Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About Harney valley items. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 188?-19?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 10, 1901)
Publishod in th, I he Oldest and Moist Reliable. A(Jveftib|r)g C 1 Graitnt Valloy of Eastern Oregon. C cZf Medium. Medium. *•■*•■*« I X/OI V w L« I "7 lit Harney Va 11 ey Items H. I> C'laa*. % 4 •’»«•prlrlor * i»nrt Manager, BURNS. OREGON. SATURDAY. AUGUST 10. 1901. OREGON NOTES of good government. Sherman i-ount v ha* been economic;)IIv gav- erned therefore it is O'lt of dt.l t. ILiri - v, ditto. • t*rr Year. Mix Moi»it*. CONCERNING OUR RANGES. NO. 37, I for thin great evil that is now threatening the annihilation o'the lit e stork i mUistrv. The remedy is n >t in the leasing of the | uhli>’ duin iin to big live I h I ere-I lug News From IHtfcrrnt '! he StB’" Board <«f Agricúlture stock companies. A» to the gov Fari • of ’he Slate. arc making Home wonderful im- Ti Snl.-m 11».- I".'-|,l< y in n Prob ernment not receiving anv reventtn prov< ments at tin- ►(«’•• fair grourvi», Irin of Leasing Our Public from th(; grazing of the public do and oldthners will hardly rucng- I.and*. main, it don lerive an immense nt/.' the pl r'" «1,< n th"v a’tend The wat> r in the nciv artesian revenue in the wtiy of taxes I. :w Oregon s g »»-at< l fu:r thi« fill. Hardware of Every Description. Spring near I’nion is t! ttiug hotter. the range, and the people of the The old pavilion is being enlarged Il is now 17G degrees. vjo n timetotiiiH* the prefs of range itates will soon U too |s>«>r to doijl 1“ its ►ize. and after th" 1IIHNS, < > it i:< h >\. The Dall» « busint sit men refuse best exhibits ever ■»•'•11 in the state Eus’crn Oregon has been printing to piy any taxes or buy good-1. Now ■“ to the .-e ;<ind rea« ill, the to contribute to th* street fair ami tire arranged there will be ample articles for and against the leasii ■'« ««versto.king of the r.tng“s. Th* the big evimt is proi»nbly ofT for room left for a-i audiiorimn, . a of the public domain to give tlie first thing a l»ig stock company will this H’ lis >n thing tli tt has lieen necd-d fora I'opl 'tLe varion* | h tses of the Jo when taking possession of a An Eugene agticullnral <ditm long time. A bran pew. up-to-date problem :„»v i-oofro?.ting th" stock - rang" is to overall , k in older to saw a hay baler at work and pro- criainery building is nt-ing erected men of th- W -t. Sometime ago starve <<ut their >.<, (!•<• I <*ecdid to say in hi< ftaper that nKo when-the I m > i dairy iTisplav I small stock" rn. It has become a • *•*•««•• e*** «••••*••• w««-^ %tee*,o»ov6«u«««««et ov«oa threshing was in tall l lsst through- • '’»r niud" in the state will cortuii.- the Yule Democrat printed an in “ • otit the country. ly be seen. The uiachinery hull is terview with Sunt. John Gilcrest i,f we'l-estaldish. d fact that there is i JOHN W Itili»IR., II. I.EVK.Nh, « • G Ro. FRY, Cashier. Vice President. « being enlarged. ne.v cattle '•fall. tin I’ 1. S < ’.) , which we reprinted no end totbcgroid of a corptru- Moro, Crook County, i- 1 being ex- . tion, and they are the very o «•« w ►Deep jc'n* hog etya, and horse •» tetifivel v beautified with shade trees nt the time. In th" last is'«« of who are raising the cry of overst »ek * str.bles are being built. A co'v the same paper appear* u letter of ing the range,. U'e had u fair it having dnwnad on the propertv e farm cott«ge bay barn, and new Charhs Recker, of Westfall, in d. mount ration of this fa t alwiit owners that lat d is thus sidewalk* are • ills« on the list of answer to Mr. Gi!cr> st. The arti sixteen year» ago when Miller «. made more valuable. ( Im <»r ¡. i > rn t 1 i improvements, and nothing will be HIKNH. OREGON. At a preliminary examination of left undoiv to a ■«•om elate the < V cle c -.rUains some good points and Lux. the California millionaire cat * c 1’0111 l’avn, nt Mitcledl, for the Idbttor and entertain ’lie « i~i'<>r :i» is sell worth reading. Mr Lkektr tle kings, took possession of this 9 i says: county. In places where there had • « shooting of McEachern, be was the Plate fair this fall I 0 ’Li th* list nntnl«‘rof the Week Sc m one brad they drove in twen 1 A General Banking Business Transacted. bj’iiid over io appear l»ef>re the* • ly Dr:oo rut I n»ticed tbit Mr ty hci»d of cuttie. The consequence lhr«ct.»rs \V Y. King, I. S Geer, Geo. Fry, W E 'frisch. a circuit court in the sum of i5C<i A Mammoth |{nii-nnir • • _’ I * John Gilcrest .n ati interview most „a. j}lat jn a fv.w years they them- J. C. Welcome. An Albany butcher who had been empiiA’ icnllv di-cla*<d in f.ivor ot 1 eeKee and all others who Lad stock • ••• >•*•••••••««•• laoio-iw. A ■p‘ -ial t<> tne Boise N»*.vs from priding bims- If upon a fine game wise lea re isw that will protect the running on that range lost about 7.1 I ............ .... MXister finally allowed it to run Vale says- Storing wn'er for irriga interests of th" «herpnicn and «mall per cent of it during a hard winter. with the common fowls It stirred tion pur| O“ee is about to receive a stockmen alike with the. big cor- OFFICIAI, l»l HIX TO KN . PROFESSIONAL ( ABBS ' I believe that with the exception of op a« with a scrub chicken and practical ie*-t i Malhmr co'inlx. * 1: po-Htions, <>m of tin; * those tramp rhc' pu.en who with Between \ ale and I'ow Volley, a mis or ukkuox was killed. of. he is manager , ilurir immense bands of sheep roam «Jaisrnh 1*. • MerjUira, it M wrr.ttx «listanee of about thirty mih-«. lies «3 W M« HrM* « Now. as 1 have b en a »1 >-<■ fr<uo plaoo to place ridusinc our Th" farmers in some districts in 1 M k Me. «!» C«>ngr«Mtnrii, Willow Creek Valley, from one to I l.'li'mia I'll gut neighbor for a nntnhcr of yiar« ti best ranges to a dusty desert, all Wasco county rcjiort that prairi<- ihne miles wide. That which is uhi » ttiMkboru 1 pipitohrai in.R Alfnrnvr O«r,<*e*l. lhe concern which w hich he lie represents. _ workmen are in favor of a law t<» chicken« bai •• gr< atIv increased in r Ì. Wrt (•••reriMt? under cultivation at present is >n’y r 1 UimN-'r a id in ail my in ’ ereourse iiiciden S«cr«tai > nt «ut*. numbers since th" law aflbr<l<d . Iluyit*, Oregon a very stua’l amount lying along tai to-the running of cattle on a prelect our ranges from certain « H. M’ m FTO ' Btat* Tr><anrrr *J>ein protection "» * especially liie creek bottom near the heart oft quick destruction aud preserve J H A.'k«»rn>Mn i gaC .'d dii St.—oppedle Bank M hj H Eut ImlfMotíM, common ranee 1 have ever found them for the bcoeSt of coming gen »» Il Meda ■ul« Crini». sind the coyotes, which n;e v«-rv the vallev. i’he problem Jof irr ril 4C ► * Oh'*rt<aV John Gi!crc«t a fair-minded and •le-tructiw of th« young birds, have <K H. H««n tiiiprtt»«« Judgt«, ing this t,ea lliful piece of land has honorable geutletnan, who, durirg erations. Rut it must I k a law that 'V. A M<K-ra I hcii ttiiin-d out under tli • incen «ill.give all the people a-i even M xmmxx .• ¡a »itv remained unsolved until reev tly MiNTM jcntcui mrriimr his time of superintending the im chance to gnu* the public domain, tive ol the s<a)p lamiitp law. H. I> CHff-xJ W I. M b T s U mh . Juhti W CIrenll J i4<« when »¡crnlaturs begin to incest!- mense interests of bls com.j any. and the sooner such a law is jftis«e I am Millar Criownllng Xtv>rn»y Frank I! nkbaidt.of DitcnCnek- th<- possibility <>f storing water, P'lyei-iane <(• Sitryconn. f 8 I.XWD OF»f« K. Ht KNS. has never shown anv M»eH> at-i<-»» ’•> ;qe buffer it will be for the country, Bui us, Oregon. in Josephine County, went to the in Cow Valley, about four mib s oppress, iiimler, o- in any w av inti r- G* g 's Hay** ■ «finar. And here I would proporea reniedr <‘ha* Xvwril 1 rest un id a squealing hog in his above th- head of 'V ¡low Creek. k«««i**r. it rvrólrnre. 'Phone '.’ll. fere with the rights ol neigh-• t|( wyyJd b»? entirely practicable buck pasture ami found a cougar HARNEY COI NTY.. Cow Valley is a natural bisin in l>o:*—the individ'jsl small stock- mi l would give individual stock- J. \V. Morro« Joint Senator . ., foml'itig it lie stoned th& brute, the m<>utitains nod is a* out lfirj men of this county—but Las ever meii and companies anevenchance . 1. • Geer H, EI.ICIIS. M. i> '• ntotiv* whereupon it left the pig and came feet higher than Willow Creek Val been icjdv and willing to accom .alike as heretofore, and ke« p the Jarno« S|>ari<>* Uuunty JuJg«. . Hftcr him. Burkhardt e only wea- ley a id C’ntiinx about twenty ( Wktialor modate and extend o irtesies to arid land states <q*-n for further Phyeician ani Svrqcon. ConiaiiMionvm .... ■ pun was a garden rake, hut ii" ft nd square miles. It has i>i»en ascer- 1 Geo. Ilatre« one al! of us as far as compatible settlement. Bttrni. Oregcn H. Ittvli#rc*»n (*ìrrk .............. id the liea't otf until it gave him tained that this valley cun lie c«v- with the b-st interests of his com Geo. S.icJley Let the general g ivernment take RlietiC .................... tilice over Voegtiy’s haul wart- up. und toth hear,d the hogachiev ’ . cred to 1. depth of from three to pany. but when Mr. Gilcrest says control of the ranges. Lay it off ........... li. A Miller Treasurer .. . ...< ►fore, Main St. rd escape. forty feet bv constructing a datri vf ....................... ..... Joe Buchanan that tic b-a-imj of the public do- about one fourth mile in b-ngth maiu is tin- only remedy against into districts of suitable sizes. A|>- . .J. ('. Hurt It'll Mrs E. T H iteli, whose hus Rupt, oi School« point a range warden for each and Geo. IVliiiieg Htlrvevcr ..................... band was formerly collector of cus across the narrow eatiy<>u ¡hat is the destruction of the open ranges everv district whose duty it should gl.<;< A Hl.. 4 l)r W. I. Marsden (' oner................ toms nt i^t. Mudmel. committed its only outlet. I beg to differ with him. although Iz>n Richardson J w Sigi». Italioti litre Stork Inapoctor While numerous investor« have I agro,- with him whe < he says that be tv .-cc that bin district is not suicide HaturJay by drowning licr- overstocked, which would Be con BURN’S PRECINCT. Affarne ye-at-J aw, selt in a well on the home of her exntnined the scheme and havi if sonicthing i* not, done soon to ducted about on the same principle D. lameson J «atice OÍ ih* Bear» 111 l:\H. «»I.K.OX father, John I’. Etnelt, of McCoy. been of one accord in declaring its. check the erovding in u 1 our range* .is is now afiplied to our forest r* (‘»«•table.................. .... tir,» fieguskie in Bunk iniil'ling. The Cormier’s jury returned a ver feas'bility. the pc qil> of this sec of immense migratory bands <»f serve,. And by all mean» give th" .-a CITY OF BURNM. dict of suicide t>y te nporary insan lion have li :d no direct encourag • *he p whose owner* have 11» inter rendent owners of livestock the C. E Kenyon. Mayor ity on account of ill health. She ment until ex-Judge Carey and J. est in th" growth and development preference thorevn. When t dis Jno. < '.irdurli. Mirxitall j_| i vi * sax rn.N C. N. Uiggn. was29yeat!of ige. and a former Mathews of Portland looked ovtr of ourxcouutv. o.v.i no r-al estate trict is staked ofl for all it can sup Recorder uro tv. itAYfs. jolts g sax ros resident of Salem. \V A. Dow ali the proposition and expressed them- Teawnrar and pay no taxes, our opm range* port. allow 10 more stock to b* il C. Folev. selvi s a» being ful’y eatisfi>*d with AHaraeys-al-l.aie, *.V. E Trim-li. Cenncilmi n will soon In? reduced to a du*ty (| ... r;v,.n thereon, The Modoc tribe has dwindle.! ___ Should the occu their investigation« and would re desert that will support neither J «e«i 1 1 »' l’vits’s. oitroos, to 77 members, mostly wommi a id pants of the district bv nt1 tirai iu- 'tèsi Shelley. \ttornvy f<>r ^ta’r Sfh Board turn shortly with surveyors to be- cattle nor sheep; a couditton w hich sick or diseased children. There cr< a- overstock it, let the warden gin work. These (•••ntleimm repre will Lave a molt d'.*:i*lro etlect order a cet tain per ct nt of the stock nre only 13 able-bodied warrior«. I odgr Dlrrrtory. sent atnpl" capital to carry ent th-- upon the business interests of our .and they will never go to war;-c>rn cut down as per ratio. This, in the w now AN. I undertaking and their push mid' l . whole state, for what would East FNrow^v the most savage and in- upiuion of most of the smaller Bt hxs Lona». N<>. 70, K of l‘ business ability assures them of " ern Oregon be, for instance, it you' Meets every ThiiredAy night Altorney-at- law, dmnitab!" fif*fighten«v they have stockmen whom I have heard ex- Fttccess. F. M. Jordan, C. C. took «way from it the !iv< stock im press themselves on this most im. lost all ambition for anything but 1 an<1 tn«1 Collidimi S. Mother diewd, K of R. 8. YV^'xotai y Public. Phou« Nu. X dustrx ? Of course Mr Gilcn *t be portant subject, would remedy the * r flow s This? j ttieir giveripment supplies, aid.’ HIRNM’ - OKKGON. We oiler f’ffc Kundred Dollars ing a representative of a wealthy evils now so much complained of while virtually prisoners ol war on BURNS CHAPTER, «). 49, 0. E. 8 I a small reservation, nrn left tin- Reward for any case of Catarrh that live stock company natmallv will andstooall further "ranee wars” Menta second and fourth Monday of t»or|jQrations love t« write so earnot be cured hv Hall’s Catarrh look npo i the situa'ion from tin ' watched. each month in Masonic h«U, Voegtlv ^yti.tiiMsA eitz <; er n.n standpoint of his company. litiilding. Mrs. M iggie livens, W. M t'u re. iiiu ii about, and save our public Sumpter is in’great trouble over F. ,1 ’Tienev A C< . props. Toledo, O. Thornton WIHHinn, M FiUgeridit. The leasing of the public ranges , ranges for some lime to come. Such M m . Eunicr» Thompson, Rev. Attorney nt Uw, notary Public. the invasion bv sheepmen of the We. tin- undersigned. hiiv<‘ known is unjust, unfair and contrary to a plan would prevent our publie BURNS LODGE, NO. f»7, A. F. .< A M.i- l.a>r} Nolaritl ami Real Estate territory from which the town <1 - 1’ J t'honey for'he last ! '» years, the prine ple* of out institution*. domain from falling into the hands Meets Saturday on or bi fore full ninon. , rives its water supply. There tire and believe him perfictly honor;.- besides it is cn’in 1" imbrncticable, Practice. and under the control of large cor Qualified brothers frutero illy invited so many sheep ranging in the lo- hie in all business transaction*, ami for it would put a stop to- «11 fur Burns. Oregon. porations. moet of them non resi- <■. E. Kinyon. W. M. F. f*. Rieder. cality that there is serious appro financially able to carry out any ther settlement of the arid range fi^Oilice in old Masonic building di lit, of tin1 state in which their Beey. nension that the supply will be cut obligations made bx his firm. states, and put the entire livestock holdings are located, such as ar« I oil'entirely. The water company '.V est a T kuax , Wholesale Drug industry into the hands and con BURNS LODGE, NO. 93, A. O. U. W now monopolizing the livestock in- p X. JORDAN. lias invoked the aid of the law, and Meets nt Brown hull even- Fiidsv evi - . trol of large non-resi lent corpora- ,|,|ttrv of Texas and Australia, gists. Tyledo, * >. ning. Visitina lin’thers fraternally in- an officer was sent out Tuesday to W XI.DING, KlNN KN a M akvix . Whole tions. put jnn-h r Jaw the big corporation* Practical lentil Svrreyor. vlt'sl. Thus. Sagers, W. M. Chas. N warn the invaders off tii" territory Different ninons are advanced ,j,, |1(,t W(Ult Nothing will suit sale Druggists. Toledo, O. Cuvhrsne, Recorder. Burna, Oretf’ir, in question. Hall's Catarrh ('lire is taken in- in support of a lease law. One is (hem but lie whole earth with a 11 \RNF.Y LODGE, NO. 77, I. O. O F Sherman county, one of the East ternally. acting directly upon the that the government dees not re n ire fence around it." Meets every Riiturdsv evening, B ow n's g 1». Mtl.I.F.R, ern Oregon group, is entirely out blood and mucous surface s of the ceive any revenue from the grazing hill Visiting brothers fraternally in James White, Brvantsville, Ind , vited. Frank O. Jackson, N'.G. of debt. There is not a county in system. Trice. 75c per bottle. Sold of the public domain; anotber siy* DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salv* Notary Public nini Conrcyan'cr, C. O. Hini h, Seeretiiry. Eastern Oregon that should be in bv all druggists. Testimonials free reason they claim is the overstock healed running sores on both legs I Mortgageii» T)red<. Etc , correctly made. debt. The tiixpayers have contri lliiH's Family Tills are the l*»st. ing of the ranges, and etill anothsr, IL-hud suffered six years Doctors Hum», Orrgna. TULE CIRCLE, NO. 1’», WOMEN OF Office nt Kmrc which nil who arc acquainted witii failed to help him. Get DeWitt's. I buted abundance of funds to meet Woodcraft. Menta 2nd and 4th Tues- conditions now prevailing on our Accept no imitations. IL M Hor II’ voti know a good thing when day at Brown’« hall. Mra. Tilli ».Jordan, each county’s needs blit govern Mr». Ione Whiling. Guardian. you see it, you will take a chance ranges must admit is a just a.>d ton. Burns; Fred Haines, Harney. ment has been so bad that it has Clerk. The Northwest Livestock and N. Brown A' So >s. Agents for cost more than it was worth. Bad at our advertisement which up- proper reason, and congrí ss ought Wool Growers’Journal and Items, I government always costs in execs« pear« <«n the Inst page to lose no time in finding a remcdv ’pi-on Quality Eboeg. 12 n yeir. Oregonian md Items, ,2'i0 z Geer & Cummins I THE CITIZENS BANK Î Capital Stock : 325.00000