Harney valley items. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 188?-19??, August 10, 1901, Image 3

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    Locai and General.
l.iulii-s Hummer skills and shirt
waist« reduced 5o p-r cent
Jos I Million w:ia a Burns visitor Brown A Hons.
this r > > k.
Duiini* </ Brien and family ¡Puri
Gerald Griffin, of Narrows, was n i cd Monday by |.rival« conveyim <
for a visit with relatives in Linn
b'lsim <s visitor Wednesday.
Coiun.isaiuner It. J. William i*
August Miller, a stockman and
in attendance nt County court.
Hoolgruner, of the Drewsry coun­
llond <i ir apr-cial indticcim nt* foi try, nun doing business in Barm:
triul aubseriplio oli Ith page.
this week.
T J. Nhackleford waa up iron
All work intrusted to Sol David­
Diamond Tuesday on businoes
son, the jeweler, will rocaive prompt
Ovil' filmo Aeres fu llano*) Valle)
'lo Ite kei'lainicil.
Ladies Bazaar
A Stdein dispatch of July 31, to
the Oregonian, says that W E.
Burke, of Portland Land Co, has
filed an application for 9000 acres
<' him r f.ina* uf
in Harney county. The Ftete Land
Board will forward an application
Generali Merchandise
i attention; satisfaction guaranteed. to the land <»!ljee at Hurns, and
Our Red shoes mu in.
i Al thu Burns Hotel.
N Blown <(. H qhh
nli-n it has been acted upon Mr.
(If prescriptions ii no child's play.
Attys Chas. W. Parrialiand G A. Burke and liis assoriatc* urc to be­
Frank SliiufTcr was a visitor from
It re-|i>irca consi ientio is euro and
returned Widncsd ty from gin reclaiming th«* lmd i'he water
nvcurati knowledge of drugs and Crane < ie< -k ae viral days this wet k
where they were call I for irrigation is to be secured large­
their relations to each other. Wo
Newt Lewis waa up from Lawen
aiih of well*.
Rrc’y and Treu«.
Attori «-)«
take sii honest pride in the purity on business a few days this week. ed last week os counsel in a min ly bv
The above application wa* re­
ing case.
of our drugs, and the ekill and ao-
David t’ury wan in from hih home
Rome interior ehnugei are being ceived at the land office here this
cmacy with which we compound
on Crane creek several days the mu le in th- Burns sehpid building week Ther xai-t number of acre®
tlem on your physician'« order.
pest rjeek.
thia wick. The second floor will is 8793 44, all in township 21 8.
County School Superintendent have thru roams Inst« ad of two us Range 33 E. In nd lition to this,
Abstract* Furnished and Title Guaranteed to all Lands in I.arney
; Bartlett was orcr from Drewiey
filed mi individual desert claim and
il. w. wi : i .< omi : a co.,
W< dnetdsy.
Mrs. W. E Huston left Thurs­
purchased a section of school land
Propi (ctors.
Dr. J W .Geary return« 1 Wed-
in the same neigliborho«ML making
¡tlesdny from 11 visit tn Willamette tives in the Willumelte valley. Mr. a lot ii of over 900 ) acre*.
Bought ami Sold on Commission.
Office in Bank Building
Huston will join her there in a
valley jiointl.
From thr applicatioo on fl’c the
short time.
following description of the land is
Born, to the wife ofM ’•’iUGerald
in Burns. WuJnmday August 7, i The party consisting of Mr. aud taken: ‘ Tho laid is situate 1 in
hatchhay acdinci » i»yi
Mr». Charley Johnson, Miss Lulu Harney \ 1 11-y, at un elevation of
1901, a da jghtiw.
Johnson, IL \\ Welcome and Robt. 41'iG feet. The soil is sandy loam,
'.'lisca k D9SSS3AÎL PTCjrietcrs.
A Genuine Stetson I.at ite H
W. Y King is down from the
Angevii.c ri turned yesterday even the only growth being what is known
saw mill to day.
i money saver N. Brown A Sons ing from an outing on Myrtlc creek '
bla«-k snge Lru-h, ami occasio .•
s< II the G-nuino Stetson.
J iv G uld and Nolle lb ej nh > sc- ally a iitt.'i-grease wood. Harney
Frcil Hain*« is overborn Hnrr.i y
Drinks mixed to mil your tame. Courteous treatment giiarant* <1
I'rr.f H \. Dillard m.d family compHiiied then, on their trip oi t ValLy is surrounded by hills cut
to dar on lui* I nr» .-.
Y<>ur patronage Solicited.
and E 1». Reed and family are i«turned last Suntiny.
of which flow very few living
Did you ever eiuiun ■■ the line , taking an outing on I’iue crock.
Mr. and Mr«. W. A Robertson, | streams In thu Springtime, how
<T Qwnts aboes carried by N Brown
Hurney County's appropriation came o»u r from Drewscy Munday ever, there i* u large amount of
A Firns'*
I of tl e state school funds amounts for a visit witn re lai i .e- and friend* water which empties out of the'
Fre-I Brown and a force of ear , to $1'224 88, or |1 22 per capita
i Billy returned borne Tuesday while canyon* surrounding the valley and '
prutr-ra left Tiic>dav lor bill < r <•><•> k
Jorgensen has a fine assortment ( Mrs. Hol» r if on is sending the and find* it* w iy into Malheur i
to erect n nc v red lencv for W L
of watches, clocks, ch mis, bracelet*, week with her |iirents, Mr. and Lake. Some of this water is us-d
Best Th-y also have a residence
buttons, pins, hair retainers, etc, Mrs C. D. Rutherford, at their ' for irrigating purposes, but w’ll not '
to build for Goa Hurlburt at Warm
' thoroughly
ihoro-.uldy irrigate the li.nd until j i
I heme north of town.
reservoir systems are adopted fur j
J- II Neal a’.d family, of Happy
M. V Smith was up from Lawen
l-.olJing the water back until the 1
Dowager Empress Fredrick of
were vi»itur* in Burns this
proper season.
Germany died ul Cronberg, tier-
w<< k. Mis Neal and children i
At present the rights for the u«e '
many, the 5th inst. of drop.-v and
were enroute to Canyon City to
of this spring flow of water are
caucer, She was Iwrn in IS 10 he i« supervi’or.
i visit frienJs. and were accompanied
Hhe aiifl-r«-'I the lots of brr htisl.atid
Dfp i ’ v Asieasr.r Claude Bigji is i as far a-» this place by Mr. Neal, clnim-d by various individuals,*
attending to tho duties of the ' who cam« to <lu.-e u d-til whereby and to determine the rightful own- i
er would necessitate a great deal of;
The report it going the rounds *hci iff * office during the absence hv bceon.ua the owner of a half in-
litigation and nconsiderable length
of the prem that District Attoriiej of Sic rill Shelley and Deputy.
i tenet in the well hiring machine
of time. . . There >s an abundant
William Mill-r Las purchased
L S Davis, a cousin of Mrs. II. owned l»y Gould Jc Jurncr Laving underground supply of water at s i
property in l’o*tland and intends E Thompson, waa a visitorin Burns ' purchased the former'« interest.
depth of 7 to 15 feet. Thia condi-
making that c<ty his future home. | this week Mr Davis is traveling I
Sheriff Geo. Shellev left, on the ' lion exists throughout the valley."
V s
understand from what we ■ fur a nurserv firm of Th- Dalle«
1 -tage this morning (ur Sumpter to
The company proposes to dig 4
Successors to R A. Miller A Co.
would cun-idi r reliable information i
As-e««or Joe Buchanan and family
that Judge Miller h.d cloud the
D< pu’y Sln-riff Mo'.Lenhend man who we mentioned in last teet and deep enough tu secure the
deal for the purehise of the who!«
■week’s i.-stie as obtaining money neeisrary water supply, These'
<»f Portland proper ami was nego sod family left Thursday lor an
from a couple of our busiu.ss men i well* will l»e located on the higher
listing fur the pur< h '*<• of East outing .r the Pine creek mcado.vs.
arid giving them therefore a diaft i ground. The water will be pump- I
No old stock left over at N. Brown
Portland when the conductor holler
■ on n Baker City Punk which proved ed by steam power and distributed ¡’
rd "all aloard."—Ontario Argus. A S rjf ifpri.-ea arc an object.
to be worthless. The sheriff of to ths land in ditches 8 feet wide j
Summer goods are being slaughl I Work li is Lr-eri commenced on ' Baker County made the arrest and and 2 feet deep. The estimated
vre | by N Brown A Suns.
W J. Coleman's new residence east is holding him until the arrival of cost of the proposed system of irri-
[ of the Catholic church. G W , the sheriff from this place.
i gat ion is $871*31 70, or $10 per acre. I
I’ T 'I h 'in is. Sumterville, Ala . Cl-venger hn, the contract fur the , Commissioner A. Venator came The annual cost of maintenance is !
‘ I w»i suffering fmm dis|wp«ia building.
in from his home on Crane Creek J estimated at $1.50 per acre.
when 1 commenc'd l iking Kodol I
Monday to attend County court. ; The company reclaiming land,
Receiver C'has Newell has
Dyspepsia Cure I took several b >t-
Mr. Venator informs us that hits under the provisions ofthiffact does !
ties and digest anvthii if " K dol taint'd a leave of ahsen ;c from
Dyspepsia Cute is the only prepar­ duties in the land office and
' brother Ira has returned from a 1 not secure absolute title to the land, 1
ation containing ill the natural di­
trip to the old home place near but has a lien ujion the lai d and ,
gestive fluid* It gives weak atom- -pend th - time looking ovet vacant , Lakeview where he h is l»ee.n assist­ may charge for the use of the water i
aclia entile ie-t. restoring their nat- i lands in this section.
ing hia mother in putting up the from its system The urnount of
uralcondition II M Horton, Burns,
The Qu*en City Furniture Co., i Lay crop His sister Rose whohu* the lien and the rate to be charged
End Haines, Hurney.
f. >r the
tlrn Water
fe'ufnr are
nrn ♦ to /-» be
>\<a fixed L«»
of Baker City, is reaching into I been under medical care in Port­ for
by ttars
Harney valley after trado. Their land for some time p st is with her Loaid. The company is entitled to
“Through th- months of June
• ad" appears in this iasue. Read mother, but is ttill in very poor the possession and use of the land
and July our baby sn* teething
It is “Bey Whore Yoa Can Bny Rest."
what they have to sav.
until the lien has been discharged.
and took a running off of the bow­
Many people who believe in this principle, go wrong in the
J B. Jackson, of Woodburn, is I Any person desiring to pu chase'
els and sickness of lhe atomack,
Chas. Roper was over from liar-
through lack of judgment, or are misled by alluring
any quarter section of n-e'aimed
says O P. M Holliday, of Deming. ney List Saturday making proof on scrriously ill at the home of Perry
and impossible promisee of eastern "catalogue" houses.
I 11nd may purchase the same from ,
Ind. “His bowels would move from his stone land claim
He was ac- Williams with typhoid fever. In
The Queen City Furniture Co . of Baker City, will sell you
thu State uftcr first satisfying the
flee to eight times u day. I had a | compauiid by Wiu. Mornson and company w ith a party if friei Vs
anything in their line cheaper than you can buy elsewhere.
buttle of Ch iii.berlain’s t’olic. Chol­ Thos. Ilowser who came as wit- he arrivt-I here recently to look ■
You owe it to yourself and to tour family to take advantage of
over Ihecourty with a view of lo­
era and Diarrhoea Remedy in the j icsses.
the opportunities offered. You can make one dollar do D m ? work
cating and was con fined to his bed lien is the only priea specific ! for I ! I
house ami gave him four drops in
of two.
C F. McKinney is down from shortly after his arrival. It is re such land.
a tcsrpoonfiil of water and ho got
The Queen City Furniture Co is the largest house furnishing
! the sawmill for a few d ivs. lie is ported there is little hope for his i
better at once." Su'd by 11 M Hor­
establishmcntsfoutside of Portland)in Oregon. They buy direct
nursing a mashed toe which he had recovery. Later: Death cnir.e at I There will be a missionary song
ton, Burns; Fred Haines, Harney
from factories east, in carload lota for cash and they will dupli­
[ injured one day th- past week bv a i 2 o’clock yesterday. The remains I service at the Baptist Church,Sun­
kingbolt fulling out of a logging will be prepared for shipment to day, August Uth, at 8 p. m . st i cate it price and quality any «rticle you see advertised by- large
Oor special inducements for sub- wagon.
catalogue houses east or west (allowing for difference in freight)
his home at Woodburn for burial which time an offering will be tak­ I
rerihers to this paper appears on I
and you don't assume the risk (of freight, damage in transit, etc )
J. IL Neal has purchased the
J J Donegan is in receipt of a en to buy more hymn books for the ',
the 4lh page.
as prices quoted will he F. O. B. Baker City.
Biggs residence now occupied
i letter from Congressman Moody i I church.
stating that Messrs. Newell and
Pinchot of the Hydrographic Sur­
vey ami Forcaty department res­
For instance you see advertised by an "eastern catalogue house
pectively, and himself would leave
wall paper at 4« and 5c per single roll, 8c and 10c double roll.
You can buy same grades Q. C. Furniture Co. at 5c single ard 10c
A Vova eml. 2 to ¡ yrs . for fl 50 The Dalles for the interior the Gib
inst, going tn Prineville, then to
double roll in Baker City Take the item of iron beds. You will
at N. Brown A Sons.
Lava ou the Upper Deschutes and
have to pay cast 12.90 to $3 50 for an iron Led that you can buy
A private school for
“My baby was terribly sick with from there to Burns reaching here
Queen City Furniture Co. at 13.50 tn $4 in Baker Citv.
board tnr an<t <Uy p i­
M ilitary ‘
the diarrhoea," says J. II. l)oak, of next Monday, the 12th, The gen­ Attut.'n.i
pits. Opens
The carpet department of the.Queen Citv Furniture Co. is most
Williams, Oregon. "We were un­ tlemen will be pleased to meet all
So| leister ISth.
complete and a new electric carpet sewing machine will *oou
able to cure him with the doctor’s the stockmen in this vicinitv as
Fine new buit.tlne*.
lie added with a capacity of over 2000 yards per day.
Tliorough is.-trse ions
assistance, and as a last resort we they wish to inform themselves re­
It will pay anyone interested in the above lineti to write vs
ha« n»d twenty
tried Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera garding thi- conditions of the conn
placing an order.
three year s eiperlenee in Port ,
and Diarrhoea Remedy I am hap­ I try-
C-rre.-pondenre soticiteA.
py to sav it gave immediate relief
No use to say much about “Queen
l'or catalogue address
ami a complete cute." For sale by Qimlity" in I. h lies shoes: von know
PXT’FR 'HN ( FPPINGEE. Paker City Or.
J W. Ilill >1 I».,
H. M. Horton, Burna; Frei Haines, . what they nro. N Brown A- Sons
Port land, Oregon.
O. Drawer 17.
Harner City.
are Agents.
Proper Compounding
E. O. T. G. CO
Burns Orug Store
The Capital Saloon^
Miller & Thompson