Published nt the Greateit Valley of Eastern Oregon. I he Oldest and Most Reliable I«. I». M**l«»Orp. r»n>»rlrl«r Ilia# % < «ahranr, Mllnr »nd Manager» BURNS. OREGON. SATURDAY. AUGUST 17. 1901. i I i Geer & Cummins Hardware of Every Description. The Best Advertising Medium. A ¡-arty of I'. S gtviugu-il ecr- Beyors arc at » er* io t'.o Cs-esd - I tr.w»;utair.« ir. las of OdtH at4 Crescent lakes. They hats found Odell lake to b«. 49*0 fest at d xl Crescent lake .5052 feot above the laO.-catta< ïrw» Fron NfeJ« Farta e. Pio State. love! of ocean. The summit of the mountains whore they are crossed Is 685*1 fee* al«ve the level. Th* sarweyors are oow opening a trail • I.fl® Per Vrtr Mil Mouth» 7A («nt«. NO.38 . ffeiut. With mi a dirttante of two MEW TIMBEH or three hundred feet is a fall of ti x LMO RULES •« This felt, with the great I Tlx, AiUay chair fuaer / wffl te WaIJo lak*',h" iar«c’1 o,,‘’ of. amount of water in the Snake. would euppiy atremondonsamount of power, and would generate suf Urrmann fwtoew fieient ek-ctrieity to etuihhj this to ln»trsM-tit>MH to Dirtrict hecome a groat maaufbeturing vn- — Mrw JUu-arwni M heat f»»r the We»t, »ho group in ita- vicinity, which IharW.-uMit inu’wrtion wf United HVKNM, OHEGÜN, ■will open a great fishing and bunt- F-ta'is <'ou>mit>.o«>«.r Bingtr Her- Peri.ips the moat important i> TbeRagI®wocloB tsiBvof Brown«- Ing country. They will also efitnb rwtiga’ione conducted by tire de­ r, , . , ... mann of th- e HIV. Cwhirr. Vi |*ru«Ktuut. H r » not bteu covered in. b it the O now coming up with iho v. .»tor from I mn-sioner Herrmiun are inforetd, that are usod in the manufactur* pc >ple were tu anxious for < bath ò th" spouting wrll of W. j Tourn- •» snil there is r.o rea on why thev, 0 ^ maearoni. Secretary Wilson is that the o.anagemcnt was obliged o Icy, tour tnilcb ‘rout Union, o should not Ip, fraudulent enlritu now ableto demonstrate that it ir to yield to the precftire and allow ar will be reduced to a minimum and pwiblo to raise enough of tin« 4 A western farn./r write* to hi* patron* to bathe anyway. Every (Iikor|> to the regieters «nd receivers of parttteent etnbodie« the reeults of ' parafure of Sd degrees. •) I Û The Albany It- .. bi 0 w fui climate and big crop.» ; tnecoun- cra'ic state committee, has openad claimants and projf witnesses ■n ist. who spent much tame in Russia. 9000 ^00^00000 0 >0 006 w OJOa% % OMM* ClOôOôf'i JtfOQ- try where th» n tre r. 1 drouths, r.o I is office in Baker City and is new timber and ftono entries and I q ! where a good portion of the world's prost’Otions freni h; a’ and no pray-i huty gathering information as to iaeucno final cirilficetes in any CBsei |crop croP of macaroni wheat is raised. raised, oprici ai . i>iiti;< mitt the condition of the party in Ore­ unless the pricf submitted is | csi • | ■ He fjund ere for rain.’’ PROFESSIONAL CAROS. found the soil of the Russian gon When asked in regard to the lively satisfactory and yc-u arc cm.-‘ region where this wheat is raised STA IK or UKKl.OS The Jerks u««d i y the !'. mt legis­ coud.tivo of Democratic affairs in I’. S. iHulnt* * vir.ced l-eycr.d aii reatorable doubt! very similar to the alkaliuo soil cf ,J .-».ph «l»noti i il M • I.t.tN, lative body of Oregon wi-re madu »jjp itale, he said it is no t nearly so , W M«Kni|> J . i m , m ->■:» ron I» v Hl»<-kb.irn Attorney Ocnrral, PHOTOanAt HER. i.f the Dayton hotal. Thu dc-eks ;o admit that th» re is considerable!' 1 I. lift ' (» ivortinr. ¡!-ar- wcru made by Mr P.Jiy In 185!, rcom f-r improvement. He hae' ’ of the ci.trymer. r I i'iinb«r haffrUi • ot Tn all cases where you T.u-.t- not ' This investigation in Ruseia wa« ItnriiK, Slregnn. I « M «• "tat« Tr*a«*ir< *. at <>ngcn City. ! not formed any plans fur the com-! r II vek«rtn«'> • v or sufficient cr actual supplemented by practical tes*« Hupt Pub |ti9tru<u, .Main St.—opposite Bark W 11 L««*l» Mala ITU»Ur, S< cret Server a gente are scour- i.ig »atnpaign, or«'. ka»t he li-d knowledge »o justify rejection or *ilb Russian macaroni wheats f A. U»-An ing th. vicir.ity.if Forest Greve, in UOthing to say foT pvbiiiatiovi ca! i proof, but have prcyuujtivo t-yiaeucc , Fa’8 country, from which it b is bee A M >?!• the hope that th -v will be aldo to that «ul-j’Ct. bare that there is go i reliable information or good reason j found that these wheats mar L M UUiPKX X OlARY MIXTtf Jt’bh UI UtiltKl.T ing to L»> a campaign, and that lhet ! to believe that un entry is frutidu-' raised in the Dakotas, Utah, Ksn- M I. 'Uff..,* run to earth |«'of’v who are eoj w L M«rr*ro«a»...:* .o usj made in good fnith for the purpose:' ada, California. Oregon and Wa-ii • j urious coii.n aru urude. Bums, Orctfuu. fir-, w |»f UWr, just now tn ing to find out the c“- i : contemplated bv law, or the- require- ington. Ae a reeult of these inv s- C um . s « w «U i^r g tn e it rc»i»V neo. *l’bou< Kacwlrer. holljwii.g heights ot several fectivencss of the partv organiza- , t meets of tho In», ha«*e not i?a«-c tig itions American millers are i.o v HARNEY COi NTY. plan - in the Cuieai»-« arc the tion in various parts of the stale. J. W. Morrow J ’ulij or thoroughly ccrcpli'd with.' putting in machinery for grin.liug J'rti.t Senstor I’bri-e tristi re, 11 .(Xu feet; Mount I. f> Geer " RepnMMntwttve 'you will receive the proof, Lui sue- Russian wheat, ■ Wasliirigton. ‘JO10 Black Butto ■ Price of Cattle. Janie« Kparrow H. Ki rns, m . t» County Jiu!,0. the .Mituks 3100 i opinion ir* « id. vua'-. ;already teen contracted for is»-- . H. Rielviri'Mn Btrrn:, Orejea. (fierk make the fai mere believe that »lock G ho S i«*li**y Hherllï Willi un air of since; ity a rail "This oflicc w.H vot be satlefled muUd at about 100,000 b.:*!.<■! i irtice over Veegtlj .• huidwure is going down un account : of tbc, It. A Miller TrWMurer mud i» being talk«! of from Rutte with auy projf taken in a peiieuct About 15,050,Ot'O pounds of n.:»e.v- rtoro, Main St. drouth in tho cast—in : Kansas . . J.Itll.'h.lIlHtl 1 Aeoen** ;oni are importtd to this country to the Pa-ifi.' via Boise and through ory manner, J. C. K.ntlntt Miesouri, etc —there bwrg an over­ .Muj>t. of H. Loi.G every year. It v.ill be even it' ii. . the center of Oieg»*n. This is re "To acsiat -.-. the srosj examin« G. hj . Whitieg R'lrvevor . .. run of stojk. to too market pt'W/ A I’.IOOH th- ?c facte that there are great viewed in connection njtUJhi work l*r W. L ticn of claim; nt», a list cf quedkmt ( ’ >r m -r there v. ill be i o food for it. Thia l.on Ri.-har«t«>ii Kio. t Inspector J. w Blr»«. ixit -n ti:,«, ‘ recoinincnccd on the I! iho Mid­ ■ fleet o-.v the market may Lt of »cry. approved by tbc tocrc'.ary, to be I eibi.i-.ios in the United .'ituk' ■hi- macaroni industry’ In fa land, m ar Boise BURNS PItECINCr. J.ttorne;;f at I mw , rhort duration. Il will no. effect propounded ir. l Idition to those rc- I JiiHtlomf the Pe.-uv . D. Teincioti t thcr “ is t o reason why the ?.tarKr.i. TiegHhki- tuvn'.ioneJ should not :akv troucL cf the departuiei;! aic enclosed gÄ^Gt.'. e in Bank b'li! ling. b. »un a huitogain’t S. Ivcster Pen- that it expected, 1 ht re r ill no ! (’irV GE BURNS. mac ironi wheat to supply tic do with the laud. A Sans if prices arcati object. .Ittor'iri,.' l t .. , t ld be demanding their good cloak jus W Dav e,c.h.-ik nt the School Lini JA’. E Ttiech. Oun.llmen j> let» Fry A ..-.1 at the «auje 3r> they notv are. rvr.NH oiti’oow. Buiiid in 1SP4. »Geo Mit-Pej'. £0^;»y ful *•* c Juiii c li.t-A.--l. Missouri. Kansas, etc will not be 0 r ...iciui induccaii-iité for rul T.» Il irnts* thi Snake. A Vale special sjjî Ail th bav­ able to supply it, it must c. urn* from f-c.-iii. rs tu thia paper appears in ibis country will b-> sold this ' some place cbv The slo.’kaicu V »»«Ige the -1th page. R C. Mcl-lmnev. with J. S. Stalk Gil fio'o the pi-fBcnt iniioRtio: r. have to Holl their stock o era little A.' v B i hsk I oixik No. 70, K ot 1‘ <>n Willow Cre k al. the hxv is longer, but they -i:'ll bring n vlttr S. M. Stu i and G. F. Sm th hs ns-. X M«cl.'-.0erv rhum.lav n'gl.t. at -l «i ir, subì, in-Indine li»!*’ v> s: s cron price this fa i. winter and next 80'ciatcs. ha c filed on 50.000 ci bie* Jorg- uscii has a fine sssortm-irt F M. Joril oi, C 11’d in t t\«lb lion v »c taken hi lart full's iridai urcmctit ft et ot the writer of Si.akc ri-, r a*. of wat lies,clocks.chain», brs'.el'”- S. Mi>themlit*«.l, K of R. S, spring —Pa. ilk Farmer AV ¡’-it»; e*i 4.1 No •it Io '-0 p' ton. ar.4 n.-u y hero in Kock y l'oint, about eight mih. - be- bittons nine, hair retainer.«, eie. H< RW h it •».<>>. •he Malin h r va't i tiw* • ’ on- Weiser. I hey p opose to iubor- BURNS CHAPTER, KO. -It». O. E. ft IloWs Thl>? '■st CJSt'. : :i Cirital in tiicir project < .1 .»I th. -mn ■ pr .M>.< ta Weoii'l and fourth Mmiiiav ot "We tier One Hundicd Do' ars ••«ch month in M»»onl.r li d!. Voegtlj of Jainmir-^ the river there and by ' yV ’ u 11 H; ’ i! - 1 - u ” R. ward for a-.-.v c tre o’’ C »rarrh tlial Huv rs of G j .f -r.tvc.r-.t ’ a ilry No «-»: to »»ay much about- Qm -.- ii building. Mrs. M »»trie Leven», W. M mean» of turbine wh'.cls genera*.« ho.ucs arc in the field iboal Wa.lx cannot l e cur 1 hy Hal ’s Ca*urrh rheruton Wi’limn.«, M I .r«xvc*ü y arc. N Brown V S.-n« Huntington a-.H other places to l i"'. Notori d <»».’ lli'il E.-t if-' r.UKNM LODGI'. NO. 97, A F. .< A M derstood torio:; e tiir.e that the ¿3- F. J t. n .ncv ,v Cc . pro pt T iled ?. O ar«- Agents. furnish pnivcr for m >ny purposes Me.-m RnfuriUy on or t»»-f.»re full moon. Wc, the tinJors’.-ned. hav* • nutrid» for cavalry ho’ec« i. ti c P -•>«•■» ictf. l’iiu estilii ited co-t nf bui! lina ibi. Qiiilitu.l brolliem frati-rn.illy inn'v i. Philipyinci had n a /'.a ¡»cred tu F I (.'honey f -r thr h^t I’> ' . ics. Borns. Oregon. All work intrusted to Sul David- dim, instolltiH* .he olant and rutt­ < . E. K< nvon, W. .M. F. S. Uiedo.r. S»M'V. ^W“,.hlii'i‘ in ol'l Murnnii’ budding much thwt it. was u-.l ke’y th;!’. ii."l I.- uri- c Lim perR-tli bom r„ ili ig th wirt-? to Weiseru .d Hunt son, lhej ?wtkr. will receive prompt lo are ¡ ir.-!i:i-< s w. :ld be ma;'* io bl»: in ::’l burin».*s transaction“, a id ingtoii would be Îcô.f.O'I. attention; satisfaction guarnii te»-L financially ablu to carry mit any i his parí oí tbc t >nn. HI RN'S LOBtlE, Nil. 93. A. O. U. \\ At no on th inake do the At the Burns Hotel, oblicatio is male Hv h-e firm. Meet» al Brown hall every Friffiv eve­ coi.dilions approach that«’ .al Rocky — The system of ?■■ cp’ • tng on <1. ning Vir-itimt brothers fraternally in -.Vt-sr a TitVAX Wtiole-i'i»- Drug I'oint. There it a r’.-ek about the tiiirbcl wire f».noo ;* beinÿ /’J.mul Siu-t ri/nr. vitad. Tho®. Kiger«, \V. M. Cium. N ...g tried The -Quern City Furniture gist*. T»4»-»ln, O. CiHilirane, Recorder. ruin ex W at di . xg , Ki» iv .< M vnrf. Wh ■!< middle of th* river which divides of Baker City, m reaching him Kurus. <>r«'gr»n. ,t o ,-ur Athena ind, t ■ a th..* water and run« it down in rif­ tent, is snccc-.' straad of or Harney valley after trade. T.i»-.r salt Druggist». Fivled«. O. H ARNEY tonn'.', no 77, ¡. o. O t fles toward < i. h bank, # On each /¡¡narv « ire-is civ ployed and insù 'ad'1 appears in this issue. K.... i \1 hhih everv S. it ill < I »V evi nini’, It o» Ha ’ f i'atvrr'1 f ire is taken in- g »V. MHI.l.l.. side at tlx- foot af the ritBes it a I itnrt and eirc’i.’t are in operation hill Visliinu tiroth-ra fraternal.v in what they have to bay . ’ I»»!* ’ »: k^nallv. acting directly upou the » it«-*] Frank O. Jackson, N.G «sturai wail »r abutment of ro*.k between that, town a-.d I Xata y find Cfweyan •*?.*, ’.hlcod a i tn.i- it.» surface* ef U h (’ G Surf h, Secretar} . on which the plant cs i be built. I on the Wa»bingtor ¿r Columbia eysti -.m Prij-j, 'ba. per buttb- S'dd Mori«?•»-. • -, 1'- -’ i’ Vie From theîo ¡Mints ______ the two __ iviugr __ of J unes Whito, liryantevi'Ie, let Railroad, rhe Pore» Sound Waro-;. . , ... . , . Hum». JTi E t’lRCI.E. NO liO. WOMEN Of Offv »• HL 5b’f»» ,, ... ; by IE a ruggisti bwliiDOiit a>r free hoiiM: Compiry started ;ne pro . .. ,, ., , . fh-. Jain i-an I L». run diagonally up fays DeWitt’® Witch Hasel Sa'.-, W.Mxicr’ift, Meets 2nd and Itli Tn.«* 11» « 1 a-n-.y P- *« are the- bcof. , . ,i • ” tioiied dai at Brow n h hall. Mm. Tilli ■ .lorian. J stream to th? rocs. inenUc ----- h'-ub-d runiii-.ig sores on both leg» j.-et, and it u slid the line will ba He hvd enfiere»l«ix yeurs Doctor» Mm. Line Whiiina, Guardian where thev • meet. Bv n.eans c-f a ¡foiled to be.’p hir«i. Get DeWi t'c ¡coiDpl ited as ’"a- as Heli* Thai Clerk. t * / Thi V.irthweat l.ivrsmck and n-bemr: fe rtili tlv c> perir-.ic r'.a1 Ro.ol «a: spici «t induce;n< nir 'oi lioo.c, floating ice, etc , caii b*. di Accept uo imitations. H M Ho- Wool tirowiT*’Ju’irnal and Item*. th«, t m h i us I! ar.d-* tria’ subsrr'pt.’cr■■ <••• rt- d ! Or/»g.Hiian oui Itcrr«, #2 '*0 $¿ « y tJJ «io««d to Pcr’ard THE CITIZENS BANK £25.000.00 Capital Slock i 17