Local and General. A man representing himself as ' N. Brown' A Sons, Agents for Queen Quality Shoes, an Insurance solicitor was doing Oh. the babble of the Biile-1 The Oregon State Fiir meets at Burn* thia week and seems did do Oh, th« Hutter and tho fu«* Haleni, Oregon, Roptember I3d and a couple of our business men to the headquarters for tune of several dollar* The As we brush the pesky flies away closes on the 28th. money was given him a* a Ioan for And sweat and blow and cuss. Jenkins Jenkins, a sheepman wbicn be gave a draft on a Rak er | County Court meets in regular from Happy valley, wa* a business City bank, I -esving town 11 net -1 ——«Maa session next week. visitor a few days this week. pectedly suspicion was aroused | FASHIONABLE GOODS. N. Brown A Kona, Agents for Mid a telephone m«v««ge was seat Prof. A C. Finn and family will Q ii >'« u Quality Rh»»“«. QUAUTf tht FIRST CONSIDERATI0H. occupy tho John Jones residence to th* bank on which the draft wax drawn inquiring as to the gentle- The fall term of Burns school in thr northwest {»art of town. Com^***^ f.lne of man's standing and in rnapon»e • will commence Heplember 2. Claud McGee returned Tuesday the officials stated that no au«h ■ General, Merchandise Head <>ur specitl inducements for from a two w«»-k w»«ks absence at individual hud fund* in that insli ( LI NABEIU; & DALTON. trial subscriptions on 4th page. Huntington, Weiser and Ontario. lUtion. A warrant win issued for I Of prescriptions is no child'* piny. G W. Gkvenger received a con Miss Della Johnson, of Drewscy, the arrest of the missing man and It require! couscientio js cure and signment of undertaking goods this was the guest of her aunt Mrs (♦, telephone messag»*« sent to vanoua accurate knew ledge of drug« aid wet k. point* to apprehend him. He haw M. FITZGER ALD, F. HKIEDER. UK1GS Ä BIGUR, W. f'leyenger, a couple of days this »hair relations to earh other. We not been located as ytt. Prewidem, Ace ’ y and Trea*. Attorreja J J Donegan and family return- < weck- taka an lionert pride in the purity of our drug*, and the »kill and ac rd Monday from an outing in Bear , All work intrusted to Sol David- ! M.'tthew Kyle, a young mar. who has been stopping ot Dickenson > curacy with which we compouixl valley, son, the jeweler, will receive prompt' Bros.' sawmill for some months them on your physician'* order. O J Durst was in from Lis ranch attention; anti »fact ion guaranteed. past, died at that place Tue-da;. on 1‘inr creek yesterday doing! At the Burns Hotel. liicorpora'ed.) ■ ol consumption. The remain* business. Ab«tract* Furnishcd and Tille Guaranteed lo a!l Lands in Hsrney At a meeting of the school di were brought to Burns Wedneadav Grant Kesterson and family are Conniv. and prepared for burial at lh< rector» Monday the date fsr receiv It W. WKI.COMK A CO., taking an outing in the Steins, ing blds for grading the school Clevenger undertaking establish Prop» Irtora. "W REAL ESTATE " I Mountains. !"',m 11 ■— ■ i grounds was extended to August ment from which place the remain* P.onght and Rold on Commiwsion. Office in Bank Building I were conveyed to the Burn? ceme I,ou Brlshaw and Stephen Lan-1 12. tery, The deceased hue relatives dels, of Eugene, ere visiting rela- | J. E Bagon i* in leceipt of a living in Co'orado. fives in thia county. letter from hts daughter. Maude, MATUHDAY Al'iil ST .1 tool. The Va’e Gazette rays, Sam \V II Isaacs, a t-hcepman of! who is visiting relatives in Arkan Winchester, of Westfall, under sas in which she states that she ; îaiSCH k DOîfirZOAÎf. h-q^ste». Ed Addoms, who placed with j Malheur county, wsk in Burn* thia . bond* af i20<) for larceny, put on ' will be home scan. week on fund bukiiieaa. ------- BEST OF WISES, LIQUORS AND CI0AB8. the Canyon Citv baseball train nt ! bis best clothes Monday and got up 1 Burns luil fall, died last week of up j Mias Laura Newell returned this I Two eons of C. K. S Woods, of! and sk edaddlcd. Io the dircomfei- ' Drinks mixed to suit your tabte. Courteous treatment guaranted pendicitia at the St Elizabeth bo«- ( wci-k from Portluud where she baa Portland, «ere arrivals on the ture of bis bondsmen. This is the ‘ treatment. Ontario stage yesterday evening. outing season. I'robaLly he’s j.ist j Your patronage Solici'.ed. j.ilal in Baker City.—Canyon City t been for eve * Eagle. Elsie Brown and family left They ire enroute to join a brother j gone a-fisLIu*. Winchester, with who is camping in the vicinity of! tbe two Hinton Leva is charged ; V. C. Peterson and family, of Thursday for Diamond where they, the P, ranch. with killing a beef belonging to the Harney, were nt tho Vale lintel j will visit for a short time. Sunday. They left Mu.iday fori Hank Anderson and family re-! Mrs. Geo Shelley and children . I’. L 8. Co. • • *r A Boi«e, Idaho Mr. I'uieiron is u turned this week from a.i outing at! and Mrs. Harry Smith and two I Harry Timmons, a special agent C9 cs prominent stockman of Harney »laughters left Tuesday by private! for the New York Life Insurance King and Sayers' sawmill. county, and 1» well known in thia i conveyance on a visit to relatives i company, left Pendioton Tuesday N. Brown A Sons. Agents for and friends in Portland and vicin- j evening for Denver, where he hopes «utility.—Vale G wtte. Qui-eii Qualitj Shoos. ity. They expect to ho gone about to regain lost health. He has be<n 1 A bride and groom stopped at a here since laat September and the James Smith and Cha* Me t six weeks. hotel one night recently and the \ grea ’cr portion of tbe time has been | I ’ LeeU-rs are rusticating in the cool- : groom l«ft th» bride in thetr room A man named Lewis, of Harney, Sick. His friends here hope for and went to the ofTiC« When he • in* shades on Einigru it creek. was fined $10 and costa in the Re bis speedy recovery —Pendleton : returned and knocked at the door Jorgensen has a fine assortment corder’* emit Monday for drunken-1 and «aid "houev" no a newer came of watches,clocks,chain«, bracelets, ess and disorderly conduct. The Tribune, Again he rapped and »aid "honey( L ittons, pins, hair retainers, etc., j same day a hay hand from one of the Geo Sears and J. L. Arnold, of* Then came the reply, "Go away ; eta. enroute i I rancho* near town paid $5 into the Bulah Postoflice, • . while * yo 1 idiot. Thia isn't a beehive, ■ from their home to Vale last Fri-i city treasury an n similar charge. it*' a hath room " He had knock- • C W. McClain was confined to day wch? held up and robbed on his home several days this week ' Mrs Etta Dodson and daughter rd al the wrong door.—Ex. ’ the summit of Bendeer mountain. 1 with a severe attack of rbeuma-i Drewsey. arrived from their home The robber secured $75 in coin and ! A I-cwiaton girl named Jessie tisiu. at Burns Monday evening. They checks. No clew to the robber has j was sent to a famous castorn school Successors to R. A. Miller A Co. made the trip across the desert in yet been obtained. and after a vear'a lima wrote to her 1 Louie Weidenberg, jr , and Gen. ■ a one horse buggy, ami are bound dad signing Jessica' In reply the 'A aters and their families returned I Mi.* Rebecca Biggs wh»o has: for Susanville to visit Mrs Dodson’s old man wrote: "Dear Jessica: Your Thursday from their ranches on been via.ting her brothers at this ' parents—Lakeview Examiner-. welcome letter reodved. Mammies on Dine creek. place for some months past, took j Dave Richardson arrived from and papaica are well. Aunt Maryica Joe Clark, of Harney, came over her departure Thursday morning and Gc I'gricnatarted for <'aliforniea the railroad Saturday with an Thursday on businea. Joe says he for Portland, enroute to her home ‘ yesterday. I have bought a new eight horse load of merchandise has just finished putting up at Bowling Green, Missouri. about 100 tons of hay on the flat liorneica. It is a b» unties. Its r.ami for Burns merchants. John Dennis movod into his1 is Monoica. Your brother Tomics I I N Fitzgerald, of Cedarville, Cal,. south of Htrney. He also informs nrw residence yesterday. The is doing finely, and the hired girlies 1 wa-< n visitor in Burns this week, us that he has sold a half interest place vacated bv Mr. Dennis will is a peachiea." enroute horn»» from the mining sec indiis band ot rattle to John Rog be occupied by Bruce Cameron, a ; gan jr. A duck that hid laid reveru! tion around Baker City. brothcr-in law ofG. W, Clevenger ‘ dozen eggs during tho season com Cal Demaris and little son were • Mrs William Harris came in Stephen H. and L. L. Seward, of j plained that while her working. from Mann Lake Wednesday for over from Ilarney Tuesday. Mr Barren valley were in Burna this ! record w»» better than the hen’s, I medical treatment Sho was ac Demaris who a as injured in a the latter had books and poems companied by her daughter Mias runaway accident in Happy valley week on land business. Our special inducements for sub- j written in her honor, whilo no on" Ftankio. some time ago, still has hie leg in , scribers to thia paper appears on bad a word of praise for the dnek the east, the object of his trip to The new law requires a complete tLc 4th page. A wise old rooster (landing by said: , Burns being to have the injured change in the school books, and all "You lay your egg and then waddle member attended to. pupils will have to supply them- off without a word, while that sis- ( George McNamara, mining en e» Ives before the opeuing of the John Blackwell returned 8unday gineer, thinks tho recently discov tor of mine never lavs one without It is "Day Where You Cau Buy Best." ; from a t ip through the southern ered oil fields in Crook county are letting ovoryone in th“ neighbor- ’ fall term. i part of the county where he went Tho Quern City Furniture Co., h >od know about it. If you want Many people who believe in this principle, go wrong in the far ahead of any other finds in Ore to cut any ice around hero you , of Baker City, is reaching into to purchase cattle for Carstein gon and that wells can Lc 6unk up application through lack of judgment, or are misled by alluring must advertise."—Dakota City I Harney valley after trade. Their Bros., of Seattle, He found stock on them with assurance of profita descriptions a nd impossible promises of eastern "catalogue” bouses. men to busy haying to gather their "ad ” uppears in this i*«'to. Rend The Queen City Furniture Co., of Baker City, will sell you Eagle. ble working. cattle for delivery by the time set, what they have to say. z A most anything in their line cheaper than you can buy elsewhere. F. C. Whitney, chief clerk of the ! Tbe laws of health require that so he returned without making You owe it to yourself and to your family to take advantage of The S u cond Annual Harney railway mail service, Portland, ar ; the bowels move once each day and any purchases. the opportunities offered. You can make one dollar do the work rivet! in the city yederduy, bays , County Fair will bo held Septem oue of the penalties for violating of two. It’was over in a neighboring th<j Baker City Dumoorat of tho j ber 16 tn 21. Think about what you this law ia piles. Keep vour bow- , The Queen City Furniture Co is the largest house furnishing 23d, with General Pnaseugcr Agouti arc going to do to help it along. County that an editor printed an ela regular by taking a dose of establishnicutsfoutside of Portlandjiu Oregon. They buy direct Barton, ovor the Sumpter Valley , I’repme an exhibit and nrge your I item which stated that “The man Chi.tnberlain’a Stomach and Liver from factories east, in carload lots for cash and they will dupli who was hugging the hired girl railroad, and will inspect the facil neighbor to do tho samo. Tablets when necessary and you cate it price and quality any article you see advertised by large I ties there with a view to making N, Brown A Sons, Agent* for had better atop ar his name will be will nevor have that severe punish catalogue houses cast or westfallowing for difference in freight) published." In a few days about Whitney the distributing point for Queen Quality Shoes. ment inflicted upon you. Price 25 and you don't assume the riskfof freight, damage in transit, etc.) twenty-five citizens had paid up the mails for <»riser, John Day, Can- : cents. For sale bv II. M. Horton, Miss Rose Venator arrived from as prices quoted will be F. 0. B. Baker City. their subscription and told the Canyon City, Unity, Herford, and ; Burns; Fred Haines, Harney City. Portland '.ant Thursday, and is now . ' ■*’ *r' .. editor to "pay no attention to fool probably Burns and other point« ' nt her mother's homo in Gonso lake ish stories going around. in Harney county. The com pie-j tion of ths Sumpter Valley road a« valley. Mi«« Venator has been in N. Brown A Sous, Agent* for For instance you see advertised by an "eastern catalogue house” far as Whitney make« such a Portland for several monCha undor Queen Quality Shoes. wall paper at 4o and 5c per single roll, 8c and 10c double roll. medical treatment and ■ returns change in mail routes itussiole. You can buy same grades Q C. Furniture Co. at 5r single and 10c much improve m health.- Lake- -yhrongh Un month« of June double roll in Baker City Take the item of iron beds. You will view Examinor. - and Julr -tmr baby was teething Don't be satisfied with temporary have to pay cast $2.90 to $3 50 for an iron bed that you can buy relief from indigestion Kodol Dvs- j "My baby was terribly sick with sad took a running ofT of the bow A prtru. «cbool for from Queen City Furniture Co. at $3.50 to $4 in Baker City. pep.-Ia Cure permanently and com-1 the diarrhoea," says J. II. Doak.-of els and sickness of the stem ack," SaarZtn* »nd day po Tho carpot department of the Queen City FurrrtureCo. is most pi!«. Upen« plctcly rotnovas thia complaint. It \Vllliaius. Oregon. "Wo were un says 0 P« M. Holliday, of Deming, relievos permanently bees use it al complete and a new electric carpet sewing machine will soon Heptamber 18th. Ind. "Hie bowels would move from » low* the tired stomach nerfect real. able to cure him with the doctor's be added with a capacity of over 2000 yards per day. Fine new bnildlnrs. Dieting won’t rent the stomach Na assistance, and as a laat resort wc five to eight times a day. I had a Tboroufh in.truo.loiir. It will pay uoyone interested in the above line« to write us ture receives supplies from the food I tried Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera bottle of Chamberlain's Colic. Chol Tba principal baa bad twauty- before placing an order. we cat. The sensible way to help 1 and Diarrhoea Remedy. 1 am hap era and Diarrhoea Remedy io ths thrw* year'» riparlenoa In Port the stomach is to use Kodol Dys py to say it gavo immediate relief bouse and gavo him four drops in land pepsia Cure, which digests what Correspondence »olletted. a teaspoonful of water and ho got For calalojrne add reta you eat and can't help hut do you and a complete cure." For sale by PATrERSON A EPPIXGER, Baker City, Or. J W. Hill. M D.e good II M. Horton, Burns; l\ed H. M. Horton, Burns; Fred Haines, better al once.” Sold by H M Hor- Portland, Oregon. Harney City. I ton, Burna; Fred Haines, Harney. Haines, Harney Ladies' Bazaar. Proper Compounding E. 0. T. G. C0. Burns Drug Store HARNEY VALLEY ITEMS. The Capital Saloon Miller & Thompson | ....... . I. •. A • » . • M - “GOOD SENSE” X ■ QUEEN CITY FURNITURE COMPANY. F 0. Fraw« 17. I