-?nml “perks" Ji».r:’!t n.' - » ’< K *n ,»*Di,f Di Pi'*’«’*- - • »'»hlr > Ale-Led bi-<> : ** n d »i^ l in-»’ tl < i Ib-ft display patchwork «piiltrng BL UNS are contesting Graham Gla«s, sec t ■. I lx. 1-' .1!» I I IW « )!» etet -1-rt» «’» I w th ............................................. OUEGOM WITH A LAME BACK ? i I. i I'■ ’! li*“ i new tn »ti * • m i •’ Li: I w«»" « rotary of tie republican city ami- t » «- j Hi i" til I v f <:i»tt(c a • i‘f Pi#*? er •> » »»»I'D i . | - . ' - • • ’ ' ’ ... Neatikt worked banner ‘Harney Kllncy Trouble Mokes You Miserable. county ««entral committee; Sena­ in*- ” Count« Fair" #.'». I)r Pierce* k Common Srn«r MMic.d tor porter, of Clackamas: Will Almost everybody «bo reads the r.- »•'- Beat display pillow alipa and A'lvis.-r in p‘p-r < over* i> wnt //(’c <»n («per. I; sure to mow of the wonderful Clarke, postmaster at Gervats; E TV(> .1 '»’V -• it Mt.imp* I » p.iv cures made ly Dr. -hams i 1. E, Young, of Baker City, anil Wil­ exj>*n*e of mailing /?///% The look In» Kilmer's Swamp-Root, I a»M T»T.t • *’«»l o\ r ;n IlhiMritiotK. Brat worked toilet ettshon 50c. • the great kidney, iiver lis S. Duniwny, secreta -v of lhe re­ A4!’. «» Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffai»», \ Y. I. ant bladder [-•»*• d”. Best ladh-s’ worked K-ari #1. publican stab committee. Of these It U the great melt- Be.-t display fatting #1. L ca! triumph cf the t.ir-e- the most popular is Duniway. but ' t renth centur,.. Second pretniuma on above arti­ the nomination will be fought for The linst simple, practica! and durable . covered alter year.; I cles is this divi-ion certifica’e.s. TlMBtK ft ND, A< I JIM. . DM .oll«T } e (entitle research Ly T 11>-writer <>n th«* market nt any price. strenuously. I FOB IM L14<: VI!»)N. j Ur. Kilmer, the er.i- Kn’rance fee for prizes h ill l»e This is but a partial list of even i; ?<. I.«111*1 Oflirr, P.'irtii, Orernn. Aug II, Ask for catalogue. i nt :—.pt!y curinf With the T’rnvlthnn» of th»* get of < Gt.^rras r,f j While there nrr a dozen men af­ , June lame back, kidney. Ll.ddcr, uris acid trou- Gr<-|*on, \\ ashingti n ami Idaho. Albany. Ore. PV , entitled " An net for the halts t>i t !e« aid Bright's Disease, which U tiiewcr.' Hull brothers and (!, W. Me- ter Congressman Moody’s seat the have not already tried it, may have a torr Kepi «ter ai.4 Ercolvrr of thh office «t T . ample h It! • sent free by mail, also, a U-ck ¡sheep died in the tame locality Btinir, Oregcn, < n rtatnrda; ihr 2nd day <»f t Hing t , .is about.^warrfp-Rpot and t.o , to ('•orvallis is almost »heheadquart- November, luot find cut ifyjuhava kidney or blade*, trouble. that C. B. Hurbin, of Antdojie, H«! nen«e hs w nrMMeM: Uii lsm A. Bohert • /lieu writi.igmention ro^Juig thia generoua lost K>0 bead a few years r,go. It ers of the world for cascara hark. non, Stephen D. Webdrll, William HoatU and f pffsr in tula pap-r and I in generally believed that a weed, No loss than six. gnd Jioesibly eight, John (> t, silof Drewnay. Harney county, (>*e ». r COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER What ?s CASTORIA CASTORIA ALWAV» .. ............... IO- Go west STATE NORMAL SCHOOL t'3* • Sheìley & Foley GENERAL BLACKSMITHS & WAGON MAKERS a i i “The Chicago” PRICE - 335. Subscribe icr the t $1.50 a year, in advaneg