Harney valley items. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 188?-19??, August 10, 1901, Image 2

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S aturday
aügvstio n-i.
A tariff war between European
Countries would bring more profits
to this country than losses.
Aguinahio doesn’t seem to have
ruade much of a hit as a magatine
writer. Ho got his story tn ton
AccorJing to a high Herman at
thoritv, Russia and the T. S are to
l»e the world's dominating power*
in the n ar future
Mr. Bryan's jollying of Southern
democrats has not lessened the
number of kicks given him by
Southern Congressmen.
A dangerous counterfeit coin l-a*
tuadc its appearance in Baker City.
The coin is u counterfeit of u live
dollar gold piece and it is -a.«i to
be a good imitation.
Secretary Wilso.t has il«noi-
strated that he was r«ht in not
getting rutiled and endorsing the
first exaggerated atones of the en­
tire destruction of the corn crop
<?uf exports to Japan ha . e in­
creased tenfold in the short rpice
of eight years and are still growing
which proves that the Jap tells the
truth whan he *avs he likes Ameri­
can goods.
The Shipbuilders, on the gnat
lakes have combined for tl.e pur-
pose of securing the abrogation of
Tip ‘Testy wi«h England which
tilr.ds both countries to build no
Warships on the lakes.
Dr. H. '.V Wiley, chemist of th-
Department of Agriculture, I« on
the right track in agitating for a
national law Against tbo use of
poisonous and injurious a ln.'tera-
lions and preservatives in food.
The government wit! not stop
inspecting meat because cf the
tneorr of Dr. Koch that cwnsnuip
Van in animals cannot betaken by
human beings, for the verv simple
reason that the theory is not a :•
Germany,» proposed new tariff
seems to be causing more w.j-ry in
Europe than in this country. It
hits indiscriminately at nearly all
of the European Ouunlries, as well
aa at us, slid tiirea.s of a tariff war
are heard on all side«.
English i-Ltor* are rapid ?getting
a-nnud tn the idea that it will be
good policy for Great Britin to do
everything in its power tn h.i«*«m
the construction of the Isthmian
ostial by the I". S . instead of .hr«'v-
ob.sta.les in tl.<- wav, a* it ha“
heretofore done.
Kidney Trouble Makes You MEeubka
/umost ewybjiy *ho rta-fc tp- new*,
papers is sure ta ki.ow if tne v/omierful
cures made by Cr.
Kilmer's Swkrr --Rett,
li the great kidney, .‘.«-z
■it *;.d bladder re.-.ed).
It U the preat rr.sdf-
*7. ckl triumph cf: i. i.tr.e-
5 t-en h cm'jr.
-, covered nft-r ye.-r: of
s.ic:.«ifi-: riJMrci; j
Dr. Kl'mrr, t':e e-:.i-
r. mt kidney r ;.J b'*d-
d.r speciail«'., and i-
vendcrfally succec.f '. in pj. ipt y curir.,-
Jan.* back, kidney, bladder, uric, acid troiJ
ble i «nd Bright's Disca-.e, whith ir ¿is -<-.r
farm cf kidney tr >uble.
Dr. Kllme/s Swamp-Root k net r-
cr.nrncndcdf jr every thing bet if yuu hMvek.d-
iioy, li»jr cr bladder truub.e I: will be f. .■..
lust thorarredy you nec-J. I. h*s bsen tu.ted
tnsomany v-ay-. In tic*pita! work, In prr
pra’tic., amc-g the l. jipie*«!oopoo»tor .t-
uhaae relief «.id h** proved M Su :cei
every ease ti.at a sr-ocUI arrangement h.*
been made b . inch all reader., of tri.; [ »per
v«lia ii* ze n<^'.
tried it, may hj-.s a
: unplebottic
it fiee by mail, also a book
t tUng more a'.wut Swam[ Root and bu r t .>
ti:>d v'J'. if y< lh ekidney or bladder troub «;.
V.’nen wrttiugi n:. i r.adii.^ thia geneto«!
<t.’er in tills psp.r and
tend y »ur a«idress to
Ltr. Kilmer &. Co., Lins'-
haintos. N. Y.
■ •gtilar fifty cent and ftnm.
«bU*r -uc* STS sold by all good d; «ggiatc.
J'illmab ilvilsn * ull n ei. are n t
(.'.’cate.! "¡11.1l, 1 ml therx'fon» th«*
white race in the «cuth very prop­
erly keeps the t egro in subjection
Subjection of the near«-
verv nbl
practice but very new po itical [11
u iphv. Net long ago the iwuplc
nf the South, in D<?ir.o?rati<: party
represented, asserted thein«clves in
favor of’*con«ent of the governed”
in the 1‘biiippities, altl ough on
that point at home they were dis-
coetly silent. Tiiev even went
Luck to the founder of their politic­
al faith, who huiled at the tyrant
George III; "We hold these truths
to be self ev¡dent, that all men are
create 1 • qual, that they are en low­
ed by their Creator with cert tin in
alienable right*, that among the««
are life, libvrtr and the pnrsuit of
happiness.” The ’ declaration of
Tillman*» is good and welcome. It
shows that the South i* throwing
nude a venetable fat*e doctrine
that has cea*«' i to serve it* use
Thnt al! men an* not create I equal
i- timely. That the T.igals are not
equal to the American» in in place
to admit 7 hat the Southern |teo-
[>]■', the superior d'minin', rn’c.
will rule a* Fti|*r:o-*. bas long
been awaite I. But it would Iw lx l-
t< r for National «thio* if the admis­
sion ««'re not so much yjtmgir
than ihe practice —Oregunia i.
('i'lll»t,v Court l*l ocee.llm;«
County court m*t in regular m
»ion Wednesday with all (he ollicei*
present, Judge J ts. \ Aparro".
cooling OH
T ‘ ■> .'>
V b»' MU .’ l -t .'Il .1 - «
le o veil òli
I ' •• ■ n.i.lei.u »l i») .
\'»> u u A «rr' conimeli ''eng >• « > I ’>•
II htutrd ly xiri lic !.. taint III •>
.li.lirfhl jliat to
l-,-»l elf.
Till i
i tlac bsgll.nlh4
<>l tn*U)' a . >U|pt
h’.kll ilt'tm c
Iv InVolVv* the
i r «tchl.tl tuet
.t.d th« luug
fut .ol’g!" I'i
,nv «tagt» th ►
et i.o t ei I- in»
a* Dr.
1 i-'t c'a Ckildrtl
M -.Ilf'I Di - -
Il cu».*
lió [> ac.lV'l. üb'
■ niiut» cough*
I tunchit K
i !e< JiCg o< lhe
htnx-i, «tul like
, -ii<|i i-'Ot nhich if liei;!e» t-«I •»« mu! ill
• tiV.v tr.' lb»! l -rr'iin-le in cottaemj'li.Hi
l't'fnï li no ‘îcolii'l ht wt««il»leu Xl-.l-
U it pl-so- tv." a«i-l it i* tiiinh in-,
fu-'ii i ;-iinr eu ..il; nul ..tln-t rvt-,- ti »
Accept n - «u'-atc.iiti- for l'.olikn Me l
kil Dinx-Hp' ” Hure t. nothing " ■ i-v
v omniissioners 11 J. Williams ami
A Venator, Clerk II. Richardson
and Sh rill Goo. Shell« v.
iug is a summary of the business
transacted :
In the malter of the obstructing
of the public road known a* the
Joo l.nnb real. ’ «• Robt Irving
On infot nm(ion «’led by the super
visor ol the district in which Mud
ruids are situat'd it tipprars lb it
the same is an old road .and Im-
b»enforced by ,er*ona living in
the neighboihiXMl lor more tnan b'
vu.tr« ami was never d.elarcil a
public highway, therefore thecotut
I.as no jurisdiction in the premise».
in the matter of the sclthnient
of I) Cary, supervisor of road dis­
M gjou."
trict No 8 lL|>oit approved.
“I luuk a wrr».- « I« uhU'l» —e' I in t**
In the matter ol the obstructing l.r.'uhlal lui* • * mit.» U.-« |j». ‘. Il-
»' -»...-.("i |rl!»«*.*n «
K*<>* -
of the pu lie rdad known a* the v..; ni*»!.m - I’ ' »
-m - «
un .
■i numL ■ t .« -1- -I . e - l»t 1'1- ro • C-ol-*. n
Pine Ci«-* and Dreiv«tv road Iv ’! »Ik I t > i> Il '. iw. I.atl«-- .U» ' u -
.u-—l --i I h. .« -i--.»I - ut'-I
James Ou <1 It appearii g to the
iV'i-1. I t'imk i -'>• * --t |*ln t lm-1 l
« i >te -n-l II I- - Ci .
i h*l
court i < m apart ofsi>|K*rvi»nrthat
*t a i-.ii i. '.»* t «il -*»- »...... n i«*l -»* -I
TX.' - U umi .twl. »... rut.» vrai* «-ut
» -ur I
sji-l Card hud built n good road tl-iul>«iih «-'.«»a ; u i- II.* *ta»et
... - «I f- u ' -
along .-a d fence and fur the great­
!>r l ie«
('.«tii'u.n S«ii-c Mmli- >1
er part of He way on the line of *.<h i» -, ». :".aii,uix > ■»* 1 rgv
un Rcaipt et »lamp* tu ¡»iy ex*
survey, it was ordered that tl.i twrtàe
-T mailing .>«/i
S. n-l ri une-
matter t-r dismissed until further « .»nt «t unp» f«w tb • look in |«u«cr (»>v« ta
t »tsmpa •••t it Ti v’.oth hm-ling A4-
cuuipl iint i< made.
. «- i Dr R V Plcr-v. Buffalo, N V.
In the matter of the petition of
the jesi in \ ble LIAR
Geru'd Gritlin and 22others fora I
A >liul*ter » Goml Work.
county road from the northeast
1 1 had a s«.vt r* attack of Viliet.«
A preacher cnee said to an cd ’
corner of tl.e Emerson IIome»ler> > ; i ’ o I ic . got a boule c f Chutuberlrtin'* t
tor ’ New*pa pc-s dare i ot le i
to the Burns-Narrows road. Suf
Colic, Ciiolera and Diarhoci R<*m
the truth, If »hey did they CO'lld
flemr.t notice cf Fame having been v-dy. took two doves *n I was entire
not live, Your newspaper would
gi ven, the eou-t npoointed M. V. ly tured.” says Rev. A A rower,
be a failure.
8mith, R. K Sits und Chas J. of b'luporia Kan.
My ncghl>or
The editor replied, "You arc
Johnson, viewers, and John K. John­ acro-s the street ens »iek for over a
right, ead the minister who will
son, surveyor, to me»t at the st.in- week, ha I t«o or tl.reo Kittles of i
tell the truth at al! times about the i
of W P. Gray al Lawcn on me 13ih me llcine from the doctor. He used
«•nibers ot his church slice or
day of August, l'.hJJ, or w.thin 3 them fur ihrre or four days rub
dead, will rot aectipy the pulpit
Java thereafter and qualify and out relief, then calle I in another
more than one Sunday. He would
enter upon their duties.
doctor who trea'f'«i li'tn f. r rnu.r
nave to leave town between two
In tin- ti alter of the license hRre dav* ami gave him no relief, »o di*
lofore grmtid to Peter Chum.is charged him.
I went over to st c
And this is true—a« an exchange
and II 11. Ma -e to cons ruut a: d him the next morning He sai'l
remarks Th«1 press and pulpit go
maintain irrigtting ditches along his lwwela wore in a teirible I's
Lat-d in baud with whilewa»h bru.-li
a public road The court ordersU '. iat they lind lie« n running off ».«
«nd kind word*, magnifying little
the license revoked.
1 ing that it was ahnewt t loo Iv !'..«
viitues into big ones. The fart is. I
In the mu'ter of buildin g the ap- ! asked him if he 1 b >1 trie 1 Cn.im
the press and the pulpit are in part
proache* to the bridges on the t.erluin's Colic, Chole’a an«l Di
nership in the saintmakinj busi ;
meander line on the south side of aarh »ea R«.-tm*dv and he said No'
Malheur Lake, Di t No. 11. The I wctit home and brought him my
No doubt, too, after ti.o al>nc
i •tiperv:8or mu o>d'-red toconsirnct
bottle an I gave him one do-c: tol.l
conversation the gu <d minister
' '.he same as foci a* po«sib|a*.
him lolnk«' a«i«>ih« r «lose in lift» on
.vent swiy looking Very «id nod
In the matter of sub trailing aini <-F iweuty minutes if hed <1 i.ot iiiul
thoughtful, ihi..king about the w iek
graveling the public road kn-'wn relief, but Im tot'll no more ami wa-
tdness of bting truthful, and no
u» the Sweek lane. The County ei.tirclv cured.” For sale by II
don!)' the (ditcr turned to his work i
Judge wa* autbi>riz«"l to have the M Horton, Burns; Fred II tim «.
to tell of tbc fascinating ite miv of
neevs'a-y work done on the best Harney City.
the b id •. while as a matter of fact
’ tern * he can secure.
»he wa* ugly a» a mud fet«ce. and
I) the matter of the couipiaint of, Don't be satisfied with temporary
to *j>eak of the groom a? Being om
F Mi.'Ki.n«*y respecting that relief from in-ligestion. Kodol Dy*-
uf the city's foremost business men.
pa t cf the louuty r< a I leading pep-ia Cure permanently u.id com
plelcly rem ives ibis complaint. It
from the Clemens I.ai.e to the north relieves permanently because it al
The fourth annual report of the
in of Road IHsl. No -I, 3 Whit­ low* the tirerl stoma di perfect r«'*t
va‘.:->nal Live Stock a*tociat:on.
tling, supervisor. The court oidart d Dieting won’t r. sl the stomach Na
comprising the prorredings of lb»*
that the supervisor remove all tore receives supplies from th< fool
anuval convention at Silt Lake i
loose ro<.k from the roa-i ami place •ve cat. 1 he sensible wav to help
City, L ’ah. last January, and the
th-' «urniaeh is to use Kud »1 D vh
the ¿(.me back «3 feet from each side pepsia Cure, which digests «list
work of th? association for last
so that persons tii*ning out er vou « alaml can’t help hut do ton
year, has just been i-sned and is
loose stock will not rod them i-u k g ol II AL Horton, Burns; Eicd
bein^ «li-tribiitcd to the ru mv«er>
Haines, Harney.
m Irare'ing a’ong said ronl.
of the a»so<*ialion. Each delegate
In the m itter of ubt lining a sup­
receive« a copy ef the report, and it
Th«- law.-« of health require that
wiL by sent free tv any stockman ply of wood for th - county for th«' the bowels move oner each d iv and I
iti the ¡wtntry who will send 2 • en.-tuieg ieir. the conntv Ju«ige i* «»<>«■ nf th«* permit es for v.(dating
a i:h'lrize I to purcba.*«* ■*) I'oril.«,
cents to Charles F. Martin, seer«
this law is piles. Keep vour Low­
In the matter of advertising
tarv, .'ll Quincy building, Denver
e's regular by taking a dose of
Co'«’.. to pay jtOBtagn. Everv Ci> n'y warrants whji h have bee i Ch mbtriuio'a «Stomach and Liver
i*suvd more than seven years. Tl.e
stoekmci shcttl«! I av one.
Tablets when mcr.-snry and yon I
Clerk ordered to publish in Item* a
will never hive that severe punish-
i <i‘.c“ to the holders of the sam< to
A roung man of Glencoe, o. T
incut i.illictcl upon yon Price 2Ü
present then on or befofe ()-t. 12.
is ofering 3000 ticket« on bimsclfi
ccn s For s il«'by II M Horton,
1001 til <1 if r:7>t fo presented they f
as husband which h • i* selling at
Burn.*: Fred Haine*, Harney City
will be cai.c< Ib-d.
To each, and it is sai-1 they ar«.' go
Liquor p-'«jt on granted to Newt
ing like h«>t cake*. This is how be
Eruptions, cuts, burns, »culd*
Lewis of Laven for a period ut and sores of i'll kiml*>piickly heal­
••xplains Lis scheme • "Bv ¿««Hing
tl.iee montl.s
I ed by DeWitt's Witch Usz'd Suive.
•3<K>0 chances for i"> nich. it will
Certain cure for piles Beware of,
bring to me floJJOO, which is a
Counterfeit*, lie s«iro von get the
sufficient sum of money to attract
original — DeWitt's H M Horton
any young woman de-irutis of m.ir country merchant has about a* Burns; Fred Haines, Harney.
rving. I may nut get the prettiest hard a row to hoe as anybody on
girl in th? country, tmt J will get earth, and he has got to look pleas­ n.MliEK l.VX!>, Al I JL'XF. ■>. ISTj-NuH F.
run i , lulj <; atio . x .
one, I am sure, who is anixous to ant un<l bang to th«- lr>e handle no
V *. I and ofttce. Burn», Ort-goii, Aujiitt «. 1001
tnarrv me. I sell numbers fur $5 matter what happens. lithe pas­ NotlCM l-< hereby Riven thnt in compliance
and agree when pai«J f<>r tl.e num­ tor's salary is a little*short the with fh* provizionA oi H ip act cf Coner«K»0f I
entitled ”.tn act for the<«Alenf
ber t«i marry t be holder of .«aid num- • btisit ess man must fix it. If John ttmbk r land* tu the
of CaHiortpa, Dre< in,
la r proride l «be draw- the lucky Jonre 1 os «« b a horse he must help to N-. m h la, u«id Washingron ierritory.”
<fe»»rge Marahisll'
i.tiinber at the raiile. I will iia"c get another. If a celebrationis go of Narffivr . C«/tntjr ¡fam* y. State ul <jrerr«rt I
the raffling conducted on fair and ing on he must dig up some more. ha* thia day t.k.d in thtsotflcr h<a «worn ^t«tc
inent No
fo» the purcUm.« of the N W’Z<S W..4
s juare nu an«, bv pirtii» entirely If a beggar comes nlong he is the o/ Section No. I L hi Township No. 72 S., K hok ^
disin’« rested in it Number« from first m hi to get touched If he r* N. i . ¿2 E. and wi’.l o!f«»r proof to >h*»w that the I
’ari l »onfbl I m more baliiab:*! fcr ft* timber nr
1 to !Ji 00 v. ill he p'acad in a I ox, ■ *| ends to every < all l.e goes broke <»l*> n than for a ;ric litiir 11 p.irpoaOK, ari«1 to
and a blindfold'«1 part v will draw If not, he is counted a hog. Still eslabH.-h hU claim Yj -aid land brf« re the Erg I
Rfster and kereiver of this f«fflz e at Burn»«, Or«
out on«' numb-r. The girl holding emne people buy th« ir f<«o«l- awav gen, on Saturday the I. th day of o. t»ib» r, JX'I.
lie rani**«» «» wltnt i.
I, H Springer of
the similar number shi.l become fi zm home
iny wife, I will marry her ss s hiu
a* she is readv. The mor.ey will
h you know u good thing when
be invested to as to support it* yon see i». tou will take a thence
hau l* iiuely. 1 »hall take the bride ut our advertisement wl ¡«h ap­
or: .in extended wedding trip ”
pears ««n the last page
The Kind You llnvc Alwnyw Bought, niiil which has been
In itae for over 30 Jean». luu» borne the M gnat nr o or
nini Im» burn ntittle under bla per*
Miniti Muprrvtolon since It« Infancy.
Allow no one to dorelve you lu thia.
All t'otiiitorl.'ft. Imitation« mid •• Ju»t-iv«-|rn<Ml"arc but
Experiment* that tritio with mid endanger the health <»f
Inthut* mid Children -Experience agitile t Ex per line uU
Castorio I« ti hurmleaa MilMtltutr for Castor OH, Puro*
guile, l»nq>s und Noothiutf Syrup«. It I n Ph-nMUit. I«
contHlm* neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotlo
■ubrttiuice. Its uge I n Hi» gnu nui te«'. It «lestruy» Worms
mid i.ltays F«-v « i l»line».*. It cures IHurrlnrn suit Wind
(lolle. It reileves Teething Troubles, euraa Coustlpatto*
und ITutuleucy. It asNluillutcs the Foo«l, regúlalos tho
Htoiuueh uml Howels, giving hcultli) uu«l natural sleep*
The Children’s En iacou The Mo»her*s Friend.
Bears tho Siguatur« of
The Kind Yon Haw Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
C. M. KELL06G,
< tullirlo- Hnriiv Itoiitr
1.' ave» Burns ior Oat.nio ua ly at <’> Os in , and arrive* at Ontario
" ithin I><o'i i Single faro II>'* <s>, round trip flh(X). Through
freight ft* |wr P- over 5) IL«, limivi »0 0.« grn hiatrd rute.
Burn» •< anyoii i'll, IDiute
Leaves Burns for L'at>v«m City, T («il iy, Thursday ami Faturdsr,
at Ó n m . »nd arrives in Canyon City within If» hours. Mingle
fare <7 <W ; round trip f 1.100, Through freight * eta per IL ov r
5ott>»; under ó'MLx gradua’ed rate P.O Address, Burns, Oregon.
Office nt P. <>
L WOI.DENBERG. JR„ Agl al Buns
Mt.nmoiifh, Orsgon.
I-»' I‘Mr <ir»1 !«**•
Th» <t*m*«><t Su
rra-l'MI* »1 1.« Xorn-,1 « '-.mi d ir ng ih.
« t>*r ka, i«*a r u t. taf -u-t th» anf.pl)
tl.... w ith (fin Ilo ort te »:•. uup«r stactl.
■ lai* t rrllll*«lr.
Si-. I I.u a-» P«. |>.r*d In, th« Sin«# Xsarttlrta-
t - -1« and ««al I) taka alatap«r>ef< an gradua*
tironr Academ,«- and l'rolr,tl<>i>al Cuitr.r
W - . r i > |>i» >t Training l««t ausimi Farm-, t
ra-.r» lr-'i:> |U I lo |l?'OU ,«r jrra’
FSli lari*
.■|w-u.hrp> ,7th F.«r/aldlo( ia«sataldib| filli
ann > inrriauu*., addrs-a,
r. l CAMrnxt.r.,
ur J B V Hut 1er,
Shelley & Foley
Wagon M in k bom S vtlsfartorily Vnd With Ditpatch.
The Chicago
The mist simple, jwactica! und durable
1 vp-writer on th«' market at any price.
A*k for catalogue.
General Agent,
Oregon, U a-hingteu nnd Idaho. Albany. Oro.
Subsetibe for the
Burna, Oregon, ¿Mired I* MarshaHof Narrow*
Oregon: i. M. Hraward and j bos How,. r of '
Harney, Orog«>n.
Any a id all perjon» clalnitng adversely the
above <le« ribed landan* 1».«pie.-ie i toflietheit
claims In tbis <»tr.< «• on or before tn <1 I'.th day
•j:’ r’oh; r. I f|.
• }ro. n »< •. r
$ I CO a ytar. in advance